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FEED CO. leatCompufiy › bitstream › ...Manufacturer of'l.udich' & (icutlcnicu's French Calf &...

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R ' 1 si ft L h V KJ Vol. XIV. No Vlim. HONOLULU, Fl. I., SATUKDAY ETISNING. OCaOUKK 25, IMP. BO 0ENT8 0U08QRIRTI0N PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN lo pruned ;uul published at the oillee, (Juecn Street, Honolulu, 11. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, SO cents pot Month AiltlroM nil Onminuuicatinns Daii.7 BllM.KTtN. Advertisements, lo ensure insertion, should be handed in bcfoic one o'clock r. m. DAILY BULLETIN PUBLISHINO COMPANY, (Limited.) AIITHUH J0HNS1ONE.... Editor & Vlanagcr. Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Nook nod Job Prlutiny of nil kinds done on the 'most favorable IMllllg. K,sii roiiipiii-n- No. a&ii Mutual Trlopiioli ..Ho. Vfltl THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Surnrsraary. u iniuesiiui; unit eoiuptehundvu publication, contains Yi columns of luudinK matter on Iced topics, tind u complete f.iumt' of llonolulti 'ind Island News. It is the best piper nublUlied it. the Kingdom n end tu liiuids abroad, tk Kuii-n- i nn'" island . : : 4 00 your Foreign : ; s " Commiusxou Meronants. T. WATlJiKHOUSB, JOE1N Importer mid Denier in General Merchandise, Queen at., Honolulu 1 la OO., W1LDJIR Dealeis In Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nallb, Sal", and Building Materials of every Mud, cor. Fori aud Queen His.., Honolulu. 1 6. N. Castle.-.- !. B. Atheiton-- G. P. Uastle Ot OOOKE, GASTLK Shipping aud Commission Merchants. Importers aud Dealers in CleneialMuj'diaudise, Ho. 80 King at., Honolulu. 1 Lowers, F. J. Lowioy U. U. Cooko. s OOOKE, (successorn to Law era &. nickson,) Importers and Dealers m dumber and all ttiuds ot Building Materials, Foil ntruut, Honolulu 1 HOMOLULO IRON WOKKB, IfaiiaMSteam eiiKm3i HUgar nulls, boil-jrb- , jooterb; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every de&cription made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exa-rute- at short notice livciciricjuo jc Co., B, General Uoinmisaion Agents. Honolulu G. W. MACZAELANE & Co. iMP0UTKR3 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, - - 1048 GONSAIiVES & CO., Wholeftfcie Grocers & Wine Merchants Beaver Block, Honolulu. S BKEWEB & COMPANY, J. (Limited) UbNERAI. MlIHCAHTtliE AND Commission Aobmtb. xjbt ov orintiKua: l O. Jonft1, Sz. .. .Preaidont & Manager ). O. Oahtkii..... Treasurer & Secrotary DIKKCTOBB: Hon. O. R. Bibuop. 8. C Aixkn, U. Watkbiioobk. :d ly Gustav A. Schuman Carriage Trimmer. No. 70 & 81 : : King Slroot. At W. Wiiiihti Son's. Having tecelved a full HHsortment of Malorialit from the l',nvt, I am piepiired toexeoutuall orders with iicniiitm and di'upittcli at very ri'ii hilliablu alos. ., (J. A. HUUUMAiN. pr 7.'.io. ly Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort St,, Upstairs, Tho uiulcrslitnud boga to inform the pillill? of tlinBu IhIiiiuIh Hint liu la H)iil(lli HIt'lH Uy Mouwiu'oiiioiii J PlriKitinnu forrelf minsuri'invnl will iu given on itppliuitUnu. VpiililrloyerslJirts&tilillttUoYiit. 15 Kuuanu St., Honolulu, 11. 1. Mnlo .'gunln in tlm lfnuail.iti Tlaiid ft r "Old Maijiiolltt" ."!). P. 1." fine Rourluin WliUfcics, Lachnian & Jacntn's Celebrated California Wines. Alto, always In stock, a full lino flf the cliolcost brands cf BEERS, WINES, LIQUEURS, SPIRITS, Etc. We have for snlo n Mipeiini niliclc ot Sarsaiiarilla k Iii'Ialer, Manufactured by Schmidt & Co , Sloel.tou, Cala. It i llie most wholesome mid 'delirious tonic :ind beveiiige of the age. K8 Older, from the other Islands promptly attended to suul goods eaie-full- y packed Tor shipment. i32 ;im Tlioroiililirai -:- - Ruling $S- - M a: M DUKE SPENCER," Will stand for n short time nt the Greenfield Stables, Kapiolani Park. Duke Spknckk H a dnrk hay, I years old; stands lftjij linuiN high; "Kind ami gentle disposition. r jm i i a x-- t ic in -- . By Duke of Norfolk. lfit dam Lou Spencer by Noi folk 2nd dam Ballcilna...by imp. lialrownlu yrd dam HenuleFairow by imp. Shamiock lib dam Ida by imp. Balsbazzur Mli dam Madam Bosdey (Oamma's Dam) . by hlr Kichard (ith dam Xaney Xichol. . .liy imp. Euj$U: 7th dam Bet. iio-le- y '. '.. by Wilkes'' A oudcr Stli dam byChaiilieleer nth dam by Imp. Sterling 10th dam by Olodius 11th dam by imp. Silvereye lath dam by iinp. Jolly Koticr lllth dam by imp. 1'artner ltth dam by imp. Monkey 15th dam imp. maie from the stud of llanison, of Brandon TERMS $50. C3P Bet of care taken with animals. Iu case of accident no lesponslbillty will be assumed. W. H. RICKAltD, 022 tf Ilonokaa, Ilawnil. flfiJVII&CO, (M.niri:.) Wm. G. Irwin. . Pi csldcnt fc Manager Clans Spreckels nt Walter M.Gllfaid Keci elary to Treasurer Theo. C. Poller Aiulitoi SUGAK FACTORS AND Commission Asents. AOf.NTS OK THK Of Hun I'rauelMCo. Cut. 30. UUI; 1'iojsiaidit ANI ItA.IC3JItV. r, HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and BaKer, 7) llolcl St. -- tfiJter Telephono 71. THUS. LINDSAY, M.VNTI-'ACmilN- ,onloi .'i.'- - WuinliMiHlioi KUKUI IRWIrMIV a SPrOIAIjy. Klilgtitl'ijUliMOHillilllliMilf 74 Khg Sl--r- 74 King St. Impoilcis "f Rattan ard Heed Furniture. Pianos and Furniture Mm rd Willi r.iic. Malting and Caipets Laid. CORfia&CEFOLES Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Specialty. A CIIAIHSTO ItlOIS'l': S BEAYEBJILOOH Tho Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Ooffee at 111 Hours The Finest Brands of Glean. JbGl Tobacco ix,Fit SSs AlwayB on iJniKl. II. J. NOLTK. Proprietor. 'JCJIJB Metropolitan dbseaa&sa I ! leatCompufiy 31 KINO STUKET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Retail Butchen AND NAVY CONTRA CTOJRS. 1717 ly WALKER & REDWARD, . Contraotors Jt: Builders. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings: estimates given. Jobbing piomptlv at- tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele- phone No. :. I. (. Box 12.S. ap-o-l- y PLANING JttILL, , Alakcu, nonr tgnecn St. I Telephono No. S3. I GEORGE LUCAS, Contractor m& & Builder. I Honolulu S tea iff if filing Mills, Kspla- - liaUl'vipillMlllH. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of wood- work llnlMi. Turning, Sei oil and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and 1'lunlng, Morticing and Tenanting. tS&r Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders fiom 'tho other Iflaudft solicited. TAI WO CHAN, If- - Manufacturer of'l.udich' & (icutlcnicu's French Calf & Kangaroo skin snoi:s maim: to onnicit. I IVtfecd urNtuweil, AIho, Hudilli'f. ' :JS Nuinuni St., : : : P. 0. Box 20.1 J ap 7 'JO- - ly WENNER & CO. ainiiufuctuiaiie Jewellei'H, IVO. Ji i.'OlVX' UTKKJ2T. Constantly on hand a largo assortmenl of evei y description of Jew elry. Watches tiohl and Silver JMuted Waie, Ac. !)5S lj' WRI&HT BROS., THOMAS & HENBY. s Fori Street, next Lucbi' Mill. nJ5& WVV& Carriage Builders, Slilp'i lllgckinilllilnp, Drnyi, parli & Wauon flullillnu ipeclalty, Kvury ilei'iill(jn ol wink In Mi" iibuvit IIihk pmloriiiiil Iu u ilul-nli- limiiiii))' iiml I'Mii'inml at .hull iiuUtT. ALUVVQRK QUARANTGeO. jiiilj, Will U0 IlIiKlU'il in iix- - (ill mil uhl UUlliUllllM Hi will Ul HUM lll)t. PSiT'lllifc This Space FOR POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE, i 104 Fort Street, Honolulu. Telephones, No. 175. -- jtasw- I i OKFRK AT IJKD 4-- CALIFORNIA HAY, OATS, I1RAN, OIL CAKK MEAL, LINSEED THE Erlinhurg FEED BARLEY, ROLLED BARLEY, MIDDLING GROUND BAULKY, WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR. FLOUR iSfAltn, Golden Gate & SullnnstM FLOUR V. O. Bov 115.- - -- j&SgfiT- clfolTYR ' MMl'ORTERS AND DEALERS JN ' Provisions and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREET. o ' New Goods received by every packet from Eastern Slates Europe, Fresh California Produce by every Steamer. All ordert) faithfully attended to and Goods delivered to part of the city free of charge. Lsliind orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. nov Tclcnlionc210- f- -- JtfW- LEWIS & CO:, 111 Fort Street, HONOLULU, H. I., Importers, Wholesale & Retail ser- - Nl. of T. A SJnfciwiaetion 5iia.tateel. NOTICE. we not be. responsible for has to is be at the to WILDKH'S S. H. Co. Honolulu, California Lands TO JlOltOFF, 188 tf 12 Ht LOEEIN THURSTON, II. I. llUlmji'ii tUO ll DAVID DAYTON III ui ui atliiiiiii). (u nil It "in I any buliiiiiillllUlol bi iu i ujwbiln. Reserved -- Cor. A .Sl. CO. and any PHIOER- - -- Tolepliono No. !)2. -- P. O. Box Dealers Groceries & Provisions?. -- tea Comrtiiei'flhin Notice. rpiIE undersigned day JL a eopartnemhlp for the purpose, etc., under the name of the Keed Co. T..I. KING, Residence Honolulu. .1. N. WRIGHT, Residence 17, litH tf ANATlBtAL For W. S. LUCK, Hole & Importer for the Ha- waiian Islands. 62D tf JESSIE BRA0EN, Toiuilitti' Hooltul Inn V lvti-illull- ii I'M'puii'd to In or nut uf Hie ,MiiiuiilTilcilioiiiiflT,', p, 18. Call liu G, BILVA, A5 A 7. Ilnli'lblii-ct- . IMI'OJITHH Dl' - Furiilture.MallliiGsrpelLold f'ljrijh'l Ml!"Ni By steamer of i (ho O.S.S. Co. Ifrom California fresh Calafomia Butter, Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Kish, Game, Vegetables, etc. A eomplelo line &. Bluckwell's & J. Morton's it Bottled Goodw always on hand. just received a of rates anu jucati? and uottied Preserved Fruits, Lewis Co.'h Maltese BiunU Siigar,,Cuied Bacon, Breakfast OC'ieals, Creilin Oat flukes and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons am! California Rivi-isid- Oranges, Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc. From and, after this will any freight after siimu been lauded. Parties whom freight consigned must lauding iccclvn their freight. Sept. 6, 1600. cnoif I ,,lTOK. HAJL.KI t&- - APPLY A. Merchant Honolulu. A. HlihOI.I'l.l, Olrlro over llmili. Will priieilcu Hi" linvnr die Kliiudiiin iillniiil lliu IU hiiiiii'lii, iiinllngol Iimiuhi) uilim luliliii. iilU. is Qiifon ROCK MEAL, 207. in ICE have tlilt. formed of dealing hi hay, giam, California Honolulu. Honolulu, Sept. IMKl. Mineral Water, by, Agent Miss D. An. give IcriKtiiK (1,11m A, eneli Hull Frozen etc., Crof.se Oanned Also, fresh line German rotten Hums and New date (VniiU uulli'i'l Union, Fire & Marino Insurance Co., L'd, Ol .Vi'W i'IiIiiimI. Capital $1 Fire rinks taken on lwelhntr, Stoics. Storehouses aud Contents Also, Sushi mid Kite Mill, Machinery, Ktc , lilt Marine I iikiii-iiikm- - On II ulti, Cargoes and Fi eights, lau paid here. J. S. WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian Islands ,.in.(V00 CASTLE & COOKE, Lite, Fire & Marino Insurance Agents 1 AHKNT3 FOtl: Hew Bugland Mutual Life Ins.. Co., OK 110 jl O.N. Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. UISIOXV Insurance Gompanv, Fire A .tlarlue. IHt SAN FUANCISCO, CAI.tKOHNIA. Jan a no NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $105,053,600,96 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At every age, on every premium table, and in every year, the AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies of tho New York Life Insurance Co. have been LARGER than tlione OF ANY OTHER COMPANY filing similar policies. tiJOf" For particulars apply to O. U. ItEKGKK, Geti'l Agent Hawaiian Islands. 2S:i tf FIRE, . LIFE, ad MARINE insDkance. Hartford Flro Insurance Co. AEseta, $6,288,000 Anglo-N- o vada Afsuranco Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 Thames & Mersey Marino Ins. Co (Limited) Assets, $6,124,057 Now York Life Insurance Co. Aaseti, $105,0&3.C00.96 C.O.BERGEK HONOLULU. General Agent, Uaw'n Ifllaiuls, lC63 1y CASTLE & COOKE, IMI'OKTI'.ICN, Hardware, Shipping AND Commission Morchnuts. V DEALKI13 IN General Merchandise ! Plantation Agents, Lifo, Fire & Marino Imuranoe AgenU', .laaJJI HONOLULU. H I. 18U0 VOLCANO STABLES, iWnluiiiiemie Ktieoti) Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice, AImd Hiulitlo 1 Ioi'mon, OurrluueB, QmuuIob, Urukui or CurU, AV ill- - MI.IIT AVIhHON IMIOH., 'ruirlil.'r, llllw, llul. tW full nmlm in 'ivicju.ii -- ft 1MH JM. MONBARRAT. Attot ney at Law A: Notary PuliUe Hi Mciehiint Street, Honolulu. if ALFRED MAGOON, J Atloi ne, at Law A Notary Pilblli 17.1 42 Merchant Micct, Honolulu, ly Biwin LocomotiTBs The iiiidri signed having been appointed nil1 agents for the Hawaiian Maud Fjr tho Celebrated ti Friiinilie woik of Burliam, Parry, Williams & Co., l'hllailelphln. Aie now prepaied to t:ie csliinate- - and lecelvc otders foi these engine, of anv size anil -- lyle. 'I he Baldwin Locomotive. Wokk aie now maiiiifactuiing a style of Loco- motive paiticulail) adapted For Plantation Purposes A number of which have recently been received at, these Island- -, ami we will have plcasiuc iu tmnisbiug plantation agents and managers with paiticulais of same. , The superiority of tliee Locomotive overall otbei makes Is not only known beie but is acknovvledgeil throughout the I' nlted State. Win. G. IRWIN & Co., L'd, Hole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. 402 w-l- y Pacific Hardware Co,, L'i F. Dillingham, Piesident: .1. G. Spencer. Manager ; F. L. Win- ter, Trcauier. THE VUHY LATEST IN Piano Lamps, Banquet Lamps, XlVrary JLampn, Hall Lamps & Chandelieis Just Received from the Factory. A New Line of Refrigerators, A Full Line of the Favorite Eddy's Refrigerators & Ice Chests" Saws & Files; New Lines of Locks, Shelf-IIimlwur- e, Etc., Planet, Jr., Cultivators. Pictures Frames & Mouldings. Pacific Hardware Co., L'd. .ri.r.U tf I'm t it Merebaul Ms. CHANGE of RESIDENCE. Ir. OI.IVKK lias temoved from Fort street to Ho- - bello Lane. I'.ilama. Oilier. Horns: o a. m. to PJ t. and I', .vi. to u i. .vt. Mutual 475 in; tf A. H.RASEBIANN, Book-bind- er, Paper-rul- ei & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. Merchant Micet, Up suir.. ly G. MULLER & Co., PRACTICAL GUN LOCKSMITHS . llethel Stieel, "Damon's Illock." Cornet nUno. Surgical it Musical IiiMiuuicuU ueutlv repaired at icasoniible iate. Miichiues aud repairing of all kinds a specialty. All Mud of Safes Scale repaired. Ilouehuhl Sewing .Machine-lo- i Mile. E. B. THOMAS, Contractor & Builder. Kstlmiite Glyen on Ihiok, Iron, Stone A Wooden Ilulldings, .lobbing Attended to, KEEPS KOKSALi: Brick, Lime, Cement, Piaster of Paris, MiiiblcDii-t- , Who Lath, California North Boned & ShiiIh Cruz Send. (Juan) rill' tlMl-r- od, while mill bluet Minimi, 1'l.udlc Mini liiicumiln Tile in Vi)ilimjmlli'iii, all kluiU ul Hiijlnnge iViiih. HP 11 vr H . tMuihnl ui nig A l.i. m Wj lMVWI lllKtil. ij , t 31JW r"
  • R '

    1 si

    ft Lh






    lo pruned ;uul published at the oillee,

    (Juecn Street, Honolulu, 11. I., every

    afternoon (Sundays excepted).

    Subscription, SO cents pot Month

    AiltlroM nil Onminuuicatinns Daii.7BllM.KTtN.

    Advertisements, lo ensure insertion,should be handed in bcfoic one o'clockr. m.DAILY BULLETIN PUBLISHINO COMPANY,


    AIITHUH J0HNS1ONE.... Editor & Vlanagcr.

    Bulletin Steam Printing Office.Newspaper, Nook nod Job Prlutiny ofnil kinds done on the 'most favorableIMllllg.

    K,sii roiiipiii-n- No. a&ii

    Mutual Trlopiioli ..Ho. Vfltl


    Weekly Surnrsraary.

    u iniuesiiui; unit eoiuptehundvupublication, contains Yi columns ofluudinK matter on Iced topics, tind ucomplete f.iumt' of llonolulti 'ind IslandNews. It is the best piper nublUliedit. the Kingdom n end tu liiuidsabroad, tk

    Kuii-n- i nn'"island . : : 4 00 yourForeign : ; s "

    Commiusxou Meronants.

    T. WATlJiKHOUSB,JOE1N Importer mid Denier in GeneralMerchandise, Queen at., Honolulu 1

    la OO.,W1LDJIR Dealeis In Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nallb, Sal", and Building Materialsof every Mud, cor. Fori aud Queen His..,Honolulu. 1

    6. N. Castle.-.- !. B. Atheiton-- G. P. UastleOt OOOKE,

    GASTLK Shipping aud CommissionMerchants. Importers aud Dealers inCleneialMuj'diaudise, Ho. 80 King at.,Honolulu. 1

    Lowers, F. J. Lowioy U. U. Cooko.s OOOKE,

    (successorn to Law era &. nickson,)Importers and Dealers m dumber and allttiuds ot Building Materials, Foil ntruut,Honolulu 1

    HOMOLULO IRON WOKKB,IfaiiaMSteam eiiKm3i HUgar nulls, boil-jrb- ,

    jooterb; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every de&criptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exa-rute-

    at short notice

    livciciricjuo jc Co.,B,General Uoinmisaion Agents.


    G. W. MACZAELANE & Co.


    Honolulu. H. I.Queen street, - -1048


    Wholeftfcie Grocers & Wine Merchants

    Beaver Block, Honolulu.

    S BKEWEB & COMPANY,J. (Limited)


    Commission Aobmtb.

    xjbt ov orintiKua:l O. Jonft1, Sz. . . .Preaidont & Manager). O. Oahtkii..... Treasurer & Secrotary


    Hon. O. R. Bibuop. 8. C Aixkn,U. Watkbiioobk.

    :d ly

    Gustav A. SchumanCarriage Trimmer.

    No. 70 & 81 : : King Slroot.

    At W. Wiiiihti Son's.

    Having tecelved a full HHsortment ofMalorialit from the

    l',nvt, I am piepiired toexeoutuall orderswith iicniiitm and di'upittcli at very ri'iihilliablu alos. .,

    (J. A. HUUUMAiN.pr 7.'.io. ly

    Pioneer Shirt Factory104 Fort St,, Upstairs,

    Tho uiulcrslitnud boga to inform thepillill? of tlinBu IhIiiiuIh Hint liu la H)iil(lli

    HIt'lH Uy Mouwiu'oiiioiii JPlriKitinnu forrelf minsuri'invnl will

    iu given on itppliuitUnu.


    15 Kuuanu St., Honolulu, 11. 1.

    Mnlo .'gunln in tlm lfnuail.iti Tlaiid ft r

    "Old Maijiiolltt" ."!). P. 1."fine Rourluin WliUfcics,

    Lachnian & Jacntn'sCelebrated California Wines.

    Alto, always In stock, a full lino flf the cliolcostbrands cf


    SPIRITS, Etc.

    We have for snlo n Mipeiini niliclcot

    Sarsaiiarilla k Iii'Ialer,Manufactured by Schmidt & Co ,Sloel.tou, Cala. It i llie mostwholesome mid 'delirious tonic :indbeveiiige of the age.

    K8 Older, from the other Islandspromptly attended to suul goods eaie-full- y

    packed Tor shipment. i32 ;im

    Tlioroiililirai -:- - Ruling

    $S- -M


    DUKE SPENCER,"Will stand for n short time nt


    Greenfield Stables, Kapiolani Park.

    Duke Spknckk H a dnrk hay, I yearsold; stands lftjij linuiN high; "Kind amigentle disposition.

    r jm i i a x--t ic in --.By Duke of Norfolk.

    lfit dam Lou Spencer by Noi folk2nd dam Ballcilna...by imp. lialrownluyrd dam HenuleFairow

    by imp. Shamiocklib dam Ida by imp. BalsbazzurMli dam Madam Bosdey (Oamma's

    Dam) . by hlr Kichard(ith dam Xaney Xichol. . .liy imp. Euj$U:7th dam Bet. iio-le- y '.

    '.. by Wilkes'' A oudcrStli dam byChaiilieleernth dam by Imp. Sterling10th dam by Olodius11th dam by imp. Silvereyelath dam by iinp. Jolly Koticrlllth dam by imp. 1'artnerltth dam by imp. Monkey15th dam imp. maie from the stud of

    llanison, of Brandon

    TERMS $50.C3P Bet of care taken with animals.

    Iu case of accident no lesponslbilltywill be assumed.

    W. H. RICKAltD,022 tf Ilonokaa, Ilawnil.


    Wm. G. Irwin. . Pi csldcnt fc ManagerClans Spreckels ntWalter M.Gllfaid

    Keci elary to TreasurerTheo. C. Poller Aiulitoi


    Commission Asents.AOf.NTS OK THK

    Of Hun I'rauelMCo. Cut.

    30. UUI;


    ANI ItA.IC3JItV.r, HORN, Practical Confectioner,

    Pastry Cook and BaKer,7) llolcl St. --tfiJter Telephono 71.



    ,onloi .'i.'-- WuinliMiHlioiKUKUI IRWIrMIV a SPrOIAIjy.


    74 Khg Sl--r- 74 King St.

    Impoilcis "f

    Rattan ard Heed Furniture.

    Pianos and FurnitureMm rd Willi r.iic.

    Malting and Caipets Laid.

    CORfia&CEFOLESFine Upholstering & Bedding

    A Specialty.A


    BEAYEBJILOOHTho Best Lunoh in Town,

    Tea and Ooffee at 111 HoursThe Finest Brands of

    Glean. JbGl Tobaccoix,Fit SSs

    AlwayB on iJniKl.II. J. NOLTK. Proprietor.



    I !

    leatCompufiy31 KINO STUKET,

    G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Retail Butchen




    . Contraotors Jt: Builders.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings:estimates given. Jobbing piomptlv at-tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele-phone No. :. I. (. Box 12.S. ap-o-l- y

    PLANING JttILL, ,Alakcu, nonr tgnecn St.

    I Telephono No. S3. I

    GEORGE LUCAS,Contractor m& & Builder.

    I Honolulu S tea iff if filing Mills, Kspla- -liaUl'vipillMlllH.

    Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of wood-work llnlMi. Turning, Sei oil and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and1'lunlng, Morticing and Tenanting.tS&r Orders promptly attended to and

    work guaranteed. Orders fiom 'thoother Iflaudft solicited.

    TAI WO CHAN,If--

    Manufacturer of'l.udich' & (icutlcnicu's

    French Calf & Kangaroo

    skin snoi:s maim: to onnicit. IIVtfecd urNtuweil, AIho, Hudilli'f. '

    :JS Nuinuni St., : : : P. 0. Box 20.1 Jap 7 'JO- - ly

    WENNER & CO.ainiiufuctuiaiie Jewellei'H,

    IVO. Ji i.'OlVX' UTKKJ2T.Constantly on hand a largo assortmenl

    of evei y description of Jew elry.Watchestiohl and Silver JMuted Waie, Ac.

    !)5S lj'


    Fori Street, next Lucbi' Mill.


    Carriage Builders,Slilp'i lllgckinilllilnp, Drnyi, parli &

    Wauon flullillnu ipeclalty,

    Kvury ilei'iill(jn ol wink In Mi"iibuvit IIihk pmloriiiiil Iu u ilul-nli-limiiiii))' iiml I'Mii'inml at .hull iiuUtT.


    jiiilj, Will U0 IlIiKlU'il in iix- - (ill miluhl UUlliUllllM Hi will Ul HUM lll)t.


    This Space



    104 Fort Street, Honolulu.

    Telephones, No. 175. --jtasw-I










    FLOUR iSfAltn, Golden Gate & SullnnstM FLOURV. O. Bov 115.- - --j&SgfiT-




    o '

    New Goods received by every packet from Eastern Slates Europe,Fresh California Produce by every Steamer. All ordert) faithfully attendedto and Goods delivered to part of the city free of charge. Lsliind orderssolicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. nov

    Tclcnlionc210- f- --JtfW-LEWIS & CO:, 111 Fort Street,

    HONOLULU, H. I.,

    Importers, Wholesale & Retail

    ser- - Nl.

    of T.


    SJnfciwiaetion 5iia.tateel.NOTICE.

    wenot be. responsible for


    is be atthe to

    WILDKH'S S. H. Co.Honolulu,

    California Lands


    JlOltOFF,188 tf 12 Ht


    II. I.

    llUlmji'ii tUO ll


    ui atliiiiiii). (unil It

    "in I any buliiiiiillllUlolbi iu i ujwbiln.


    -- Cor. A .Sl.




    PHIOER- -

    -- Tolepliono No. !)2.

    -- P. O. Box

    Dealers Groceries & Provisions?.


    Comrtiiei'flhin Notice.

    rpiIE undersigned dayJL a eopartnemhlp for thepurpose, etc.,under the name of the KeedCo. T..I. KING,

    Residence Honolulu..1. N. WRIGHT,

    Residence17, litH tf

    ANATlBtAL For

    W. S. LUCK,Hole & Importer for the Ha-

    waiian Islands. 62D tf

    JESSIE BRA0EN,Toiuilitti' Hooltul Inn V lvti-illull- ii

    I'M'puii'd to In or nut uf Hie,MiiiuiilTilcilioiiiiflT,', p,

    18. Call liu

    G, BILVA,A5 A 7. Ilnli'lblii-ct- .

    IMI'OJITHH Dl' -

    Furiilture.MallliiGsrpelLoldf'ljrijh'l Ml!"Ni

    By steamer of i (ho O.S.S. Co. Ifrom California fresh CalafomiaButter, Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Kish, Game, Vegetables,

    etc. A eomplelo line &. Bluckwell's & J. Morton'sit Bottled Goodw always on hand. just received a ofrates anu jucati? and uottied Preserved Fruits, Lewis Co.'h MalteseBiunU Siigar,,Cuied Bacon, Breakfast OC'ieals, Creilin Oatflukes and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons am! California Rivi-isid-Oranges, Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

    From and, after thiswill anyfreight after siimu beenlauded. Parties whomfreight consigned must

    lauding iccclvn theirfreight.

    Sept. 6, 1600. cnoif


    ,,lTOK. HAJL.KIt&-- APPLY

    A.Merchant Honolulu.



    Olrlro over llmili.

    Will priieilcu Hi" linvnr dieKliiudiiin iillniiillliu IU hiiiiii'lii, iiinllngol Iimiuhi)

    uilim luliliii.









    have tlilt.formed

    of dealing hi hay, giam,California

    Honolulu.Honolulu, Sept. IMKl.

    Mineral Water,by,


    Miss D.

    An.give IcriKtiiK



    eneli HullFrozen

    etc., Crof.se OannedAlso, fresh line German

    rottenHums and New



    Union, Fire & Marino

    Insurance Co., L'd,Ol .Vi'W i'IiIiiimI.

    Capital $1

    Fire rinks taken on lwelhntr, Stoics.Storehouses aud Contents Also, Sushimid Kite Mill, Machinery, Ktc , lilt

    Marine I iikiii-iiikm- -On II ulti, Cargoes and Fi eights, laupaid here.

    J. S. WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Islands



    Lite, Fire & Marino

    Insurance Agents 1

    AHKNT3 FOtl:

    Hew Bugland Mutual Life Ins.. Co.,

    OK 110 jl O.N.

    Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.UISIOXV

    Insurance Gompanv,Fire A .tlarlue.



    Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

    Assets, : : $105,053,600,96

    "Facts are Stubborn Things."

    At every age, on every premiumtable, and in every year, the AC-TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policiesof tho New York Life Insurance Co.have been LARGER than tlione OFANY OTHER COMPANY filingsimilar policies.

    tiJOf" For particulars apply to

    O. U. ItEKGKK,Geti'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.

    2S:i tf

    FIRE, .LIFE, ad


    insDkance.Hartford Flro Insurance Co.

    AEseta, $6,288,000Anglo-N- o vada Afsuranco Corporation

    (Fire and Marine)Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

    Thames & Mersey Marino Ins. Co(Limited)

    Assets, $6,124,057Now York Life Insurance Co.

    Aaseti, $105,0&3.C00.96


    General Agent, Uaw'n Ifllaiuls,

    lC63 1y


    Hardware, ShippingAND

    Commission Morchnuts.V


    General Merchandise !Plantation Agents,

    Lifo, Fire & MarinoImuranoe AgenU',

    .laaJJI HONOLULU. H I. 18U0

    VOLCANO STABLES,iWnluiiiiemie Ktieoti)

    Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice,AImd Hiulitlo 1 Ioi'mon,

    OurrluueB, QmuuIob, Urukui or CurU,AV ill- - MI.IIT

    AVIhHON IMIOH.,'ruirlil.'r, llllw, llul.tW full nmlm in 'ivicju.ii --ft1MH

    JM. MONBARRAT.Attot ney at Law A: Notary PuliUeHi Mciehiint Street, Honolulu. if

    ALFRED MAGOON,J Atloi ne, at Law A Notary Pilblli17.1 42 Merchant Micct, Honolulu, ly

    Biwin LocomotiTBs

    The iiiidri signed having been appointednil1 agents for the Hawaiian


    Fjr tho Celebrated


    Friiinilie woik of

    Burliam, Parry, Williams & Co.,

    l'hllailelphln.Aie now prepaied to t:ie csliinate- - andlecelvc otders foi these engine, of anvsize anil -- lyle.

    'I he Baldwin Locomotive. Wokkaie now maiiiifactuiing a style of Loco-motive paiticulail) adapted

    For Plantation Purposes

    A number of which have recently beenreceived at, these Island- -, ami we willhave plcasiuc iu tmnisbiug plantationagents and managers with paiticulaisof same. ,

    The superiority of tliee Locomotiveoverall otbei makes Is not only knownbeie but is acknovvledgeil throughoutthe I' nlted State.

    Win. G. IRWIN & Co., L'd,Hole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

    402 w-l- y

    Pacific Hardware Co,, L'iF. Dillingham, Piesident: .1. G.Spencer. Manager ; F. L. Win-

    ter, Trcauier.


    Piano Lamps, Banquet Lamps,

    XlVrary JLampn,Hall Lamps & Chandelieis

    Just Received from the Factory.

    A New Line of Refrigerators,

    A Full Line of the Favorite

    Eddy's Refrigerators & Ice Chests"

    Saws & Files; New Linesof Locks,

    Shelf-IIimlwur- e, Etc.,Planet, Jr., Cultivators.

    Pictures Frames & Mouldings.

    Pacific Hardware Co., L'd..ri.r.U tf I'm t it Merebaul Ms.


    lias temoved from Fort street to Ho- -bello Lane. I'.ilama.

    Oilier. Horns: o a. m. to PJ t. andI', .vi. to u i. .vt.

    Mutual 475in; tf

    A. H.RASEBIANN,Book-bind- er, Paper-rul- ei & Blank-boo- k


    No. Merchant Micet, Up suir..ly

    G. MULLER & Co.,PRACTICAL GUN LOCKSMITHS. llethel Stieel, "Damon's Illock."

    Cornet nUno.Surgical it Musical IiiMiuuicuU ueutlvrepaired at icasoniible iate.Miichiues aud repairing of all kinds aspecialty. All Mud of Safes Scalerepaired. Ilouehuhl Sewing .Machine-lo- i


    E. B. THOMAS,Contractor & Builder.

    Kstlmiite Glyen on Ihiok, Iron, StoneA Wooden Ilulldings, .lobbing

    Attended to,


    Brick, Lime, Cement, Piaster of Paris,

    MiiiblcDii-t- , Who Lath,

    California North Boned & ShiiIhCruz Send.

    (Juan) rill' tlMl-r- od, while mill bluetMinimi, 1'l.udlc Mini liiicumiln Tile inVi)ilimjmlli'iii, all kluiU ul HiijlnngeiViiih.

    HP 11 vr H . tMuihnl ui nig A l.i.m Wj lMVWI lllKtil.

    ij , t 31JW r"


    "By virtue of the ntilhnrily in hipvested by the Constitution und theStatutes ot this Kingdom und deem-ing it essontial to the promotion ofjustice, I do hereby order Unit thellcgulnr Term of the Thiid JudicialCircuit to be held nl Wiiiohinu, Kuu,Hawaii, on the first Thuisday ofSeptember, 1890, und by mo post-poned until Monday, the loth Sep-tember, be and the same is herebyfurther, postponed until MONDAY,the 17th day of November, ISM), at 9o'clock a. M.

    Witness my hand andi f the seal of the Supreme

    L. S. Court at Honolulu, this( ) 1st day of Sopt ember,


    A. F. JUDD,Chief Justice Supreme Court.

    Attest :IIknuy Smith, Clerk.

    7 22t

    In conformity with the Act entitled"An Act ielating to the Suppressionof Plant Discuses, Blight and Insectrests," approved July Hi, A. D. 1890,the following gentlemen have beenappointed Commissioners of Agricul-ture for the Districts of North undSouth Kona, Island of Hawaii :

    W. MULLEK, Chairman ;D. II. NAHINU,J. P. KA1IALEWAI.

    C. N. SPENCER,' Minibtor of the Interior.

    Interior Office, Oct. 22, 1890.092 It

    Irrigation Notice.

    Honolulu, H. I., Aug. 9, 1890.

    Holders of Water Privileges orthose paying W.itci Kates, are herebynotified that the hours for usingwater for irrigating purposes are from6 to 8 o'clock a. m., and 4 to 0 o'clockr. m.

    Chas. B. WILSON,Supt. Hono. Water Woiks,

    Approved :C. N. Spencek,

    Minister of the Interior.G27 tf.

    jr u .fc;

    Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.

    SATURDAY, OCT. 25, 1890.


    Editok Bulletin:I am enabled to give the following

    information as regards the vote ofwant of confidence against the pres-ent Cabinet, and do not hesitate topublish the same, as it comes to mefrom what I consider good author-ity. After it had been found thatthe National Iteform Party was fullyable to hold its own in the Legislatureagainst all fair and open attacks itwas considered desirable to strikethem a death blow in an underhand-ed wajT by undermining party har-mony with the Ministry, who werechosen from their party. To accom-plish this one of the Reform Partycanvassed for votes for a want ofconfidence resolution amongst themembers of the National ReformParty, showing a list of those,duringhis sneaky work, which he assertedhad consented to oust the Ministryof course without authority. Un-fortunately it did not leak out intime that this wolf in sheep's cloth-ing was a strong suppoi ter of theCabinet, which would have spoiledhis trick to lead the National Re-form Party into the trap of makingan unsuccessful attempt to over-throw the "Ministry.

    This clever policy is said to hemuch admired by some, but isstrongly condemned by the majorityof the House. Rauiuts.


    Editor Bulixtin :I wish to correct a mistake made

    by your correspondent Humanitarianin his letter which appeared in yourissue of October 21th. He statesthat at the shipwreck of the Maim"There was borne loss of life, but utthis lapse of time, not having pre-served the accounts, its extent can-not be recollected," There was noloss of life, according to the testi-mony of the Cuptaln on his iiuivalhere, also according to the protestmade before the Consul at Julultund sworn to by Captain um crow,Your correspondent is right aboutthe woman's broken arm, though Inever JiuiikI (lint sho wascitnyinglior baby at (ho tluio shu was stiuulimid Injuria). Tim Captain iurforiiiI'd Hid operation of uniting oit lliullmli and wlion lit li'H licr ut liurlioinu tliu wouiul If ml liualuil, 1'iijil'NiUqii iuIuhiuiJ lu Jjuiiululu usIU8U uf Urn MliMi lull, Li yuur wiusiijiii!ujl uhmvm, "In u ujuu'tiijijji buMUmut uf imiili inj ijiJrJi, aI'lUprpluid wirUiu" mmli



    The conspiracy trials continue.Dillon expects to raise SoOO.OOO inAmerica for the Irish cause and ex-pects years of imprisonment on hisreturn.

    Four Irish Archbishops have beensummoned to the Vatican. TheStar believes thcrtl is danger aheadand says: "The summoning of theArchbishops is believed to be a finalcltbrt on the part of the Vatican toassist the 'Tories at this criticaltime.' "

    The Socialists arc holding meet-ings throughout Germany.

    The Canadian Chamber of Com-merce of Montreal will attempt retaliation by recommending to the Government the advisability of placinga duty of o cents per dozen onAmerican eggs. Last season theyimported 700,000 dozens from theUnited States.

    Cuba wants reciprocity. The Ha-vana Board of Planters have decidedto send the Minister of the Colonicsa petition in favor of reciprocitywith America and a revocation ofthe law of mercantile relations withSpain.

    The Sultan has sunendcrcd toGermany for 1,000,000 marks hissovereign rights over that portionof the East African coast which isleased to the German East AfricanCompany.

    During the first two weeks ofOctober 18(5 cases of cholera, with259 deaths, were reported in Spain.The epidemic shows a general de-cline.

    The Herald's Washington specialsays it is believed that the Presidentwill call an extra session eaily inNovember. He will appoint Attorney-G-eneral Miller to the SupremeBench, and make Solicitor-Gener- alTaft Attorney-Genera- l.

    A great silver strike has beenmade in the Sheridan Mine, Colo-rado. It is alleged many millionsof dollars are in sight, and that3000 men cannot, exhaust the veinin a decade.

    A Lisbon despatch says Britishgunboats have entered the riverZambesi, notwithstanding the pro-tests of the Portuguese. In Portu-gal it is considered as a virtual actof war. Great excitement prevails.

    A Copenhagen dispatch says theKing and Queen of Sweden wereentertained on board the U. S. S.Baltimore, Oct. lGlh.

    The steamship Columbia has re-duced the record between New Yorkand Southampton, to G days 15hours and 23 minutes.

    The Seventh Day Adventist'smissionary schooner Pitcairn is toleave San Francisco to search forElder A. J. Cudney, who they fearhas been shipwrecked or eaten bycannibals.

    The King of Holland has beendeclared unfit to reign.

    Another mutinous outbreak hasoccurred in the English Army. Thistime in the East Surrey regimentstationed at Guesnsey. The troublearose from a detachment of theregiment being ordered to India.

    Associate Justice Miller, of theUnited States Supreme Court, diedOct. 13.

    The Grand Duke Nicholas hasbecome hopelessly insane.


    Chinese are reported to bc goinginto Arizona at a lively rate viaGuaymas.

    The loss of Hie in the Frenchfishing fleet of Newfoundland thissession has been 130 men.

    The Sioux of South Dakota aredying rapidly of consumption, andother throat and chest diseases.

    Gen. Lew Wallace is pushing tocompletion his new novel. Thescene is laid in Constantinople.

    Letters from missionaries inUgauda show that affairs there arcnow under complete control of thetwo Christian parties.

    The London committee aiding inthe restoration of the Toronto Uni-versity library, has npw in hand orin sight 100,000 volumes.

    The Federation of Women's Clubshas accepted the invitation of theChicago Women's Club to hold its1892 meeting in that city.

    Through the use of the electriclight the time in pussing through theSuez Canal has been reduced totwenty-tw- o and one half hours.

    Nowhere outside the United Statesdoes the game of baseball enjoy somuch popularity as in the Tokyo-Yokoham- a

    community in Japan.The late Mrs. Frances R. Holland

    of Hartford, Conn., daughter ofBishop Brownell, has left 100,000to the new Episcopal cathedral inNew Yoik.

    Erastus Wiman is the piojeclor ofthe proposed railway tunnel underNow York Hay from Stalen Islandto Brooklyn. It will cost about8(5,000,000.

    In the future, in all Governmentdocuments und olllcial publicationsin Canada, such words us , flavor,labor, honor, etc, must bo spelledwith the "u," according to tho Eng-lish usage,

    Hou'n mountain peaks of Urn HluuItldgu range In North Carolina, uustof Abbeville, mvu been emittingkliluku for several weeks, for Hutthird time sluee the CharlestontiHtliiml(o.

    "I.hwuf i i muii ull ii'iiiinl uVl Will llliibf iiUl 11VHI HlbllllHi,"

    Wml mumU rtlwb.lw im$i iilwutlwlmlu IW






    Ladies' Tailor,Of Nui Krntio hco,

    (I'ropiictor of the Itedfurn (Ionic, Mar-ket Street, under Palace Hotel).

    Intends to remain in Honolulu for thenext three or four months for the bcnelltof his health, during which time ho hascnucimtcu to open a

    J-- U8T-CLAH- 8

    Ladies'Tailoring & Dressmaking

    Ladles wishing to have their Fall andWinter Costuini'S made will do well tocall at once to secure their orders.

    ltldhiK Habits, Genuine Tailor-mad- eCostumes, Tiavellug Ulsteis, Jackets,all thcLatest Designs In

    Promonado and Evening Costumes.

    F Ills universal reputation as aFitter and Dressmaker is too well-kno-

    to need any further rcconimntul-atlo- n.He'will guarantee pcifect satia-


    Cor. Fort & Holel Sts.(Over Temple of Fashion.)

    C02 3in

    Messrs. Hollister & Co. liavo just re-ceived a consignment of this

    DeUiMl Natural MineralWATKft I

    OaJT For s'llc by the Case, Dozen orBottle at the store of

    HOLLISTER & CO.,GS7 Fort street. UN


    YOUNG American Man wantsA woik, inside or out. Referencesgiven. Address "II,'' Hamilton House.

    C92 lit


    WOMAN to do housework andsew. Apply at

    this ofllee. 6'.t2 3t


    THOROUGH reliable AmericanA Lady wishes a position as house-keeper or as invalid notmind going to some of the Isl-ands. Address "M," this

    GOO lw


    Good wages.

    nurse, wouldother



    SITU ITTOX, by a single middle-age- dgeneral machinist and en

    gineer, well posted on marine work andsteam engines in general. The verybust of refeiencci as to ability, charac-ter and maimers, etc. Addiess "II.,"this olllce. 89 lw


    WILL leave for the Coast by theS. Australia," expecting toreturn by the same steamer, to arriveXovember 14th. lie takes pleasure hibeing permitted to leave his patients incare of DOCTOR DAY. GDI 31


    cockDental Ofllee,

    at the



    LAKGE Airy Room,unfurnished, latelyoccupied by Howard Ilitcli- -

    lunuire at Anderson & f.undy's

    ro LET091 lw

    TWO-KOOME- D Cottage,tx furnished unfurnish-

    ed, centrally located. ApplyHAWAIIAN NEWS CO.



    detached eook-liou- se anil servants' rooms, huge stable, etc., on Nun-ai-

    Avenue, near School street. Laigeyaid with fruit trees und choice llowerw.Kent reasonable. tpply to080 Slits. C. KON .


    WrtVERY Convenient and

    Desirable Cottage fnr--iirtjra ntsiK'u or unitiriusueu, near

    the old baseball ground at Maklki Ap-ply at GULIOK'S AGENCY,U76 tf as Merchant street.


    jpvmjl, auiLn uruo imiuisive$8S3Bl bedrooms and parlor, on

    Punchbowl street near Paluco Walk;siiltablu for two blnglo gctitlemeu.Apply toGOUf H. F. HE1U1AKD.


    1 til


    tf A G


    .. MM XT. ...a. A oi i


    rpWO Htoies on King strei'tL recently occupied by

    Mr. CluiH. Uitfltacu, to let atrunsouithlo leulal. I'remlfes have beenthoroughly renovated. Possession atonce, Apply to

    J.J.OT1JWKLL,Intel lor Ollli'ii,


    VHAT Trawl or I'aii'ul ifLand ultiiiilt'd In I'ululiiViillny. Diiiiliiliilng an lurinifHid imiT until' iir m aialbrhiiitflnu in Dm iilatn nl

    (limn. IiuiiK' iI''umi. lf',l" HMV laUN I'll lll M'llll "I HII IIIIIIII IIMIiuiIiI. If lh'llin

    HI' 11 111 III III III VII


    (Hill lift?

    .HUhHUUi I'lllllll DlfUiUi runimiiHi

    Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.

    Household FurnitureA.T AUCTION.

    On WEDNESDAY, Oct. 20.AT lO O'CLOCK A. 31.,

    At the residence of Oavt. STAPLES.(Dickson Premises'). Ilcrctanla street, Iwill sell at Public Auction

    The Entire Househ'ld Furniture,



    1 Fine Upright Piano,(Albert Cpnradl maker) ;

    Marbletop Center Tabic,Japanese Screens, Wicker Chairs,II. O. Sofa & Chairs, Book Cases,

    Onu CurvedB. W. Marbletop Bedroom Set,

    Spt lug Mattrnsscs,Feather Pillows, Mosquito Nets,Carved Parlor Tables,

    1 White Automatic Sewing Machine,

    Crockery, Kcfrlgerator,Pots of Ferns, Etc., Etc.

    COlfitJAS. F. MORGAN,



    Property atPeaii City

    By order of the OAIIU RAILWAY &LAND CO. I will sell at Public

    Auction at Pearl City,

    On SATURDAY, November 29th,

    AT 2 O'CLOCK 1 31..

    A limited number of those desirable

    Bfllldlu Lots at Pearl CityThe Company have expended 820,000

    to procure an ample supply of puremountain water, resulting in the com-pletion of two large Reservoirs withstorage of nearly 2,000,000 gallons.

    From a distributing Reservoir with acapacity of 700,000 gallons, at an eleva-tion of 100 feet above Fea level, waterhas been laid along Lehua Avenue tothe Pearl City Depot In a CastIron Pipe, from which water will besupplied by the Company at Govern-ment rates.

    The Company will bind itself In theDeeds to carry purchasers and theirfamilies and servants by rail between

    Honolulu & Pearl CityAt I Cent Per Mile. 2d Class

    andI -2 Cents Per Mile, 1st Class,

    During a term of 9 years from the dateof purchase.

    These special Kates of Fare will betransfeiable with the property duringthe term named In tho Original Deed.Trains will always be run for reasonableaccommodation of residents at Pear.1City. Trains will reach Honolulu atG :45 and 8 or 8 .45 and 11 :50 a. m., leaveHonolulu for Pearl ( Ity and way Sta-tions at 8:15 a. m and 1:45 and 4 to4:30 ami 5:13 to 5:30 p. in. subject how-ever to such changes as may be fromtime to time found necessary for theconvenience of the public or businessinterests of the Company. EveningTrains will also be run whenever theieis a reasonable demand.

    BEAUTIFUL VIEW!Those desiring lots where the most

    charming view can be had from theveranda of cottace or mansion, canobtain lots fronting on Lehua, Maile orWoodlawn Avenues; this Is a mostcharming location for residences, as allagree who have taken the trouble towalk up Lehua Avenue above the EwaConrt House. As a health, resort, abetter situation cannot be found. Toassist settlers, the fol.owing easy termsare offered :

    One-Thir- d in Cash,One-Thir- d in 3 years,

    One-Thir- d in 5 years,With Interest at 7 Per Cent.

    Thus making It possible for tho mostlimited in means, to procure a finehealthy i evidence. Distance Is anni-hilated by railway communication, sothat people living at Pearl City willie.ach Honolulu in less time than ittakes to come fiom Waikikl by theoi (Unary means of travel, while the ex-pense for a person will not bo morethan live cents per day greater than thepresent cost of travel to Waikikl byTramway,

    Now is your time to procuro

    Homestead & Business Lots at', PEARL CITY

    At Prices lower than they can ever bebought in tho future.

    Don't Let Your Opportunity SlipIf you do you will live to quote tho

    "hind sight" sayings wo so often hearfrom people who had a chance to buythe whole of Kulaoknhua PlniiiH for aong, but they didn't! A word to the

    wlsu is Milllcient.C37 Maps of tho Lots can bo seen at

    the olllct't, of the Paelfle Hardware Co.,Hawaiian News Co., and T. G. Thrum's,and ut my Salesroom, Honolulu, whereall liuthur information uau he obtained.

    U8 1 ant.JAS. MORGAN,



    Builtiing k Loan Association,

    Till'; lltmnlnfnii.'cliiuolllHi Anno.1 I'lulluii Iiuyii iln'lili'd in Utliu tliu

    Hotmiiil fni n hlmik, mi llint MonthlyliiJuiiinny, hlii, tfiilnHiiliiilmi MinimaJIUtt



    IjuuIiIiiiim' hum


    nun llllltll PI'MIKinmhiiuiii)t;uimi fur

    .'i wuu. ,I1J uhu uh iuiiiuj muniIliMlb III


    Gash Assets,


    tor For full particulars apply to

    Doc-24-8- 9









    Kerosene Oil








    Feed Cutlery, & Glassware,

    FERTILIZERS:- - Ohleudorl's OhlendorPs Canedestroyer of Cotton & Etc.

    SCRUB EXTERMINATOR: all Weeds &BAGS:-Sugar,R- iee, Coal. CANVAS, OAKUM.FILTER & the latest in and

    Galvanized Pipe, Corrugated Iron, Fence Wire, ripe Etc.,expected a

    line line of

    The Thoroughbred Percheron



    Imported by Hon. S. will standfor a short time at

    T. Lishman's Stable,---

    ai Ait iii. i.

    G89 tfS30.--


    iplir Nniiami Street, KIn tho new building, adjoining Love's

    Bakery, where you can pio- -eure the choicest

    Beef, Mutton, Veal, Fork,Poultry, JEto.

    SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY.Ho. 1 Fork Baneagc, Smoked Tongues.

    Beef Sausage, Smoked Mntton Hams,Bologna Sausage, Spiced Beef,German Sausage, Corned Fork & Beef.

    t39" Your patronage is respectfullysolicited and satisfaction guaranteed inevery

    WESTBROOK & TAYLOR,ituTcur.its.

    Bell Tclo. 369 iitrMutual Tclo. 362C82 lm

    THE ARLINGTON,Jlotel tit., : Honolulu.

    J. H. FISHER, Prop.

    TERMS :

    Board and Lodging, per week, (ac-cording to location of rooms,..

    $10 00 to 812 00Transient, per day 2 00Table per week 7 00Single Meals CO

    will find this one of themost comfortable and convenient housesin the city, the rooms laige, lightand airy. Hot and cold water baths,


    New WalGlimaRer & Jewelry


    I make a specialty of icpairiug Due

    Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,

    And guarantee amoderate prices.

    A.J.SCHREIBER,at., under the "Arlington.1

    07!) lm



    THE Young Compunythis well-know- n rustiuinini. Isrepnred to


    will bo borvoil,

    Ilonidlng rnoin, weekIIIMMMM

    HlngloMuHl,,,,,.,JJoariliiij,' iiioii), wenk

    llfllllMIIIMIMIMIMMMIMIllllHIHKlO Ml'Ul. !.,,,,,,,,

    Horne-Olipping- -1

    rvunmmwmw ummmMmu






    a Detter lulilu tliuttfond in tliu

    In purIMMI Iff Ml IMMf Ml V! ftQ,,,,., ,,,,,, iin iu

    In pn- -7fi

    I.,... M... 6 (tk1100 lw

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    U) ll"


    J&vrrJZ.JPi!iJi'- - -tt&2!m&

    M,,.,, m..- - ,


    Sept 17--

    No. 111).- -

    ilOE,for the Hawaiian








    Chair Cullers

    Groceries, Stuffs, Hardware, Crockery

    Peruvian Guano, Special Manure.LONDON RPLE: Effectu.il Potato, Canker Worms,

    Destroys Noxious Scrubs.TWINE, HEMP NAVY

    CLOTHS BAGS: Embracing material texture.Water Fittings, Etc.










    first-cla- ss

    ttli'oot.huvliig bought




    lumrniUfi'if mil









    Entirely new

    -- M3SJ- Box

    Having leased tho storen iu the building known as the"Lincoln Illock," nearly opposite the old stand, and havingof that pi.Uion of my damaged by the late lire, and beingin of New Goods per last steamer, and more on the way, Iam to fill all rders as before, thanking the public" forthe liberal patronage bestowed on me for the past seven years, I.hope by prompt attention to all ouhrs to a continuance of thesame. At tho new utand nhall to see all my old cus-tomers, and as many new ones as may find it to their advantage tocall. Island orders and failhfiillv executed.

    CI1AS. UUSTAOE.Hi?' nvn Btt'iff.T''gjL!ij'rnTLrJSr.T3,srs;g --sgL: t p,ttmtsimmj.jx ...

    W Mimif :i in Prico & !One-thir- d tho Price oi' Eoyal !

    livery Should Use It !yjOr A Saving of 38 Tor Cent in Cost and Quality the Very ffH


    551 6mCO..


    Having removed our SODA YVOItKS to moro commodious quartorg atIVo. 29 feWR HT5 CT,

    fNear Custom House)

    pioparcd to furmi-l- i at notice, and of prime qualityof following High Aerated Beverages: '

    & Iron Water, and CrabApple Older.

    Using exclusively HYATT 1'lLllE WATER


    r"HE ICaplolanl JliiternltyX rooms to accommodate payingpatients. Ladles of moderate meanswho wish to secure a home on ica?on-ahl- o

    terms, and dining timeof their conllneniL'iit, where Uio bent offood attendance, musing medicalskill will bo provided, will plcueii apply

    to .Mrs. .Miller, malum,who will to admittance, giveterms or oilier Infui million reqiili'iMl,

    HonoliihiOei. 4, Mlo. Urn

    and after UiW dale wo will? nioii4lblii fmlghl aliur

    liiuim has hi'uii dullvci'i'd al any gallon.Piiilli'H in wliniii fiinghl U miui.'iiuiliiiiifet hit til Minion m iwtlvii iht'lrfri'lulil.

    .Nuiih'kIiI uhlp-nitn- ilImhMiini liniir aiillJ u

    ii'ihink it. in him) Itiilwiinii itui inn) '4ll'lllUHli II III)

    Train will mil ijiiMiKiil of (iuIhIh iiliaut i)iwl4UUtlll.

    14 mu im&mviuy wiv mwjj



    33.General Islands.




    & Knives.




    PRESS improvements



    to trade.

    -- V. O. 372.

    Hustace, King Street.




    meritbe pleased

    Sivsil Quality



    &Exclusive foi tho Hawaiian Islands.




    Wo aro iidw short anythe Clats

    Gil iiSGg:& ALE,utho

    Homo hastwo

    before tho


    aHhc Home thoattend


    notfor mi)


    furHi" ol tun


    liu tluiuiuwl furWINIIMI''


    Try or


    Sarsaparilla, Sarsaparilla









    ER & CO.,': IIONOIiVI.il.


    pAPTAINII. Llghtbody,V ".Hlrker," will not bolor any uents contractedwith n ijt U Is written order.


    of barkresponsible

    by his crow

    J KAIULA having iniido an asslgu- -incut to undersigned for thehmii'llt f his ci editors, nil nursmis hav-ing claims iignliiht said .1. iCuiulaarureipicsluil to iii'-i)i- them within twomonths at ollleo of Ilynmn Urothers,ami all who urn Inilebti'd to J. Kabilamust iiiako iimniMllato piiyiiumt toiiiiiui,'iud,

    8w I, KUIIIN8TKI.V.A Mi I (1 N VI H'H NOTrOE. "

    I KODimiiJiiHiilKiiiHi, Maul, fnirrM llitf iiiHilit lilt IU.L'inm (,f ,Uiiiipwiiy ii Hi" iiiMi.i'(gii(.,i ,. j

    la'liulll uf hi i'iiiiiiii, uiiiluii I yn'hyUIIMU HUM I UHUIIIk g! liu f,,(nr.j: ,z .. ' .. u.,,",".'kjwj uuJ...W IUMMII1P IIUIII lll',iwmmi iu wuj j, jjwmw w UUiM lUIWwimwruHNiwiyw

    u uummanx'jmtmmm mt MNJr twm iijumiu fuiuuuub .,....,... HlWMP immtmmu. MhUU UMummm m ! mium

    I f "jC


    077 tf





    mm uu uuiMi?MUl UUDflUillA

    '(! lUU'iMil U.

    nvi Usn ivL'UU'

    w lfll



  • j



    L 0


    i .M? i




    inilu ttuTlqfinSATURDAY, OCT. .'5, 1890.



    To Take Effect October ail. 1HUO.


    A.M. A.M. I'M, P.M.Loavo Honolulu.. 0:15 8:-1- 1:45 ItiMtArrlvo llonoulluli. 7:20 0:40 2:-I- C:35fLoavo llonouliuli. 7:30 10:51 Utfl 5:451Arrlvo Honolulu.. 8:;!5 11:55 4:55 G:fi0f

    t Saturdays only.

    ARRIVALS.Oct 24-S- tmr

    Loliua from Nuu and IlaktilnuOct 25

    S S Mariposa from San FranciscoII SI S Nymph, Tumor, from San


    Hark Atlanta, A Anderson, for PortTowuscnd

    Schr Luka for KohalaSchr Mol Wahiuo for I'atiulloS S Mariposa, for tho Colonics at 1$ p in


    Stmr Mokolli for Molokai at 5 p inStmr .T Cummins for Waiiiianalo at

    11 a inStmr Jas Makcc for Kapaa at 1 p m


    From San Francisco, per S S Mar-iposa, Oct 25 Wight Adkius. .1 Austinand grandson, Miss Austin, Mrs Urod-eri- ck

    and infant, J II Coney aud wife,Miss Grace Cooke, Hon S M Damon,Miss K M Day, K Davis, V F Freer. DFricot, Miss Alice Iv Giover, II Gunn,L V Hough, jr, Miss Etta Keller. C SKynncisley, wife, Infant uuil maid, AIiittlejohn, II A Loekwood, V V Lock-woo- d,

    Miss J U Masscy, Dr A ENichols and wife, V F Reynolds, UThocl, Mis It Wallace, child and maid,Miss Maud Wight. Thco O Wiggiu, WC Wilder and wife. Jules Zieglor, J DHolt, J Coleman and 17 in steerage.

    shipping aortb.The departure of the bark Atlanta

    lias been postponed till to-d-The Rtc.imcr Mikahala was hauled up

    on the Marine Railway for cleaning.The bark C. D. Bryant will probably

    sail for San Francisco the latter pait ofnext week.

    Br baik Fifcshire fiom Liveipool forHonolulu was spoken Oct 7 in kit 49 Xlong 11 W.

    Nor bark Vivax cleared New York-Oc- t15 for Honolulu.


    Union sci vice at Kawaiuhao churchevening.

    Skiivices at Central Union Churchat 11 a. tu. aitd 7 :30 p. m.

    The Saturday afternoon concertswill bo lesumed at Emma Square to-day.

    The Hawaiian Mission Childien'sSociety will meet this evening at theresidence of Mr. W. A. Bowen.

    Roads and Bridges and Aliiohmisipliiy ball at Makiki at 1 :30, and Iwi-le- is

    and Kunawais at 3 :30 thib

    The Hanaunia Fishing Club, be-yond Koko Head, has had Bell tele-phone, number 449, put in their clubhoube.

    A mtekaky entertainment in aidof the new Sailor's Homo will boheld at Y. M. C. A. Hall on nextTuesday evening it 8 o'clock.

    The Charleston minstrel andvariety performance will bo tho eventof this evening. Tickets at Mr.Leveys's office during the day andthe Opera Hoiibe in tho evening.

    The Kukaiau Plantation Co. haselected tho following officers for thoensuing year: J. M. Homer, Presi-dent; A. Horner, Vice President; J.F. Hackfeld, Treasurer; H. F. Glade,Auditor; Ed. Suhr, Secietary.

    The excursion train for Maltby'sbicycle exhibition this afternoon willleave tho station at 2:30 o'clock.Remember that seats are provided intho pavilion and that the cyclist willintroduce some remarkable new feats.

    The bervices of tho second congre-gation of St. Andrew's Cathedral onSunday will bo as follows: 11:16 a.ni., morning prayer with tormon;"To Douni," Berg in C; hymns 280,214, 7 :30 p. m. Evensong with ser-mon; anthem, "Praioo tho Lord,"Scott; hymnH 250, 21. Rev. Alox.Mackintosh, pastor. All arc invited.


    The Hawaiian Camera Club willput in execution next Thursdayevening its soinctimo cherished pro-ject of a lantern exhibition. It willbo givou in tho Opeva House, whoron trial of the lanterns and slides wasgivou lust night. The pictures aroall the production of members of thecluli. Tlioy comprise some of thenoblest scenery of tho Islands, withcity mid liurbor views and intuiy re-presentations of local eolelirlllocaught by "Kodak" In strikingbltlllUlOllH,

    Tliu plutuiua weru thrown on uujiijineiisu whltii purlieu tilling III"iroicunluni mull. vlillu ooimnlttce

    ii (ho uiulKorliim hvm JndKinoiit.9 kw lo li hwiI I" Urn wlIW;Jan. TliurM n hiivIi h lipu sioukM lUHuy liny vl' tywiw ill ttfiuwii

    njy ifl iiiuiii' luwu iui iju iiiM- -unri nn ni n 1 u mi i :iilw, n uuiuil.rWrS .... i .....iii.n .iiiiiiiiiiliiiiimitViUy MUWVUUJH. IMIWl4JMmMWWT' i .1 .. mi.iiiAi.iieu m m nmuum

    HE LEGEM112th DAY.

    Satukuay, Oct. 25.The House met at 10 o'clock.

    OUUUK Ob" Tim DAY.Noble Widcinnnn moved the order

    of the day. Carried.Third reading of bill relating to

    the practice of law in the lowercourts.

    Minister Peterson moved the billpass. Carried.

    Second reading of bill to amendthe Election Law. Considered sec-tion by section.

    Noble Widcniiinii, on tho first sec-tion being read, stated that the billwas essentially the old law. Someof the sections weie transposed, anda few amendments proposed. Thissection was that of the old law, andhe moved it pass. Curried.

    Sections 2 to 7 inclusive passed.Rep. Nawal.i, on Sec. 8 being

    read, moved that the word "Sena-tor" be inserted instead of "No-ble." The word "Noble" in nativewas "Alii," and that belonged onlvto persons of royal blood.

    Rep. Baker suggested the word"kekakc" (jackass).

    Noble Widemann was afraid thatthe wbrd "Noble" being in the Con-stitution could not be changed inthe Act.

    Rep. White moved the sectionpass as in the bill. If it was made"Senator," the Supieinc Couittniuht refuse to administer the onthto "Senators" next session.

    Rep. Nawahi contended that theConstitution might be amended nextsession.

    The President said it would be anabsurdity to alter the name now, asthe Constitution could not be amend-ed before next election.

    Noble Widemann thought the hon.member for Hilo was slightly astray.He did not believe there ever was a"Hale Alii" (House of Nobles) inthe kingdom composed entirely ofpersons ol royal extraction.

    Rep. awahi held that, all titlesof honor emanating from the King,a person with the title of Noble could

    , not properly be elected by the people.

    The section passed.Noble Widemann moved amend-

    ment previously submitted in print-ing to Sec. 9. Carried.

    Sections 10 and 11 passed.Rep. Knudsen moved to amend

    See. 12 by substituting "middle"for "centre" in relation to street indefining bounds of sections. Car-ried.

    Rep. Kanealii moved to substitutesouth" for "north" in the defini-

    tion of the Third Election Districtof the islands of Maui, Molokai andLanai, being the North WailukuDistrict, making it "that portion ofthe District of Wailuku lying southof the road running from the IaoValley.

    Minister Peterson thought itwould be very inadvisable to changethe boundaries of districts at thissession. There was no demand forthe change, and the census wouldbe taken this year.

    Noble Walbridge agreed with theremarks of the Attorney-Gcneia- l.The proposed line would run throughhouses. He moved the section pas3as in the bill.

    Rep. Paehaole was in favor of thechange.

    Rep. Waipuilani favored the am-endment as being more in agreementwith the constitutional requirementof representation by population.

    Noble Cornwell said the last elec-tion showed the districts of Northaud South Wailuku to be prettyevenly balanced. He supportedthe section as in the bill.

    Rep. Baker maintained, amidstlaughter, that the present boundswer the cause of putting the districtto the trouble of electing anothermember.

    Noble J.M. Horner thought the billpremature in being in anticipation ofcontemplated changes in the Consti-tution and of the census. lie mov-ed the bill be indefinitely postponed.

    Noble Widemann Ah, there'sthe cloven hoof !

    The subdivision passed as in thebill, also the remainder of the

    Rep. Waipuilani moved an amend-ment to Sec. 14, to remodel most ofthe Districts of Hawaii as given inthe bill. He wanted especially tohave the Kona District divided. Allof Oahu and Molokai would not cover.Kona.

    Rep. Paehaole was speaking whenNoble Widemann called luin lo

    order, saying the Attorney-Genera- luas not "pukiko" (insolent) as al-leged by the (ion. member, but hadiimdo a rcmoik laughingly.

    Minister Peterson thought thohon. member had got up out of bedwrong end this morning. He wasnot sure whether the hon, memberfor Kona was in earnest when lieasked his question. If the lion,member for Molokai expected him togive a deulsion olMmuileiUy thatwould probabh, take the SupremeCourt nioiilhn, nil lu could say wasthat ho could mil do it.

    Hup, JvuIiouMimu hud alwaysdouhtt'd whether tliu mcniliur furNorth Illlo uttb litgiilly di'duili nthe C'nin.tltuilon siild tlmf hum midlllln (inuld only lmvi t i(iinwiKHlU'l'S. ,

    ,Mliiilvr I'murum amd uie ton-mftmiu-an Uiy iwmii quIum ilwi

    1 id iJUUluu m mil UiWuiMJ Uivi.tfijm, ivh u) uutmi uu m w- -

    miHtiuj by iiwi'lutf iwwiikUiiOiWj



    Several members said tho movervoted in tho minority.

    Reps. Kahookano aud Paehaoleobjected lo the motion as untimely.

    The President ruled the motionout of order on both grounds.

    Noble Widemann quoted the Con-stitution to show that, according tothe argument of the lion, memberfor Kona, there were only fourRepresentatives having a right to sitin the House.

    Tho House adjourned at 12o'clock.


    A football team composed of ofll-cc-of the U. S. V. S. Charleston

    beat a team of Honolulu boys atfootball yesterday afternoon, at theMakiki recreation grounds. Thegame opened a few seconds after4:30 o'clock, the Charlestons hav-ing the "kick off." Tho game wasunder the American Inlcr-Collegia- teAssociation's rules. Mr. Theo.Richards, of Kamchanicha school,was umpire, and Ensign Snow ofthe Charleston and Mr. Woods oflCamchamcha school were referees.

    The Charlestons were well ac-quainted with the rules of the game,and had signals which they used toa great advantage. They workedhandsomely together and with theirpowerful rushers fairly walked awaywith the Honolulu boys. The Ho-nolulu team was much too light, andbut few of them were sufficientlyacquainted with the rules governingthe game. However, they workedwell and tackled fearlessly. Threeof the llonolulus were crippled dur-ing the game and were replaced by

    .substitutes, Mr. C. L. Carter entering as third "sub" amid a stormof applause.

    Almost every playcron both sideswas more or less bruised. TheChailestons made three touchdownsin the lirst half and a touchdownand goal in the second, making 18points to the llonolulus 0. Con-siderable interest was shown by alarge ciowd of spectators and ap-plause was frequent. It was report-ed after the game that a heavierteam of Honolulu boys would be im-mediately formed to play again withthe Charlestons.

    ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL.Twenty-firs- t Sunday after Tiiuity.

    Cathedral services:Holy Coaimunion G :30 a. m.Morning prayer, 9:30 a. m.Holy Communfijn (choral) and

    sermon, 10 a. in.Hawaiian Evensong and Sermon,

    3:30 p. m.Evening prayer and Sermon, 6

    p. m.

    Tuesday,' Oct. 28th.:Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude.Holy Communion, G:30 a. m.Morning prayer and address ata. m.Evening prayer, 5 p. m.

    H. B. M. S. NYMPH.

    The Biitish man-of-w- Nympharrived to-da- y from San Francisco.The Nymph carries eight guns, has2080 horse-pow- er and a registeredtonnage of 1140. Her ollicers areas follows : CoratiiaTTdef, Charles T.Turner; lieutenant, Robert P.Adams; lieutenant, Charles A. Rad- -eliffe:grove

    lieutenant, l'hilip C. Mus- -staff surgeon, Leonard Kel- -

    leth ; paymaster, Rico W. Harris;engineer, F. W. Ilarkms; engineer,William McKinnou Wisman ; assist-ant clerk, Richard 6. II. Tyrcr ;boatswain, T. J. Wood ; gunner,William Somis.


    Hawaiian Mission Children's So- -ciety, Mr. Bowcn's house, 7:30.

    Charleston entertainment, OperaHouse, 8.

    r?RFSH Fancy Pastries, of the veryquality and in endless varietyat the Elite Ice Uicam Parlors. 093 It

    GEE WI2! Where did you getdelicious Sausages? Why,at the New Central Market UH!) tf

    Annual Meeting Notice.annual meeting of tho stoek- -.

    holdcis of the Koiiula Sugar Com-pany will be held at tho ollice of Castle& Cooke, MONDAY, Oct. 27, at 10a. 31.

    J. 11. ATHERTON,li!):i It Secretaiy K. S. Co.

    Annual Aleelmg Notice.

    1MIC aniuiiil meeting of tho stockholder! of Haiku hiigur Companywill be held at the ollice of Castle &'ooke, TUESDAY, Oct. 28. t 11 A.M.

    J. Jl. ATlinitTON,)!):! 21 Secretary.

    Annual Sleeting Notice.I pilE annual meeting of ihu stoek-J- L

    holders of the Paia Plantation willhe lii'li! Jl th'i nllh'u of LMellu it Cooke,

    UMiDAY, Oct. 28, at 2 v. it.J. H. ATilKHTOX,

    (i'.i J 21 hi'i'ititary PioMVui.

    VQli Kit MS

    'IWnWJnniiK's fur ilu by K. J.Uli- -l iimus .1 jioiimN fur $L Ih'll

    TtiUijihu in HI7. fiWjiw


    VHTIUK Idi iiiuming

    lull co, liulijilui

    (if ttiont

    In lliiiiu lulu nil I InHUM.ulMiJiOUi llw fujIuHlliK "HI- -

    um !iuu bwn fii!ulii) i

    XWvwiutauii.ii.i . '..Mum



    ri 1111111)11F'lHH 'i Mil.

    elvtm Unit alUll.Millll l'iinlu


    rVWHlWrtMEiUmill' ttvlH'tmmp


    The following is tho programme ofa concert held in mid-ocea- n on the S.S. Mariposa, Oct. 24th:

    r.vuT i.Duet (I'lanoforte)

    .Mrs ICynnersloy and Miss K. BrownSoiu; ..Dr. HlgginsRecitation Miss Q rover.ong Miss WightComic Song Mr. McDonaldllucltation Mr. StlkcrBanjo and Sons Mr. Lockwoodcong... Mr. Ivors

    Trio J!wauacc

    ..." Mrs McDowallCapt. Tompsctt

    TAUT 11.

    Song Mr. ReynoldsComic Song Mr. HoughRecitation Mr. Slinln waldSong Mrs. WallaceBanjo and Harmonica

    Messrs. Lockwood and Houghcong and Chorus Dr. ModgonRecitation Mr. Ivors, JrConile Song Mr. LjonSong Dr. Nlcolls

    Goodnight Ladies


    IN AID

    The Now Sailors HoiON- -


    Tuesday Evening, October 28th,

    AT 8 O'CLOCK,paper on Tennyson's

    In Miemoriam,Will bu read by

    FRANCE M. ENGLISH, B. A., (0X0N.)

    To bu followed by a Humorous MusicalSketch, entitled

    " Mrs. Sutherland Tomkins at Home,"AT THE

    Y. M. C. A. HAUL,1ST Admission, CO Cents. (193 3 1

    Honolulu Athletic Association.

    IX conformity with Art G of the Con-stitution, a meeting of tho aboveAssociation will bu held at the armorvof the Honolulu Rifles on THURSDAYEVENING, November nth.c j. McCarthy,C91 2w Secretary.


    , T the annual meeting of the stock- -' holders of the Paeillc Sugar Mill

    held at Honolulu this day, the followingollicers w ere duly elected for the ensu-ing year:

    F. A. Schaefer President,C. It. Bishop Vice-Preside-J. Hoting Treasurer,II. Ronjus Secretary,J. II. 1'aty Auditor.

    II. REtfJES,Secretary.

    Honolulu, Oct. 23, 1830. C!ll3t


    AT the annual meeting of the stock-holders of the llonukaa Sugar Co.held at Honolulu, Oct. 22. 1800, thefollowing ollicers were duly elected forthe ensuing year:

    F. A. Schaefer President,.1. Hoting Vice-Preside-J. Hoting Treasurer,II. Renjes Secretary,M. Mclnerny Auditor.

    II. RENJES,Secretary.

    Honolulu, Oct. 22, 1890. COO 3t

    ELECTION of OFFICERS.T the annual mooting of the stock-

    holders of the Waianac Co heldOctober 20th, the following gentlemenwere duly elected to serve as ollicers fortho ensuing year, viz:

    II. A Widemann Picsidcnt,G. N. Wilcox Vice-Pieside-A. Jnegcr Treasurer,C. O. Berger. .Auditor & Secretary.

    C. O. BEKGER,089 lw Secretary.

    &ate City Stone Filter.

    These Filters aro easily cleansed,and NKVKR become CRAOKF.D orOHA.EI) by change of temperature oftho water.

    Tho Filtei Medium is a NATURAL.STONE, mined from tho earth. It Isunlike any other stone.



    Does NotISccomo

    AbHorl)Foul I



    JMI'imiTIKS mnor I'ENBTKATKIt, but llo on the suiface, mill Internallytlio Mono remains uu puio unci uliltniifler years of use as w him taken fromthu inlim,

    Tlu (lulu City riloim Filler U a nurfeet MirceMi HI tin' only nu llliurJiuvD uv(ir m'ihi, I woulil nui lin nlilinuidiiii fur Miiy iiniiklilDi'iiiluii II niiiveilour nle niei' lulu Uu1 IhiiI (IiImHIhkwuwrliiliiinuiilili

    llllMH M, I.VlUh.M, I),W Wml Ail'llilii hi. i Ullll)ii)jii,

    I'ur Miilu ll)'

    All Aboard"



    -- AT-

    Pearl City.

    Saturday, Oct. 25th.

    Mr. W. S. W1ALTBY,The Undisputed Chainplou Sclontlllc &

    Aitistlc Cyclist of the Woild.

    New features and tiicks In fancy rid-ing will be introduced that have noverbcfoie beeu witnessed here.

    Jgy- - The Full Band from the U. S.Flagship Charleston will be tu

    Excursion Train leaves Honolulu

    2:30 P. M.

    Tickets for tho round trip including ad-mission to the grounds :

    s--- -- no CJ3NTS- -

    IfiySeats will be provided for all.

    This is your last chancelto go.

    Uutwain uocra

    --WILL GIVE A- -



    Don'tG89 td


    By Special Request, the Members of thoU. S. Fiagshlp Charleston

    Minstrel im Variety Go.

    G-ran- d Performance !On Saturday Night, introducing

    Minstrelsy, Variety, Sketches,

    Dancing & Singing,

    I'nrtleulnrH Nee I'osterH.

    SS?"Uox Plan open on Friday morn-ing at a o'clock at the ollice of LewisJ. Levey. COO It


    Two Four Oared Gigs


    44 Unknown."1ST Apply at the


    Peoples Ems !IM .O. R. & L. CO.

    To Ewa Plantation!

    VERY SATURDAY,Leaving tho fUnolala Ce(ot at 1)45 F, M.

    Trains will be made up of Couchesand Canopy-to- p Cais all one price.

    irf Excursion Rates for these Trainsonly

    50 Conts to Poarl City and Return.

    75 Cents to Ewa Plantation and Re-turn.

    An opportunity for a delightful rideaud a breath of puro air, for only twocents pur mile, CU5 lin


    loVlllir Nim AHiiie HIlltllillMilUilllli'H"" " '" " "" I'l'hi'Ull'Ui.

    mu bi'Trui) rr





    The Equitable Life AssuranceSociety of the United States,

    Are now selling their Bonds, and upon easy terms. The additional feajturo of Insurance goes with every Bond.

    Tho following aro a fow of tho many attractive forms offered by thisoriginal and progressive Company:


    The Company is equitable, its paymunts prompt and certain, and itspopularity unbounded.

    From the New York Sun, April th, 1890.)

    Tho Largest Business Ever Transacted by a Llle Assur-ance Company.

    The new business of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of NowYork for the first quarter of tho prosent year is reported to exceed FifttMillion Dollaus. This is at tho rate of two hundred millions of assur-ancefor the year, and is unprecedented in the annals of life assuranco.

    JSTlnformation cheerfully furnished to any who will write to or callupon the undersigned at his otQce.

    ALEX. J. GARTWmCHT,General Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance Society

    of the U. S. Jan-1-9- 0

    uS. EHRLICH.









    S. EHRLICH & CO..Corner Hotel & Fort Streets.

    ' You can find the Latest Styles of

    Ladies', Misses' & Children's Hats,

    Leading s lliliinery s HouseChas. J. Fiahel. Cor. Fort & Hotel Sta.

    FOR SALE !i


    From Eironii ni Late Arrivals froi lie IM States."Palm Tree""Royal Club" I"Elephant" f varjLX"ExquiBe" JG. H. Mumm & Co.1'omniery SeeLouis Roedcrer

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    For Lubiicatiug the Valves nnd

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    li4Ui' I'lUi'Jll "Duiilvi" Ulu Mlwk fur J'ijm A IUM 'J IiuhmJIuk,



    TTIflTfIT 1 mtTTlTl if.

    H IX .AT i1JJ. LIUUJtl 1 UllJJ

    1 1 1 lit DAY,

    Del. 21.M'lf.HNODV s.)SlnS,

    llu' House lesnined nt 1 :li!.lien. l'ucliiiiile continued liN re

    maiks on the Likeliko claim's.Nnhli' lldi tier's rruiarU",

    lit' said lie noticed tlnit the lion. Nil-ti- Ucould swallow I In1 San Diego

    stcattu r. Tlu-lion- . Noble was alsoicadylo sywdlim the Chinaman, lintother members could not met liinipast the tail. (Laimlilcr.) Thustheir tuples diflVrnMl. No icaxonhad been jiiveii loi iviiij; the chiun-aiil- s

    only llfty pei cent.lxu). Xawnhi thoiijjht enough had

    lieen ai(l on the subject, and movedthe previous nucMimi. Caniod.

    Nnlilu Viiiiil:itil moved that theayes uiul noes he failed on the adop-tion ol the iiminril.v repoit.

    Kep. UroMi that they he calledon the adoption of the iimjoiilv im-port. Carried.

    The majniity report as rejectedon the lollowimr vole:

    Ayes Nohles Herder, l'ua, andI'nrkcr; Weps. C'limmiiigs, K. V.Wilco, X.iahi, Haker, Kahoo-kau-

    l'aehaole, White, Coekett.11.

    IN'oes Mini-le- ts Drown, Spencer,and 1'eter-o- n; Nnlile Macfarlaiie,MeCuithy, l'hilliiis, Ciahlie, lvau-hati- e,

    .1. AI. llmiu'r, Hind, JNIarsden,V. V. Ilm-ner- , W.illiiiilm1, Andui-soi- ir

    von 'IVinpsky, (J. X. Vilco ;Reps. Itiuwn, Lucas, Ivaiihi, A.Iloui'M', lSickaul, Waipiiilam, Apiki,Kanealn, Ilalstead, K'nml-i'i- i, liiccand A. S. Wilcox .

    Nohlc Conncll was excused as aninterested party, lieinj; a uienihcrof the Hotel Stables Co.

    Kep. Drown's motion to pass theitem at M2,()1!I.1)U carried.

    liKi-oin- s or commii n.i.s.Uep. Xawahi, on suspension of

    the tides, picbenied the lepoit ofthe select committee to investigatean offensive letter in the Htu.r.nsof the loth inst. Tliey find thatAilliur Johnstone admitted he waseditor ot the tinner, and said thatthe v. titer of the letter was W. II.Stone ; thai the olfensive words woremailvcd out of the proof, but Unitthe corrected proof bheet was notreturned to the printei ; that thewiilcr of the letter wi'iil he did notmean to cast reproach on the House.They recommend that the editorand the correspondent be impiisnn-e- d

    for two hours each. Signed by.Jos. Xawahi, A. 1. l'aehaole, CecilItrowu, A. 1'. Peterson, T. HI Lin as.

    Kep. Waipuilani moved that thereport be adopted. Carried.

    Hep. Xawahi moved that thebe instructed to carry

    out the ordei of the House.The President said the order

    would be carried out. The Appro-priation Bill was licfoie the House.

    oi:i)i:i: 01 inr. n.u.The House resumed the third

    reading of the Appioptiation Bill.Lighting streets of towns other

    than Honolulu, 81100.Printing, to done in the kingdom,

    SI 0,000.(juauls, Aliiolani Hale and Ka-puai-

    Buildings, 1200.All passed.Hep. I'ucuaole moved to insert

    S210 lor balance of salary due JamesAuld, one of the guaids. lie waspaid S10 short a month of the salaryappropriated last session. A Minis-ter had no authoiity to reduce asalary below the amount oted bythe House.

    Hep. Brown did not see how theycould vote this sum. In all prob-ability the guai d had agreed towork for the amount paid him.

    Minister Biown drew attention tothe fact that the Minister of the In-terior had icpoited on this claim byorder of the Iloiise. The leport wasaccordingly read, ulmuiiifT llinl I wn.;..,..... iiiui i,.,wmen in succession yre employed,being paid S 10 a month, and thatthere was a balance of S:.M0 to theappioprialion.

    The motion was lost.Noble l'ua moved In insert S!!00

    for the guard at the Royal Mauso-leum, M.'ienme, as recommended bya select committee.

    Minister Hrown, as :i nipinber ofthe committee, uaid that, in con-sideration of the keeper's waivingclaims for past sen ices, they wouldrecommend the appioprialion of

    !J00 to pay for her lui titer services.The motion carried.Rep. While moved to insert,

    Balance, due lloaid of Ui:ncalog ,Sll.'JS.LU

    nlinistei Hi own repented his ex-planation made the other day as lothe action of thu Ministry of 17in dismissing the lioauf from thepublic service. The claim was forthe amount unexpended of the ap-propriation lor the whole period.The Doajd had, howevei, acceptedthe inljiiiujiun fioin the (iovcniiueiilthat Ihey plight carry on the work-fi- t

    llteir own expense.Noble Mnjler iiskcd if lie vin(-I- nCiibiliet C'oiiinll, i!m nppuiule(

    Urn Doiuil, hiul ilisclmrgt'il ihoiii. IInot, tliey were itiilitlcil in llidi miIii-li-

    till llio law wati iiipualed. Tim.MlilUtur ol Hie IntPilnr was nutiiilllioi'linl by Unit law in illMlmiiii'Ihu ollluui nl tlic Unnnl,

    tMJIllkhil' lliunn Mild thai whsa (ii)lluii ol Ih. In iin-w- ei in itijiiMsHau Uy llui. I'uhIiiiuIp, lie midI III! I nlu'llllm! AJlliUll)' louli ullluuHid in'uturv uu nUiiui Mii.iii).

    JU'iJ. Vmm UiMfJiiHi Uiu IIuhhIm mm p mm m ml m

    mp mjjwm i km

    (he Board were, asked to returnthen bonks, or tlie genealogical treeUipV ti'ieii to plant. (Ldtighfer.)

    iMinister Blown misweied thaticy olleied a inainiscript icpoit lo

    be pi inled, but the Cabinet, did not((insider it of siilllcienl value loiIheTnitluv.

    Hep. Xawahi moved the pi e ionsiitesli(in. ('allied.

    The motion was lost.Noble Cmiiwell Thcie's .mother

    legitimate claim lost.Noble Midler moved that the peti-

    tion or K. Moie i. Co., for SRW.OU.loi woik on the P.ilacc wall, he con-sideie-

    Kep. Drown said this was anotheritem ft iui the old regime. Theyhad voted to pay olf the Likelikeclaims, and now let, them vote thisout of the way. He moved the itempass, (.'arneii.

    Rep. Drown moved to insert,Fred Harrison, for icpairs, olllcefixtures, building and additions tonew Custom House building, S'J,-IKll..- 'i.

    It was not legal (readsthe agieeinent). It would not bewinteil if the whole appropriationof last session had been cvpended,but S 1000 or had gone buckinto the treasury.

    Noble Maefailanc said this was alegacy from the Thurston adminis-tration. Like a gieat many otherestimates of the late Minister of theInterior those for the Custom Houseweie too low. Whether it was fiointhe incapacity of the Superintendentof Public Works, or from the designto make a showing of economy inthe Appioprialion Bill, the cost otpublic works was frequently undi"'-ehtimate- d.

    The details of this itemwere all for amounts less than ."i00,as the law allowed no contracts overthat amount lo be gi en without pub-lic competition. It wastliesame classof item as the Kailua wharf "andVolcano toad. The late Ministerhad presented his report to the Leg-islatui- e

    and submitted his estimatesin the Appropriation Bill, withoutsaving a wind about these additionsto the Custom House contract. Thiswas because lie wauled to deceivethe Leuislature and cover up theillegal ttansaclion. They had justtin own out an item of balance duethe Boaid of Genealogy, a rottenconcern that he would not stand upto defend, but o far as legality wasconcerned that claim stood on asgood a basis as this Custom Housejob. The contractor was a hench-man of Lorrin the First, and thiswork was given to him in piecescoming under S500 each in order toevade the law.

    Noble McCarthy explained hisknowledge of the transaction. Bythe lire in Seattle the price of brickwent up, and Harrison lost S3 ahundred on the brick for the Cus-tom House. It was generally con-ceded that the contractor for a mainbuilding was entitled to the extras.In this case Harrison figured on theextras without knowing that any-body else was figuring, but PeterHigh ligured on the woik and Har-rison beat him b SHOO. If High'sbid had been lower Harrison wouldnot have got the woik. It was notfair treatment of Hauison to keepfi om him the knowledge that otherswere ligucing against him. The lateSuperintendent ot Public Workscommitted a serious error in askingfor separate bids under SfiOO, butthat was his business and not thecontractor's, who should not sillierfor another's fault.

    Rep. l'aehaole called tins anotherpill to swallow, and as it was a whiteman's he supposed it would go down.But as it was a large amount hemoved it be referred to aselect com-mittee.

    Kep. Kahooknno favored a selectcommittee ot three, otic ot whomshould lie the Minister of the In-terior.

    Noble Maefarlano would suppoilreference to a select committee, be-cause thcie were other items of pre-cisely similar cbaraclcr thai shouldbe investigated.

    Kep. Lucas could not see ari3' ne-cessity of a committee. They allknew the work had been done, andhe believed some of the money paid.

    Deferred to committee consistingof Hep. Kahooknno, Noble Will-bridg-

    and Minister Spencer.Rep. Lucas moved and it canied

    that the repoit on claim of J. C.White be considered,

    Noble McCarthy, on the reportbeing teail, explained the nature ofthe two claims, one of which forSHOO the committee recommended bepaid, while the othijr being for woikdone at a time when Hie petitionerwas on n salary as Survey Engineerof the Fiie Department they icpoit-ed against.

    Kep. Willie moved the item ol:i()0 be inseiled. Canied.

    Expenses of election and compil-ing lcgister, 1 1,000. Passed.

    Aid lo queen's Hospital,Hep. Pacluittle moved Sl.l.OOUMinister Diown moved it pass ns

    in the bill, as thu hospital tax onpassengers was reduced one-hu- llby bill this session.

    Passed as In thu bill,Kiipiolaiii Maternity Home, SUiOO,Rep. Lucus thought It might us

    well bu niiulo 52000,Nolilo Miigfarlitim stated Unit whip

    Hawaiian ladles conueaU'il with theliitillulloi) liml told lilm Una S'-'J-would bo necessary, lluinnvuil lo

    i l llml iiuiomil.Nobly Mullur will llm I Jiiui'ii (tiivu

    Urn liullilliiy (run of mill llm Uroluui, noil ilii'vWIiininili.ytluiuiiiiiivo

    lili urviu; fiuw Uiu llii pur. Iluuiiujuu! Uu wuiliiii lur fviuu. in


    ladies promoting it being Mrs. J. I.Dowsctt nnd Mrs. II. R. Macfarlaiir.

    Rep. Katieidli wondered at NobleMaefarlano, the apostle of economy,being led away by the wliispeis ofwomen lo move incieases in thisitem.

    Noble .Midler said tin re had beenno whispering in his case, but hohad got his information in answer toinquiries.

    Noble Hind reminded the Housethat Honolulu had a innnopoly ofthese institutions, while the countrypaid its full propoition nf the taxes.The country people would get nobenefit from this Home, therefore heshould vote for the smaller amount.

    Noble Macfa thine said tlic lion.Noble was mistaken, as the Homewas iidvcitised in the native papers.If the item passed as he moved, hepledged lilinsell to make a corres-ponding i eduction on sonic otheritem.

    The President, on calls of "ninaii"said n gi eat deal could be said mithis subject, and the House shouldtake all (lie time it wanted. (Laugh-ter.)

    Rep. X.iwnhi favored the inciease,holding thai the 'object, was mm t;important than digging out the har-bor.

    Passed at ?LM00.Expenses I'ding ceitilieales of

    boundaries, $200.Hep. l'aehaole moved Sl'iO, as

    only a small portion of last period'sitem was spent.

    Hep. Kanealii moved id strike theitem out.

    Passed as in tlic bill.Incidental expenses under Home-

    stead Act, SI000.Quarantine diseased animals, $1,-00- 0.

    Government pounds. SlODOAll passed.Diamond Head signal station,

    S1800.Hep. Lucas moved The

    man deseived it.Passed as in the bill.Subsidy lo steamer between Ho-

    nolulu, Mulokai, Lahaiua, and La-na- i,."jL0(l.

    Hep. Kanealii moved to strike 1 lieitem out. It the boat nude the cir-cuit of Maui it would lie nil right.She carried sheep and did not ac-commodate I ho pul lie.

    Hep. White moved the item pass.Hep. P.ieliaole lose.The Piesidcnt wished losay again

    Unit, the House was pursuing an un-usual course, in discussing itemsover again on lliiid reading. Itemswere olten to he inserted, but if allthe items were 'To be discussed overagain tlieie would be no end lo it.

    Hep. l'aehaole was in favor ofleaving the item as it was in thebill. A great many lives were lostin the boat navigation supersededby the steamer.

    Kep. Kanealii spoke' again.The item passed.Kent of Custom House lot, Kahu-lu- i,

    and Post Oflice, Ililo, $1800.Passed.

    Purchase of Koliala Courthouselot, SI 02.97. Passed.

    Aid to Kapiolani Park Association,provided 2.")00 bo expended in mak-ing a road round Diamond Head,$13,000, as recommended by thecommittee.

    Hep. Kanealii moved 5,(5000.Kep. Biown said the matter was

    fully discussed on the committee'sreport, and he moved the item passas recommended.

    Noble J. M. Horner said this wasa case for reduction, being a Iuxuiyrather than a necessity. Hard timesmight be coming.

    Noble Maefarlano was originallyin favor ol tlio larger amount, as hewould like to see the park improved.With the large increase in appropri-ations staring them in the face, how-ever, he would vole for the originalitem of gllOOO.

    Hep. Lucas Miid a good manymembers seemed to have an econom-ical streak this evening, and liethought this item should stand over,llieiefore niocd lo adjourn.

    The House adjourned at ! :0."i.

    FIVE -:- - eOLD

    WATCHEStar oivKx opt '"fca

    Mum! ,iy afternoon, October I'Oih.-llii- ifollowing weie drawn :

    ("1,1 u 1 -.- Member No. II.

    Oi.rn '.' Memliei No. I'.i.Ci.nt :i Mciulier No, Ti.Ci.ru I .Member No. Wi.Ol I'll n .Mi'iuber No. lit.

    Cliti No. 6 iw Fonii!.loin and n plnce ill thi


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