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FEDERAL Hir @wtrtrcute - Sunaero · IIQ Control: l2ll4l20l7 HQ Revision: 05d The Bilateral Aviation...

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UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Hir flWnW @wtrtrcute Jt rr/t* sNGRr3lD f/"b ".th/bd, a. azdb AEROWING,INC DTBIA SUNAERO . AMERICAS -t/.4. /a4zr,udz, z:&4/4, a, 5217 Linbar Drive Nashville, Tennessee 37211 /rrlrt? fu tA. a.nfzziztbn "-ryr/-z ,U, o,// led/zotd. -t"% /rt ""frt ^"'rrrr'-a, "/ /r* 9"2*t -t .Mzbhr.r e-/-/"lt-"* a/€z,afu azz z/Vb^e-a"/ REPAIR STATION. -'"% /* /%.rrt f ^a*rr/a... LTMITED ATRFRAME (08/09/201 8) tt/-'// ***>r,-* ,, "4d II\DEFTNITELY. 9"aa"*Z AUGUST 2I,2OI8 @bid Gattititaf;e ig not @railstttabl0, rr,ro lt,rv MAJoR cHANGE rN rHE BAsrc FAcrLrnEs, oR rN rHE LocATtoN THEREoF, SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO THE APPROPRIATE REGIONAL OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL AVIATION AOMINISTRATION ,fu.^tAaa-a* LA Any alteration of this certificate is punishable by a firc of not exceeiling $7,000, or imprisonment not exceeding 3 yearc, or both FAA Form 8000-4 tr.szl SUPERSEDES FAA FORM 390. Electronic Forms (POF)


    Hir flWnW @wtrtrcuteJt rr/t* sNGRr3lD

    f/"b ".th/bd, a. azdbAEROWING,INC


    -t/.4. /a4zr,udz, z:&4/4, a,5217 Linbar Drive

    Nashville, Tennessee 37211

    /rrlrt? fu tA. a.nfzziztbn "-ryr/-z ,U, o,// led/zotd.-t"% /rt ""frt ^"'rrrr'-a, "/ /r* 9"2*t -t .Mzbhr.r e-/-/"lt-"*

    a/€z,afu azz z/Vb^e-a"/ REPAIR STATION.

    -'"% /* /%.rrt f ^a*rr/a...LTMITED ATRFRAME (08/09/201 8)

    tt/-'// ***>r,-* ,, "4d II\DEFTNITELY.

    9"aa"*ZAUGUST 2I,2OI8


    ,fu.^tAaa-a*LAAny alteration of this certificate is punishable by a firc of not exceeiling $7,000, or imprisonment not exceeding 3 yearc, or both

    FAA Form 8000-4 tr.szl SUPERSEDES FAA FORM 390. Electronic Forms (POF)

  • U.S. Departmentof TransportationFederal AviationAdministration Operations Specifications

    A001 . Issuance and Applicability IIQ Control: 0211112016IIQ Revision: 05e

    a. These operations specifications are issued to AEROWING, INC., a Repair Station located inthe United States, pursuant to 14 CFR Pafi 145, $ 145.53. The repair station certificate holder shallconduct operations in accordance with 14 CFR Part 145 and these operations specifications.

    The certificate holder's address:

    Ilixed Location:5217 LnbarDr. Ste 303Nashville. Tennessee 37204

    b. The holder of these operations specifications is the holder o:f certificate number 5NGR13lD andshall hereafter be referred to as the "certificate holder".

    c. These operations specifications are issued as part of this rqlair station certificate and arein effect as ofthe date approval is effective. This certifrcate and these operations specificationsshall remain in effect until the certificate for a repair station that is located in the United States issurrendered, suspended, or revoked.

    d. tl.S./EU Aviation Safety Agreement Repair Stationi\daintenance AgarrrzationApprovals notauthorized.

    e. The certificate holder is authorized to conduct the operatiorrs described in subparagraph a underthe following other business names:

    SUNAERO - AMERICASDelegated authorities : None

    A00l-lAmdt. No:0

    AEROWING,INC. Certificate No. : 5NGR13 lD

  • U.S. Departmentof TransportationFederal AviationAdministration Operations Specifications

    l. The Certificate Holder applies for the Operations in this2. These Operations Specifications are approved by direction the Administrator.

    Digitally signed by Neal R. Thorne,lll EFFECTIVE DATE: 8/2412018, l2l

    incipal Main Inspector (CE19)#:0

    DATE: 2018.08.24 09:37:17 -05:00

    3. I hereby accept and receive the Operations Specifications i this paragraph.


    A001-2Amdt. No:0

    AEROWING.INC. Certificate No.: 5NGRI3 lD

  • U.S. Departmentof TransportationFederal AviationAdministration Operations Specifi cations

    Unless otherwise defined in these operations specifications, all words, phrases, definitions, andabbreviations have identical meanings to those used in 14 CFR and49 U.S.C.. as cited in public Law103-2'12, as amended. Additionally, the definitions listed below rare applicable to operationsconducted in accordance with these operations specifications.

    A002 . Definitions and Abbreviations


    Certificate Holder



    Class Rating


    EASA AccountableManager




    FAA AccountableManarger

    IIQ Control: l2ll4l20l7HQ Revision: 05d

    The Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA) is an executiveagreement concluded between the lJnited States and a foreign countryfor the purpose of promoting aviation safety; also known as anAgreement for the Promotion of Aviation Safety.

    In these operations specifications, the term "certificate holder" meansthe holder ofthe repair station certihcate described in these operationsspecifications in Part A paragraph l\001 and any of its officers,employees, or agents used in the conduct ofoperations under thiscertificate.

    Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore

    Code of Federal Regulations

    As used with respect to the certification, ratings, privileges ofairframes, powerplants, propellers, radios, instruments, andaccessories within a category haviqg similar operating characteristics.

    European Aviation Safety Agency

    The manager who has corporate authority for ensuring that allmaintenance required by the customer can be financed and carried outto the standard required by the EASA full-member Authority.

    European Union

    An authorization that permits an altrsrnate means of compliance with aspecific CFR. The exemption must meet the procedural requirementsof 14 CFRPart 11.

    Federal Office of Civil Aviation

    A person designated by the certificafied repair station who isresponsible for and has authority over all repair station operations thatare conducted under 14 CFR Part 145, including ensuring that therepair station's personnel follow the regulations and serving as theprimary contact with the FAA.

    AERO'MNG.INC. Certificate No. : 5NGR13 lD4002-1Amdt. No:0

  • U.S. Departmentof TransportationFederal AviationAdministration Operations Specifications


    Limited Rating

    Limited Ratings -Speclialized Services

    Line Maintenance



    U.S./IEU AviationSafety Agreement,Annerx 2,MainLtenance



    Authorization provided to a repair station located outside the UnitedStates to perform maintenance support under contract for a U.S. aircarrier (or an operator of U.S.- registered aircraft under 14 CFRPart 129) at a location other than the repair station's main facility. Ageographic authorization is issued try the FAA to respond to a U.S. aircarrier's or Part 129 foreign operatrlr's need for maintenance at astation where the frequency and sc,ope of that maintenance does notwarrant permanently staffing and equipping the station for itsaccomplishment.

    A rating issued to repair stations for the performance of maintenanceon particular makes and models of airframes, powerplants, propellers,radios, instruments, accessories, and/or parts.

    Rating issued for a special maintenimce function when the frnction isperformed in accordance with a spercification approved by theAdministrator.

    Any unscheduled maintenance resulting from unforeseen events, orscheduled checks where certain servicing andlor inspections do notrequire specialized training, equipment, or facilities.

    The Maintenance Annex Guidance (MAG) defines the process thatthe FAA and EASA undertake in the inspection, findings ofcompliance certification, and monitrning of repair stations, as well astheir joint cooperation in quality assurzmce and standardization activitiesin support of the EASA Agreement, Annex 2, Maintenance. The termMaintenance Agreement Guidance (MAG) defines the processes andactivities applicable to a specific countT/ under an MIP, and is notassociated with the EASA Agreement.

    The inspection, overhaul, repair, preservation, and replacement ofparts, but excludes preventive maintenance.

    Annex 2 covers the reciprocal acceptance of findings of compliance,approvals, documentation and techrLical assistance regarding approvalsand the monitoring of repair stations/maintenance organtzations.

    Maintenance Implementation Procedures (MIP) are procedures forimplementing the provisions of a B,{SA that apply to maintenanceperformed under 14 CFR Part 145, Section 145.53(b).

    A maintenance organization exposition (MOE) pertains to proceduralmanuals used by maintenance organizations certificated by a foreigncountry. The MOE along with the IIA,A Supplement, sets forth thestructure and procedures of the repair station to meet the requirementsof 14 CFR Part 145 under a MIP.

    AEROWING,INC. Certificate No.: 5NGRI3 lD4002-2Amdt. No:0

  • U.S, Departmentof TransportationFederal AviationAdministration Operations Specifi cations



    Repair Station locatedin the United States

    Repair Station locatedoutside the UnitedStates


    As defined in 14 CFR part I and paffi 43 appendix A,subparagraph (c).

    Qualrty Control Manual

    A FAA certificated repair station located in the United States.

    A FAA certificated repair station located outside of the United States.

    Repair Station Manual

    1. The Certificate Holder applies for the Operations in this para5paph.2. These Operations Specifications are approved by direction of the Administrator.

    Pigftely qiCned by Neal R. Thorne, Principal Maintenance Inspector (CEl9)lll EFFECTIVE DATE: 8/24/2018, t2l AIVIENDMENT#: 0 -DATE: 2018.08.24 09:38:50 -05:00

    3. I hereby accept and the Operations Specifications in this paragraph.

    Evans, hael, Agent for Service Date

    AEROWING.INC. Certificate No.: 5NGR13 lD4002-3Amdt. No:0

  • U.S. Departmentof TransportationFederal AviationAdministration Operations Specifications

    A004 . Summary of Special Authorizations and Limitation! HQ Control: }gl23llggyHQ Revision: 010

    L. The certificate holder, in accordance with the reference paragraphs, is authorized to:


    Use ar acceptable electronic recordkeeping systenr, electronic/cligital signature, A025and/or electronic media.

    Conduct operations choosing to have an antidrug and alcohol misuse prevention A44gprogram.

    Perform work, excluding continuous operations, at additional locations other than O'OOat its primary Fixed Location.

    b. The certificate holder is not aathorized and shall not:,


    Use Exemptions. A005Perform maintenance with ratings for repair stations located oulside the UnitedStates under a Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement with Maintr:nance ,{060Provisions.

    Perfonm work including continuous operations, at additional locations other than OrO,at its primary fixed location.

    Perform maintenance in accordance with foreign repair station geographic 8050authorizations.

    Perform line maintenance for cert. holders conducting operations under Partsl2l and 135 and for foreign carriers/persons operating non-U.S registered r\1^?aircraft in common carriage under Part I29, apnt from Dl00 which authorizes utv Ithat work away from station.

    4004-1Amdt. No:0

    AEROWING, [NC. Certificate No.: 5NGR13 lD

  • U.S. Departmentof TransportationFederal AviationAdministration Operations Specifi cations

    1. The Certificate Holder applies for the Operations in this paragaph.2. Thet;e Operations Specifications are approved by direction of the Administrator.

    P,igltgl-lf ftg1r:d_by\ql R, Thorne, Principal Maintenance Inspector (CE19)[1] EFFECTTVE DATE: 8t24t20r8, [Z] AMENDMENU#: 0 -DATE: 2018.08.24 09:42:58 -05 :00

    3. I hereby accept and receive the Operations Specifications in this paragraph.


    AEROWING,INC. Certificate No.: 5NGR13 lD/r004-2Amdt. No:0

  • U.S. Departmentof TransportationFederal AviationAdministration Operations Specifi cations

    4007 . Designated Persons HQControl: l'.211912006HQ Revision: 030

    a. The personnel listed in ttre following table are designated to officially apply for and receiveoperations specifications for the certificate holder indicated below.

    b. The following personnel listed in Table 2 are designated by the certificate holder to receiveInformation for Operators (INFO) messages for the certificate holder as indicated below. A receiptfor the information by an operator or person is not required.

    Z - Desiqnated to Receive INFO Mess sName Email Address Telephone No. Type of Information to Receive


    Table 1- Designated Persons to Apply for and Receive AuthorizationsiTitle Name Parts Authorizrd

    Agent for Service Evans. Michael A,B,D

    1. The Certificate Holder applies for the Operations in this paragraph.2. These Operations Specifications are approved by direction of the Administrator.

    Piglgtlf rign"d by Neal R. Thorne, Principal Maintenance Inspector (CEl9)[1] EFFECTIVE DATE: 812412018, [2] AMENDMENT#:0


    DATE: 2078.08.24 09 :44:33 -05 :00

    3. I hereby accept and receive Operations Specifications in this paragraph.

    Evans, Michael, Agent for Service

    AEROWING.INC. Certificate No. : 5NGR13 lD4.007-lAmdt. No:0

  • U.S. Departmentof TransoortationFederal AviationAdministration Operations Specifications

    4449 . Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program IIQ Control: 0l 11712009HQ Revision: 00a

    a' The Part I45 repair station certificate holder has elected to implement an Antidrug arrdAlcohol Misuse Prevention Program, because the certificate holder performssafety-sensitive functions for a 14 CFR Part l2l, and 135 certificate holder and/or firr a14 CFR Part 9l operator conducting operations under Section9l.l47.

    b. The certificate holder certifies that it will comply with the requirements of 14 CFR part 120and 49 cFR Part 40 for its Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse prevention program.

    c. Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program records are maintained and available forinspection by the FAA's Drug Abatement Compliance and Enforcement Inspectors at thelocation listed in Table I below:

    Table ILocation & Telephone of Antidrug and Alcohot Misuse

    Prevention Prosram Records:Telephone Number: 615-242-3833

    Address: 5217 Lnbar Dr. Ste 303Address:

    CW: NashvilleState: TN

    7ip code: 37204

    d. Limitations and hovisions.

    Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program inspections and enforcement activitywill be conducted by the Drug Abatement Division. Questions regarding theseprograms should be directed to the Drug Abatement Division.

    The certificate holder is responsible for updating this operations specification when anyof the following changes occur:(a) Location or phone number where the Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Preventi,on

    Program Records are kept.(b) If the certificate holder's number of safety-sensitive employees goes to 50 and

    above, or falls below 50 safety-sensitive employees.The certificate holder with 50 or more employees performing a safety-sensitivefunction on January 1 of the calendar year must submit an annual report to the DrugAbatement Division of the FAA.The certificate holder with fewer than 50 employees performing a safety-sensitirrefunction on January I of any calendar year must submit an annual report upon requestof the Administrator, as specified in the regulations.

    The certificate holder has fewer than 50 safety-sensitive employees.





    AEROWING,INC. Certificate No.: 5 NGR13 lD44pJ9-lAmdt. No:0

  • U.S. Departmentof TransportationFederal AviationAdministration Operations Specifications

    1. The Certificate Holder applies for the Operations in this paragraph.2. These Operations Specifications are approved by direction of the Administrator.

    Digitally signed by Neal R. Thorne, Principal Maintenance Inspector (CE19)[1] EFFECTIVE DATE: 812412018, [2] AMENDMENT#: 0DATE: 2018.08.24 09:51:18 -05:00

    3. I hereby accept and receivp the Operations Specifications in this paragraph.

    AEROWING,INC. Certificate No.: 5NGRI3 lD44p'9-2Amdt. No:0

  • U.S. Departmentof TransportationFederal AviationAdministration Operations Specifi cations


    D100 . Work to be Performed at a Place Other Than the Repair HQ Control: 11t1612004Station Fixed Location(s) He Revision: 050

    a. The certificate holder may perform work at a place other than its Fixed Location (as listed inparagraph A001, and paragraph A10l if issued, of these operations specifications) provided ithas the facilities, material, equipment and technical personnel to perform the work luthorizedin the following table.

    TableWork Authorized Repair Stations Manual

    ReferencesQuality Control Manual

    ReferencesFuel tank leak detection and repair

    The certificate holder mav not perform continuous operation at a facility other than thestation's Fixed Location listed in paragraph ,{001, and parugraphAl0l if issued.

    Line Stations . Privileges of a line station, as set forth by the EASA certificate and scope ofwork and located within the counffy where the main facility is domiciled are listed in Table 1 areauthorized.

    d. Work may be due to a special circumstance or on a recurring basis. If on a recurring basis, therepair station must have procedures in its manual.

    1. The Certificate Holder applies for the Operations in this paragraph.2. These Operations Specifications are approved by direction of the Administrator.

    Piglglf qtgtg{by Neal R. Thorne, Principal Maintenance Inspector (C819)[1] EFFECTIVE DATE: 8/24/2018, [z] AMENDMENT#: 0DATE: 2018.08.24 09:52:25 -05 :00

    3. I hereby accept and receive the Operations Specifications in this paragraph.

    AEROWING.INC. Certificate No. : 5NGR1 3 lDD100-1Amdt. No:0

