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Feburary Month

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  • 7/30/2019 Feburary Month



    UK, Afghan, Pakistan Leaders Hold Talks in Britain

    On 4 February The leaders of Britain, Afghanistan and Pakistan pushed for the Taliban to come

    to the table for peace talks to end Afghanistans protracted conflict and gave themselves a six-month deadline to get a deal.British Prime Minister David Cameron hosted AfghanistansPresident Hamid Karzai and Pakistans President Asif Zardari for trilateral talks on Afghanistansfloundering peace and reconciliation process.

    UNICEF Syria Crisis Humanitarian Situation Report

    On 8 February According to the UNICEF (United Nations Childrens Fund )Syria CrisisHumanitarian Situation Report, The vaccination effort in collaboration with the Ministry of Healthis well underway, with over 53,000 children receiving measles vaccinations, over 44,000 receivingvitamin A supplements, and over 10,000 polio doses administered.

    Pakistan to Renamed Sindh Province to Sind

    On 12 February 2013, the Sindh Assembly approved a bill to rename the southern Pakistaniprovince as Sind.The assembly approved the Sindh Laws Amendment Bill of 2012, whereby theletter h will be removed from the name of the province.

    Russia Rejected U.S. Nuclear Warheads Proposals

    On 14 February Russia rejected U.S. president Barack Obama proposals , which deployednuclear warhead delivery systems including bombers, missile launchers and nuclear submarines

    a cut of about 60%.In 2010 Russia and the United States signed on New STARTagreement.The New Start treaty limits each side to no more than 800 deployed nuclear warheaddelivery systems including bombers, missile launchers and nuclear submarines a cut of about


    Rafael Correa Re-elected for 3rd term as Ecuadors President

    On 17 February Ecuadoreans president Rafael Correa has been re-elected for a third term withmore than 50 percent of votes in his favour.As per the results, Rafael Correa got 56.7 percentwhile his closest competitor Guillermo could secure only 23.3 percent.Correa is a socialist leaderwho was first elected in 2006 December and he was sworn in on 15 January 2007 as the 56thpresident of Ecuador.Correa was re-elected to a second term in 2009.

    Pakistan Hands Over Strategic Gwadar Port To China

    On 18 February Pakistan and China signed an agreement to hand over control of the strategicGwadar port on the Arabian Sea to a Chinese company.Under the agreement for transfer ofconcession rights, the deep sea port will remain the property of Pakistan while the Chinesecompany will share profits from its operation. China Overseas Port Holdings Limited will fullyassume responsibility for Gwadar port in Balochistan province.

    Israels Netanyahu Announced Coalition Deal with Tzipi Livni

    On 19 Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has announced a coalition deal with former ForeignMinister and the rival centrist Hatnua Party Chairwomen Tzipi Livni, at Jerusalem. Under the deal

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    agreement, Livni will serve as the new Justice Minister and will oversee the peace efforts with thePalestinians.Tzipi Livni is an Israeli Politician and the first women to be the leader of opposition inIsrael. She is the leader of the new centrist party, Hatnuah. She served Israel as its ForeignMinister from 2006 to 2009.

    Russia and Brazil Signed on Defence Cooperation Agreements

    On 20 February Russia and Brazil signed a Defence, Energy and Agricultural agreements .Brazilagreed to negotiate the purchase of Russian anti-aircraft missile batteries on the condition thatRussia transfer the technology to Brazilian defense companies without restrictions.Theagreements are signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Brazilian PresidentDilma Rousseff .

    Nicos Anastasiades Elected as Cyprus New President

    On 24 February the centre-right DISY (the Democratic Rally) party leader Nicos Anastasiades,has won the presidential elections of Cyprus with 57.5 percent votes.Nicos Anastasiades had avery easy going victory over Communist-backed Stavros Malas who secured 42.5 percent votesin the election.

    Raul Castro re-elected for Second Term as Cubas President

    On 25 February Raul Castro has been re-elected as Cubas president officially to his last five-year term.The National Assembly of Peoples Power approved, in the capital Havana, ArmyGeneral Raul Castro Ruz as president of the Council of State, and elected Miguel Diaz-CanelBermudez, as its first vice president.Raul Castro became interim president when his brother,revolution icon Fidel, took ill in 2006. He then formally became president in 2008.


    India-Malaysia Double Taxation Agreement in Force

    On 2 February India and Malaysia signed on double-taxation avoidance agreement (DTAA).Dividends paid by Indian companies to Malaysian investors or entities will attract a lowerwithholding tax of 5 percent against 10 per cent earlier. The new agreement has also, in line withinternational practice, introduced a new article for taxing capital gains from alienation of property.

    India Failed To Curb Sexual Violence Against Women

    According to the Human Rights Watch (HRW) World Report 2013 India has been accused offailure to curb incidents of sexual violence against women and for restrictions on right to freespeech, India has a thriving civil society, free media, and an independent judiciary, the city-based rights group said in its assessment of rights abuses in India.

    Six Indian Institutes in Global 150 Top Think-Tanks

    On 3 February Six Indian research institutes, including Centre for Civil Society (CCS), are amongtop 150 global think tanks in the annual list released by the University of Pennsylvania for theyear 2012.The list was topped by Brookings Institution (United States) followed by ChathamHouse (United Kingdom) and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (United States).OtherIndian think-tanks featured in the list are:- Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis , Indian

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    Council for Research on International Economic Relations , The Energy and Resources Institute ,Observer Research Foundation and Development Alternatives.

    India and Austria Signed a Social Security Agreement

    On 5 February India and Austria signed a social security agreement at Vienna, under which the

    Indian professionals working in Austria would be exempted from paying the social securitycontribution of the country, if such payments are already made in India. Overseas Indian AffairsMinister Vayalar Ravi and Austrian Minister for Labour and Social Security, Rudoulf Hundstorfersigned on the agreement.

    India Pledges $100m For Mali Reconstruction

    On 5 February India pledges $100m for Mali reconstruction .India has committed to giving $1million for the upgrade of the Malian army with a pledge to ramp up contributions forreconstruction to $100 million after the situation stabilizes.

    India and China Tourists Triple Australian Visits

    According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics report , Chinese and Indian visitors, with touristnumbers from those countries tripled in the past decade.630,000 visits from Chinese tourists in2012 compared with 190,000 in 2002. Indian visits went from 45,000 to 160,000 in the sameperiod.Despite a high Australian dollar, Australias short-term visitor numbers were up by nearlyfive percent since 2011 with 6.1 million short trips made to Australia 270,000 more than in 2011.

    Special Purpose Vehicle Formed for TAPI Pipeline Project

    On 7 February The Union Cabinet gave its approval for formation of the Special Purpose Vehicle(SPV) for the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) Pipeline Project and to permitGAIL India Ltd. to join the SPV. The four countries involved in the TAPI Gas pipeline project,signed an Inter-Governmental Agreement along with a Gas Pipeline Framework Agreement

    (GPFA).Turkmenistan and Pakistan agreed to the formation of TAPl Ltd. The 1,680 km pipelinewill carry 90 million metric standard cubic metres a day (mmscmd) of gas, and is scheduled tobecome operational in 2018.

    India and Japan to Strengthen Cooperation in Tourism Sector

    India and Japan have resolved to strengthen cooperation in tourism sector. This was decided at ameeting between the visiting Japanese Senior Vice-Minister of Tourism, Mr. Hiroshi Kajiyama andUnion Tourism Minister Shri K Chiranjeevi in New Delhi on 12 February 2013.

    India and France Signed 22 Agreements

    On 14 February France and India have signed on 22 agreements after French President Francois

    Hollandes meetings with the Indian president and the prime minister in New Delhi.Both nationsexchanged views on a number of bi-lateral, regional and multilateral issues and signed aMemorandum of Understanding (MoU) in order to facilitate technical cooperation in Railways toeach other.Chairman, Railway Board, India and Chairman and CEO SNCF from the French sidesigned this MoU.Both the nations also concluded negotiations on the short range surface to Airmissile to be co-produced in India. They also agreed on the need to reinvigorate economicengagement between the two countries.

    India and Bangladesh Signed Land Boundary Agreement

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    On 16 February India and Bangladesh held the second Joint Consultative Commission meeting inDhaka .After the meeting , both countries exchanged one strip map as part of the process of theimplementation of the agreement signed to resolve land boundary issues between them.Inaddition, two MOUs were also signed for the construction of a rail link to connect Akhaura inBangladesh to Agartala in India and for setting up a thinktank to be called Bangladesh-IndiaFoundation.The India-Bangladesh Joint Consultative Commission is an interministerial body ofthe two countries headed by the Minister of External Affairs of India and Foreign Minister ofBangladesh.

    CBI probe Ordered into Rs 3700 crore Italian Chopper Deal Scam

    In February 2010, India had inked the deal with Italain Finmeccanica to acquire the 12 three-engine AW-101 helicopters from AgustaWestland for IAFs elite Communication Squadron ,whichferries around the President, PM and other VVIPs.The deal came under the scanner of Italianagencies after allegations of kickback given in India surfaced.The agencies arrested GiuseppeOrsi, the head of Italian defence and aerospace giant Finmeccanica as part of their probe relatedto international corruption.Around 50 million euros , about 10 per cent of the deal, were alleged tohave been given as bribes to ensure that the company won the contract.On February TheDefence Ministry has ordered CBI probe into alleged scam in a Rs 3600 crore defence helicopter

    deal after arrest of head of Italian firm Finmeccanica on charges of bribery.

    India and Britain Discussed on Nuclear Cooperation

    On 19 February Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Britain Prime Minister DavidCameron discussed on regional and global issues ,which included key issues of nuclear energycooperation, security, terrorism and trade .The two sides have also decided to commencenegotiations on a bilateral Civil Nuclear Agreement.Britain has assured that it will extend allcooperation to any Indian probe into the multi-million-dollar helicopter scam which involves Italiandefense giant Finmeccanicas UK-based subsidiary AgustaWestland.David Cameron announcedthat his country is going to introduce sameday visa service for Indian businessmen in a bid toaccelerate the bilateral trade between the two sides.

    India won Kishanganga Case Against Pakistan

    On 18 February the Court of Arbitration at the Hague allowed India to go ahead with theConstruction of the Kishanganga hydroelectric project in Gurez valley near Bandipura in NorthKashmir, the court rejected the plea of Pakistan that the construction was a violation of 1960Indus Water Treaty.The Court of Arbitration, chaired by Stephen M. Schwebel in its orders statedthat India can move ahead with the diversion of water plans of Kishanganga that is a tributary ofJhelum, for generation of hydro-electric power. But it restrained India from adoption of thedrawdown technique of flushing for clearing the sedimentation of the run-of-the river project thathad been designed and asked it to adopt a different technique for generation of 330 MW powerfacilities.


    President Gave Assent to the Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance, 2013

    On 3 February President Pranab Mukherjee gave his assent to the Criminal Law (Amendment)Ordinance, 2013 which provides for, amongst other things, stricter punishment for crimes againstwomen. The Ordinance was to be largely based on the recommendations of the Justice Verma

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    Committee.However, the Ordinance will have to be passed by Parliament within six monthsotherwise the same shall lapse.

    All Juvenile Crimes 64% by 16-18 yr Old Age Group

    On 4 February According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data shows that most

    juvenile crimes are committed by those in the age group of 16-18 years.In 2011 the growth inrape by juveniles (34%) over 2010 was again among the highest.In 2011, 64% of all juvenilecriminals fall in the age group of 16-18. In 2011, 33,887 juveniles were arrested for 25,178instances of crime.All together make for over 50% of all rape cases by juveniles.

    Aero India 2013 Held in Bangalore

    The Asias biggest airshow Aero India 2013, a biennial air show and aviation exhibition heldfrom 6 10th February at the Yelehanka Air Force Station in Bangalore .In the event displaysmagnificent aerobatic skills and belongings that created a chance of winning potential businesstieups and networking. Defence Minister of India, A K Antony inaugurated the Air Show on 6February .In the event 53 civil and military aircraft and 27 countries participated and 78delegations attended from US, Israel and Russia.The first Edition of the show was organised for

    the first time in 1996.The next Aero India show is scheduled to be held from 18 February to 22February 2015 at Bangalore.

    Cabinet Approved Rs.38500 cr Rural Road Development Plan

    On 7 February The Union Cabinet approved a Rs 38,500 crore rupees for road connectivity underthe Prime Ministers Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY).The schemes approved were mainly forconnectivity to villages in tribal areas, desert and hilly areas, with a population of at least 250each.In 82 areas hit by Naxalite violence, villages with less than 250 people are also to beconnected under the scheme.

    Parliament Attack Case Convict Afzal Guru Hanged

    On 9 February in a top secret operation , the 2001 Parliament attack case convict MohammedAfzal Guru was hanged in Delhis Tihar jail.Afzal Guru was given the death sentence by theSupreme Court in 2004.The President rejected the Afzal Gurus mercy petition on 23 January2013.The code name of the secret operation was Operation Three Star .

    Centre Notified Cauvery Dispute Tribunal Award

    After six years,on the directions of the Supreme Court, the Central Government of India hasnotified the final award of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal (CWDT) on sharing the waters ofthe Cauvery system among the basin States of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala and Unionterritory of Puducherry on 20 February.The Tribunal, comprising chairman Justice N.P. Singh andmembers N.S. Rao and Sudhir Narain, in a unanimous award in February, 2007 had determined

    the total availability of water in the Cauvery basin at 740 thousand million cubic (TMC) feet at theLower Coleroon Anicut site.In, what was then described as a balancing act, the Tribunal gaveTamil Nadu 419 TMC of water (as against the demand of 562 TMC); Karnataka 270 TMC (asagainst its demand of 465 TMC); Kerala 30 TMC and Puducherry 7 TMC.After the issuance of thenotification, institutions like the Cauvery River Authority (CRA) chaired by the Prime Minister andthe CMC will cease to exist.

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    Sonia Gandhi Launched Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram Scheme

    On 6 February Congress President and UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi launched Rashtriya Bal

    Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK), a new children health care project initiative in Palghar, a tribalblock in Thane district of Maharashtra.The Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram, is a part of theNational Rural Health Mission of the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The scheme isaimed at improving overall quality of life of children through early detection of birth defects,diseases and deficiencies, which are among key factors for child mortality.

    Maharashtra Promulgates Ordinance To Amend Cooperative Societies Act

    On 15 February the Maharashtra Government promulgated an ordinance to amend theMaharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, which aims to promote voluntary formation, autonomousfunctioning, democratic control and professional management of co-operative societies.Theordinance is to amend the Act to make it in consonance with the 97th constitutional amendmentby Parliament last year.

    Indias First Geothermal Plant in Chhattisgarh

    On 17 February Chhattisgarh has signed an agreement with the National Thermal PowerCorporation (NTPC) to set up the countrys first geothermal power plant in its newlyformedBalrampur district.A memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the project was signed betweenthe NTPC and the Chhattisgarh Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA). The plantwill come up at Tata Pani in Balrampur, a district located in extreme northern region of the state.

    Rajasthan Constituted a Task Force to Check the Spread of Swine Flu in State

    On 19 February the State Government of Rajasthan decided to constitute a task force to control

    Swine Flu effectively. Chief Secretary of the State, CK Matthew was appointed as the head of thetask force constituted.The state had witnessed 148 cases of death and 834 positive cases sinceApril 2012. A central team that constitutes of five doctors and microbiologist is on the state visitand would pay a visit to Jodhpur, Ajmer and Bikaner, areas worst affected from the disease.

    Cabinet Approved NTPC Power Project in Jharkhand

    On 20 February the Cabinet Committee on Investment (CCI) approved the setting up of the 1,980MW North Karanpura Super Thermal Power Plant in Jharkhand by the National Thermal PowerCorporation (NTPC).The Cabinet committee of investment also agreed for restoring the originalcoal linkage for the project and declared that the project will be based on environment friendlysuper-critical technology. This supply will be made available in the 13th Five Year Plan.

    Tripura, Meghalaya and Nagaland Assembly Elections Results

    Northeastern states of Tripura ,Meghalaya and Nagaland Assembly election was released on 28February .The Assembly elections in the three states, having 60 seats each, were held February14 and February 23.In Tripura the CPI-M on its own won 49 seats out of the total 60 seats andstormed back to power in Tripura for the fifth straight term.Chief Minister Manik Sarkar won fromDhanpur by a margin of around 5,000 votes. It was Sarkars sixth win.Meghalaya The IndianNational Congress here has won 29 seats in the election to the 60-member Meghalaya Assemblywith Chief Minister Mukul Sangma, winning with huge margins.Nagaland Ruling Naga Peoples

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    Front combine returned to power with an absolute majority in Nagaland winning 39 seats in the60-member Assembly.The ruling NPF-led Democratic Alliance of Nagaland (DAN) alliance willform government for a third consecutive term.Congress managed to win eight seats. NagalandChief Minister Neiphiu Rio won from Northern Angami II seat by defeating his nearest Congressrival Kevise Sogotsu of Congress by 12,671 votes.

    Desalination Plant in Tamil Nadu Commissioned

    On 22 February J. Jayalalithaa, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu inaugurated a desalination plant atNemmeli in Kanchipuram district of the state.The plant which will benefit over 15 lakh residents inVelachery, Pallipattu and Tiruvanmiyur areas of south Chennai has been set up with aninvestment of Rs 871 crore. About 265 million ltrs of water will be drawn from the sea to realise100 million ltrs per day of drinking water through the plant spread over 40 acre.


    13th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS)

    The 13th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) concluded on 2 February atNewDelhi.The theme of the summit is The Global Challenge of Resource Efficient Growth andDevelopment.Among from 30 countries Heads of Governments , research institutions, policy-makers, NGOs and corporates attended the summit.The Summit organized annually since 2001by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), is an international platform for exchange ofknowledge on all nuances of sustainable development.


    Malala Yousafzai nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

    Malala Yousafzai, who was shoot by the Talibans against the girl education was nominated forthis years Nobel Peace Prize, as the deadline expired on 01 February 2013. French, Canadianand Norwegian MPs have all separately nominated Malala.This years award will be announcedin early October, but speculation was already underway as the deadline for nominations ran outon 1 February .

    L. N. Tallur won Skoda Art Prize 2012

    On 1 February Karnataka artist L. N. Tallur, whose works depict majorly the underbelly of India,has won the Rs 1 million Skoda Prize 2012 for contemporary art, from among a shortlist of four

    artists including an artist collective.

    13th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) Awards

    Sustainable Development Leadership Award :- The Seychelles President, Mr James Michel hasbeen awarded the Sustainable Development Leadership Award at the Delhi SustainableDevelopment Summit . Georgescu roegen Award : The award is Kozo Mayumi (Professor atFaculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima). The co-winners of theGeorgescu-Roegen Award (bioeconomic practice) are Accion Ecologica and Oilwatch.

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    South Sudan Bishop Taban won UN Peace Award

    On 9 February A South Sudans Bishop Emeritus Paride Taban has won a coveted 2013 UNpeace prize ( Sergio Viera de Mello Prize ) in recognition of his efforts to build trust amongwarring communities in the conflict-torn region.Vieira de Mello, the UNs former human rightschief, was killed in a bombing in Iraq in 2003. The annual prize in his honour is awarded to a

    person, community or institution that has made an exceptional contribution to reconciliation ofcommunities or groups in conflict, and whose example can be duplicated elsewhere.

    Pandit Ravi Shankar honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Grammy award

    Sitar legend Pandit Ravi Shankar was honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Grammy award,which was jointly accepted by his daughters Anoushka Shankar and Norah Jones on 9 February2013.He was posthumously awarded the best world music album trophy at the 55th Grammys, aday after being honoured with a Lifetime Achievement award by The Recording Academy.He got55 Grammy award for his album The Living Room Sessions Part 1 .

    National e-Governance award for Madhya Pradesh

    Madhya Pradesh had been conferred upon the prestigious National e-Governance Gold Awardfor 2012-13, for its Sparsh Abhiyan aimed towards the disabled and the aged.

    Amartya Sen honoured with Frances highest civilian award

    The French president Mr Francois Hollande honoured the Amartya Sen with the Frances highestcivilian award, Commandeur de la Legion dHonneur (Legion of Honour) after delivering theMadhavrao Scindia Memorial Lecture in New Delhi on 15 February 2013.The prestigious honouris the reason for his enormous contribution to the field of economics and for his exchanges withFrench academic institutions would also be recognised.

    Paul Hansen Won 2012 World Press Photo Award

    On 15 February Swedish photographer Paul Hansen has won the 2012 World Press Photoaward with a picture of two Palestinian children killed in an Israeli missile strike being carried totheir funeral.The picture shows a group of men marching the dead bodies through a narrow streetin Gaza City.World Press Photo, one of photojournalisms most prestigious contests, issuedawards in nine categories to 54 photographers of 32 nationalities.

    63rd Berlin Film Festival Awards

    The awarding ceremony of the 63rd Berlinale ended on 16 February in Berlin.Romanian filmChilds Pose won the Golden Bear, the top jury prize awarded to the best film in the BerlinInternational Film Festival.

    Best Film :- Childs Pose ( Romania )

    Best Actor :- Nazif Mujic in Life of an Iron Picker (Bosnia/France/Slovenia)

    Best Actress :- Paulina Garcia in Gloria (Chile/Spain)

    Best Director :- David Gordon Green for Prince Avalanche (US)

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    Best ScreenPlay :- Jafar Panahi for Parde (Closed Curtain) Iran.

    Ela Bhatt honoured with Indira Gandhi Peace Prize

    Ela Bhatt, founder of the Self Employed Womens Association (SEWA), was presented with theIndira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development for the year 2011 by the President

    of India, Pranab Mukherjee at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi on 18 February 2013.Ela Bhattwas honoured for her life time achievements in empowering women, promoting grassroot levelentrepreneurship and for her contribution towards promoting equitable development and peace.

    Ratan Tata receives E&Y lifetime award

    Former Tata Group head Ratan Tata is this years recipient of the life time achievement awardinstituted by Ernst & Young, for asserting a greater role for Indian entrepreneurs on the globalbusiness landscape.The entrepreneur of the year (2012) award went to Godrej Group Chairman

    Adi Godrej.The entrepreneur of the year is the only business award to be based on self-nomination.

    Oscars Awards-2013

    85th Oscar awards presentation ceremony held in Los Angels on 25 February 2013.In thisceremoney Life of Pi cinema got a 4 Oscar awards.

    Best Picture: Argo

    Best Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis (Lincoln)

    Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook)

    Best Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz (Django Unchained)

    Best Supporting Actress:Anne Hathaway (Les Misrables)

    Best Directing: Ang Lee(Life of Pi)

    Best Adapted Screenplay:Chris Terrio( Argo)

    Best Original Screenplay: Quentin Tarantino (Django Unchained)

    Best Documentary Feature: Searching for Sugar Man

    Best Original Song:Skyfall from Skyfall, music and lyrics by Adele Adkins and Paul Epworth

    Best Original Score: Life of Pi

    Best Animated Feature: Brave

    Best Cinematography:Life of Pi

    Best Costume Design: Anna Karenina

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    Best Documentary Short Subject:Inocente

    Best Film Editing:Argo

    Best Foreign Language Film:Amour (Austria)

    Best Makeup and Hairstyling: Les Misrables

    Best Production Design:Lincoln

    Best Short Film (Animated): Paperman

    Best Short Film (Live Action): Curfew

    Best Sound Editing: Skyfall (TIE), Zero Dark Thirty (TIE),

    Best Sound Mixing: Les Misrables

    Best Visual Effects: Life of Pi


    Leander Paes, Jaideep Mukherjee Received Davis Cup Commitment Award

    On 2 February Indian tennis legends Leander Paes and Jaideep Mukherjee were felicitated bythe All India Tennis Association (AITA) at the RK Khanna Tennis Stadium , when they werepresented with the Davis Cup Commitment Trophy.Mukherjee made his Davis Cup debut in 1960against Thailand and had a 62-35 win-loss record while Paes is currently playing his 49th Davis

    Cup tie here against South Korea.

    Graeme Smith Captains his 100th Test

    On 4 February South African test cricket team captain Graeme Smith has created a uniquerecord by leading the side in 100th test.As the South African captain Graeme Smith stepped onthe field against Pakistan, he became the only captain in the world to have led the team in 100test matches.Earlier, the record for captaining in most number of test matches was held by former

    Australian skipper Allan Border. Allan Border led the Australian test cricket team in 93 testmatches. Sourav Ganguly holds the record of captaining Indian test team in most number of testmatches. Sourav played as skipper in 49 test matches. Now, Graeme Smith is the only cricketerto play as captain in 100 test matches.

    India Won Record 46 Medals in Special Olympics

    On 6 February Indias differently-abled athletes returned with the largest haul of medals in the2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games at Pyeong Chang, South Korea.The Indians won 46medals 13 gold, 17 silver and 16 bronze from among mentally-challenged 2200 athletes fromover 120 nations in the Games .India doubled its medal tally from the World Winter Games2009.The Games are being competed in eight sports .

    Sachin Equaled Sunil Gavaskars First Class Cricket Record

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    On 8 February Sachin Tendulkar equaled the record of Sunil Gavaskar of 81 first class hundredsin first class cricket at Mumbai. He managed to equal Gavaskars record after scoring anunbeaten 140 runs in Irani Trophy against Rest of India in the first innings of the tournament ofMumbai team.When he reached 106, Tendulkar also completed 25,000 runs in first class cricket.

    Wrestling Dropped From 2020 Olympic Games List

    On 12 February the International Olympic Committee (IOC) leaders dropped wrestling from the2020 Olympic Games.Wrestling will be included at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.The IOCboard acted after reviewing the 26 sports on the current Olympic program. Eliminating one sportallows the IOC to add a new sport to the program later this year.Wrestling will now join sevenother sports in applying for inclusion in 2020. The others are a combined bid from baseball andsoftball, karate, squash, roller sports, sport climbing, wakeboarding and wushu. They will be vyingfor a single opening in 2020.The last sports removed from the Olympics were baseball andsoftball, voted out by the IOC in 2005 and off the program since the 2008 Beijing Games. Golfand Rugby will be joining the program at the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro.

    Victoria Azarenka won Qatar Open Tennis Title

    On 18 February Defending champion Victoria Azarenka from Belarus defeated Serena Williams(America) to won the Qatar Open tennis title in the final at Doha.

    Sania Mirza won Dubai Tennis Championship Title

    On 23 February Indias Sania Mirza and her American partner Bethanie-Mattek Sands won theDubai Tennis Championship title. The Indo-American duo defeated the second seeded Russian-Slovenian combination of Nadia Petrova and Katarina Srebotnik. Sania bagged her secondDoubles title of the season.

    ECONOMYBHEL and GAIL Granted Maharatna Status

    On 1 February The Union Government of India granted Maharatna status to BHEL (Bharat HeavyElectricals Ltd ) and GAIL (Gas Authority of India Limited), a development which will provide themgreater financial and functional autonomy and also ensure better valuation for shares of the twopublic sector undertakings.Ideally any Maharatna firm has a capacity to take investment decisionof around 5000 crore Rupees without taking assistance from the government. On the other hand,forms with Navratna status have the capability of 1000 crore Rupees.For any company to qualifyfor Maharatna status, the annual turnover should be over 25000 crore Rupees in past threeyears, as per the guidelines issued by Department of Public Enterprises.

    Per capita Monthly Income Growth Eases to 14% in 2011-12

    On 1 February According to the the revised data of national accounts the per capita monthlyincome, a measure to assess standard of living, grew at a slower rate of 13.7 per cent to Rs5,130 in 2011-12 at current prices compared to Rs 4,513 in 2010-11.On the Gross DomesticSaving (GDS) front, the data revealed that the growth at current prices in 2011-12 slowed to 30.8per cent of GDP at market prices against 34 per cent in the previous year.The gross domesticcapital formation has increased from Rs 28,71,649 crore in 2010-11 to Rs 31,41,465 crore in2011- 12 at current prices.It further revealed that the per capita private final consumption

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    expenditure (PFCE) at current prices in 2011-12 is estimated at Rs 42,065 as against Rs 36,677in the year 2010-11, showing an increase of 14.7 per cent against an increase of 15.7 per cent inthe previous year.

    Argentina Censured by the IMF for Economic Data

    On 3 February The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has censured Argentina for the quality ofits official inflation and GDP data.Inflation in Argentina is estimated by private economists to be at25% a year and rising but the government reported it at 11% or less for last year.Argentinabecame the first country to be censured by the International Monetary Fund for not providingaccurate data on inflation and economic growth under a procedure that can end in expulsion.

    Mumbai Is Worlds Cheapest City

    Mumbai shares the title of the worlds cheapest city with Karachi, in Pakistan, according to theWorldwide Cost of Living 2013 survey by the Economist Groups Economic IntelligenceUnit.After Mumbai and Pakistan comes Delhi ,Algiers, Bucharest, Colombo and PanamaCity.According to the report, the five most expensive cities in the world are Tokyo and Osaka inJapan, Sydney, Oslo and Melbourne.

    Railway Budget 2013-14

    On 26 February Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal presented the 2013-14 Railway Budget inthe Loksabha . Railway Budget 2013-14 Highlights :-

    2013-14 Railway Budget Estimates Rs.42,210 crores

    Highest ever plan outlay of Rs.63,363 crores in 2013-14

    Good Earnings Rs.93,554 crores

    Good Traffic Receipts Rs.1,43,742 crores

    Total Revenue Receipts Rs.1,46,626 crores

    Ordinary Working Expenses Rs.96,500 crores

    Operating Ratio to be 87.8%. -

    A new Forged Wheel Factory at Rae Bareli, Coach Manufacturing Unit in Sonepat District(Haryana) ,Midlife Rehabilitation Workshop at Kurnool (Andhra Pradesh), new wagonmaintenance workshop in Kalahandi (Odisha).

    Highest ever plan outlay of Rs.63,363 crores

    5.2 per cent growth in passenger traffic expected in 2013-14

    Freight loading of 1047 MT, 40 MT more than 2012-13.

    67 new Express trains to be introduced.26 new passenger services, 8 DEMU services and 5MEMU services to be introduced. Run of 57 trains to be extended. Frequency of 24 trains to beincreased.22 new rail lines to be taken up in 2013-14

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    Proposal for setting up of Railway Tariff Regulatory Authority formulated and at inter-ministerialconsultation stage. Fuel Adjustment Component (FAC) linked revision for freight tariff to beimplemented from 1st April 2013.

    72 additional suburban services in Mumbai and 18 in Kolkata

    An independent Rail Tariff Authority has been formalised

    ndian Railways Institute of Financial Management to be set up at Secunderabad

    Recruitment to RPF with 10% vacancies reserved for women.Seek to fill 1.52 lakh vacancies inrailways this year. 47000 vacancies for weaker sections and physically challenged to be filled upsoon

    By end of 2013-14, 1,500 km of contracts to be awarded for two dedicated rail corridorsEconomic Survey of contracts to be awarded for two dedicated rail corridors.

    Union Budget 2013-14

    On 28 February Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram Presented the Rs.16,65 279Crore(Planed Expenditure Rs. 5,55,322 crore , Non Planed Expenditure Rs 11,09,975 crore)Union budget in the Lok Sabha for the financial year 2013-14.This is the 82nd Budget for Indiaand 8th Budget for the Finance Minister P Chidambaram.In the past, former Prime MinisterMorarji Desai presented the Union Budget 8 times as Finance Minister. The Highlights of UnionBudget 2013-14: Total budget expenditure seen at 16.65 trillion rupees in 2013-14.

    on-plan expenditure estimated at about 11.1 trillion rupees in 2013-14.

    Indias 2013-14 plan expenditure seen at 5.55 trillion rupees

    Revised estimate for total expenditure is 14.3 trillion rupees in 2012-13, which is 96 point of

    budget estimate

    Expect 133 billion rupees through direct tax proposals in 2013-14

    Expect 47 billion rupees through indirect tax proposals in 2013-14

    Target 558.14 billion rupees from stake sales in state-run firms in 2013-14

    Expect revenue of 408.5 bln rupees from airwave surcharges, auction of telecom spectrum,licence fees in 2013-14

    But will give some tax relief of Rs. 2000 for every person who has an annual income of up to Rs.

    5 lakh

    RBI expected GDP growth of 5.5% for Financial Year 2013-14

    Rs.1000-crore Nirbhaya Fund announced for the empowerment of women

    Rs.6,000 crore to be allocated for rural housing fund

    Defence allocation increased to Rs. 2.03 lakh crore

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    Rs. 6,275 crore to ministry of science and technology, Rs. 5,880 crore to Department of AtomicEnergy

    Rs.27,049 crore allocation to the Agriculture Ministry

    Rs. 37,330 crore allocated for Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

    Rs.110 crore to be allocated to the department of disability affairs

    Rs.37,330 crore allocated for Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

    Rs.14000 crore will be provided for PSB recapitalization. He will constitute a panel on transactioncosts, and financial policies.

    Rs.6,5867 crore for Education , an increase of 17 percent over RE for 2012- 13.

    Rs 6275 crore to Ministry of Technology

    Rs.2 trillion for defence sector

    Rs.15,260 crore to be allocated to Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation.

    Rs.14,873 crore for JNNURM for urban transportation

    Rs.80,194 crore allocation for Ministry of Rural Development

    Rs.33,000 crore for MGNREGA

    Rs.37,330 crore allocated for Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

    Rs.13215 crore for mid-day meal programme

    Rs.41,561 crore for SC plan and Rs 24,598 crore for tribal plan.

    3511 crore allocation to minorities which is 12 per cent hike over budget estimates, 110 crorerupees allotted for welfare of disabled.

    65867 crore rupees have been allocated to the Ministry of Human resources development whichis 17 per cent hike over the revised estimates.

    A surcharge of 10 percent on persons (other than companies) whose taxable income exceedsRs.1 crore have been levied.

    Relief of Rs. 2000 for the tax payers in the first bracket of 2 to 5 lakhs.


    Iran launches new fighter jet

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    Iran had unveiled a new home-made combat aircraft on 02 February 2013.Iran announced thatthis is the most Sophisticated aircraft in the world.The name of this aircraft was Qaher F313(Dominant F313).Qaher F313 was designed using the Advanced Electro-Aviation System.

    Worlds Largest Prime Number Discovered with 17,425,170 digits

    Researchers from the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg discovered the largest primenumber of the world, Contains 17 Million Digits. This is the 48th Mersenne prime found so far.However there are certain rare kinds of prime numbers called Mersenne primes which have theform 2 multiplied by itself p times minus 1, where p denotes a prime number. The new largestprime is 2 multiplied by itself 57885161 times minus 1.

    First Complete Bionic Man Unveiled in U.K

    On 7 February The worlds first complete Bionic Man named Rex was unveiled at LondonsScience Museum. The bionic man was created using 1 million US dollar limbs as well asorgans.Rex has a human face with brown eyes and a height of 6.5 feet. It was designed jointlywith assistance from 18 universities and companies.

    Rudra Inducted into the Army

    On 8 February The first indigenously built Weapon System Integrated Advanced Light Helicopter,Rudra was handed over to the Indian Army by the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) .Rudrais the Mk-IV variant of the Advanced Light Helicopter designed and manufactured by HAL. Thehelicopter is fitted with weapons, targeting systems, warning and counter-measure systems andsurvivability features.This is the first of the 60 armed helicopters provided to the army by theHindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) after the Defence Ministry handed over the control of allattack helicopters to the land force.

    Indian Coast Guard Ship Rajratan Commissioned

    On 11 February Indian Coast Guard ship Rajratan , the fifth in a series of eight Inshore PatrolVessels (IPVs), was commissioned by Indian Coast Guard.The vessel has been indigenouslybuilt by Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers, Kolkata.The 50m long IPV can achieve amaximum speed of 34 knots, with an endurance of 1,500 nautical miles at an economical speedof 16 knots.

    North Korea conducted third nuclear test

    On 12 February 2013,North Korea successfully conducted a third underground nuclear test withthe violation of United Nations sanctions.In the past North Korea two times conducted nucleartests but this is most powerful than those tests.North Korea announced that,a miniaturisednuclear device had been detonated successfully at the test site.The test was reported to havetaken place at a test site in the North Hamgyeong province, where the Punggye-ri nuclear

    complex that conducted tests in 2006 and 2009 is located.

    Asteroid 2012 DA14 Passed Very Near To Earth

    The small Asteroid named 2012 DA14 with an estimated diameter of 50 meters (160 ft) and anestimated mass of 190,000 metric tons passed within about 3.5 Earth radii of the Earths surfaceon February 15.During its 2013 close passage, the asteroid passed 27,700 km (17,200 mi) fromthe surface of Earth. Scientists at NASA estimated that an asteroid the size of 2012 DA14 flies

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    this close to Earth about once every 40 years. A 2012 DA14-size asteroid impacts Earth onceevery 1,200 years, on average.

    PSLV-C20 Successfully Launched SARAL and 6 Other Satellites

    On 25 February ISROs Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) from the Satish Dawan Space

    centre at SPSR Nellore in Sriharikota , launched the Indo-French satellite SARAL along with sixcommercial payloads from Austria, Britain, Canada and Denmark into a 785-km polarsunsynchronous orbit.It was the 23rd mission of PSLV, which has an impeccable record of 21consecutive successful flights.

    About SARAL:- The Saral mission results from the common interest of both ISRO and CNES instudying the ocean from space. For instance, it can provide information on seasonal forecasting,study on animal migration, locating buoys and fishing vessels, collecting environmental datasuch as ocean temperature profiles and currents.

    Besides Saral, the PSLV-C20 has put into orbit two micro-satellites UniBRITE and BRITE (bothfrom Austria), AAUSAT3 from Denmark and STRaND from UK. It also carried one micro-satellite(NEOSSat) and one mini-satellite (SAPPHIRE) from Canada.With a lift-off mass of 407 kg, Saral

    is the 56th satellite to be launched by PSLV.The six commercial payloads from abroad togetherhave a lift-off mass of 259.5 km.PSLV-C20 is the ninth PSLV in core alone configuration (withoutsolid strap-on motors).



    Mo Yan and Jackie Chan Selected As Members of Chinese Parliament

    On 3 February Mo Yan, the winner of Nobel Prize for literature, 2012 and Jackie Chan, the moviestar were given a political role in China by being selected as members of the Chinese PeoplesPolitical Consultative Conference, one of the houses of Chinese parliament.

    Prachanda elected as Maoist president of ruling UCPN-Maoist party

    Prachanda, the powerful Maoist leader who became prime minister after toppling the 239-year-old monarchy in Nepal, was elected as the president of the ruling UCPNMaoist party on 08February 2013.58-yearold Prachanda, whose real name is Pushpa Kamal Dahal.

    Indian American Subra Suresh Appointed as President of Carnegie Mellon

    On 9 February US President Obamas top science official and Indian American Padma Shriawardee Dr Subra Suresh has been appointed as the new president of Carnegie MellonUniversity. He will succeed Dr. Jared L. Cohon, who led the university to unprecedented growthduring his 16-year tenure. Dr Suresh will assume office on July 1 after Dr Cohon would step downon June 30, this year.

    Ratan Tata Elected To National Academy of Engineering

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    On 9 February Ratan Tata, chairman emeritus of the Tata Group, has been elected as a memberof the prestigious National Academy of Engineering of the US along with 10 new foreignmembers.This is the highest professional distinction accorded to an engineer in the US.RatanTata has been selected for his outstanding contributions to industrial development in India andthe world.

    B)RESIGNSD.C.Chief Financial Officer Natwar Gandhi To Resign

    Indian American, Natwar M. Gandhi, Chief Financial officer (CFO) of Washington DC ,announcedhis resignation on 1 February.He will resign on 1 June 2013.Gandhi has held the office since2000 and was appointed to a new, five-year term last year.

    Solicitor-General Rohinton Nariman resigns

    Solicitor-General of India Rohinton Nariman resigned 04 February 2013.Mr. Nariman wasappointed as the second most senior law official of the country on July 23, 2011 following the

    resignation of Gopal Subramanium on July 14, 2011.

    Obamas Top Science Official Suresh Resigned

    On 6 February US President Barack Obamas top science official and Padma Shri awardeeSubra Suresh has resigned from his current position to join the prestigious Carnegie MellonUniversity as its chief.As director of National Science Foundation (NSF) since 2010, Suresh wasresponsible for driving scientific research of the country.Suresh has co-authored more than 240

    journal articles, registered 21 patents and written three widely used materials science books.

    Nagaland Home Minister resigns

    Nagaland Home Minister Imkong L. Imchen was resigned from the ruling Naga Peoples Front(NPF) government on 19 February 2013.Mr. Imchen put in his papers after the ElectionCommission authorities seized cash amounting to more than Rs.1 crore and weapons from hisvehicle on 18 February by troopers of Assam Rifles at Sathupang area in Wokha district.

    Pope Benedict XVI Resigned

    On 28 February Pope Benedict XVI a position in which he serves dual roles as Sovereign of theVatican City State and leader of the Catholic Church resigned his post.Pope Benedict XVIs birthname is Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger.Benedict XVI was elected on 19 April 2005 in a papalconclave, celebrated his Papal Inauguration Mass on 24 April 2005, and took possession of hiscathedral, the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, on 7 May 2005. A native of Bavaria, he has bothGerman and Vatican citizenship.


    Former Puducherry CM Shanmugam passes away

    Former Chief Minister of Puducherry P. Shanmugam passed away at the Karaikal GovernmentHospital on 02 February 2013.A bachelor, Shanmugam was the chief minister of Puducherry fromMarch 22, 2000 to Oct 27, 2001 and represented the union territory in the Lok Sabha between1980-1991.

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    brain box society after scoring an incredible 162 on an IQ test she took in Russian.Her IQ of162 ranks her higher than a list of the worlds greatest luminaries dead and living.Former USpresidents Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin and Bill Clinton could only muster 128, 160 and137 respectively.

    Mohamed Nasheed Took Refuge In Indian High Commission

    On 13 February the former Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed took refuge in the Indian HighCommission in Capital Male to evade arrest, a year after he was toppled.He turned up at thesingle-storey Indian mission around noon to evade arrest warrant issued by a court in a caseconcerning the detention of Chief Judge of the Criminal Court during his Presidency in Januarylast year.The Indian government has permitted him to stay in Mission.

    Queen Elizabeth II named Britains Most Powerful

    According to the BBC power list of Britains most influential women, Queen Elizabeth II has beennamed the most powerful woman in Britain, while two Indian-origin women also found a place inthe list of UKs 100 most powerful women. Two Indian-origin women who featured among the 100most powerful British women were Kolkata-born Pinki Lilani, founder of the Asian Women of

    Achievement Awards in the UK, and human rights champion and director of Liberty ShamiChakrabarti.

    Worlds oldest woman is Misao Ookawa

    Misao Ookawa,the oldest woman in the world receives a Guinness World Records certificate inOsaka, Japan,on 27 February 2013.She will ready to celebrate its 115th birth anniversary on 5March 2013. The oldest man in the world,Jiroemon Kimura(115) also belongs to Japan.


    Strong 6.6 Magnitude Quake Hits Solomon Islands

    On 6 February a strong 6.6-magnitude tremor struck the Solomon Islands , the latest in a seriesof aftershocks from a powerful earthquake that triggered a tsunami The quake hit 36 kilometressouth-southwest of Lata, the main town on the remote island of Ndende.At least six people wereconfirmed dead and some 3,000 left homeless but the national disaster management office hasbeen struggling to get a clear picture of the scale of destruction on the island, more than 600kilometres from the capital Honiara.The Solomons are part of the Ring of Fire, a zone of tectonicactivity around the Pacific that is subject to frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

    Snow Storm Nemo Hits US and Canada

    On 8 February Seven people have been killed in the United States and Canada as the massiveblizzard Winter Storm Nemo dumped nearly two feet of snow in New England and knocked outpower to more than a half a million homes.Throughout the Northeast, more than 600,000 homesand businesses lost electricity. Airlines cancelled more than 5,300 flights today, and New YorkCitys three major airports and Bostons Logan Airport closed.

    Huge Meteorite Hits The Russia

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    On 15 February A huge meteor hits the Russia, injuring more than 1000 people, many hurt bybroken glass, and causing explosions.Fragments of the meteor fell in a thinly populated area ofthe Chelyabinsk region.The meteorite, which weighed about 10 metric tons and may have beenmade of iron, entered Earths atmosphere and broke apart 30-50 km (19-31 miles) aboveground.The meteorite explosion, a very rare spectacle, also unleashed a sonic boom.The energyreleased when it entered the Earths atmosphere was equivalent to a few kilotonnes, the power ofa small atomic weapon exploding.


    DSDS Delhi Sustainable Development Summit

    BHEL Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd

    GAIL Gas Authority of India Limited

    TERI The Energy and Resources Institute

    EIU Economist Intelligence Unit

    NSF National Science Foundation

    TAPI TurkmenistanAfghanistanPakistanIndia

    POTA Prevention of Terrorism Act

    IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

    CAIR Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

    CITU Centre of Indian Trade Unions

    FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation

    HDI Human Development Index

    UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

    WIPO World Intellectual Property Organisation


    Khushwantnama: The Lessons of My Life Book Released

    On 2 February The indomitable Khushwant Singh has released a new book namedKhushwantnama: The Lessons of My Life on his 98th birthday in which he writes about his life,lessons it has taught him, politics, future of India and what religion means to him.The book,

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    published by Penguin Books India, is dedicated to Kaur who is a close friend of theauthor.Khushwant Singh was a Member of Parliament from 1980 to 1986. He was awarded thePadma Bhushan in 1974 but returned the decoration in 1984 in protest against the storming ofthe Golden Temple in Amritsar by the Indian Army. In 2007, he was awarded the PadmaVibhushan.

    Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and Germany Book Released

    Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose new book named Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and Germanyreleased on 6 February.The First copy of the book by Professor Anita B. Pfaff was given to thePresident of India Pranab Mukherjee at Rashtrapati Bhavan at NewDelhi. The book was broughtout by the Federation of Indo-German Societies in India.The book is a collection of the recordsshared by Professor Anita Pfaff as well as other known biographers and writers.The bookportrayed some interesting facets of the life of Netaji and his extraordinary contribution to Indiasfreedom struggle.


    Padmanabhan Committee To Help Boost Bank Finance For Exports

    On 3 February The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) constituted a technical advisory committee toiron out existing issues and boost bank finance for exports.The committee will be headed by RBIExecutive Director G Padmanabhan.The committee look into the issues related to exporters, wehave decided to constitute a technical working group which will also look non-cost issues liketransaction costs, accounting norms, documentation required, procedural difficulties.

    Read more: Current Affairs february 2013 Study Material |


