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FCHOA Issue 8 Fall 2014

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  • 8/11/2019 FCHOA Issue 8 Fall 2014


    Good to Know...

    Lights out?

    Oh how we love pumpkin season. Youdid know this gourd-ish squash has

    its own season, right? Winter, Spring,

    Summer, Pumpkin.... We anxiously

    anticipate it every year. ~Trader Joes

    Forest ChaseA wonderful place to call home

    Newsletter, Issue 8

    FALL 2014


    f you walk early in the morning or late in the eveningyou may notice that some street lights are out or notfunctioning obb services the street lights in ourcommunity and these are paid for on your water bill

    ake a note of the location of the light out be sure to writedown the house number and street name closest to the lighthat is out

    o report a street light outage please fill out the questionsonline at http://www.cobbemc.com/content/outdoor-ightingand someone will contact you within business


    reported two lights on my walk route and they were fixedwithin hours

    Membership 2015ake financial plans now to support orest hase in the ew ear hoose a civic level or a fullevel of support

    nformation and payable online at wwworesthaseorg

    Moving? Selling?f you are selling you might need to obtain a closingstatement from orest hase our closing attorney willneed to request this in writing from orest hase et thknow that they can contact as shown below


    Want to be involved?ur oard of irectors consist of volunteers in ourneighborhood that come together once a month to plandiscuss and make decisions that affect the future of ourcommunity o you want a voice in this neighborhoodyou have a talent to lend ontact info@gmailto find out when and where our next meeting is ed loto have you join us

    Sunset view overSweat Mountain.

    home sweat home

  • 8/11/2019 FCHOA Issue 8 Fall 2014


    eeping your lawn properly watered in fall is important since the season can be dry awns need about an inch ofwater a week to thrive eeing some rain out the window can be misleading nstalling a sturdy rain gauge helpsyou stay on top of rainfall and know when your lawn may be thirsty

    KEEP YOUR LAWN PROPERLY WATERED IN FALL: nstall a rain gauge out in the open where it can be easily seen heck and empty weekly emember awns

    need an inch of water per week

    et a sprinkler where it will cover your lawn and landscape without wasting a lot of water landing on pavementse a timer to water efficiently

    o figure out the amount of time to run the sprinkler place a can that is about an inch deep where it willcatch water from the sprinkler

    pen the spigot and turn on the timer to minutes hen the timer turns the water off check to see howfull the can is djust the timing until you know how long the sprinkler must run to put out an inch of water

    et the rain do your work for you f youve had a half inch of rain in the gauge use the timer to run thesprinkler only long enough to put out another half inch

    e sure to water the entire lawn

    alk across the lawn f footprints remain for a period of time afterward its time to water

  • 8/11/2019 FCHOA Issue 8 Fall 2014


    BOO: Halloween fun!

    This Halloween FCHOA would like

    to start a new neighborhoodtradition.tarting on ctober each board member will houses in ourneighborhood by placing a goody bag or asket that contains candy trinkets toysholiday paraphernalia etc totaling no morethan each lease keep the goingby creating goody bags or asketsyourself and dropping them off at morehomes in the neighborhood Dont forgetto include the BOO Instructions andBOO Picture. There are two copies in thisnewsletter for you to cut out and use! Theyare also available on www.ForestChase.org

    ur goal is to have every house ed by

    ctober n alloween feel free tocall email or walk over and tell your neighborsthat you were the one to them his isa great way to meet new people establish newrelationships and strengthen existing ones

    Happy BOO-ing!

    PLEASE NOTE:this tradition is not aboutwhat comes in the asket or goody bagt is about spreading and sharing a nice treatand sweet gesture with our neighbors

    e understand that may be a lot to donateto this tradition which is why it is only asuggested amount and not a requirement

    issy reco ool hairperson

  • 8/11/2019 FCHOA Issue 8 Fall 2014


  • 8/11/2019 FCHOA Issue 8 Fall 2014


  • 8/11/2019 FCHOA Issue 8 Fall 2014


  • 8/11/2019 FCHOA Issue 8 Fall 2014


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    Fall mini-sessions at FC creek 30 minute portrait session

    online gallery for sharing

    7 high-resolution images on cd


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  • 8/11/2019 FCHOA Issue 8 Fall 2014


    Nature Notes by Roseanne Guerra, Secretary of FCHOA & Atlanta Audubon Master Birder

    Bird Houses 101

    Happy Fall, Forest Chasers!After my Spring 2014 article on Bird Feeding101, Ive had a few requests for Bird Houses101, so here are some tips for enjoying birdhouses in Forest Chase. In our suburbanarea, there are few old rotten dead trees toprovide nesting sites for cavity-dwelling birds.Bird houses make a real impact on these

    populations, and having a bird family in youryard is such a joy.

    Tip #1: Start with a basicBLUEBIRD HOUSE. Whatmakes a bluebird house abluebird house? The diameterof the entrance hole. Bluebird

    populations plummeted in theearly-to-mid 1900s as non-native birds surged, so houses

    were designed with smallentrances to allow bluebirdsbut not aggressive house

    sparrows and starlings. In addition to bluebirds,you are also likely to get other native birdssuch as tufted titmice, chickadees, or wrens in

    a bluebird box. Other common birds, such ascardinals or robins, prefer an open nest and willnot use a box.

    Tip #2: Protect it fromPREDATORS. ForestChase has plenty ofrat snakes, hawks,possums, raccoons, andhouse cats. All of thesepredators can get at anest box mounted on atree (yes, rat snakes are

    very good at climbing

    trees). If it will break your heart to have yourbaby birds devoured, mount your house on apole with a baffle.

    Tip #3: Install a METAL PLATE to keepsquirrels or woodpeckers from widening thehole. You can buy them cheap at BirdWatcherSupply, and your house will last for many more


    Tip #4: Check out NESTWATCH.ORG. Clickon the Learn tab for a lot ofgreat information from CornellLab of Ornithology.

    Tip #5: Want

    to branch out?Consider aSCREECH OWLBOX. I havent heardscreech owls in Forest

    Chase in years. Itsure would be greatto have them aroundagain, and we havethe right habitat.

    Tip #6: Dont bother with BAT HOUSES,unless you are willing to meet the batsrequirements. Bats are awesome critters, butthey are very picky about the temperature oftheir roosts. They like it HOT. Boxes need tobe oriented in a certain direction and painted acertain color to maintain the correct temperatureDo your homework or dont spend the money.

  • 8/11/2019 FCHOA Issue 8 Fall 2014


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  • 8/11/2019 FCHOA Issue 8 Fall 2014


    orest hase is fortunate to have a community pooland common area that the members of own

    and maintain

    Upkeep and repairur annual cleanup day isplanned for a weekend inctober eep an eye out foran announcement e knowthat it will be a success

    Pool house in disrepair

    ongtime residents ike and esley lahie noticedthat the pool house was in some serious need of repair

    nstead of just compainingthey offered to help remedythe situation ike hasbeen working onoff forover three months toreplace door frames sidingframing shower head

    backing boardmold and rottenwood freeof charge from

    labor hat alabor of love thatis would

    like to publicly commend this wonderful couple forcaring enough to make such an impact hesnot done yetkeep an eye out for more improvements

    to come

    Member Owned Land

    rivate property signage was orderdand will be hung soonhe commonarea which extends from the parkinglot to the opposite side of the creek and out to thestreet of orest ay is all owned landhat does this mean t means it is private propertybelonging to its membership t is the sresponsibility to upkeep and maintain this land and itscontents the oard of irectors responsibilitybut the as a whole

    New tables, chairs, umbrellas and stands.

    e are so proud to have saved enough throughout thepast months by being thrifty with our budget topurchase new pool furniture eve even submitted

    claims to the vendor on somebroken items and receivedreplacements and have oneextra table and two chairs his

    furniture was costly and will beprotected by storing it in the shed

    at end of ct

    Working hard for our community.Pool and Common Area Improvements



    Dan Wallace cell 770-825-2831

  • 8/11/2019 FCHOA Issue 8 Fall 2014


    elow are some tips from the obb ounty policehat we can incorporate into our everyday life

    e are very lucky to be in a neighborhood wherewe feel safe owever we think we shouldlways be aware of what is going on around us

    s a walker often pass fellow runners withheadphones on and totally unaware of what isoing on around him or her

    ituational awareness is a mindset that anyone candevelop and incorporate into their everyday lifen an effort to contribute to their own personalecurity

    he first step in developing situational awarenesss accepting that threats do exist even in nice


    here are several simple habits that you candevelop to enhance your situational awareness andnable you to react quickly if necessary

    henever you enter a building pay attentionto the location of doors windows andstairways

    each yourself to briefly scan any room youenter and take note of who is in there and

    what their body language is saying

    void zoning out while you are commuting

    Safety Tipsommunity Safety

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    whether on foot or in a car by visually scanning theareas around you

    imit the use of phones and other distracting deviceswhen in public places

    ock doors and windows and set the alarm every timyou leave

    eep garage doors closed and locked

    emove all valuables and anything that would appeaa thief to contain valuables from your vehicle every nand lock the door

    nstall outdoor security lighting preferably on a time

    f you go on vacation have a friend or neighbor pickyour mail and check on the residence

    ont post vacation plans on acebook or other socimedia sites and dont post vacation photos until youreturn

    ecord ake odel and serial numbers to all fireaand electronics and email the list to yourself

    emember if you see something suspicious call right away

    his is purely an informational article o our knowledg

    there has not been any crime incidences in orest hasebut it always helps to be proactive when thinking of oursafety and the safety of our neighbors

    Annual Membership Meeting &Holiday Cookie SwapTBA December 2014

  • 8/11/2019 FCHOA Issue 8 Fall 2014


    Calendar & Announcements

    ANNOUNCEMENTS alloween wap is happening now etails in this newsletter

    ool closed on eptember and will repopen next ay

    ommon area basketball tetherball and a lazy walk along the creek are open round njoy the commonproperty and always respect this natural beauty

    eneral embership nnual eeting ookie wap in the month of ecember

    HOA membership dues are due on January 1, 2015! ake plans to pay your dues in the month of anuarythere will be a special surprise if you do isit our website wwworesthaseorg for payment options andimportant information

    Do you want to have an event listed? E-mail [email protected] Chase HOA reserves the right to accept or reject any advertisement submitted for publication.

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    Open 10:30-5:30 weekdays. Fri and Sat 10-6. Closed Sundays.
