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fergus - futile.workHawaii state registrar Alvin Onaka has publicly certified to AZ SOS Ken ennett...

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fergus Friday, Jan 18, 2013 07:04 AM CST Thank you Alex, though I doubt this will make a shred of difference to those invested in "debunking" reality. armedwithknowledge.blogspot.com Monday, Jan 21, 2013 07:37 AM CST ..just like the inconsistencies with the conventional Sandy Hook story, constantly mentioned by critical thinkers, will only be considered by those follow Fox or CNN after Fox or CNN say it's ok to consider the evidence. The true definition of a sheep. hquain Friday, Jan 18, 2013 07:13 AM CST Contradiction ... makes a great lede. While it’s often best not to engage with conspiracy theorists on their own turf, as you can probably never convince them,... Yep. it’s worth setting the record straight on all the myths and phony evidence surrounding the Sandy Hook massacre. NO. N.O. Get a grip. porsadgai Friday, Jan 18, 2013 07:39 AM CST The most troubling thing about these mentally ill freaks who chase every single conspiracy theory out there is the overlap between this afflicted group and another crowd of delusional folks: the ones who think they're going to fight off "tyrannical government" (i.e. black POTUS) with their little gun collections. feralferal Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:53 AM CST That was a very aggressive and hostile comment you just made. I watched the Sandy Hook conspiracy videos and wondered about each of the points made in this article and I believe the article did a good job of addressing them. Not every one who see inconsistencies in reporting is mentally ill. The fact is that the media really did a terrible job when it comes to Sandy Hook. They presented information as coming from law enforcement officials when it is obvious that much of that info had to have been coming from unreliable sources. The problem is that our media has become more issue driven than event driven. They can speak at length on any issue and incite anger and division on a whim, but when it comes to reporting on an event responsibly, providing the people with the basic, who, what, when, where and how, they are increasingly lacking. Great article. Hope more people read it. sitka0230 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 11:51 AM CST No, the media didn't do a horrible job. They were reporting in the aftermath of a horrific tragedy. In a 24-hour news cycle, there is going to be contradictory, sometimes outright false information that seeps through the cracks. It is the nature of these events. At real issue is that there are so many people who so deeply mistrust the President, they think he would stage this type of event. Sadly, I must admit, I have given into conspiracy theories before, too. They are rooted in a deep seated distrust of those in power. My first indication that these conspiracy theorist cherry picked information and were engaged in their own dishonesty and deceit was after the OKC bombing. Being from Oklahoma and knowing individuals who had first hand
Page 1: fergus - futile.workHawaii state registrar Alvin Onaka has publicly certified to AZ SOS Ken ennett that arack Obama’s HI birth certificate is legally non-valid and the White House

fergus Friday, Jan 18, 2013 07:04 AM CST Thank you Alex, though I doubt this will make a shred of difference to those invested in "debunking" reality. armedwithknowledge.blogspot.com Monday, Jan 21, 2013 07:37 AM CST ..just like the inconsistencies with the conventional Sandy Hook story, constantly mentioned by critical thinkers, will only be considered by those follow Fox or CNN after Fox or CNN say it's ok to consider the evidence. The true definition of a sheep. hquain Friday, Jan 18, 2013 07:13 AM CST Contradiction ... makes a great lede. While it’s often best not to engage with conspiracy theorists on their own turf, as you can probably never convince them,... Yep. it’s worth setting the record straight on all the myths and phony evidence surrounding the Sandy Hook massacre. NO. N.O. Get a grip. porsadgai Friday, Jan 18, 2013 07:39 AM CST The most troubling thing about these mentally ill freaks who chase every single conspiracy theory out there is the overlap between this afflicted group and another crowd of delusional folks: the ones who think they're going to fight off "tyrannical government" (i.e. black POTUS) with their little gun collections. feralferal Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:53 AM CST That was a very aggressive and hostile comment you just made. I watched the Sandy Hook conspiracy videos and wondered about each of the points made in this article and I believe the article did a good job of addressing them. Not every one who see inconsistencies in reporting is mentally ill. The fact is that the media really did a terrible job when it comes to Sandy Hook. They presented information as coming from law enforcement officials when it is obvious that much of that info had to have been coming from unreliable sources. The problem is that our media has become more issue driven than event driven. They can speak at length on any issue and incite anger and division on a whim, but when it comes to reporting on an event responsibly, providing the people with the basic, who, what, when, where and how, they are increasingly lacking. Great article. Hope more people read it. sitka0230 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 11:51 AM CST No, the media didn't do a horrible job. They were reporting in the aftermath of a horrific tragedy. In a 24-hour news cycle, there is going to be contradictory, sometimes outright false information that seeps through the cracks. It is the nature of these events. At real issue is that there are so many people who so deeply mistrust the President, they think he would stage this type of event. Sadly, I must admit, I have given into conspiracy theories before, too. They are rooted in a deep seated distrust of those in power. My first indication that these conspiracy theorist cherry picked information and were engaged in their own dishonesty and deceit was after the OKC bombing. Being from Oklahoma and knowing individuals who had first hand

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experience with the events of April 19, 1995 due to proximity to the bombing, I realized that much of what was being claimed didn't add up. This was followed by 9/11. In order to believe many of the conspiracy theories, I had to dismiss what I witnessed live with my own eyes to adopt a narrative for which there was no supporting evidence, only conjecture. Then there was the entire birther fiasco. Now, in retrospect, I question some of the conspiracies I used to embrace, whether the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK or FDR allowing Pearl Harbor to occur. That said, I know our government hasn't always acted in altruistic manners and that it actually has done some pretty nefarious things before. However, that doesn't mean that any and all tragedies are the result of said government. hackingTheTruth Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 12:02 AM CST entire birther fiasco?? are you talking about Alvin Onaka? Hawaii state registrar Alvin Onaka has publicly certified to AZ SOS Ken Bennett that Barack Obama’s HI birth certificate is legally non-valid and the White House image is a forgery. Laffing Crow Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 08:54 AM CST It's hard to know whether to laugh or cry when you read deep-seated delusional stuff like this. http://www.azcentral.com/12news/Obama-Verification.pdf gzuckier Monday, Jan 21, 2013 11:59 PM CST As demonstrated in these letters, wherein he says exactly the opposite: that Obama has a valid birth certificate stating he was born in Hawaii which is the same as the one the White House has. http://www.scribd.com/doc/106576604/2012-09-14-KS-SoS-Kobach-Letter-to-Onaka-and-Response http://talkingpointsmemo.com/documents/2012/05/hawaiis-verification-of-president-obamas-birth.php?page=1 hackingTheTruth Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 12:08 AM CST 9/11 You can't prove aluminum can go right through steel. Go visit the NYPD museum because they have melted stuff and lava rocks which was not caused by office fires. Go use your eyes again! Ohioan Monday, Jan 21, 2013 03:54 AM CST So the media has no responsibility to get anything right anymore? Get every basic piece of information wrong multiple times and its not your fault? Why not just pass along any rumor you here without making any effort to verify anything. Ohioan Monday, Jan 21, 2013 03:57 AM CST Why won't this let me edit a typo? Annoying. jimmy corn Saturday, Feb 2, 2013 07:13 AM CST

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lol JFK head went back and to the left, back and to the left.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0bIRkv29xk lol 9/11 http://www.ae911truth.org/ 1,800 architects and engineers scientifically proven building 7 was a control demolition and the towers were not brought down by planes. And have taken apart the NIST report and shown it to be impossible! NIST admits in their report that their THEORY is the least probable scenario. Pearl Harbor THEIR IS NO CONSPIRACY THEORY that the government in Washington allowed it to happen ITS A FACT! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2068188/Declassified-memo-warned-FDR-Hawaii-attack-3-days-Pearl-Harbor.html "No, the media didn't do a horrible job. They were reporting in the aftermath of a horrific tragedy. In a 24-hour news cycle, there is going to be contradictory, sometimes outright false information that seeps through the cracks" TO THIS DAY NBC HAS STATED THAT ONLY HANDGUNS WERE FOUND ON ADAM LANZA, CONFIRMED BY STATE AND FEDERAL OFFICIALS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0bIRkv29xk ABC, CBS SAID RIFLE WAS NOT ON ADAM! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=HK8Z5K5M2Dw suspect arrested in woods...."Answer: It was Chris Manfredonia, the father of a 6-year-old who attends the school. He was on his way to the school to make gingerbread houses with first-graders when he heard gunfire and smelled sulfur, so he ran." So Chris ran and after police started chancing him he still ran all the way into the woods and somehow was found with guns and wearing camo? really? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apwTd-B_MP8 Ya and this parent is 'confused and stressed' so thats why he says that the man is sitting over their in the police car! lol give me a break. THIS DEBUNKS EVERYTHING SALON HAS SAID MULTIPLE SUSPECTS BEHIND THE WOODS ON CHESTWOOD WHICH IS NOT IN THE WOODS OR RUNNING INTO THE WOODS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5vSvrzq92I But lets also look at Salons (maybe). A off duty swat member is in the woods because he heard 'gunshots' really how would he hear that when there is not much around the school so was he duck hunting in the woods? lol and why would he have camo and why would he be hiding or running from police? if he heard gunshots he would of heard sirens and called in to see what was happening and not hide in the woods! Come on and I can go on and on....but its just cause you cant convince a critical thinker, no its cause you cant convince me with propaganda hack jobs like this Alex piece who title the article DEBUNKED so it has to mean he debunked it. lolol debunked with arguments like ohh it wasnt a suspect it was an off duty swat member hiding in the woods with camo on, ya right! With no evidence to back his claim actually he provided little evidence on maybe 1 or 2 of them but the rest just gave the 'just trust me' argument. Anyone who believes this propagandist is void of any independent thought or problem solving skills what so ever! jimmy corn Saturday, Feb 2, 2013 04:08 PM CST jimmy corn Saturday, Feb 2, 2013 04:10 PM CST So @porsadgai hey guy sense you know it all then answer all these inconsistencies! I am not talking about crisis actors or any of that crap! these are real inconsistencies and Alex presstitute tried to debunk two of them but failed miserably so go head genius! Come on you want to call names and insult people so put up or shut up! You wont cause your nothing but a shill SO I CHALLENGE ALEX THE AUTHOR OF THIS PROPAGANDA HACK JOB AND ANY OTHERS WHO WANT TO CALL NAMES AND INSULT PEOPLE BUT CANT BACK ANYTHING UP EXCEPT FOR THE CRISIS ACTORS B.S. OR THE GUY IN THE WOODS WAS A OFF DUTY SWAT MEMBER HIDING FROM POLICE WEARING CAMO BECAUSE HE HEARD GUNSHOTS. LOL HE MUST OF BEEN DUCK HUNTING BY THE SCHOOL AND WAS SCARED TO DEATH OF GUNSHOTS SO HE HID IN THE WOODS. LOL OR HEY THIS ONE 'OHH THE RIFLE WAS FOUND ON ADAM' LOL NBC CONFIRMED FROM STATE AND FEDERAL OFFICIALS 4 HANDGUNS AND ONLY HANDGUNS WERE FOUND ON ADAM. ABC, CBS ALSO SAY ONLY HANDGUNS FOUND ON ADAM. LOL

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ALL YOU PUT UP OR SHUT UP. 1. Besides anonymous 'law enforcement officials' telling the media that Adam Lanza was a former pupil at the school, they also said his mother was currently a teacher there, that she was found among the dead and that her son had specifically sought out her classroom first. But when it emerged that teaching staff at the school had never heard of a Nancy Lanza, it was suggested that she was a substitute teacher whose name therefore mightn't appear on staff lists. But this claim too has disappeared down the memory hole because it's now known that neither Nancy nor her son had any connection with the school whatsoever. Adam Lanza was in fact home-schooled. 2. Why were there such persistent reports that Mrs. Lanza was a kindergarten teacher, and that she died at the school, when the new official story is that she was not connected to the school and was killed at home? 3. Also at least one parent told the AP that Nancy Lanza was a substitute teacher at the school. But thats not true because Nancy Lanza was never a teacher their and has no affiliation with the school. So who are these "parents" telling AP press that Lanza is a teacher? Why would they say that and what they dont know who is teaching their young children? http://wtvr.com/2012/12/14/timeline-of-connecticut-elementary-school-shooting/ jimmy corn Saturday, Feb 2, 2013 04:11 PM CST 4. Sandy Hook School Principal Dawn Hochsprung told The Bee that a masked man entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shots - more than she could count - that went "on and on." How could the principal have survived to give this statement to local press describing what happened ... if she was one of the first to be killed? Incidentally, The Newtown Bee's article was taken down a couple of days ago. Why was it taken down as to cover it up instead of making a redaction? And what the newspaper staff of the tiny town doesnt know who the elementary school principle is of their town? My mom worked as a editor of my cities paper which is far larger the Newtown and she was friends with all schools board members or at least knew who they were. http://www.sott.net/image/image/s6/124104/full/Sandy_Hook_Principal_statement.jpg 5. In the official police radio transmissions an officer who sounds out of breath, like he's just given chase, reports what sounds like "these guys" followed certainly by "multiple weapons, including long rifles and shotgun". So what happened to these guys? we hear at 1.38' a report that gunfire is still being heard, even though the shooting was supposed to have ended by the time police arrived. The next report at 2.35' says that the shooting has stopped and the school is "in lockdown". At 3.23', the police relay a teacher's report that she saw "two shadows running past the gym" This is followed by another officer on the scene who says, "Yeh, we got 'em, they're coming at me! ... [inaudible] ... Coming up the driveway real slowly!" That same officer at 5.40' says he has them "proned out", which presumably means he has apprehended them and they are laid out on the ground, before another officer comes on to say, "be aware that we do have a second [inaudible] ..." Later on, at 19.10', an officer who sounds out of breath, like he's just given chase, reports what sounds like "these guys" followed certainly by "multiple weapons, including long rifles and shotgun". If these were found so early on, why were they not included in the initial press reports which stated that three firearms had been found - the Glock, Sig Sauer and Bushmaster AR-15 rifle? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9klblvRFzaI 6. A child asserts that he/she heard someone say, "Put your hands up," followed by the reply, "Don't shoot." This indicates that the police took a suspect into custody inside the school. But if that was Adam Lanza, how did he kill himself after that point? 7. Another child asserts that he/she saw a man pinned down to the ground with handcuffs on. Again, this indicates that the police took a suspect into custody. If that was Adam Lanza, how did he then kill himself? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY9hOQ2h6m8 jimmy corn Saturday, Feb 2, 2013 04:11 PM CST 8. What happened to the woodsman in a black jacket and camo pants who was arrested and handcuffed outside the school? He actually shouted to parents, "It wasn't me." Who was he and what was he doing there? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECo9-gUmtUo

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9.Video taken from a helicopter shows police chasing one man into the woods and catching him but it also shows another man at the 0:40 mark come out of hiding and start running. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=An1yHCzdNhQ 10. WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS REPORT about a manhunt for a second gunman heavily armed? The massacre involved two gunmen and prompted the town of Newtown to lock down all its schools and draw SWAT teams to the school, authorities said today. One shooter is dead and a manhunt is on for a second gunman. Police are searching cars. One shooter was described as a 24-year-old armed man with four weapons and wearing a bullet-proof vest, sources told ABC News. http://www.sott.net/image/image/s6/123938/large/manhunt_second_gunman_abc.jpg The ABC News report about a manhunt underway for the second gunman, BEFORE they straightened their story out. Remember that the first shooter was supposedly very much dead by the time police arrived, so this second gunman could not possibly have been 'confused' for the other one. 11. Or this report....A second shooting suspect, a 24 year old man with a bulletproof vest and 4 guns has been apprehended in custody. http://www.sott.net/image/image/s6/123939/large/Possible_2nd_shooter_Newtown_Z.jpg 12. suspect arrested in the woods was named in an Associated Press report as 24-year-old Ryan Lanza. The original report has long since vanished of course, but you can see it referenced here http://blog.al.com/wire/2012/12/connecticut_elementary_school.html This was despite the fact that Ryan had already been named as the deceased suspect inside the school, lying next to two handguns. Ryan Lanza was actually at work in Hoboken, New Jersey, that morning when his name and photo began circulating in the media. And so, for most of Friday, the 'lone shooter' was erroneously reported as "Ryan Lanza, confirmed dead." At the same time, we were being told that Ryan's girlfriend and a room-mate were reported missing, also from Hoboken, New Jersey. 13. So this isn't just a case of mistaken identity, as later claimed when it was suggested that Adam had a piece of identification belonging to his brother on his person. Not one, but BOTH Lanza brothers were being placed by 'law enforcement officials' at the scene of the shooting. http://www.ndtv.com/article/world/us-school-shooting-suspect-is-24-younger-brother-held-says-source-305658 Now remember, all of this confusion somehow resulted from a single guy going into a school and shooting children and teachers and then shooting himself, all within three minutes. Surely it should have been fairly easy to rapidly and concretely identify the details of such a crime and the scene. jimmy corn Saturday, Feb 2, 2013 04:12 PM CST 14. Long before any suspects were named, and even as we were being told that Nancy Lanza was among the dead at the school, we were told that police were investigating a murder in ... Hoboken, New Jersey, where a body had been found at the home of ... Ryan Lanza! An older "confirmed" version of events had RYAN, not Adam, traveling to Hoboken that morning to murder his father before going to the school in Newtown, Connecticut.http://www.campussafetymagazine.com/Channel/School-Safety/News/2012/12/14/Conn-Gunman-Went-To-School-To-Kill-Mother.aspx Other variants had Ryan OR Adam going to both their divorced parents' homes and killing them before going to the school. http://www.inquisitr.com/438753/adam-lanza-connecticut-school-shooting-suspect-reportedly-killed-both-parents/ 15. someone or some people "confirming" to Associated Press and other media outlets that the Ryan's father had been murdered [he wasn't even aware that the shooting at the school had taken place until journalists turned up on his doorstep], or that Ryan's girlfriend had gone missing from Hoboken, or that either Ryan or Adam were pulled out of the adjacent woods in handcuffs yelling "I DIDN'T DO IT" to assembled parents. These aren't just 'little details' that can be confused for other details, these are detailed narratives. So how, or why, would any member of the press come up with such details? 16. The medical examiner asserts that all wounds were caused by a rifle or other long weapon, and police/FBI say that the school was littered with .223 (rifle) casings. But Adam Lanza was found dead in the school with only handguns--a rifle was found in the trunk of his car. But then he could not possibly have been firing the rifle, and could not have committed the murders. Who did? http://tinyurl.com/d27sfcm

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17. The Bushmaster rifle was found in the trunk of the shooter's car. The Sig Sauer and Glock pistols were the only weapons used in the shooting, according to CBS. 18. Now the question is what kind of magazine would allow a shooter to fire "100" rounds in such a short period." But it doesnt matter how many rounds because the medical examiner said the 7 bodies he has looked at so for have rifle .233 caliber bullet wounds as the ONLY used to kill them BUT HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE WHEN ADAM WAS FOUND WITH 2 PISTOLS AND THE RIFLE WAS FOUND LATER IN THE TRUNK OF THE CAR? That means IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR ADAM TO HAVE KILLED THOSE KIDS BECAUSE HE DIDNT HAVE A RIFLE! 19. Remember that only "the rifle" was used on all the victims. If only this rifle was used, and if we try to make this claim fit into the (admittedly fluid) official version of events, then the alleged lone gunman would have had to leave the school, place the rifle back in his trunk, then return inside the school and shoot himself. No one reported any such maneuver on the part of any gunman or gunmen. What we do have, however, is live emergency services radio feed in which we hear that two men have been apprehended and are "proned out" AND live video footage supported by eyewitness testimony showing what appears to be a THIRD man being arrested by police in the woods. jimmy corn Saturday, Feb 2, 2013 04:12 PM CST 20. One brave teacher, Kaitlin Roig, bundled a bunch of children into a bathroom and locked the door. What's interesting about her testimony to ABC News is that when police arrived and asked her to open the door, she refused, saying that "if they were really cops, they'd know where to find keys to open the door." In addition, she requested that they slide their badges under the door. Now, this is generally a smart thing to do in any and all interactions with the police, especially in the U.S. But to have the wherewithal to do so under such traumatic circumstances strongly suggests that Ms. Roig had logically deduced by that point that multiple perpetrators were involved, and that they were either impersonating police officers or were indistinguishable from SWAT team police commandos, either in the way they dressed or the way they behaved upon entering the building. It also reminds us just how narrow the time window of the actual shooting was. The shooting appears to have barely ended when men knocked on that bathroom door and told Ms. Roig they were police. 21. According to the official story, the killing was tightly confined to two classrooms. But then why were so many children told to close their eyes while leaving the building? 22. What happened to the dark van or SUV that the police surrounded in the parking lot, or the maroon sedan with a blown-out back window they were on the lookout for? 23. According to the official story, Adam Lanza was found with his older brother's ID, and it was not stolen. However, older brother Ryan--who officials say is very cooperative--claims not to have even seen his brother since 2010. Where would Adam get this ID? And why does such use not qualify as a theft? 24. Joanne Didonato, the principle's secretary, called in sick on Friday--something she rarely does. So presumably, she must have been awfully ill. Yet she then felt well enough to give an interview. "Of all days," she said, emphasizing the strange coincidence. 25. Why were parents told on Friday that "if you haven't been reunited with your child by now it's already over"? Does anyone imagine that real parents of real children would simply say, "Okay, the shows over, let's go home now"? 26. According to the official story, 28 people died but only 1 was wounded. The dead included 20 small, squirmy children--difficult targets even for professionals. How could Adam Lanza achieve such amazingly deadly accuracy, in such a short length of time? 27. Why did the police say on Friday that they were going to leave the bodies rotting in the school until Sunday, then Saturday morning announce that they had spirited the bodies away in the middle of the night? Perhaps to ensure that the transport, if any, would go unrecorded on photos or video? 28. The school in fact had cameras at the entrance of the school and you had to be 'buzzed' in by an administrator to get into the parking lot so how did Adam and others with body armor, masks and all black clothes get into the parking lot when as it turns out no one at the school had any idea who he was? what did the security cameras show? cycledoc Friday, Jan 18, 2013 07:47 AM CST

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Congratulations on the dumbest Salon article in the illustrious history of the magazine. Taking literally and trying to rationally explain the delusions of the mentally disturbed is tilting at windmills. cycledoc Friday, Jan 18, 2013 07:47 AM CST Congratulations on the dumbest Salon article in the illustrious history of the magazine. Taking literally and trying to rationally explain the delusions of the mentally disturbed is tilting at windmills. FredRated Friday, Jan 18, 2013 07:52 AM CST Except that the mentally ill have become such a large proportion of the population these days. hardrain77 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:49 PM CST Or rather if the MSM did their jobs more accurately, we wouldn't feel the need to research everything ourselves. For Christ's sake, they pinned the wrong brother in the first few hours without fact-checking that very important detail. He had to go on his Facebook and clear his own name! gzuckier Tuesday, Jan 22, 2013 12:11 AM CST We're at this bizarre state now where the media who gets there first wins, even if they happen to be wrong. Gotta beat twitter to the punch. I think somebody on the Bill Maher show described it Friday as the tyranny of the now; news has to fill itself with this current nonsense, rather than thoughtful pieces about the past and the future. Tristero1 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 05:58 PM CST Larger megaphone/soapbox, same percentage. Your point stands regardless. NutMegSeig Friday, Jan 25, 2013 07:28 PM CST Not so large as just loud. Thanks a lot, internet. Aaron from CA Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:05 AM CST and they seem to comment on articles to prove their illness NutMegSeig Friday, Jan 25, 2013 07:29 PM CST News comment sections are the sewers of the internet. Live Freeish Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:00 AM CST

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This is a good article. But, any attempting to debunk the conspiracy is pointless to the conspiracy theorist. All evidence reinforces the conspiracy. In their minds, why try to 'debunk' the conspiracy unless the conspiracy is real? What are they trying to hide? See how easy that is? The conspiracy becomes self-reinforcing. Tom Stewart Friday, Jan 18, 2013 11:11 AM CST This isn't an article to convince the faithful, to to answer questions that people seeing their nonsense might have. sitka0230 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 11:54 AM CST Absolutely correct. I have seen some well-meaning individuals repeat some of the crap that conspiracy theorists have posed. They may be on the fence and then someone starts rambling off a bunch of information for which they have no evidence to counter. For instance, early reports did say there were two or more shooters. However, that doesn't mean there were two or more shooters, rather it is indicative have how information is filtered in real-time in a 24-hour news saturated world. Tristero1 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 06:20 PM CST +1 Saxo Grammaticus Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:04 AM CST People believe this crap because they want to. Perhaps conspiracy theorizing adds a frisson of narcissistic excitement to drab little lives. Sure, it's stupid, but it's also ignorant--as in trivializing, even mocking, the grief of parents who have suffered unbearable, unimagineable loss. pacificwhim Friday, Jan 18, 2013 09:49 AM CST That's actually one of the soundest psychological reasons behind belief in conspiracy theories: that narcissistic frisson. Conspiracy belief also fulfills a need for some people to believe that such terrifying events do not happen randomly, but are the product of deliberate plots serving some larger purpose. Japeters Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:21 PM CST It is ignorant to let justice go unserved because you have your head complacently and comfortably stuck in the sand. You are mocking and disprecting these families by trying to blame guns for this tragedy instead of the real forces which lead to these abuses. Northwestwoods Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:34 PM CST Such too many easily accessible guns. psh_vermont Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:05 AM CST

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Thanks for this article!!! My favorite part was the 1983 Fox news Google hit!!! I have a theory that the people who initiate these conspiracies know what they're doing and don't believe them themselves. I think this is true of things like "creationism" and "global warming truthism" -- some smart cynical people make up the "theory" with the clever false reasoning you outline here, knowing full well what they're doing (creating a false narrative to support an otherwise losing political position). They also know two other things: 1). A large number of suckers will fall for it uncritically, and 2). Too often the press will not do the work to show it as just plain false. The press will either ignore it and let it fester, or present it as an equally legitimate point of view in a two-sided argument. So, Alex, thanks for being an exception to that last point!!! Great piece! sitka0230 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 11:56 AM CST I concur. I think Alex Jones, for instance, is a complete charlatan only out to make a mint off the exceptionally gullible. tailwind Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:08 AM CST I personally wonder how much Adam Lanza's mother's life style played in what he did??? Nancy Lanza was obviously into the survivalist lifestyle and I know from a relative I have who is into that type of lifestyle. It is filled with fear, hate and every other raw human emotion that isn't good for normal people to be indulging in daily. It can do a lot of damage to ones personality over time. It couldn't have been the best type of lifestyle to be indulging in with a mentally unstable boy in her care. Northwestwoods Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:35 PM CST Didn't help that she saw fit to take her Asberger kid to gun ranges. hardrain77 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:17 PM CST You believe hearsay. From all accounts, Lanza was a rather well adjusted lady who wasn't a "prepper" as you all would love to believe. tailwind Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:08 AM CST I personally wonder how much Adam Lanza's mother's life style played in what he did??? Nancy Lanza was obviously into the survivalist lifestyle and I know from a relative I have who is into that type of lifestyle. It is filled with fear, hate and every other raw human emotion that isn't good for normal people to be indulging in daily. It can do a lot of damage to ones personality over time. It couldn't have been the best type of lifestyle to be indulging in with a mentally unstable boy in her care. ps2os2 Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 06:48 PM CST I agree. A little boy in the neighborhood was out on the street and he was calling a woman a witch and a few other words that aren't fit to be printed. I asked him where he got the information from and he said his mother. i felt sorry for the kid to be raised in such an environment. I suspect that the mother was raised in the same environment (but can't prove it).

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D.w._Skinner Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:13 AM CST No one of sane mind with common sense believed there was a conspiracy at Sandy Hook. That insanity alone belongs to Conservative republican birdbrains...as usual. armidalm Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:23 AM CST After reading most the the claims of the conspirationists and the factual counter-claims, I find somewhat disturbing the skills the conspirationists showd in putting this script together. What I find disturbing is that the conspirationists script does not seem to be the product of the spontaneous imagination of your average Joe six-bullets, but the artifice of very savvy pr people. I am sure that Goebbels is looking with great tender to their labor from whatever pit in hell he is in. Realitybytes Friday, Jan 18, 2013 11:07 AM CST I thought the same thing- I was also struck by how quickly the conspiracy theories emerged- literally within hours of the shootings themselves. I'm going to try and not dwell on it too much, for fear I might start concocting a conspiracy theory of my own. sitka0230 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 11:58 AM CST There is an entire conspiracy industry. Look no further than Alex Jones and InfoWars. NaturalNews also falls into this category. hardrain77 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:18 PM CST Misinformation and Disinfo is part of the process in making the waters so muddy, you can never see the truth from it. neilallen Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:24 AM CST Great stuff, but here's a motive for Adam Lanza’s massacre – Adam was raped by a local, convicted Catholic priest, Fr John Castaldo, when Adam was 6 years old, and was taking revenge against other 6 year olds. Here's the verified evidence: http://neilallen76.wordpress.com/2012/12/19/why-adam-lanza-massacred-children-at-sandy-hook-newtown-a-theory/ It can’t be proven yet, but it is the best explanation yet for why Adam would want to take revenge against other 6 year olds, since no one protected him when he was 6 years old. Northwestwoods Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:42 PM CST I looked through all the links and there is absolutely no "verified evidence" therein that Adam Lanza was raped by a priest. This article was created for the likes of you. Rufus Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 01:12 AM CST "Here's the verified evidence: ..... It can't be proven yet" *cough*

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indyotto Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:25 AM CST The fact that we have to take time debunking this bullshit is sad enough. Sadder yet, it won't make a dent in their tinfoil hats. alphabits Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:53 AM CST In my world (network engineering), the network is blamed for everything and anything, from the bad weather to clogged toilets. It's my job to prove otherwise, regardless of the logic. Most people are too lazy and stupid to do their own homework before coming to me, and this applies to our current civilization. Get used to it. ludakristen Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:26 AM CST Although I found this article interesting, I agree with everybody else re: the pointlessness of trying to reason with the delusional people who believe this crap. sitka0230 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:00 PM CST That's not the target. Rather the friends and family who may be sucked into these conspiracy theories because they do not have enough information to counter the rubbish. armidalm Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:33 AM CST To ludakristen et al. I would have loved in people would have reacted more strongly to the delusion of a much of nuts who one afternoon of 1923 met in a beer house in Munich. The point is not to convince them, to one is expecting they will change their view which is self-serving, They point is not to let them run with it, Their is an old Spanish proverb who says that the one who remains silent concedes. MoonWitch Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:40 AM CST Ask yourselves why perpetuating this myth as any different or any more or less dangerous than perpetuating the myth of religion? One man's delusion is another man's salvation. How many more young minds will be molested by being indoctrinated into delusional thought which may, I have no evidence beyond observational, contribute to a later in life inability to separate fact from fiction and be more prone to believe in conspiracy theories. Oh, one other thing -- I WOULD SO WANT TO BELIEVE EMILEE WAS ALIVE TOO. I would so want to give in to this theory and the believe that this is all for guns and Emilee is still alive as are the others; yet, I'm afraid reality must intrude. They are dead. Humans are animals. There is no rhyme or reason. There will never be. No fact nor fiction, legislation or liturgy will undo any of this, nor prevent it. Only you -- only you to evolve. Remember your children and spend time with them. Hate Adam Lanza all you wish, but if you could, you'd better listen to him. He has much to teach you and there are 10,000 more out there just like him.

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hipkitch Friday, Jan 18, 2013 09:11 AM CST So perpetuating the myth that a horrific tragedy where 20 1st graders little bodies are tore apart by a mad gunman is nothing more than a black operation / hoax ... is no different than someone having faith. You do realize you can actually have a rational conversation at Salon without turning it into a rant against anyone having the slightest hint of spirituality right? MoonWitch Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:14 AM CST I'm sorry, as a practicing Nihilist, I'm immune to the notion of a narcissistic spirituality -- it still lends itself to the notion that you matter and therefore must be discounted, discredited and shown for what it is, delusion of another variety but delusion all the same. The latest in a fad of Star Belly Sneeches. JBAKA Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:39 AM CST You're a practicing narcissist, if not of a spiritual variety. It's revolting to use a tragedy like this to push your own obsession. Japeters Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:28 PM CST really?? do a public records search and see if you can find Emilee registered as a student anywhere in Newtown. The school records don't even show an Emilee on the roster...so...maybe you have your wish granted! Charles Frith Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:42 AM CST Alex Seit Wald is the kind of person who has problems with American kids being shot but no problems with the 50 Palestinians bombed from the air by the Israeli Attack Force in operation pillar of sadism. Furthermore he's OK with extra-judicial drone killings. But worst of all he believes authority figures like government and police. Both institutions are no more credible than a person on the internet who asks how the lone gunman could carry all that hardware? Charles Frith Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:42 AM CST Alex Seit Wald is the kind of person who has problems with American kids being shot but no problems with the 50 Palestinians bombed from the air by the Israeli Attack Force in operation pillar of sadism. Furthermore he's OK with extra-judicial drone killings. But worst of all he believes authority figures like government and police. Both institutions are no more credible than a person on the internet who asks how the lone gunman could carry all that hardware? hipkitch Friday, Jan 18, 2013 09:17 AM CST 1 - Where did Alex say in any way that he has no problem with Palestinian children being killed? More importantly ... how is that relevant to the article / overall point in any way shape or form? 2 - If you are automatically, almost religiously, afraid to trust anything that comes out of the mouth of the Gov or Police ...you're the one with the (paranoid) problem. 3 - How could one man possibly carry an assault rifle and two hand guns? I'm going to assume with his hands. GoodNewsEveryone

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Friday, Jan 18, 2013 09:26 AM CST This article makes no mention of the fact that my neighbour's dog keeps pooping on my lawn. So I guess he's OK with THAT, too! chestercat Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:13 PM CST You're being misdirected to the wrong end. Check for the little "doggie cam" around his/her neck. Aunt Messy Friday, Jan 18, 2013 09:48 AM CST Cue the whack jobs..... Tom Stewart Friday, Jan 18, 2013 11:14 AM CST They need no cue. paulpsd7 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:05 AM CST Charles Frith is just pissed off that the "conspiracy" that he's been so heavily invested in promoting has now been debunked and he's got nuthin. So he's lashing out incoherently, as one would expect. sitka0230 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:02 PM CST The old Greenwaldian "don't look at this tragedy, look over there" move. Greenwald is fortunately gone from the pages of Salon. I am sure he presented his false dichotomies over at the Guardian. Northwestwoods Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:46 PM CST Got a wee hard-on for Glenn Greenwald, do ya? The Zug Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:50 AM CST This is a great article, though I'm sure it won't make any difference to the evil vermin who spread these lies just because of their sick gun fetishes. alphabits Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:53 AM CST cross1242 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:55 AM CST Another reason for conspiracy theories on any great events is that in most people's minds a great disaster must have great causes. And, the explanation that a lone shooter killed 20 kids is just not a sufficient cause. It happens all the time: the Kennedy assassination; the Twin Towers were imploded by explosives; "FDR knew the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor and did nothing"; etc.

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Northwestwoods Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:50 PM CST Um, from the House Select Committee on Assassinations' *conclusions*... "The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The committee was unable to identify the other gunmen or the extent of the conspiracy." JSiobhan Friday, Jan 18, 2013 07:43 PM CST Or at least a cause that their minds can understand. A nefarious government seeking power and control is easier to digest than a mentally ill young man who felt compelled to kill children. Adam represents every parent's nightmare of giving birth to a child who has the capacity to murder human beings. ToddDeModd Friday, Jan 18, 2013 09:09 AM CST Sometimes man, you jsut gotta throw your hands up in the air. www.Anon-vc.tk scboolitcaster Friday, Jan 18, 2013 09:30 AM CST Would it be fair to say that much of the uncertainty was brought about by inaccurate reporting by the media? Case in point: the shotgun taken from the car. It was reported by the media to be a Bushmaster. Another example is the weapons used during the shooting. First it was four handguns. Then an AR. It's no wonder that conspiracy theorists crawl from the woodwork. The shoddy reporting from the media spurs it on. Rachel H Friday, Jan 18, 2013 09:37 AM CST I wouldn't say the reporting was shoddy, so much as it was premature. If you have to fill air time, you're going to repeat every rumor you hear. The 24/7 news cycle abhors a vacuum. Susan Wood Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:05 AM CST Can you recall a single disastrous event, natural or man-made, in which the initial information was 100% accurate? The Munich hostage-taking, when the Israeli athletes all died along with their captors? I heard a news report on the day of the firefight that said they'd been successfully rescued, and was feeling happy and relieved before the true report came in. How about the shooting at Gabby Giffords's meeting with her constituents? How about the assassination of J.F.K.? On the day of the shooting, the initial news said he was alive but in critical condition when he arrived at the hospital, where he lived long enough to receive last rites. Reports of his injuries, however, make it clear that he must have died instantly. On the other hand, when Gabby Giffords was shot, we heard initially that SHE had died instantly, when in fact she survived, although with debilitating injuries. Initial news from a chaotic, frightening situation is never, never NEVER accurate, and that is not rocket science! Northwestwoods Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:51 PM CST ...and Columbine: There was no connection to a purported "Trenchcoat Mafia"

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armidalm Friday, Jan 18, 2013 09:45 AM CST Susan Wood Friday, Jan 18, 2013 09:59 AM CST Gun fetishists are lashing out like cornered rats. JasonJames Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:11 AM CST Thanks for taking your time to dissect these absurd ideas that seems to be getting traction. You could add the 'theories' concerning the shooter's brother, and the ID non-issue... bigguns Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:17 AM CST The Sandy Hook truthers are ideological kin to Westboro Baptist. They're both ghouls, stalking the living as they grieve the dead. firstpersoninfinite Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:26 AM CST That's basically true, I'd say. It's unfortunate that what happens in real life is now a matter of "entertainment value" for these conspiracy people. I think it substitutes outrage for the more accurate response of impotent sadness. ChunkyMonkey Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:28 AM CST My favorite is the actors. If actors are playing parents, then: 1. Wouldn't all the people in Newtown who know/knew the parents speak up and say "Hey, that's not them". Is the entire town in on the conspiracy? 2. The actors must have friends, relatives, acquaintances, neighbors and fellow actors who know them. Are they all in on it, keeping silent, as these actors faces are shown on all the major news stations and (now) on all the conspiracy sites? I never followed the Kennedy conspiracy theories, but at least there is some plausibility--someone in the CIA who doesn't like Kennedy hires a gunman. But with the 9/11 and Newtown conspiracies--there would have to be gaggles of people in on the conspiracy--all keeping silent about it. Malcolm Jones Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:48 AM CST Been listening to the utterly unhinged Alex Jones. He and all (!) his guests agree: Sandy Hook was set up by the minions of the New World Order to take "patriots'" guns away. The real issue is that the killer (killers, really, they're covering up the accomplices) was stoned on Prozac given him by his shrink, or the Government, or some such. Just like the Colorado movie shooter. Just like all of them. Thankfully, Alex and some members of the Texas legislature are preparing to impeach the Socialist Who Would Be King. Mark Oller Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:48 AM CST

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I envy Winston Smith in the satire 1984. At least the Ministry of Truth wasn't so condescending. Whatever the facts about the Sandy Hook shooting, if there was one, every other recent mass murder and every terrorist act is a proven false operation. If the Republic still existed, you condescending conspiracy deniers could be convicted of capital crimes a thousand times over. Northwestwoods Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:53 PM CST Have you taken your meds today, wingnut? paulpsd7 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 04:37 PM CST every other recent mass murder and every terrorist act is a proven false operation By "proven" I take it you mean "thoroughly debunked." You couldn't be so delusional as to believe those conspiracies were "proven," right? I mean, when you woke up this morning, you thought the Sandy Hook conspiracy was "proven" too, right? Mark Oller Friday, Jan 18, 2013 08:12 PM CST I don't know enough about the events at Sandy Hook to come to a conclusion, but I am aware of some conspiracies. In the "Meet the Sandy Hook truthers" blog I wrote: Is that the best you can come up with? Try explaining the first television broadcast from the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. It shows a roughly circular, 16 foot in diameter hole in the wall and no plane. How odd. 9/11 Video Clips Dan Rather Would Rather Not Show You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0eC3uns3pA This was your reply: Yep. It's an interesting question, and neither of us knows the answer. However, you find not knowing intolerable, so you pretend to know. You've got some mad-ass theory that most people over the age of 16 would be embarrassed to share. I expect the story includes demonstrable idiots in the Bush Admin momentarily and magically transforming themselves into evil geniuses for the day of 9/11/01, and then transforming themselves back to imbeciles the next day, sort of like in Cinderella. For me, not knowing is tolerable, especially given it doesn't look like I have a choice, at least until there's a new 911 investigation. Meanwhile, I regard my government with the distrust and derision it would deserve had it orchestrated the attacks itself (which it almost certainly did not, based on other aspects of reality). Critical thinking. It's not as bad as you've been told. If you think that is an adequate response, there is no need to hide behind a pseudonym. What are you afraid of? paulpsd7 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 09:14 PM CST I like how you throw in everything but the kitchen sink to see what will stick. My response about one of the mysteries of 9/11 was inadequate for reasons you can't explain. And then you attack me for not using my real name. This is the hallmark of an irrational discussion. Here, read this to prepare for next time. paulpsd7 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 09:15 PM CST Anyhow, you seem to accept that none of those conspiracies has been "proven" (using any common definition of that word) as you declined to show any such proof. Note: a Youtube video showing something that you consider unexplainable is not proof.

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Mark Oller Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:29 PM CST The Youtube video proved that no plane struck the Pentagon or the crater in Pennsylvania for that matter. Nor did the Bureau of Transportation Statistics record the departures of flights AA 77 and AA 11 which supposedly struck the Pentagon and WTC1. How much proof of a conspiracy do you need? Do you really believe that you were not being lied to when you were told that a jet struck the Pentagon? Can you provide one believable slow motion video of the suposed jet crashes into either Twin Tower? http://www.serendipity.li/wot/aa_flts/aa_flts.htm http://apps.bts.gov/xml/ontimesummarystatistics/src/dstat/OntimeSummaryDepaturesData.xml http://911review.org/inn.globalfreepress/Cleveland_Airport_Mystery.html Wizardling Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 06:56 AM CST Well lack of meds too, but by "proven" he means 'what he believes regardless of reality'. jason Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:51 AM CST I know there are a bunch of theorists... but how would you explain a post on a fundraising site on December 10th, 2012 titled: Fundraiser for the Families Involved in the Tragic Newtown, CT Shootings by JesseW 10. December 2012 08:56 google cache URL for the entry: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Atk7Nbdrr3rcJ%3Awww.youcaring.com%2Fblog%2Fpost%2F2012%2F12%2F10%2FFundraiser-for-the-Families-Involved-in-the-Tragic-Newtown-CT-Shootings.aspx+&amp%3Bcd=1&amp%3Bhl=en&amp%3Bct=clnk&amp%3Bgl=us Northwestwoods Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:54 PM CST You didn't read the article, did you? How do explain that Fox was covering this story in the 1980s? paulpsd7 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 04:38 PM CST I'm guessing Jason couldn't bring himself to read the article because the headline was too distressing. So he jumped straight to the comments and began making a fool of himself. Wizardling Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 07:02 AM CST I love these arseholes believe in massive intricate conspiracies by governments and groups who'll kill at the drop of a hat. Yet also seem to believe delusional fuckwits on YouTube can come up with evidence, that these fantastical the conspiracy perpetrators make such blindingly simple, obvious and public mistakes , and that somehow magically they've escaped death from people who apparently will not stop at killing anybody to keep their secrets :-D They really don't know they're mentally ill, do they? collink Friday, Jan 18, 2013 11:01 AM CST

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But here, 12 days after the shooting, is MSNBC (ironically) reporting that there was no rifle found in the school. You're right that the weapon recovered from the vehicle was clearly a shotgun, but if no rifle was found in the school, how was one used? http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/50208495#50208495 And in that case, what the fuck was the coroner doing? Japeters Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:16 PM CST Not to mention, the FEDS reported that 4 hand guns were recovered inside the school. Can you imagine that scrawny autistic kid walking in there strapped with 4 gats and an AR-15, blowing people away...and then what? Why did nobody ever reported on how he died??? And why were the FEDS involved in a local shooting within an hour? Cat N Friday, Jan 18, 2013 02:32 PM CST GASP! I know! And what was a purple pony doing in the building? I heard that an eyewitness talked about a purple pony. WHY IS THE GOVT HIDING PURPLE PONIES? Mark Oller Friday, Jan 18, 2013 11:28 AM CST Perhaps the goal is not to deceive but to confuse. Incidentally, the uncropped image on the laptop computer shows the fake James Egan Holmes. About that there is no doubt whatsoever. paulpsd7 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 04:40 PM CST Perhaps the goal is not to deceive but to confuse. I'm guessing you're easily confused. Nobody needs to make a goal out of it. Japeters Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:11 PM CST wow...i don't know what his salon.com site is all about, but it appears to be a den of communist brainwashees. You people are terriyingly amusing. You think that it's plausible that both a father of a 6 six year old inside the school, and a tactical officer (in camo pants, toting a gun, and from another town...who happened to be walking by the school, of course) both heard shots insided the school and ran into the woods. Are any of you out there parents? How many of you would leave your 6 year old in the school and run away? How many swat officers would run into the woods instead of calling in a report? You claim this idioctic explanation as "proof" that there was no cover up. Now that is delusional! And no, I'm not a republican. I'm an American who has his eyes open. Northwestwoods Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:56 PM CST One doesn't have to be Republican to be an idiot, though it helps. Tristero1 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 06:25 PM CST You are an American wearing sunglasses, with images of your choosing painted on the lenses.

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WireNewsCo Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:26 PM CST Regarding the AR 15 weapon; watch the NBC Special Report on the subject http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CDHLBfKusU - which contradicts the medical examiner's claim and your article. hardrain77 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:29 PM CST Wait, first I though the mysterious guy running up the woods was supposed to be a hunter--hence the reason he was wearing camo supposedly. Now, we come to find out he was a father coming down a wooded hill to bake gingerbread cookies and he suddenly runs AWAY from a building because he hears gunshots, yet his little girl is in the building? They could be dropping a nuke on the school and I'm still racing in to get my little daughter out of there! Northwestwoods Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:57 PM CST At least in your macho fantasies. Truth is you'd probably be off quivering in fear somewhere with a pantload. Cat N Friday, Jan 18, 2013 02:27 PM CST Is there any more pathetic statement from a white trash conspiracy theorist than "Now we come to find out...!"? It's basically the hallmark beginning of a sentence from the mush-brained inbred. hardrain77 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 05:26 PM CST Great job, the two of you, of taking everything I brought up and reducing it to fit your ignorant stereotypes. Because doing that, and giving yourselves a virtual high-five in the process feels a lot better than having to use your brains for anything other than simply giving the reflex to your hand to wipe the saliva that collects on the side of your mouths thinking of what dumb response you can type next. The scary thing is that all of your comments sound like they could fit right in with Salem in the 1600's. Tristero1 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 06:28 PM CST "everything I brought up" You brought up nothing, save parental mind reading. Telepathy does not exist, ergo you received the response you deserve. Jack Hughes Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:38 PM CST Right-wing propaganda is always dishonest. It has to be. But in order to make an argument against gun control it has to be literally deranged and incoherent. ardrain77 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:50 PM CST So the second Amendment is deranged and (possibly) incoherent? Northwestwoods

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Friday, Jan 18, 2013 12:58 PM CST Not as written. ie: WELL-REGULATED (government supervised) MILITIA. Cat N Friday, Jan 18, 2013 02:30 PM CST Oh you'll never win in a mental masturbation argument against a hickwad when it comes to the second amendment hahaha. That cherry-picked language is as unyielding to them as the similarly cherry-picked language from the bible. They all grab their imaginary dicks whenever they contemplate a world without a 100-round magazine in it. hardrain77 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:15 PM CST Actually I grab my real dick and touch it thinking about how dumb trolls can misinterpret the "shall not be infringed" part they so easily seem to forget exists in the writing. paulpsd7 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 04:42 PM CST So the second Amendment is deranged and (possibly) incoherent? No. Your reading of the amendment is deranged and undoubtedly incoherent. You can't seem to understand the "well regulated militia" part. hardrain77 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:15 PM CST Then elaborate on what "shall not be infringed" means, please? hipkitch Sunday, Jan 20, 2013 07:01 PM CST That the right to a "well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" ...is a right that shall not be infringed. No ones saying the 2nd Amendment should be infringed, they're saying you need to interpret it in the spirit in which it was intended. What I find interesting is that people like you seem to think that your interpretation of the 2nd Amendment is what "shall not be infringed". bobkat Friday, Jan 18, 2013 01:41 PM CST So, according to the author of this article, every alternative news website is automatically a conspiracy website. Okay, got it! bobkat Friday, Jan 18, 2013 01:41 PM CST So, according to the author of this article, every alternative news website is automatically a conspiracy website. Okay, got it! Cat N Friday, Jan 18, 2013 02:25 PM CST

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Yes that's exactly what he said, except NO it isn't, shit for brains. Baeey Friday, Jan 18, 2013 05:43 PM CST Yea Cat N, way to debunk rumors. Call people names. Haha how immature you are. Cat N Friday, Jan 18, 2013 02:38 PM CST What the cousin-fucking fetal alcohol syndrome White trash hickwad conspiracy theorists don't seem to get is that it's more suspicious to have a story match everything perfectly then a story to have a lot of contradictions from a chaotic aftermath. Don't think so? Try reading the prisoner's account of living in a North Korean prison system. Every story about the leader was more outlandish than the first with absolutely no variation. Told the same exact way every time. Psmtz Friday, Jan 18, 2013 03:38 PM CST Here is what makes me skeptical and I'd love for this writer or anyone else to address it. How does an untrained 20-year-old with mental problems shoot and hit 26 live targets with 100% lethal accuracy? Was there not a single victim who was just wounded, shot in the arm or leg? I was trained to use the M-16 in the military and I own an AR-15. I'm ver familiar with this weapon and I just don't think even a trained expert could hit 20 scurrying children with kill shots. I want to know exactly how the shooting went down. Unless he cornered and executed all the victims, it's just not reasonable to believe this guy had the marksmanship to hit 26 moving targets with kill shots, not wounding a single person. Baeey Friday, Jan 18, 2013 05:42 PM CST If you do a google search, you will learn two women were wounded and not killed. It is very odd, however, that this bit of info is not common knowledge. Also, they were announced one week apart. The person writing this article can act holier than all day. The truth is, the stories don't add up. I am not a theorist for using common sense. Brian Lehmann Friday, Jan 18, 2013 03:41 PM CST The easy answer to the poor reporting was a race to be the first and this should be CASE A on how dangerous reporting without proper sourcing can be in this day and age. It turned into a runaway train wreck and the sole source for an insane conspiracy theory. h0b0byter99 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 03:46 PM CST NBC admits - no rifles used in Newtown shooting. http://youtu.be/iGn4o1Lb6L0 Conspiracy HQ Friday, Jan 18, 2013 03:49 PM CST The problem with this article is your are doing a good job of lumping all Conspiracy Theorists together. Not all of us think that Sandy Hook was some sort of magical Conspiracy. A true Conspiracy Theorist would examine the evidence of a conspiracy. If it is blatantly false, then call it as such. Much like I did (a self confessed conspiracy theorist) with Sandy Hook.

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The people you are referring to in this article are not Conspiracy Theorists. They are paranoid delusional people with serious mental failings. They are the same ones that run around with mega-phones and scream at unsuspecting people. My readers are very opposed to such things and believe that examining Conspiracies is a valid and necessary part of any civilized society. Please stop lumping us all in together. JewishProducer Friday, Jan 18, 2013 03:53 PM CST This article aims to do alleviate questions raised by the information we've received by media and CT spokesholes. However it falls very short. There is an awful lot more speculation that needs better facts that this pathetic article comes close to answering. For one, if Gene Rosen was/is a psychologist, as been advertised in multiple media reports - can we see his credentials? (Also, find the video of Rosen with a black Honda parked in his driveway with what appears to be a smashed drivers side window, or at least covered by a towel for some reason. If nothing else, it's interesting.) There are video interviews of relatives who seem to forget details about Emily (ex: Aunt flubs her lines and isn't sure if Emily is the youngest or oldest of the siblings in her family. Whoops.) This retraction is WEIRD because while it gives a retraction, Uhm, where the hell did the quote come from? http://newtownbee.com/News/2012-12-14__10-59-12/Retraction+And+Apology I'd expect a reporter to get fired for attaching a quote to someone just murdered. Someone wrote that, right? Who, what, where, when and WHY? That would be fact. Has crisis acting been eliminated from the realm of possibilities? Not even close, but it is always good to hear all sides to an issue. Many like me will read this and feel that not enough is provided here to rule out the possibility of a hoax. Not even close. Oh, and the coroner... uhmm.. Even Salon should come out, IMO, and admit that this guy is either lying, or in the wrong profession. Tristero1 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 06:33 PM CST "This article aims to do alleviate questions" Ouch. Please stop. "Has crisis acting been eliminated from the realm of possibilities?" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proving_a_negative The shooter was Elvis. You cannot prove it wasn't. I don't know what you produce but it has nothing to do with the English language, logic or reason. jazzy Friday, Jan 18, 2013 04:43 PM CST call me insensitive but why are there no pictures of the funerals only cars rushing out of funeral homes ?? Tristero1 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 06:34 PM CST Insensitive? No. Insane? Another question entirely. hardrain77 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:22 PM CST The crisis actors had already gone home for the day? Wizardling Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 07:07 AM CST

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LOL. I love how these nuts manufacture situation after situation that apparently hasn't happened or been record by media to their delusional satisfaction. Baeey Friday, Jan 18, 2013 05:39 PM CST In an effort to correct your corrections, the car Lanza used was a Civic, not an Accord. Remember, mistakes are how theories get started. Dana Friday, Jan 18, 2013 09:45 PM CST People reported that 5 students who escaped from Ms. Soto's classroom were driven to the Newtown Police station, according to the mother of one of those children. Likewise, a different set of parents told CNN that their child was driven to the police station. So, if 6 children from that same class showed up at Gene Rosen's house, does that mean that 11 children altogether managed to escape past Lanza? I'm just trying to make sense of the numbers. Wizardling Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 07:13 AM CST Yeah you're just trying to make sense. It's all so confusing. You're not sick in the head. You just can't understand how real life doesn't work like a TV programme and you're just putting your totally realistic and non-fuckwit questions out there, because you're perfectly innocently confused, wee didums that you are. Hey, why don't you tell us next how 'you didn't used to believe in conspiracies, but after watching these YouTube videos, well golly gee gosh, you've now started to wonder'? LOL. Obvious tired old ploys to try and make yourself sound less insane, are obvious, tired, and old. Dana Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 08:27 AM CST Well, personally, I have family who live in Newtown and they knew several of the victims and/or their families. I appreciate Alex Seitz-Wald's efforts to get the facts straight and to debunk some of the absurd theories floating around. That being said, I still have some questions about Gene Rosen's particular story. From reading various reports, I get the impression that about 5 or 6 children were able to escape from Soto's classroom during the shooting. And the parents of those students have said that their children were brought to the police station. hardrain77 Friday, Jan 18, 2013 10:21 PM CST The Sandy Hook shootings are so filled with holes that Salon and Anderson Cooper needed to post articles debunking them. Why even debunk what's supposed to be crazy ideas? All the debunking that was invested into 9/11 and still no one believes that shit. hackingTheTruth Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 12:25 AM CST 9/11 Pancake theory with 30 people untouched at the bottom. idiots!

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belle Friday, Jan 18, 2013 11:12 PM CST I want to see crime scene photos cause i don't believe it. They have never showed any proof, and the story died to quickly. hackingTheTruth Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 12:27 AM CST I found a few photos so far at Sandy Hook investigation update #11 monsters Friday, Jan 18, 2013 11:42 PM CST This article did an extremely poor job of addressing some of these claims. They hardly tore up anything about this "conspiracy" and poked holes at best. For example: When it addressed the issue where the memorial pages were created earlier than the shooting they say "Answer: Actually, this is a very common glitch for constricted-date Google searches." Well the evidence came from a FACEBOOK page not google, this doesn't answer the question at all because the pages were created on facebook and you see the date it was made on FACEBOOK not GOOGLE. The common google error did not even apply here. Also the answer on why many of them look the same was laughable. "Not all women with brown hair are the same person." This isn't even an answer and doesn't debunk anything at all. You don't have to be a insane conspiracy theorist to be concerned about the multiple inconsistencies in this story. hackingTheTruth Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 12:19 AM CST I was thinking only a javascript URL hack could make the page editable. I tested the hack and it worked. I could edit every single part of the page using the hack however if the URL is seen without the script then that theory is out the window. But You are right, every answer was lame with an army of retards following and agreeing like moron lemmings. "Sandy Hook investigation update #9 Bulletproof glass at Sandy Hook drill evidence" hackingTheTruth Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 12:13 AM CST A lot of the "theories" came directly from police radio. If I word search for "police radio" how many hits will I get? Look at that ZERO! so shocking. Go search for "Connecticut school shooting Missing Evidence Flags and Cones" and Sandy Hook investigation update #10 Attorney Sandy Hook shooter had Three Minutes Attorney Says Sandy Hook School "Was Supposed to Have Bulletproof Glass" hackingTheTruth Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 12:53 AM CST The local paper The Bee had FULL quotes from the dead principal Dawn Hochsprung of the school. You would think the local paper would know the people who are in the area. Then The Bee corrected the quote from the dead but did not say who the quote was from just that "quoted a woman who identified herself to our reporter as the principal of the school". BUT could not find which local person it was nor is the BEE investigating. The Bee blames "early online reporting" knowing its the local paper. hardrain77 Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 01:24 AM CST

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I guess the paid trolls whose jobs it is to keep this fairy tale spinning and defend this half-assed attempt at "debunking" have all gone home for the night. Mark Oller Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 01:53 AM CST This should alleviate any doubts that we have been lied to again. Notice that both Madeline and Samantha Parker are making the devil's sign in the photoshopped family photo. No doubt, it was a hidden message which few people would notice, and little Samantha has only four fingers. That is only one small anomaly. Since the audio is not working on my computer, there is a great deal I missed, but the rest of you can download the links to other videos and see where it leads. Sandy Hook: The Curious Case Of Emilie Parker http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2013/01/sandy-hook-the-curious-case-of-emilie-parker-2558804.html REALIST NEWS – Sandy Hook Photo Shopped Images Of Parker Family? http://www.brotherjohnf.com/archives/120227 Mark Oller Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 02:18 AM CST ALL HAIL the photoshopping hero who inserted the devil's signs! Wizardling Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 07:18 AM CST LMAO - yeah it's a hidden message for you! People need to use poorly hidden messages in photos and video, because how else can they secretly communicate? If only a worldwide system of networked computers existed, and there was some way to securely transmit messages over said network. Well, until such marvels appear, conspiracies will just keep having to use hand signals in photos. Maybe in the future we'll develop more sophisticated methods of secret communication *sigh* Mark Oller Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 10:24 AM CST I obviously meant it was a message for the public. It meant this photograph is fake and so is the massacre. And it had to be subtle enough not to be noticed too quickly. Vaffangool Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 02:05 AM CST Whatever their reasoning is, whatever their rationale is, it’s just terribly offensive. You realise this is the NRA we're talking about here, right? These disgusting animals are only concerned with one thing--getting to keep their toys. They just don't care how many lives are rubbed out, or how many innocents are sacrificed so they can continue to fetishize small arms. Have you noticed how often they bring religion into the conversation--as though their superstition makes them look less crazy? What kind of petty and impotent character clings so tightly to the Right to Play God? Does it make you feel like more of a man to know you can arbitrarily snuff out a human being? Does the obscene power of a machine make up for the fact that you're useless with your bare hands? Lamar Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 06:11 AM CST

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SO a Off duty swat officer in camo with a gun runs from police Chris Manfordonia a parent of a child in the school hears gunshots and smells sulfur and runs from police instead to police to get help...he claimed to be looking for a entry to the building, even though there was an entrance where the window was blown out. a woman sees all 4 doors open on the shooters car and clothing next to the car http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptbd6qRY358 The principle calls the Newtown bee and gives a detailed account of what happened, later the story is retracted due to the fact that she was killed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pvatqAhGrk , Ted Varga teacher said the hall ways were filled with smoke http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/quick-action-saves-5-teachers-newtown-article-1.1224053. Adam Lanza with barely a record of going to a shooting range shoots 26 people 7-11 times each in 7-10 minutes while he has 8-10 magazine clips and two swat pistols on his person. A teacher says she saw two people run past the gym, Robbie parker caught laughing, Emilie parker's Aunt referring to Emilie's big sister even though Emilie was the oldest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pvatqAhGrk ALL 26 people buried in such a short time, NO FOOTAGE OF 600 KIDS LEAVING THE SCHOOL. And I am crazy for asking questions SilverLining2013 Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 09:36 AM CST One item not included in this article is the blatant photoshopped photo used in a local Utah news station story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgBV0jIYIpc Mark Oller Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 12:35 PM CST If you want more evidence that the Sandy Hook massacre is a farce, download "The Sandy Hook Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information" Along these lines on December 19 the Connecticut State Police assigned individual personnel to each of the 26 families who lost a loved one at Sandy Hook Elementary. “The families have requested no press interviews,” State Police assert on their behalf, “and we are asking that this request be honored.[1] The de facto gag order will be in effect until the investigation concludes—now forecast to be “several months away” even though lone gunman Adam Lanza has been confirmed as the sole culprit.[2] With the exception of an unusual and apparently contrived appearance by Emilie Parker’s alleged father, victims’ family members have been almost wholly absent from public scrutiny.[3] What can be gleaned from this and similar coverage raises many more questions and glaring inconsistencies than answers. While it sounds like an outrageous claim, one is left to inquire whether the Sandy Hook shooting ever took place—at least in the way law enforcement authorities and the nation’s news media have described. http://memoryholeblog.com/2012/12/24/the-sandy-hook-massacre-unanswered-questions-and-missing-information/ And see Emilie Parker's 'father'. He is the very definition of ham actor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKWgCRBR5qE Mark Oller Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 12:50 PM CST NO TEARS They Sure Make it Look Easy to Lose a Child The very FIRST post on the page (after the cover photo was updated): "Alan Prothero and I have set up an account at America First Credit Union to help Robbie Parker and his family with their immediate needs due to their loss of their beautiful girl in the shooting this morning in Conn. You can put funds in the account or give them directly to me or Alan. Please contribute what you can and spread the word: Emilie Parker Memorial Account at America First Credit Union. Account #9056862." http://www.sandyhookhoax.com/all-actors.html How thoughtful!

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Mark Oller Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 01:30 PM CST Notice the lack of family resemblance in the family photo, except between the parents and between the children. The parents have dark brown hair, and the children are all blond Scandinavians. Sandy Hook: The Curious Case Of Emilie Parker http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2013/01/sandy-hook-the-curious-case-of-emilie-parker-2558804.html sitdowwwwn Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 02:00 PM CST LOL at the answer for the man in the woods. haha... so a father hears gunshots.. and smells sulfur and decides to ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun lol, leaves his kid and just runs into the woods lol. what a champ, or one really stupid explanation for the man in the woods. Leondre Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 02:59 PM CST sooooo this article managed to do nothing to make me feel like the Sandy Hook shooting wasn't a hoax doc Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 06:33 PM CST Answer: People mourn in many different ways, sometimes all at once. As a recent Scientific American article on gref noted, “oscillation between sadness and mirth repeated itself in study after study … Time and again, a grief-stricken person’s expression would change from dejection to laughter and back.” George Bonanno, a psychologist at Columbia University who studies grief, even developed a way to determine if this mourner’s laughter was genuine or merely a facade to hide grief — he determined that they “exhibited the real thing.” Scientists think this is part of our internal resilience mechanisms kicking in, because constant grief is simply too much for a person to handle. BULLSHIT! doc Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 06:41 PM CST (Rodia appeared on the scanner because he was getting pulled over in a traffic stop miles away, but his license plate doesn’t match Lanza’s car). He was never "pulled over"... he was warned about parking in a red zone. Lanza was driving his mother's car! doc Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 06:44 PM CST It was Chris Manfredonia, the father of a 6-year-old who attends the school. He was on his way to the school to make gingerbread houses with first-graders when he heard gunfire and smelled sulfur, so he ran." In which direction? Draelis Sunday, Jan 20, 2013 04:26 AM CST personally if I were a parent of a child in the school I would run towards the gunshots not away to try and protect my child. Makav3ll1 Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 09:07 PM CST

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You say that its a glitch on google side.. yet we are talking about the groups on facebook.. Is your excuse that its a facebook glitch? Mark Oller Sunday, Jan 20, 2013 12:02 AM CST I want someone including the Salon staff to explain the lack of any resemblance between the Parker daughters and their parents. Alissa and Robbie Parker could be siblings. The three very Nordic daughters could be siblings, but they look nothing like their purported parents. Were they adopted? I doubt it. I think they were selected for their adorable appearance in order to tug at our heart strings. Deke Sunday, Jan 20, 2013 09:05 AM CST It's common for people's hair to darken as they reach adulthood. I know blond kids who have grown up to have brown hair by the time they were 20. Why don't you demand DNA tests since you seem to think the people involved have no rights of privacy? NutMegSeig Friday, Jan 25, 2013 07:42 PM CST How can you question Mr. Oller's expertise on genetics and hereditary traits? Clearly, he's done decades of research and study on these matters. Who are we to doubt? NutMegSeig Friday, Jan 25, 2013 07:40 PM CST Funny, I was thinking you might be an actor or a failed writer paid by the NRA to troll news sites with this garbage. Draelis Sunday, Jan 20, 2013 04:01 AM CST http://www.youcaring.com/blog/post/2012/12/10/Fundraiser-for-the-Families-Involved-in-the-Tragic-Newtown-CT-Shootings.aspx The actual page is down but the date of the creation of the page, 2012/12/10, is in the website link and if you put it in on facebook there is a preview of the page. Draelis Sunday, Jan 20, 2013 04:25 AM CST Just so people know Hoax does not mean that the shooting didn't happen. Hoax can mean that it happened but someone knew about the attack before it happened and planned it. Deke Sunday, Jan 20, 2013 07:35 PM CST Well, yes. That someone was Adam Lanza. RickA Sunday, Jan 20, 2013 09:45 AM CST The girl on Obama’s lap is Emilie’s little sister.

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The explaination is that the family portrait was taken 4 years ago and now the baby sister is the Emelie look alike sitting on Obama's lap. Of course that 4 years would also have to be applied to Emelie herself, which would have made her the only 9 YEAR OLD in her Kindegarden class. Salon is still blaming Benghazi on a Youtube video. YOU ARE A JOKE! g-ross Thursday, Jan 24, 2013 12:21 AM CST Best response to this photo debunking... EVER! Mark Sunday, Jan 20, 2013 12:34 PM CST Jay Weidner once claimed on the Jeff Rense program that the sun was soon going to emit a burst of plasma which would completely incinerate the earth. He should not be taken seriously. funk obama Sunday, Jan 20, 2013 06:12 PM CST You don't think it's a little fishy to have to debunk all those things. I do not believe all those are debunked. I wish none of it's true, like the rest of the theorists. Shouln't the families and the rest of us get the truth. Or is it more respectful to just hush up to the cover up. Deke Sunday, Jan 20, 2013 07:33 PM CST Congratulations, you've gone full circle. The existence of conspiracy theories makes it necessary to debunk the theorists' claims; however the fact that anyone bothers to answer the claims is suspicious in itself. In other words, the assertion of a conspiracy is proof that a conspracy exists. The truth has been out there all along. You would just rather believe in a conspiracy. Ray_Downen Tuesday, Jan 22, 2013 02:38 PM CST Deke thinks all doubters just want to believe in a conspiracy. I don't want to believe that Obama or his friends would ever tell a lie. Of course they wouldn't. Probably. But the timing of this event is surely suspicious, and the many wrong reports that were made makes me want very much to know exactly what DID happen. I find it hard to suppose an armed stranger would be able to be admitted to a public school nowadays. The story is surely hard to believe! carolinmd Sunday, Jan 20, 2013 08:16 PM CST This was a very weak rebuttal to the hoax theory. The simplistic answers were not worth the paper they were wrote on. And most of them can be easily proven to be wrong. Many questions remain that demand answers-real answers. Their are many holes in all the stories, there is no evidence of anything coming out, the school is basically sealed and will be torn down before any one of real authority can get in to see what really happened. This is not the way this sort of event has ever been handled before...so how can people not wonder just what is going on here? The administration jumped in the forefront and started called the shots before the bullets in cooled. It was too soon, too fast...unlike the Benghazi massacre that had to be picked apart and analyzed to adnauseun to tell the people what they

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already knew. Something just does not seem quite right... Ray_Downen Tuesday, Jan 22, 2013 02:40 PM CST Indeed the "official" story we hear does not seem sensible in any way. johncp Sunday, Jan 20, 2013 11:46 PM CST Perhaps the author of this article, can explain, how we avoid creating the deception, that, by simply adding the word "conspiracy" to the word theory, we invalidate and crush any explanation that displeases those in possession of the "official" explanation? Well, for one thing, I suppose, you can simply ignore this question. Ohioan Monday, Jan 21, 2013 03:35 AM CST "Answer: Actually, he was, according to the Newtown Bee, “an off-duty tactical squad police officer from another town” who heard the gunfire." Why aren't they releasing his name so he can be interviewed? What was he doing in the area? Why did he run from the police and make them chase him down? You have not answered even the most obvious questions. If you actually wanted to debunk this you would have to actually gather information and do your job as a journalist not cut and paste what everybody already knows. Really... Monday, Jan 21, 2013 05:09 AM CST So basically no hard evidence. Nothing that points to any of these "explanations" being true. All I see here are "possibilities". Nothing more. I also love how some of the hardest things to disprove are left out. Big surprise. How about how Gene Rosen claims he looked at the list of the dead when the list wasn't released until two days later??? Forget everything now because of this...this man is a liar. All it takes is one ridiculous claim such as this and immediately you must realize he's up to no good. Why is there only ONE photo of children exiting the building? With so many cameras there at the scene, at the time a lock down ending, why only one photo? I love some of the other explanations, which basically want you to go, "Oh alright that could be so,....it must be.." Come on now. And let's not forget all of the extremely bizarre coincidences. For one, FEMA. Oh right, It just so happens FEMA was staging an event nearby relating to disaster relief for children which had been planned for some time beforehand......right..... Hey but who am I kidding......keep on believing what those who would be behind the planning of an event like this are telling you. It's not like they would want you to catch on, or would they? Stay in the pen you sheep. phread Monday, Jan 21, 2013 05:57 AM CST All the mass murder/suicide massacures, simular to Sandy Hook, over the last 20 years, have 2 common denominators. The psychotic men who committed them were ALL innoscent victims of infant and childhood sexual trauma, and raised by members of the Judeo/Christo/Islamo religions that practice the covenant law sacrifice of the masculine prepuce. The FBI uses history of sexual abuse as an infant when prophiling for psychos. This is not a conspiracy or a theory. Sexually traumatising infants and children is a known cause of many forms of psychosis. It's just that this one issue cannot be stopped because it is protected by our constitutional rights to freedom of religion, even when it is worshipping false gods.

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phread Monday, Jan 21, 2013 06:04 AM CST As a victim of an excessive and botched routine infant circumcision, I can attest that I have to work on mentally silencing the negative thought of what I'd like to do to all those religious peodaphile sexual mutilators for practicing their ancient form of eugenics on the least of our brothers. phread Monday, Jan 21, 2013 06:18 AM CST Even the people making up the conspiracy theories and writing about them are paranoid delusional because they were victims of this religious superstition. Ray_Downen Tuesday, Jan 22, 2013 02:47 PM CST The fact is that all the "massacres" or shootings were performed by Democrats who had attended public schools. That might indicate something, but proves nothing. How odd it seems, however, that this massacre should happen just when Obama wanted to go after gun-owners in order to take away our guns. And when Obama wanted attention to move away from his murder of the Benghazi four. Some things smell fishy for sure! NutMegSeig Friday, Jan 25, 2013 07:37 PM CST That fishy smell? It's your upper lip. armedwithknowledge.blogspot.com Monday, Jan 21, 2013 06:09 AM CST This article clears up some points, but it's standoffish tone and position of omniscience are both unnecessary and unproductive. First, the Google search issue is cleared up. But what about the tweets on Twitter, the Facebook memorial page and the archived list of memorials, with accurate posting dates, on another site? Why did the police who confronted the man in the woods yell that he was coming right at him? Fair enough about Manfredia being that man, but why hasn't he appeared in the news, in view, so that the issue is cleared up like the issue with Rodia has been? Oh, I guess because the public opinion doesn't matter in the end. Speaking of Rodia it is indeed possible that the messages overlap, and the article showing his picture, with quotes from his grandmother who is worried about him being harassed, lead us to this conclusion. Conspiracy theorists are not, as a rule, nuts, wacko or anything else except skeptical. And yes, when you hear on the radio transmission "possible suspect as well", in regards to Rodia, "possible suspect in/for what?" comes to mind for a critically thinking individual. I'm sorry if the general public does not understand this, the general public that, by the way, spends hours immersing itself in the details of Hollywood stars' lives, or watching people throw a ball around on a field for hours for entertainment. I also question Salon's own bias, as the intercom itself does not invalidate the argument against Rodia, it only weakens it. But that's what we'd expect from a source that takes things out of proportion, for example, with a line like "the Jews did it", ostensibly in reference to Sandy Hook, when actually, the white supremacist sources you are quoting said that the media pumps our televisions full of violent images, which is certainly not a new claim. And yes, most major media and entertainment companies are led by Jews. To deny this fact is to deny reality: Warner Bros, Viacom, Interscope Records, CBS, NBC, ABC, Universal, Disney, and so on. To say that "the Jews" did it is an overgeneralization, of course, but it is not much weaker than the idea that "the guns" did it. Pick your scapegoat. And yes, when you misrepresent your opponent's argument in order to discredit him or her, you only make yourself look extremely weak in the process. Deke

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Monday, Jan 21, 2013 02:58 PM CST At least those liberal pundits who can listen to people spout pure crap about conspiracies for only soin Deke Monday, Jan 21, 2013 02:59 PM CST At least those liberal pundits who can listen to people spout pure crap about conspiracies for only so long before they respond. Steve D Monday, Jan 21, 2013 03:43 PM CST Here's a question I keep asking conspiracy believers with very little result so far. Tell me what you have seen or experienced first-hand that convinces you conspiracies like this exist. Not what somebody told you, not what you read, not things that "don't fit," but actual, personal observation. And for those of you who just completed Psych 1, I'm also not interested in your theories about circumcision or lack of parental warmth. My personal experience is that I pay taxes and I get roads, police and fire protection, military protection, clean water, airports and national parks. Some of you have personal experience that convinces you there are false operations and FEMA death camps. So tell us what it is. Steve D Tuesday, Jan 22, 2013 03:21 PM CST Well, 24 hours and nothing. Par for this course. Let me clarify. No, you weren't there when Sandy Hook or 9/11 or JFK's assassination were plotted. And you didn't build anything for FEMA that looks like a death camp. But there must be SOMEthing in your life that persuades you that the world works this way. What was it? I could see if you had a bad tour in 'Nam and saw rampant faking of battle reports, or got railroaded for a crime you didn't commit. I can definitely see why blacks might be paranoid about whites. But most conspiracy believers are comfortable, middle class whites living in comfort and safety. So just why do you think the world is full of evil plots? KG2679 Thursday, Jan 31, 2013 01:00 AM CST The Manhattan project...Waco...Pearl Harbor...Vietnam...Korea...The bank bail outs...The Federal Reserve...The Act of 1817...The Kennedy Assassination...Chem Trails...What they did in ST. Louis with the arousal sprayers...The Fast and Furious...Agenda 21...The Japanese Determent Camps...Gitmo...water boarding...The Patriot ACT...NDAA...You are all very trusting of a Government that has shown to be very untrustworthy. The real question is how can you sit there and call us crazy when you live in complete and utter denial? PolitiJim Monday, Jan 21, 2013 04:32 PM CST Unfortunately Salon has fallen into such a state, they don't do their research. Serious minded people of intelligence however can begin with the analysis by a CT police officer (here http://spotlightoncorruption.wordpress.com/2013/01/08/connecticut-cop-exposes-sandy-hook-contradictions-inconsistencies-gun-grab-agenda/) or a life long military investigator (here http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SK8tLX6VQp4#!) who go through every item of information. Among the things that are not explained by people actually PROFESSIONALLY investigating this are: - Immediate contradictory reports from actual law enforcement. - Recreation of timelines that make it impossible for an untrained, 120lb mentally disturbed teen to accurately discharge more ammunition than a trained solider could carry or utilize.) - background checks on the Lanza's, and more importantly, many of the families/professionals who were pushed by the media.

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- a complete lack of video/photo corroboration that was available at Columbine and the Brazilian school shooting. - NO 9-11 calls from neighbors although supposedly shots could be heard outside the school. - No plausible explanation how a military dressed teen could be "buzzed into" the school when not only did Mrs. Lanza NOT work at the school - but no eyewitnesses have seen a "smashed in window" which still wouldn't have gotten him admittance. Frankly, it takes more faith to believe the media spin than it does even a cursory view of the facts. And no, for those who watch the video of Parker - NO FATHER laughs gleefully walking up to a podium less than 24 hours after his daughter is killed and in 10 seconds changes his entire character as if he's been hyperventilating the entire time. And no, even if you were to assume the girl with Obama was Emile's sister - it doesn't explain the EXACT dress that Emile was wearing in a photo posted only days before - or the fact that there would be ONE EXTRA GIRL in the photo op with Obama if that was to be so. Buy a clue people. And quit spitting on the grave of those that were innocently killed. Ray_Downen Tuesday, Jan 22, 2013 02:53 PM CST Jim asks sensible questions about the article which seeks to debunk doubts about the genuineness of what was reported. I remind that this is very timely to draw attention away from Obama's murder of the Benghazi four. k Monday, Jan 21, 2013 08:34 PM CST Alex Seitz-Wald did not answer this sandy hook conspiracy question- What is the name of the bud driver that Gene Rosen saw that day? dallasgoldbug Tuesday, Jan 22, 2013 07:54 AM CST Funny you would not mention that Parker is TONY HAWK. Neither did you mention http://wellaware1.com Ray_Downen Tuesday, Jan 22, 2013 02:29 PM CST One comment I've seen has to do with a facebook report about the shooting which was dated three days earlier than the shooting. No mention is made here of that report. PatBenatar Tuesday, Jan 22, 2013 03:19 PM CST I like the idea that you can tell they're actors because they're not crying. Because as we all know, no actor can summon tears. KG2679 Thursday, Jan 31, 2013 01:15 AM CST Not one tear from one eye of one person. Anyone who lives in CT has obviously removed their tear ducts...It's the law they make you do it before you get an ID. :) jay weidner Tuesday, Jan 22, 2013 05:08 PM CST

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Thanks for the hit piece on me (Jay Weidner) My good friend, Jon Rappoport - a true investigative journalist, as opposed to Mr. Seitz-wald - has written a response to this ugly hit piece article that is filled with inaccuracies and character assassination. Enjoy the truth for a change. http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2013/01/22/salon-com-attacks-jeff-rense-and-jay-weidner/ Lyttleton Thursday, Jan 24, 2013 02:38 PM CST Articles such as this matter for exposing the inanity, but I've also found it's important to understand why such kinds of delusions persist, even among those that would normally seem above such theories. People want conspiracy theories to exist because that means there is some sort of order out there, not just insane people doing insane things. http://10cities10years.com/2013/01/24/sandy-hook-conspiracies-and-the-need-for-order/ KG2679 Thursday, Jan 31, 2013 01:20 AM CST Thank you so much for explaining to me why I need conspiracy theories. All this time I thought I just needed the truth. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Well you clearly have insanity down pack since you buy the lie every time. Good for you. ajmihalic4 Thursday, Jan 24, 2013 09:38 PM CST This article doesn't offer much for facts either, and some are crazier than the conspiracy theories. e.g. The father of a 6 year old heard gun-shots in the school where his 6 year old son goes, so he ran away? through the woods? away from police? I would think he would run toward the police, but that's just me...I guess. Also, you're flat out wrong about the shotgun/rifle. Even the authorities have admitted the assault rifle was not used in the shooting: NBC reports on assault rifle not used. Anyway, to me the most puzzling part of the footage we've been offered is that the school was on "lock-down" which apparently means from emergency vehicles as well? I can't make sense of why there was no ambulance(s!) at the scene. Your defense of the censored press and your out-right attack on those seeking information themselves (even if they are often wrong) is insulting to any independent thinker. Of course, free thinkers probably don't pay as much money to publishers and their advertisers so perhaps no need to cater to them. Do you really think this article is "comprehensive"? Seems like a few un-researched, vague responses to some of the theories posted and title it so. how2tony Saturday, Jan 26, 2013 12:18 PM CST In the name of justice, liberty, and their zeal for hard to come by truth, they fell for convenient lies which not only wounded the already victimized and shattered the already broken , but in the end, disgraced themselves, undermined their ideals and discredited their organizations. Such egos. Such shame. Madness, really! Maliheh Sunday, Jan 27, 2013 08:05 AM CST Nancy Lanza and her Adam were upset Mitt Romney lost the election so they stockpiled on guns and used them on children of sandyhook ,We can all agree that nancy lanza and Adam were Doomsday Preppers ie: republican, that much we do know and is well documented

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BRONZESTAR Sunday, Jan 27, 2013 12:53 PM CST February 15, there will be a full Supreme Court Conference to consider evidence of Obama's fraudulent and forged documents. Also evidence for over a million and a half fraudulent votes in California alone. Query: Why were no bodies shown, even in body bags, being taken out of the school? The real problem here is than many Americans are aware of Obama's very troublesome background with socialists/communists, etc.,and doubt his true loyalty to this nation. His favorable treatment of Muslims, such as Major Hasan, still awaiting trial three years later, is also a source of anxiety. Silence Dogood Tuesday, Jan 29, 2013 12:23 AM CST While I appreciate the fact that you tried to clear up some of the controversy surrounding Sandy Hook, I find your first statement to be incredibly distasteful. "While it’s often best not to engage with conspiracy theorists on their own turf, as you can probably never convince them" It is our duty as free thinking human beings to question what we have been told. If we didn't, there would be no America as we know it. Sandy Hook was a tragedy! No one I've seen is debating that. "Truthers" are asking questions that most are unwilling to ask, and they have every right to do so. Who here can say that their has never been a conspiracy in the history of the world? No one that is being honest. Is this a conspiracy? I don't have enough evidence to say. Could a politician lie to sway voters to his way of thinking? Absolutely! Was President Obama behind this? Possibly, but very doubtful. Just as likely, someone in his cabinet could be acting covertly without the Presidents knowledge. Another theory is that someone who wants Obama out of office is behind it. The random acts of Violence across the country over the last few months seem less random than they should! Ask yourself this, what is the motive behind these mass murder suicides? If they are trying to be martyrs for some cause, where is the suicide notes? To believe what is told to you without questioning inconsistencies is irrational. robertsanders222 Tuesday, Jan 29, 2013 11:37 PM CST It seems the purpose here is to equate any questioning of the official story with being a "Sandy Hook Truther," a term which in itself continues the mocking of "truth" as a bad thing. It mixes good questions with not-so-good questions in order to demonize the asking of any question at all. Then the author goes on to glibly associate any skeptics with people saying "No one died," a blatant intellectual dishonesty not worthy of the same website which publishes Glenn Greenwald. Who are the people saying "no one died" anyway? How come they never use their real names, but anonymous internet IDs? Shame on Salon for publishing this dishonest trash. This video by Max Igar makes the case that it is free speech and truth movements, not the Second Amendment, which is the target of so-called journalists like Seitz-Wald. http://youtu.be/hgaBw9txktY nyy45 Wednesday, Jan 30, 2013 07:38 PM CST This is conspiracy on a conspiracy theory. This is shoddy reporting and a terrible attempt to debunk all plausible conspiracies. But hey, maybe CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC or FOX could hire you. Seems like you fit in perfectly. nyy45 Wednesday, Jan 30, 2013 07:49 PM CST

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The "conspiracy theories" are mostly just questions that have gone unasked and unanswered. This article attempts to debunk the 2nd shooter as an off duty out of town police officer "according to the Newtown Bee". The question then would be, why would an off-duty police officer, from out of town, be in the area, not to mention, dressed in camo pants??? Answer that question. Not to mention, 1 scientific american article does not debunk the idea that the parents were actors. Please, take a look back at Columbine and the footage, pics and parents. This was before the days of smart phones with cameras. Let's be serious, where is everything??? KG2679 Thursday, Jan 31, 2013 12:47 AM CST No matter how hard you shills try and stick up for the MSM it will never change the facts. The MSM not only got every aspect of this story wrong, they failed to correct themselves. Yes in the moment mistakes happen. Explain to me why mistakes are still happening and all you HSEEP sit their with your mouths shut and your eyes closed. The case has been SEALED...the school is set for demolition. Nothing strange about that go back to sleep HSEEP. No matter what anyone says none of you have any proof that anyone died. All you have is hearsay from the MSM. You can find me on youtube under this username if you wish to prove me wrong...not likely since you have NO PROOF. Oh look up HSEEP you silly brainwashed SHEEP joesmama Thursday, Jan 31, 2013 12:28 PM CST Great article thank you very much. The only thing you didn't mention that I remember from a youtube video I was directed to was FEMA scheduling a drill dealing with children for a very close time and location. jimmy corn Saturday, Feb 2, 2013 06:22 AM CST "In the stress and confusion of a situation like a mass shooting, misreporting is not just common, but the rule." ITS THE RULE? REALLY SO YOU PURPOSELY GIVE OUT MISINFORMATION THATS THE RULE? LOL THANKS FOR ADMITTING TO IT. THATS WHY YOU USE ANONYMOUS 'OFFICIALS' WITH YOUR REPORTS YOUR PATHETIC! Answer: Actually, the gun shown being removed from Lanza’s car was a shotgun he never used. Lanza brought three guns inside the school — the AR-15 and two handguns — all of which were found inside the school. Ohh so now the story is he was found with the rifle....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98TV7OFazFU NBC disagrees with you and they "checked and confirmed" with state and federal officials http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=HK8Z5K5M2Dw Also ABC, CBS disagree with you! Its interesting to because we critical thinkers figured out it was a shotgun or at least not a rifle from the video, so they had to change the story to shotgun found in the trunk because everyone could see it wasnt a rifle. And the rifle found in the car was reported earlier in the day and the video was taken at night of them checking the trunk. DEBUNKED? NO SORRY! Answer: It was Chris Manfredonia, the father of a 6-year-old who attends the school. He was on his way to the school to make gingerbread houses with first-graders when he heard gunfire and smelled sulfur, so he ran. Brahaha he smelled sulfur? so he ran into the woods and was found with guns on him? lol so Chris saw police chasing him so he ran all the way around the school into the woods when police finally caught up to him and found guns on him. Ya ok bud. Snoops reported that it was an off duty tactical swat member who was chased into the woods and was caught with guns and camo. Ya I bet the off duty swat member heard the gun shots what was he duck hunting in the woods or something? lol If he heard the gunshots why was he in the woods with camo on? If he heard the shots then he would of heard the police sirens and called or walked over to where the police were. So which one was it Chris ran into the woods or swat guy ran into woods? And who was wearing camo and dark jacket? And which one had multiple guns on him? Debunked? lol Ya right maybe for the dead brain zombies

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And for the pictures they were talking about how the girls hand looks deformed in her mouth thats why they ask if it is photoshoped. The more you try to debunk the more holes (no point intended) your putting in the official story! My heart goes out to the victims and their families and hopefully we get to the bottom of who did this with no help from the propagandist scums like Alex Seitz-Wald! Irish Druidess Tuesday, Feb 5, 2013 10:06 PM CST All it would take to get rid of this "conspiracy theory" is show the tapes of the lone gunmen entering the school. Hmm, sounds an awful lot like Aurora and the Pentagon, show the videos, it is that simple. This list is just denial anyone could say these things prove it with the video and it all goes away.
