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February 2017 Newsletter - Elements Golf Reserve · Boy-Boy Lebelo has resigned in December and we...

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Chairman Report It is great to have an opportunity of communicating with all the Owners again particularly when we have a lot of good news and progress to share. Firstly I would like to welcome our new General Manager on board. Ian Leach is a recognized Club Management force in the Golfing industry and has a list of accomplishments as long as my arm behind his name. We received a number of CV’s for this position but when we couldn’t find exactly what we were looking for we approached Ian who had been watching our progress at Elements and when we updated him he shared our optimism for EPGR and accepted our offer which contained performance incentives for the Club and the development. He in turn has brought on a highly regarded Pro Shop Manager and a Maintenance Manager. Clubhouse Key Handover Ceremony Beatrice Grobler, representing Legacy handing over the clubhouse keys. February 2017 Newsletter
Page 1: February 2017 Newsletter - Elements Golf Reserve · Boy-Boy Lebelo has resigned in December and we now have Tshepiso Mabena and Narien Botha helping with golf bookings and any other

Chairman Report It is great to have an opportunity of communicating with all the Owners again particularly when we have a lot of

good news and progress to share.

Firstly I would like to welcome our new General Manager on board. Ian Leach is a recognized Club Management force

in the Golfing industry and has a list of accomplishments as long as my arm behind his name. We received a number

of CV’s for this position but when we couldn’t find exactly what we were looking for we approached Ian who had

been watching our progress at Elements and when we updated him he shared our optimism for EPGR and accepted

our offer which contained performance incentives for the Club and the development.

He in turn has brought on a highly regarded Pro Shop Manager and a Maintenance Manager.

Clubhouse Key Handover Ceremony

Beatrice Grobler, representing Legacy handing over the clubhouse keys.

February 2017 Newsletter

Page 2: February 2017 Newsletter - Elements Golf Reserve · Boy-Boy Lebelo has resigned in December and we now have Tshepiso Mabena and Narien Botha helping with golf bookings and any other

For those of you who were not at the Owners feedback session we held at Bryanston Country Club on the 16th Feb

you will no doubt have heard that we have signed agreements and made payments to Legacy which now gives us full

ownership of the Clubhouse, golf cart parking, Hotel Stand and all of Legacy’s commercial Rights. Furthermore; Legacy

has agreed to transfer the 20 stands we need to have access to the Waterberg water. In other words the Body

Corporate now owns all the Assets and has achieved the water access we agreed and voted on the Acquisition Levy at

the AGM.

We collected R3M shy of the R9,5M we needed to conclude this transaction in its entirety but have been able to

convince Legacy to accept a “Loan Buyout” structure for the R3M which we have to repay by the end of April 2017 so

that we could show those Owners that are “late adopters” that this deal was going to happen and has happened. I

enclose a photograph above of our new GM at a key handover ceremony in the Elements Clubhouse and I know he is

hard at work busy getting it back to full operational standards.

That is the good news. The challenging news is that we have to collect the R3M before the end of April to make sure

that the Owners that have paid the levy stand a good chance of recovering their payment by selling the 84 stands that

Bushill currently own. Make no mistake we are pursuing those owners who are still holding back on their contribution

because everyone is now benefitting from the clubhouse and water we so desperately needed to make our golf course

great again but the issue is one of cash flow timing. We might only chase down the reticent payers in a few months’

time which will be too late and so we have devised a very attractive “Rights Issue” which is only open to those Owners

who have paid (or made arrangements to pay) their Acquisition levy by the end of March 2017. The Rights Issue is

intended to raise the final R3M.

In a nutshell instead of receiving 1 share in Newco (the stand holding company) for every R100 you paid into the

Acquisition Levy, you now have the opportunity of receiving 2 shares for every R100 additional payment you make

into this Rights Issue. Further this additional payment will be the first to be repaid from collections we make from the

reticent owners as well as contributions from any stands sold. As noted at the feedback session this is a very generous

offer but we want to be sure it is attractive enough to raise the short term finance we need for this deal to be as

beneficial as we planned. Our calculations show that this investment will offer a 48 times return if the stands are sold

at their minimal value and a 143 times return at the high road value both of which would make any investor drool. If

the stands are sold over an extended period of 10 years this will still provide an IRR of 19.6%

We will be issuing the rights issue information immediately following this newsletter with these calculations so please

take advantage of it and don’t rely on your neighbor to do so because everyone counts in this deal. . If we are

unsuccessful in raising the additional funds, then Bush Hill and the 84 stands will remain with Magic Breakaways

(part of the Legacy Group) and we will forgo the opportunity to recover part or all our Acquisition Levy.

Page 3: February 2017 Newsletter - Elements Golf Reserve · Boy-Boy Lebelo has resigned in December and we now have Tshepiso Mabena and Narien Botha helping with golf bookings and any other

Klaprops and the Cliffords Settlement and Water


We have been in negotiations with the Cliffords and have the following on the table.

Klaprops will hand back all of its asset in EPGR which includes 5 Corporate stands (divisible into 6 lodge stands each), 12

quality private stands, the pumphouse and gate stands as well as their 50% share in the golf cart parking building and

their Commercial rights. They want to hold onto 1 corporate stand and 2 private stands.

They will also give us access to pumping 100,000l of water a day from their property from their existing boreholes as

long as we put in the pipeline which we estimate will cost us about R50K.

They will also allow us to register a servitude over all the water on their farm except for 30,000l a day they need for

personal use and we estimate that we should be able to abstract upwards of 750,000l a day which will give us more than

enough water for our golf course and additional houses. They want us to pay them R100K a month for this servitude

starting the payment in 2,5 years time of R5K and increasing every 2nd month by R5k. This strange payment regime was

calculated on the basis that we should have sold at least 20 of the stands that they hand back in 2,5 years time and the

levies will then cover this cost for the water which we get access to immediately.

This proposed settlement and access to water received positive feedback at our meeting on the 16th Feb and if you

have any suggestions please feel free to drop me a note.

High speed Internet and Telephone access

The suppliers of the clubhouse Internet and telephone connections (Screamer Telecoms) have offered to install the

equipment necessary to supply the Estate Owners with high speed internet and telephone access as well provided that

there are sufficient Owners interested in taking up a connection.

They have offered an introductory launch package of:-

4mgb Unlimited download speed

R1000 Installation fee

R600 per/month

Telephone supplied

No Contract

If you would like to register some interest in this offer please contact Marilu Gomes on 072 896 3455

Page 4: February 2017 Newsletter - Elements Golf Reserve · Boy-Boy Lebelo has resigned in December and we now have Tshepiso Mabena and Narien Botha helping with golf bookings and any other

From the General Manager I was appointed to the position of General Manager effective 1st February. My previous experience in golf has been

managing Royal Johannesburg and Kensington Golf Club for the first five years after the merger, consulting to golf clubs

and new estates for a few years, managing the Euphoria Golf Estate, and managing golf at Zebula for the past five years.

I am familiar with conditions in Limpopo and particularly with the golf estates. The new structure at Elements offers

considerable opportunity for growth and I look forward to being part of this.

The responsibility we all have to make Elements not only succeed but flourish is huge. I am confident that with support

and help from the staff, Trustees and individual home owners we will succeed. We have limited numbers but highly

competent staff who are all motivated and willing to assist where ever they can. Please feel free to contact us at any

time to assist.

Our “to do” list is endless and we are working simultaneously on priorities but also emergencies. On this list are items

such as:

• taking over management from the Trustees and First Resorts

• taking ownership of the building and opening all the facilities

• preparing the 2017/18 business plan

• getting the golf course into better condition

• getting the estate maintenance up to date

• managing the game

• building golf and conferencing packages

• putting a marketing plan in place

• sorting out the membership data base

• establishing a competitive pricing structure

• putting proper policies and procedures in place

• employing more staff as the business volumes dictate

• running day to day operations

I look forward to meeting as many owners and members as possible over the coming months.

Human Rights Day:

Tuesday 21st

March is Human Rights Day. We are normally closed for business on Tuesdays but we will be open for

business on this day to welcome all golfers and guests who are here for the long weekend.

Page 5: February 2017 Newsletter - Elements Golf Reserve · Boy-Boy Lebelo has resigned in December and we now have Tshepiso Mabena and Narien Botha helping with golf bookings and any other

New number for the

clubhouse: 010 591 2951

Staff Appointments

Narien Botha: Administrator/Pro Shop Assistant

Cellphone: 076 546 6390 E-Mail: [email protected]

Juandre Marais: Operations/Maintenance Manager

Cellphone: 079 580 7742 E-Mail: [email protected]

Ian Leach: General Manager

Cellphone: 082 892 8693 E-Mail: [email protected]

Water Report

Our IWULA application has been submitted to the Department

of Water Affairs. We had 640mm rain from beginning of

November 2016 to date and our golf course has recovered

fantastically. We must keep on saving water because we all know water is a scarce commodity in this area.

Page 6: February 2017 Newsletter - Elements Golf Reserve · Boy-Boy Lebelo has resigned in December and we now have Tshepiso Mabena and Narien Botha helping with golf bookings and any other

Golf Operations Report

The pro-shop is running very well. Boy-Boy Lebelo has resigned in December and we now have Tshepiso Mabena and

Narien Botha helping with golf bookings and any other golf enquiries.

Golf Course Report

The golf course has made a miraculous recovery since December

and if you have not seen it yet you are in for a pleasant surprise.

The tee box and green complexes are near perfect and certainly as good as they have ever been. The fairways are

something like 90% plus recovered. The course contractor has applied excessive wetting agents to allow the water to

penetrate down to the roots and this is what has made the recovery possible. There are still some small bare patches

and some fairways have literally thousands of weeds in-between the kikuyu grass. These weeds are been treated and

we expect them to dye back as the kikuyu strengthens through the rest of the summer months. All the black jack weeds

along the edges of the fairways have been successfully sprayed with weed killer to prevent the plants from going into


More attention has been paid to finer detail on the course and the results are already evident. For example pitch marks

on the greens are being repaired more frequently, hazard stakes have been repositioned, tee box and fairway edging is

being improved and the jaggered bunker edges are been rounded off properly. This process will continue until the

course is in the very best condition possible given the limited water resources we have available.

Water remains critical to the success of Elements and clearly we do not have enough availability to irrigate as much as

the course ideally requires. Irrigation is carefully controlled and monitored on a daily basis to ensure that literally no

water is wasted. Most, if not all water leaks on the entire estate have been identified and repaired.

Page 7: February 2017 Newsletter - Elements Golf Reserve · Boy-Boy Lebelo has resigned in December and we now have Tshepiso Mabena and Narien Botha helping with golf bookings and any other

Security Report

We did not have any incidents this month; the guards are alert at all times. Occupied houses are the main focus areas,

as has been fruitful thus far. We ask that if owners do send someone to their house, to please inform Elements of this,

in order to be prepared for an arrival, as we want to tighten up on strict access control. We laminated and have put up

rules of conduct into all rental houses, the idea is we hope that these renting visitors will obey these rules, or else will

be dealt with accordingly.

Operations Report

Maintenance has been taken over by Elements with 3 maintenance staff; systems have been implemented and have

already shown results, water leaks found at #204 #297 and close to the reservoir, all leaks have been repaired. Water

readings are done every morning. Clubhouse electrical faults were repaired. We purchased new mowers and will now

be more productive having the correct equipment. Action commitment logs are in place, it is prioritized and all items

will be dealt with as soon as possible. Refuse is now maintenance’s responsibility and will be done every Monday &

Friday morning between 08H00 & 12H00.

Finance Report

You would have noticed a new item being billed to sectional title owner invoices for the compulsory Community

Services Ombudsman Services (CSOS) levy. This amount of R40 will from now on be levied and paid to the CSOS as per

regulations. The new act also requires onerous reserves to be held and budgeted for sectional title schemes.

The transition of managing the Eskom accounts progressed without much difficulty, and EMRI will transfer deposits

held for those with electricity connections to EPGR where it will be kept in a separate account. Please note that all

connected entities would require a deposit paid into the EPGR account to ensure future electricity supply. The trustees

have agreed on a deposit of R6000 for new connections or where a new deposit is required.

We will be working on the new budget for 2017/8 for completion by end February 2017 and approval by the trustees.

This will include provisions for working capital requirements to sustain a new fit for purpose structure to ensure a fully

functional clubhouse and estate maintenance. A separate line item will be levied to sustain the new proposed budget

until it is finally approved at the next AGM which we hope will take place in June 2017. An appropriate increase is

unavoidable until we start selling our stands and get some more contributors on board.

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Marketing Initiatives

Word of mouth is without any doubt our best marketing tool we have. We intend to offer a great golf experience to all

owners, members and guests who then will hopefully spread the good word and encourage others to come visit.

We are making contact with golf event organizers, golf organizations, golf officials, individual golf clubs and individual

golfers to invite them on site inspection visits to get a taste of the “Elements Experience” and to encourage them to

make use of the facilities.

We have begun working with specific individuals and organizations to create golf events unique to Elements. For

example the Limpopo Ladies Golf Union to host an amateur tournament here and with two lady members to host a 36

hole Ladies Classic here.

We are planning an Open Day golf event to host the “who’s who” in golf.

We are also focusing on the local and regional golfers to let them know that Elements is indeed open because there is

a perception that we are closed.

We will soon implement a new golf pricing structure which will be more market related but yet remain competitive.

We have drawn up a Standard Tour Operator contract document which will be entered into with recognised STO’s

encouraging them to bring local and international golf tours to Elements.

Most importantly of all is to open communications with owners and members to keep you informed of what is

happening and to encourage all to visit more often and to play more golf.

Liberty Waterberg Challenge:

We have been offered the opportunity to host the annual Liberty Waterberg Cycle Encounter from the 9th to the 11th

June this year. This is a high profile off road race and the organizers expect up to 250 entries. The majority of riders

will stay overnight for two nights in private homes and in a luxury tented village which will be erected on the driving

range. We have to provide three meals a day for two days for up to 350 people. Breakfast and lunch will be served in

the Clubhouse while the dinners will be outdoor braai’s on the range. A 20km track will be designed by professional

cyclists and will be cut through the property by the organizers. The Proshop and course will be open for golfers

throughout the weekend and a temporary half way station will be set up on the course. Parking will be provided for all

golfers to the left of the driving range. The event will be televised on Super sport and will give huge exposure to

