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FCP 13-2 Awards

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Flat Classroom Project 13-2 - Student Multimedia Awards, December 2013 http://fcp13-2.flatclassroomproject.org/Awards
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Flat Classroom® Project 13-2 AWARDS CEREMONY December 17, 2013
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Flat Classroom® Project 13-2 AWARDS CEREMONY

December 17, 2013

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-­‐  Julie  Lindsay    http://flatclassroom13-­‐2.flatclassroomproject.org      http://flatclassroomproject.ning.com  

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Participating Schools

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Judges Awards

Given by the expert judges aggregating their scores �  These awards go to the best multimedia works. �  See Rubrics for details about

�  Criterion A: Design and Technical Quality and �  Criterion B: Synthesis and Construction of Ideas

http://fcp13-2.flatclassroomproject.org/Rubrics All Awards can be found at http://fcp13-2.flatclassroomproject.org/Awards

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Total Number of Videos of FCP13-2 = 142

Congratulations to all

Students! Thank you to all Teachers!

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Group 1 Connecting the World Online

Judged by – Michelle McGarvey and Carole Shields

First: 1.E.4 Connecting the World Online - Silver Lining by MeaghanH_SHS

Second: 1.B.2

All Online: CWO Innovation, Invention, and Prediction by JakeH_SVHS

Third: 1.E.2

Connecting the World Online-Group Stories: Mercy Ships by Stevenn-BMHS-89

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Judged by - Craig Union and Carol Shields

First: 2.F.2 Importance of WWW by KateM_AAHS Second: 2.D.1 World Wide Web First Person Narrative by

SarahK_AAHS Third: 2.A.3 World Wide Web VictoriaK_DES HM: 2.C.4 Blake Mycoskie and the Story of TOMS by


Group 2 How the WWW has changed the world

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Group 3 Workflow Software

Judged by - Tamara Wolpowitz and Julie Lindsay

First: 3.B.1 "Innovations to a World Flattener: The Cloud" by KyleB_SVHS

Second: 3.A.2 What is Workflow Software? by EmilyM_AAHS

Third: 3.E.1 How Workflow Software and the Internet Affects Group Stories by AngelaK_SVHS

HM: 3.A.1 Final FCP video- Workflow Software Overview by Gucci D, DMCI

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Group 4 Uploading: Changing Shape

of Information Judged by – Yvonne Caples and Heather Davis

First: 4.A.2 The Changing Shape of Information: The Story by

NicoleS_AAHS Second4.C.3

The AIL and the Changing the Shape of Information by SarahM_SVHS

Third: 4.D.1 The Girl Obsessed With Uploading By:

Sarah Kuhrt HM: 4.F.1 How We Live By: LindseyS-mhjh-10

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Group 5 Web 2.0 for Sharing Information

Judged by – Yvonne Caples and Craig Union

First: 5.D.1 Web 2.0 in Government, Politics, and Employment by JackieF_AAHS

Second: 5.F.1 "Video Games... How We Play" DanielleP_SVHS

Third: 5.C.1 Social Entrepreneurship with Web 2.0 by OwenC_AAHS

HM: 5.E.1 Symphony Web 2.0 by; Jana Filo and 5.F.2 Web 2.0: How We Live (Play) Alexw-bmhs-mod67

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Group 6 Globalisation and Outsourcing

Judged by – Terry Smith and Lynn Koresh

First: 6.A.3 Globalization and Outsourcing by MorganB_SVHS Second: 6.B.1 Outsourcing: A Dynamic Force With Deep Roots

by KennethH_SVHS and 6.D.1Acting with Empathy in Bangalore: first person narrative and outsourcing by LaraT_SVHS

Third: 6.F.1 "Globalization and Play, On the Correlation Between." AnnikaS_SVHS

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Group 7 Google Takes Over the World

Judged by – Michelle M and Sue Ann Miller

First: 7.B.2 Google and the World by DanielleL-MHJH-10

Second: 7.A.2 Google: The Story by JacobK-MHJH-10

Third: 7.E.1 Google+ Hangouts: Bringing America Together by QarinaR-BMHS-89

HM: 7.E.3 Google and The Malala Fund by KalpanaG_DES

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Group 8 PLE's and Social Networking

Judged by – Yvonne Caples and Penny O’Brien

First: 8.A.2 FCP Project by LuLu Liu DMCI Second: 8.C.2

The Effects Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) and Social Networking Have On Education by HoustonT_DMCI_2013-2

Third: 8.A.3 PLEs and Social Networking RobertL MHJH

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Group 9 Mobile and Ubiquitous

Judged by – Craig Union and Sue AnnMiller First: 9.C.2 Social Entrepreneurship Video by:


Second: 9.C.1 Aviva Outsource Video by: JennyR-mhjh-10

Third: 9.F.1 Geocaching, The Hunt by: TaylorW_SVHS

HM: 9.E.3Group 9E Final Video by AriannaM

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Group 10 Virtual Communication

Judged by – Terry Smith and Penny O’Brien First: 10.B.4

Virtual Communication Innovation: Creating Tangible Data by ZacharyD_SVHS

Second: 10.D.2 "Virtual Communication: A Story DavidT-BHMS Third: 10.B.2 Virtual Communication - Current Events by:

StevenW DMCI 13-2 and 10.D.1 "The Story of Skype: Virtual Communication, Empathy" by AdamP_SVHS

HM: 10.A.1 Where is the Boundry? by: Lindseym-bmhs-67

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Group 11 Wireless Connectivity

Judged by – Yvonne Caples and Lynn Koresh First: 11.A.2 "Wireless Connectivity in the years"

By:HayleeF_SVHS For better quality go to YouTube Second: 11.E.1 The Dizzy Feet Foundation by

marissaa_MHJH_10 and 11.C.2 ITCANWAIT by: emilyl-bmhs-45

Third: 11.E.4 Group Think by NicS_AAHS

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Meta-Judge Awards The meta-judge for this project is

Anne Mirtschin

Anne is an award winning teacher from Victoria, Australia whose most recent major awards are ICT in Education Victoria Educator of the Year and Australian Computer Educator of the Year 2012. Anne has been nominated for the 2013 Edublogs awards Lifetime achievement. She is passionate about rural and global education, immersing technology in the classroom, eLearning and loves collaborating, teaching and learning online. She teaches ICT from grade 3 through to year 12 at Hawkesdale P12 College, a small rural prep to year 12 school. She is host of Tech Talk Tuesdays, a weekly online webinar, is a web conference coach for Digital Learning, Victorian Education Department, an Australasian Co-ordinator for the Global Education Conference, an active member of the Flat Connections Projects and is a lead teacher for the Global Classroom projects. A recent and exciting challenge was as co-organiser of the virtual participants for the 2013 Flat Classroom Conference in Yokohama, Japan. She has presented locally, nationally and globally. Find her on Twitter - @murcha

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Judges comments

�  It was a real pleasure to watch the category award winning videos . There was a wonderful variety of innovative outcomes. It is great to be able to see technology through the eyes of students after they have researched it and on a global scale. There were videos that nearly brought tears, videos that made me laugh and other videos that had wonderful learning opportunities. Some very deserving videos did not make it through to the overall winners stage as music sources, images and video clips were not cited. It is important that this is done as copyright issues may arise. It is also important to acknowledge the students who provided the outsourced clips. Congratulations to all the winners and to all who participated in this exciting project.

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Design and Technical

�  The videos were well planned and thought out with few technical glitches. There was variety in presentation, transitions, mixes of mulit-media and a number of tools were used to publish the final outcomes. Some videos featured music mixes to great effect and sound effects often added to the engagement of the audience.

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Synthesis and Construction of Ideas

�  It was great to see the creativity and innovation in the finalist videos. There were a variety of themes from stories to first person narratives through to innovation and prediction. Some great quotes were mentioned to enforce the themes. The evidence of collaboration is always extra special as this is a highlight and evidence of being involved in Flat Classroom Projects. However, it is always important to credit this. Content was well edited, organized and presented. Again it is always essential to ensure that featured work is royalty or copyright free and that urls are provided to credit the sources of music, images and video clips.

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Honourable Mentions

8.A.2 - by LuLu Liu from DMCI, USA Title of Video: FCP Project 1.E.4 by MeaghanH from SHS, Canada Title of Video: Connecting the world online – silver lining

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Third Place – x 2 5.D.1 Web 2.0 in Government, Politics and Employment By JackieF AAHS, USA

Teacher: Brian McLaughlin

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Second Place

10.B.4 Virtual Communication Innovation: Creating Tangible Data by ZacharyD_SVHS Teacher: Jessica Friday

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Second Place

3.B.1 Innovations to a World Flattener: The Cloud by KyleB_SVHS

Teacher: Jessica Friday

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The Winner is……. The Flat Classroom Project 2013-2 overall winner for Best Multimedia Artifact is:

Teacher: Brian McLaughlin

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2.F.2 Importance of WWW by Kate M from Academy of Allied Health and Science

The Flat Classroom Project 2013-2 overall winner for Best Multimedia Artifact is:

Teacher: Brian McLaughlin

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Special Thanks to…. Sheri Williams and Amy Jambor – Project Managers Lead teacher: Jessica Friday Flat Classroom All Projects Coordinator: Yvonne Caples Judges and Meta Judge All classroom teachers All students

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Congratulations to all students and teachers

Thank you to all judges, advisors, researchers and supporters. Flat Connections Projects �  http://flatconnections.com Flat Classroom Project Ning �  http://flatclassroomproject.ning.com Flat Connections Teacher Network �  http://flatconnections.net Email: [email protected]

Learning  Confluence  Pty  Ltd  -­‐  Flat  Connections  -­‐  Julie  Lindsay  –  flatconnections.com  

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Flat Connections Conference Sydney http://www.flatconnections.com/

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Main website - http://flatconnections.com Teacher Network- http://flatconnections.net Live events - http://flatconnections.org Contact: [email protected]

Director - Julie Lindsay
