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Fat Loss Factor - 5 Proven Principles To Your Fastest Fat Loss Week EVER

Date post: 22-Nov-2014
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Did you know that traditional crash diets may be holding you back and stopping your body from achieving the FASTEST fat loss? Fact of the matter is this:  there's probably certain things built into the very diet and exercise program that you are doing right now, things that you don't even realize are stopping you from achieving the most rapid results.
Fat Loss Diet
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Did you know that traditional crash diets may be holding you back and stopping your body from achieving the FASTEST fat loss?

Fact of the matter is this:  there's probably certain things built into the very diet and exercise program that you are doing right now, things that you don't even realize are stopping you from achieving the most rapid results.

5 Proven Principles To Your Fastest Fat Loss Week EVER

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That's because "crash" diets and other severe diets fail to take into account ANY knowledge of the body and the regulation of human bodyweight and metabolism.

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A week or two on any of these approaches and you'll likely:

1.  Lose muscle2.  Lose a bunch of water3.  Lose a bit of fat4.  Destroy your metabolism5.  Set yourself up to quickly rebound back beyond your original bodyweight6.  Achieve a "skinny fat" physique in which you're still carrying substantial body fat, only now with no muscle.

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In reality, it's not really your metabolism that's the problem, but rather the effect that most fat loss programs, particularly diets, have on your metabolism.

These traditional crash diets unleash a chain reaction of negative consequences that can set you up for a MASSIVE amount of fat "spillover".

So even if you start pounding away on the treadmill, cutting out all high-carb processed foods, and counting every calorie you put in your mouth day after day, it's simply not enough. You have to have STRATEGY.

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If you don't know exactly how to create the proper synergy between your diet and exercise, you'll ultimately end up doing more harm than good. And chances are you'll pile the weight back on twice as fast as you lose it in 2014 unless you apply the five proven principles we reveal below. 

Fortunately, you're in luck, because that's exactly what this article is all about—uncovering what we consider to be the top 5 fat loss "killers" plaguing diets and training programs alike, ultimately slowing down your results despite your most intense efforts.

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The 5 Proven Principles below reveal EXACTLYhow you can have your fastest fat-loss week EVER—

while you avoid the rebound weight gain caused by “traditional” crash

dieting OR depriving yourself of your favorite foods.

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Maximize Your Body’s Most Critical Fat Burning Hormones (eat MORE pizza and cake—seriously!)

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Dieting can do a number on your metabolism by screwing with important fat burning hormones like leptin, and rather quickly at that. The answer to overcoming these adaptations lies in strategically timed Multi-Functional Cheat Days.

Leptin sensitivity is heavily mediated by your calorie intake. When youdecrease calories, leptin levels fall off. When you increase calories, leptin levels recover.

And while it takes roughly a week of moderate dieting for leptin levels to fall off significantly, it only takes one day of OVER-feeding for leptin to recover back to baseline. By frequently resetting your metabolism throughout the course of your diet with strategically timed Multi-Functional Cheat Days, you can essentially have your cake and eat it too while watching your waistline continually shrink week after week.

In fact, with the proper setup, you can literally eat whatever you want EVERY 5 days, while maximizing your most critical fat burning hormones and dramatically accelerating your fat-loss.

HOWEVER, you have to make sure you're following the right strategy the other 4 days you're not cheating… which leads us to Principle #2…

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Create A Massive Calorie Deficit (WITHOUT restriction and suffering)

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There’s no way around it, a pound of fat is 3500 calories. If you’re going to lose a pound of fat, you’re going to have to create a 3500 calorie deficit (while keeping your body in “fat burning mode” at the same time). If you want to lose 10 lbs of pure fat, that’ll require a 35,000 calorie deficit.

SIDE NOTE:  Please realize that 10 lbs of pure fat loss will probably equate to somewhere between 15 and 20 lbs of actual “weight loss” due to the simultaneous water loss that occurs any time you lose fat.

But directly after a cheat day your body is uber primed for fat loss, and it's prime time to take advantage with a mega calorie deficit. On this day, we do two things:

1. Consume minimal calories along with using strategic methods that offset muscle catabolism.

2.  Ramp up activity to burn a ton of additional fat and calories on this day

With this type of strategic set-up, it’s actually possible to burn a pound of PURE fat in only one day (considering that a pound of fat loss a week is deemed a “very good” rate of fat loss by most standards, that’s pretty awesome).

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Avoid ANY Type of Fat “Spillover”

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When we first started teaching Cheat Days it was understood that there may be some positive fat gain as a result of a Cheat Day in order to yield MORE fat loss the following week (leading to a greater net weekly fat loss).

But with the Fastest Week of Fat Loss EVER, we’ve eliminated ANY fat gain whatsoever by using a Multi-Functional Cheat Day. You see, within muscle tissue, energy is stored in the form of glycogen (carbohydrate energy) and triglycerides (fat energy).  With the RIGHT type of strategic exercise, these energy stores can be depleted or exhausted much faster than normal.

Why would you want to do that? To make “room” for an influx of calories, carbohydrates and fat (for example, a Cheat Day)!

When glycogen and triglyceride stores are full, a Cheat Day is like pouring more liquid into an already full glass.  Some of that liquid is inevitably going to “spill over” and lead to a bit of a mess (in this case, fat storage).  But, if you dump out the glass and then refill it, there’s no “overflow”.

This is exactly what we do by performing glycogen and triglyceride depleting workouts (while limiting carbohydrate intake) on the day prior to a Cheat Day. We empty the cup making room for the following day’s influx of cals, carbs, and fat.

The result? You get the same hormone-boosting, metabolism stimulating effect from the Cheat Day without the fat gain. Instead, the excess calories and carbs simply go to refilling your body’s empty energy stores. That, my friends, is what I call strategy.

And by eliminating any Cheat Day fat gain, you can easily DOUBLE your rate of fat loss while still enjoying all your favorite foods.

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STOP Muscle Loss (boost your metabolic rate and prevent metabolic "damage")

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The unfortunate reality is that 99% of diets result in a significant amount of muscle loss. This has several big time consequences.

First of all, you'll NEVER achieve the LOOK you want by losing muscle. Most men would agree with that statement right out, but for women, allow me to demonstrate this truth:

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As you can CLEARLY see, the one on the left looks OK while the one on the right is SMOKIN' HOT.

While the exact same size, the physique on the right is comprised mostly of dense, shapely, tone muscle, while the image on the left...isn't.

If you just want to be "thin" while still hiding behind your clothes because you're not 100% proud of your body, then losing muscle is a great way to get you there. But if you want to look great naked, believe me, you want to hold on to every ounce you have as you lose fat.

Muscle = metabolism. The more lean muscle you have on your frame, the higher your metabolism is going to be. And when you understand how to combine strategic nutrition with high volume training, you can spark muscle growth even while you’re dieting.

So you’ll easily be able to maintain (if not gain a couple pounds) of lean muscle throughout the course of only a few weeks, while you program your body to continue to burn fat, NOT muscle.

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Synergize Your Diet And Exercise (teach your body to burn fat FIRST—not last)

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I honestly think this is the most overlooked area of fat loss. Most people simply pick a diet and then pick a training program, or vice versa, without ever really thinking how those two programs work hand in hand, or if they DON'T provide any additional benefit to one another.

But when diet and exercise are synergized, they can team up to achieve a MUCH greater result than any benefits you get from either of them alone. That'sstrategic synergy—when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

And when you do this properly, you can teach your body to “go get the fat” FIRST—instead of LAST every time you eat and exercise.

Unfortunately, most diet and exercise programs aren't designed to work together in every aspect. When you’re talking about the most strategic set-up and the most rapid fat loss, things get a little more complex than simply “do a lot of exercise”.  In fact, the type of exercise you do is just as important to your rapid fat loss goals as the frequency, duration, and intensity are.

That’s why we created the Fastest Fat Loss Week EVER. There is a specific type or style of workout that we’ve purposefully chosen for each

type of day to optimize and rapidly accelerate the results of each and every day. The Fastest Fat Loss Week EVER uses 5 strategic days that are specifically

designed to work together, synergistically, to help you achieve 7 days of your most rapid results ever.

In fact, when you use two of these days back to back, you can lose up to one pound of pure fat in LESS than 24 hours. It's all part of our Fat Loss Diet, which you can use to start the year 2014 with your fastest week of fat loss EVER.

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Begin making even more progress in your fat loss program: get the Fat Loss Factor today.
