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February 2014 - btckstorage.blob.core.windows.netbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site8099/Whats On...

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What’s on in February 2014 Our verse of the year “But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ” Ephesians Ch 4 v 15
Page 1: February 2014 - btckstorage.blob.core.windows.netbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site8099/Whats On PDF/HTM Wh… · Tuesday 28th January Christ Church Action Group meet in church.

What’s on in

February 2014

Our verse of the year

“But speaking the truth in

love, we must grow up in

every way into Him who is

the head, into Christ”

Ephesians Ch 4 v 15

Page 2: February 2014 - btckstorage.blob.core.windows.netbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site8099/Whats On PDF/HTM Wh… · Tuesday 28th January Christ Church Action Group meet in church.

As we move from one season in the year when remembering significant journeys has been important, we turn to face another season of journeying. At Christmas we recalled the journey taken by Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. As we moved onwards into the new year, we recalled how they had to flee from the despotic King Herod as refugees, and seek asylum in Egypt to save their lives. Epiphany recalled for us the journey of the wise men, as they searched the heavens and studied the wisdom of ancient sages, then responded to what they discovered, by setting out on a journey to see for themselves this child that had been born. A child that the whole universe declared to be of such cosmic significance. Now in this season, we turn and look towards the end of Jesus’ earthly journey, towards his death and resurrection. Jesus did not travel that journey alone, and as we read the gospel stories, we discover all sorts of people, both high and low, rich and poor, women and men who journeyed with him. They were a diverse and colourful mixture of characters whose own stories are interwoven with the story of Jesus, and whose journeys took new directions as they responded to their encounter with him, Jesus the man who was also God. The fact that Jesus died at the end of his journey isn’t surprising, as all humans die. The amazingly miraculous fact that death couldn’t hold him is mind blowing, almost too much for us to grasp, and proof of his divinity. And it gets even more startling, because the Spirit of Jesus has been given to us, to live in us and through us, when we turn from our old independent of God lives, and choose to journey with Jesus. Now our lives too become lives of cosmic significance, and Jesus draws us to live the journeying pilgrim life that he lived on earth, to follow in his footsteps. He calls us to gather around us all of the diverse and colourful characters that he drew around him, high and low, rich and poor, women and men, and to let his love and his acceptance flow out from us towards them. Our city is home to diverse people from all around the world, many of whom have fled from despotic governments and danger. One of the privileges we have as a Christian community is to be able to journey with them, to share their pilgrimage and let their stories touch our lives. We too are on a journey, both an inward and an outward journey, one of change and one of transformation, and it’s in our encounters with one another that enables transformation to take place. And as we do so, we find our lives being interwoven together as the big picture nears completion. The stars in the heavens are telling their story, and the wisdom of the prophets is still being proclaimed. So let us play our part, let us respond to the mystery and step out together to see for ourselves where God is leading us.

The Vicar’s Views

Page 3: February 2014 - btckstorage.blob.core.windows.netbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site8099/Whats On PDF/HTM Wh… · Tuesday 28th January Christ Church Action Group meet in church.

Worship Times:

Sunday 9.30am Sunday Service

Monday 9 am Morning Prayer

Thursday 10 am Eucharist

Due to the closure of the community centre in Portland Street, messy church will not be taking place at the moment. Please pray for those families who have been

involved in messy church and for the children in the community.

Tuesday 28th January Christ Church Action Group meet in church. Come along and

get involved in your community. Contact Frank for more information.

The Luncheon Club for the elderly is held every Tuesday from 12 noon til 2 p.m.

The Church is open for companionship, prayer and craft every Wednesday from

11 a.m til 1 p.m.

Cobridge Remembers

Since the Bennett memorial found its new home in the church a small group has been

meeting together to help Cobridge commemorate the Centenary of the First World War.

We want to find out more about the people who are named on the two memorials in

church and have produced a leaflet listing the names. By learning about their lives we

hope to help the community and in particular the children of the area to have a better

understanding of the sacrifices made and what the Centenary is all about. We had a very

moving Remembrance Day service, with Christ Church packed with teachers and children

from local schools and a poster competition. One of the winning entries appeared in

January’s What’s On.

Church Wardens: Les Davis: Tel 01782 281371 John Bennion: Tel 01782 273929

First contact minister: Revd. Sally Smith Tel: 01782 266066 [email protected]

We celebrate from 2013

Welcoming new families into Church

The full immersion baptism service

A well supported midnight mass on Christmas Eve

Page 4: February 2014 - btckstorage.blob.core.windows.netbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site8099/Whats On PDF/HTM Wh… · Tuesday 28th January Christ Church Action Group meet in church.

Worship times:

Sunday: 11 am Sunday Service

Wednesday: 11 am Eucharist (Reginald Mitchell Court 19th Febraary)

Saturday: 9 am Morning Prayer (check with minister)

Contact ministers: Enquiries to Revd. Christine Broad (852280) or Revd. Sally Smith (266066)

Church Wardens: Norman and June Tatton Tel: 01782 657060

Thursday 30th January DCC meeting at 7 p.m. in the Parish room.

Book library. We have set up a library of books for people to borrow. If you have

any biblically based books that you can donate or if you know of anyone (including

yourself) who might enjoy and benefit from this service, have a word with Graham


Prayer Gathering. Please join us for prayer before the Sunday service at 10.45 a.m.

Please contact Mary Chanot (01782 271262) with any prayer requests.

JET (Jesus every Tuesday) is a new after school club meeting in St Luke’s from 3.30

p.m. til 4.30 p.m. for children in reception and Year 1. The club is becoming

established with a good turn out of enthusiastic children. Spread the word!

Look out for events in the first week of March including a Spring Fair on 8th March.

Youth Group. The youth group meets on Mondays at St Luke’s 7.30 p.m. (Second Monday at

Northwood Parish Hall).

We celebrate from 2013

The development of the new JET club

A crib service well supported by local families

The pre service prayer meeting and answers to prayer

Come and join us for our first morning coffee session of the year

on Saturday 1st February from 10 a.m. until 11.30 a.m. Hosted

by June and Margaret, come and join us for coffee and biscuits

with lots of things to buy and a chance to try your luck on the


Page 5: February 2014 - btckstorage.blob.core.windows.netbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site8099/Whats On PDF/HTM Wh… · Tuesday 28th January Christ Church Action Group meet in church.

Worship times:

Sunday 11 am Sunday Service with Sunday School

Tuesday 9 am Morning Prayer

10 am Eucharist

DCC meeting in the meeting room on Monday 10th February at 7.30 p.m.

Tuesday 18th February Northwood Day Care Centre Service at 2 p.m.

Thursday 27th February Messy Church 3.30 p.m. til 5.15 p.m. All welcome

Why not join us for community lunch on Tuesdays. Soup, sandwiches, and a sweet

for just £2.

First contact minister: Revd. Christine Broad (852280)

[email protected]

Church Wardens: Brenda Hughes 01782 212198

Nick Broad 07795 683686

Come and join us for our coffee morning on Saturday 15th

February from 10 a.m. until midday. Held in our newly decorated

and carpeted meeting room, come and enjoy refreshments,

browse the ‘for sale’ items and try your luck on the raffle.

We celebrate from 2013

The well supported ‘Everybody welcome’ course

The makeover of the meeting room and entrance

The well supported Christmas Carol Service and Crib Service

The first coach trip of the year is to Liverpool on Saturday 22nd March. Last year, the

people on the full coach enjoyed shopping, visiting the Albert Dock, and attending choral

evensong at the Anglican Cathedral. The coach departs St. Matthew’s at 9 a.m.,

returning by 6.30 p.m. The cost is adults £12, under 16’s £8. A £5 deposit to Nick secures

your place.

Page 6: February 2014 - btckstorage.blob.core.windows.netbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site8099/Whats On PDF/HTM Wh… · Tuesday 28th January Christ Church Action Group meet in church.

The Bishop of Lichfield’s Epiphany Message 2014

The Church of England has changed radically over the last forty years. We remain committed to offering a lively Christian presence in every community, but the way we are doing this is changing. In recent years our Plain Speaking process has helped Lichfield Diocese plan for sustainable growth. We’re facing the long-term trend of ageing congregations and falling numbers although at the last count, it seems we are seeing a hint of growth. But one aspect that isn’t so clear from the average pew is the demographic one that affects the whole of the Church of England. And specifically in this diocese, a third of all our clergy are predicted to retire in the next ten years. Replacing them has traditionally been the responsibility of a few lively churches with the help of the DDO – the Diocesan Director of Ordinands. We want people who are passionate for the gospel, live Christ-centred lives, are people of prayer and leaders of mission in their communities. (Revd David Newsome, DDO) While the traditional priest-per-parish model has stretched us almost to breaking-point in some places, we’ve seen a surge in other forms of ministry. Non-stipendiary clergy have grown in large numbers – people who remain in secular employment have the calling to serve in their local churches as priests. And we have recruited some fabulous priests through this route who remain thoroughly grounded in normal life Then later this year we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the ordination of the first women priests. Resistance was often strong in the early years, but many congregations who were initially uncomfortable with the idea are now delighted with the women who lead them. Over 40% of our new clergy in the coming year will be women and many of us are looking forward to them taking more senior positions in the diocese. Most parishes are also able to call on Lay Readers, who are our Lay Theologians: people without the vocation to be a priest but who teach congregations from scripture, lead them in worship and have a distinctive vocation to lay ministry. We also have many Lay Ministers: people who have received training and have a specific ministry.

Page 7: February 2014 - btckstorage.blob.core.windows.netbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site8099/Whats On PDF/HTM Wh… · Tuesday 28th January Christ Church Action Group meet in church.

The Bishop of Lichfield’s Epiphany Message 2014 cont. As disciples we’re all participating in ministry and for lots of people that is in their workplace or their own community or amongst their family and friends. But some people also have a specific call to Lay Ministry on behalf of the church. We offer all kinds of resources to support a wide range of ministries. And the two formal courses we offer are for Authorised Lay Ministry and Lay Reader ministry. (Dr. Lindsey Hall, Director of Lay Development) And the great news is that some parishes are encouraging many to come forward… But what about the Holy Communion, our central act of worship? This is the rub for some parishes, that sometimes we overlook the key need for a priest to take the weekly Holy Communion service. I have sometimes described the French Roman Catholic support in the 1970’s for ADAPs, or “Assemblee Domincale en l’Absence de Prêtre”, that is, Sunday worship in the absence of a priest. This was basically a trained and authorized lay worship team who would take responsibility for the organising of Sunday service on those Sundays when the priest was in another church. Until such time as we have more priests, be they full-time if the generosity of congregations allows, or part-time as the number of non-stipendiary or ordained local ministers increases, we will want to use specially ordained lay teams like that of the ADAPs. And this isn’t a terrible situation to be in. The challenge of keeping our worship fresh, alive and relevant is one that all traditions within the Church of England have to face. We share in a wonderfully diverse diocese. We have extremely sparsely populated moorlands in Staffordshire and where Shropshire borders with Wales. And we have some very densely populated urban and suburban areas. We have a smattering of wealthy people in our congregations and many professional people with comfortable incomes. But as our Practising Generosity event showed last year, 25% of our parishes have people belonging to the poorest 10% of British society. Money was one of Jesus favourite topics even though I and many clergy are less comfortable asking for it. But how we use it is a measure of our commitment to Jesus and to his Church. Jesus encourages us all to invest in his work: “Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap.” This month, the Bishop’s Staff Team is continuing to look closely at how we grow as a church: none of us wants to manage a process of decline. God created a church in which every member, including you is able to grow in faith through the opportunity to explore and offer themselves to any ministry you are called to. We have such good news to share – of hope for the future, of Christ’s love and grace for each of us. May God bless you in 2014.

Page 8: February 2014 - btckstorage.blob.core.windows.netbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site8099/Whats On PDF/HTM Wh… · Tuesday 28th January Christ Church Action Group meet in church.

Do you remember the magnificent film, Brassed Off, released

in 1992, about life in a mining community with pit closures

imminent, but told with additional entertainment of life in the

colliery brass band? The film has been transformed into a stage

play with live music provided by a real brass band.

I am arranging a trip to see the production in Blackpool on

Tuesday 15th April at 7.30 p.m. The coach will leave St Matthew’s

at 1.30 p.m. (other pick ups by arrangement) leaving a couple of

hours for shopping, strolling, and tea before the show. The cost is

£25 (which includes a £21.50 ticket). Contact me asap (details on

back page) if you are interested. I will need £10 to book a place.

Page 9: February 2014 - btckstorage.blob.core.windows.netbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site8099/Whats On PDF/HTM Wh… · Tuesday 28th January Christ Church Action Group meet in church.
Page 10: February 2014 - btckstorage.blob.core.windows.netbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site8099/Whats On PDF/HTM Wh… · Tuesday 28th January Christ Church Action Group meet in church.

Worship times:

Sunday: 9.30 am Sunday Service

Thursday: 9 am Morning Prayer

10 am Eucharist

Sunday 9th February Pathfinders meet in the hall at 9.30 a.m.

Tuesday 18th February Northwood Day Care Centre Service at 2 p.m.

Every Monday from 9.15 a.m. until 10.45 a.m. Little Ducks tots and carers group

Mondays 3rd and 17th February Cash Bingo. Doors Open 7 p.m. Eyes down 7.30 p.m.

Tuesday 11th February Messy Church from 3.30 p.m. Until 5.15 p.m.

Sunday 16th February Parish ‘all Praise

Saturday 22nd February General Knowledge Quiz £3 per person including buffet


First contact minister: Revd. Christine Broad 852280 [email protected]

Church Wardens: Bee Lindfield Tel: 01782 850832 Claire Harmon Tel: 07979 776203

Confirmation preparation continues in the hall. Tuesdays 4th and 18th February at 7 p.m.

We celebrate from 2013

The introduction of the Little Ducks and Pathfinders groups

The tremendous social events at the hall, including big band, brass band, and comedian.

The well supported Christmas services with over 50 people attending Christmas Eve mass

The first coach trip of the year is to Liverpool on Saturday 22nd March. Last year, the

people on the full coach enjoyed shopping, visiting the Albert Dock, and attending choral

evensong at the Anglican Cathedral. The coach departs St. Matthew’s at 9 a.m., Parish

Hall at 9.05 a.m. and Janet Place at 9.10 a.m. returning by 6.30 p.m. The cost is adults

£12, under 16’s £8. A £5 deposit to Nick secures your place.

Page 11: February 2014 - btckstorage.blob.core.windows.netbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site8099/Whats On PDF/HTM Wh… · Tuesday 28th January Christ Church Action Group meet in church.

Church Wardens: Des and Maureen Cotton Tel: 01782 641775

First Contact Minister: Revd. Sally Smith Tel: 01782 266066 [email protected]

Worship times:

Sunday: 9.30 am Sunday Service with Sunday School

Wednesday: 9 am Morning Prayer

EMBRACE provides a weekly 'Drop-In' service at St Mark's Church in Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent for female asylum seekers, refugees, and their children, who are experienc-ing hardship and social isolation as a result of the asylum process. The Embrace 'Drop-In' provides a non-judgemental, peaceful and safe space where the women can connect with each other, make new friends and be embraced into the local community. We are looking for volunteers to help us sort, display and distribute clothing, food, baby equipment and other items which have been donated, during

our Wednesday morning drop in. If you can help, please contact Revd. Sally.

Saturday 1st February Prayer Breakfast 8.30 am til 10 am Contact Keith on 316996

Wednesday 12th February Mothers’ Union meet at 11 a.m. Members from all

churches are welcome to join us. Please contact Maureen for details on 641775

Every Wednesday at 1 pm The New “Embrace the World choir” meets. All welcome

Tuesdays 4th, 11th, 18th February ‘Pilgrim’ course continues at 7.30 p.m.

Part 2 based on The Lord’s Prayer will start after Easter.

Every Monday Open Door from 10 a.m. til 12.30 p.m. Drop in for a drink and chat.

Advance Notice Shrove Tuesday 5th March Pancake Quiz in church at 7 p.m.

Tickets £5. Please contact Des for more details on 641775.

We celebrate from 2013

The ‘post-it note’ Jesus at the Licensing of the new staff team in a packed church.

The support for female asylum seekers including providing dinner on Christmas Day

A well supported Christingle service and Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve

On Wednesday 5th February, our mid week Eucharist will not be held in church,

but at the Locks Sheltered Housing Complex, Etruria at 10 a.m. Please join us.

Page 12: February 2014 - btckstorage.blob.core.windows.netbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site8099/Whats On PDF/HTM Wh… · Tuesday 28th January Christ Church Action Group meet in church.


A full set of monthly readings are available at the back of Church or from

the wardens.


Rector Revd. Christine Broad 19, Widecombe Road, Birches Head, ST1 6SL

Phone 01782 852280 email [email protected]

Team Vicar Revd. Sally Smith (Diocesan Advisor for vulnerable adults)

35, Harding Road, Hanley ST1 3BQ Phone 01782 266066 email [email protected]

Parish Creative Missioner Frank McGregor

Phone 07952 318685 email [email protected]

Assistant Curate Revd. Tommy Merry 18, Cromer Road, Northwood, ST1 6QN

Phone 01782 267828 email [email protected]

Readers: Karen Petherick, Roy Smith, Marg Collin, Kath Boyce

What’s On editor Nick Broad (07795683686) [email protected],

assistant editor Revd. Tommy Merry, printed and collated by Angus Paterson

If you, or anyone you know, would like to speak to a member of the

staff team, or would like someone to visit them, please let us know.

We have tried to include some different ideas to enhance

What’s On. If you would like to share your experiences or

stories to encourage others in What’s On, if you would like to

contribute your views in What’s On, if you have ideas we could

include in What’s On, please let me know. Nick

DATE FIRST SECOND THIRD 2nd Mal 3:1-5 Heb 2:14-end Luke 2:22-40 9th Isa:58:1-9a 1 Cor 2:1-12 Matt 5:13-20 16th Deut 30:15-20 1 Cor 3:1-9 Matt 5:21-37 23rd Gen 1:1 Romans 8:18-25 Matt 6:25-34
