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Fatal Frame 2 FAQ Walkthrough by Mysticcat

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  • 8/11/2019 Fatal Frame 2 FAQ Walkthrough by Mysticcat


    This FAQ is Copyright 2004 by Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan


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    /|----------------------------------[]-----------------------------------|\|| Game name : Fatal Frame 2 - [] Guide : Fatal Frame 2 |||| Crimson Butterfly [] full FAQ/Walkthrough |||| Genre : Horror Adventure [] Author : Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan |||| [] "Mysticcat" |||| Platform : Sony Playstation 2 [] Email : [email protected] ||

    || Developer : Tecmo [] Version : 1.92 |||| Publisher : Project Zero [] Date of birth : January 6th 2004 |||| Released : December 2003 [] ||\|----------------------------------[]-----------------------------------|/

    ~~\\~~~~//~~~~//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\~~~~\\~~~~//~~>>>\\>>//\\>>//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\\>>//\\>>//>>>''''\\//''\\//''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''\\//''\\//'''' \\ \\ T A B L E . O F . C O N T E N T S // //''''//\\''//\\''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''//\\''//\\''''

  • 8/11/2019 Fatal Frame 2 FAQ Walkthrough by Mysticcat


  • 8/11/2019 Fatal Frame 2 FAQ Walkthrough by Mysticcat


    what I realized from Fatal Frame was over my expectation : The game wasscary and miraculous, its quality was not lower than any popular classicHorror series. But Fatal Frame's remarkable characteristic is that it basedon traditionally Eastern ghost story style (here the game took place inJapan) which was a topic that hadn't been favoured in most games before.Fatal Frame revived the tradition images of old Eastern horror legendswhich the previous games of the same topic could hardly do. And it wascompletely worthy for Tecmo to continue this series as well as makejourneys throughout the Eastern world.

    Here, this is Fatal Frame II full FAQ/Walkthrough. Like any other guidewriters, it's made for the purpose to help the players get through the gamemore easily. I'll make this guide contain many things about Fatal Frame 2,and especially, a good walkthrough. However, I still want to tell you thatplaying this game (or any other games) without guides is always interestingand you'll feel much more excited for what you've achieved by yourself thanby guides. Only use guides when you're really stuck.

    Well well, I've talked too much. I should stop now and begin my truetask. Hope you enjoy this game.


    \\// \\// \\// \\// \\ \\ SECTION II : LEGAL STUFFS // // //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\

  • 8/11/2019 Fatal Frame 2 FAQ Walkthrough by Mysticcat


    - Playstation Cheats : Http://www.psxcodez.com An Europian gaming site about PSX and PS2 games.

    - http://ffcrimsonbutterfly.homestead.com A young fan site with good-looking design, worth a visit.

    - http://www.supercheats.com Another high-qualified gaming site, worth a visit.

    -*NOTES* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Anybody or any sites who have used the guide with my permission, pleasefrequently check and get the latest updates at www.gamefaqs.com. I don'thave time to give the updates to all of you each time. Besides, GameFAQs isthe site which put the best display of my FAQ. So please check there andget it. If you feel that you can't do this work, you shouldn't ask touse the guide. Thank you.--------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I have made this guide by all my heart and my efforts. So you can't earnmoney for yourself on my work.

    Thank you for reading this. I really do not want to be rude. But I myself

    have ever had my guide plagiarized or used illegally at least once. And Idon't want it to happen again.

    ~~\\~~~~//~~~~//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\~~~~\\~~~~//~~>>>\\>>//\\>>//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\\>>//\\>>//>>> \\// \\// \\// \\// \\ \\ SECTION III : UPDATES/REVISION HISTORY // // //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\

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    + Version 0.8 Date : January 19th 2004 Process : Final Chapter completed. Walkthrough has been available forEasy and Normal mode, the first time playing. Notes : Now I begin to update the ghosts caught by "Sense" functionduring the game. It'll be a long time until I finish Chapter Zero. I myselfam not free either, so I will try to make it as fast as I can do.

    + Version 0.85 Date : January 22nd 2004 Process : More "Sense" ghosts updated. "Notebooks", "Scraps", "OldBooks" and "Photo List" basically completed. Notes : My holidays are going to be ended soon. So I'm working veryhard now. The next updates should be slow, since I'll have some morebusiness trips next days. Thanks for your sympathy.

    + Version 0.87 Date : January 23rd 2004 Process : More "Sense" ghosts updated. Add more notes and methods forcatching tricky ghosts. Notes : I have tried to update all the ghosts I've found on the way.

    Except a few ghosts in Chapter Zero which I haven't reached, I have justbeen able to catch 96% of the Spirit List, so I extremely need specificcontributions about these ghosts. Thanks a lot.

    + Version 1.0 Date : January 24th 2004 Process : Scenario Walkthrough basically completed. Other incompletesections are in process. Notes : Geez, finally I have finished the walkthrough - the main partof a game guide. Now I still have several incomplete sections to work on.But I'm very glad !

    + Version 1.1 Date : January 25th 2004 Process : More capturing ghost strategies updated. All Spirits are 100%updated. Notes : Finally my walkthrough has been able to help you make a 100%completed Spirit List. Besides, the "Memo Transcript" has been finished,too.

    + Version 1.2 Date : January 27th 2004 Process : Walkthrough checked and repaired. "Secrets" section is

    proceeded. Some unnecessary sections deleted. Notes : There are still some secrets I haven't been able to get yet,such as the Costume E or F or something like that.

    + Version 1.25 Date : January 29th 2004 Process : More useful info added to boss strategies. "Radio SpiritStone Records" proceeded.

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    + Version 1.51 Date : February 1st 2004 Process : "Ghost List" and "Radio Spirit Stone Records" completed. Notes : Few... I can't believe I've finished such a tough section as"Ghost List". But next time "Mission Mode" section should be much tougher.I'm still on the way looking for good methods to clear those trickymissions. But I'm very glad about this update, since making Ghost List istruly fun.

    + Version 1.8 Date : February 5th 2004 Process : "Ghost List" repaired. "Basic Terms" section basicallycompleted. "Item List" proceeded.

    + Version 1.81 Date : February 25th 2004 Process : Fix mistakes. Notes : My computer has been attacked by MyDoom recently, and that's thecause for this late update. It has taken me a pretty long time to make thisdamn machine return to normal. I'm really sorry.

    + Version 1.82 Date : June 11th 2004 Process : Fix mistakes. Add readers' information. Notes : Continous virus disasters, my 2nd semester exams, argumentsin my home, etc what's next ? This is the latest (with both good and badmeanings) I've ever made. A reader has submitted me some information aboutthe Project Zero or PAL version of this game which has some stuffs altered.I think they may be useful for those who are playing these versions andplease inform me if there's anything wrong, since I don't play them.Thanks.

    + Version 1.83 Date : June 13th 2004 Process : Fix more mistakes and add more info. Notes : Last time I forgot to inform you that this guide has beentransferred from .doc format into .txt because of some major problems. Soyou'll find a few margin errors in the guide displayed at GameFAQs as wellas the other links. Here I just want to state this officially and send myapology to all of you.

    + Version 1.85 Date : June 15th 2004

    Process : Fix more mistakes and wipe all the margin errors.

    + Version 1.86 Date : June 17th 2004 Process : Fix more mistakes and wipe all the margin errors. Added"Frequently Asked Questions" part in "Extra" section. This section willfeatures questions that are the most asked along with my answers. Hereyou can also find some extra info about Fatal Frame 2 fan sites and themain theme of the game.

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    + Version 1.88 Date : June 19th 2004 Process : Added more questions to "Frequently Asked Questions" list.Added more info on getting the Bloody Ring in the Scenario Walkthrough andQ&A in "FAQs" list.

    + Version 1.90 Date : June 20th 2004 Process : Update the guide with the difference between Fatal Frame 2 :Crimson Butterfly (normal version) and Project Zero 2 : Crimson Butterfly(PAL version). Thanks again to Ulrike Meinhof for these precious info.The obvious different here is that some hidden ghosts are changed in thegame and you can check them easily in "Ghost List" section, with the (*)symbol standing for the Project Zero 2 version. I have also noticed aboutthese ghosts in the Scenario Walkthrough, too.

    + Version 1.91 Date : June 23rd 2004 Process : Added some missing and incomplete information.

    ~~\\~~~~//~~~~//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\~~~~\\~~~~//~~>>>\\>>//\\>>//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\\>>//\\>>//>>> \\// \\// \\// \\// \\ \\ SECTION IV : BASIC TERMS // // //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\

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    played classic 3D adventure games like Resident Evil or Silent Hill shouldget used to going following these directions. Although it's a littletrickier than the 2D setting because you have to imagine you are thecharacter to determine the right direction, it's very convenient,especially in camera angle changing. The directional buttons in this style : + Up button : Go forward. + Down button : Go backward. + Left button : Rotate to character's left. + Right button : Rotate to character's right.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOOK STYLE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This setting is for Viewfinder Mode (which we often call "Finder Mode"for short).

    - Normal : The directions in Viewfinder Mode are controlled as usual : Up button : Move the camera up. Down button : Move the camera down. Left button : Move the camera left. Right button : Move the camera right.

    - Inverted : Up button : Move the camera down. Down button : Move the camera up. Left button : Move the camera left. Right button : Move the camera right.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SWITCH L/R ANALOG STICK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As the name implies, you just use this setting to switch the role of Leftand Right Analog Sticks.

    The default setting is L/Look R/Move.

    - L/Look R/Move : Left Analog Stick - Move the character in normal mode. Right Analog Stick - Move the character/camera in Finder Mode.

    - L/Move R/Look : Left Analog Stick - Move the character/camera in Finder Mode. Right Analog Stick - Move the character in normal mode.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUTTON CONFIGURATIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    |-------------------\| TYPE A (Default) \---------------------------------------------------||---------------------\--------------------------------------------------|| - Triangle button : + Open Menu screen. || + Use Power-up Lens during Viewfinder Mode. || - Square button : + Run (kept alongside with directional button). || + Faster Movement in Viewfinder Mode. || - Cross button : + Search/Action/OK. || + Shutter in Viewfinder Mode. |

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  • 8/11/2019 Fatal Frame 2 FAQ Walkthrough by Mysticcat


    HEALTH/LIFEBAR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this game, the character's lifebar can only be shown in ViewfinderMode and during battles, when attacking ghosts are located in current area.It's a blue vertical bar on the right of the screen. If the blue column inthe bar runs out, you'll die, as well as "Game Over". The lifebar is wipedwhen you get attacked by the avenger ghosts. About how to treat them torestrict getting hit, I've explained pretty carefully about each case inthe Scenario Walkthrough. In order to fulfill your health, you can usehealing items : Herbal Medicines and Sacred Waters anytime. You can't usethem when your lifebar has been completely full.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REVIVAL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The only way to save your life after the lifebar is wiped out is carryinga Stone Mirror in your inventory. They are pretty rare compared to otheritems and scattered around in the game. You are allowed to carry only oneStone Mirror each time that means you can be saved once after dying. StoneMirrors work well in most of the situations, except scenes that are relatedto the ultimate ghosts or the storyline. I'll warn you about these cases inthe Scenario Walkthrough when they come.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SAVING~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like any other adventure game, in this game there's a certain object thatare scattered around which you can use to save. It's a crimson lantern withdim light. Just press the Action button when you touch it. The Save Screenwill appear for you to make choice. Like Fatal Frame I, these Save Pointsdon't work when there are ghosts around. Normally is the lantern always litno matter how dark the area is. But when you see it become pale within theother objects, it means you can't use it at that time, and there are ghostswandering in that area. At that time, there are two choices : Dispel allthe ghosts around to use that Save Point or run away for another Save Point

    in locations with no ghost.

    ===/\/\/|========================================================|\/\/\=== \/\/\| C) BATTLE SYSTEM |/\/\/===/\/\/|========================================================|\/\/\===

    This section is written mostly for the Camera Obscura - your only"weapon" in the whole. Here I'll tell you about all the functions you canget for your camera as well as their describtions and locations. Read the"Configurations" for the buttons.

    Additional Functions and Equipped Functions are automatically worn on

    your camera when you obtain them. In the "Camera" menu screen, theAdditional Functions are shown on the upper right and the EquippedFunctions are on the lower right. The abilities are written as Japaneseletters in each section. If they are highlighted, that means they have beenequipped to your camera. If you want to take them out, select the sectionand then function and press the Action button to turn it off.

    There's bigger section on the left : "Function Upgrades", including"Basic Functions" and "Power-Up Lenses". Both "Basic Functions" and "Power-Up Lenses" are strengthened by using the Spirit Points you've got to

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    upgrade them. You must add a Spirit Orb to their lots and have enoughSpirit Points in order to raise these functions. Spirit Orbs can be foundscattered in the game. More details will be written in below sections.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VIEWFINDER DESCRIPTION~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are many things you need to know in the Viewfinder screen in orderto play the game, such as :

    - LIFEBAR : The most important thing for your character's survival. Referto part B "Status Guide" to know about it.

    - FILMS : The name of the films you are using is shown on the upper rightof the screen. The big number next to the text shows the number ofremaining films. The cut line under the text is the "Charging Bar" of thefilm. When this bar is fulfilled (that has the same length as the films'name), you can use the Shutter button to take a photo. After shooting, thisbar is lost and then gradually filled in the speed depending on what typeof films you are using. You can't shutter if this bar is still incomplete.

    - FILAMENT : It's the light on the top of the screen. In fact it replacesfor the bottom right filament in the normal screen to show you the ghosts'

    state. Glows blue when facing Vanishing Ghosts and Hidden ghosts; glowsbrown when reacting Attacking Ghosts.

    - FATAL FRAME SIGNAL : This is the very hole under the filament that islit when a Fatal Frame moment comes during a Shutter Chances. This lightonly works when you have the "Instant" ability.

    - CAPTURE CIRCLE : It's the big circle in the centre of the screen, usedto aim at the enemy. When this Capture Circle glows, that means you cantake an available shot. + Glows blue when reacting Vanishing Ghosts and Hidden Ghosts. + Glows yellow when an attacking ghost is coming. + Glows orange when a Shutter Chance comes.

    + Doesn't glow when facing special ghosts. So what will you do with the special/non-reacting ghost ?

    ---> SPECIAL CAPTURE CIRCLE : This is a very small capture circle thatis ONLY SEEN when there are ghosts in frame. These small circles alwaysappear at every ghost you see and they may be even more trust-worthy thanthe Capture one, cuz it automatically moves following the target that letsyou know it's time to catch the ghost. These circles will disappear whenthe ghosts are no more or out of screen. It's very useful to catch far-awaynon-reacting ghosts like Butterfly Chaser, 2nd Floor Mayu, Pulled Shadow,etc.

    - CURRENTLY EQUIPPED FUNCTION : It's the elite Japanese symbol on the

    bottom left of the screen, standing for the Power-Up Lense you are using.If you turn on "Switch" function, you'll see two smaller symbols abovestanding for the other lenses you equip, but can't be used until you movethem to the elite position. The elite ability will be highlighted when ithas enough Spirit Powers to be used.

    - SPIRIT POWER GAUGE : This gauge is the blue curve above the elite symbolof the ability. Whenever you take an available damaging shot on the enemy,you'll receive a number of Spirit Points that fill this gauge. If thisgauge is fulfilled, a Spirit Power is available.

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    - SPIRIT POWER : They are the seeds right next to the elite ability. Assaid above, when the Spirit Power Gauge is completely charged, a SpiritPower seed here will be highlighted. Each Power-Up Lenses requires a numberof these Spirit Power seeds to be used. The maximum number of Spirit Powerseeds is 4.

    - SPIRIT POINTS : It's the number of Spirit Points you get after taking aphoto, only seen after you capture an available ghosts. Hidden Ghost is anexception, cuz each of them always gives you 1000 pts.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAMERA OBSCURA FUNCTIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Additional functions :............................

    |-------------------\| INSTANT \---------------------------------------------------||---------------------\--------------------------------------------------|| - Location : Kurosawa House, 1F Antechamber - Chapter 3. |

    | - Description : With this function equipped, a light will flash to || indicate a "Fatal Frame" within a shutter chance. || - My own take : As its name implied, during a Shutter Chance, when a || Fatal Frame moment appears, a signal will flash under the filament || along with a whistle sound (if you have "Alarm" function) and if you || press the Shutter button right then, you'll be able to make a combo of|| shots. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    |-------------------\| EVADE \---------------------------------------------------||---------------------\--------------------------------------------------|| - Location : Kurosawa House, 1F Courtyard Staircase - Chapter 3. |

    | - Description : Press the Shutter button at just the right time to || escape a spirit when you are caught. || - My own take : Those who have played Fatal Frame 1 should know this || function. When you get heavy damaged by a ghost as a focusing scene || appears, if you press the Shutter button just before the ghost catches|| you, Mio will automatically dodge aside and the enemy is stunned for a|| while, leaving a moment for you to run away. This is very helpful in || battles and if you master this function, you can succeed in 40% of the|| hits. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|


    | SAVE \---------------------------------------------------||---------------------\--------------------------------------------------|| - Location : Osaka House, 1F Fireplace Room, Chapter 8 (after doing || the "hide-and-seek" sidequest. || - Description : Increases the Spirit Power you get from capturing || spirits. You can use more Power-Up Lenses. || - My own take : This useful function increases the number of Spirit || Points you get from a shot, making it faster for you to charge the || camera. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

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    |-------------------\| SENSE \---------------------------------------------------||---------------------\--------------------------------------------------|| - Location : Unlocked by beating the game once in any mode. || - Description : Allows you to see previously invisible spirits hidden || in the village or mansion. || - My own take : Its description has told you everything. Simply equip || it to catch those invisible ghosts who you couldn't catch in the first|| game. This is extremely required to complete the Spirit List. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Equipped functions..........................

    |-------------------\| MEASURE \---------------------------------------------------||---------------------\--------------------------------------------------|| - Location : Osaka House, 1F Fireplace Room - Chapter 1. || - Description : When this function is equipped, it shows the remaining|| HP of the closest spirit in the Capture Circle in the Viewfinder's || upper-left corner. |


    |-------------------\| SWITCH \---------------------------------------------------||---------------------\--------------------------------------------------|| - Location : Kiryu House, 1F Hanging Doll Room - Chapter 6. || - Description : Allows you to equip up to three Power-Up Lenses at one|| time. Once these Power-Up Lenses are equipped, you can swap them in || Viewfinder mode with the L1 button. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    |-------------------\| ALARM \---------------------------------------------------||---------------------\--------------------------------------------------|| - Location : Osaka House, 1F Back Room - Chapter 5. || - Description : When this function is equipped, it sounds a tone to || warn you of the exact Fatal Frame moment. Works along with the signal || caused by additional "Instant" function. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    |-------------------\| ZOOM \---------------------------------------------------||---------------------\--------------------------------------------------|

    | - Location : Unlocked by beating the game in Normal mode. || - Description : When this function is equipped, it allows you to zoom || in with the L2 button and zoom out with the R2 button. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Basic Functions........................ These are the first things you must upgrade after storing a number ofSpirit Points when you first play this game, because you can survive the

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    |-------------------\| STUN \---------------------------------------------------||---------------------\--------------------------------------------------|| - Location : Kiryu House, 2F Sliding Screen Room - Chapter 2 to 8. || - Function : Interminently stops the movement of a spirit. || - Spirit Power Required : 2 || - Cost : Level 1 - 8000 pts || Level 2 - 19000 pts || Level 3 - 30000 pts || - My own take : This is the stronger form of "Slow" and affects more || ghosts. When you inflict this effect, the enemy will be stunned for || a while. Another way to dispel this effect is to attack the stunned || enemy with a shot. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    |-------------------\| SEE \---------------------------------------------------||---------------------\--------------------------------------------------|| - Location : Kurosawa House, 2F Meditation Room - Chapter 4. || - Function : Finds the location of a spirit. || - Spirit Power Required : 1 || - Cost : Level 1 - 8000 pts |

    | Level 2 - 18000 pts || Level 3 - 29000 pts || - My own take : When you inflict this ability on an enemy, he/she will|| be dyed with a bright colour helping you to spot him/her more easily. || Levelling up this ability will increase the duration of the ability. || Useful against dark and creepy enemies like Limbo Woman. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    |-------------------\| TRACK \---------------------------------------------------||---------------------\--------------------------------------------------|| - Location : Unlocked after beating the game once. |

    | - Function : Tracks a spirit automatically. || - Spirit Power Required : 2 || - Cost : Level 1 - 30000 pts || Level 2 - 44000 pts || Level 3 - 55000 pts || - My own take : While "See" function only helps you to spot the enemy || more easily, this function makes your camera automatically follow the || targeted ghost. You can use it for fast and flickering ghosts like the|| children playing tags. But it's just much more expensive than "See". ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|


    | STOP \---------------------------------------------------||---------------------\--------------------------------------------------|| - Location : Unlocked by beating Hard mode. || - Function : Freezes a spirit in place. || - Spirit Power Required : 3 || - Cost : Level 1 - 35000 pts || Level 2 - 50000 pts || Level 3 - 65000 pts || - My own take : It has stronger effect and longer duration than "Stun"|| lens, but can still be dispelled by another shot. |

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    | order to inflict a shot of Blast, Zero and Crush lense, you can catch || the same numbers of Serial lens. Serial lens increases the damage of || each shot you cast with only 1 Spirit Power wasted, that means you can|| catch four stronger shots with 4 Spirit Powers fulfilled in rapid || succession. The disadvantage of this lens is that it reduces chances || of Shutter Moments as well as Fatal Frame moments. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    ===/\/\/|========================================================|\/\/\=== \/\/\| C) DIFFICULTY SETTINGS |/\/\/===/\/\/|========================================================|\/\/\===

    Unlike Fatal Frame 1, this second game has given the players more choicesto play the game suiting their efforts. Two basic difficulties are Easy andNormal mode. Higher are Hard and Nightmare mode.

    In fact, the difference between the difficulties focus on the camerapower, the effect of healing items and the enemies' damages on you andtheir resistance against your shots.

    ------------------------ EASY MODE------------------------

    Unlock : Starting Description : The slightest difficulty of this game. Beginners cancompletely play through the game with this mode. Enemies' damages arepretty low compared to your vitality, and the camera shots inflict ratherstrong damage on them even with the weakest film (Type-7 Films). In thismode, each Herbal Medicine heals 2/3 your lifebar. Generally, I think thismode is a piece of cake and you don't have to start this mode in the firsttime if you don't want.

    ------------------------ NORMAL MODE------------------------ Unlock : Starting

    Description : If you ask me which should be chosen first between Easy andNormal mode when you first play this game, I think "Normal mode" is thebetter answer. Although it's harder than Easy mode, it's fine or fairlyeasy even for beginners. The enemies's damages and vitality are a littlestronger, but you still can rule them with either Type-7 and Type-14 Filmsif you are a fairly good player, except the bosses in Final Stage. Thegreatest damage the enemies can inflict you in this mode is 1/4 yourlifebar, and a Herbal Medicine can heal you a little more than 1/2 thelifebar. Another reason to choose Normal mode in the first time playing isthat you'll be rewarded more stuffs after beating the game that quicklysatisfies your curiosity about its other secrets.

    ------------------------ HARD MODE------------------------ Unlock : Beat the game in Normal mode. Description : This difficulty begins to be tough. You can use Type-7Films against very few ghosts in the first time, but later Type-14 Filmsand Type-61 Films will be your elite weapons. The damage you cause on theenemies remains half compared to Normal mode. Most of enemies' hits now cantake out half of your lifebar which means two hits of them can kill you. HerbalMedicine's effect is reduced a little. However, I think getting through Hard

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    mode is really not a problem if you have mastered Normal mode without so manyhardships.

    ------------------------ NIGHTMARE MODE------------------------ Unlock : Conquer Hard mode. Description : One word : "Nightmarish". Type-7 Films become rubbish fromthe beginning, Type-14 Films can be useless from Chapter 3 and later.Compared to Normal and Hard mode, your main films here must be Type-61Films and Type-90 Films. Although I say so, remember that you still have totry to use Type-14 Films as much as you can, since they are given much morethan Type-61, while the number of given Type-61 Films is pretty limited. Everysingle attack from ghosts can take out 9/10 your lifebar, so "Evade"function must be extremely necessary now. As a result, you must always keep yourlifebar fulfilled throughout the whole scenario to avoid instant deaths.Especially your enemies have got VERY STRONG DEFENSE against your shots. AType-61 Film shot in Nightmare mode is even much weaker than a Type-14 Film shotin Normal mode. I was surprised when my shot only takes out VERY SMALL DAMAGEfrom the ghosts. Herbal Medicine now can only heal 1/3 your lifebar, so it's aMUST to always carry a Stone Mirror with you just in case. Enemies are improvednot only at strength and defense, but intelligence as well. They are wiserenough to defeat your old repeated strategy, as some of them can disappear if

    you have placed them in frame. Most of the times you should flee all theattacking ghosts if those battles are not compulsory.

    In order to enter Nightmare mode, I'd like to give you some advices :

    - Accumulate TONS OF healings items, films and a Stone Mirror as many asyou can from previous modes you've passed. Nightmare mode is time for youto waste them. So it's not good if you enter this mode as a without any stockcarried.

    - Try to complete every task you can do in previous mode : powering-up thecamera, complete the Spirit List, grabbing all the secret items, doing allthe extra quests, etc so that you will feel better to get in this

    nightmarish mode. The important result of this advice is that since youhave to flee most of the battles in Nightmare mode, you don't have to worryabout the tasks you've done as they almost have the joining of ghosts. Ofcourse, this advice may not be necessary for those who love testing theirskills in challenge. Good luck to those players !

    My own experience : In the first time playing through Nightmare mode, I didwaste totally 5 Stone Mirrors, 40 Herbal Medicines and 3 Sacred Waters justbecause I hadn't expected the difficulty to be that hard.


    >>>\\>>//\\>>//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\\>>//\\>>//>>> \\// \\// \\// \\// \\ \\ SECTION V : CHARACTERS // // //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\

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    effective whenever a new ghost appears, especially Vanishing Ghosts whojust show themselves for a limited moment. Walking will help you spot themat the right time and take their photos promptly.

    >> Whenever you face Vanishing Ghosts :-------------------------------------------------- + Whenever a Vanishing Ghost shows himself/herself, you are noticedby a noisy sound that vibrates your control pad (if "Vibration" is turnedON). This is just a little detail, but very important since these noiseshelp you to spot the ghosts faster than usual even he/she is not on currentscreen so you can take their photos promptly, because not all VanishingGhosts stay longer enough for you to catch and not all of them let you snapthat easily.

    + As they can disappear very quickly, you should execute in amoderate speed. But don't get confused ! Just be calm to turn on FinderMode and draw to the ghost. Except some Vanishing Ghosts who are wiseenough to hide in hard-to-see areas, Mio can automatically aim at theobject whenever you toggle Circle button. Aim until the central circleglows, take a photo.

    + Some Vanishing Ghosts don't react your camera. Neither thefilament nor the capture circle glows when you face them. Fortunately, this

    game also gives you chance to see them for a while before they disappear.In order to recognize these ghosts, when you feel their existence, aim upyour camera to place them in frame (this time Mio won't act automatically).Sometimes there's a sound (that looks like gong sound) to mark theirappearances. Then if the filament doesn't glow while you've seen the ghostsby your eyes, just take them without waiting for the circle. If your photohas them available, that's an available photo. Extremely pay attention toFOCUSING CAMERA ANGLES. You don't often see these angles, but most of thetimes when a non-reacting ghost appears there, they'll be shown for you tocatch the ghosts who only last for limited time. So be fast and flexible.

    >> Whenever you face attacking ghosts :

    ----------------------------------------------- + In most of the times you should fight them. Some of them areobliged to fight. If you are a good camera user, fighting these ghosts notonly gives you many Spirit Points and Spirit Orbs to upgrade your camera,but also helps you to practice the ghosts' patterns, as nearly none of themappears just once. A few of them leaves Spirit Stones, which can be heardin the radio to fulfill the storyline.

    + Sometimes if you feel you are too weak or you're having itemshortage, you can flee. Just simply pass the ghosts and run as far as youcan. At some limit, the ghosts will either stop chasing you or evendisappear. Remember that this doesn't work for obliged battles in whichevery way out is locked.

    + Whenever you are hit by a ghost, a focusing camera angle oftenappears and the screen glows inverted onto the scene. In this situation,you had better smash the Shutter button continuously in order to dodge theattack. There are 40% that you succeed if you do this. Of course, thistrick only works after you have got the "Evade" ability.

    + Here I have another advice. It can be unnecessary for those whoare ghost-lovers that can fight any ghosts on their ways. This advice isuseful for those who don't want to waste time fighting ghosts who drop

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    nothing in the end or because they don't want to. So DO NOT WANDER AROUNDTOO LONG IN A CERTAIN AREA. Some random ghosts that appear at the beginningmay be unavoidable, but the above ones can be avoided if you stay in anarea in a limited time. Most random ghosts are bound to certain areas, soI'll mention them in my walkthrough due to my experience.

    >> Others :------------------ + ALWAYS SAVE ! Save as much as you like. Save whenever you'vefinished a task. Save whenever you've been able to snap a tricky ghost. Ihave to admit the environment in Fatal Frame is pretty complicated and someghosts are very tricky. Along with this, you can get sudden deaths by theghosts, or you miss some tricky ghosts etc. So saving frequently iscompletely advised. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT YOUR RANKS !!! It's true that thisgame has a ranking system after you finish the scenario, in which thenumber of times you save is counted. But remember that High Ranking inStory game has nothing to do with unlocking secret stuffs. So just play thegame as well as you can do and save whenever necessary. Besides, if youdon't want to cancel the game for long-lasting mistake (severe shortage offilms, healing items, etc), restrict overwriting.

    + Try to save both films (especially stronger films) and healingitems as much as you can. I admit that these items in Fatal Frame II are

    given more generously than in Fatal Frame I, but it's not the right reasonto waste them more and more. It's always good to be economic. If you don'treceive this advice, just wait for your end, especially in Hard andNightmare mode.

    + Remember to check and upgrade your camera when you get enoughSpirit Points and Spirit Orbs, especially the basic functions (Range,Accumulation, Sensitivity). The later battles are always harder the firstones, so you shouldn't leave your camera "mossy" with time. Besides, don'tforget to equip new functions that you collect within the scenario. Here Idon't want to force you which function you must choose, since each of themhas certain use. Equip the one that you think to be the best.

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>===/\/\/|========================================================|\/\/\=== \/\/\| B) SCENARIO WALKTHROUGH |/\/\/===/\/\/|========================================================|\/\/\===

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    | -mare mode, just raise it up one time. For| | example : A boss defeatable with Type-14 | | films in Hard mode should be killed by | | Type-61 Films in Nightmare. But I emphas- | | -ize again : These are just relative, NOT | | absolutely accurate ! | | _ One thing I'd like to notice : In this | | walkthrough, I always make own frames | | about catching or fighting ghosts. Here I | | mostly mention the number of Spirit Points| | you receive for that ghost. In fact, I | | collected them from my first time playing | | through the game. But how many pts you get| | all depend on how fast you take the photos| | and their qualities, so don't surprise if | | you see my numbers are different from the | | other guides or your game. | %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%

    After a long cutscene, you start as Mio to find her twin sister who hasbeen running away...


    FOREST PATH------------------- Have Mio run along the forest path until she comes to a Shinto gate.Watch a cutscene.

    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER ONE : THE LOST VILLAGE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    -------------------------------------- ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - MISONO HILL-------------------------------------- After finding Mayu, keep heading southeast. Just go along til you findsomething glowing on the ground : a [BLACK BAG], [News Clipping], [Small NewsClipping] and [A Photo of Couple].

    Then run through the path until you see a ghost far away. Follow it andthen enter the house when it's just got in.

    -----Notes---------------------------------------------------------------- The wandering ghost that you see entering the house can be captured ifthis is the second time you play the game in which Mio has got the camera

    from the beginning. Capturing her will give you a bunch of points but shewon't be counted in the Spirit List.--------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F ENTRANCE------------------------------------- As you are going...

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    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| A female ghost will show up after you proceed a few steps. If this is|| your first time playing the game, you can't catch this ghost as you || haven't got a camera yet. If you have already had it, have Mio rotate || to the window and switch to Finder mode, placing the staring woman in || frame and try not to let the wooden bars block your view. Quickly || shutter to have a photo of the first ghost [Waiting Woman] for about || 500 pts if you can. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Then enter the next door forward.

    --------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F SUNKEN FIREPLACE ROOM--------------------------------------------- When you first enter, head to Mio's left (the right side in the screen)to get Women's Notebook 1. Then if you like, enter the slide door nearby.

    ---------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F KIMONO ROOM----------------------------------------

    Get inside. Grab the Women's Notebook 2 on the shelf. Do you see acrimson dim light near the shelf ? It's your Save Point in this game. Cometo save if you need. Then head right to a room full of kimono chests.Search the upper boxes for a [SACRED WATER]. That's all for this place. Getout now.

    -------------------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 2F SUNKEN FIREPLACE ROOM (Optional)-------------------------------------------------------- If you like to watch a cutscene with Mayu, get on the right staircase tothis corridor and try to open the door here. It's been locked. When you goaway, Mayu still keeps attention on it. If you try to talk to Mayu, shewill let you know that there's someone in the other side of the door.

    However, at this time there's nothing here.

    --------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F SUNKEN FIREPLACE ROOM--------------------------------------------- Return here. First, you can try entering the slide door just under thefirst staircase to see a ghost.

    ------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F BIG TATAMI ROOM-------------------------------------------

    Examine the kimono box right at the entrance door for a [HERBALMEDICINE]. As you are passing the window...

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| A woman is going along outside. Quickly aim up your camera and draw || toward her. Adjust your frame to avoid the blocking bars til the || capture circle glows blue. Take a shot of [Atrium Woman] for about 600 || pts. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

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    Go deeper to the corridor..

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Again, you can catch this ghost :[Walks Inside].Wait until Replay Game.|| If you catch her, you'll receive about 500 pts. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Run along the corridor and enter the door at the end.

    ------------------------------------ OSAKA HOUSE - 1F BACK ROOM------------------------------------ Next to the braziel, grab the Woman's Notebook 3. Nothing unusual, soexit this room.

    --------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F SUNKEN FIREPLACE ROOM--------------------------------------------- Make your way back to the turn corner of the corridor.

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| She again : [Vanishes at Altar]. I'm sorry to tell you to miss her if |

    | this is your first time playing this game. She'll give you 450 pts if || you catch her. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Follow the ghost to the remaining way of the corridor. Try entering theslide door here (If you try to open this slide door before seeing thewalking ghost, it's locked).

    ---------------------------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F FAMILY ALTAR ROOM + DELUXE TATAMI ROOM---------------------------------------------------------------- Here are what you have to get : a [HERBAL MEDICINE] on the platform on

    the right of the room ; searching the mess between the table and way toDeluxe Tatami Room to obtain Woman's Notebook 5 if you like ; then a[FLASHLIGHT], Camera Obscura Pointers on the centre table, and finally, thecutscene gives you the [CAMERA OBSCURA].

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Well, a ghost is visiting us. Have Mio open the door first. As another || cutscene ends, turn on Finder Mode, aim at the door until you see the || silhouette of a woman (as well as the Circle glows), shutter a photo of|| [Door Woman] for about 400 pts. This is your first catchable ghost, but|| won't be counted in the Spirit List later. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    As Mayu wants to get out of the house, so exit.

    --------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F SUNKEN FIREPLACE ROOM--------------------------------------------- Make your way back to the exit door and try to open it. It's just no use.

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| As soon as the cutscene ends, turn on Finder Mode and quickly take a |

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    | shot of [Vanishes at Door]. You can receive about 400 pts for snapping || her. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Geez, this is a sealkeeper ghost, but she will be counted in "Files" || section instead of Spirit List. At the place where you saw the lady || vanishing, come close and draw your camera around the door til the || capture circle glows blue as you see an image of a demon woman. Take || that scene to see a photo of the coal braziel. Hm... know where to go ?||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Yes, it means you must go back to 1F Back Room now.

    ------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F BACK ROOM------------------------------------------- Stand at the braziel, draw your camera down at the dim blue wave on it.As the circle glows, snap ! You'll see photo of an injured man. As soon asthe scene ends...

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    | Quickly turn on Finder Mode again toward the atrium. Keep pressing the || Shutter button until it flashes the ghost : [Man On Deck]. You'll || receive about 600 pts. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    As the spirits dissolve in the braziel, the slide door in the FireplaceRoom has been open. Make your way back to that area.

    ------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F BIG TATAMI ROOM------------------------------------------- Enter the slide door where you saw the vanishing ghost. Here you see a

    mosquito net and a "lump" in the bedding on the floor. First, check theleft desk on the left of the entrance for a [HERBAL MEDICINE]. You canexamine the window if you like, Mio will say that she can see a deck over.Check the lump for Woman's Notebook 4, and then you can take a look at thewrecked slide door and the faded flower painting on the right. After that,exit the place.

    Well, as you try to go out, something new is shown. Go to the collapsedslide door and take the glowing thing : the [GINGER KEY].

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| When the scene ends, immediately turn on Finder Mode and try to take a |

    | shot of a ghost going out : [Woman Behind Net]. Hey, about 300 pts for || this lady. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Now get out.

    ------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F FIREPLACE ROOM-------------------------------------------

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    | damage's strength depends on how long you charge up your shot. During || the time the circle glows, your camera is charging. Once the circle || glows dark red, it means it's reached the ultimate power and that's || your best time to deal a lovely damage on your enemy, unless you are || late or your shot is inaccurate, cuz that moment just exists for very || short duration. If you miss this chance, you'll have to recharge again.|| Generally, it isn't necessary to charge up so long. You can damage any-|| time when the circle glows. When the ghost tries to attack you, you can|| take a very short chance to deal a zero shot when thr circle glows red.|| For more details, refer to "Basic Terms" section. || Here for Miyako Sudo, you don't have to fight so hard. She's pretty || slow and nearly inactive. Stay at the centre of the room, then whenever|| you spot her shadow, aim at her and flash her until she's defeated. She|| often changes position after getting hit. So then turn off Finder Mode || and find her on ground (looking at the filament may be helpful). Then || damage her again when you see her. Just keep this up til the battle || ends. Protect Mayu also. Remember that Miyako can attack Mayu by the || same way (beating/touching). So when she does that, quickly give her a || hit. This is not only to rescue Mayu, but also give you a chance to || inflict heavy damage by Zero Shot, because the boss is in attacking || state. You'll make it through easily and don't let Mayu die. || Say, there's one thing I want to notice : Don't think that the wall || can protect you from any ghost bosses. Because they are ghosts, they || can go through anything. So if you stand against a wall to fight them, |

    | you have given them a chance to treat you from the back. So take care. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Chapter 1 ends.

    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER TWO : THE TWIN SHRINE MAIDENS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    Miyako disappears, Mayu suddenly runs away...

    ------------------------------------------------------------ OSAKA HOUSE - 2F SERVANT'S ROOM + GUEST ROOM + STUDY------------------------------------------------------------ As you wake, grab these items in the room : a [SPIRIT ORB]; [Aragonite]stone and [SPIRIT STONE RADIO] as well as a [Spirit Stone Radio Pointer]book.

    Before going out to find Mayu, I recommend you to stay here for a whilefor some stuffs.

    - In the Guest Room, examine the blue kimono that stands against the wall.

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| The filament glows when you stand in the either side. At that time, || draw your camera around it until you see the circle glow at a point at || the floor. There it is : [Girl in Hiding] and 1000 pts for you. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    - In the left section of the Servant's Room (where you got a HerbalMedicine), check the folding planks until you find some [TYPE 61-FILMS] ifyou miss it before fighting Miyako. Cool !

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    Get out of this room.

    ------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F FIREPLACE ROOM------------------------------------------- A cutscene shows you that Mayu has got out of the house.

    ** VILLAGE/OSAKA HOUSE FRONT - play as Mayu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mayu is being attracted by the "Crimson Butteflies". Have her follow thebutterflies. They'll take you along a long path until... **End of Mayu's scene**

    Now you are back to Mio. After climbing down the staircase, grab theglowing things nearby : You'll get [Slow] and [Measure] function for yourcamera and their tutorial files.

    Maybe you want to save now, right ? So go downstair and enter KimonoRoom.

    **From this time, you begin to upgrade your camera using the Spirit Orbsand Spirit Points you've collected. It's really necessary as the laterenemies will be harder and tougher. At first, additional functions are not

    very important now, so it's better for you to level up the camera's Range,Accumulation and Sensitivity. I recommend Range and Sensitivity first, asAccumulation nearly does no good at this time.**

    ------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F KIMONO ROOM-------------------------------------------

    Step in and grab a [HERBAL MEDICINE] on the floor, and here's what youhave to pay...

    |~~~[MINI-BOSS FIGHT : WOMAN IN BOX]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Difficulty : Fairly Easy || Recommended Films : Type-7 Films ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------|| I was startled ! This lady is a bit harder than Miyako. And I guess || that you can only kill her with Zero Shots, which means you have to || wait for a Shutter Chance. I did waste several useless films cuz I had || not known that, so don't follow my mistakes. She's tough, but still || pretty easy once you get used to Zero Shots. Keep your camera frame at || her. As she's getting closer to you, wait until the circle glows red...|| FLASH !!! A Lovely Zero Shot for my lady ! After getting damaged, Woman|| In Box doesn't often switch position. She usually still stays there, || not until she's cornered. So after hitting her, just continue to keep |

    | the camera toward the old direction. If you still worry, turn off || Finder Mode and find her on ground. When you spot her, simply aim your || camera and repeat the strategy. Although fighting Woman In Box is a || little tricky as you are forced to make Zero Shots, it's still pretty || easy since this lady is extremely low, and I think you are completely || able to make it. If you do well, you'll defeat her within 5 or 6 shots.||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    As Woman In Box is defeated, just like Miyako Sudo, she left the[Moonstone] and a [SPIRIT ORB]. You can hear the Moonstone in the Radio

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    about this woman's story. Then I recommend you to save here. Go back toFireplace Room and enter Big Tatami Room if you like.

    ------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F BIG TATAMI ROOM------------------------------------------- Remember the strange lump in bedding where you got Woman's Notebook 4 ?The filament will glow if you get close to it...

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Take a shot of the lump when you see the circle glowing. You'll get || 1000 pts and a new spirit : [Frozen Woman]. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Besides, there's nothing here. Get out.

    ------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F FIREPLACE ROOM-------------------------------------------

    Hm... you might face a random battle here. You can fight these ghosts to

    get Spirit Points. But if you don't want, just try flee : Get out of thehouse by the Entrance.

    |~~~[MINI-BOSS FIGHT : TWO MEN IN DARK]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Difficulty : Medium || Recommended Films : Type-7 Films ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------|| I was so confused since there were two of them that I got unworth || damage when I first met them. These men are not tough, but because they|| were double, you should get some troubles in the first time. Here's the|| strategy : Try to deceive the men to group together. When they go with || each other, you can treat them like a single enemy. The best place to |

    | keep this battle in this portion is to run around the Fireplace Room || ONLY (Do not wander in the corridor, because Men in Dark can ambush you|| from the walls, especially when you are at the turn corner). || If you've just gone out from Big Tatami Room, you'll see two men in || two different locations. This is not good, so it's good for you to || climb up the nearest staircase. Once you reach 2nd floor, I assure that|| the men will climb up TOGETHER to catch you. Yeah, they've become one. || And now your task is to end them up. As you've been safe, turn back || and draw your camera at them, then flash. As they were in group, you || can even make Double Shots to damage both of them. When they have got || closed to you enough, quickly turn off Finder Mode and run away. As you|| have been far away enough, turn back and repeat the strategy. Try to || run within this order : climb up the staircase near Tatami Room - 2F |

    | corridor - get down by other staircase - back to the centre of the room|| - climb up the staircase near Tatami Room... Just repeat until they're || dead. || For the type of films used here, I just recommend you to use Type-7 || in order to save the better. It's no problem to use stronger films if || you find them so hard. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    After defeating these two, you can temporarily feel safe that no ghostwill annoy you again within this house.

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    ------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F BACK ROOM------------------------------------------- To go or not to go here, it's your choice ! What you can obtain is aseries of Village Reports from 1 to 4 (only the first page of each volume).These files tell you about the other locations around this village. If youobserve carefully the position where you got the file, you can see a palemist. Then read the below frame :

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Hm... I'm not sure if this ghost requires "Sense" function. Stand || behind the braziel, then aim your camera toward the atrium at the pale || mist. You'll see another image of Miyako Sudo. She is harmless and || doesn't react your camera, so when the two locks are highlighted, take || a photo of [Woman on Deck] to receive no point. She's still standing || there no matter what you have done unless you leave. You can only see || her in Finder Mode. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Well, nothing else can be found here. It's time to leave.

    ------------------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F FIREPLACE ROOM------------------------------------------- Head to the exit door.

    ---------------------------------- OSAKA HOUSE - 1F ENTRANCE----------------------------------

    Collect [Mayu's Charm] on the floor. You can hear what happened to her byaccessing the "Radio" menu. Leave the house now.

    -------------------------------------------- ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - OSAKA HOUSE FRONT-------------------------------------------- First, run south a little. On the right, look for a guardian stone statuewhere you'll find a bunch of Type-14 Films.

    Just follow where Mayu had gone. When you reach the north fork road, Irecomend to turn right first. Your filament will glow blue...

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    | Rotate the camera to the right of the dead end screen until the circle || glows in the rack of the house. You'll take a shot of [Frozen Man] and || 1000 pts. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    If you keep going deeper to this right path, you'll reach a dead end witha Save Point and a white house. You can even enter the small door next tothe white double-door. But now it's not time to go there. But if you like,just try...

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    ------------------------------------------------------ ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - STOREHOUSE, BACK (Optional)------------------------------------------------------

    Just step inside. Here you'll find a platinum-haired boy who is confinedin the house. Try talking to him. He'll mistake Mio with one of the TwinShrine Maidens : Yae and Sae. He calls you Yae and tells you to stop Sae(Mayu) who is in a ceremony chamber. That's all for now.

    ===========NOTES========================================================== From this moment, this trapped boy is your guide. Whenever you can, youcan return to this place to him. He helps you to solve your current task.When your task ends, he shows you the next task and gives you hints. Forthe fact who he is, I'm sorry I can't tell you now, since his profile isinvolved in the story a lot. You'll find out eventually.========================================END OF NOTES=======================

    -------------------------------------------- ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - TSUCHIHARA, FRONT-------------------------------------------- If you've gone out from the Storehouse, try turning right at a mess whereyou see wrecked sliding door and a well. Examine the well, you'll receive

    Village Report 2. Then leave.

    As you're running...

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| You hear the thumping sound again. Quickly turn on Finder Mode. With a || 180-degree rotation, you'll catch a photo of [Well Checker] at the well|| and 1215 pts. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    -------------------------------------------- ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - OSAKA HOUSE FRONT


    This time take the left path. If you really want to take a tricky photoof Mayu which has important position in the Spirit List, please do as whatI tell you : When you go along the left path, please go close to the LEFTside. As Mayu will appear in the Kiryu, Tachibana area on the right, you'llmake her appear faster if you are on the right side. Pass the fork road tothe next Save Point in front of a locked house. Save here so that you canredo whenever failing. Now it's time to catch this tricky image.

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Before entering the alley path, I recommend you to stay away and turn|| on Finder Mode for some observation. You can see a white old door on |

    | the right of the alley. Then use the Right Analog Stick until Mio's || direction is straight along the path (you can use the map to check || this). Before running forward to trigger Mayu, I advise you to use the || directional button (Up button), since you can easily lose the direction|| if you don't move the Left Analog Stick firmly. When you have prepared || enough, run along the path. A mini cutscene appears to show you Mayu || who is crossing to the right. DO NOT CATCH HER NOW, as the distance || between you and her is still too long for the camera to reach. Instead,|| IMMEDIATELY run forward. When you are going to touch the white door || (make sure that Mayu can still be seen), you can stop at turn on Finder|

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    | Mode. Pay attention to the smaller circle inside the capture circle || that moves follow Mayu. When this circle follows Mayu, PRESS THE || SHUTTER BUTTON soon, cuz you won't be able to get an available picture || once she's disappeared behind the houses. || When you succeed, you'll have the photo of [Butterfly Chaser] which || is worth no point but occupies about 1.5% in the Spirit List (while || most of the other ghosts are only worth about 0.5% each one). ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    -------------------------------------------- ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - KIRYU, TACHIBANA--------------------------------------------

    As you come in, there's a cutscene of Mayu. After that, you'll beattacked by two villagers :

    |~~~[MINI-BOSS FIGHT : SEEKER + POLE BEARER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Difficulty : Fairly Easy || Recommended Films : Type-7 Films ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Geez, you can repeat the strategy you used against Two Men in Dark. || This time the battle may be even easier since you are in a pretty large|| battlefield. First, run away from them to make them group together to |

    | approach you. After that, stay away and aim at them. Charge up your || camera and deal some damage. You'll see, these ghosts are slower than || you expect. Remember that you can't snap the ghosts when there are || black waves around them, as they are in invisible state. In fact, || killing these guys just bring you some more Spirit Points from the || charged shots. Besides, there's nothing else. || If you don't want to fight, there's a good way to avoid : Just run || out of the place to the street. When you have got far enough, all the || ghosts will disappear without leaving a trace. Most of the times you || can't find them again. So to fight or not is your choice. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Well, try opening the double-door which Mayu has just entered. You are

    told that the door requires 2 different keys to be unlocked. That means youcan't enter it now. Examine this place for stuff : Check the tree near thelit lantern (on the right) and the weed on the left for two [HERBALMEDICINES]. There are two staircases that take you to the two doors of thebuilding. The right door seems to be locked. The left door is accessible,and if you try entering it, you'll asked if you really want to go in ornot. You can say "Yes" for a mini quest here :

    KIRYU HOUSE - 1F SLIDING SCREEN ROOM------------------------------------------- When you first enter, you can try turn left for a scene of "some boxesblocking your way" (I mean you can't access any further). So head straight

    and enter the first door on the right.

    KIRYU HOUSE - 1F PROJECTOR ROOM--------------------------------------- As you get inside, you'll be supposed to see a projector movie on thewall showing some unknown location. After the movie ends, examine theProjector for [Film Reel 1]. There's another door here but you can't unlockit. So get out.

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    KIRYU HOUSE - 1F SLIDING SCREEN ROOM------------------------------------------- Now run left to a staircase, Climb up.

    KIRYU HOUSE - 2F SLIDING SCREEN ROOM------------------------------------------- Go to the centre of the room. Collect the [STUN ORB] and [TYPE-14FILMS]. There are 70% that you'll be attacked by the Broken Neck ghost :

    |~~~[MINI-BOSS FIGHT : BROKEN NECK WOMAN]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Difficulty : Fairly Easy || Recommended Films : Type-14 Films ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Anyone who have played Fatal Frame I should be familiar with her. But|| now she's been prettier. Broken Neck's attack is to dash into you in || lightning speed and cause a lovely damage. But anyway, she's still slow|| in normal state. So you can quickly defeat her with Zero Shots. When || she is ready to dash, there are a few moments in which the circle glows|| ultimately and those are your precious chances to deal Zero Shots on || her. With Type-14 Films, you can kill her within three Zero Shots. || However, you are not forced to try to make Zero Shots, since it's truly|

    | dangerous once you are a little slower. So if you feel it's too hard, || do your best with normal shots. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    After the fight, you can examine the study corner of the room for[Folklorist 2] file.

    Now you can go back to the door near the staircase. Get through it.

    KIRYU HOUSE - 2F CONNECTING CORRIDOR------------------------------------------- The next door has been locked and you can't go any further. Go to the

    middle of the bridge and grab the [Chrysoberyl]. You can hear it in theRadio. It's all for now. Get out of Kiryu House.

    ------------------------------------------- ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - OSAKA HOUSE FRONT-------------------------------------------- Follow the Crimson Butterflies. They will eventually take you toStorehouse, where you met the platinum-haired boy.

    ----------------------------------------------- ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - STOREHOUSE, BACK

    ----------------------------------------------- Talk to the boy. This time he'll tell you about the two keys used tounlock the ceremony chamber : They are hidden in the Two Diety Monuments.He meant the similar mounts of the village guardians which you often seearound the village.

    After the talk, you find the butterflies flying around a mount in theyard. Set up your camera and take a photo of [Statue Butterflies]. Finally,get out of here.

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    | Difficulty : Medium || Recommended Films : Type-7 Films ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Same strategy as before. If there's something tough in this battle, || it must be the dark atmosphere and the complicated location. You are in|| a cemetary full of tombstones, so you have to run around to dodge the || ghosts. But don't forget that they can ambush you from the obstacles. || Like I said, deceive them gather in group, and it's better for you to || pull them out of the tombstones area and then end them in the free || spaces or the Old Tree area. If you want to fight them til the end, DO || NOT reach the All God's Bridge, cuz the ghosts will disappear then. And|| if you need to flee, it's your destination. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    After you have finished, you can go checking for a while. From the pointwhere you grab the [Glowing Blue Crystal], there's a focusing camera angle.Look behind you, you'll see a passageway to shrine. But it's locked. If youstill keep wandering here for minutes, you can be attacked by a Man in Darkor Woman in Dark. Go back to the Osaka House front. There's nothing elseyou can do here.

    -------------------------------------------- ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - OSAKA HOUSE FRONT


    When you get to the house, there'll be a cutscene showing the angryvillagers who were looking for someone. After that, you'll be attacked bytwo of them :

    |~~~[MINI-BOSS FIGHT : SEEKER + SEEKER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Difficulty : Medium || Recommended Films : Type-7 Films ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------|| You have known them very well. Fighting again now is not so hard. But|| it's okay if you want to run away. If you defeat them, on the right || path, you'll find the [Glowing Purple Crystal] as another clue about |

    | the events here. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Take the left path to reach Kiryu, Tachibana area.

    -------------------------------------------- ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - KIRYU, TACHIBANA--------------------------------------------

    From this area, continue to head left. You'll find a house with lockedentrance and a Save Point. Use the Save Point if you need. Then keepheading left.

    At the mount at the turn corner, examine for [TYPE-14 FILMS]. Turn rightand reach the next mount where many crimson butterflies are flying around.Check it for the [RIGHT TWIN STATUE KEY]. Then...

    |~~~[MINI-BOSS FIGHT : THREE MEN IN DARK]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Difficulty : Medium || Recommended Films : Type-14 Films ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------|

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    | After you get the key, a Man in Dark suddenly comes out from the || mount to threat you. And if you retreat, you'll find that there have || been two other Men in Dark surrounded in the back. What should you do || now ? || Try to didge the first ghost and run left to the small bridge. If you|| want to skip battle, run past the bridge and all the ghosts will fade || away. If you want to battle, neither go to the other side of the bridge|| nor go so far away from them in the street. You have faced Men in Dark || a few times before, so there's nothing I can tell you. As usual, the || best way to kill them effectively is to group them and fight them as a || single enemy. Staying away from the ghosts can guarantee your health, || unless you want to make Zero Shots. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    From this point, you can either continue going left for new places or goback to Kiryu, Tachibana to chase after Mayu. I suggest you should explorethe new places, since you won't have a chance to return here during thenext chapter. So take the left bridge and go ahead. Maybe you'll face acutscene in which Mio's sixth sense recalls a pilgrimage of the priests.

    ----------------------------------------- ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - FORK IN ROAD-----------------------------------------

    As the location name, this is a fork road. You've come from the rightpath. The north staircase takes you to Kureha Shrine. The left path takeyou back to the Old Tree which is unaccessible. Anyway, check the row ofstones which are just left from the staircase until you see a smallpinwheel moving with the wind. Examine its left side, you'll spot [VillageReport 1]. Like the previous reports, stay away from that point...

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| ...turn on Finder Mode as soon as you hear the noise. If you do well, a|| photo of [Statue Checker] and about 1300 pts will belong to you. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    If you keep running back to the right path, a page of [Village Report 5]will be stripped out. Now get on the staircase.

    ---------------------------------------------- ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - KUREHA SHRINE PATH---------------------------------------------- There's nothing major during the stairs. Keep going up to the shrinecourtyard. Grab the glowing [SACRED WATER] on the ground. Then headforward.

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| First, draw your camera straight to the gate of Kureha shrine. As the |

    | filament and the circle glow blue, grab a photo of [Shrine Shadow] || which "cost" 1000 pts. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Examine the shrine gate. You'll obtain [Village Report 3]. Again, walktoward the opposite direction...

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| When the ghost appears, quickly rotate and take a shot of [Man at || Shrine] and about 1000 pts. |

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    Finally, enter the shrine.

    ------------------------------------------ ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - KUREHA SHRINE------------------------------------------

    In the first sight you see, there are two cages attached with severaltalismans. The right cage (Mio's left) has nothing. Enter the left cage (onMio's right) whose the cover has been broken and you can grab a [HERBALMEDICINE]. Go straight to the altar and seek a [SPIRIT ORB] on the left.You can examine the altar if you like. On the right, you'll see a brokenbarrier. Get through it, head right for another [SACRED WATER].

    There's nothing else you can do now, so leave this place.

    -------------------------------------------- ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - KIRYU, TACHIBANA-------------------------------------------- It's time to keep track of your twin sister. Reach this place and enterthe double door using the two Twin Statue Keys you've found.

    -------------------------------------------- ALL GOD'S VILLAGE - WHISPER BRIDGE-------------------------------------------- First, when you have entered this place, go to the right corner (Mio'sleft) to grab a [HERBAL MEDICINE] on the bank.

    As you are passing the bridge...

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| In the middle of the bridge, as the filament glows, turn left and aim |

    | up your camera, getting a photo of [Floating Woman]. If you do fast, || you'll receive all 300 pts. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    She'll attack you...

    |~~~[MINI-BOSS FIGHT : SUNKEN WOMAN]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Difficulty : Medium || Recommended Films : Type-14 Films ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Three or four Zero Shots of Type-14 films can defeat her. She's not || very tough once you read her pattern. She loves floating in the air, |

    | sometimes teleporting to another location. Her attack is dashing in || incredible speed just like Broken Neck Woman. When you find her || floating in the air, keep her in your frame, charging up and then snap || her when necessary. If she attacks you, her preparing time can give you|| a chance to cause a Zero Shot. But it won't be good if you are late. || As I said, Sunken Woman is pretty wise and sometimes disappears in the || air. She may be teleport then. At that time, I suggest you should turn || off Finder Mode and find her in normal mode. As you've located her, set|| up the camera again and repeat the strategy until she's defeated. || Don't forget to grab your prize after battle : a [SPIRIT ORB] and |

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    | [Green Crystal]. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    After this battle, you can also earn more spirit points from anotherimmobile ghost :

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Turn on Finder Mode. Draw down at the cracked hole on the ground. When || the circle glows, snap her the [Drown Woman] and 1000 pts if you are || fast. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Enter the faraway double-door to a new residential area.

    ------------------------------------- KUROSAWA HOUSE - 1F GROUNDS-------------------------------------

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| As you've just got in, quickly aim your camera forward and take a shot || of [Bloody Kimono] and obtain 300 pts. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Go around this beautiful ground. Head to the top right corner for a[SPIRIT ORB]. Now use the Save Point at the entrance. The single door hasbeen locked, so you undoubtedly enter the double door.

    ------------------------------------- KUROSAWA HOUSE - 1F ENTRANCE------------------------------------- A long cutscene lets you know that you are in great trouble, also marksthe end of Chapter 2 to the beginning of Chapter 3.


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER THREE : THE REPENTANCE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    From now you'll work with no flashlight. Let's begin the "trip" soon.

    ------------------------------------- KUROSAWA HOUSE - 1F ENTRANCE------------------------------------- Head on the stairs.

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    | While you are moving, [Priest Behind] shows himself in your back. He'll|| stand there for a moment, so quickly turn on Finder Mode and take a || shot for about 1000 pts. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    And if this is your replay game in which the "Sense" function has beenunlocked, you can catch another ghost hiding here :

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Stand at the curtain above the stairs, your filament must be glowing |

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    | now. Draw the camera upward and move right a little until the capture || circle glows. Take a shot of [Looking Down] and obtain 1000 pts. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    Move along the path. You'll find two doors at the end. The right door hasbeen stuck. So enter the left door.

    -------------------------------------- KUROSAWA HOUSE - 1F ANTECHAMBER--------------------------------------

    |~~~[Ghost Appearance]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Before getting in, I ask you to turn on Finder Mode. Do you see a ghost|| who is doing something behind the kimono ? He's one of the special ones|| that the camera can't read. Just simply place him in your frame and || press the Shutter button : [Terrified Man] for about 800 pts. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    In this room, grab the glowing stuff : [Instant] function and itstutorial file. Go to the back of the kimono, at the place where TerrifiedMan was staying, examine the drawer for [TYPE-14 FILMS] and a [HERBALMEDICINE] nearby. After that, access the next door.

    KUROSAWA HOUSE - 1F DIRT-FLOOR PASSAGEWAY/MAYU'S SCENE------------------------------------------------------------- Take Mayu along the corridor (the running spirits are harmless to her).Enter the double door at the end and run forward the girl in kimono.

    Now we're back to Mio.

    ------------------------------------------------ KUROSAWA HOUSE - 1F DIRT-FLOOR PASSAGEWAY------------------------------------------------- Go along the corridor like Mayu did. After a few steps, you'll be

    welcomed by a [Limbo Man](Here you can find the path to the left thattakes you to a locked door next to a blood-stained wall. Remember thisplace, okay ?). When you turn right, [Limbo Woman] comes next.

    |~~~[MINI-BOSS FIGHT : LIMBO MAN + LIMBO WOMAN]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|| Difficulty : Hard || Recommended Films : Type-14 Films ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Hm... these may be the most annoying ghosts since the beginning. || You are not forced to fight them. If you want to flee, simply run || past them and open the double door where Mayu got in. They'll stop || chasing you then. If you want to fight, read this : |

    | Limbo Man seems less tough, as you can use my old strategy against || him somehow. What you have to watch out for is his movement. He often || hides himself during his coming (the camera doesn't charge) and then || suddenly shows up when approaching you. At this time, your "saviour" || must be a Shutter Chance as well as Zero Shot, and you'll get damage. || If you don't want to get troubled by both him and his "partner", try to|| defeat him before coming to the turn corner, where Limbo Woman shows || herself. || Limbo Woman is not different, but tougher. She hardly stays on ground|| to let you annoy her. She gets through the walls and wrapping you like |

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    | a tiger. That's why she becomes the true triumph if you let Limbo Man || "alive" with her. She gets out of the wall with moderate speed that is || your chance to charge up shots and deal damage, as well as a possible || Zero Shots to end her quickly. Of course sometimes Limbo Woman fights || on ground, too, but she's pretty fast then. If she's ready to approach || you, quickly make choice between a Zero Shot or a damaging hit. ||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

    ---(Submitted by Ulrike Meinhof/Project Zero 2 version only)---------------- As you face the double doors to Great Hall - in front of the left handdoor (as you face it) is a hole in the floor that blocks you from standingup against this door. Go to the left side of the hole and turn toward the TVscreen (facing south, according to the map), press X to obtain the [GlowingGreen Crystal].-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Enter the double door at the end.

    ----------------------------------------- KUROSAWA HOUSE - 1F GREAT HALL-----------------------------------------

    Take the [Fluorite] Spirit Stone on the ground, and a [SPIRIT ORB]sparkling at the southwest corner of this view. You can try entering thenorthwest door to Storeroom for a view, because it hasn't got anything yet.Now run down and go right along the border segment of this hall. You'llwatch a cutscene...

    Now this chamber has been ruled by a great ghost. You'll see the screenturns to "black and white" colour with noise effect. This is similar toFatal Frame I when Miku Hinasaki is pursued by Kirie. Once the lord ghosttouches you, you'll die immediately no matter how strong you are even ifyou're having a Stone Mirror (reviving item). When the cutscene ends, justkeep on your way to the northeast door. Before entering it, check theshallow alcove on the left for [TYPE-90 FILMS]. Then exit through
