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Fears and Fobias

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  • 8/9/2019 Fears and Fobias


    Fears and Phobias: What are you afraid of?

    Name of Phobia What you are afraid of  

    Ablutophobia washing or bathing.Acarophobia itching or insects that cause itching.

    Acerophobia sourness.

    Achluophobia darkness.

    Acousticophobia noise.

    Acrophobia heights.

    Aeroacrophobia open high places.

    Aeronausiphobia vomiting secondary to airsickness.

    Aerophobia drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne

    noxious substances.

    Agateophobia insanity.

    Agliophobia  pain.

    Agoraphobia open spaces or of being in crowded,

     public places like markets. leaving a

    safe place.

    Agraphobia sexual abuse.

    Agrizoophobia wild animals.

    Agyrophobia streets or crossing the street.

    Aichmophobia needles or pointed objects.

    Ailurophobia cats.

    Albuminurophobia kidney disease.

    Alektorophobia chickens.Algophobia  pain.

    Alliumphobia garlic.

    Allodoxaphobia opinions.

    Altophobia heights.

    Amathophobia dust.

    Amaxophobia riding in a car.

    Ambulophobia walking.

    Amnesiphobia amnesia.

    Amychophobia scratches or being scratched.

    Anablephobia looking up.

    Ancraophobia wind.Androphobia men.

    Anemophobia air drafts or wind.

    Anginophobia angina, choking or narrowness.

    Anglophobia England or English culture, English

    language, etc.

    Angrophobia anger or of becoming angry.

    Ankylophobia immobility of a joint.

    Anthrophobia or Anthophobia flowers.

    Anthropophobia  people or society.

    Antlophobia floods.Anuptaphobia staying single.

  • 8/9/2019 Fears and Fobias


    Apeirophobia infinity.

    Aphenphosmphobia  being touched.

    Apiphobia  bees.

    Apotemnophobia  persons with amputations.

    Arachibutyrophobia  peanut butter sticking to the roof of the

    mouth.Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia spiders.

    Arithmophobia numbers.

    Arrhenphobia men.

    Arsonphobia fire.

    Asthenophobia fainting or weakness.

    Astraphobia or Astrapophobia thunder and lightning.

    Astrophobia stars or celestial space.

    Asymmetriphobia asymmetrical things.

    Ataxiophobia ataxia.

    Ataxophobia disorder or untidiness.

    Atelophobia imperfection.Atephobia ruin or ruins.

    Athazagoraphobia  being forgotton or ignored or


    Atomosophobia atomic explosions.

    Atychiphobia failure.

    Aulophobia flutes.

    Aurophobia gold.

    Auroraphobia  Northern lights.

    Autodysomophobia one that has a vile odor.

    Automatonophobia ventriloquist's dummies, animatroniccreatures, wax statues anything that

    falsly represents a sentient being.

    Automysophobia  being dirty.

    Autophobia  being alone or of oneself.

    Aviophobia or Aviatophobia flying.

    acillophobia microbes.

    acteriophobia  bacteria.

    allistophobia missiles or bullets.

    arophobia gravity.

    asophobia or asiphobia walking or falling. !nability to stand.

    athmophobia stairs or steep slopes.athophobia depth.

    atophobia heights or being close to high buildings.

    atrachophobia amphibians, such as frogs, newts,

    salamanders, etc.

    elonephobia  pins and needles.

    ibliophobia  books.

    lennophobia slime.

    ogyphobia  bogeys or the bogeyman.

    olshephobia "olsheviks.

    otanophobia  plants.romidrosiphobia or romidrophobia  body smells.

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    rontophobia thunder and lightning.

    ufonophobia toads.

    !acophobia ugliness.

    !ainophobia or !ainotophobia newness, novelty.

    !aligynephobia  beautiful women.

    !ancerophobia or !arcinophobia cancer.!ardiophobia the heart.

    !arnophobia meat.

    !atagelophobia  being ridiculed.

    !atapedaphobia  jumping from high and low places.

    !athisophobia sitting.

    !atoptrophobia mirrors.

    !enophobia or !entophobia new things or ideas.

    !eraunophobia or "eraunophobia thunder and lightning.

    !haetophobia hair.

    !heimaphobia or !heimatophobia cold.

    !hemophobia chemicals or working with chemicals.!herophobia gaiety.

    !hionophobia snow.

    !hiraptophobia  being touched.

    !hirophobia hands.

    !hiroptophobia  bats.

    !holerophobia anger or the cholera.

    !horophobia dancing.

    !hrometophobia or !hrematophobia money.

    !hromophobia or !hromatophobia colors.

    !hronomentrophobia clocks.

    !hronophobia time.

    !ibophobia food.

    !laustrophobia confined spaces.

    !leithrophobia or !leisiophobia  being locked in an enclosed place.

    !leptophobia stealing.

    !limacophobia stairs, climbing, or of falling


    !linophobia going to bed.

    !lithrophobia or !leithrophobia  being enclosed.

    !nidophobia stings.

    !oimetrophobia cemeteries.!oitophobia coitus.

    !ometophobia comets.

    !onsecotaleophobia chopsticks.

    !ontreltophobia sexual abuse.

    !oprastasophobia constipation.

    !oprophobia feces.

    !oulrophobia clowns.

    !remnophobia  precipices.

    !ryophobia extreme cold, ice or frost.

    !rystallophobia crystals or glass.

    !yberphobia computers or working on a computer.!yclophobia  bicycles.

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    !ymophobia or "ymophobia waves or wave like motions.

    !ynophobia dogs or rabies.

    !ypridophobia or !ypriphobia or

    !yprianophobia or !yprinophobia

     prostitutes or venereal disease.

    #ecidophobia making decisions.

    #efecaloesiophobia  painful bowels movements.#eipnophobia dining or dinner conversations.

    #ementophobia insanity.

    #emonophobia or #aemonophobia demons.

    #emophobia crowds.

    #endrophobia trees.

    #entophobia dentists.

    #ermatophobia skin lesions.

    #ermatosiophobia or #ermatophobia or


    skin disease.

    #extrophobia objects at the right side of the body.

    #iabetophobia diabetes.

    #idaskaleinophobia going to school.

    #ikephobia  justice.

    #inophobia di##iness or whirlpools.

    #iplophobia double vision.

    #ipsophobia drinking.

    #ishabiliophobia undressing in front of someone.

    #isposophobia throwing stuff out. $oarding.

    #omatophobia houses or being in a house.

    #oraphobia fur or skins of animals.

    #oxophobia expressing opinions or of receiving praise.

    #romophobia crossing streets.

    #utchphobia the %utch.

    #ysmorphophobia deformity.

    #ystychiphobia accidents.

    $cclesiophobia church.

    $cophobia home.

    $icophobia home surroundings.

    $isoptrophobia mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror.

    $lectrophobia electricity.

    $leutherophobia freedom.$lurophobia cats.

    $metophobia vomiting.

    $netophobia  pins.

    $nochlophobia crowds.

    $nosiophobia or $nissophobia having committed an unpardonable sin

    or of criticism.

    $ntomophobia insects.

    $osophobia dawn or daylight.

    $phebiphobia teenagers.

    $pistaxiophobia nosebleeds.

    $pistemophobia knowledge.

    $%uinophobia horses.

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    $remophobia  being oneself or of lonliness.

    $reuthrophobia  blushing.

    $rgasiophobia work or functioning, operating &for a

    surgeon .

    $rgophobia work.

    $rotophobia sexual love or sexual questions.$rythrophobia or $rytophobia or


    redlights, blushing, or red colour.

    $uphobia hearing good news.

    $urotophobia female genitalia.

    Febriphobia or Fibriphobia or Fibriophobia fever.

    Felinophobia cats.

    Francophobia (rance or (rench culture.

    Frigophobia cold or cold things.

    &aleophobia or &atophobia cats.

    &allophobia or &aliophobia (ear (rance or (rench culture.

    &amophobia marriage.

    &eliophobia laughter.

    &elotophobia  being laughed at.

    &eniophobia chins.

    &enophobia sex.

    &enuphobia knees.

    &ephyrophobia or &ephydrophobia or


    crossing bridges.

    &erascophobia growing old.

    &ermanophobia )ermany or )erman culture.

    &erontophobia old people or of growing old.&eumaphobia or &eumophobia taste.

    &lossophobia speaking in public or of trying to speak.

    &nosiophobia knowledge.

    &raphophobia writing or handwriting.

    &ymnophobia nudity.

    &ynephobia or &ynophobia women.

    'adephobia hell.

    'agiophobia saints or holy things.

    'amartophobia sinning.

    'aphephobia or 'aptephobia  being touched.

    'arpaxophobia  being robbed.'edonophobia feeling pleasure.

    'eliophobia the sun.

    'ellenologophobia )reek terms or complex scientific


    'elminthophobia  being infested with worms.

    'emophobia or 'emaphobia or



    'eresyphobia or 'ereiophobia challenges to official doctrine or of

    radical deviation.

    'erpetophobia reptiles or creepy, crawly things.'eterophobia the opposite sex.

  • 8/9/2019 Fears and Fobias


    'exakosioihexekontahexaphobia the number ***.

    'ierophobia  priests or sacred things.

    'ippophobia horses.

    'ippopotomonstroses%uipedaliophobia long words.

    'obophobia  bums or beggars.

    'odophobia road travel.'omichlophobia fog.

    'omilophobia sermons.

    'ominophobia men.

    'omophobia sameness, monotony or of

    homosexuality or of becoming


    'oplophobia firearms.

    'ormephobia shock.

    'ydrargyophobia mercurial medicines.

    'ydrophobia water or of rabies.

    'ydrophobophobia rabies.

    'yelophobia or 'yalophobia glass.

    'ygrophobia liquids, dampness, or moisture.

    'ylephobia materialism or the epilepsy.

    'ylophobia forests.

    'ypengyophobia or 'ypegiaphobia responsibility.

    'ypnophobia sleep or of being hypnoti#ed.

    'ypsiphobia height.

    (atrophobia going to the doctor or of doctors.

    (chthyophobia fish.

    (deophobia ideas.(llyngophobia vertigo or feeling di##y when looking


    (nsectophobia insects.

    (ophobia  poison.

    (solophobia solitude, being alone.

    (sopterophobia termites, insects that eat wood.

    (thyphallophobia seeing, thinking about or having an

    erect penis.

    )apanophobia +apanese.

    )udeophobia +ews.

    "ainolophobia or "ainophobia anything new, novelty."akorrhaphiophobia failure or defeat.

    "atagelophobia ridicule.

    "athisophobia sitting down.

    "atsaridaphobia cockroaches.

    "enophobia voids or empty spaces.

    "eraunophobia or !eraunophobia thunder and lightning.

    "inetophobia or "inesophobia movement or motion.

    "leptophobia stealing.

    "oinoniphobia rooms.

    "olpophobia genitals, particularly female.

    "oniophobia dust.

    "opophobia fatigue.

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    "osmikophobia cosmic phenomenon.

    "ymophobia waves.

    "ynophobia rabies.

    "yphophobia stooping.

    *achanophobia vegetables.

    *aliophobia or *alophobia speaking.*eprophobia or *epraphobia leprosy.

    *eukophobia the color white.

    *evophobia things to the left side of the body.

    *igyrophobia loud noises.

    *ilapsophobia tornadoes and hurricanes.

    *imnophobia lakes.

    *inonophobia string.

    *iticaphobia lawsuits.

    *ockiophobia childbirth.

    *ogizomechanophobia computers.

    *ogophobia words.*uiphobia lues, syphillis.

    *utraphobia otters.

    *ygophobia darkness.

    *yssophobia rabies or of becoming mad.

    +acrophobia long waits.

    +ageirocophobia cooking.

    +aieusiophobia childbirth.

    +alaxophobia love play.

    +aniaphobia insanity.

    +astigophobia  punishment.

    +echanophobia machines.

    +edomalacuphobia losing an erection.

    +edorthophobia an erect penis.

    +egalophobia large things.

    +elanophobia the color black.

    +elissophobia  bees.

    +elophobia (ear or hatred of music.

    +eningitophobia  brain disease.

    +enophobia menstruation.

    +erinthophobia  being bound or tied up.

    +etallophobia metal.+etathesiophobia changes.

    +eteorophobia meteors.

    +ethyphobia alcohol.

    +etrophobia (ear or hatred of poetry.

    +icrobiophobia microbes.

    +icrophobia small things.

    +isophobia or +ysophobia  being contaminated with dirt or germs.

    +nemophobia memories.

    +olysmophobia or +olysomophobia dirt or contamination.

    +onopathophobia definite disease.

    +onophobia solitude or being alone.+otorphobia automobiles.

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    +ottephobia moths.

    +usophobia or +uriphobia mice.

    +ycophobia (ear or aversion to mushrooms.

    +ycrophobia small things.

    +yctophobia darkness.

    +yrmecophobia ants.+ythophobia myths or stories or false statements.

    +yxophobia slime.

    Nebulaphobia fog.

    Necrophobia death or dead things.

    Nelophobia glass.

    Neopharmaphobia new drugs.

    Neophobia anything new.

    Nephophobia clouds.

    Noctiphobia the night.

    Nomatophobia names.

    Nosocomephobia hospitals.Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia  becoming ill.

    Nostophobia returning home.

    Novercaphobia your stepmother.

    Nucleomituphobia nuclear weapons.

    Nudophobia nudity.

    Numerophobia numbers.

    Nyctohylophobia dark wooded areas or of forests at night

    Nyctophobia the dark or of night.

    ,besophobia gaining weight.

    ,chlophobia crowds or mobs.

    ,chophobia vehicles.

    ,ctophobia the figure .

    ,dontophobia teeth or dental surgery.

    ,dynophobia or ,dynephobia  pain.

    ,enophobia wines.

    ,ikophobia home surroundings, house.

    ,lfactophobia smells.

    ,mbrophobia rain or of being rained on.

    ,mmetaphobia or ,mmatophobia eyes.

    ,mphalophobia  belly buttons.

    ,neirogmophobia wet dreams.,neirophobia dreams.

    ,nomatophobia hearing a certain word or of names.

    ,phidiophobia snakes.

    ,phthalmophobia  being stared at.

    ,piophobia (ear medical doctors experience of

     prescribing needed pain medications for 


    ,ptophobia opening one's eyes.

    ,rnithophobia  birds.

    ,rthophobia  property.

    ,smophobia or ,sphresiophobia smells or odors.,straconophobia shellfish.

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    ,uranophobia or -ranophobia heaven.

    Pagophobia ice or frost.

    Panophobia or Pantophobia everything.

    Panthophobia suffering and disease.

    Papaphobia the -ope.

    Papyrophobia  paper.Paralipophobia neglecting duty or responsibility.

    Paraphobia sexual perversion.

    Parasitophobia  parasites.

    Paraskavedekatriaphobia (riday the /th.

    Parthenophobia virgins or young girls.

    Parturiphobia childbirth.

    Pathophobia disease.

    Patroiophobia heredity.

    Peccatophobia sinning or imaginary crimes.

    Pediculophobia lice.

    Pediophobia dolls.Pedophobia children.

    Peladophobia  bald people.

    Pellagrophobia  pellagra.

    Peniaphobia  poverty.

    Pentheraphobia motherinlaw.

    Phagophobia swallowing or of eating or of being


    Phalacrophobia  becoming bald.

    Phallophobia a penis, esp erect.

    Pharmacophobia taking medicine.

    Pharmacophobia drugs.

    Phasmophobia ghosts.

    Phengophobia daylight or sunshine.

    Philemaphobia or Philematophobia kissing.

    Philophobia falling in love or being in love.

    Philosophobia  philosophy.

    Phobophobia  phobias.

    Phonophobia noises or voices or one's own voice0 of


    Photoaugliaphobia glaring lights.

    Photophobia light.Phronemophobia thinking.

    Phthiriophobia lice.

    Phthisiophobia tuberculosis.

    Placophobia tombstones.

    Plutophobia wealth.

    Pluviophobia rain or of being rained on.

    Pneumatiphobia spirits.

    Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia choking of being smothered.

    Pocrescophobia gaining weight.

    Pogonophobia  beards.

    Poinephobia  punishment.Poliosophobia contracting poliomyelitis.

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    Politicophobia (ear or abnormal dislike of politicians.

    Polyphobia many things.

    Ponophobia overworking or of pain.

    Porphyrophobia the color purple.

    Potamophobia rivers or running water.

    Potophobia alcohol.Proctophobia rectums.

    Prosophobia  progress.

    Psellismophobia stuttering.

    Psychophobia mind.

    Psychrophobia cold.

    Pteromerhanophobia flying.

    Pteronophobia  being tickled by feathers.

    Pupaphobia  puppets.

    Pyrexiophobia (ever.

    Pyrophobia fire.

    .adiophobia radiation, xrays.

    .anidaphobia frogs.

    .ectophobia rectum or rectal diseases.

    .habdophobia  being severely punished or beaten by a

    rod, or of being severely critici#ed.

    1lso magic or the magic wand

    .hypophobia defecation.

    .hytiphobia getting wrinkles.

    .upophobia dirt.

    .ussophobia 2ussians.

    /amhainophobia $alloween./armassophobia love play.

    /atanophobia 3atan.

    /cabiophobia scabies.

    /catophobia fecal matter.

    /celerophibia  bad men, burglars.

    /ciophobia /ciaphobia shadows.

    /coleciphobia worms.

    /colionophobia school.

    /copophobia or /coptophobia  being seen or stared at.

    /cotomaphobia  blindness in visual field.

    /cotophobia darkness./criptophobia writing in public.

    /elachophobia sharks.

    /elaphobia light flashes.

    /elenophobia the moon.

    /eplophobia decaying matter.

    /es%uipedalophobia long words.

    /exophobia the opposite sex.

    /iderodromophobia trains, railroads or train travel.

    /iderophobia stars.

    /inistrophobia things to the left or left handed.

    /inophobia 4hinese, 4hinese culture, 4hineselanguage, etc.

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    /itophobia or /itiophobia food or eating.

    /nakephobia snakes.

    /oceraphobia  parents in law.

    /ocial Phobia  being evaluated negatively in social


    /ociophobia society or people in general./omniphobia sleep.

    /ophophobia learning.

    /oteriophobia dependence on others.

    /pacephobia outer space.

    /pectrophobia specters or ghosts.

    /permatophobia or /permophobia germs.

    /pheksophobia wasps.

    /tasibasiphobia or /tasiphobia standing or walking.

    /taurophobia crosses or the crucifix.

    /tenophobia narrow things or places.

    /tygiophobia or /tigiophobia hell./uriphobia mice.

    /ymbolophobia symbolism.

    /ymmetrophobia symmetry.

    /yngenesophobia relatives.

    /yphilophobia syphilis.

    0achophobia speed.

    0aeniophobia or 0eniophobia tapeworms.

    0aphephobia 0aphophobia  being buried alive or cemeteries.

    0apinophobia  being contagious.

    0aurophobia  bulls.

    0echnophobia technology.

    0eleophobia definite plans or of religious


    0elephonophobia telephones.

    0eratophobia  bearing a deformed child or monsters or 

    deformed people.

    0estophobia taking tests.

    0etanophobia lockjaw, tetanus.

    0eutophobia )erman or )erman things.

    0extophobia certain fabrics.

    0haasophobia sitting.0halassophobia the sea.

    0hanatophobia or 0hantophobia death or dying.

    0heatrophobia theatres.

    0heologicophobia theology.

    0heophobia gods or religion.

    0hermophobia heat.

    0ocophobia  pregnancy or childbirth.

    0omophobia surgical operations.

    0onitrophobia thunder.

    0opophobia certain places or situations, such as

    stage fright.

    0oxiphobia or 0oxophobia or 0oxicophobia  poison or of being accidently poisoned.

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    0raumatophobia injury.

    0remophobia trembling.

    0richinophobia trichinosis.

    0richopathophobia or 0richophobia hair.

    0riskaidekaphobia the number /.

    0ropophobia moving or making changes.0rypanophobia injections.

    0uberculophobia tuberculosis.

    0yrannophobia tyrants.

    -ranophobia or ,uranophobia heaven.

    -rophobia urine or urinating.

    1accinophobia vaccination.

    1enustraphobia  beautiful women.

    1erbophobia words.

    1erminophobia germs.

    1estiphobia clothing.

    1irginitiphobia rape.1itricophobia stepfather.

    Walloonphobia the 5alloons.

    Wiccaphobia witches and witchcraft.

    2anthophobia the color yellow or the word yellow.

    2enoglossophobia foreign languages.

    2enophobia strangers or foreigners.

    2erophobia dryness.

    2ylophobia wooden objects or forests.

    2yrophobia ra#ors.

    3elophobia  jealousy.

    3emmiphobia the great mole rat.

    3eusophobia )od or gods.

    3oophobia animals.
