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Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid...

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Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing Systems
Page 1: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application

to fMRI

Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei.Journal of Signal Processing Systems


Page 2: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.


1. K-SVD

2. Incoherent K-SVD (IK-SVD)

3. Fast incoherent dictionary learning (FIDL)

4. Results

Page 3: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.


Assume that the signal can be represented as a linear combination of a few atoms in dictionary such that .

The DL problem can be expressed as:

ny R 1


i id

n KD R y Dx

Page 4: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.


a) Sparse coding (Keep D fixed, update X)• assume that τ is known and apply OMP to solve:

b) Updating D

Page 5: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.


• In order to minimize (3), apply SVD to and simultaneously update and using the strongest eigenvector and eigenvalue of


Page 6: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.


High incoherence between the dictionary atoms is desired in almost all dictionary learning methods. This guarantees that the atoms are as discriminative as possible.

A remedy—a suitable tool for evaluating the coherence between the atoms is Gram matrix:

Page 7: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.


• Matrix G is K×K and symmetric with unit diagonal elements (note that D is column-normalized).

• The absolute values of off-diagonal elements of G represent the degree of coherence between any pair of atoms in D and therefore are desired to be very small.

Page 8: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.


• In order to minimize the above problem, we first take the gradient of which is computed:

Page 9: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.


• where γ = 4ξ > 0 is the step size controlling the convergence behavior of the algorithm, and k is the iteration counter of the incoherence constraint stage.

Page 10: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.


Page 11: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.


Because of computationally expensive for learning large dictionaries.

In order to design to be fast and at the same time exploits the incoherence of atoms.

Page 12: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.


Use - norm of the entire matrix X defined as

instead of forcing individual vectors to be sparse. This allows us to update the coefficients, simultaneously rather than column-by-column.

The incoherence constraint on D is also added to the cost function.

Page 13: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.


a) Coefficient update (sparse coding)• split into the sum of a smooth and a nonsmooth

sub-cost function, represented by P and Q.Gradient descent step:

Proximal step:

Page 14: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.


The proximal function here is defined using soft-thresholding (Shrink{.}), which ultimately leads to:

b) Dictionary update

Page 15: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.


Page 16: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Results-Experiment 1

• The nonzero entries of the 20×1,000 sparse matrix X were generated randomly (from Gaussian distribution). D was selected as a random overcomplete full-rank matrix of size 15×20 with all columns normalized to one.

Page 17: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Results-Experiment 1

Page 18: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Results-Experiment 2

• To learn an over-complete dictionary of size 64 × 256 over 14,000 noisy image patches of size 8 × 8 extracted from Barbara image.

Page 19: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Results-Experiment 3

• The aim was to investigate the robustness of the proposed methods against variations in the input noise.

• We considered noisy model Y = DX + V, where V was Gaussian noise with zero mean. All matrices were drawn randomly (from Gaussian distribution) with n = 15, K = 20, and N = 1,000. The number of nonzeros at each column of X was set to five.

Page 20: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Results-Experiment 3

Page 21: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Results-Experiment 4

• To evaluate the computational cost of the proposed methods and comparing these methods with other well-known algorithms.

• The parameters for the algorithms were similar to the first experiment. However, we increased the dictionary size from 5×10 to 500×1,000 for a fixed level of sparsity τ = 2.

Page 22: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Results-Experiment 4

Page 23: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Results-Synthetic fMRI data

• The simulations started by forming X of size 5×3,600 using five vectorized source images of size 60 × 60 .

• The mixtures were generated by multiplying column-normalized D of size 100 × 5 by X.

Page 24: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Results-Synthetic fMRI data

Page 25: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Results-Synthetic fMRI data

Page 26: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Results-Real fMRI data

• A real auditory fMRI dataset was considered for this experiment.

• Chose K = 35 sources

Page 27: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Results-Real fMRI data


Page 28: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Results-Real fMRI data


Page 29: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

Results-Real fMRI data

Lp-norm-based method SPM

Page 30: Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI Authors: Vahid Abolghasemi Saideh Ferdowsi Saeid Sanei. Journal of Signal Processing.

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