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FCBC 21-DAY FAST SOAP DEVOTIONAL - Faithful Central · 2018-01-13 · Now in the morning his spirit...

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Page 1: FCBC 21-DAY FAST SOAP DEVOTIONAL - Faithful Central · 2018-01-13 · Now in the morning his spirit was troubled, so he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt, and all its



Page 2: FCBC 21-DAY FAST SOAP DEVOTIONAL - Faithful Central · 2018-01-13 · Now in the morning his spirit was troubled, so he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt, and all its


Day 1 Today’s Reading: Genesis 40-42


Observation: The Pharaoh of Egypt had two dreams that troubled him. He called on every person he thought could help him – all the magicians of Egypt, and all the wise men but there was no one who could interpret his dreams. Later Pharaoh sends for Joseph and Joseph interpreted his dreams.

Application: There are some things that only God can say in times when we are troubled, need help or guidance. We may call our family and friends. Seek answers on the internet or even call a prayer partner to see what they think or to ask them to pray for us. We look for answers in sermons, books, conferences, circumstances, others and even from ourselves. During this time of fasting whether you’re troubled or at peace, seek God first… for even when Pharaoh reached out to Joseph… Joseph even went to God first…on Pharaoh’s behalf as he said, “It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer.” As we get into the habit of seeking God first…do it until it is the norm… a reflex…a spiritual memory muscle.

Prayer: Father, I know that You are Lord, and that You are there for me so please help my actions match my knowledge of You. May I seek You and hear You more clearly. As this fast ends I pray my daily time with You would continue. May I come to You because I want to, not because I should. -Pastor Kasey Whitney Day 2 Today’s Reading: Genesis 43-46


Observation: Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery but let their father believe he was killed. While in Egypt, God gave Joseph favor and eventually he became a great leader - second only to Pharaoh. Later, there was a famine in the land and everyone came to Egypt for provisions, including Joseph’s brothers. As they arrived they did not recognize Joseph however, he recognized them. After a series of events the day finally came for Joseph to reveal who he truly was. When Joseph revealed himself, his brothers feared that Joseph would seek revenge but instead he extended forgiveness, and dealt kindly with them. Joseph went on to share how God had preserved him, provided for him, elevated him and kept a nation from perishing.

Application: When we are sent by God we don’t always know the “why” behind the “where,” He is sending us. In Joseph’s case the reason why God sent him to Egypt was to preserve a remnant - by sending Joseph ahead of the problem/famine the nation of Israel would not perish but be saved just as God had promised. On Day 2 of your fast, where might God be trying to send you in 2018? How may He want to use you - To save your community, family, a co-worker or a nation? We must never limit our journey because if God kept Joseph alive so he could fulfill his destiny, God will do the same for you. As you apply this scripture, ask God: “Where do you want to send me?”

Prayer: Father, where do you want to send me? I know that you are no respecter of persons so if you kept Joseph alive on his way to his destiny, you can do the same for me. Please give me the courage to go, wisdom to success and endurance to finish well. May ever step I take move me closer my destiny in 2018 and when I arrive may I know the “why” behind the journey.

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-Pastor Kasey Whitney Day 3 Today’s Reading: Genesis 47-50


Observation: After the death of Joseph’s father Jacob’s brothers beg for forgiveness. Joseph forgives them and lovingly communicates to them that God plan has prevailed in spite of their intent to cause harm.

Application: God has a purpose and plan for our lives when we face challenges or when life seems to take an unplanned detour of suffering, sickness, betrayal, job loss, death of a love one, relocation, financial status to name a few. Truth is God is all powerful and capable of using our brokenness and deviations to accomplish his will. As Believers, we should trust God has a plan. This mindset will make us available for God to use us to do good.

Prayer: Father, I pray that I will trust you in all circumstances, even the difficult ones. May I open my heart and make myself available to help others even when my life does not seem to be going as planned. Open my eyes of understanding and give me wisdom to see Your bigger plan. -Pastor George Thompson Day 4 Today’s Reading: Exodus 1-3

Scripture:Exodus3:7-8The LORD said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—.

Observation: The Scriptures say the Lord has really seen, heard, and felt the pain of His people. The Word says that God heard the outcry of distress coming from the hearts and homes of the Children of Israel. Because of the fear of being outnumbered by the Hebrews, the Egyptian government developed a population reduction program simply stated, “kill their boys and let the girls live. That program was not working very well, so the Egyptians started a National Building campaign and forced the Hebrews to work as slaves in their nation. The harsh oppression caused the Children of Israel to cry out to God for deliverance. The Lord prepares a liberator for his children, Moses. God said to Moses I have come down to rescue them from their oppressors, snatch them from the land of suffering and move them to a spacious land of plenty in abundance.”

Application: There are times in our lives when we are going through different forms of oppression, affliction, and bondage (voluntary or involuntary). Sometimes our bondage is self-afflicted like times when we pick up a habit which becomes an unshakable addiction. Other times we are in situations where whole systems are in place to reduce our influence, break our spirit and set us back. In each of these situations God wants us to know we are not in it alone. God is our present help in trouble and God is already working out our rescue. Our job during this fast is to search our hearts for encumbrances, tell God about them in prayer and receive release from God. We are also to cry out to God on the behalf of the oppressed knowing that God sees and know all. Then we are to offer ourselves to God to be used as rescuers, liberators, and defenders of the oppressed.

Prayer: Father, the Great I AM that I AM, thank You for seeing, hearing and knowing my struggles and for

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coming down to deliver me. Thank You for taking me up out of the land of narrowness and bondage and leading me to my spacious place of overflowing abundance. Allow me to be used by You to bring the good news of Your presence, power and desire to set others free. -Pastor Omar Muhammad Day 5 Today’s Reading: Exodus 4-6

Scripture:Exodus4:11-12The LORD said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” Observation: Moses doubted his ability to speak on behalf of God. However God produced miracles to demonstrate to Moses how powerful He was, and the power that Moses had behind him. Aaron met with Moses as God instructed him to do, and Moses shared with Aaron what God wanted him to do. In agreement, they both went to Pharaoh and warned him of God’s consequences if he did not let God’s people go. As a result, Pharaoh caused the Israelites to suffer and they blamed Moses for their suffering. However, the Lord planned to show Pharaoh how mighty He is, and later the Israelites would know God as a Deliverer.

Application: God has an interesting way of getting our attention. When He has a plan for us, He may speak through His word, or He may use the encouraging words from a friend, or He may speak to us in a still small voice. However God gets our attention! He does this because He has a plan and purpose that will ultimately bring Him glory. We should never doubt God’s ability to give us all that we need to accomplish His will for our lives. All we need to do is say “Yes!” Yes to His will, yes to His way, yes to the call He has on your life, yes to wherever He wants you to go and say what He want you to say. The best place to be is in the center of God’s will. On day 5 of the fast remember that when God get your attention our amazing God has an amazing plan for you! Now get excited…and get moving!

Prayer: Father, You are almighty God. I know you have a purpose and plan for my life. Forgive me for whenever I have doubted You and have let fear prevent me from saying all You have called me to say. I pray that you continue to reveal Your will for my life and that I will always seek You for guidance. I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight…day and forevermore. -Minister Valerie Elston Day 6 Today’s Reading: Exodus 7-9

Scripture:Exodus7:1-5ThentheLORDsaidtoMoses,“See,IhavemadeyoulikeGodtoPharaoh,andyourbrotherAaronwillbeyourprophet. You are to say everything I command you, and your brother Aaron is to tell Pharaoh to let theIsraelites go out of his country. But I will harden Pharaoh’s heart,and though I multiply my signs andwondersinEgypt,hewillnotlistentoyou.ThenIwilllaymyhandonEgyptandwithmightyactsofjudgmentIwillbringoutmydivisions,mypeople the Israelites.And theEgyptianswill knowthat I amtheLORDwhen IstretchoutmyhandagainstEgyptandbringtheIsraelitesoutofit.”

Observation: Just as God had said to Moses, Pharaoh continued to harden his heart toward the Israelites and did not let them go to worship God. Many signs and wonders appeared to show Pharaoh how mighty the Lord is, but he would not heed the warnings and signs.

Application: When God says it, believe it. The Lord gives us direction, commands, and promises. Sometimes we can be like Pharaoh and hardened our hearts to the Words of God. We may find all types of

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calamity, pain, drama and chaos happening in our lives as a result. We must learn to put our trust in God and heed God’s Words, because they have purpose, power, and provision in them. Today on day 6 of the fast, may you hear the Lord, and not harden your heart. Do what God asks of you and watch as your life shifts into alignment with His will for your life.

Prayer: Father, I pray that I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss Your Words to me. Help me be obedient to all that You say, so I can may grow and be at peace with You and others. -Minister Unitha Muhammad Day 7 Today’s Reading: Exodus 10-12

Scripture:Exodus10:3So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said to him, “This is what the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, says: ‘How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go, so that they may worship me.

Observation: Pharaoh continued in his disobedience to the word of God. As he hardened his heart, more plagues continued to come upon the Egyptians. So much so, his officials asked him to let the Israelites go to worship their God. Pharaoh wanted to allow them to go with certain exceptions, but then the time can when he had to comply fully and let them go to find relief from the hand of God.

Application: Humility goes a long way. When we humble ourselves before God, we make room for miracles to occur. When we are ruled by arrogance and pride, only our best interest will be our guide, and there isn’t any care for others and what they may be going through, only how things affect us. Humility allows us to get a new perspective, and to widen our scope of view. We then begin to see the needs of our family, friends, co-workers, classmates and man-kind. We can reflect on how our choices affect not just ourselves, but those around us. We become mindful of who God is to us and how we can draw near to the God of the Universe. On day 7 of this fast, continue to walk in humility and watch what God will do through you.

Prayer: Father, I pray that I would humble myself before You. May I seek You in all that I do and be mindful of how my choices affect those around me. Give me strength, courage, and boldness to be obedient to Your Word and allow Your endless possibilities to abound in my life. -Minister Unitha Muhammad Day 8 Today’s Reading: Exodus 13-15

Scripture:Exodus15:2The Lord is my strength and the song; He has become my salvation. He is my God and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him.


Application: We honor God when we pause to worship (bragging on God for who He is) and give Him praise (thanking God for what He has done) when he answers our prayers. Far too often we quickly move on to the next prayer request or we start griping about something else instead of celebrating and thanking God for what He has done. Worshiping is more than an activity; it is an attitude of awe and gratitude of submission to God’s greatness and grace of obedience and love. We must train ourselves to recognized God’s presence in the smallest of events and in the casual of our relationships.

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Prayer: Father, thank You for being a loving and faithful God. Help me to acknowledge You in my everyday life and not take for granted that You are working everything out – even the things that I cannot see. I pray that I worship You with my words and actions. May I be in awe of Your wonders even in the midst of the mundane things in life. You are worthy to be praised at all times. -Kim Thompson Day 9 Today’s Reading: Exodus 16-18

Scripture:Exodus16:4-5ThentheLordsaidtoMoses,“Iwillraindownbreadfromheavenforyou.Thepeoplearetogoouteachdayandgatherenoughforthatday.InthiswayIwilltestthemandseewhethertheywillfollowmyinstructions.Onthesixthdaytheyaretopreparewhattheybringin,andthatistobetwiceasmuchastheygatheredontheotherdays.”Vv.15-17When the people of Israel saw it, they said to one another, “What is it?” For they did not know what it was. And Moses said to them, “It is the bread that the Lord has given you to eat. This is what the Lord has commanded: ‘Gather of it, each one of you, as much as he can eat. You shall each take an omer, according to the number of the persons that each of you has in his tent.’” And the people of Israel did so. They gathered, some more, some less.

Observation: God was giving Moses instructions to give to the people, and God was testing the people to see if they would obey His instructions. God supplied the needs of His people by delivering food to them, but with specific instructions. Moses explained what God said and some of them followed the instructions, and some of them did not. Although, God had said what He would do some were still baffled when He did it.

Application: While fasting listen for God’s voice. When His Word goes forth, we must not only stop and really listen to what is being said to us, but listen with a posture of obedience. Even though there are times it may be hard to hear what He is saying to us, when He does speak know and believe God has your best interest in mind. Even when the request or instructions are usual, don’t make sense or will take more than you to accomplish keep listening with an obedient posture. He will never leave you nor forsake you after His instructions are followed. We must continue onward, trusting Him with our whole heart and our whole mind.

Prayer: Father, thank you for Your Word. I pray that I will always hear You clearly and discern Your voice from other voices. I pray that others will trust You with their whole heart and their whole mind. I pray that others will experience Your overflow of blessings and miracles. -Minister Chrystal M. Hicks Day 10 Today’s Reading: Exodus 19-21

Scripture:Exodus20:1-3“And God spoke all these words, saying, “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other god before me.”

Observation: In these verses, God is giving Moses His law to establish with His people. God had taken the Children of Israel out of captivity in Egypt after hundreds of years and He is now taking them on a journey into the promise land. While on this journey, God is establishing a law between Him and His people, a law based on God’s nature and character. God reminds Israel of who He has been to and for them and He is reminding them that His law to them is rooted in His relationship with them. No one else deserves their full devotion

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because no one else has been to them, who God has been and will continue to be. So He reminds them not to place anything or anyone else before Him because no one else is worthy.

Application: It’s easy to forget. It’s easy to forget who God has been when you are faced with the everyday worries of life. It’s easy to make other things your god: money, status, my family, or your job. Sometimes we forget that God is our source and that everything else is a resource. One way to help you refocus is to pause and write down a list of things God has done for you. When you do this on day 10 of the fast, it will help you to refocus your heart and mind on your true source, which is God.

Prayer: Father, I repent. If I have made anyone or anything else my god, I repent. Lord, as I journey throughout this year, may You continue to remind me who You are, and who You’ve been to me. Sometimes I get so caught up in my current circumstances that I lose sight of Your amazing track record. You not only deserve my obedience but You are worthy of it. I know that as I live a life submitted to You, it is ultimately for my good. Please keep me from fear and anxiety and help me to fully surrender my trust to You. Thank You for all that You have done for me and all that You have already planned for my future. I love You with all my heart. -Pastor Liana Sims Day 11 Today’s Reading: Exodus 22-24

Scripture:Exodus23:30Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you have increased, and you inherit the land. Observation: As a part of His Covenant with us; God promises to provide an Angel to guide, guard and govern us along our life’s journey with Him. In this three-part relationship; there are certain roles that can only be played by the Angel, you, and God.

Application: Our ‘Angel’ comes in the form of God’s ever present help to; process our moment-to-moment feelings, think the right thoughts, make the right decisions, do the right thing (with the right motive), and help us grow spiritually day-by-day. God always expects us to obey and serve Him yet, He leaves that choice up to us. Some days our choices will seem easier or harder than the day before. But God already knows what type of help, the right amount of help, and the right time to make it all happen. Whether it’s little by little to keep us from becoming overwhelmed or a lot all at once, we can handle it because it’s our relationship with Him that makes all the difference. As you continue your fast, never forget His help is a promise we can count on when we obey and serve Him.

Prayer: Father, thank You for your daily promise to provide the right help at the right time for me. It’s a relief knowing that it doesn’t matter how much or how little help I need because You, have promised to be with me all the way through my daily journey with You! Please help me to do my part today. -Pastor Lucious Hicks Day 12 Today’s Reading: Exodus 25-27

Scripture:Exodus25:2“Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from each man whose hearts prompts him to give.”

Observation: God delights in a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). In fact, giving is the highest expression of love. The Bible tells us in John 3:16 that God so loved the world that He gave. God desires that we would be generous in our gifts to Him and to others.

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Application: God wants us to be liberal in our gifts. There are four gifts that we can give Him. We can give Him our time, as we spend time with Him daily in the Word and prayer. We can give our talents to Him, through the use of our spiritual gifts for the advancement of His kingdom. We can give our treasures to Him through freewill offerings (over and above our tithes), along with financially pouring into the life of others. Lastly, we can give thanks to God, for all of His goodness. On day 12 of our fast be a giver…now….and forever!

Prayer: Father, I know that You are a loving and generous God. I know that You express Your love through giving. May I be a vessel of love unto you and others. May I express this love through generosity. During this time of fasting and prayer, I ask that you increase my ability and desire to give. May my life bless you and bless others. -Pastor Trevon Evans Day 13 Today’s Reading: Exodus 28-30

Scripture:Exodus29:4“AndAaronandhissonsyoushallbringtothedoorofthetabernacleofmeeting,andyoushallwashthemwithwater.”Observation: God is giving specific instructions to Moses, to prepare Aaron and his sons, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar to minister to Him as priests. God is detailed regarding who presents themselves before Him and how they present themselves before Him, to minister to Him. Before Aaron and his sons even entered the place where God’s presence was, Moses had to cleanse them of the sins and impurities prior to coming before the Holy One.

Application: On day 13 of our fast let us remember that when we stand as God’s representative before the people, representing Him, we must consider where we have been, who we have been with and in Whose presence we are standing in. “Holiness before the Lord” means we should examine ourselves and sanctify ourselves, before entering into His presence and representing Holy God, before people. We are reminded that God’s presence dwells in us, and we must sanctify ourselves with the Word daily before presenting ourselves to The King. Now, go forth and represent God well!

Prayer: Father, forgive me for presuming upon You, and coming before You like some casual acquaintance, without considering Who You are and whose I am. Holy Spirit please remind me, to take stock of my thoughts, my speech and my actions on a daily basis, and throughout the day, so that I may repent, ask for God’s forgiveness for any sin, and represent Jesus, The Christ, sanctified and ready for use by The King. -Pastor Bob Gay Day 14 Today’s Reading: Exodus 31-33

Scripture:Exodus32:7-8Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go down, because your people, whom you brought up out of Egypt, have become corrupt. They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made themselves an idol cast in the shape of a calf. They have bowed down to it and sacrificed to it and have said, ‘These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.

Observation: At this point, God has led the children of Israel out of bondage through Moses and Moses is meeting with God. As they meet, God is writing the 10 Commandants on the two tablets. However, the Children of Israel got tired of waiting for Moses to come back from the mountain with God and decide to make gods for themselves and go forward in their own way.

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Application: This text reveals to us the tenancy we have to move forward without God when we get tired of waiting. What are you waiting on God to do during this season of your life? What are you seeking God for during this fast? Whatever it is, WAIT. When Moses came down the mountain, he came down with instructions from God on how His people were suppose to live their lives and move forward. Unfortunately, they already had abandoned Him. As you seek God, let’s not fall into the same trap and temptation. Instead, think about how far God has brought you and trust that He would never bring you this far to leave you or harm you. Our God is FAITHFUL and He will complete everything He has started in your life.

Prayer: Father, I know You are faithful. Help me to trust You in times of waiting. Give me the patience I need to wait on You and Your sovereign plan for my life. I don’t want to move ahead without your instructions and blessings, so help me to run and seek Your face when I am tempted to do otherwise. -Pastor John-Paul Foster Day 15 Today’s Reading: Exodus 34-36

Scripture:Exodus34:10And He said: “Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the Lord. For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you. Observation: The covenant between God and the children of Israel is renewed. Moses had previously shattered the first set of stone commandments that God had given. In Exodus 1-9, Moses makes a new set of stone commandments and presents them to God. He then asks God to pardon the Israelite’s iniquity and sin. God honors Moses’s request and establishes this covenant with them.

Application: No matter what we’ve done in the past (a decade ago, last year, last month, or yesterday), God is here waiting for us to come to Him, and He’s ready take us into his loving arms and establish a new covenant with us. God wants the best for us. No matter how much we may think we have our lives together and can handle things on our own, God’s plan is the best plan. On day 15 of our fast know that God is able to far exceed anything we could ever imagine or think. So, as you fast and pray, go to God (as Moses did), asking for His grace, and expect a new covenant with Him that will take you into all that God has in store for your life.

Prayer: Father, thank You for knowing me, yet still loving me. I realize that no matter how badly I mess up, You are waiting to dust me off and take me into Your loving, merciful arms. I want to establish a new covenant with You to worship You, love You, and praise You for who You are. Lord, speak to me and show me how You want to use me and what You want for my life. -Dr. Terri McCaskill Day 16 Today’s Reading: Exodus 37-40

Scripture:Exodus40:33Then Moses set up the courtyard around the tabernacle and altar and put up the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard. And so Moses finished the work.

Observation: The Lord had commanded Moses to build the Tabernacle and all that would go inside of it. This would be the holy place where the Israelites would worship God. The instructions were detailed, as well as who would do each part. These instructions included the making the priest garments. Once the work was done, Moses inspected it and made sure it was done according to what God had instructed to be done.

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Application: God is in the details. God doesn’t speak to us in general terms when it comes to His will for our lives. Each person has an individual word from God for them. Whatever God has ordained for you, it is for you to do. His plans for your life are intentional and deliberate. God doesn’t make mistakes and He doesn’t create accidents. Knowing, all of this, we should boldly approach His throne of grace to receive His plans for our lives. When we trust in God, we trust in His process and allow His work in our lives to be complete. On day 16 of the fast remember our only job in the process is to be obedient. As we obey His word to us, we will find ourselves like Moses, and we will finish the work God has commanded us to do.

Prayer: Father, I pray that we would seek You daily for guidance and clarity. May we put our trust in You and Your process for our lives. May we see You in everything around us and give thanks for all of Your creations. God, You are the potter and we are the clay. May we be molded into your great work of art for Your glory. -Minister Unitha Muhammad Day 17 Today’s Reading: Leviticus 1-3


Observation: In the first 3 chapters of Leviticus the Lord provides instructions concerning the requirements of an appropriate burnt offering. In each instance the people of God are to offer their best; the first-fruits, animals in pristine condition, all offered in manner consistent with the Lord's instructions. In Leviticus 1:2 the Lord commands Moses to share with the people, how they are to approach Him, in worship.

Application: Exodus - Deuteronomy we see the Lord teaching and preparing Israel as His people. Israel was to learn who they are, whose they are and how to maintain fellowship with God- in order to enjoy their inheritance in Him as well as in Canaan. The 40 year process of spiritual rebuilding was imperative for a people whose identity had been lost in centuries of slavery. In reading the Leviticus 1 I'm reminded of a lamb that the Apostle Peter makes mention of in 1 Peter 1:19. Jesus came and laid his pristine life down for us, for with the precious blood of Christ he ransomed us from the slavery of sin that had so defined our identity. Now not only on has Jesus been offered up on our behalf, He is the One who provides instruction on how we are to respond to such goodness; worship in spirit and in truth. I thank God for not withholding his only begotten son the Lamb, who was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but was made manifest in the last times for my sake. On day 17 of the fast let us go forth telling others about Jesus, the Lamb Who laid down His life for them and you.

Prayer: Father, Holy Spirit, in light of the love with which the Father has lavished on me; teach me to worship You - in all seasons. -Ashley King Day 18 Today’s Reading: Leviticus 4-6

Scripture:Leviticus4:27-28If any member of the community sins unintentionally and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD’s commands, when they realize their guilt and the sin they have committed becomes known, they must bring as their offering for the sin they committed a female goat without defect.

Observation: The Lord has given Moses the process for the sin and guilt offerings of the Israelites. The

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people have a process for bringing their sin offering and the priests have a process for bringing the sin of the people to God. They require a sacrifice and the blood.

Application: There is a cost to sin. The Israelites had to bring bulls, lambs, and food to God as offerings for their sins. In some cases they had to repay a debt and confess a wrongdoing. In today’s time we can deal with sin in a caviler way. We can say a half, “I’m sorry” to God and go on about our day making plans for the next time we will sin. But, there has to be a change of heart, beliefs, actions, and words within us for the atonement of sin. We must see our sin and the full weight of it and examine what it has cost us. Sin can cost us: friendships, peace, money, time, clarity, sanity, self-esteem, integrity, trust, health, and much more. What we use to cope with sin can cost us even more: toxic relationships, drugs, alcohol, sex, over-spending, compulsive disorders, gambling, cutting, and other high-risk activities; can put us in a self- inflicted prison. We have to change how we feel, see, desire, and confess and repent from sin in order to be at peace with God, self, and others. Sin causes us to lose focus, sleep, alignment with God and His plans for our lives. But, most of all it can cost us ourselves - we begin to lose who we really are in God. Once we have confessed and examined the sin in our lives, we can make the necessary changes, adjustments and boundaries to safe-guard ourselves from repeating it again. We can make the shift from sin to abundant living in Christ. On day 18 of our fast let’s be more serious about sin as we see sin as God sees it, confessing it quickly and repenting by changing the way we will do things the next time!

Prayer: Father, I pray that we would see sin the way You see it. May we realize the full weight of it in our lives and make the necessary changes to ensure that we sin less. May we see the awesome gift and sacrifice of Christ dying on the cross for our sin and the offering You became for us. May we count the cost of sin and realize it’s too high of a bill. May we realize confession is good for us, but most of all it is good for the soul so help us to love Your ways and walk in them daily. -Minister Unitha Muhammad Day 19 Today’s Reading: Leviticus 7-9

Scripture:Leviticus7:37-38“If any member of the community sins unintentionally and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD’s commands, when they realize their guilt and the sin they have committed becomes known, they must bring as their offering for the sin they committed a female goat without defect.”

Observation: Throughout the first seven chapters of Leviticus, God gives instructions to Moses and the children of Israel for how and what to bring to the priests as offerings to God. These offerings were for forgiveness for their known and unknown sins.

Application: Thank God for Jesus! Wow! Look at all that the people had to do to be forgiven for their sins! Even if you wanted to give thanks to God, an offering was given. If the specific regulations were not met, the offering would not be accepted. So, as you fast and pray today, thank God for Jesus’s death on the cross, that brings all who accept God, into personal relationship with him. Because of God’s love and Jesus’s obedience, we now have the right to the most powerful relationship we’ll ever know.

Prayer: Father, O how You love us! Thank You for giving Your son, Jesus to die for me! Forgive me if I waiver, whine, or complain during this time of fasting and praying, and accept my sacrifice and make me new in You. -Dr. Terri Mc Caskill Day 20 Today’s Reading: Leviticus 10-12

Page 12: FCBC 21-DAY FAST SOAP DEVOTIONAL - Faithful Central · 2018-01-13 · Now in the morning his spirit was troubled, so he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt, and all its


Scripture:Leviticus10:8-11Then the LORD said to Aaron, “You and your sons are not to drink wine or other fermented drink whenever you go into the tent of meeting, or you will die. This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, so that you can distinguish between the holy and the common, between the unclean and the clean, and so you can teach the Israelites all the decrees the LORD has given them through Moses.” Observation: Moses gave Aaron and his sons the regulations for what is clean and unclean, what they could or cold not eat as priests. He also tells them how to a woman can be clean after child-birth. There would be a price to pay if they were disobedient to these regulations. This rang true for two of Aaron’s sons when they died because they lit an unauthorized fire. God would be honored in His Temple.

Application: Be holy as I am Holy. God has requirements for those who are believers. There are requirements that help us be distinguished from those who do not believe. A personal relationship with God will inform you what God requires of you. Just as Aaron and his sons couldn’t touch or eat certain things, so it is the same for us. Sometimes, it’s an inward “knowing” or “sensing” what we should or shouldn’t do to honor God in our body, mind, actions, and deeds. On day 20 of our fast make seeking God for what is required of you to walk with Him a permanent part of your life. Honor His Word and what he has spoken to you about how you should live in this world.

Prayer: Father, I pray that I would seek You as I live in this world. Help me to take Your instructions seriously and not forsake them. Give me the knowledge, maturity, and grace to do all that You desire of me so I can be an example among men. Help me surrender my all to You for a victorious and harmonious life. -Minister Unitha Muhammad Day 21 Today’s Reading: Leviticus 13-15

Scripture:Leviticus15:31“You must keep the Israelites separate from things that make them unclean, so they will not die in their uncleanness for defiling my dwelling place, which is among them.”

Observation: In these chapters we find that the Lord is giving Moses and Aaron instructions for the Levites (priests) and the Israelites. These instructions were put in place so the priests could worship God. Other guidelines would include the Israelites so they too knew about worshiping God and how to live as God’s people. These were not a random list of “does and don’ts,” but laws for order and not chaos, in place for wise living versus foolish living, and to worship God with the right perspective, and posture.

Application: What do all these laws have to do what us - laws about diseases, contamination, rashes or even mildew? They all point to our relationship with God, especially how we come before Him, worship Him, and live before Him. God is the God above all gods, rulers, nations and kingdom. He is a holy and righteous God, and His laws match His holiness. On the last day of this fast it is fitting to make sure that we separate ourselves from anything that God would be concerned unclean or sinful in our lives. Let not your sin contaminate others, touch our communities, or spread to our relationships. Live for Christ now, today and forevermore because there is no one greater, higher or more worthy than God!

Prayer: Father, thank You for instructions, guidance and answers that are wise, for my safety and for my good. You alone are worthy of my praise, thanksgiving and obedience. May I continuously separate myself from sin, distance myself from temptations and run from things that will contaminate my relationship with You. -Pastor Kasey Whitney
