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FELINE COLOR - Cat Fanciers' Association...How to Use the Color Chart I. The p()s,sihle colors...

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How to Use the Color Chart I. The p()s,sihle colors b' each comhination assuille Ihal c"lch eil G.lllies evelY comhination or recessive color genes. You will only get all the cobs inCUc.Hec! il' Ihis is lille or your Ihe le·;( could he Blacks or Blue;. 'Ihe '50Y;-' '1;lhhie; could he Brown Tabbies or Blue Tabbk"'S. In else you are 10-;[ al Ihis point, a silver is a hKl\VTl tahhy whose Ian has Ix:en cluU1ged tn silver. According to lhe Silver d1alt, Ihe male will pltxluce '50% silvu ollspJing if' he is hcterozygous, "'l you have a pCJSsihilily or SilverTabbics l-!onIOz,Jf,'(JUS lah!?v 10 hOIlIOZ)f,'Ous or helelvZ) .. !!,oIIS lably = f(XlfU labhies !-lelel1:JZ')X!,( .Jus lahh)! IeJhelelT'Zl!"'(){ lahh)i = 75% lahhk".'-.: 2')% I k .JI}1OZ')l:,'OIIS lahhy 10 .':did = I (XJYrJ lahhics !-lelemZ'r .. !.,Jous lahbv 10 ydid = )(JJ{J la!J!)k,,:>; 5(J){, sc.ikA Sll...VFR PATIERN For ex;unple: il' your hlack silL' and hlack dam ckJ not GUTy any Ic(c,,",sivC's, they will only I)C 10 l)J'cxluce I Jlad, killen.s, no nt-Iller how rn;my cubs Ihe d 1;1I1 says eUl Ix: pRxluccd. Jl'lhey pRxluce hlue killtns, however, you Gin saldy a"sume they GlCh callY the IUTS- sive br hlue. Etc, etc, and ",J Ii:lllh. 2. 1)0 I reilly nc't'Clto know what a "recc.,,",sive" gene i'" Y('.'S, to have evell a hasic of hO\v Gil cdols work, you n(:'td to nt-I.-;[er a lew lerms. '1 hey me: D011li1la1i1 - Ihis lnx.: of a gene nc'\:-ds 10 I x: inhelited liom only one rxu"Cnt tn show up in Ihe kiltens. If you undeNand this (\lncel>l., you will know \vhy you It-we sucklenly (1l11X'I'C"d the nt-ui,ct on white' killens since you that ,vollcleii'ul white slud Net:.;es:,i!Xl-lhis is a IXlshtll1 gene Ihat wnd(s only in pailS ;ll1d has to he inhcriteclliom Ix;(h piu·ents. 'lht.'SC eUl he c.mic'd in Sec.Tct lhough nt-U1Y genel:llions to sucklenly slllpiise you with unexp<.:'C1c:d It l1ew mell1ing to the tenn e;pc (Color Point CarTier) when your 2 hlack rkll"CI1IS plt.xluce a Chcx,'olate Poinl J-limi l mlrllillg - be,JI()1l£l Ibis jx)illl III£l.Y CllUse J-Ollr 10 ('7'oss! !-!o/l/e1Z)J:;ous - P(JS><. .'ssing the S<UllC gene /(J!' a p'dltintlar ch:U:lclC1istic 1i00n p'dK'I1t. E"iSCnli;t1 fiJI' <I rC'C:lssive cdor gene to wode - cUllert'nl /(JI1ns of a gene li'( lm ead I parent. In lhis C,ISC, one l()nll will he dOlllin:ml over Ihe Rememher all those wllite kiltens' You f,'1.ressed il: wllile is c!ornin,1J11 over non-while! Okay, you may I](;( Ix: ready b' <I PhD. in genetics, hut you ;u'e all.ser to usc Il lis chu1. Step One - Wilhout reg,ud /(X YOllr GilS' co"t patterns, selec.1 the Ixlsic mlor or Sire "nd [);un For e:vunple, iI' the sire is a 13lue Point ;Uld Ihe <. Lun is <I Lilac Point, selec1 "hlue" fiom the sire lOW al1d "lil,\(" hom the d:U11 column. \Vhere lhey illlelx-'C1 you cln X"C the cobs you couldlxlSSihly gel: hlue, lilac ;Uld bwn. Fawn' Rememher lhat Ihis dl,U1 is set up l(l <lcconll1l<xbre all hrculs. You cm eliminate ;Iny cobs Ihal don'l exist in your hreed., .. unk.. ,,",s you :u'c ;1J1 OtiC'ntal or DevOn I{ex hrex,-'C\cr in which case II )(Te ;U'el1'l any that ckJn'l exist. StL1J Two - Now lhlt you know whal color your killens might he, you 11t-IY Ix: inlerc-;,;(cd in what coat patlem.s thcy mighl have. Consult lhe appropliatc jXlltem d 1;111. For example, if IX)lh parents :ire pointed GilS, hy cll(:d,ing the pointed pallern inliJl'llt.llion you c';ln X'e Ihal Ihe poinled pallern is 1'C't\..,,",sive and all killens williX' poilllo.l. flcx,:luS(' you kl10w alxJut reces- sive you <..e1J1 ,i1",) sce that if onc IXIK'nt is 11<;( IX linto.1 (a '" llid hlue IH,i1e) allihe killen.s should he ",'Jlid in rXillem. Don't get leXJ though. I Jc could he " CPC, in which <..eISC ')(JY(, of the kilten.s would still he Ix)imed. I )on't IXUlic, lhe pallell1 cit-lit covers all dl<.R: Step Three - (only the stmng of hC:I11' will \,;aI11 to go lleld - If you are dealing with more than pallell1, detennine rhe 1i1Sl, deal with <::.Ich pau\:'Ill seIXU<lleJy hy Ihe chall and dlen comhine aJIIXJSsihilitit'S. For example, you arc hrcnUng a Silvcr 'Elhhy ASI [ m;i1e to a Blue/\X/hite NiH lentile. Use "hlack" li)j' Ihe Silver Tlhhy and ''hlue'' [(lr dIe Blue/White. 'Ihe dl,Ul S<IYs Illack, Blue, (In:oIate, Ulac, Cinnamon anc! Fawn GUl he prcxluc:\:u; Il<Jwever lhe last -i cobs ,u'e prC"-.'nt in the A'-;II gene (we hOlX:!) "'l lhe only r\::rl cdor IXlSSihilitic,;-; arc Black anc! Bhle. II'lll<;: '[';t1 lhy is iletelt)lygous, only ')(J)-(, or the ofbpring \ViII he tahbit'S; and Bhle SilverTabbies. 'TI K' solids would he Black Smoke and HhleSmokc. Il'lhe Bluel\'Vl1ile lemak: is helelozygous b' While she will rm.x.luce 'SC)}" while (i.e. himlor) ofrspling. Thal you could have Blue/White, Brown Tabby/White, Bhle Tabby/White, Silver Tabby/White and Bhle Silver lhbby/ W1lite kitlens. And dnn'I!'ilrgelthe BIackSmoke/White &)(1 the Bhle Smoke/White Olles. Isn'l lhis ILIIP Now il' you ;Ire a re;·i1 glutton fix punishment, lIy making Ihal a Ik'(J/\V!liK: (('nt-tie ,uKI x'\:' wh;ll you could gel l FOlIr- Why isn't white on the or colols? Scx Ihe White I'allcm dt.lI1. It aU. Hildsfor sJx'Cific bn'e ds: .. Aby.-,\illk./ll.: suhstilute Ruddy 1<Jr' Black and HeelliJr Cinn:lIllon (", ii's rc:t1ly m;( ;1 red ell). lJllrl1/i-'S2. sulNilute Sahle !\Jt' BLick, Ch;U11pagnc liJr Chocolate and I'latinum I<'Jr ] i!ac 1-laUClIICI HmllJll: suhstjtllte BIOWI1 !i:Jr' Chex..d;ltc Sia/l/ese and aU Si,ulK':iC pallerned ells: sui JSlilule S<.:"i1li Jr BLid,. Odelila/: sul'JSlitule Elxmy lilr Black 'limldlli-'S2. sul-situtc 'N<ilLlI:llf'iJ!' Black, C1t.lI11pagne 1<Jr' C11(XoLite and I'latinuin Ii lr J.jlac. Poillled 10 Pointed (XPI<.J IXlinlcd Poillled to Mink = pointed, 'SCm, mink Poinred to Solid = I(XJ}" mink Mink to ivlink = 'SOx, mink, 2'5'% poinr, 2'5 c Yi, "'Jlid Mink to Solid = ')()Yi, mink, ')(JYi, "'Jlid Solid to Solid = llXJY<.J "-Jlid Noll.': An SUited percenlages reJlecl sUIl:istical probabilil:ies over a large mUllber ql' kilielL'; 0110/. l'bur mileage vmy. POINIID (SIAMFSE) PATIERN 'J he in this paltcm ;U'E' r(,'StIiclccIIO lhc GIl's eXlremities (bce, legs, tail). 'Ihis gene is ,Ind GII1 he GlI1icd by ells. I'rediclcc!I:llio or IXJintcd kill"Cns: !'oinled10jxJillied = IO?){Jjx.Jinled l.Joinlcd lo.'·did = I(XJ){, nOIl-jxJinled ClU' I 'oili/cd 10 solid 0-'(> 5(J){, jX.Jinlcd 5(JJ{J ,";did 0 ..'(.\' Poililed 10 hO/l/oz){.!,olls lei/i?l' = IIXP;!.J non-/xJililed Ia/?!.?)' CPC:s Poililed 10 h0J1IOZ1,!!,OUS labl).' 0'(' = 5(lYr, IaN).' O-'Cc\ 5(J){J l)'nx/xJilils !Joinled 10 helemz,l;!!,oI.lS laN?I' = 5(J){.J lali))! (]-JC\: 5(J){,.'iCiid C/'( .... !Joinled 10 helelTJ':1' .. !!,(JIIS la/i)' OJ(' = 25%/ x.Jinled 2WiJ !)'nx /x .Jiti/ed 25% lah!))' 0'1(' .. \; 25% .'iCiid (TJ(...\· I 'oinled 10 [(hile = .'<:;(' \·'(/!Jile cheot Poinled 10 bi-cdor= S(-t! \'(/!JileSjxJiling c!Jmt 11\BBYPATIEHN Any col< Jr can he pltxluced as a 'Llhl ly il' II K' domin,Ult agouli gene is inhelitc:cIliom either or IXlIcnrs. Two non:LtI Glnll<;( pr(xluce :J 'Elhhy, ho\'VcvcT a tahby pattc!11 GII1 oIien Ix: x-en in rc'\.l or oeUll <.:IlS Ih:"11 ;u'e 'Elhhi<:'S. ['articolor GIIS will aplx,u' ;IS p'<llclK'S or 2 ditlCrcnt Tlhby cobs. NC;(E:: sul'JSlitule LmOWN 'L!\13I1Y lix hlack in dIe cdor ch'lIt. If dle cil al"'l GU1ies Ihe Silver Inhihilor gene, suhstitule SUVU{ 'IABBY fiJI' hlack and CAi'vIEO 'IABBY Illr rt.'\.1. 'TIl(' silver Inhihitor gene pl1",vents plocluc.lion or color on the rXU1 or Ihe hair shall to Ihe skin. In "'llicl cdor GIl:S lhe Silver rnay he at Ihe I'(X;(S (Smoke>. In nhhi(,'S it will silver lhe palloI' Ihe paltcln. In some GIlS, the :"ulCl inhihilor genes will comhine lo remove a pall or cdm hom dIe It.lir slt.i1i G<:::lling a 11t-lntk or color (S!lachl), or blving only Ihe tips coiol\cd (Chindlilla). Sincc this is a ckJminanl gene, two non-silver ellS GU1I1<JI prrxluce a silver: dk'IC mu,-;[ he ;11 leasl one silvereel rXlIent. Example: 2 silver lahhies GU1 rmxluce hrown I;lhhy; 2 lahhies prnluce a silver tahhy. 1-!o/lloZ);!., J(JUS Siller 10 h( JnI0Z);!.,'ous Silwr = I (XJIf, Siller 1-lo/l/OZ1!:,JOUS /(.J heleHJZ);!,'CJIIS Sili'er = I(XJJf, Siher /-IelClf Jz);t,J()IIS .'li!w!' 10 helemZ);!.,J(JuS Sili'er= 75% .'liht'l: 25% 1I01l-si!1 er I-!oll'lOZ);'fjOIIS Siller 10 nOI I (XJJ6 Siller 11c1elOZ)f,J(.Jus Si!w!' 10 nOIl-0ill er = 50Ji! .\i!le/: 5(JYrJ non-.'li!wr Hair Types '? ..... c:: ] ..... rIJ """i "0 ] "0 ] S :S 'JJ 'JJ ...ti "0 U u ..... (;i \ WHIlE PXI1TIHN \\(I!lile is a (dol' hUI the ahsence of color. '1 here ;1I'e 2 paucm,S: Dominant \'V11ilt: whidl pl"CvenLs the expression of color over the enljre Gil and White w!lidl [m:vents IXlllS dlhe 011 hom heing dIe color lhey ;lIe sUPPcJS<..:d 10 Ix:. OOivflNANT WHITE Ilo/lloz);'V,0lls f)o/l/illalll V(I!Jile 10 !-!OIlI0Z.Ji!!,0IlS Dominai'll While f(X/fiJ 1I1.71/(' !-IOIIIOZ'h'V,ous UcJlninanl While I{.J helemzl;'!!,OIlS I)(Jlninanl \Vhile I{jJJf, \'(/!Jile f)ominanl \\?hile 10 f)ominanl \YI!Jile 75% 25% colo/t'(! Ilo/l/0Z'r .. !.,'ous \f,bile 10 u io/tx!; I (XJif> \'(/!Jile f-IelemZ);!!,olls \'{lhile 10 colon'(! = 50){, V(;J,7ile. 5CJ'A, u.Jlo/td WHITE SPOTfTNG is v;lIiahly exprt'''"''it.'\.1 ;u1<1 can Ix: hom a while I<x.:kello a \:m. \'Vl1ite Slx;(ting GU1 he present on a [)ollun.l1lt While Gil, hUI, or (UUSC, could he seen except: on colored ollspling. Two colol\xl Glb without while plOduce;t hicolor (white SIX)[- rc.'\.I) dIspling. 1-lo/l/oZ)'P,o/ls \'(fbile SJx)//ed 10 l!oll/azygO/ls \r;J"ile SpOiled = ICxJYo bicolorcals (ojien \lcms) I!OIl'lOZ}gOlis While SpOiled 10 helerOZYfJ,o/ls \'(/!.7ile yX.Jlled '"' ICX1){J hicdcJrcals f1elemZ)'golis \\!ZJile SjxJlled 10 helemZy,.!!,ous While .\!lolled = 7')% fJicc.iC.JI: 25% cdeJll:xt f-{(J11I0Z);!.,'O/IS \r;J,7ile Sj)(xl['(! 10 colored = I(X'f){J bicrior cats f-1elelVzy'P,ouS \.V!.7{/e S/-Xx/cd 10 cdowd = 5U'J{, bicdor ca/.\ )(Jib criontl FELINE COLOR BREEDING 41)VMMYf$ presented by CFA Southwest Re"ion In Col!ahoratimz; Osier Regina Lorraine Shelton ©2001
Page 1: FELINE COLOR - Cat Fanciers' Association...How to Use the Color Chart I. The p()s,sihle colors iIXUC~llo..l b' each comhination assuille Ihal c"lch eil G.lllies evelY comhination or

How to Use the Color Chart

I. The p()s,sihle colors iIXUC~llo..l b' each comhination assuille Ihal c"lch eil

G.lllies evelY comhination or recessive color genes. You

will only get all the cobs inCUc.Hec! il' Ihis is lille or your C~11'.

Ihe le·;( could he Blacks or Blue;. 'Ihe '50Y;-' '1;lhhie; could he Brown Tabbies or Blue Tabbk"'S. In else you are 10-;[ al Ihis point, a silver

lal-~)y is a hKl\VTl tahhy whose Ian had'l~~]()und has Ix:en cluU1ged tn silver.

According to lhe Silver d1alt, Ihe male will pltxluce '50% silvu ollspJing

if' he is hcterozygous, "'l you have a pCJSsihilily or Ix~h SilverTabbics

l-!onIOz,Jf,'(JUS lah!?v 10 hOIlIOZ)f,'Ous orhelelvZ) ..!!,oIIS lably = f(XlfU labhies

!-lelel1:JZ')X!,( .Jus lahh)! IeJhelelT 'Zl!"'(){ l~ lahh)i = 75% lahhk".'-.: 2')% .9:jid~

I k .JI}1OZ')l:,'OIIS lahhy 10 .':did = I (XJYrJ lahhics

!-lelemZ'r..!.,Jous lahbv 10 ydid = )(JJ{J la!J!)k,,:>; 5(J){, sc.ikA


For ex;unple: il' your hlack silL' and hlack dam ckJ not GUTy any

Ic(c,,",sivC's, they will only I)C ~Ible 10 l)J'cxluce IJlad, killen.s, no nt-Iller

how rn;my cubs Ihe d 1;1I1 says eUl Ix: pRxluccd. Jl'lhey pRxluce

hlue killtns, however, you Gin saldy a"sume they GlCh callY the IUTS­

sive br hlue. Etc, etc, and ",J Ii:lllh.

2. 1)0 I reilly nc't'Clto know what a "recc.,,",sive" gene i'"

Y('.'S, to have evell a hasic undcl~anding of hO\v Gil cdols work, you

n(:'td to nt-I.-;[er a lew lerms. '1 hey me:

D011li1la1i1 - Ihis lnx.: of a gene nc'\:-ds 10 Ix: inhelited liom only one

rxu"Cnt tn show up in Ihe kiltens. If you undeNand this (\lncel>l., you

will know \vhy you It-we sucklenly (1l11X'I'C"d the nt-ui,ct on white' killens

since you gc~ that ,vollcleii'ul white slud

Net:.;es:,i!Xl-lhis is a IXlshtll1 gene Ihat wnd(s only in pailS ;ll1d has to

he inhcriteclliom Ix;(h piu·ents. 'lht.'SC eUl he c.mic'd in Sec.Tct lhough

nt-U1Y genel:llions to sucklenly slllpiise you with unexp<.:'C1c:d coloJ~. It

h~ve; l1ew mell1ing to the tenn e;pc (Color Point CarTier) when your 2 hlack rkll"CI1IS plt.xluce a Chcx,'olate Poinl J-limil

mlrllillg - jJlT>b"''(~SSillg be,JI()1l£l Ibis jx)illl III£l.Y CllUse J-Ollr ~)'es 10 ('7'oss!

!-!o/l/e1Z)J:;ous - P(JS><..'ssing the S<UllC gene /(J!' a p'dltintlar ch:U:lclC1istic

1i00n ~Ich p'dK'I1t. E"iSCnli;t1 fiJI' <I rC'C:lssive cdor gene to wode

!!elemZ){.~ous- JX~'isc:~ing cUllert'nl /(JI1ns of a gene li'( lm eadI parent.

In lhis C,ISC, one l()nll will he dOlllin:ml over Ihe ~het: Rememher all

those wllite kiltens' You f,'1.ressed il: wllile is c!ornin,1J11 over non-while!

Okay, you may I](;( Ix: ready b' <I PhD. in genetics, hut you ;u'e all.ser

to usc Il lis chu1.

Step One - Wilhout reg,ud /(X YOllr GilS' co"t patterns, selec.1 the Ixlsic

mlor or Sire "nd [);un

For e:vunple, iI' the sire is a 13lue Point ;Uld Ihe <. Lun is <I Lilac Point,

selec1 "hlue" fiom the sire lOW al1d "lil,\(" hom the d:U11 column. \Vhere

lhey illlelx-'C1 you cln X"C the cobs you couldlxlSSihly gel: hlue, lilac ;Uld

bwn. Fawn' Rememher lhat Ihis dl,U1 is set up l(l <lcconll1l<xbre all

hrculs. You cm eliminate ;Iny cobs Ihal don'l exist in your

hreed., ..unk..,,",s you :u'c ;1J1 OtiC'ntal or DevOn I{ex hrex,-'C\cr in which

case II )(Te ;U'el1'l any that ckJn'l exist.

StL1J Two - Now lhlt you know whal color your killens might he,

you 11t-IY Ix: inlerc-;,;(cd in what coat patlem.s thcy mighl have. Consult

lhe appropliatc jXlltem d 1;111.

For example, if IX)lh parents :ire pointed GilS, hy cll(:d,ing the pointed

pallern inliJl'llt.llion you c';ln X'e Ihal Ihe poinled (S~unese) pallern is

1'C't\..,,",sive and all killens williX' poilllo.l. flcx,:luS(' you kl10w alxJut reces­

sive f,>eJl(~, you <..e1J1 ,i1",) sce that if onc IXIK'nt is 11<;( IX linto.1 (a '" llid hlue

IH,i1e) allihe killen.s should he ",'Jlid in rXillem. Don't get leXJ cr~llident

though. I Jc could he " CPC, in which <..eISC ')(JY(, of the kilten.s would still

he Ix)imed. I )on't IXUlic, lhe pallell1 cit-lit covers all dl<.R: IX~"sihililjes.

Step Three - (only the stmng of hC:I11' will \,;aI11 to go lleld - If you

are dealing with more than (~1C pallell1, detennine rhe coioJ~ 1i1Sl, deal

with <::.Ich pau\:'Ill seIXU<lleJy hy Ihe chall and dlen comhine aJIIXJSsihilitit'S.

For example, you arc hrcnUng a Silvcr 'Elhhy ASI [ m;i1e to a

Blue/\X/hite NiH lentile. Use "hlack" li)j' Ihe Silver Tlhhy and ''hlue''

[(lr dIe Blue/White. 'Ihe dl,Ul S<IYs Illack, Blue, (In:oIate, Ulac,

Cinnamon anc! Fawn GUl he prcxluc:\:u; Il<Jwever lhe last -i cobs ,u'e

rK~ prC"-.'nt in the A'-;II gene IXX:~ (we hOlX:!) "'l lhe only r\::rl cdor

IXlSSihilitic,;-; arc Black anc! Bhle.

II'lll<;: '[';t1 lhy is iletelt)lygous, only ')(J)-(, or the ofbpring \ViII he tahbit'S;

and Bhle SilverTabbies. 'TI K' solids would he Black Smoke and


Il'lhe Bluel\'Vl1ile lemak: is helelozygous b' While Slx~ting, she will

rm.x.luce 'SC)}" while SI:X:~l("X.1 (i.e. himlor) ofrspling. Thal 1l1t~U1.5 you

could have B~lite, Blue/White, Brown Tabby/White, Bhle Tabby/White, SilverTabby/White and Bhle Silver lhbby/ W1lite kitlens. And dnn'I!'ilrgelthe BIackSmoke/White &)(1 the

Bhle Smoke/White Olles.

Isn'l lhis ILIIP Now il' you ;Ire a re;·i1 glutton fix punishment, lIy making

Ihal a Ik'(J/\V!liK: (('nt-tie ,uKI x'\:' wh;ll you could gell

Sh~p FOlIr- Why isn't white on the li~l or colols? Scx Ihe White

I'allcm dt.lI1. It ;Uls\Ver~ aU.

Hildsfor sJx'Cific bn'eds:..

Aby.-,\illk./ll.: suhstilute Ruddy 1<Jr' Black and HeelliJr Cinn:lIllon (", ~lY,

ii's rc:t1ly m;( ;1 red ell).

lJllrl1/i-'S2. sulNilute Sahle !\Jt' BLick, Ch;U11pagnc liJr Chocolate and

I'latinum I<'Jr ] i!ac

1-laUClIICI HmllJll: suhstjtllte BIOWI1 !i:Jr' Chex..d;ltc

Sia/l/ese and aU Si,ulK':iC pallerned ells: sui JSlilule S<.:"i1li Jr BLid,.

Odelila/: sul'JSlitule Elxmy lilr Black

'limldlli-'S2. sul-situtc 'N<ilLlI:llf'iJ!' Black, C1t.lI11pagne 1<Jr' C11(XoLite and

I'latinuin Ii lr J.jlac.

Poillled 10 Pointed ~I (XPI<.J IXlinlcd

Poillled to Mink = 5U~, pointed, 'SCm, mink

Poinred to Solid = I(XJ}" mink

Mink to ivlink = 'SOx, mink, 2'5'% poinr, 2'5cYi, "'Jlid

Mink to Solid = ')()Yi, mink, ')(JYi, "'Jlid

Solid to Solid = llXJY<.J "-Jlid

Noll.': An SUited percenlages reJlecl sUIl:istical probabilil:ies

over a large mUllber ql' kilielL'; 0110/. l'bur mileage mc~,' vmy.


'J he cob~ in this paltcm ;U'E' r(,'StIiclccIIO lhc GIl's eXlremities (bce, ~IIS,

legs, tail). 'Ihis gene is rc'C'C~sivc ,Ind GII1 he GlI1icd by 11<~l-point(d ells.

I'rediclcc!I:llio or IXJintcd kill"Cns:

!'oinled10jxJillied = IO?){Jjx.Jinled

l.Joinlcd lo.'·did = I(XJ){, nOIl-jxJinled ClU'

I 'oili/cd 10 solid 0-'(> 5(J){, jX.Jinlcd 5(JJ{J ,";did 0 ..'(.\'

Poililed 10 hO/l/oz){.!,olls lei/i?l' = IIXP;!.J non-/xJililed Ia/?!.?)' CPC:s

Poililed 10 h0J1IOZ1,!!,OUS labl).' 0'(' = 5(lYr, IaN).' O-'Cc\ 5(J){J l)'nx/xJilils

!Joinled 10 helemz,l;!!,oI.lS laN?I' = 5(J){.J lali))! (]-JC\: 5(J){,.'iCiid C/'(....\·

!Joinled 10 helelTJ':1'..!!,(JIIS la/i)' OJ(' = 25%/x.Jinled 2WiJ !)'nx /x.Jiti/ed 25% lah!))' 0'1('..\; 25% .'iCiid (TJ(...\·

I 'oinled 10 [(hile = .'<:;(' \·'(/!Jile cheot

Poinled 10 bi-cdor= S(-t! \'(/!JileSjxJiling c!Jmt


Any col< Jr can he pltxluced as a 'Llhl ly il' II K' domin,Ult agouli gene is

inhelitc:cIliom either or h(~h IXlIcnrs. Two non:LtI ~lies Glnll<;( pr(xluce

:J 'Elhhy, ho\'VcvcT a tahby pattc!11 GII1 oIien Ix: x-en in rc'\.l or oeUll <.:IlS

Ih:"11 ;u'e 11(~ 'Elhhi<:'S. ['articolor GIIS will aplx,u' ;IS p'<llclK'S or 2 ditlCrcnt

Tlhby cobs. NC;(E:: sul'JSlitule LmOWN 'L!\13I1Y lix hlack in dIe cdor

ch'lIt. If dle cil al"'l GU1ies Ihe Silver Inhihilor gene, suhstitule SUVU{

'IABBY fiJI' hlack and CAi'vIEO 'IABBY Illr rt.'\.1.

'TIl(' silver Inhihitor gene pl1",vents plocluc.lion or color on the rXU1 or

Ihe hair shall do~ to Ihe skin. In "'llicl cdor GIl:S lhe Silver rnay he at

Ihe I'(X;(S (~lly (Smoke>. In nhhi(,'S it will silver lhe IXld'l~round palloI'

Ihe paltcln. In some GIlS, the tal-~lY :"ulCl inhihilor genes will comhine lo

remove a l:lI~c pall or cdm hom dIe It.lir slt.i1i G<:::lling a 11t-lntk or color (S!lachl), or blving only Ihe tips coiol\cd (Chindlilla). Sincc this is

a ckJminanl gene, two non-silver ellS GU1I1<JI prrxluce a silver: dk'IC mu,-;[

he ;11 leasl one silvereel rXlIent. Example: 2 silver lahhies GU1 rmxluce ~l

hrown I;lhhy; 2 hIO\\~l lahhies GU11l<~ prnluce a silver tahhy.

1-!o/lloZ);!.,J(JUS Siller10 h(JnI0Z);!.,'ous Silwr = I (XJIf, Siller

1-lo/l/OZ1!:,JOUS .~ille!' /(.J heleHJZ);!,'CJIIS Sili'er = I(XJJf, Siher

/-IelClfJz);t,J()IIS .'li!w!'10 helemZ);!.,J(JuS Sili'er= 75% .'liht'l: 25% 1I01l-si!1er I-!oll'lOZ);'fjOIIS Siller 10 nOI h~'ilIl::r; I (XJJ6 Siller

11c1elOZ)f,J(.Jus Si!w!' 10 nOIl-0ill er = 50Ji! .\i!le/: 5(JYrJ non-.'li!wr

Hair Types

'? ~ ~ ..... c::

] ~..... ~

rIJ """i "0

] "0

~ .~ ]S~ :S 'JJ'JJ...ti"0 U ~ ~

u..... ~ ~ ~


\\(I!lile is nc~ a (dol' hUI the ahsence of color. '1 here ;1I'e 2 paucm,S:

Dominant \'V11ilt: whidl pl"CvenLs the expression of color over the enljre

Gil and White Slx~ling w!lidl [m:vents IXlllS dlhe 011 hom heing dIe

color lhey ;lIe sUPPcJS<..:d 10 Ix:.


Ilo/lloz);'V,0lls f)o/l/illalll V(I!Jile 10 !-!OIlI0Z.Ji!!,0IlS Dominai'll While

f(X/fiJ 1I1.71/('

!-IOIIIOZ'h'V,ous UcJlninanl While I{.J helemzl;'!!,OIlS I)(Jlninanl \Vhile I{jJJf, \'(/!Jile

I-!elemz){~oIlS f)ominanl \\?hile 10 belemZ)~olls f)ominanl \YI!Jile

75% Wl?I/(~ 25% colo/t'(!

Ilo/l/0Z'r..!.,'ous \f,bile 10 u io/tx!; I (XJif> \'(/!Jile

f-IelemZ);!!,olls \'{lhile 10 colon'(! = 50){, V(;J,7ile. 5CJ'A, u.Jlo/td

WHITE SPOTfTNG is v;lIiahly exprt'''"''it.'\.1 ;u1<1 can Ix: an)~hing hom a

while I<x.:kello a \:m. \'Vl1ite Slx;(ting GU1 he present on a [)ollun.l1lt

While Gil, hUI, or (UUSC, could 11(~ he seen except: on colored ollspling.

Two colol\xl Glb without while C:1I1IK~ plOduce;t hicolor (white SIX)[­

rc.'\.I) dIspling.

1-lo/l/oZ)'P,o/ls \'(fbile SJx)//ed 10 l!oll/azygO/ls \r;J"ile SpOiled = ICxJYo

bicolorcals (ojien \lcms)

I!OIl'lOZ}gOlis While SpOiled 10 helerOZYfJ,o/ls \'(/!.7ile yX.Jlled '"' ICX1){J


f1elemZ)'golis \\!ZJile SjxJlled 10 helemZy,.!!,ous While .\!lolled = 7')% fJicc.iC.JI: 25% cdeJll:xt

f-{(J11I0Z);!.,'O/IS \r;J,7ile Sj)(xl['(! 10 colored = I(X'f){J bicrior cats

f-1elelVzy'P,ouS \.V!.7{/e S/-Xx/cd 10 cdowd = 5U'J{, bicdorca/.\ )(Jib criontl



41)VMMYf$ presented by

CFA Southwest Re"ion

In Col!ahoratimz; Caro~)!n Osier

Regina Sb(.~/rer

Lorraine Shelton


Page 2: FELINE COLOR - Cat Fanciers' Association...How to Use the Color Chart I. The p()s,sihle colors iIXUC~llo..l b' each comhination assuille Ihal c"lch eil G.lllies evelY comhination or

-- -- -- -




• I



--- ­-

Classic Tabby Mackerel Tabby Spotted Tabby Ticked Tabby


0 U ~ .... ·11 II 1 I


--- - -.- _.- -- -- -IF=

II rr=

- -I- ~= - -• I



I I t;IIICUC;;:;:> IVldlt::::::i remales MalesFemales Males Females MalesFemales MalesM= ~'~"t1,vrr~ .111 () .. ()

Fr= ~'_ I I r-_ ... I Mlr- J} J MfF=_ I MfF= I MfF= _. I M/F=IMlr= __

- -

M= () ~~ ~ ...~ - .- - -­


~ .,."

I .- I

F= ~

• F= ... F= ~

•..... M= M= M=M=")

I • I I The Shaded & Tipped Patterns II The Bi-Colors I I The Pointeds


/ - r'" . '\c..... · if '-J


fe" ~ • • F= lil.. IMfF=_ •.~ iMfF= _ IMfF=I. ') IMfF= 1 Mlr= - 1 MfF=

Females M~es F I M I Females M~s Females Males I ' "'" "Q'''''''' ,v,a""., I Females Males ..... M=

~ _ Rmrl RS • _.... _ rl RS _.... _

--I ---I -- 1 Fo= ~_r1 1 ~= i:'I __ 1 F= ~ __ 1 F=1

~--r-= .... L- - IVllr.-o.. - MfF=

~ F=~ •• F=~ •• -.._-

M= ~ till... M= ~l'\ M="~ M="~

I Patched Tabby Chinchilla Shaded Smoke Bi-Color Bi-Color Van Solid Point Mink

•Artwork adapted from The Book of the Cat, Michael Wright & Sally Walters Special Thanks to Pat Jacobberger for ©2001 her work on these adaptations.



F= ,~



-I F= ., __ II F=


M= 'II






.-- ­--I

~ ,­ a!"~

~l. M= ~"l'

The Tabby Patterns


•I 1

I - -=-1

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• I


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F= ~

