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February 2021 Parish Voice - ST. THOMAS MAR THOMA CHURCH ...

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St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church of Chicago, Lombard, IL 60148 February 2021 Parish Voice
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St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church of

Chicago, Lombard, IL 60148

February 2021

Parish Voice

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Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghujklmn We have come to the beginning yet another month.

This month is a time to refresh, renew and rejuvenate

ourselves through the Great Lent. It starts on Feb 14th -

Pethurtha Sunday to Easter Sunday. Pethurtha Means

looking back or reconciliation. It comes from the Syriac

word ‘Fathur’ which means - withdrawal from old life, pass

through a new life and return to God.

There is no Fast observed on the first day-Pethurtha and the last day

Easter. The Malankara canon specifies the rules for observance of lent. It calls

us to avoid egg, milk, butter milk, butter, curd, fish, meat and any item that

either brings the pleasure of taste or contributes to robust health. All intoxicating

drinks must be shunned. The canon says to abstain from physical union and to

spend more time for prayer and fasting. This is the reason why marriages where

not solemnized during lent. During lent spend more time in prayer, meditation,

fasting, corporate prayer and worship services. Lent is not to be only understood

as a way of external observance but for the sanctification and renewal of our

heart through repentance leading to a strengthening of our mutual relationships

in church and society. Fasting and avoiding rich food helps us to identify with

people who are hungry and less privileged than we are. It leads us toward deeper

awareness of the needs of others and equips us to love and serve them.

Lenten season reminds us the need for reconciliation with God and

fellow-beings. Lent is an excellent weapon to fight against evil. It was with this

weapon that Jesus overcame the devil before he started His public ministry. And

that is why we too must observe the Lent says the canon. The great Lent

represents a time of preparation for the church before we celebrate the

resurrection of Jesus Christ.

May this Lenten season be a spiritually enriching experience for all of

us. As we schedule this year’s Lenten prayers, I request you all to join so that it

may be a blessing to each one of us. May God bless us all.

Yours Suneethachen

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Sunday Feb 7 - Live Stream Malayalam Holy Communion Service at 9:00 am

Sunday Feb 14 - Live Stream English Contemporary Service at 9:00 am

Sunday Feb 21 - Live Stream Malayalam Holy Communion Service at 9:00 am

Sunday Feb 28 - Live Stream English Holy Communion Service at 9:00 am

Sunday Mar 7 - Live Stream Malayalam Holy Communion Service at 9:00 am


The Annual General Body Meeting of St. Thomas MTC, Chicago is planned for

Sunday February 21st immediately after the Holy Communion Service. More

details regarding this will be provided during announcements in the Church



Weekly Prayer Meeting – led by Prayer Groups

Sat. Feb 6 – 8:00 pm via Zoom call Coordinated by Prayer Group 5

Sat. Feb 13 – 8:00 pm via Zoom call Coordinated by Prayer Group 6

Sat. Feb 20 – 8:00 pm via Zoom call Coordinated by Prayer Group 1

Sat. Feb 27 – 8:00 pm via Zoom call Coordinated by Prayer Group 2

Edavaka Mission Prayer Meetings

Regular EM led Prayer meetings on Mondays and Fridays.

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Lectionary for February 2021

Dates Lessons Epistle Gospels Evening

02 Tuesday Mayaltho: Entry of our Lord in the Temple മായല‍തതാ – നമമെ

കര‍തതാവിനെ ദേവാലയ പരദവശനം

Lev 12:1-8 Heb 12:14-17

Heb 10:1-7 Luke 2:22-32

07 Sunday The Holistic Healing that Christ Gives (Medical Mission Sunday) മഡികകല‍ത മിഷന‍ ഞായര‍ത – ദയശ നല‍തകനന സമപര

സൌഖയം 2Kgs 20:1-11 James 5:13-18 Isa 42:1-9

Rev 22:1-7 John 5:1-9 Acts 9:32-35

14 Sunday Beginning of the Great Lent – Pethurtha -Lent: Transformation of Creation ദരതര‍തത- വലിയ ദനാമപ ആരംഭം ; ദനാമപ:സഷടിയെ

രരാനതരം Gen 1:1-28 2Cor 5:16-21 Isa 40:26-31

Eph 2:11-22 John 2:1-11 Rom 8:18-25

15 Monday Shubkono: Service of Reconciliation During Great Lent ശബദകാദനാ-

വലിയ ദനാമപില നിരപപിനെ ശപശഷ

Joel 2:12-17 1Cor 13:4-10

1John 4:11-21 Matt 18:18-27

21 Sunday Christian Approach to the Untouchables അസപര‍തശദരാെളള പകിസതീയ


2Kgs 5:1-14 • Acts 10:34-43 Job 2:1-13

Rom 3:21-31 Matt 8:1-4 Heb 13:8-16

28 Sunday Faith that leads to Healing (3 rd Sunday in Lent) സൌഖയതിദലകക

നയികകനന വിശവാസം (ദനാമപില മനനാം ഞായര‍ത)

2Kgs 4:16-37 2Cor 12:7-10 Ps 130:1-8

Acts 5:12-16 Luke 5:17-26 James 5:13-16

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Birthdays in January

Milani Marie Varghese 1

Mia Sienna Stephen 1

Isaac I. Varghese 2

Susy Chacko 3

Miriam P. Mathew 4

Ammukutty Mathai 5

Malayil Thomas 6

Ashley Mary Jacob 6

Cara Lillian Jacob 6

Jacob P. George 7

Lily Susan Paul 7

Biji K. Abraham 8

Vinay Abraham Jose 8

Aiden Thariyan Kalsi 8

Mini Sara Cherian 9

Riya Cheriyan 9

Angela Ann Thomas 10

Bindhu Jogy 11

Angel Stephen 11

Ajith Jacob 12

Aneena Thomas John 12

Simon Chacko 14

Swati S. Shah 14

Chacko P. Thomas 16

Annamma Bency 17

Lynn Mary Varghese 18

Sosamma Thomas 19

Ashish Merin Joseph 19

Benson B. Philipose 19

Christal Sarah Ninan 19

Omana Thomas 20

Abraham M. Mammen 20

Sebu George 21

Rhea Mariam Thankachen 22

Elias Kiram Samuel 22

Sheeja Merina Varghese 23

Annie Thomas 23

Joel Mathew 24

Joel Mathew 24

Nehemiah Punnamadathu 24

Rohan Mathew John 25

Ashlyn Shibu Jacob 25

Priyanka E. Valliyil 26

Thomas Mathew 28

Mary Varughese 28

Thomas Abraham 28

Sunitha John 28

Ashique B. Samuel 29

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Wedding Anniversaries in January

Molly & Thomas Muthalaly 3

Suma & George C. Kurian Dr. 4

Mini & Joseph Mathews 4

Rachelamma & Mathew V. Mathew 8

Mercy & T. M. Mathew 8

Ajie & Jibu Sam Mammarapallil 8

Lalitha & Thomas T. Lathara 11

Susy & Babukutty Philipose 11

Miny & Ajit V. John 17

Mariamma & George Muthalaly 21

Susan & Abraham P. Mathew 21

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Great Lent: A Time to Stay True to God and His Word

The tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command

these stones to become loaves of bread.” But he answered, “It is written,

‘One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” St. Matthew 4:3-4

Grace and peace to all of you in the name of the Holy Trinity!

The above verses from St. Matthew 4 describe a period of time in Jesus’ life

known as the “wilderness testing,” where He was directly tempted by the devil

before He began His public ministry. For Jesus, this testing comes when He was famished after forty days of fasting. For Jesus, meeting the body’s needs, even

when those needs were great, was not the ultimate concern. Using His power

to secure His own personal well-being did not take precedence over aligning

Himself with God’s will. Staying true to God and His Word was Jesus’ leading

priority. That is why Jesus responded to the devil’s test by quoting from

Deuteronomy 8:3: “One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that

comes from the mouth of the LORD.”

Jesus’ response to this particular temptation of the devil basically provides us

with what should be the primary aim of our lives – to be true to God and to His

Word. This also should be our goal as we embark on a meaningful spiritual

journey through the season of Great Lent (Fifty Days Lent). The season of Great

Lent, which begins on February 14, is a time of preparation for the feast of the

Resurrection of Christ (Easter). It is a time of renewed devotion, prayer,

fasting, and almsgiving. It is a time of repentance – a renewal of our minds,

hearts, and deeds in conformity with Christ and His teachings. And most

important of all, it is a time that we are to re-dedicate ourselves to loving God and loving our neighbors.

The spirit of the Lenten season – the spirit of renewed devotion and repentance – has always played a prominent role in the life of the Mar Thoma

Church. Often times, we might exclude ourselves from the observance of Lent

because we feel that such practices are reserved for the more ‘orthodox’ churches and not for a ‘reformed’ church such as ours. However, when we

examine the history of the Mar Thoma Church, Lenten observances have never

been shunned or discouraged. In fact, such observances and practices have

helped shape our church in immensely meaningful ways. The Maramon

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Convention, which the Mar Thoma Church has organized every year in the

month of February since 1895, began as movement for renewal and revival in

the church. This movement took shape during a very tumultuous period in our

history, a time in which we were basically stripped of our identity as a

legitimate worshipping community. People gathered together on the sand

beds of the Pampa River to hear the Word of God, to pray, and to fast so that Holy Spirit would lead the faith community to be true to God and to be true to

His Word even in times of uncertainty. And as a result of this revival

movement, not only was the Mar Thoma Church able to establish itself, but the church was also ignited with an evangelistic zeal.

So, we can definitely understand that prayer, fasting, and meaningful meditation on the Word of God can lead us to uphold our mission in life. We

see this fact being actualized in the life of Jesus Himself. Jesus chose to remain

true to God’s Word and the mission He was called to fulfill – the mission to take

up the cross for the sake of the world. If Jesus had made use of His power for the sake of meeting His own needs, then the way to the cross would have been

short-lived, and we would have been short-changed on the experience of


We are called to follow the way of Jesus and not the way of the world. We are

not to increase our personal comfort, security, and power, even though that is

what we are socialized to desire and actively pursue. To seek such things is to

turn aside from the way of the Kingdom. During the season of Great Lent, let

us abstain from what we consider to be the luxuries of our human lives and

dedicate more of our time to meditate on the life of our Lord and Savior, Jesus

Christ. Let us be challenged and changed by the way He led His life, and let us

be revived and renewed by the Word of God.

May the Lenten Season be one of repentance, renewal, and revival for each and

every one of us.

With love and prayers,

Chris Achen and Neethi

Contact Info: 732–754–8131 | 516–428–0722 | [email protected] Parsonage Address: 150 W. Saint Charles Road, Apt. 424, Lombard, IL 60148

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Executive Committee members elected for the year of 2021

Position Candidate Full Name

Vice President Mr. Jacob Chacko

Secretary Mr. Mathew Varghese

Trustee (Finance) Mr. Reji Tharakan

Trustee (Accounts) Mr. Mathew Abraham

Lay Ministrant - Mal (1) Mr. Puthenveetil K. Bobby

Lay Ministrant - Mal (2)* Mr. Mathew Thomas

Lay Ministrant - Eng (1) Mr. Alby Keneth

Mandalam Member Mr. Mathew George

Diocesan Assembly Member Mr. Saji J. Mathew

Diocesan Assembly Member Mr. Joel Varghese

Diocesan Assembly Member &

Choir Rep. Mr. Jacob K. George

Edavaka Mission Rep. Mr. Zachariah Kurian

Sevika Sanghom Rep. Mrs. Elizabeth Agi Abraham

Youth Group Rep. Mr. Cyril George

Yuvajana Sakhyam Rep. Mr. James Jacob

Prayer Group Rep 1 Mr. Roy George

Prayer Group Rep 2 Mr. Mathew V. Mathew

Prayer Group Rep 3 Mr. Chacko P. Thomas

Prayer Group Rep 4 Mrs. Saramma Mathew

Prayer Group Rep 5 Mr. Varghese Philip

Prayer Group Rep 6 Mr. Thomas T Lathra

Internal Auditor 1* Mr. Johnikutty Philipose

Internal Auditor 2* Mr. Binu Daniel Johnson

Parish Voice Editor* Ms. Rosin E. Thomas

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*These are not members of the Executive Committee

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CHOIR Please see group emails for details.


Regular Prayer meetings on Mondays and Fridays each week


Please look out from emails from Sevika Sanghom secretary..


Sunday School classes are held virtually each Sunday at 11:30am. Teachers for each grade will be forwarding the details by email to the parents and/or students. Please reach out to the Sunday School Superintendent with any questions or concerns. Shinu Ninan, Sunday School Superintendent Email: [email protected] Cell #: (630)886-8066


There will be Sunday Contemporary Worship at church 9AM on February

14th. Janeen George, Youth Group Secretary


Please see email from Yuvajana Sakhyam Secretary

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YOUTHCHAPLAIN REV. CHRISTOPHERDANIEL 732-754-8131 [email protected]


VICEPRESIDENT MR. JACOB CHACKO 630-561-5497 [email protected]

SECRETARY MR. MATHEW VARGHESE 630-942-1053 [email protected]

TREASURER MR. REJI THARAKAN 312-296-8416 [email protected]

ACCOUNTANT MR. MATHEW ABRAHAM 312 404-6983 [email protected]

LAY LEADER (MAL) MR. MATHEW THOMAS 630-790-2534 [email protected]

LAY LDR (MAL)* MR. P.K. BOBBY 630-863-0530 [email protected]

LAY LEADER (ENG) MR. ALBY KENETH 630-258-6679 [email protected]

LAY LDR (ENG)* MR. ROJIN THOMAS 630-229-1470 [email protected]

MANDALAMMEMBER MR. MATHEW GEORGE 708-614-1755 [email protected]

DIOCESANASSEMBLY MR. SAJI MATHEW 630-215-5147 [email protected]

DIOCESANASSEMBLY MR. JOEL VARGESE 630-890-9996 [email protected]




630-858-7853 [email protected]

EDAVAKAMISSION MR. P. K. BOBBY 630-863-0530 [email protected]

SEVIKASANGHOM MRS. SHINY CHACKO 708-362-3358 [email protected]

SUNDAY SCHOOL MRS. SHINU S. NINAN 630-886-8066 [email protected]

YOUTH GROUP DR. BOBBY PAUL 630-402-9392 [email protected]

YUVAJANASAKHYAM MR. SHEBINMATHEW 224-420-1500 [email protected]

AUDITORS* MR. A.P JOHNIKUTTY 630-238-8206 [email protected]

MR. ISAAC CHACKO 708-614-9035 [email protected]

AREA 1 MR. ROY GEORGE 630-877-3091 [email protected]

AREA 2 MR. MATHEWVMATHEW 630-852-7994 [email protected]

AREA 3 MR. CHACKO P. THOMAS 708-415-8542 [email protected]

AREA 4 MRS. SARAMMA MATHEW 630-834-3830 [email protected]

AREA 5 MR. VARGHESE PHILIP 630-250-0619 [email protected]

AREA 6 MR. DEEPU V. THOMAS 224-715-7443 [email protected]

P V EDITOR* MS. ROSIN THOMAS 630-824-7176 [email protected]


Please contact or Email the Vicar and cc: to Parish Secretary/PV editor for suggestions, change of notifications etc. all.
