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Feri Pentacle Workbook

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  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


    Exercise 1: Running The Iron Pentacle

    Stand up or lie down on the floor with feet apart and arms out, so that your body

    forms a pentacle. As you chant each phrase, feel the energy which is generated by the

    individual concepts of Sex, Pride, and so on, focusing in the area of the body next to each


    In the names of those things which trouble me:In the name of Sex [head]

    In the name of Pride [right foot]

    In the name of Self[left hand]

    In the name of Power[right hand]

    In the name of Passion [left foot]

    In the names of those things which trouble me:

    I claim them, I own them, I become them, I affirm them,

    I accept them with thanks,

    They shield me. They are mine.

    Exercise 2: Running the Pearl Pentacle

    In the names of those things to which I aspire:In the name of Love [head]

    In the name of Law[right foot]

    In the name of Knowledge [left hand]

    In the name of Liberty[right hand]

    In the name of Wisdom [left foot]

    In the names of those things to which I aspire:

    I claim them, I own them, I become them, I affirm them,

    I accept them with thanks,

    They shield me. They are mine.

    Exercise 3: Running The Blessing Pentacle

    In the names of those things I am given:

    In the name of Devotion [head]

    In the name of Truth [right foot]

    In the name of Radiance [left hand]

    In the name of Grace [right hand]

    In the name of Blessing[left foot]

    In the names of those things I am given:

    I claim them, I own them, I become them, I affirm them,

    I accept them with thanks,

    They shield me. They are mine.

    Exercise 4: Running The Pentadecagram

    In the names of those things I am given:

    In the name of Sex-Love-Devotion [head]In the name of Pride-Law-Truth [right foot]

    In the name of Self-Knowledge-Radiance [left hand]

    In the name of power-Liberty-Grace [right hand]

    In the name of Passion-Wisdom-Blessing[left foot]

    In the names of those things I am given:

    I claim them, I own them, I become them, I affirm them,

    I accept them with thanks,

    They shield me. They are mine.

  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


    Fifteen-fold Blessing

    Blessed are my feet, that have brought me in these ways.

    Blessed are my knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.

    Blessed is my sex, without which we would not be.Blessed are my breasts, formed in strength and beauty.

    Blessed are my lips, which will speak the sacred Names.

    Blessed are my hands, that will do the work of the Gods.

    Blessed is my head, which coordinates my movements.

    Blessed are my senses, that taste the Magick of the world.

    Blessed are my internal organs, fitted together in form and


    Blessed is my skin, which contains and protects me.Blessed is my blood, which nourishes me.

    Blessed are my bones, which support me.

    Blessed is my flesh, in whatever age or stage it presents itself to


    Blessed am I:

    I am her child.

    I am Her Self.

  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook



    This being human is a guest house.

    Every morning a new arrival.

    A joy, a depression, a meanness,some momentary awareness comes

    as an unexpected visitor.

    Welcome and entertain them all!

    Even if theyre a crowd of sorrows,

    who violently sweep your house

    empty of its furniture,

    still, treat each guest honorably.

    He may be clearing you out

    for some new delight.

    The dark thought, the shame, the malice,meet them at the door laughing,

    and invite them in.Be grateful for whoever comes,

    because each has been sent

    as a guide from beyond.


    translated by Coleman Barks

  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


  • 7/28/2019 Feri Pentacle Workbook


    Ghazal 609, from the Diwan-e Shams

    if you dwell very long

    in a heart depressed and dark

    be aware you've fallen low

    in will and quest

    a heart filled with grief

    whirling and spinning endlessly

    can never feel at peace

    what makes you

    tremble in fear

    that's your true worth now

    whatever seems to be

    your healing source

    is the cause of your pain

    whatever you think

    is sure secure and forever

    is what has hunted you down

    whenever your mind flies

    it can only land

    in the house of madness

    whenever love arrives

    there is no more space

    for your self claim

    a heart filled with love

    is like a phoenix

    that no cage can imprison

    such a bird can only fly

    above and beyond

    any known universe

    --Rumi(translated by Nader Khalili)
