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February 2020 - sd47.bc.ca

Date post: 28-Feb-2022
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We had a busy week here at Edgehill celebrating literacy! Each day students participated in the Guess which book? activity. Grade seven leadership students read clues on the announcements at lunch and then students had to guess which book the quote came from. There were two levels of clues for the students to choose from, easier and harder. Thank you to Mrs. Scoville for leading the school with the game! Students also decorated their doors in their favorite books, we had a backwards day, a wacky hair day and dress as your favorite poem day, as well as PJ and Pancakes to wrap up the week.. Thanks to all who participated and a special thank you to our PAC for hosting the Pancake Breakfast— Your hard work is genuinely appreciated by all. February 2020 Pink Shirt Month and a focus on Health! As we start to get a bit more sunshine (at least it is not as dark to go home this week as it was not too long ago…) it is a good me to think about our selves and othershealth - physical, emoonal and mental. The lack of sun oſten makes February a complicated month - it is not as easy to get outside for exercise; colds and flus are everywhere; even the winds can make travel plans stressful as we never know if a ferry is going to get cancelledIt is partly why in February we like to "think pink"- with Pink Shirt Day being observed on Wed. Feb 26th - built off a student iniave in Atlanc Canada when some students noced a new student being picked on because of the pink shirt he was wearing on his first day in the new school, and decided to not just say something, but do something as well - and they went to the local thriſt stores and got as many pink shirts as they could find to wear the next day to show their support for the new student! It became a regular thing and spread from school to school. Now we cele- brate their an-bullying" strategy by wearing pink on the final Wednesday of the month! If you dont have pink to wear, we encourage having Pink Thoughts all day and ending bullying behaviours. The more we help others, the more we feel beer about ourselves! Health: We know it is not always convenient, but if we are calling home because someone is feeling sick, we are not making the call lightly - it is affecng their learning and we are worried that others may get ill as well. We also appre- ciate geng the phone call leng us know that a student is staying home because they are sick - even though we miss them, we also appreciate an excused absence if its for an extra day to fully recover. If students come to school, we expect them to be able to do a full day of regular acvity - so if they are too sick to go outside, they are too sick to be at school. If their cough/fever/headache/nausea are brought to school, the body is not geng a chance to recover and they may be spreading sickness to other students and the staff! Eat healthy! Move outside when you can! Lets stay healthy as we wind down the winter season!! Sincerely, Mr. Landy

M a r c h 2 0 1 6

We had a busy week here at Edgehill celebrating literacy! Each day students participated in the “Guess

which book?” activity. Grade seven leadership students read clues on the announcements at lunch and

then students had to guess which book the quote came from. There were two levels of clues for the

students to choose from, easier and harder. Thank you to Mrs. Scoville for leading the

school with the game! Students also decorated their doors in their favorite books, we

had a backwards day, a wacky hair day and dress as your favorite poem day, as well

as PJ and Pancakes to wrap up the week..

Thanks to all who participated and a special thank you to our PAC for

hosting the Pancake Breakfast—

Your hard work is genuinely appreciated by all.

February 2020

Pink Shirt Month and a focus on Health!

As we start to get a bit more sunshine (at least it is not as dark to go home this week as it was not too long ago…) it is a good time to think about our selves and others’ health - physical, emotional and mental. The lack of sun often makes February a complicated month - it is not as easy to get outside for exercise; colds and flus are everywhere; even the winds can make travel plans stressful as we never know if a ferry is going to get cancelled…

It is partly why in February we like to "think pink"- with Pink Shirt Day being observed on Wed. Feb 26th - built off a student initiative in Atlantic Canada when some students noticed a new student being picked on because of the pink shirt he was wearing on his first day in the new school, and decided to not just say something, but do something as well - and they went to the local thrift stores and got as many pink shirts as they could find to wear the next day to show their support for the new student! It became a regular thing and spread from school to school. Now we cele-brate their “anti-bullying" strategy by wearing pink on the final Wednesday of the month! If you don’t have pink to wear, we encourage having Pink Thoughts all day and ending bullying behaviours. The more we help others, the more we feel better about ourselves!

Health: We know it is not always convenient, but if we are calling home because someone is feeling sick, we are not making the call lightly - it is affecting their learning and we are worried that others may get ill as well. We also appre-ciate getting the phone call letting us know that a student is staying home because they are sick - even though we miss them, we also appreciate an excused absence if its for an extra day to fully recover.

If students come to school, we expect them to be able to do a full day of regular activity - so if they are too sick to go outside, they are too sick to be at school. If their cough/fever/headache/nausea are brought to school, the body is not getting a chance to recover and they may be spreading sickness to other students and the staff!

Eat healthy! Move outside when you can! Let’s stay healthy as we wind down the winter season!!

Sincerely, Mr. Landy

P a g e 2

E d g e h i l l E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l

E d g e h i l l A e r i e

Student Led Conferences were on

Wednesday, February 5th

Thank you to those who were able

to make it out! If you were not

able to make it to the conference,

please contact your child ’s teacher

to reschedule

P R O - D - D a y :

F r i d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 4 t h

( s c h o o l n o t i n s e s s i o n )

B C F a m i l y D a y

M o n d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 7 t h

( s c h o o l n o t i n s e s s i o n )

Kindergarten Reg istrat ion Open !

We are accepting kindergarten registrations for the 2020-2021 school year! Registration packages are available at the school office or can be downloaded online at www.sd47.bc.ca or by clicking the link below: Please submit your completed registration package to the Edgehill School Office. You can register directly at the school office until Friday, March 13th. After that date, registrations will only be accepted at the Board Office. Also, please make sure to bring your child ’s birth certificate AND BC Care Card as official proof of age. *Registrations will not be accepted without proof of age*

PAC MEETING Tuesday, Feb 11th @ 6:00 pm

in the Edgehill Library

As the cold, wet, winter weather is upon us, we want

to remind children and their families that they need to

dress for the weather! In the rain/snow, this means

boots, gloves, toques, jackets, etc!

Having a change of clothes at the school is

also a great idea as sometimes the children come in

from the weather soggy and wet - it’s nice to have a

dry pair of clothes to change into!



We have some students and staff who are

have life-threatening allergies to NUTS


We ask you to please refrain from sending

peanut or nut products to the school .

We are doing our hot lunch ordering a little differently—forms will no longer be sent home. Instead, a PAC volunteer will visit each classroom and collect $ from students on Monday morning for the following Friday’s lunch. (or Tuesday

for the Friday if Monday is a holiday)

Our next hot lunch date is: Friday, Feb 21st.

Money will be collected on

Tuesday, Feb 18th.

Pizza is $2 per slice.

Ham & Pineapple, Pepperoni, and Cheese

Thank you for helping keep

our students and staff safe!

Our clock has been wrong for a few months and our

school day has actually been a bit longer than it is

supposed to be. In order to

rebalance our 295 minutes/day we will be

shifting our dismissal to 2:45.

Please note:

Our Dismissal time is now 2:45 pm

P a g e 4 E d g e h i l l E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l

Parents of Grade 4 and 7 students will soon be receiving a letter asking them to

participate in a Satisfaction Survey. The survey is put out by the Ministry of

Education to find out how people feel about what is happening at schools like Edgehill. Grade 4 and

7 students will all participate in a similar survey. These results are really important to the staff of

Edgehill and we value any feedback. Please watch for your letter within the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. Landy at the school.

E d g e h i l l A e r i e

SECOND FORMAL REPORT Wednesday, March 11th

A r e m i n d e r t o p a r e n t s / g u a r d i a n s t h a t f o r m a l r e p o r t c a r d s w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e o n

t h e e p o r t f o l i o s i t e o n W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 1 t h f o r y o u t o v i e w . S t u d e n t s c a n

u s e t h e i r p r e v i o u s l y p r o v i d e d l o g i n i n f o r m a t i o n t o a c c e s s t h e i r p o r t f o l i o a t a n y

t i m e . P l e a s e d o n ’ t h e s i t a t e t o c o n t a c t y o u r c h i l d ’ s t e a c h e r o r M r . L a n d y i f y o u

h a v e a n y q u e s t i o n s o r c o n c e r n s .

The District basketball season has recently begun. Students have been practicing

basketball skills in their PE classes and have been gathering in the gym at lunch to hone

their skills! Basketball is open to students in grades 5 -7. Our eager players have travelled

to Assumption, Henderson, James Thomson and have hosted games here too! The wrap-up tournament will be held at Westview school on Tuesday, Feb. 25th.


DATE: THURSDAY, MARCH 5TH PALS helps family members or caregivers support their kindergarten aged children's early literacy and

numeracy development. PALS offers two sessions for parents each school year in each of the school

district's elementary schools. The focus is on Literacy in the Fall and Numeracy in the

New Year. Each session provides time for parents, teachers and a facilitator to talk

together about kindergarten children's learning at this early stage in their development.

There is also an opportunity for parents to join in activities with their children and to

take home a bag of materials for children to continue their learning at home. We look

forward to having our Kindergarten parents join us for this fun and informative session.

P a g e 5 E d g e h i l l E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l

E d g e h i l l A e r i e

The entry forms have been handed out and now the practicing begins.

We are excited to be holding our annual Talent Show here at Edgehill.

Our students have amazing talents and we always enjoy when they get the opportunity to

share them with us. Talent Show Date: TBA Keep practicing your skills everyone!

As posted on the website www.pinkshirtday.ca: the dawn of social media

brought with it a whole new way to interact, communicate, and even bully. But in this digital

world where filtered photos and crafted messages can be posted in an instant, it often takes

more time and effort to say something mean than it does to say something nice. Kindness

requires no manipulation, no focusing on the negatives, and no filtering of yourself. It’s

simply, truly nice. For social media users, we want them to THINK before the post. We want

them to ask themselves if it is: True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and KIND.

We are going to make “Kindness Soup” on Friday, February 28th and all will enjoy a bowl of soup! We hope that students are able to bring 1/2 cup of washed, cut vegetables for the soup! (all students will be offered the soup, regardless of donation!)

The 76th festival will run from February 26th - March 6th with the Grand Concert held on Friday, March 6th, 2020. The festival is based on the fundamental idea of providing all participants with the best possible support for their artistic development.

Amateur performers in piano, voice, strings, wind and brass instruments, speech arts, amateur choirs, bands, string and jazz ensembles, and dance are invited to perform.

Several of our classes and individual students have entered this year’s festival where participants will perform in the Evergreen Theatre at the Powell River Recreation Complex.

Please watch closely for information from your child's teacher or the school regarding festival performance dates and times.

Beat That ! This is an easy game to learn, but one which is very popular with kids (and not too bad at keeping the odd

grown up amused, too!). Great for learning the concept of place value.

Age: 5+ Skills: Number / Place value / Strategic thinking

Equipment: 2 dice (up to 7 dice for older players) / Paper and pencil for scoring

How to play:

Roll the dice and put them in order to make the highest number possible. If you roll a 4 and an 6, for

example, your best answer would be 64. Using 3 dice, a roll of 3, 5 and 2 should give you 532, and so on.

Write down your answer, pass the dice, and challenge the next player to “Beat That!”

Play in rounds and assign a winner to each round.

For a change, try making the smallest number possible! This is a great game for reinforcing the concept of

place value. If you are playing with younger children, explain your reasoning out loud and encourage them

to do the same.

E d g e h i l l E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l P a g e 6

Inclusion in schools: What keeps children with intellectual disabilities out of regular schools? Skeptics and critics give many reasons why inclusive education doesn’t work. Some

of the reasons they give are inconsequential while others do indeed identify issues that are obstacles to successful inclusion. Many are myths, others are miscon-

ceptions. All too often they continue to be cited when there is overwhelming evidence to contradict them. This pamphlet (link below) sets out a response to

ten of the most frequently heard myths and misconceptions about inclusive education.

Please click on the link below to read the pamphlet, regarding inclusion in schools.


Powell River Kings Read Program A big Thank You to the PR Kings who visit us once a week and spend some time reading and play-

ing with our students. Each week, a “Reading Hero” is chosen—a student who has shown a keen

attitude toward reading and literacy development.

Our Reading Heroes so far:

* Harrison D. * Jesse C. * Jim S. * Avah O.

* Riley R. * Tyson R. * Gabriel B. * Robert S. *

* Sophia G. * Vinnie M. * Owen L. * Sable F. * Preston B.

