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FCM Newsletter 2009_V3 (Jul-Dec 09)

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"A Report on FCM Camp 2009" by FCM Camp 2009 Committee"Wedding Testimony" by Low Boon Siang & Ho Hui Lin"How the Lord Blessed Me in FCM" by Kan Wai YeNews and Notes (Jul-Sep)"FCM 23rd Anniversary" by Jason Liew"Thanksgiving Testimonies" by FCMers & Alumni"FCM NTU/NIE Gospel Rally" by Jason Liew"My Call to Full-Time Ministry" by Pr Lek Aik Wee"My Salvation Testimony" by Brian LimNews and Notes (Oct-Dec)
1 F rom May 25-29, 2009, a group of university students gathered at Calvary Pandan B-P Church for lectures and tutorials… what?! Isn’t it the school vacation? Yes it was. “Lessons from the University of Life: A Study on the Book of Ecclesiastes” was the theme for FCM Camp 2009, inspired by a book from Rev Dr Timothy Tow (1920-2009) of the same title. Copies of the book were freely distributed to all campers, courtesy of the Far Eastern Bible College. ^_^ The theme speaker was Dr Paul Ferguson (sounds like an “ang moh” prof =P). It was a great joy learning from the Word of God and gleaning from the wisdom and experience of King Solomon. In the evenings, Pr Dennis Kabingue, Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew an Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy preached on “The Auburn Affirmation”, “The Seventy Weeks of Daniel” and “The Openness of God Controversy” respectively. We chose “Teach Me Thy Way” as our theme song because it reflects our prayer to make the right decisions and live wisely as we navigate through the vicissitudes of life. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 was aptly chosen as our theme verse. It beckons us to, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether good, or whether it be evil.” Jason Liew (Camp Master & Publicity), Elvin Siew (Asst Camp Master, Logistics I/C & Camp Booklet), Ko Lingting (Secretary & Registrar), Carol Leong (Treasurer & Bible Quiz), Tan Kee Sing & Julia Ong (Food I/Cs) formed the camp committee. As per tradition, only three meetings were held to plan and prepare for camp, by God’s grace. 2009/3 FCM Newsletter Jul – Dec 2009 A REPORT ON FCM CAMP 2009 TEXT CAMP COMMITTEE PHOTOS JAMES TAN & JESSICA LAU
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rom May 25-29, 2009, a group of university students gathered at Calvary

Pandan B-P Church for lectures and tutorials… what?! Isn’t it the school vacation? Yes it was. “Lessons from the University of Life: A Study on the Book of Ecclesiastes” was the theme for FCM Camp 2009, inspired by a book from Rev Dr Timothy Tow (1920-2009) of the same title. Copies of the book were freely distributed to all campers, courtesy of the Far Eastern Bible College. ^_^ The theme speaker was Dr Paul Ferguson (sounds like an “ang moh” prof =P). It was a great joy learning from the Word of God and gleaning from the wisdom and experience of King Solomon. In the evenings, Pr Dennis Kabingue, Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew an Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy preached on “The Auburn Affirmation”, “The Seventy Weeks of Daniel” and

“The Openness of God Controversy” respectively. We chose “Teach Me Thy Way” as our theme song because it reflects our prayer to make the right decisions and live wisely as we navigate through the vicissitudes of life. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 was aptly chosen as our theme verse. It beckons us to, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether good, or whether it be evil.” Jason Liew (Camp Master & Publicity), Elvin Siew (Asst Camp Master, Logistics I/C & Camp Booklet), Ko Lingting (Secretary & Registrar), Carol Leong (Treasurer & Bible Quiz), Tan Kee Sing & Julia Ong (Food I/Cs) formed the camp committee. As per tradition, only three meetings were held to plan and prepare for camp, by God’s grace.

2009/3 FCM Newsletter Jul – Dec 2009


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Day One, Monday 25/05/09 (by Jason Liew)

To kick start the camp, a group of FCMers gathered in the AV Studio on Level 2 for a time of corporate prayer and intercession, committing the camp unto the hands of the Lord. This was followed by a time of ice breakers conducted by Elvin and myself. The number of sisters was overwhelming. In fact, Elvin and I were the only two brothers around most of the time and it sure felt like running a girls camp! We highlighted this issue for prayer points on Tuesday and one deacon astutely observed and remarked, “What is FCM? Female Christian Ministry?” Well that sure seemed like the case if more brothers don’t turn up over the next few days! Thank God for more brothers who eventually came.

After smashing the ice, the prof Lord’s messenger delivered the opening message, giving an overview on the life of Solomon, introducing the book of Ecclesiastes and its outline as well as the relevance it should have in our lives. Having done so, he began with the first chapter, showcasing “The Futility of All Human Endeavour.” The two points that were brought across were: Life is fleeting (vv 1-7) and Life is disappearing (vv 8-11). I personally find it simply powerful as we had just put a hectic semester behind us where “study, study, study” seemed to be all that is to life and “studying = student + dying” being the equation that all of us could identify with.

Unlike previous years, we were unable to use the fellowship hall for recess (lunch) as the kindergarten was operating. However, by God’s grace we enjoyed a warmer lunch fellowship in the church lounge (we called it canteen one!) as the room was much smaller. After lunch, Dr Paul continued on the “Futility of Seeking Satisfaction in Human Achievement” (chapter 2). He shared with us the futility of education (1:12-18), futility of leisure (2:1-11), futility of natural wisdom (2:12-17) and futility of work (2:18-26). To many of us, all these categories seem all-encompassing in our “life under the sun” (nothing to do with M1 by the way!) and yet the Scriptures declare them to be meaningless

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and futile… “vanity of vanities.” Perhaps our perspectives must be readjusted? Perhaps our priorities need to be realigned? We then had a fruitful time of group discussion (coined “tutorial”).

Next on the timetable was “Outdoor Games” (on hindsight, I think we should have named it “P.E.” heh). Thank God for good weather and safety as we played Captain’s Ball. Good thing we had a mixture of males and females in a team as the gender quotient was unequal.

In the evening, more FCMers turned up as some were unable to make it in the day due to various commitments (e.g. attachment). Pr Dennis Kabingue of Gethsemane BPC spoke on “The Auburn Affirmation” – a topic nearly unheard of by many. Pr Dennis aptly drew a comparison to the present day VPP issue that we are more familiar with to help us better understand that there will be those outside who are oblivious to the truth of God’s Word and that we as God’s children

must be able to accurately discern and defend the Word of God when the need arises.

I looked forward to drinking my milo during supper (there were biscuits, cup noodles, cakes and many other good food) to accompany us as we interacted with one another. Reluctantly, we bid farewell to the food and proceeded upstairs for a blessed first night of dorm fellowship. Time sure passed quickly when you’re enjoying the camp and as such, the first day of FCM Camp 2009 slipped into eternity upon hitting 23:59:59.

I thank God for the opportunity to serve Him as a camp master (my first time!) as well as the wonderful and fun group that He has provided. We thought, “what would Solomon be like if he lived in our day and age?” Thus our group composed a “Solomon’s Song” (pun intended) to be sung to the tune of God Can Do Anything But Fail:

He’s got cash, He’s got cars, He’s got girls

And he feeds 35,000 people everyday

He’s the lawyer, and the banker, and the

doctor and the nurse

He’s got 10,000 companies around the world

He’s so smart, he’s so strong, he’s so cool

He’s the king and he can do anything but fail.

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Day Two, Tuesday 26/05/09 (by Elvin Siew)

Dawn breaks, and thus begins the second day of FCM Camp 2009. With the campers settled in the day before and the ice starting to melt, everyone was excited and looking forward to a whole week of feasting on God’s Word.

The day started with morning devotion led by Brother Jason Liew, who shared on “A Plea for Godly Men.” He challenged all the males in the room to gird up and step up for the cause of Christ. As men we were appointed by our Maker to lead in the family and in the church, and to shirk such a responsibility would be unbefitting of a child of God.

After filling our tummies with the morning meal, our feasting continued through the lectures in the “University of Life.” Dr Paul shared from the book of Ecclesiastes 3 and 4, reminding us of God’s ultimate sovereignty in the world and life of man and the provision He gave for us to exercise our faith through our actions. He also continued to expound on the futility of this physical life, as King Solomon aptly wrote, “All things under the sun is vanity and vexation of spirit.” It really put things into perspective, as it got me

questioning my motives in chasing my degrees and accolades, the worry of excelling in school and landing that dream job. The Lord was pricking my heart, reminding me that there was more to life then success in society, and whether my treasures were stored in this temporal world or in the everlasting kingdom of God.

Group Discussions (or tutorials as we coined it) was fruitful as the various FCMers shared their struggles and their thoughts with regards to the questions posted. Delving deeper into the passage and hearing the mutual struggles faced by our fellow brethren helped imprint the day’s lessons even deeper in our hearts that we might live it out when we break camp.

After the afternoon meal, we were given time to relax and digest our food before participating in an “Encouragement and Follow-Up” workshop conducted by Elder William Seah and Aunty Amy. The topic was on how to spiritually encourage and follow up on our brethren, a skill lacking in most young people. Many a times when we bring a new friend to fellowship meetings or FCM, after a few weeks we leave our friend to “fly” on their own, seeing they are comfortable with others to take the burden off our hands. During this workshop we were once again

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reminded that the work doesn’t just stop at invited the friend to the fellowship, but continues many months after, even years of encouraging and ministering to the person’s needs to the best of your abilities, that they might grow in the knowledge of Christ.

Following the workshop was a time of indoor games, where Lingting and I organised some light but mind stimulating games comprising of Bible charades, Taboo and Pictionary. After our evening meal we proceeded to join the Calvary Pandan Tuesday Night Prayer meeting session for singspiration and devotion before breaking into our FCM groups for a time of prayer.

Thus ended the 2nd day of FCM camp, the campers not too tired out at the commencement of camp, eagerly anticipating the following days of blessed fellowship and activities, knowing we did not have to wake up for secular school the next day.

Day Three, Wednesday 27/05/09 (by Ko Lingting)

2 days of camp behind us, we were at the halfway point of FCM camp on Wednesday! How time flies – better treasure whatever time is left (:

The day started off with a morning devotion by Jason on the topic of “A Plea for Godly Woman”, followed by a time of personal quiet time and reflection. At the morning ‘lectures’, Bro Paul Ferguson continued the study on the book of Ecclesiastes. The first lecture came from Ecclesiastes 5-6, and was entitled “Futility of Riches”. Truly, wealth can bring with it so many problems such as discontentment and greed. Yet, it is something that so many people strive after – in fact, it was such a big issue even in Jesus’ time that He spent 17 out of His 36 parables on the topic of money! As Christians, though, we must live by faith and trust that God will provide. Though we might not enjoy luxuries, God promises our necessities. The second lecture for the morning was on “Man’s Inability to Understand God’s Plan”, taken from Ecclesiastes 7-8. No matter how much wisdom we may be able to attain, it is still vanity because it is limited by God – we as finite creatures can never fully understand the infinite Creator. This was an especially pertinent lesson for all of us in tertiary institutions, for we may tend to become puffed up in all the worldly wisdom that we gain. Solomon is the prime example for us all not to follow, for despite all the wisdom that he had, he was not able to prevent himself from falling into sin. There is hence a need for accountability to one another, for no one is fallible.

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In the afternoon, after a much welcome short time of siesta, we watched a video on what it means to be a missionary. This was followed by a time of FCM Group Time, in which we split up in our various FCM groups to reflect on the past academic year, plan for the year ahead as well as to pray for one another.

After dinner, Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew spoke to us at the night lecture on “Interpreting the Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9.” Through his clear and faithful exposition of God’s Word, much light was shed on this rather “cheem” portion of prophetic literature. Just as this prophecy about the coming Messiah gave much hope to the Israelites in Daniel’s day, likewise for us we look forward with hopeful eyes towards the soon-coming return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The day ended with a time of dorm fellowship, held separately for the girls and

the guys. Tired but spiritually enriched, we went to bed looking forward to all the blessings that awaited us in the days ahead (:

Day Four, Thursday 28/05/09 (by Carol Leong)

The morning sun rose on the fourth day of FCM Camp 2009, but the weary campers were not at all stirred from another blessed, much needed night of rest. Trooping sleepily to the bathroom, there was a little battle going on inside each one, for “the spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak” – our bodies were no longer in the same sprightly condition as when we attended all the other camps of our youth, and we moved much slower; but our hearts and minds looked forward to another day of spiritual nourishment and high-quality Christian fellowship.

Morning devotion was led by Brother James Tan, and he shared from Colossians 2:7 “Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.” From a single verse, he reminded us of total reliance on God and how it is Christ who continuously builds us up and stablishes us in the faith because we were rooted once and for all in Him.

Continuing our lectures in the “University of Life”, Brother Paul expounded from Ecclesiates 9 and 10, on the “Uncertain Certainties of Life”, which are death, life and riches; as well as “Observations on Wisdom and Folly”, reminding us of the ultimate futility of ambition that isn’t accompanied by dedication to God (G.S. Bowes). The lectures were also rich in practical application as we strive in our pursuits of worldly knowledge in

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the tertiary institutes. It was almost as if we were sitting at the feet of the greatest man who ever lived, hearing from him first-hand about his experiences, mistakes and lessons. To me, it was almost like one of those speeches they give at the commencement ceremony, except a million times better, for it was godly wisdom that was being dished out in overflowing abundance I regret not being able to drink in all of it.

As the practice is in almost all universities (SMU being the exception), tutorials follow the lectures to reinforce the learning and to further delve into the subject matter at hand. Likewise, our daily discussion sessions proved to be useful and fruitful in sharing with each other our struggles and ambition to be more wise and less strong; to obtain more Godly wisdom than worldly wisdom. So intense were the discussion sessions that day, that by the time we ended, it was our scheduled lunch time. Nonetheless, it was time well-spent.

After lunch, we proceeded with our annual Bible Quiz held every FCM camp. This year, I had the privilege of being the Quiz Master, assisted by Brother Joshua Yong and the historical expertise of Jason in the history of FCM and the B-P church. Godly wisdom was put to the test, spanning both the old and new testaments, church history, as

well as hymnology. It was also a time for interaction and every one had a chance to participate in the various categories modeled after secular game shows like ‘The Weakest Link’ and ‘Don’t Forget the Lyrics’. I sincerely hope that the participants learnt more about the Bible through the grueling quiz as I have preparing it.

Due to time constraints and the army of dark clouds looming over the Jurong/Pandan area that evening, the scheduled tracting session was postponed to the next day, giving the campers some needed time of rest, but FCMers never choose rest over the rare opportunity for fellowship, not until the wee hours of the morning anyway.

Night lecture that day was conducted by Rev Dr Prabudas Koshy, who enlightened us on the “Openness of God Controversy”, also known as ‘Open Theism’. In essence, we are not to endorse such an erroneous doctrine which attempts to explain the concept of God’s foreknowledge. God’s attributes of omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence should never contradict themselves and as Christians, we need to have faith and confidence in a God in control of everything we might not understand completely.

Thus ended the fourth day of FCM camp, and after exhausting every ounce of energy within us at dorm fellowship, we retired our weary bodies once more, in anticipation of the final day another blessed

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FCM camp in which time fleeted by way too quickly. For his bountiful blessings and protection in all our activities, we can never thank God enough! Amen!

Day Five, Friday 29/05/09 (by Julia Ong & Tan Kee Sing)

After an afternoon of tracting, it was time for us to fellowship with one another around steamboat. It was a blessed time as the sisters helped out in the kitchen to get the food ready, while the brothers arranged the tables and chairs. While getting ready for dinner, we learnt to work as a team, to encourage and serve one another in our tasks and to complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

For the concluding meal, steamboat dinner was served at around 7.15pm. After giving thanks to the Lord for His mercy, protection and providence, we started to eat. The steamboat dinner was joyous as we had occasional pockets of time to interact with one another as the food was being cooked. Also, the dinner also allowed us to serve each other food and get to know each other’s preferences and share our experiences. Dinner ended with two competitions, the first to boil the perfect egg in a scoop and the other “Uno stacko” which was profitable not only to our

fellowship but also eaten up as part of the dinner. Cleanup of the dinner was easy and quick as all the campers were cheerful helpers, who did hard work with our hands.

At about 815pm, it was time for the last programme of the camp that was the sharing of testimonies and thanksgiving.

At the beginning of time for testimonies, many of us first shared how God has provided the opportunity and grace to speak with different people during the time for sharing the gospel through tracting that day. Elvin shared a memorable account that was when the Lord has made use of his unplanned trip back to collect tracts left behind to speak to a young man in an area that was initially left out in our plan. Also, the Lord’s hand could be seen as more of us shared about how He provided tenderhearted primary school children who were receptive to the gospel message and provided their contact details for follow-ups. (Contacts were given to Grace Auyong as the children used to come to Pandan.) Many thanks were also given to the Lord for He is the provider of the words and courage to speak. (Jeremiah 1: 6-9)

After the sharing on tracting, the campers then shared the most memorial lesson for the camp and thanksgiving. Many

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of the thanksgiving were for the dorm fellowship, where encouragement and comforting words were exchanged and meaningful friendships were formed. Lessons from the book of Ecclesiastes were especially significant to most of the campers when our pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, material things and our youth were realigned with God’s commandments. A common lesson

that most of us shared was that everything in life would only be meaningful if it is done in the fear of God and his commandments and that all our work would be judged when we meet our Savior face-to-face.

The camp ended at about 11.30pm after a prayer and a quick drink of iced-Milo, lovingly prepared by Carol Leong.

Camp Master’s Note: Due to lack of manpower needed in breaking camp as the number of camp committee members and campers staying over on the last night of camp was low, the Camp Master opted to break camp a day earlier. Apologies to those who were looking forward to enjoy the fellowship on the last night of camp. It is our prayer that the situation will not repeat itself and that more brothers will come to join the camp next year.

Missed the camp? Here’s what some of our campers have to say…

Elvin Siew

I missed most of FCM camp last year, and at the onset of 2009, I purposed in my heart not to miss this year’s camp. By God’s grace I was able to serve in the camp committee, and although there were trials and obstacles set before the committee, the Lord was faithful to His work.

The theme messages were focused around the book of Ecclesiastes, and Bro Paul Ferguson was able

to draw many practical lessons from each verse as he went through it systematically. The messages spoke particularly to me even as I was a year away from graduation and have been stung with anxiety and worry about my future.

The fellowship was different this year from past camps. Previously I always enjoyed being ministered unto by the seniors at FCM, but this year, I realised that majority of the campers were younger there the seniors had all graduated. Yet, it was a blessed time of fellowship, knowing new faces and serving together clearing up during meal times and enjoying the organised games together.

FCM has always been an anchor during my week, a place where you can escape the pressures of school, to rest in the presence of the Lord with likeminded pilgrims. FCM camp is an important pit stop in the year, where one will receive instruction, get rejuvenated and maintained for the next 6 month journey through life. For all youths in institutions of higher learning, do not forsake this anchor of truth, and be swept away by the onslaught of worldly and carnal knowledge. The Lord provided the sanctuary of FCM for his children for rest and encouragement. Let it be our desire as Christian youths to support this work for Christ in a time such as this.

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Katherine Kiew

Thank God for his allowance and providence that I was able to attend this year’s FCM camp.

This was my first FCM camp. It is truly a blessing to know more Christian friends. Lessons learnt from the book of Ecclesiastes are applicable in today’s context. It caused me to pause and think of what I was doing with my life. Is it all vanity or anything worthy for the Lord? Thank God for a blessed time in camp.

Tan Kee Sing

I thank the Lord firstly for providing the messages preached at this camp. The study on the book of Ecclesiastes has helped me understand that the focus of our activities and decisions in our daily lives should be based on the fear of God and to keep his commandments. As a new member of the work force, I also understood that it is God’s judgment that I would have to face at the end of the day. These encouraging lessons have allowed me to become purposeful in my daily living although there is much uncertainty and difficulty that we face among our peers, family and workplace. When the lessons from Ecclesiastes are coupled with the lessons from the Seventy Weeks of Daniel, I also felt

the urgency to work for our Lord’s glory with all our might, every moment of our lives. This is especially since the difficulty and situations that we face are only temporal. Although frightened when reminded of my close family and friends who have yet to accept Christ Jesus as their Saviour and Lord, I felt encouraged by the fact that our God is sovereign, power and goodness. Finally I want to thank the Lord for bringing so many wonderful friends, who shared words of encouragement and personal experiences and concerns and brought much comfort, strength and hope.

Grace Auyong

Thanks be to God for his marvellous blessings on the camp this year. Learnt a lot from the messages. Thank God also for the strength to attend the camp despite juggling other commitments.

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“Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you.” ~ 1 Samuel 12:24

We thank God for His salvation plan in our lives, and we praise Him for His divine plan in uniting us as husband and wife after 3 years of courtship. Indeed He has done great things for us.

As we look back on how we first knew each other, to now when we are married, we acknowledge how everything works according to God’s sovereign plan. We were from different churches and studying in different educational institutes, yet God moved in His own mysterious way in bringing us together. Truly, it is not man, but God, who works.

In the beginning…

In Jan 2006, Wenxiang started praying regularly for a life partner. This is due to the conviction set upon his heart after the frequent preaching of God’s Word by Pastor Koshy on godly courtship and marriage. Pastor also shared the importance of praying for a life partner according to God’s will, even during university days, so that we can be ready when God sends the person in His time.

We first met each other during FCM Camp 2005 at Calvary Tengah Bible-Presbyterian Church while we were Tertiary students. However, we did not interact much at all during the camp.

Sometime later, we got to know each other better through the several netball and basketball game sessions that were organised. The ‘makan’ sessions that followed after the games also gave us some time to talk more. In addition, Combined FCM meetings, Sunset Gospel Bible Fellowship and FEBC night classes were also times when we had opportunities to see each other more.

Feelings started to develop as time went by. Thank God for the wonderful advancement in technology as we got to learn more about each other over MSN. With time, and after much thought and prayer, God led us to take the step from friendship to courtship.

Along the way…

It was not smooth sailing as we entered into courtship. Worshipping in different churches, serving in different fellowship groups, and the busyness of our own studies led us to have little time together. We also found it hard to serve God as a couple.


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Nonetheless, God is good and His

grace, sufficient. We thank God for the joys He has bestowed on us through our courtship, and the times of trials and sorrows we have been through too. All in all, despite circumstances, we just sought to trust in the Lord to keep us together if it was His will, and to not depend on our own wisdom or understanding in dealing with the good, or the ‘bad’.

After the ‘I do’s…

Now that we are into the 3rd month of marriage, life has not been ‘happily ever after’.

Living together as husband and wife has caused us to realise how weak and frail we are in being the godly husband the wife that the Bible teaches us to be, and how much we need God’s grace to help us do so. We earnestly pray that that God may help us as we strive to be the man and woman that God wants us to be, for Ps 127:1 says, ‘Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it..’ May the Lord who united us as one, grant us the grace to live as one.

To those who are seeking God’s will in courtship or marriage, may you always seek the Lord first, and trust that He will work His perfect will, in His perfect time.

Low Boon Siang, FCM Overall Student Coordinator (2006-2008), and Ho Hui Lin, FCM Science (2005-2007), are members of Gethsemane Bible-Presbyterian Church.

“Our Lord’s marvellous promise to two who are agreed

gives a thrill to married couples who are one in Him, for all the resources of God are placed at their disposal

for the healing and reconciling of a world astray. That is what imparts to Christian marriage its far vistas.”

~ A. Macbeath ~

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Amid the broken waters of our ever-restless thought, Oh be my verse an answering gleam from higher radiance caught;

That where through dark o’erarching boughs of sorrow, doubt and sin, The glorious Star of Bethlehem upon the flood looks in, Its tiny trembling ray may bid some downcast vision turn

To that enkindling Light, for which all earthly shadows yearn. Oh be my verse a hidden stream, which silently may flow

Where drooping leaf and thirsty flower in lonely valleys grow; And often by its shady course to pilgrim hearts be brought, The quiet and refreshment of an upward-pointing thought;

Till, blending with the broad bright stream of sanctified endeavor, God’s glory be its ocean home, the end it seeketh ever.


In a way, FCM has served the same purpose as Havergal’s verses, often “turn(ing)” my “downcast vision” “to that enkindling Light” over the past year. The year spent in Singapore for a research project has proved to be most eventful and trying in many ways. It may seem irrelevant to talk about FCM in relation to the storms in the teacup, however, thank God for FCM, as through the faithful expounding of God’s word, it has been a constant reminder for me to look to God and His word even in times of discouragement. The weekly Bible Study on the book of Isaiah provided many

moments of reflection on my own journey as a Christian and numerous spiritual lessons to be learnt. The opportunity learn more about God’s word and be encouraged by it, in the middle of each busy week, has truly been a wonderful blessing.

Apart from the weekly Bible Study, a gospel rally was held during the semester as well. Tracting on campus for this gospel rally was a reminder on how much more we can do to reach out to those around us in terms of evangelism. I suppose what I will really miss are the simple things, which by no means are


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lesser blessings… to gather in a random classroom in NUS every Wednesday to study God’s Word… singing songs of praise… honest sharings about each others struggles and the opportunity to keep one another in prayer. Perhaps these do not appear to be particularly significant, yet the Lord has blessed me with these small pockets of sunshine to light my year back in Singapore. May the Lord continue to use this ministry to

provide “the quiet and refreshment of an upward-pointing thought” to others as well! And to all FCM-ers, may your fervour to study God’s word help remind another pilgrim of the importance of standing on His word in the midst of trials too

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” - 1 Corinthians 15:58

Kan Wai Ye is reading Medicine at the University of Melbourne, Australia. She attended FCM NUS while spending a year doing research project at NUS.

The FCM Camp 2009 was held from May 25-29, 2009 at Calvary Pandan Bible-Pesbyterian Church under the theme “Lessons from the University of Life: A Study on the Book of Ecclesiastes” with Dr Paul Ferguson as our main speaker. Night messages were delivered by Pr Dennis Kabingue, Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew and Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy.

Congratulations to Low Boon Siang, FCM Overall Student Coordinator (2006-2008), and Ho Hui Lin, FCM Science (2005-2007), who were united in Holy Matrimony on June 6, 2009. The wedding was officiated by their Pastor, the Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy.

Teo Jun Zi, FCM NTU/NIE (2006-2009), stepped down as the Student Coordinator (2008-2009) of FCM NTU/NIE upon her graduation. Jason Liew will stand in as Interim Student Coordinator of FCM NTU/NIE until a suitable candidate is found.

Carol Leong, an original founding member at FCM SMU’s inception in 2005, passed the baton of the Student Coordinator of FCM SMU to Elena Ang.

The FCM NTU/NIE Gospel Rally for AY09/10S1 was held on September 7, 2009. Dr Paul Ferguson spoke on “Is There A God?” There were four newcomers.

The FCM 23rd Anniversary Thanksgiving Service was held at Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church on August 7, 2009. The Rev Dr Tow Siang Hwa, founder, delivered the message, “The Lord is My Shepherd” (Psalm 23).

The second FCM Combined Meeting 2009 was held at Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church on September 18, 2009 with FCM NUS organising. Pr Dennis Kabingue spoke on “Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts.”

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The Lord’s my wonderful Shepherd; In Him I shall not want.

He makes me lie in green pastures, He leads me to waters still;

To me my soul He restoreth, In righteous pathways He leads:

He leads me for His own name’s sake, So gently leadeth me.

The Lord’s my wonderful Shepherd, He gently leads me home.

Yes, thru death’s valley of shadow, With Him shall I safely go;

The darkness shall not affright me, For Thou art by my side;

Thy rod, thy staff they comfort me, No ill shall ever betide.

The Lord’s my wonderful Shepherd, He gently leads me home.

A table Thou hast prepared me In presence of my foes,

My head with oil Thou hast ’nointed, My cup it doth overflow;

Goodness and mercy shall follow,

Thru all the days of my life: And in God’s house will I dwell evermore,

In mansions fair will I dwell: The Lord’s my wonderful Shepherd,

He gently leads me home.

These were the words of the closing hymn sung by FCM at her 23rd Anniversary Thanksgiving Service held at Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church on August 7, 2009. Truly the evening of 07/08/09 was a night to remember... not so much of it being a nice date, but because we were reminded that we have a wonderful Shepherd who guides and leads us despite our going astray at times. The reminder came at an appropriate time just before the university students start the new academic year. Thank God for this Great Shepherd who has led FCM for 23 blessed years.

The event was preceded by a specially catered buffet dinner downstairs at the fellowship hall, where we were able to interact with one another over mealtime as we


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welcomed new friends and saw many familiar faces. The fellowship and friendship forged in FCM is testament to the Lord’s goodness and blessings upon His people all these years.

With much rejoicing and anticipation, FCMers and friends made their way upstairs to the Level 3 Sanctuary only to be greeted by a friendly reception as Jonathan Tay (FCM NUS), Jonathan Lee (FCM NTU/NIE) and Samuel Chia (FCM Poly) distributed the programme booklet and ushered the people to the pews.

Thank God for the opportunity to serve as the chairperson for the day. I read Psalm 100:1-5 as the call to worship, “Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For

the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” Hymns for the evening were based on Psalm 23, such as: Shepherd of Eager Youth (RHC #59), The Lord Is My Shepherd (RHC #344) and Surely Goodness and Mercy (RHC #349). Surely this beautiful psalm must have been a blessing to the hymnwriters as well.

FCM NUS (and friends) presented a special item, By the Gentle Waters, singing praises unto our Almighty God and reminding His people of His reassuring presence and care that the Lord has demonstrated in each and every one of our lives. Indeed, the Lord is good.

The Lord’s messenger, the Rev Dr Tow Siang Hwa, Senior Pastor, Calvary Pandan B-P Church, recounted the genesis of the founding of the Varsity Christian Fellowship (VCF) [yes he founded that too!] and its falling away, which eventually led to the formation of FCF (Fundamental Christian Fellowship) in 1986 which was later renamed FCM (Fundamental Christian Ministry) in 1988. Before he proceeded with the gist of the sermon, Dr Tow cautioned all of us to ensure that we have truly “entered the door of Jesus Christ” and coming to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour. Afterwhich, as he recounted past events and experiences, of how members overseas found themselves in a

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“disco” instead of a church, of how pastors share movie reviews over pulpit instead of preaching, we were awakened to the signs of the times and the reality of the danger that surrounds us, which made us more appreciative of the sound Biblical fellowship and preaching that we are able to enjoy here in FCM and the Bible-Presbyterian Church.

As our speaker gave an exegesis on the six verses of Psalm 23, we learnt that the words to our closing hymn were penned in 1988 (the year FCM was renamed) when 13 members from the B-P Church in Melbourne met with a car accident while driving from Melbourne to Brisbane in a MPV. The driver and front passenger were killed instantaneously while the rest survived. Dr Tow then composed this song in Australia, to the tune of On Wings of Song by Felix Mendelssohn, so that he may comfort the sorrowing hearts of the bereaved families.

In closing, he reiterated that it was most comforting and assuring to know that we have a Shepherd just as David and many others have personally experienced. Blessings will follow, no matter the circumstances, if only we know Him… not just in the head, but in the heart as well.

After the FCMers, alumni and friends sent their greetings and well-wishes, we took a group photograph and adjourned downstairs for refreshments. The entire event, though not as long and elaborate as the 20th Anniversary (held at Aloha Changi Fairy Point Chalet in 2006), was simple and meaningful.

Dear reader, if you are studying in a tertiary institution and have yet to join FCM, hesitate no further! Make the spiritual blessings yours today!

Come, and be blessed. =)

Jason Liew is the Overall Student Coordinator of FCM and a member of Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church.

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I thank God for the privilege to serve Him in the FCM. Praise the Lord for His bountiful blessings in the lives ministered throughout the 23 years of FCM. Even though I am now not in any academic institution, it is a joy to see lives of students – in universities, polytechnics and other institutions of higher learning – being blessed and revived. FCM is not only a spiritual ‘platform’ for a fundamental Christian witness in the various campuses, but also an avenue for our friendly churches to unite for the sake of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many youths of these friendly churches have fellowshipped in a deeper way through the FCM. May God continue to help us to be faithful to Him till we meet Him face-to-face.

Eld Dr Boaz Boon

Thank God for sustaining the work of the FCM for the past 23 years. We are happy to be part of the NTU/NIE FCM. It is our joy and privilege to involve ourselves in this work. We are certain that many of the students have benefitted from attending the FCM Bible Study sessions. Through the weekly Bible studies, we have, in turn, learnt much from the students’ responses in “open sharing”. May the Lord continue to bless and encourage our hearts as we serve Him in the FCM family.

Rev & Mrs Wee Eng Moh

Dear FCMers,

Greetings in the name of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ. As FCM celebrates its anniversary, Psalm 118:23-24 comes to mind. This is the day the LORD has made and we rejoice with all FCMers past and present and thank God that by His grace, I was blessed with an opportunity to be part of FCM for a season. Indeed, FCM is raised and sustained of the LORD and as such it is still marvellous in our eyes.


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I still remember the times we spent together and since I came back home, we have been praying and trying to start a ministry to the Universities and colleges here, but it hasn't taken off. Maybe this year we pray, but it is now three years. God willing it will take off. What keeps us persevering and endeavoring? Well, in Singapore I experienced what God could do with a ministry to tertiary students. Thus we give thanks to God for His grace and mercy and guidance and sustenance upon FCM. To all involved with the ministry, Praise the LORD! And as FCM celebrates and rejoice, we too in Kenya rejoice with you and say “This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes. This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Regards in Christ from Kenya

Nelson, Christine and Charmaine Were

Bro Nelson Were served as FCM NUS (Science) Bible Study Leader (2003-2006) and is now a Lecturer at Bomet Bible Institute, Kenya.

Praise the Lord for another year of providence and sustenance of this God-honouring ministry. This was the place (beside the church) where- 1) I grew in my faith as a Tertiary student; 2) I made wonderful, like-minded friends in life; 3) I first knew my one and only girlfriend and wife. May the Lord's name be glorified as brethren come together and remember His goodness in this 23rd FCM Anniversary!

Low Boon Siang

Low Boon Siang served as Overall Student Coordinator (2006-2008) and is now a Teacher at Lakeside Primary School. He is a member of Gethsemane B-P Church.

When I was in my secondary and tertiary education, I was serving the Lord actively in church and FCM. FCM was a blessing as I grew spiritually and learnt to trust in the Lord more through the Bible studies and fellowship with like-minded brethren. In my course of study in NYP, the Lord put a desire in my heart to pray for an area where I could use my talents for God’s glory, and He opened a door for me to volunteer in the Bible Witness Media Ministry, a ministry of

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Gethsemane BPC. This was in 2004. While working in BWMM, I started to attend Gethsemane BPC, and was much blessed by the faithful preaching of the Word. I also attended FEBC classes part-time, and I truly thank God for that opportunity to study His Word. I realized that being rooted in the Bible was essential, to my life as a child of God, and as a Sunday school teacher and worker in the ministry.

In July 2008, I went on a mission trip to Bogo, for the inauguration of the new mission church there. Bro Dominino dela Cruz Jr, who was from Gethsemane BPC, was the newly appointed missionary-in-charge. I saw the eagerness of the people in hearing the Gospel, but I did not pray to be a labourer in this field then. However, after I came back, the Lord caused a relationship to start between myself and Bro Dominino, and with much correspondence, we prayed for the Lord’s direction and guidance, for our union would mean serving with him in the mission field. At first, I was surprised that the Lord opened a door in this direction, for I was transferring membership to Gethsemane BPC and was planning to serve in various areas, but at the same time I knew the Lord had answered my prayer for a godly husband. The thoughts that came through my mind initially, was of my family and commitments in Singapore. I prayed earnestly for the Lord to show me His Will clearly, and to grant me the grace to do it. The Lord convicted my heart through His Word (Matthew 10:37-39), that if I placed family or the things that I loved above Him, I was not worthy of Him. Like the hymn Wherever He leads, I’ll Go, I realized that when the Lord calls, I should take up the cross and follow His Will. No “ifs”, no “buts”, for where He leads, he will surely guide, protect and provide for His Sheep.

I thank the Lord for godly parents who approved of our marriage and ministry, and also relatives that supported my decision, knowing that it was the Lord’s Will in my life. Certainly, as I adjust to a new environment, new culture and new ministry, I will encounter difficulties. But the Lord’s grace is truly sufficient in all circumstances. These five months living in Bogo, Cebu, Philippines, I can testify that the Lord is good! He has helped, strengthened, and enabled me, in countless ways.

Brethren, when you do the Lord’s Will, be encouraged that whatever you may face, the Lord’s hand is there to hold and guide you each step of the way. Like the way a father holds his child’s hand while climbing the stairs, our Heavenly Father is always present to help us (Psalm 46). So press on and do the Lord’s Will cheerfully and boldly!

Sharon N dela Cruz (Sharon Ng) Bogo, Philippines

Sis Sharon Ng served as FCM Poly Student Coordinator (2002-2004) and now co-labours with her husband Pr Dominino in Gethsemane B-P Mission Church, Bogo.

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Disclaimer: By the time I wrote this report, I have forgotten much of what has happened already. Thank God for the photograph taken above and the post-event reflections posted on the FCM NTU/NIE Yahoo! group which helped greatly in the penning of this article.

The FCM NTU/NIE Gospel Rally for AY 2009/2010 Semester 1 was held on Monday, September 7, 2009, 7pm at N2.2, Level 5, TR 31. Dr Paul Ferguson spoke on “Is There A God?” An hour before that, we gathered for group dinner and prayer at Canteen A where a new friend Kai Ting, an accountancy undergraduate referred to us from one of the aunties in a B-P church, joined us for dinner. Thank God for the opportunity to get to know her better as well as being able to answer some of her queries on the Christian faith.

We then proceeded upstairs to the tutorial room to prepare and welcome our guests… only to find that the originally planned TR33 occupied. In the Yahoo! group, Grace Auyong wrote,

I feel I must update you all about something I witnessed earlier. The Gospel Rally was initially planned to be held at TR33. We changed the location to the next room (TR31) because we saw that TR33 was occupied. Boon How and his friend came in a bit late because they went to TR33. After welcoming them, I thought I should head over to TR33, maybe to write a note to direct other lost sheep.

Someone wrote on the board some disturbing messages. They weren’t outright offensive, e.g. with vulgarities, but I was very much affected. It really showed me that Satan will not rest, and that we’re fighting a spiritual battle here. There’s no other ways about it. HARD GROUND? Look to the adversary. I only thank God that they didn’t come into our meeting to disrupt it, and stumble some of our friends. (Message #378)

Unbeknownst of the Lord’s protection over us, we began welcoming the new friends who joined us – Kai Ting, Boon How’s classmate, Shawn’s 2 friends (Jian Xiong & Wai Hon), and Rui Yang – a PRC student who was standing beside us and listening in to our conversation while we tracted to somebody else a couple of weeks before gospel rally. It is ironic that the bystander turned up and the person whom we tracted to didn’t! Truly the Lord moves in mysterious ways.


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Before the meeting began, Jonathan helped coordinated the screening of a mini clip of a student who challenged an atheistic professor who concluded that there was no God. It was a short, simple and powerful thought-provoker which tied in with our theme for the evening.

Is there a God? Dr Paul presented a case for the Creator from the cosmological, scientific, morality and Biblical perspectives and ultimately challenging the hearts of the hearers to ponder upon the meaning of life and their need for a Saviour because of the sinfulness which resides in every human being. Only Jesus saves. Thank God for the gospel gloriously preached.

After the message, we gave thanks and helped ourselves to the delicious refreshments (see picture above! there were donuts, cakes, pastries, packet drinks…) loving prepared by Sharon. Rev Wee and Aunty Helen, together with Elder Sim and Aunty Rina, as well as Dr Paul, went around and spent quite some time talking to some of our new friends and answering their questions. Again, in the Yahoo! group, Grace astutely remarked,

Thank God for the blessed time at Gospel Rally earlier. Thank God for blessing us with new people, Rui Yang + Shawn’s friends. Please cont to pray for their salvation, especially Rui Yang’s. Bro Paul answered many of his questions, and it’s apparent that Rui Yang knows a lot, and even acknowledges God’s existence intellectually. But he has yet to take the step of faith. Please pray for him in that regard. He wrote an email back to thank us, saying he enjoyed the conversation, and that he’s very happy now. I think it’s because a lot of his questions are answered.

I overheard Elder Sim talking to Shawn’s friends too, and I gathered that they’re receptive? Thank the Lord! Let us all continue to pray for their salvation! May the Spirit work in their hearts!

Following which, Shawn Yeo faithfully feedbacked,

My friend, Jian Xiong, asked me some questions on the way back. He says he partially believes in the Bible, but has yet to see any historical facts backing it. Wai Hon, the other friend lol, commented that the way the message combined science and religion was interesting. But I think he’s taking it on a more intellectual basis. He says he has read a book about ‘Buddhism and science’, promoting their religion in the same way too... :/

Basically, what I've garnered from talking to them is that to believe there is a God is one thing. But to believe there is a Christian God is another. It’s difficult for a non-believer to believe in a Christian God when we do not substantiate the Bible’s authenticity from “the world’s resources”. I’m not too sure about Rui Yang, but I think he probably feels the same way before Brother Paul talked to him. That aside, I thoroughly enjoyed the message by Brother Paul and feel that I’ve been blessed today. Thank you everyone for making the Gospel Rally possible. Thank God for giving us a chance to share the gospel and for the time of fellowship. (Message #379)

And so ends the gospel rally. Thank God for all your labour of love – Joyce who did the programme booklet, Brian who chaired, Serena who played the guitar, Sharon who did the refreshments, Grace who was welcomer, and all of you who served and helped in one way or another, coming for tracting, etc. May the Lord Jesus Christ be praised. Please continue to pray for the salvation of our new friends. Oh wait! Does the gospel rally really end here? What about follow up? How about inviting them the next semester again? Isaiah 6:8, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Will you?

Jason Liew is the Overall Student Coordinator of FCM and a member of Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church.

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What is the ministry the Lord has shown me?

(1) First in Missions

I thank God for opening my eyes to the reality of the coming judgment of God on mankind through the study of the Book of Revelation taught by Elder (Dr) Goh Kee Tai in 2000 during Pandan Church Adult Bible Class and later in 2001 by Rev Timothy Tow during the FEBC night class.

The message is that there is no escape for mankind outside Christ. The only escape from this judgment is repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are the privilege people with the message of salvation. The only solution is in Missions.

As we sang the song The Last Hour during the class, I felt the urgency of the message, we were transported to the gates of heaven.

The sunset burns in western sky, Upon the air a warning cry.

The siren wails from tower to tower, Brethren this the last last hour.

This was before the infamous September 11, 2001 attack on the twin towers. I believe signing the beginning of the end.

I was moved to ask our Senior Pastor Dr SH Tow to go with him during the fellowship lunch one Lord’s day. He asked, what can you do? Have you taught Bible Study? No. I was to send him my testimony the next day which later was shared during my first mission trip to Miri via Brunei for the 1st Borneo B-P Camp in May 2001.

I was privileged to make subsequent mission trips to Sri Lanka in August 2001 and Saipan in March 2002.

The Lord moved Senior Pastor to start Calvary Missionary Society on 11 April 2002 where I was elected its Secretary. I was privileged to serve here for 2 years to 2004.

On September 11, 2002, our Senior Pastor asked if I’d consider to stand for the church elections for leadership renewal in deaconship.

I prayer with my wife and gave our consent 2 weeks later for the elections in November 2002.

(2) Second in Pastoral Ministry

(a) I was privileged to go for Holy Land Tour in 1998 led by Elder George Foong and Elder Lim Kim Hee. I was 30 years old that year.

On September 30, 1998 morning, during breakfast at Mount Scopus Hotel just outside Old Jerusalem city, an Indian lady travelling


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with us gave me and my wife 2 verses – Deuteronomy 28:8 and Deuteronomy 28:13. She said the Lord is speaking to you through these verses. Do claim the promise. The Lord healed her from fatal Leukemia a year back. Together with her husband they were planning to go to Australia for full time theological studies after the tour.

Deuteronomy 28:8, “The LORD shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses, and in all that thou settest thine hand unto; and he shall bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.”

Deuteronomy 28:13, “And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:”

I was very buffled by the number 288. I’m not playing with numerology, but just like to relate to you my experiences of coincidences.

My Office: 28 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2. We are on the 8th floor ---> 288

My Home: Just before turning into my home, there is a traffic light that has number 288.

My Address: Blk 29 #09-11 ---> 299 - 11 = 288

Before going for mission trip to Saipan, walked out of the house, a Mercedes Taxi came by number 288.

Before going to pick up Pastor Ling at Corpthorne Hotel, the taxi before my car was 288.

At the entrance of customs before going into Sibu on June 1, 2004, the same 288 on telephone cannot be missed.

“The LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail.” My Chinese name is Yi Wei. Yi means one and Wei means Tail in sound.

Rev Timothy Tow said in night class on Calvin’s Institutes, there pastor is the head and the tail.

(b) Email Message from Dr SH Tow

[2 Sept 2001

Dear Aik Wee

Thank God for your good part in our team work. I believe the Lord has greater things for you. Press on toward the mark. Acts 6:4, “Give yourself to prayer and the word.”

Affectionately SH Tow]

I believe the call in Acts 6:4 is in the pastoral ministry.

Dr SH Tow asked on June 7, 2004 again there is avenue for pastoral work in Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church. There is a need for full-timers to support the work that is currently shouldered by himself and Rev Quek. He also shared that he is getting older and there is a need for younger man to come forward.

I was reading the book The Life and Diary of David Brainerd on June 16, 2004 where there was a biography of Jonathan Edwards by Philip E Howard, Jr. “Jonathan Edwards was invited to be assistant to his grandfather, the Rev Solomon Stroddard, pastor of the Congregation Church at Northampton, Massachusetts. He accepted the call…”

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(c) Sister Lilian Chin

1 Thessalonians 5:24, “Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.”

This sister called at the time to ask time and again if I’m joining FEBC full time. The Lord sends His servants to ask and make me think again.

(3) Call for Missionary Pastors

Through various conversations with Rev Jack Sin, he saw the opening for pastoral work with mission emphasis especially to support the outreaches of Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church.

During mission trip with Sister Carol Lee, she asked if I had considered the full time ministry. I shared with her my struggle.

During the visit of Dr Paul Hoole he spoke specifically of answering the call for missionary pastors in the church. The message is to stop giving excuses about wife, career and finances.

Had a time of sharing with him and he again urged to make a decision.

(4) I am very reluctant to part with my present job where we are financially comfortable as a family. Why should I give it up? Why can’t I continue to be full part-time? But again, I’m restless and unable to have peace in this state. I have spoken to my boss seven months ago and he is aware that I’m just waiting for the right time to go.

Last Lord’s Day, Rev Peter Clements spoke of his call to the full time ministry. I could understand his struggle because I’m going through the same now. I felt no peace until I surrendered myself to the Lord. Thank God for helping me to see His guiding hand in this matter. I rest in Him now surrendered.

Deuteronomy 33:27, “The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.”

Submitted to FEBC on 16 June 2004

Editor’s Note: Dn Lek Aik Wee accepted the Lord’s call to entered full-time ministry in 2004 and graduated from the Far Eastern Bible College on May 6, 2007 with a Master of Divinity (MDiv). On June 1, 2007, he was appointed a Preacher of Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church by her Board of Elders. On November 2, 2009, Pr Lek Aik Wee took over from the Rev Wee Eng Moh as the new Bible Study Leader of FCM NTU/NIE. May the Lord bless his ministry.

Could a mariner sit idle if he heard the drowning cry? Could a doctor sit in comfort and just let his patients die? Could a fireman sit idle, let men burn and give no hand?

Can you sit at ease in Zion with the world around you damned?

Leonard Ravenhill

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My grandaunt brought me to Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church at a young age, and I came to know more about Christ through the Sunday school classes. Then, after a Junior Worship class, a teacher led me in the sinner’s prayer and I accepted Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour.

However, soon after that I stopped attending church out of negligence and turned to games. I spent my time immersed in the world and on the Internet, until I returned to church in Secondary 1, though it was out of guilt and to soothe my conscience more than a sincere effort to turn back to Christ. As a result of that, my attendance was inconsistent, and I was merely going through the motions.

Things changed when, in Secondary 2, I was hospitalised because of some intestinal problems and had to go through surgery. That was when I started to think more about my spiritual life, but I was still content to simply attend the Sunday Morning Service, and after I was discharged I simply continued living with my main focus on games and just enjoying myself.

It wasn’t until my family started having problems that I began to turn to God. But instead of laying everything at His feet, I still consulted with friends I had met over the Internet, sharing my troubles with them and listening to their advice instead of relying on God’s Word.

The turning point came after my ‘O’ levels when my parents decided to divorce, and at the same time my circle of friends on the Internet broke apart. Since I was introverted, I rarely confided in my parents or anyone else the loss of the people I knew online hit me especially hard. I was left with no one else to turn to, and so I finally turned to God.

It was especially difficult then, as I was just beginning my first year in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. But over the past two years, God has proven His mercy and grace to me time and again, sustaining me through everything that has happened, and on hindsight it seems as though everything that happened has worked to draw me closer to Him and to pull me away from the world and aimless way I was leading my life.

There are two verses that I have taken to heart, and they remind us to look first to God and not to human understanding. Proverbs 3: 5-6 says, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” It is also a reminder that we ought to involve Him in every aspect of our lives and let Him direct our paths.

Brian Lim is the Student Coordinator of FCM NTU/NIE and a member of Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church.


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The Most Powerful Book in America

The FCM NUS Gospel Rally for AY09/10S1 was held on October 21, 2009. Dr Paul Ferguson spoke on “Is Your Life Complete?” There were four newcomers.

The Rev Wee Eng Moh (Pastor, Berith B-P Church) stepped down as the Bible Study Leader of FCM NTU/NIE after 11 years of service in FCM on November 2, 2009. We welcome Pr Lek Aik Wee (Preacher, Calvary Pandan B-P Church) as he joins us as FCM NTU/NIE’s new Bible Study Leader.

Brian Lim, FCM NTU/NIE (since 2009), was appointed the Student Coordinator of FCM NTU/NIE on November 2, 2009.

They lie on the table side by side The Holy Bible and the TV guide.

One is well worn and cherished with pride. Not the Bible, but the TV guide.

One is used daily to help folks decide. No, not the Bible, but the TV guide.

As the pages are turned, what shall they see. Oh, what does it matter, turn on the TV.

Then confusion reigns, they can’t all agree On what they should watch on the old TV.

So they open the book in which they confide, No, not the Bible, but the TV guide.

The Word of God is seldom read, Maybe a verse as they fall into bed.

Exhausted and sleepy and tired as can be; Not from reading the Bible, from watching TV.

So then back to the table side by side, Lie the Holy Bible and the TV guide.

No time for prayer, no time for the Word, The plan of Salvation is seldom heard.

But forgiveness of sin, so full and free, Is found in the Bible, not on TV.

Choose which book will rule your family.

~ The author is unfortunately “unknown” ~

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Newsletter Advisor | Eld Dr Boaz Boon Editor | Jason Liew

Bible Study Leader Rev Wee Eng Moh, BTh, MRE (Berith BPC) [email protected]

Interim Student Coordinator Jason Liew 9017 8213 [email protected]

Venue & Time Blk 63, NTU Hall of Residence 13 (Eld Sim’s Home) 32 Nanyang Crescent, #03-1255, Singapore 637658 Every Monday, 6.30pm / Dinner @ 5.30pm

FCM NTU/NIE Bible Study Leader Joshua Yong, DipTh, BRE, MDiv cand (Truth BPC) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Elena Ang 9368 0556 [email protected]

Venue & Time School of Economics, SMU (Seminar Room 4.3) 90 Stamford Road, Singapore 178903 Every Friday, 5.00pm


Bible Study Leader Pr James Tan, BTh (Calvary Tengah BPC) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Lek Xuan 9638 9841 [email protected]

Venue & Time School of DMIT, SP (T19 Level 3 Tutorial Room) 500 Dover Road, Singapore 139651 Every Friday, 5.30pm

FCM SP Bible Study Leader Lim Jun Sheng, BEng, PDGE, CertRK (Calvary Tengah BPC) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Eleanor Ee 9298 1643 [email protected]

Venue & Time Main Library, NP (Newton Room) 535 Clementi Road, Singapore 599489 Every Friday, 5.30pm


Bible Study Leader Pr Ko Lingkang, BTh (Calvary Pandan BPC) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Joy Ng 9112 1760 [email protected]

Venue & Time Faculty of Science, NUS (Tutorial Room 13) 6 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117546 Every Wednesday, 5.15pm / Dinner @ 7.30pm

FCM NUS @ Kent Ridge Bible Study Leader Dr Paul Ferguson, DRE, ThD cand (Calvary Pandan BPC) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Ko Lingting 9663 0246 [email protected]

Venue & Time Faculty of Law, NUS (Blk B Seminar Room 4.1) 469G Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 259776 Every Wednesday, 5.15pm / Dinner @ 7.30pm

FCM NUS @ Bukit Timah

Overall Student Coordinator Jason Liew (Calvary Pandan BPC) 9017 8213 [email protected]

Overall FCM Coordinator Eld Dr Boaz Boon (Calvary Tengah BPC) 9824 7681 [email protected]

The FCM Family Contact Information & Bible Study Groups AY 09/10

Bible Study Leader Lee Kong Sing, BSc, MMD (Calvary Pandan BPC) [email protected]

Student Coordinator Samuel Goh 9181 7471 [email protected]

Venue & Time Main Library, RP (Study Area) 9 Woodlands Avenue 9, Singapore 738964 Every Wednesday, 5pm

