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Feedback for Further Improvement - CCSAFS...Kostoulas University of Crete (UOC), Ibrahim Tahat...

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1 Feedback for Further Improvement _____________________________________________________________________ Deliverable Number: D6.3 Contractual Date of Delivery: 14/10/2019 Actual Date of Delivery: 14/10/2019 Title of Deliverable: Feedback for further improvement Work-Package contributing to the Deliverable: WP6 Dissemination Level: IL Nature of the Deliverable: Report Author(s): Manal Hefny (Suez Canal University (SCU); Vassilios Makrakis and Nelly Kostoulas University of Crete (UOC), Ibrahim Tahat (JPU); Aravella Zachariou Frederick University (FU) Version Date Comments & Status Distribution 20/09/2019 Project Funding Project Full Title: Developing an Interdisciplinary MSs Programme in Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Project Acronym: CCSAFS Project number: 573881-EPP-1-2016-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP EC Programme: ERASMUS + Agreement number: (2016-3770-001-001) Start date: 15 th October, 2016 Duration: 3 years Budget: € 919 842 Disclaimer The content in this deliverable expresses the views of the authors and the CCSAFS Consortium and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.
Page 1: Feedback for Further Improvement - CCSAFS...Kostoulas University of Crete (UOC), Ibrahim Tahat (JPU); Aravella Zachariou Frederick University (FU) Version Date Comments & Status Distribution


Feedback for Further Improvement _____________________________________________________________________

Deliverable Number: D6.3

Contractual Date of Delivery: 14/10/2019 Actual Date of Delivery: 14/10/2019

Title of Deliverable: Feedback for further improvement Work-Package contributing to the Deliverable: WP6

Dissemination Level: IL Nature of the Deliverable: Report

Author(s): Manal Hefny (Suez Canal University (SCU); Vassilios Makrakis and Nelly Kostoulas University of Crete (UOC), Ibrahim Tahat (JPU); Aravella Zachariou

Frederick University (FU) Version Date Comments & Status Distribution 20/09/2019 Project Funding Project Full Title: Developing an Interdisciplinary MSs Programme in Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Project Acronym: CCSAFS Project number: 573881-EPP-1-2016-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP EC Programme: ERASMUS + Agreement number: (2016-3770-001-001) Start date: 15th October, 2016 Duration: 3 years Budget: € 919 842

Disclaimer The content in this deliverable expresses the views of the authors and the CCSAFS Consortium

and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. The European

Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.

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This is an activity that follows-up the pilot assessment and implementation of the Master courses.

In fact, it provides feedback that was elicited through the assessment of the courses. The

feedback is based on quantitative and qualitative measures that was delivered to the

instructors for the further improvement of the program. As pointed, diagnostic, formative and

summative course evaluations were used to assess student learning from the start of the course

until the end. Feedback is provided which was disseminated to course instructors in order to

improve the courses. It was pointed that there was much information in the courses piloted and

time was a bit limited. There was thus need to shorten the requirements of the courses by

providing assignments that can be practiced in the field. Student practicum placements has

been thus raised which has to be integrated into the courses. It is envisaged that the blended

learning inputs could help in this direction. The field visits need organization and the

institutions should take it into consideration.

The practical approach should be increased in proportion to the conceptual content of the

material in order to simplify the information. Virtual and outdoor field visits to some of

organizations/ authorities are suggested and encourage the use of new resources such as digital

library and learning how we searching and writing assignment. There was also noticed that

more multimedia needed to be integrated into the course content.

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Final Course Assessment Report

Course Name: Climate Change, Adaptation and Mitigation

Instructors: Dr. Khalid El-Sayed Abd El-Hamed Ibraheim

Dr. Marwa Samir Kamel

Subject: Final Course Assessment Report

General: All students replied the questionnaire (100%) (8 students)

The positive and negative incidents

1- Positive incidents

Teachers activities were easy and simple, The visit to the farm was more than wonderful

and informative, teaching staff gave the student sufficient information and the use of a

scientific means to communicate the information, made adaptation with introducing new

crops or developing new types of crops to reduce the impact of climate change, became

increasingly aware of GHG mitigation strategies, first time to think about bees and

butterflies and learn the life cycle and try to take some knowledge of other insects,

importance of pollinators for our lives, learnt high temperature will have a good effect on

pests that will have serious consequences for our crops, learn what is definition of

Adaptation and Mitigation and what effects on climate change, learnt how resistant disease

and pests. Information about biochar and how it mitigates climate change. Finally, the

lectures were clear and easy

2- Negative incidents

Time is not enough time to cover all course assignments. The practical part was as short

as possible this was due to the short semester. 1 and 4 students said there’s no negative

effects/ issues for the course.

Expectations and what was different

1- Expectations

The means of adaptation and mitigation and how to apply them, the barriers in Egypt and

worldwide, expected that implement this information practically to learn more, expected

search and meet places or farms where implement the modern methods of biological

resistance and visit it, how to adapt in the case of climatic and environmental conditions

surrounding and how to reduce this effects, expected learning from experts from this field

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and observing to acquired knowledge and experience, Learnt about the key qualities of

social innovation and how do social worker and government approach problem of climate

change, expected to take an idea of adaptation in industry or development such as road

construction and dams. Overall, studied topics are new, and found the best than expected

2- Differences from what expected

The semester duration is short in relation to the course content, looking for more field visits

besides lectures, gained new knowledge on relationship between agriculture and insects.

Some topics and details we have not realized about it previously, but were understandable,

which is the impact of climate change on insects, need other sources of research such as

Knowledge Bank

Suggestions to improve the course

The practical approach should be increased in proportion to the conceptual content of the

material to simplify the information only, required more visits to some of organizations/

authorities that relative to this field, increased the time of the course will be a good thing,

learnt about this course by visit places where implement this idea to develop our ideas and

helps us to acquire experience, encouraged use of new resources such as digital library and

learning how we searching and writing assignment, Add more video and graphics to the


In case of not expected, why is it so?

Because the time is short to make these expectations and some students said we not fully

aware of insects and what it looks like and I do not know anything about the prevention

department in the past.

Impact of what you have learned:

1- Academic development

The course helped in future studies, increase knowledge, it develop information and

leaning to search more and more about this fields, Certainly differed from the stage of the

college and the evolution of my thinking and my knowledge and learned a lot in this

experience in general, helped in to progress and spread awareness in society on seriousness

of climate variables and actions that must be taken against, If applied in Egyptian

universities, that will bring out cadres able to advance the country and protect it from any

dangers, gained more experience in the field adaptation and how we can reduce the effect

of the phenomenon and how we can adapt .

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2- Professional development

Value work that have positive impacts on society, environment, culture and economy,

known many information which helps to be more skillful in jobs and develop people, help

to get a job opportunities in new fields we prefer, learn how to think as a whole idea and

connect between the climate change, agriculture and insects; and how to apply Integrated

Pest Management, more knowledge about how we can adapt.

3- Social development

Have many positive impacts on my community and my country, it makes influence on

society to preserve the environment and its resources to be more sustainable.

This course is directly related to the society and its problems and if applied it will be very

effective for the better, The radical change in the state's thinking helps its progress and

prosperity .If we cannot do something, we can talk and raise the awareness of people of the

importance of pollinators for our agriculture, try to buy seasonal crops with encouraging

organic agriculture, reduce our waste of food and try to develop new varieties of existing

to face the climate change

While talking about pollution or the causes of climate changes, the response of the public

is strange, some say that because of the wrath of God and others says because of the lack

of interest in the state of these issues related to emissions and does not mention that the

individual can affect these changes and this really funny.

4- Personal development

Let know and use this ways of adaptation and mitigation with a more conscious way in our

daily life style, This course make search more and take advantage of my time in search of

information and reading more, helped to be more aware and anxious for the community,

the desire to reforest and preserve the universe as a whole from the whole pollution, making

report and try to learn a new thing about agriculture or insects, lead to increase knowledge,

started to reduce the use of plastics to mitigate the pollution and protect the other life things


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Course Name: Application of GIS and Remote Sensing

Instructor: Prof. El-Sayed Ewis Omran

Subject: Course Assessment report

General: All students are answered the final questionnaire (100%)


The positive and negative incidents:

1- Positive

- We learn to use many applications.

- The course has many interesting software to work on, ENVI and Arc programs.

- The practical part was very important and the ENVI and Arc map programs were

used and considered the most important in the field of GIS applications.

- We have interesting lectures with a very good and professional teacher.

- Acquire information about GIS programs and how to implement in agricultural-

related sector.

- We had a scientific visit to Aswan to acquire some skills and knowledge which

benefit in this course.

- The course was very good and the study is very good and the best trip has

benefited a lot.

- Learning information about GIS and how it important GIS in agriculture sector

- We have gain more knowledge of the link between GIS and our life, How to make

a map, How to detect , classification an area

2- Negative

There is much information in this course but time is limited, Lack of clarity of the some

assignments to be solved, we did not find negative incidents in the course subjects, but it

needs enough time.

Expectations and what was different:

1- Expectations

Students expected to study it theoretically only as a programming material, gained practical

experiences in using ENVI CLASSIC and ARC MAP, the course was more than wonderful

and we benefited from topics that we did not know before, the course deals with and discuss

food security issues and problem in our countries, know more about the relationship among

GIS, food security and climate change.

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2- Differences from what expected

Did not expect the smartness of this course and the amount of information we can benefited

from, gained basic knowledge and practical applications which considered the most

interesting part, learned geographical terrain, positioning of the sites, soil classification and

land use, knew about GIS and related technology, studying intensive practical applications.

Suggestions to improve the course:

Should be field visits to some organizations/ institutions specialized in GIS and RS

applications, implementation and utilization to develop our skills and knowledge and

helps us to acquire experience, linking us with labor market, increase the content of the

practical part because of its importance.

In case of not expected, why is it so?

Because the time is short to make these expectations, not familiar with any kind of

technology because I was never interested in it, I considered it difficult and

incomprehensible, it is the first experience and for this reason it's possible that a difference

will occur to my expectations.

Impact of what you have learned:

a- Impact on academic development

Gained advanced knowledge on new tools that can be used to conduct scientific research,

gained more experiences in the GIS and remote sensing theories and applications,

developed my information and leaning to search more and more about this fields,

transform many fields such as engineering, medicine and agriculture to make human life

better, evolution of thinking methods.

b- Impact on professional development:

learned how to solve problems and research skills are improved, some will got higher rank

in their work, try to use the software to monitor the vegetation health cover or expect the

extreme event that will happen in my country, helps to known much information to be

effective in my jobs and develop myself, help us to get a job in preference fields, have a

holistic view and alternatives to conventional solutions and closer to accuracy, have

understood more in the field of IT technology and be more enthusiastic if studying another

courses in this field which made me not afraid of computer management.

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c- Impact on society and country sustainability:

- Detects problems in the environment in faster ways and thus solve faster, increase

our productivity by detecting the soil nutrient and the general health of vegetation,

make us more powerful to society to preserve the environment and its resources to

be more sustainable, identify the problems to speed up the decision making before

the occurrence of the crisis.

d- Impact on personality:

Made us open minded, self-confidence, improve thinking, how to get benefits of row data,

even if we did not passed in this course, it has a positive impact through the course

instructor who explained the educational content that made me more familiar with the

world around us, this course made us search more and take advantage of our time in search

of information and reading more, more interested in searching for this science,

Concept map:

The after course established concept maps are well organized with more details for all

students, some concepts are corrected, focusing on the most important concepts and

after each design must be used.


Course suggestion for future:

Arrange more field visits (either inside or abroad) to apply the acquired skills, smart

agriculture tools in country development, agricultural resources detection and

conservation, application on real-life problems and contribute to solving the environmental

problems and early warning systems.

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Sustainability Justice of Food Security and Climate Changes

Instructors: Assistant Prof. Rafik Abdel-Rahman Mohammed - SCU

Assistant Lecturer: Mohammed Anwar – Heliopolis University


General Comment:

All enrolled students (8) are answered the questionnaire, and some of the answers were

not completely unclear although the instructors explained all item to the students.

The positive and negative incidents

1- Positive views

The course syllabus was very interesting for some of students, well organized; working

with the team to see the integrated picture, the climate change is a fact will impact on our

life through different ways.

2- The negative view: The idea of thinking system needs to be streamlined more and more

time because unrealized this whole concept. Others focused on further field training and

practical visits.

Expectations and what was different

Some students expected to study some articles on law on climate change and food security

in the world, but their ideas about the course was opposite. Based on active learning,

discussion and explain the relationship between the problems as a whole from its beginning

to the end as a story to arrange ideas will give practical suggestions to overcome these


Differences from what expected

It impressed for some students with the sequence of information, through starting with

student’s inputs as in the systems of thinking, i.e. presenting the thoughts of the students

on sustainable development, thinking about the meaning of justice, clarifying the problems,

giving probably causes through its food chain, processes that are how development

happened sustainable in all its dimensions. All that was given and listed in a smooth way

and thinking about it and creating students ideas to discuss with the instructors in the lecture

and ideas for self-learning emerged.

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Suggestions to improve the course:

Some students was satisfied about the course because of its way of teaching, valuable

content or through the simple way of communicating course information and helping them

to activate the instantaneous self-reflection in the lecture. Others suggested to increase the

course period without insert any other course syllabus.

In case of not expected, why is it so?

Some students stated this course should be compulsory and not optional because of its

interesting content and valuable information and improved their culture and knowledge

about food security or sustainability justice in general.

Impact of what you have learned:

Academic development: some students will transfer from administrative to scientific work

in their faculty, being a good researcher in such field.

Professional development: some students will focus their master thesis in this field of work.

Others learned how to think as a whole idea and listen to others to get the right vision, how

to take feedback to the project to work on improving it in a continuous way.

Society and country sustainability: If we cannot do something, we can raise the awareness

of people on sustainability justice and food security situation of our country. Try to

convince people to limit the use of plastic and think about buying products that have no

injustice to anyone in the system. Valuable work were given has positive impacts on

society, environment, culture and economy.

Personality: the course syllabus made student open minded and increasing their self-



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Concept Map

The final designed concept maps are more organized and informative, presenting more

knowledge and understanding as a result of course teaching. The produced maps showed

that, student's thinking and understanding of the main course concepts are wider,

understanding and applying new factors affecting and explaining food security and

sustainability justice concepts related to the main areas in the evaluated course. Other maps

are simple, focusing on the most important concepts.

Table 7: Rubric of students level of performance related to review, explain, assess and manage

processes based on what they have learned about climate change, sustainable agriculture and

food security

Level of Performance

Criteria Excellent




Students practice

clear understanding

and interpretation of

relations of climate

change on

sustainable agriculture and food


Students practice


understanding and

interpretation of

relations of climate

change on sustainable agriculture and food


Students practice


understanding and

interpretation of

relations of climate

change on sustainable

agriculture and food


Students practice


understanding and

interpretation of

relations of climate

change on sustainable

agriculture and food




Students give clear

feedback about their


regarding climate

change, sustainable

Students give accepted

feedback about their

knowledge regarding

climate change,

sustainable agriculture

Students give

rational feedback

about their

knowledge regarding

climate change,


Students give

personal feedback

about their


regarding climate

change, sustainable


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agriculture and food

security probably

and food security


agriculture and food

security probably

agriculture and food

security probably

Students approached

the course in a way

which is very much

aiding to put their

skills and learning

strategies to use in

the future

Students approached

the course in a way

which is, to some

extent, aiding to put

their skills and

learning strategies to

use in the future

Students approached

the course in a

rational way which

is not aiding much to

put their skills and

learning strategies to

use in the future

Students approached

the course in a way

which is not aiding

to put their skills and

learning strategies to

use in the future


Students practicing

and experiencing a

highly professional

level of

transformation by

implementing the

new skills and

information they

learned successfully

Students practicing

and experiencing a

reasonable level of

transformation by

implementing the new

skills and information

they learned


Students practicing

and experiencing a

limited level of

transformation by

implementing the

new skills and

information they

learned successfully

Students not

practicing and

experiencing a

transformation by

implementing the

new skills and

information they

learned successfully


After construction of the rubric to evaluate the level of students performance based on what

they learned in the course and taking the answers to the questions related to reviewing,

explaining, assessing and managing processes, in consideration. Table no. 7 shows that the

level of students performance based on what they have learned in the course of the

reviewing/ reflecting process was acceptable. The level of the explaining process was

limited. The level of both the assessing and the managing processes was good.

In table no. 7 the expected levels of performance of the students according to the assigned

criteria and based on their answers to the questions in the questionnaire are as follows;

1. Personal: a personal understanding and interpretation is one where an

individual finds meaning in something but cannot provide a rational

explanation for this meaning. This is very common as we find personal

meaning in many of our daily experiences.

2. Rational: a rational understanding and interpretation is one where you have

understood something in a certain way and are able to explain how you came

to this conclusion using a method that most people will understand and may

well accept as producing a reasonable interpretation.

3. Accepted: an accepted level of understanding and interpretation is one that is

commonly made and is, to some extent, easily accepted by others. An

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accepted understanding and interpretation uses the logic that somebody else

has used, assuming this is valid. An acceptable interpretation may be one

which uses references to support the conclusions made.

4. Clear: a clear level of understanding and interpretation is that one where an

individual finds meaning in something is highly understood and explained.

7. Conclusions

1. Females are not involved in CCSAFS MSc program as males.

2. Students with non-agricultural Bachelor disciplines are not involved in

CCSAFS MSc program as students with agricultural Bachelor disciplines.

3. There were much interrelated concepts about CCSAFS topic after piloting

compared to students’ previous knowledge before piloting, suggesting

improvement of students’ understanding and knowledge of concepts related to

the main areas in the pilot phase courses.

4. Students’ skills and abilities changed in a positive manner due to their

participation in the CCSAFS course.

5. Students’ self-esteem and confidence changed in a positive manner due to their

participation in the CCSAFS course.

6. Based on what they have learned about climate change, sustainable agriculture

and food security, level of students performance of reviewing/reflecting

process was acceptable. The level of explaining process was limited. The level

of both assessing and managing processes was good.

8. Recommendations

1. Actions should be taken to enhance females and students with non-agricultural

disciplines participation in CCSAFS MSc program.

2. More attention should be directed to improve students’ understanding and

previous knowledge of concepts related to climate change, sustainable

agriculture and food security during undergraduate studies.

3. Measures should be considered to enhance processes of reviewing/reflecting,

explaining, assessing and managing in teaching climate change, sustainable

agriculture and food security concepts.

Appendix no. 1;

Assessing previous knowledge questionnaire

Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security

Student name:……………………………………………………………..

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Have you ever attended a course on this topic or skill area in the past?

Yes….. No……

If Yes, give the title…………………………………………………………….

Have you ever created a project or written work similar to this course?

Have you ever worked in a work dealing with issues similar to the topic of this


Yes….. No……

If Yes, What are your main responsibilities at work?


What do you expect from this course?







In the following, you are given an example of a diagram or graphical tool (concept map)

that visually represents relationships between concepts and ideas. The lines that connect

the boxes can phrases that explain the connections between concepts referring to the key

starting concept in the box (Carbon cycle).

The title of your course has three key concepts- climate change, sustainable agriculture

and food security. You have to create a similar diagram for each of the three key concepts.

Start with the first key concept and write in the key box, as in the example, the word

CLIMATE CHANGE. Now, try to brainstorm about CLIMATE CHANGE by organizing

your existing knowledge in the other boxes of the figure. Before beginning your concept

map, it can be helpful to come up with a list identifying the key concepts that need to be

included. Establish a rank ordered list from the most general to the most specific. Then,

figure out where they fit in the map. Remember, that the map shows key ideas and concepts

and how they link together to make up a whole. When you finish, do the same with


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Appendix no. 2;

CCSAFS Pilot Phase Questionnaire

Name of the student:……………………………………………………….


Gender: Male…… Female…….


What are your skills in?

Information seeking through the web for e-books, e-journals, e-databases, etc.

Very frequently …… Frequently ……. Sometimes ……. Never…..

Using statistical analysis tools

Very frequently …… Frequently ……. Sometimes ……. Never…..

Using communication tools such as blog, discussion forums

Very frequently …… Frequently ……. Sometimes ……. Never…..

Using presentation tools such as Power Point

Very frequently …… Frequently ……. Sometimes ……. Never…..

Using e-learning platforms

Very frequently …… Frequently ……. Sometimes ……. Never…..

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No Read carefully the statements and tick your





1 I enjoy doing new things

2 I like to do a job well.

3 I think carefully before making my mind up.

4 I make decisions quickly *

5 I enjoy a challenge.

6 I like outgoing, lively people.

7 I don’t act straight away.

8 It takes me a while to make my mind up.

9 I like people to take things seriously

10 I listen before I speak.

11 I don’t usually hide my feelings.

12 I don’t like quick people.

13 I like people who think before they act.

14 I like things to be done well.

15 I enjoy group work.

16 I can upset people.

17 I enjoy practical activities.

18 I am calm in discussions.

19 I can get cross with people.

20 I don’t think about other people.

21 I have firm views about what is right and


22 I do things without thinking.

23 I speak my mind.

24 I like to work carefully.


Read the following questions and circle the letter of the best answer in your opinion. There

is no right or wrong answers to this quiz. Just circle what you usually prefer.

1. When learning how to use my computer, I prefer to:

A. Read the manual first

B. Have someone explain how to do it first

C. Just start using the computer and get help if I need it

2. When getting directions to a new location, it is easier to:

A. Look at a map

B. Have someone tell me how to get there

C. Follow someone or have them take me there

3. To remember a phone number, I:

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A. Look at the number and dial it several times

B. Repeat it silently or out loud to myself several times

C. Remember the number by the pattern pressed on the keypad, the tones of each

number or by writing it down

4. For relaxation, I prefer to:

A. Read a book or magazine

B. Listen to or play music

C. Go for a walk or do something physical

5. I am better at:

A. Reading

B. Talking

C. Physical activities

6. In school, I learn best by:

A. Reading

B. Listening

C. Hands-on activities

7. I tend to be a:

A. Thinker

B. Talker

C. Doer

8. When I study for a test, it works best when I:

A. Read and picture the information in my head

B. Read and say the ideas out loud or silently

C. Highlight, write notes and outlines

9. It is easier for me to remember:

A. Faces

B. Names

C. Events

10. On Saturday, I would prefer to:

A. See a movie

B. Go to a concert

C. Participate in athletics or be outside

11. In a college class, it is most important to have:

A. A good textbook with pictures, graphs and diagrams

B. A good teacher who has interesting lectures

C. Hands-on activities

12. It is easier to study by:

A. Reading and reviewing the material

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B. Discussing the subject with others

C. Writing notes or outlines

13. When I get lost, I prefer to:

A. Look at the map

B. Call or ask for directions

C. Drive around the area until I recognize familiar landmarks

14. When cooking, I often:

A. Look for new recipes

B. Talk to others to get new ideas

C. Put it together and it generally comes out OK

15. When assembling a new toy or piece of furniture, I usually:

A. Read the instructions first

B. Talk myself through each step

C. Start putting it together and read the directions if I get stuck

16. When solving a problem, it is more useful to:

A. Read a bestselling book on the topic

B. Talk over the options with a trusted friend

C. Do something about it

17. Which statement do you like the best:

A. A picture is worth a thousand words

B. Talk to me and I can understand.

C. Just do it.

18. When I was a child, my mother said I:

A. Spent a lot of time reading, taking photos or drawing

B. Had lots of friends and was always talking to someone on the phone

C. Was always taking things apart to see how they worked

Page 20: Feedback for Further Improvement - CCSAFS...Kostoulas University of Crete (UOC), Ibrahim Tahat (JPU); Aravella Zachariou Frederick University (FU) Version Date Comments & Status Distribution


Appendix no. 3;

Follow-up Questionnaire

COURSE NAME: Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security.

STUDENT NAME:……………………………………………….

Dear student of the CCSFS MSc program

This questionnaire is a follow-up of the pre-course evaluation you have done at the

beginning of your course. The answers do not have any impact on your grade. So, feel free

to answer carefully the questions asked and be self-critical. The completed questionnaire

must be sent to your instructor within one week after the end of the course.


What happened during the period of your course? (Describe briefly the positive and

negative incidents)

Positive Negative

What did you expect and what was different?


Differences from what expected.

Here you have to state what was different from

what you expected as well as unexpected things

that possible happened)

What was your reaction due to differences in your expectations? Have you or could you

suggest anything to improve the course?


In case that some of your expectations from the course have not been in the way you

expected, why is it so? How do you explain that?


What impact do you expect from what you have learned in this course in terms of?

Page 21: Feedback for Further Improvement - CCSAFS...Kostoulas University of Crete (UOC), Ibrahim Tahat (JPU); Aravella Zachariou Frederick University (FU) Version Date Comments & Status Distribution


1) Academic development

2) Professional development

3) Social development

4) Personal development

1) Impact on your

knowledge that

contributes to your

academic development

2) Impact on your


development that makes

you more competent in

terms of employment

3) Impact on the society

you live in terms of

turning your

community and country

more sustainable

4) Impact on your

personality. In what

ways, what learning

you have achieved so

far has contributed to

your personality. How

do you feel now?

As you remember, when you started your course, you created a concept map that shows

your previous knowledge on the subject of the course. Now, you have completed the

course, you are asked to create a new concept map.

If you would take the same course again, what would you suggest to be different?


How can you apply the new learning you have got from the course in the future?
