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Fasting: Feasting On God

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Fasting: Feasting On God



The Birth of the Fast

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The Birth of the Fast

1. Scripture calls for it (1 Cor 7:5)

2. Jesus did it

3. Draws us closer to God

4. Clears the clutter

5. Kills the cravings

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Benefits of Fasting

1. Spiritual

(Neh 1:4)

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Benefits of Fasting

2. Physical

(Dan. 6:18)

3. Mental

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Blessings Behind Fasting

1. Breakthroughs

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Blessings Behind Fasting

2. Direction for Purpose and Destiny

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Blessings Behind Fasting

3. Health

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Burden of Fasting1. How do we see God’s changes?

• Standing in the gap with fasting is not easy on the flesh

2. What is our expectation of the Holy Spirit?• Reveal, Uncover & Expose what’s in

our hearts• Give us the strength to make the

needed changes

3. Who around us is affected by our fasting?• EVERYONE! Esther’s fast saved a


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Memory Verse

Isaiah 58:6

Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

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HOMEWORK - Preparation

1. What is your expectation of what God is going to do through fasting?

2. Are you fasting for real results? What are they?

3. How much time are you truly giving to prayer while fasting?

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HOMEWORK - ActivationSPIRITUAL• Commit to praying 30 CONSECUTIVE

minutes daily.PHYSICAL• Commit to fasting one of the following

for 48 hours:• No meats• No sweets• No caffeinated beverages• No junk foods (chips, cookies, etc)

MENTAL• Commit to fasting one of the following

for 48 hours:• No negative talking• No complaining• No negative thinking• No gossiping

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FINANCIAL• Commit to fasting one of the following for

48 hours:• No shopping (clothes, shoes, etc. IN STORE AND

ONLINE)• No spending on lunch• No eating out

SOCIAL/ENTERTAINMENT• Commit to fasting one of the following for

48 hours:• No social media• No texting (outside of family and business

NECESSITY)• No talking on the phone (outside of family and

business NECESSITY)• No television watching, which includes Netflix,


Our Prayer for You

Father, help me to follow the example of Christ and move beyond self to deny my flesh in fasting. I desire to hear from You and experience Your glory. During this fast, give me the strength to change those areas that you reveal to me to change. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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