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S S h h e e i i l l a a E E d d w w a a r r d d s s T T h h e e M Mo o s s t t P P o o w w e e r r f f u u l l F F e e n n g g S S h h u u i i R R e e m m e e d d i i e e s s , , S S e e c c r r e e t t s s , , A A d d v v i i c c e e s s a a n n d d R R i i t t u u a a l l s s This is NOT A Free e-Book Copyright © 2006 http:\\www.fengshui-magic.com , Sheila Edwards All Rights Reserved Reproduction or translation of any part of this work by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, beyond that permitted by the copyright law, without the permission of the publisher is unlawful.
Page 1: Fengshui

SSShhheeeiiilllaaa EEEdddwwwaaarrrdddsss

TTThhheee MMMooosssttt PPPooowwweeerrrfffuuulll FFFeeennnggg SSShhhuuuiii RRReeemmmeeedddiiieeesss,,, SSSeeecccrrreeetttsss,,,

AAAdddvvviiiccceeesss aaannnddd RRRiiitttuuuaaalllsss

This is NOT A Free e-Book

Copyright © 2006 http:\\www.fengshui-magic.com, Sheila Edwards

All Rights Reserved Reproduction or translation of any part of this work by any means, electronic or

mechanical, including photocopying, beyond that permitted by the copyright law, without the permission of the publisher is unlawful.

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Be sure, it wasn't by mistake that you've bought this book! Your interest in the present material means you're waiting for an answer, an answer you need. And you are going to find out, step by step, secrets, perhaps, unrevealed until now. Feng Shui (pronounced FUNG-SHWAY) means "wind and water"; these being the elemental powers that influence our destiny as people according to Chinese wisdom and theory. Feng Shui is very popular in China where people have been using it for many years. Feng Shui studies the influence our surroundings over our lives and helps us use the elements of nature to exploit fortune and luck. If you feel things aren't working out for you in a period of time, if you aren't feeling so good, you lack money and a series of misfortunes are knocking at your door, it's about time that you should be introduced to this discipline: Feng Shui. The role of Feng Shui practice is to determine and control Chi energy to offer us a better life. Chi is in constant movement and in a continuous change. All that exists on this planet can be rendered through the three fundamental types of Chi: earthly, humanly and heavenly. The flow of energy is vitally important. What are we trying to do with the help of Feng Shui? We can determine what kind of energies are favorable to us and then we can try to control them and, most important, lead them in the direction we want.

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In Feng Shui, they say that wealth comes from what you can control. It's generally acknowledged. To do this, imagine that you're behind the steering wheel. The car is easy to control when at low speed. The same happens to the energy inside a home. It has to be as slow and sinuous as possible. This can be accomplished through the placement of the windows and doors, as well as through the placement of the furniture in the house. Through the careful placement of several objects (Feng Shui remedies) in different areas of the house Chi, energy can be controlled - thus changing negative aspects of our lives. The use of ancient rituals has the same effect: creating a better, more prosperous, healthier life. The present book will reveal some long forgotten, ancient magic rituals that have a certain special power - this is why I'm asking you that you use them carefully and only to attract improvement in the lives of your family and that of your own, as well. In the final chapter of the book you will find the most efficient Feng Shui remedies and a way to use them. They are cheap and available to anyone, easy to get or even DIY materials. Before we move on, I'd like to tell you a few words about MAGIC, the word that stirs up a feeling of excitement and well-being at the same time! "Any act performed on intention is a magical act" - once said Aleister Crowley. In its most exact meaning, the word "magic" appoints a series of actions destined to exploit the natural, mental and psychical powers of a person in order to accomplish a certain goal. Magic is simply the manifestation of objects, events and happenings we fail to understand. Some 200 years ago, "metal

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birds" that can fly above clouds would have been considered magical. Fifty years ago, satellite TV would have been magical and, only twenty years ago, cell phone would have been truly magical. The more we believe in MAGIC, the more it manifests itself in front of our very eyes. Do not mistake magic with sorcery!!! "Sorcery has been named Magic: but Magic is Wisdom, and there is no wisdom in sorcery" - said Paracelsus. Magic is a science you can assimilate only after studying the esoteric disciplines for as long as 10 to 15 years, while sorcery is a practice of inferior magic, that has been used only to acquire money and for speculations of any nature. Magic represents the forces of the Universe in full movement, rejecting or attracting one another, ending in amazing results. Magic means the thorough study of astrology, Feng Shui, numerology, alchemy, hypnosis, telepathy, telechinestesia, radiestesia, bioenergy, Tarot etc. Sorcery uses the sacrifice of animals, the use of plants serums and elixirs, parts of deceased animals and even people, blood, the making of "dolls" with the purpose of hurting people, curses of any nature, love magic, superstitions, swindles and so on. Magic is used to improve the life of a person, not make it worse. Magic is not white or black (grey etc). It's simply MAGIC. Success and the best of CHI in your home and life!!!

Sheila Edwards

August 2006

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I. Feng Shui advices

Put things in order in your home and life by applying Feng Shui advices. It really works!

Feng Shui was born in China, having a practical purpose that of finding appropriate spaces for cities/villages and places to live. Along the centuries, Feng Shui principles have expanded and now they have come to include anything to do with a specific location. Feng Shui philosophy teaches that all the things surrounding us contain a vital energy that flows within the space we live in and that influences our life. If you surround yourself with sharp edgy old furniture passed on from your parents then you are preparing for a gray future. Surround yourself with beautiful, colorful and comfortable things and you will instantly feel how the environment you live in helps and energically supports you in all you choose to accomplish. You will thus attract the health, happiness and the welfare you desire. Apartment plants are very important in Feng Shui philosophy because they link us to nature and contain so much benefic energy. A house without plants can create a slight feeling of uneasiness because we could feel alienated from a natural habitat. To place the colors, symbols, numbers and elements in the proper area, keep in mind the following guide:

� NORTH: creativity, personal development, new ideas, inspiration, career, music, art. Use water elements. This is the best place for: a pound, pool, Jacuzzi, a storehouse for metal gardening equipment and tools. Shapes: curvy, wavy, and corrugated. Avoid: stone objects, soil, and clay.

� NORTH-EAST: knowledge, wisdom, meditation/lecture, spiritual, intellectual and inner development, nature. Use earthly elements. This is the best place for: stone benches, decorating a garden with rocks,

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placing stones or rocks, statues, bricks, any object made of earth. Shapes: flat and low surfaces. Avoid: plants and trees.

� EAST: new life, new plants, reborn and rejuvenation, harmony, healthy, family life, nutrition, recovering from illness. Use wood elements. This is the best place for: planting fruit trees and not only, medicine plants, arranging playgrounds, a sauna, doing tai chi exercises. Shapes: columns, cylinders. Avoid: accessories, tools and metal garden furniture, white flowers.

� SOUTH-EAST: wealth, abundance, material possessions, communication. Use: wood elements. This is the best place for: plants and flowers or growing fish. Shapes: cylinders, supporting poles or columns. Avoid: accessories, tools and metal garden furniture, white flowers.

� SOUTH: opportunities, dreams, goals, aspirations, fame, recognition, prizes, accomplishments, happiness, long life, festivity. Use fire elements. This is the best place for: a barbeque, fire, burning fry leafs, planting trees and flowers. Shapes: sharp, triangular. Avoid: water elements such as ponds, cascades or wells.

� SOUTH-WEST: marriage, love, maternity, relationships, partnerships. Use earth elements. This is the best place for: arranging a dining spot, sport grounds. Shapes: low and flat surfaces. Avoid: wood furniture for terraces, garden pavilion, fences and gates, the color green.

� WEST: children, creativity, crops, socializing and fun. Use metal elements. This is the best place for: arranging a recreation space, a bar, a children's playground, the best place for rest, convalescence, a beach. Shapes: circles and circle like shapes. Avoid: barbeques, pyramids, red flowers.

� NORTH-WEAST: commerce, interests outside the home, international trips, paternity, mentors and benefactors, people that can help us, supporters. Use metal elements. This is the best place for: statues of gods, angels, archangels, animals, bells and chimes. Shapes: circles and circle like shapes. Avoid: barbeques, pyramids, red flowers.

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FENG SHUI BASIC RULES Before starting to apply a Feng Shui procedure, it’s good for you to know this: 1. Remove from your house anything that is unnecessary and you don’t use anymore. Throw out the old magazines, unimportant documents (invoices, receipts, unnecessary papers etc.), clean your drawers from pens and pencils that doesn’t work and are just occupying the place, do this with the limbos and with the closets too (removing the clothes you don’t wear anymore).Throw out and fix all kind of domestic objects and machines, throw out the knick-knacks or other damaged objects. Move your furniture if it doesn’t look well and you can’t fix it. Throw out all of these without regrets. Throw the old to make place for new. 2. Replace the broken or cracked windows, fix the pipes not to dribble anymore, make the doors to close and not to creak. 3. Make sure that you don’t have too many furniture, because it can block the energy. 4. When you decided to make changes in your life, automatically you must to do changes in your house using the Feng Shui information. When you decided to activate a certain area of your house and of your life (money, health, evolution, knowledge, professional, family etc) you should also make a small ritual. Its purpose is to announce and to ask permission from the elementary spirits (fire, water, land, metal, air) for what are you going to do. So, during the night before you want to start making changes to one sector, put in the doorstep of your room entrance where you are about to activate a certain corner, a jar covered, where you should put 8 rice berries, leaving them there over the night. In the same time, make an appeal to the elementary spirits that will help you to fulfill your wish. 5. Don’t make changes in many sectors on the same time. Activate just one sector, and then wait 30 days until you can start with another one. The activation results will appear after at most 28 days (a monthly cycle). When you’re activating the sector, you are interested in, think intensive and visualize the result you are expecting.

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6. When you want to buy a house, don’t go to visit it after the sunset…and if when you are entering in that house you feel nervous, agitated, renounce at it no matter how much do you like it.


� Use the benefic energy of plants by arranging miniature gardens in the corners of rooms or on the window sash. However, be careful about using thorny plants; most Feng Shui experts agree they are not favorable. If you MUST have one, hide it behind some other round-leafed plants.

� Wind chimes catch positive energy so be sure to hang them on your balcony or anywhere in a room. Their cylinders must be tubes that are open at both ends.

� If you can, set up a miniature waterfall amongst the plants. A water flow is highly beneficial to any home. However, be careful... water flow does not mean a leaking fosse in the bathroom; this actually is the symbol of waste and attracts money loss. So, fix up anything broken in your house.

� The center of your apartment is the symbol of good luck. It should be as open as possible to help the flow of positive energy. That big table in the middle of the room... give it up for a low sleek coffee table placed a tad towards the wall.

� First of all, remember that dust, too much unnecessary furniture that gives the feeling of crowdedness in the room, dark corners, rooms with too much walls, these are the factors that attract negative energy. Therefore, the absolute first thing you should do is to start with a general cleaning of the house. Vacuum, scrub the floors, throw some of that useless furniture out and check out your closets. Are they dark and jam-packed with junk and old things? Maybe it's about time to give up those things that don't do you any good, except collect dust and take up space.

� Are there corners in your house the sun light cannot reach? Set up a lamp or something alike. The light will send that negative energy away;

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they say dark corners are shelters for negative energy. Try to put those corners to use so that they make the house look more spacious and remember to clean places like this regularly.

� Positive energy flows into your home mainly through the front floor, so make the hallway be as warm and well lit as possible. I know, the light bulb may have gone out and you're too busy to change it when this happens. This may be the reason why welfare is not a part of your home yet. Don't even think about the power consumption; try instead to focus on the moments of bliss of coming home from work to a warm and cozy place.

� Mirrors are very important in Feng Shui. The Chinese usually use octagonal ones with inscriptioned wooden frames, but if you can't find such an article, a plain mirror will do just fine. They have the ability to double the existing space and to make it look more hospitable. Use them everywhere except for your bedroom where they are inappropriate.

FENG SHUI IN THE BEDROOM More than just a room where you can rest, the bedroom represents the most private space, more personal than any other area of the house, this being the place where deco skills and comfort should combine harmoniously. Here are some recommendations that applied totally or partially, can bring you more success in your social and private life than you would think and will definitely improve your love life.

� In a Feng Shui bedroom, the bed must more spacious than it should for the person/persons that use it because a small bed can minimize the potential of accumulating success whereas social and couple life is concerned. A bed that also has a bedpost can "support" you in this way.

� It is highly recommended that you light up the room using lamps or even candles. Either way, the light shouldn't be too powerful but it should create a warm and relaxing atmosphere. Pictures of wild animals or sharp edged objects should be avoided to use in this room. A wise choice for a Feng Shui practitioner would be placing a painting of a mountain view on the wall that supports the bed.

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� Do you have one or more electronic devices in your bedroom? A TV, VCR or audio system... they have to get out of there as they generate negative energy. Also, Feng Shui teaches that a TV in your room is the enemy of a good rest and intimate life.

� All sorts of baskets, bottles, books, newspapers and magazines placed next to or under your bed, clothes thrown on the bedroom floor and exercise equipments do not belong in a Feng Shui bedroom. Dry or artificial plants do not bring any good energy, also.

� If you have a mirror in your bedroom, it must not reflect the door or window because it pulls away energy and Chi flow. If the ceiling is too low, it is recommended that you place a mirror in the room that reflects the ceiling, getting rid of the negative energy effects.

� A bed positioned facing the bedroom entrance is in a "lethal" position, highly negative whereas Feng Shui is concerned. If you have no choice and you simply must keep the bed in this position, place a decorative object between the supporting legs and the bedroom door to rid yourself of the negative effects.

� Chromatically, pastel, pale colors work best. Pale green or blue, creamy yellow, butter - the color of maternity - these are the tones that encourage a good relationship and improves couple life.


1. CLEAN YOUR OFFICE (or the room you use for work) Get rid of anything unnecessary, disturbing or distracting. 2. PLACE YOUR DESK IN THE POWER POSITION Position your office so that when you're working you can see the entrance. If you can't, place a mirror to help you see the door. 3. MAKE SURE NOTHING IN YOUR OFFICE IS MAKING YOU PHYSICALLY UNCOMFORTABLE

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Use a screen protection filter for your monitor, a comfortable chair that doesn't hurt your back, a keyboard and mouse that doesn't make your hands hurt etc. The more uncomfortable you feel, the less energy you have. 4. ORGANIZE YOUR COMPUTER Don't keep your documents at random on your hard disk or desktop and throw unnecessary documents away every now and then. 5. SET UP A PROSPERITY CORNER As you enter the office, the corner of the room that is the furthest away on your left represents the prosperity corner. Is it well set up? If it's messy, that doesn't do you any good. This is where you should have a valuable object or a positive and motivating affirmation. 6. CREATE A NICE VIEW FOR YOURSELF As you sit in your chair doing paperwork do you see something that excites you, makes you happy, or does your view that makes you mad or something that does not move you at all? It's recommended that you place an image close to your heart right in front of you. 7. KEEP YOUR WINDOWS CLEAN AND DUST PERIODICALLY Cleanliness always brings up people to good spirits! 8. BUY AN APPARTMENT FLOWER Place it in your office as it brings life to your workspace and absorbs toxins in the air. 9. FIX OR THROW OUT BROKEN THINGS Don't keep them in a bad shape. What doesn't work or is not whole is an energy blocker. By consciously arranging your workspace, it will offer you better conditions for work. Feng Shui has a powerful effect over your life and, by living under its principles, you will get more out of life.


� Car owners can become more calm and less stressed out even during rush hour if they make a habit out of parking opposite their houses, according to a recent study, conducted by Feng Shui experts.

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According to that report, drivers would have but benefits out of spreading crystallized salt inside the cars and tying a blue cord on the mirror. Raymond Catchpole, an expert in the traditional Chinese art of space decoration and member of the Feng Shui Society board examined four cars: a Nissan Micra, A Volkswagen Passat, a Porsche Boxster and a Lexus SUV. Here is his advice for drivers:

� Drivers must park their cars opposite the house they live in as the cars are like tigers on the prowl that can threaten the inhabitants of the house in case of parking facing the building.

� The car must be entirely clean as messiness can drain the energy out of the driver.

� To eliminate negative energy that can affect your psychic well being from your car, the owner should sit on the driver's sear and start singing, clapping or simply listening to music.

� Keep your windows clean. This allows Chi energy to come into the car. In Feng Shui terms, the windows are the eyes of the car.

� Tie a blue cord on your navigation system or your mirror. Blue represents water as an element and induces a mood that is perfect for driving giving you clarity, precision and self-possession.

� Spread crystallized salt on the rug of the car. It absorbs the negative energy of the passengers.

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II. Magic Rituals Moving forward, you will be introduced to more rituals that have been experimented and checked and that have given amazing results. The most important elements to accomplishing your wishes are the following: 1. Unlimited faith that God will help you finish everything you start

2. Autosuggestion plays a most important role

3. Focusing and rigorously following the ritual

4. The mind is the strongest existing force on this planet, it is the drive

that moves everything, that creates and also destroys

� All the rituals you will see here, or anywhere else, although written as "recipes" (yes, just like in the cookbook), aren't so strict in what the ingredients are concerned...

Every ritual has to be adapted to the area we live in, the area we put it into practice! This does not mean it is not serious or that they will not work, but, the place we live in makes a big difference because the fruits, vegetables, condiments and so on, they are all specific to a certain area.

� IT'S VERY IMPORTANT to follow all the other instructions in the recipe word for word! This includes quantities, the hours or days the ritual should be performed and so on.

� EVEN MORE IMPORTANT are your will and good intentions, your confidence in the ritual and your belief that your wish will come true!!

Actually, this plays the most important role

in getting what you want from life! The more confidence you have in this, the more chances of success there are!! So... NEVER forget this very special "ingredient"!

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They say, "You are what you think"... So, BE CAREFUL of what you are thinking about! If you are charged with faith, courage and a light heart, it is time to visualize the object of your dreams and start working.

Good Luck and... SUCCESS!

A. Magic Feng Shui Rituals

1. MAGIC MONEY SPELLS By popular request, I thought I would put together this little list of simple things you can do to increase cash flow ...sometimes, the most absurd and smallest practices seem to work better than a ritual that you have to make into a big dramatic production. I have tried these ones and they have at one time or another worked for me...

� Every time you see a coin on the floor, you are to stomp on it and go 'Money on the floor, money on the floor!' Then pick it up and put it in your wallet.

� Always keep a bowl of small change, (foreign or odd coins are best) in a bowl by your front door. Antiques or old keys bring money too.

� Buy a jade plant. This is that small dwarf like plant with the big fleshy leaves. Put it by the front door, or in the northeast corner of your home, it also is helpful in the office. Keep the leaves clean and free from dust.

� Write a cheque to yourself for the total amount of money you need and the date you need it by ...It helps if you use gold pen and make the cheque look as official as possible. It is also good to anoint the cheque with Money Drawing Oil, which can be bought commercially, or if you don't have that -- bergamot, vetivert, cinnamon or orange oil. Then fold the check eight times and put it in a dark place. (This one once worked for me.

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I needed to make $120.0000 in one year. I made $80,000 and someone lent me another $20.000. So the Universe let me have one hundred thousand of it ...I figure my lack of faith accounted for the shortfall.) This is an especially good one to do at New Year's, on special holidays or your birthday.

� Make a money tree. This is done usually at Christmas ... but you could do it any time of the year. You find an old tree branch, which looks relatively like the body of a small tree and you actually attach money to it with clothespins. The idea is that whatever you attach is worth ten times as much. For instance if you attach a five dollar bill, it actually represents five hundred dollars. Don't have any money? You can use monopoly money or even attach green slips of paper with the amounts written on it. I know it sounds nuts, but I have had surprising results with this one.

� Short on cash? A quick fix is to buy a head of iceberg lettuce, sprinkle it with olive oil and salt, and eat the whole thing raw. Each time you take a mouthful, you think about all the green you need coming to you. All three ingredients represent security, money and stability.

� Keep little pots of rosemary, sage, parsley, thyme and basil at your front door or on windowsill. These herbs are thought to draw money to you... as long as they are kept healthy and alive.

� Make a God Box. Find a beautiful box, any size will do...but just make sure you really like the box. Decorate it with images that you really like, and that will represent how serene you will feel once you are out of debt. I made a little gold one and put stars on it.

(Actually, this is a great project for you if you have kids because the God Box can be used for other requests besides money.) Make a little slit in the top, so it becomes like a suggestion box. If you find yourself in need, you write your request on a piece of paper and drop it in the box. I once did this, and after the end of a year, as I looked at my requests I was amazed at how many of my wishes were taken care of... about ninety percent. I think this works because once you write it on the piece of paper, it causes you to detach from anxiety about the matter or its outcome because you are giving your problem to a higher power to take care of.

� Ok, this one is my favorite, because it is just such a joy to do and it always puts me in a great mood. Fill your pockets with all the shiny

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spare change you have ...then, at night, preferably when the Moon is going from its New to Full phase, you sneak out to the playground and hide the coins at the bottom of the slide, under the swing set, in the sandbox...in the wading pool...anywhere where a delighted child might possibly find the coin. Do not let anyone see you do this. It is supposed to be a secret.

This practice plays with the laws of circulating prosperity and somehow, I find, that the child's surprise and delight somehow becomes your own, in your own life, thanks to the benevolent cosmic law that says that what you put out comes back to you tenfold...a found coin is such a treasure to a small child, maybe the Universe will bring you a treasure as well.

2. FENG SHUI FOR PROSPERITY The first thing that you need to do is get yourself a good compass and determine what is in the southeastern corner of your home. The Southeastern sector of your home governs both your cash flow as well as your faith in the idea that you will always be able to create money. According to the classic and traditional rules of Feng Shui (the ancient art of object placement to increase good energy in your life) the items that you place in this part of your should be things that align with the energies of personal abundance. Things that Create Prosperity: The colors purple, red and green. These three colors support prosperity energy in a space. A pleasant still life to attract this energy is a pretty glass bowl containing a purple amethyst, a red carnelian and a green piece of jade. You also might want to consider painting this corner one of these colors or using purple, red and green lighting in this corner. An easy way to enhance the color value in this corner is to purchase a lava lamp in purple, red or green. The great thing about a lava lamp is that it also moves, and in Feng Shui, anything electronic or moving helps keep the money circulating in your life. Symbols of wealth. Actual money and gold objects are good to display in this area of your house. A bowl of foreign or antique coins can also augment this sector. You can also find statues of "gold ingots" to your local

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China Town. A wonderful statue to place in this area is of a Prosperity Buddha lifting a gold ingot over his head. You might also want to consider placing a gold or green statue of a Chinese Money Toad (this is a three-legged statue of a frog or toad with a coin in its mouth) or a statue of leaping goldfish Fake Money. This is the place to put that fake million-dollar bill you got in a novelty store in a frame and hang it. Some people even keep monopoly money in this area as a symbol of their circulating prosperity. A bowl of foreign coins can also be placed here to magnetize wealth into your life. Fountain. This is one of the two best places in the entire ba-gua to place a flowing fountain. The others is your Career sector. Flowing water represents the flowing of money. The Chinese consider wood or bamboo fountains to be especially auspicious when placed in this area. Goldfish. This is a great area to put an aquarium. Traditionally the Chinese place eight orange or yellow gold fish and one black goldfish in an aquarium to attract money. The number 8 represents prosperity in Feng Shui. The idea too is that if misfortune hits your family, then the ninth black goldfish will die and receive the misfortune instead of you. You can also buy the traditional Chinese poster of this image in Chinese specialty shops. Eight Horses. This is an image of eight horses that can be purchased either a statue or as a poster that adds good chi to this sector. However please note the position of your front door when positioning this poster. Make sure that the direction the horses are running is INTO the house and not out the front or back doors! You can buy this statue in gold, red, green, crystal and orange. When placing it in the southwest, red, green, brass or gold are the best styles to choose. Jewels. Treasure chests or displays of real or costume jewelry can help attract the chi of abundance to your southeastern prosperity sector. Symbols of Luxury. This is the place-to-place photographs, fine art or statuary that represents the aspiration of "having it all." A toy model of a Porsche, an image of a country mansion or a photograph of a man standing at the highest mountain in the world are the kinds of images that you should consider putting in this corner.

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Jade Plant. The Jade plant is the ultimate symbol of prosperity for the Chinese. It is flat round leaves and compact shape makes it the Asian equivalent of a money tree. Fruit Trees. Small orange, lemon or lime trees also contain money-drawing properties and are ideal to place in this sector. Things That Put You in the Poorhouse: Clutter. The planet Venus rules prosperous energy. Venus will not enter a dirty home. Piles of junk serve as an obstacle so that positive energy cannot pool and accumulate in your space. Leaks. If you have a kitchen or a bathroom with a leaky faucet in this area than the theory is that, your money will also be leaking away. Toilets. If you have a toilet in this area and there is nothing you can do about it, then make sure that you keep the lid closed at all times to keep your cash from being "flushed away." Kitty litter boxes. Animal toilets have the same negative association as toilets -- especially if they smell bad. Broken objects. The theory is that "If it's broke, you probably are too!"Remove anything that does not work including clocks that keep the wrong time, dead batteries and similar decrepit items from this area. Also, replace any burnt out light bulbs, as it is essential that this area be well lit. Dead or withering plants Anything obviously decomposing is antithetical to the energy of prosperity and should be removed from this area. Trash cans. Like the toilet, this item drains vital energy from the prosperity area. Mages of Poverty or Want Art that depicts objects or landscapes in a withering, rustic or decomposing state should not be displayed here. Also avoid placing photographs of yourself when you were going through a "broke phase" (such as when you were a student in college or just recently divorced) here. You might repeat the situation!

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3. FENG SHUI RITUALS FOR LOVE Here are some very simple rituals, some old, and some new that might help you achieve your romantic intentions. A bouquet of roses set in the southwestern corner of your bedroom is thought to attract love. To prevent a lover from straying, light a green candle to St. Martha and ask her to keep him faithful to you. To find out if your lover will stay with you, cut an apple in half and offer him or her other half. If he or she accepts the apple, he or she will be with you a long time. Feed your lover a fig, with your initials carved lightly into it, to keep him or her faithful. Select the following cards from a Tarot Deck - The King of Cups, the Queen of Cups, the Ace of Cups and the Lovers. Fan these cards around a pink candle and light it. Keep these cards spread out in this configuration for a period of seven days. This is an affirmation of your romantic intention to find or keep a lover or soul mate. Procure a lock of your lover's hair and twist it with a lock of your own in a clockwise direction nine times. Tie both ends with red thread and place in a safe place, such as a locket. Carry this in your pocket. To have him or her think or dream of you more often, anoint the corners of a photograph with orange and rose oil and place the photograph under your pillow. To attract a new lover, light a red candle to St. Barbara and ask her to make you attractive to your soul mate. To keep you on your lover's mind, do this after each time you part ways. Strike a match on the heel of your shoe and say "Be True." To bless your marriage and keep him faithful, serve him cooked cabbage on the new moon of every month.

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Burn a pink candle, carved with both of your initials inside of your heart, along with the planetary symbol of Venus, to draw your lover to you. Serving your spouse rhubarb pie on a full moon will keep him faithful. To ensure that a relationship will last, fill a glass with water. Let him or her take a sip of it and then take a sip of it yourself. Then purposefully drop it so that it breaks. Collect the shards and bury it in the backyard.

4. SUCCESS IN YOUR EXAMS - THE ENERGY OF THE PAGODA a. Place a pagoda in your child's bedroom, or that of yourself to increase focus and study performances. It will have a soothing effect. b. To be successful in school, place a 7 level pagoda in the Northeastern corner of your bedroom. They say that pagodas have the power of transforming agitated, frantic minds into disciplined and well-organized ones. They also say that they have the power of boosting intellectual performances.

5. WELFARE a. To be successful in business: tie up three or six Chinese coins above a pile of bills or your license plate. It is recommended that you use a ribbon or a red cord to do that; this builds up Yang energy. b. For your office, the right Feng Shui element is represented by coins of the 10 emperors tied with a red cord or golden ribbons, tied up in the mysterious endless knot. The coins must be places strategically behind the place where you sit or on the left side. The coins, being the symbol of the 10 dynasties can be original or not, it doesn't make any difference. If you can acquire original ones from a favorable reign, that of Chien Lung. Keep them in a piece of soft yellow silk and sleep with them under your pillow.

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You can sew them to your mattress so that they do not move away, assuring you guaranteed prosperity. c. Try to find a large massive bronze or gold plated coin that has favorable words inscriptioned on one of its faces and trigrams disposed in the arrangement of the Heaven on the other side of the coin.

6. WONDERFUL RELATIONSHIPS AND HOME PROTECTION a. The placement a crystal quartz globe inside your home, diagonally from the entrance, will neutralize any negative Chi (energy) that flows into your home. b. The magic ode the Amethyst The color of the Amethyst: from pale lily to dark purple. Sometimes, a high quality Amethyst worn on your finger can betray you if you are feeling upset, sad or happy as it changes its color accordingly. The ritual: firstly, clean it from any impurity by keeping it in salted water for 7 days and 7 nights. Tap water will do. It is preferred that the water should be previously exposed to the sunlight for about 3 hours. Rainwater is perfect. The event should take course in the first or 15th day of the calendar, which means either on a full moon or on a new moon, in the morning, before 11.00 a.m. Tie a red string to the base of the rock; it will awake the amethyst and will charge it Yang energy. Take it to the main bedroom and place it under the bed. Tie the rock to the bedpost using red thread. Make sure it's on the side you usually sleep; according to Tao followers, this method is a powerful protection against being cheated on. The Amethyst placed in your bedroom generates love and protects existing relationships - you can also use Amethyst jewelry. You must find the Amethyst type that corresponds to you for it will keep romance and love in a relationship or long time marriage. It can even save a marriage when somebody tries to interfere.

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c. An Amethyst tied with red string is a powerful talisman against infidelity. It should be placed on the woman's side of the bed - ideally, on the right. The Amethyst gives wonderful results even if your husband is the adventurous type, so that he will come around.

7. ASK THE DIVINE POWER FOR A PERFECT HUSBAND If you are looking for a partner to share the rest of your life with and build a family, choose a silver round or square box of whatever size you wish. Round boxes attract luck from the heavens and square ones attract luck from the earth. Round boxes should be kept in the Northwestern corner and square ones, in the South-West one. They can be kept in the closet, nightstand etc. or under the bed. Look for a silver case and put in it all your wishes in what your future or existing husband is concerned. Write down the name of the person involved in the relationship and your most intimate thoughts. The box can also be square, bur it should be place South-West. A silver box decorated with peony (the symbol of love), can be the guardian of your wishes for what fate has in store for you: your soul mate.

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B. Magic Traditional Rituals


Light a candle for your GOOD LUCK! However, not just any candle...

You must know that candle rituals have a special influence so it is very important that you know exactly the meaning of each color for each candle. Blue - is used to ask for protection whereas the law or a business where much money is at stake is concerned. Yellow - can be used in all professional areas and stimulates creativity. Golden - it is ideal for those who use positive energy and want a benefic influence in their life. Purple - it works as an incentive and it's best to use it when you would like to know more about an upcoming activity or action. Green - is very effective in money rituals as it is the color of life and I recommend you to use it for all problems concerning health and money. Silver - is used in protection rituals because it clears away negative energy. Pink - It has a great spiritual power and it is used in matters of the heart, passion and love. White - it is the symbol of peace and you can use it when you have had a fight with someone and you wish to reconcile. Red - it should be used in emergency cases where an immediate action or decision you fear must be taken. Black - it's used for revenge and hatred rituals. It is best if this candle never were used. Revenge and hatred, bad thoughts in general can turn against you with the power of ten. Be careful of what you're thinking about and what you want.

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A PIECE OF ADVICE: To be sure, that negative energy or other drawbacks will not stop you from accomplishing the ritual successfully, firstly take a refreshing bath and then sit down somewhere quiet and peaceful. The next step consists in focusing on your own energy, on your will and desires; this is essential to obtaining what you want. Light up the candle colored appropriate to your wish and invoke the power of God, your guardian angel and the forces of nature, as well. Silence is very important for your concentration and is needed in these rituals to help them succeed. Specifications Did you know that you can tell a lot from the way a candle burns off, and it can offer you a precise answer to your questions? The flame of the candle can tell you many secrets from your love life and professional one, as well. To receive this information you must light up a candle (make sure it is of the appropriate color) and put the candle between a glass of water and a small pile of incense; then, focus on your question for a few minutes; if you want to ask a second question you must light another candle. In case the answer is positive, let the candle burn out. In case the answer is negative, put the candle out and throw it in a nearby stream. How can you identify the nature of your response? It is simple a) A normal, stabile candle flame is the answer for harmony, good friendships, happiness in your love life, peace and quiet. b) A small candle flame that goes out frequently tells you to be careful about trouble in your love life, debts, uncertainty or the fact that your entourage will not give you the attention you deserve. c) A flame that trickles talks about decisions doomed to failure, be careful of infidelity; leave any project for a later time.

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d) A clear, sparkly flame that grows in height tells of joys to come and that it is time to make important decisions; possible serious engagements. e) A trembling flame that sends out lots of smoke warns us it is not the time to be aggressive, that you risk arguments, that your partner is not sincere, possible health problems as well. f) A bluish flame means you can rely on the help of those around you to accomplish the goal you have your mind set on. g) A red tone flame warns you over possible emotional conflicts.

2. MONEY RITUAL If your current financial situation is in a bad shape and you want to improve this aspect of your life, know that, through this ritual, you will get the sum of money you desire. If you already have a good situation whereas money is concerned and you want to maximize your earnings, this ritual will not help you out in that sense. Basic recommendations:

� Don't perform this ritual on a Sunday; it is preferable that you choose Mondays and Thursdays.

� Don't sleep during the daytime by no means, three days before the ritual � At the end and at the beginning of the ritual say "Our Father"

Choose a room facing sunrise and make sure that through the course of your ritual nothing will disturb you (that means no cell phones, doorbells and so on). Choose a Monday or a Thursday between the hours of 14.15 - 16.15 or at midnight. These hours characterize the green cosmic flow, which is responsible for money flow.

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Sprinkle Holy Water into the room and burn incense. Sit down on your knees in the centre of the room and surround yourself with a circle of seven candles (which MUST be green). Relax and rid yourself of any thought. Say "Our Father" facing an icon (choose the Saint of the poor). Then chant out loud three times the "AUM" mantra (that represents the symbol of God) Visualize through your mind's eyes the sum of money you need. For instance: "To get out of debt I need a total of $5000" You will visualize this sum, see how you count the money, bill by bill, as you arrange them into $100 stacks, and repeat the following formula:

"Please God, God Almighty, be by my side Help me out of this deadlock

Please God, God Almighty; I call on your blessing Please help me and make my luck change, Please take off this weight off of my shoulders Please make Good Luck come back to me"

Recite psalms 47, 32, 57 and 110 from the Bible. This ritual should be performed 9 Mondays and 9 Thursdays, which means nine weeks in a row. Let me point this out to you! This ritual is highly effective when there is a full moon or when the Moon reaches the sign of Aries, Cancer, Leo, Aquarius and Pisces.


Light up seven yellow candles and put them in a flowerpot (specification: the pot should not be empty, choose a beautiful flower planted in a healthy soil). Light them up one by one starting from your right and working on to your

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left and think about a wish when you light up the first candle, the one in the middle, and the last one. Repeat the ritual the following Sunday, then Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the same week.

4. "I WANT TO SUCCEED IN LIFE" Choose any three of the following series of objects: plates, glasses, bowls, cups and so on. Put them on a wood support that has been previously soaked in very cold water. Make sure the three objects do not touch themselves. Light up a candle and use the damp support to put it off. Then place the three objects next to your doorstep and light up the candle again. You must put it out very fast so that it burns for only 10 seconds, after which you can wash the objects with plain water.

5. "I WANT TO BE LUCKY IN MY LOVE LIFE" If you are single, uninvolved in any relationship, you can follow this ritual: Open two windows from two rooms of your house. Take two strings of thread and put them on the floor in front of the two open windows. Then light 2 candles and put them out immediately on your doorway. Then close the windows and tie the two strings together.

6. RITUAL FOR PLEASANT DREAMS AND A RESTFUL SLEEP - A teaspoon of salt - Twenty-five tablespoons of blessed water Mix the salt and the water and sprinkle it on the corners of your bedroom and especially under the bed you sleep. The place must be perfectly clean without a drop of dust. For as long as you're sprinkling chant "With the help of our Good Lords that created you as well as me/ Salt and Water keep me Safe/Nightmares melt away as salt and dry as water/Through the will of God and the Holy Virgin/For my restful sleep away from the devil's tricks, Amen"

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7. RITUALS TO KNOW SOMETHING IN YOUR DREAM If you have a problem and you cannot solve it, this ritual might help you. Before going to sleep, you have to repeat the next spell 3 times: “Allaahumma rabba ibraahiima wamuusaa warabba ishaaq waya\’quuba wa\’iisaa warabba jibraaiila wamiikaaaiila wa israafiila wa\’izraaiila wamunazzilat tauraati wal injiili wazzabuuri walfurqaanil\’azhiimi arinii fii manaamii maa taraa lii fiihil khaira walmasarraati nabba-aniyal \’aliimul khabiir.\” And then, until you sleep contiune with: “\”Yaa \’Aliimu—Yaa Khabiiru\”


Put on a white material, seven berries of incense and three pimentos and say a pray holding your right palm over the ingredients. Take the material after you have knotted and hold it on your right palm while you’re walking barefoot around the house and then put this bundle in the ground, turning back without looking...

9. THE GOOD LUCK RITUAL Took two rugged stones from a river shore, then wash them with the river water and put them on a white clean towel. When you get home, put each stone in a hotchpotch on the ground near the flower; splash them with holy water 9 times each; say a pray putting a hand on each stone and holding your head aslant; take the stones where you found them, near that flowing water, and don’t wet the flowers for 3 days. Then wet them with holly water.

10. RITUAL FOR LOVE GOOD LUCK If you are alone, and you are not involved in any relationship, you can follow this ritual: -open two windows from two of your houserooms - Take two threads and put them on the floor in front of the two open windows.

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Burn two candles and then turn them off immediately using the doorpost from the entrance to your house. Then close the windows and knot the two threads each one to another.

11. THE RITUAL FOR FORTUNE, MONEY AND LOVE Solution: Take two bread slices and put them in hot sunflower oil, blessed with 2-3 drops of holy water. After the two slices are roasted on both sides, put them in a support with sunflower oil, but unused, raw and cold from the refrigerator. Incense each slide and taste each one. Your wish will become true soon.

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III. Mandalas

Mandala is the Sanskrit word for "circle". It is a sacred diagram that represents the vital cosmic forces. The universal energy holds several vibration models that are represented in the physical plane through sacred geometrical figures. The Buddhists build mandalas with the purpose of meditation and enlightenment. Some are drawn or painter, others are 3D. They can be made of different sizes and of different materials. Denise Linn once wrote in one of her books that "The use of mandalas in a house is one of the fastest, most powerful ways of activating vitality and energy in a living environment". In a word, mandalas have the role of balancing the different types of energy in the room they are placed it, to charge a home with benefic energy and activate a certain area of your house. Although there are some techniques and specific rituals, they are hard to perform and not anybody can make their own mandala. However, we can use them highly effectively in our homes to attract harmony, health and success in our life, by creating out own mandalas. Through applying or using a ritual or a remedy, your intention and strong desire to succeed plays the most important role... this helps you get remarkable results even when the ritual or remedy hasn't been followed word for word. Therefore, with the thought of succeeding in mind and the intention to create a better life for yourself, mandalas can be bought/manufactured/drawn and placed on a wall as a painting, in the area we want to activate. In addition, if you do not have the possibility of buying one or drawing one yourself, you can use the mandalas presented in this book - print to use them for your intended purpose.

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Be careful though! Mandalas are considered sacred and cannot be used for any purpose other than that of attracting and activating positive energy in your life. Do not use the power of the mandalas with the intention of harming anyone! It will backfire on to you with the power of ten! An original, but still effective way to use the power of the mandalas, is that of creating your own mandala by using different objects of special meaning to you that reflect your intentions exactly. All you have to do is establish the centre of a circle as a focus point and the surround it by objects associated with your sacred intent, for instance healing, attracting wealth or finding love. Then meditate using your mandala with any chance you get to increase its power.

Below are some mandalas and their way of use:

The Love Mandala: As its name goes, it can be used to attract a significant other, for finding love, for creating harmony within a family. It is very powerful and should be placed in the love area of the ba-gua map.

A Mandala for Success and Welfare: Use it to attract prosperity and success in your career. It can be placed in the wealth area but also in the career area of the ba-gua map.

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A Mandala for Spiritual Evolution: Use it to attract wealth and success. It can be placed both in the wealth and in the career zone of the ba-gua map.

The Red Mandala with the Mystic Knot and the OM MANI PADME HUM Mantra According to Feng Shui theory, this mandala is one of the most powerful remedies against the third star, bringer of bad luck, lawsuits, conflicts, tension and obstacles. This mandala contains one of the most

powerful mantras, eliminating hostile energies from the area it is placed in. The red background along with the mystic knot helps re-establishing balance. The mandala should be placed on a wall in the living room, in a visible spot.

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IV. Feng Shui Remedies


1. The Nine Coins of Prosperity

The Nine Coins of Prosperity should be tied somewhere over your bill stack or the register you keep the house's expenses or over files where you keep important papers, in order to be successful in business. A red-golden cord gives them a powerful Yang energy. Moreover, you can use such cords on and even inside your walls or on the living room floor, hidden from the eyes of strangers coming into your house, for they will bring you wealth and fortune in your home.

2. The Three Coins of Prosperity

The Three Coins of Prosperity should be tied over your house's expenses register or papers to be successful in business. The red-golden cord gives them a strong Yang type energy. In addition, you can use such cords on and even inside your walls or on the living room floor, hidden from the eyes of strangers coming into your house, for they are the symbols that bring you wealth and fortune in your home.

In case your bedroom is placed in the North-West area, tie a set of three coins with a red-golden knot to each window curtain cord.

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To protect your children, the coin cord should be tied for 7, 14 or 21 days round the goddess Fuk. In this way, this goddess' richness will be passed on to your children. After this period, the coins are considered amulets that bring luck to your children.

3. The Six Coins of Prosperity

The Six Coins of Prosperity should be tied somewhere over your bill stack or the register you keep the house's expenses or over files where you keep important papers, in order to be successful in business. A red-golden cord gives them a powerful Yang energy. In addition, you can use such cords on and even inside your walls or on the living room floor, hidden from the eyes of strangers coming into your house, for they are the symbols

that bring you wealth and fortune in your home.

4. Place them in drawers, piggy banks, under the doorstep, in order to attract cash flow.

B. FISH - THE SYMBOL OF WEALTH The fish are the symbol of abundance and wealth Arowana, also called the dragon-fish, is a very powerful energizer and brings good luck, wealth and happiness. In Hong Kong, many business people will swear that their luck in business is because the have Arowana fish tanks in their offices.

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To take full advantage of the influence of this remedy, place 9 Arowana fish on your desk or work table. The carp symbolizes perseverance thanks to its legendary power of swimming against the stream. Place this remedy anywhere in your home to enjoy good luck and prosperity. Whereas business is concerned, it should be placed on your office to enjoy favorable opportunities. Students should place this remedy on their study desk to get the credit they deserve from their teachers and fellow peers and to be successful in exams. Place it on your office desk or near the place where you spend most of your time so that it will help you accomplish your goals, following your dreams and attracting wealth. A student or someone going to school should place this remedy on their desk in order to succeed through perseverance and ambition and to pass on all of their exams. Great Feng Shui masters teach that a pair of carps over the Dragon's Gate is an especially powerful remedy for profitable partnerships, blissful marriages, abundance, prosperity, exam success, succeeding in the literary field. This remedy should be placed anywhere in your home for wealth and success in money affairs. Thos who desire high grades in their exams should place the statue on their work desk. In addition, it can be placed in the Northern-Eastern area of the home to attract academic fortune. To succeed in your career, this remedy should be placed in the North of your home. The lucky carp, made out of jade, a Feng Shui remedy for wealth and perseverance in any action you choose to begin, should be placed on your desk or near the place where you spend most of your time so that it can help you follow your dreams and succeeding in accomplishing anything you put your mind to and to attract fortune as well.

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The turtle is the symbol of stability and long life in the Feng Shui system. The turtle is a very powerful protector, being the symbol of perseverance and long life. They say turtles can tell the future.

The large turtle should be placed in North side of your home to activate equal opportunity in the work place. It clears the obstacles from your path and guarantees support from everybody.

D. JADE REMEDIES Jade is the symbol that includes the five main moral principles: compassion, modesty, courage, truth and wisdom. It is indicated for pregnant women that desire an easy labor. It protects people that work in dangerous conditions; it has a refreshing and smoothening effect. The Jade Elixir should be used in case of heart diseases, and those of the kidneys, liver and spleen, as well as for purifying the blood.

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If we are feeling anxious, apprehensive or angry, we can easily relax by surrounding ourselves with jade objects, it being associated with the strong energy of the earth. It acts as a powerful antidote against troubles of the nervous system. The Jade attracts or strengthens the earth energy in a home. It should be placed in the prosperity area according to the Feng Shui map. It also protects those born under the signs Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio.

The Jade Turtle - this is a Feng Shui remedy for financial and material trouble. It is the symbol of good luck and welfare. It should be placed in the prosperity area according to the Feng Shui map.

E. FENG SHUI REMEDIES FOR YOUR CAR a. A Jade Feng Shui Kanaf with a mystical knot - for your car

The Feng Shui remedy for protecting your car and your passengers during traveling against accidents or technical problems. Here are some methods of using kanafs: - hung on the inner mirror of your vehicle - hung in your purse or satchel - hung by door knobs - hung to your phone or cell phone

- hung to your computer - In your wallet or brief case

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b. The Wu Lou Kanaf, with the mystic red knot

Most of the times, Wu Lou (also called the Pumpkin of Immortality) is associated to the God of longevity (Sau), being one of the best symbols for health and long life. It's indicated that you place this remedy in your car so that you will be safe from car accidents and travel safely.

c. The Feng Shui red knot Coin for the protection of your car

The Feng Shui coin with a red-golden cord, for the protection of your car should be placed on the inner mirror or inside the car to travel smoothly without any obstacles or technical problems.

d. A sticker for your windscreen with the eight lucky symbols

A sticker with the eight lucky symbols for your windscreen, purse and any flat surface you can attach it to is ideal for divine protection, health, happiness, prosperity, love, harmony, balance, spiritual evolution. This symbol can be attached to your windscreen, on your purse or any other flat surface.

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a. The symbol of double happiness

A Feng Shui remedy to activate good luck in your love life and to improve your professional performances. It brings marriage bliss, happy, long lasting relationships. It should be hung in your bedroom to strengthen your existing relationship or choosing the

right partner. ADVICE: This highly effective remedy can be used successfully with simply the print of the image in this book (but at a higher scale) or by drawing the symbol of "double happiness" on a card box. Then place the "painting" you get in the indicated area of your bedroom! b. A Feng Shui fan

The fan is one of the most powerful Feng Shui remedies for your love life. It should be hung on the wall in the according area; check the ba-gua map to find the love zone.

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c. Wu Lou and its contribution to Feng Shui

Wu Lou is, just as the Ba Gua and wind chimes, one of the most important remedies to improving and increasing Chi energy. It is a symbol for health, long life and prosperity. Many gods and goddesses such as Fuk Luk Sau, Chai Kung or The 8 Immortals wear this special remedy. In ancient times, Asia's inhabitants used pumpkins to keep water or wine through their travels. In addition, this is where they stored their medicine. The pumpkin so became a symbol for health in the Feng Shui system. The shape of Wu Lou also symbolizes the union of the earth and the sky: the upper side is the sky and the lower one is the earth.

Gods and monks use Wu Lou to absorb negative spirits - this remedy should be used to absorb or reduce negative energy. Wu Lou can be used in many ways as a remedy and activator in order to prevent bad things from happening: 1. Hang as many Wu Lou as you can in the possible areas of your home to attract health, good luck and reduce negative energy. 2. Hang a Wu Lou to each side of the bed to help heal the sick and to send the disease away.

3. Hang a Wu Lou in your bedroom or even on the bed to prevent health problems. Better safe than sorry! 4. Hang a Wu Lou in your kitchen to make sure that the food you cook will be healthy. 5. Hang a Wu Lou in the Eastern sector of your living room to benefit from health for you and your entire

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family. 6. Wu Lou bracelets and necklaces are excellent presents for the elderly, at their birthdays or on other special occasions, symbolizing your best regards and your wish that they live a long life. 7. Placing a Wu Lou on your desk will reduce and reject the negative energy that might affect you. 8. Hang a Wu Lou in your car to protect you from accidents and to rid you of all the negative energy. 9. Place a Wu Lou near the place where you spend most of the day and where you think there is a lot of negative energy builds up. The remedy will reject the negative energy and bring good luck and fortune to your life. Those who wish to use a Wu Lou for attracting health should follow these pieces of advice: 1. Always wear on you a Wu Lou to attract a lucky health. 2. Hang a Wu Lou in your car to collect health luck from all the places you travel to. 3. Hang a Wu Lou in the direction of your Sheng Chi (luck direction) to allow this remedy to absorb as much energy for you as possible. d. Number 8 - the Feng Shui remedy for peaceful relationships, good luck, wealth and protection.

Attract endless love, success and wealth. It is an exquisite remedy especially for this time its shape helping energy flow and making everything look smooth and easy. It should be hung on the wall in the living room or in your office, in a visible spot.

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e. The PAGODE The pagoda represents the seven treasures of the Buddhism, attracts good will and blessing from the seventh North Star. This star attracts wellbeing and success in your career. This remedy brings many benefits and improvements, but the most know one is that it energizes and purifies the place it is placed in. Specialists say that the pagoda improves reflexes and concentration power. The pagoda takes on all the negative energy from the space it is placed in and transforms them into positive Shi, helping you have a clearer mind, a more positive and constructive mindset. The pagoda attracts divine protection of the fourth star, luck, fame and promovation in the work place. 1. The pagoda of the seven elements

They say that this remedy can capture evil spirits that bring along diseases and troubles and keep them locked inside it until they are completely purified, after which it lets them free through the form of positive energy and general welfare. Placed near the main entrance, the pagoda will protect you against loss and can reduce competition. Placing it in your office enforces you with more

authority over your employees. The remedy is recommended to those who want to pass exams easily. To attract a better health, specialists recommend placing the pagoda in the Eastern area of your living room.

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2. The 7 level crystal pagoda

Feng Shui masters consider that this remedy is especially powerful for those who want to move up in their career and enjoy fame and recognition. It should be placed on your work desk. Children in school should also place this crystal pagoda on their desks or on a pile of books, to be successful in their exams.

f. The Yin - Yang symbol - a Feng Shui remedy

No matter the shape, material or presentation, the Yin- Yang symbol, used as a Feng Shui remedy protects against negative thoughts and enemies as well. It helps strengthen your aura. It balances the energy in the room it is placed in.

A symbol for relationship and energy harmony, it stimulates Chi and balances ones health. It should be hung in your bedroom or in the workroom if you spend most of your time in there.

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g. The Eye of Horus

It banishes all evil deeds and actions. It is a very powerful amulet that protects and brings along guidance. It ensures the protection of the house or the office it is placed in, against evil charms, negative energy and bad thoughts. It is associated with rejuvenation, health and accelerated prosperity.

h. The Feng Shui Panpipe

The panpipe is one of the most powerful Feng Shui remedies for reducing negative energy from the beams in your house.

i. Swarovski Crystals

In the Feng Shui tradition, multi faced crystals are an important remedy that has a protection role against negative energy that flows into your home, of capturing light and amplifying the positive energy in the room they are placed. They must be placed

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inside homes to attract and spread the sun light everywhere. Swarovski Crystals are an important remedy in the art of Feng Shui. They are destined to protect against negative energy coming in, of capturing light and amplifying the positive energy in the space, they are placed. They must be placed inside homes to attract and spread the sun light everywhere. Where a Swarovski crystal should be placed? It should be placed within the doorsteps, windows, in the center of the

room, on your chandelier, under suspended furniture, on lamps set on walls, in the corners of a room, over the bed, over the office, in the hallway, in closed spaces, in the car, on a terrace, in the balcony, next to decorative or interior plants or wherever you feel you need more light and brightness in a room. However, it's best to follow the purpose of placing the crystal where there is sunlight, even for a minor period during a day.

Direct sunlight over your crystal will give it rainbow colors. This is why it is best to place the crystal near the windows, where crystals can capture sunlight. You can rotate them so that the specter of light and color will invade the room.

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Here is how the ceiling of a room where Swarovski crystals have been placed looks like in full sun light. It is a joy to the eyes watching this game of colors each time the sun reaches your room filtrated through your crystal. Along with the colorful light, the positive energy is transmitted in all the corners of the room, the role of this multi-faced crystal being that of spreading Chi energy all over.

Sheila Edwards
