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Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

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The Spring 2014 edition of the Fern World Newsletter - the online news source for members of The British Pteridological Society, and fern enthusiasts everywhere!
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Fern World BPS Newsletter - Spring 2014 Issue 8. Produced by the BPS Publicity & Marketing Team
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Fern World

BPS Newsletter - Spring 2014

Issue 8. Produced by the BPS Publicity & Marketing Team

Page 2: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

Front Cover Image : Gymnocarpium dryopteris

Photography : Liz or Alison Evans unless stated

Fern World Editor’s Letter

Above: Gymnocarpium dryopteris, also known

as Oak Fern - our Society’s emblem.

As always, if you have any suggestions

about the content for the newsletter,

please feel free to contact me, Liz Evans,

at the Publicity email address:

[email protected]

We are trialling a new method of informing

BPS members of the publication of the

Newsletter, and so the old mailing list will

be inoperative for the time being. Hopefully

non-members will see that a new issue is

available through links on our blog, and

through Facebook and Twitter.

Further information about the society can

be found on the BPS website at:


Hello & welcome to edition 8 of the

Fern World Newsletter! This is the online

Newsletter of the BPS, the Society for fern

enthusiasts. Compared to the last few

years, we seem to have escaped with a

very mild winter - although if we get snow

in March again I may have spoken too


If you are looking for some winter sun-

shine, I am very pleased to be able to

share the BPS fern trip to La Palma with

you on pages 4-7.

The Education sub-committee have been

busy too, and you can read about some of

the projects they have been involved with

on pages 8-9.

We are also excited to introduce another

Special Publication with this issue - Ken

Trewren’s guide to the Dryopteris affinis

complex, which will be published next

month. Look out for the flyer on page 11.

I have managed to include all this year’s

Dates for the Diary - these take up the rest

of the issue, starting at page 12.

I hope you enjoy reading, and I am looking

forward to sharing lots more ferny activities

with you in Autumn! Don’t forget to let me

know at the usual Publicity address if there

is anything you would

like to see in the next

edition of Fern World.

Page 3: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

Contact the Publicity Team : [email protected]

Fern News in Brief

BPS Photographic Competition, 2014

A reminder to members, who should have received full details about the competition with

their Autumn Mailing. If you were meaning to send an entry and haven’t done so yet, don’t

worry - there’s still time! The closing date for the competition is 30th March 2014.

There are 3 categories for the 2014 competition:

Class One: Fern(s) in a natural (wild) landscape.

Class Two: Cultivated fern(s) in a house, greenhouse or garden.

Class Three: Item or object with a fern-related theme.

Entries (which must be previously unpublished) will be displayed at the AGM in London on 12th April 2014, and winning entries will be decided by members at the AGM. Winning en-tries will be included in a special feature in The Pteridologist.

If any members need further submission details, please check on the BPS website.

“Fern Friday” on Facebook!

Every Friday for the last few weeks,

we have been uploading a new Brit-

ish Native fern to an album on the

Fern World Facebook page.

The idea is that weekly updates will

keep our audience interested, and by

the end of the project there will be a

basic visual guide to all the British

Native ferns available online.

It has been great fun to do so far, and

has received a good response from

our “likers” on Facebook - although it

must be said, another album featur-

ing fern cultivars has also proved to

be very popular!



Page 4: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

Don’t forget the BPS Website : www.eBPS.org.uk

BPS La Palma Trip

The following account is

an abridged version of

what will appear in next

year’s Bulletin - many

thanks to Yvonne Golding

and Alison Evans for pro-

viding the words and pic-

tures ~ Fern World Editor

A group of us escaped

the English rain and

storms in January to

spend a pleasant week

in La Palma, ably

guided by Yvonne Gold-

ing and Roland Ennos

who had already spent a

week on the island investigating the best

fern sites. We stayed in the Hacienda San

Jorge, an apartment hotel situated in a

splendid botanical garden, with a large

swimming pool, and just across the road

from the beach. The foyer of the hotel has a

wonderful display of ferns – bliss!

Above: The foyer of the hotel

La Palma is the most North-Westerly of the

Canary Islands, lying in the Atlantic Ocean,

four hundred kilometres off the North Afri-

can coast. The highest point is on the rim of

the giant crater, the Caldera de Taburiente,

and is almost 2,500m. The island has sev-

eral different ecological zones. The wetter

slopes of the North and East are home to

laurel forest, the haunt of woodland ferns.

In contrast the drier lower regions and the

South and West house a xerophytic com-

munity composed mostly of succulents,

with xerophytic ferns being common in the

lava flows. We spent 2 days in each of

these zones, a fifth day visiting several var-

ied sites including the observatory on the

highest point, and we had a free day to

spend as we wished.

Top: BPS trip members (Photo: Yvonne Golding)

Page 5: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

Contact the Publicity Team : [email protected]

BPS La Palma Trip

Our two days in the laurel forests were at

La Galga and Los Tilos. The woodland

ferns were looking wonderful with giant

Woodwardia radicans draping the sides of

the gorges, shoulder-high Diplazium cauda-

tum, in some areas with Vandenboschia

speciosa growing underneath, and exten-

sive colonies of three Adiantums – A. capil-

lus-veneris, A. reniforme, and A.raddianum

growing on the sides of the tracks and

streams. We also saw beautiful specimens

of Asplenium onopteris and Asplenium

hemionitis, and lovely newly-flushed fronds

of Dryopteris oligodonta.

Above: Yvonne with Woodwardia radicans (Photo: Roland Ennos)

Right top: Trichomanes speciosum

(Vandenboschia speciosa)

(Photo: Yvonne Golding)

Right : Asplenium filare subsp. canariense (Photo: Yvonne Golding)

There were also several highlights during

our two days in the drier parts of the island.

In the lava fields near Monte de Luna, we

found some splendid specimens of Asple-

nium aureum, as well as A. octoploideum

and A. filare subsp. canariense. We also

found several colonies of the diminutive

Ophioglossum lusitanicum (see overleaf),

and some very photogenic clumps of

Cosentinia vellea, Notholaena marantae

(now given the name Paragymnopteris ma-

rantae!) both overleaf.

Page 6: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

Don’t forget the BPS Website : www.eBPS.org.uk

BPS La Palma Trip

On our way to the second lava-field site we

stopped before the main east-west tunnel

to explore a wet, wooded lane, where we

found Asplenium monanthes. The variation

in climate on the island was brought home

to us when we later emerged on the west

side of the tunnel in sunshine! We explored

the garden of the visitor centre and spent

some time on the lava fields before driving

in to the Caldera de Taburiente.

This is a site full of geological interest, al-

though difficult going in places because of

the boulder-strewn path. Here we added

Pteris vittata, Cheilanthes maderensis (now

called C. pteridioides) and Equisetum

ramosissimum to our list for the week.

Roland amid Diplazium caudatum at La Galga

(Photo: Yvonne Golding)

Top: Cosentinia vellea

Above: Ophioglossum lusitanicum

Notholaena marantae

Page 7: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

Contact the Publicity Team : [email protected]

BPS La Palma Trip

On our last day, we visited Mirador La

Tosca in the north of the island, famous for

several large dragon trees, but also with

ferny interest, although the sides of the

path had been strimmed in the week be-

tween Yvonne and Roland’s visit and our

visit! After lunch we visited Barranco de

Gallego, where we reminded ourselves of

the woodland ferns, and found a single

Pteris incompleta plus a single ‘ceterach’,

probably A. aureum.

Asplenium aureum at Monte de Luna

We then drove on to the observatory site

and parked by Roque de las Muchachos,

where our car thermometers were reading

‘zero’ and a blizzard was swirling round us.

We still managed to find a little plant of As-

plenium septentrionale in a rocky crevice,

and a lovely plant of Cystopteris – species

uncertain as it was not fertile.

Right top: Barranco de Gallego

Right: Mirador La Tosca with dragon trees

Our holiday was rounded off by a splendid

meal at the restaurant ‘Sadi’ in Los Canca-

jos. Thank you very much to Yvonne and

Roland for an excellent week’s ferning. The

full account of this trip will appear in the

Bulletin in Spring 2015, with a list of all the

other ferns that we haven’t had space to

mention here.

Page 8: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

Contact the Education Group : [email protected]

Education Group News

Last year was a good year for the BPS in

working with organisations such as the Botanical

Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI), the Royal

Horticultural Society (RHS), and the Natural His-

tory Museum to name but a few. It makes sense

for us as a relatively small organisation to show-

case ferns at events hosted by much larger organi-

sations, who have the resources to publicise

widely and attract large numbers of people to their

events. Last year, our stands at the Hampton

Court Flower show and the Big Nature Day event

at the Natural History Museum were seen by thou-

sands of visitors.

We should not underestimate the importance of

smaller scale events, however, as they provide op-

portunities for more in-depth communication with

interested members of the public. Bioblitzes and

guided walks are good ways to raise awareness of

our native ferns. Members of the BPS Education

group were involved in bioblitzes at the Royal Bo-

tanic Gardens Edinburgh, and at Foxglove Covert

Nature Reserve at Catterick Garrison last year. In

addition, Frank McGavigan led a walk in Geilston

Gardens (National Trust for Scotland) and together

with Mary Gibby, a joint meeting with the BSBI in

Puck’s Glen. Learning about the fern life-cycle, and

the features of our common native ferns, seems to

have a ‘wow’ factor for people who are interested

in plants but for whom ferns have been a closed


This year we will be taking part in a Bioblitz in

Logan Botanic Gardens on 27th and 28

th June. A

second guided walk will be held at Geilston Gar-

dens on August 9th, and Scottish members Heather

McHaffie and Bridget Laue will be investigating the

possibility of a similar event at Falkland Palace.

We hope to be able to resume our guided walks at

the National Trust gardens at Nymans later this

year. If you live near a National Trust property that

has a good selection of wild or cultivated ferns,

please let us know so that we can investigate the

possibility of having guided walks in these loca-

tions too.

The Field Studies Council field centres at Blen-

cathra and at Kindrogan have also been involved

with BPS members in creating fern gardens and

fern trails at the centres. We may be able to extend

this to other FSC centres in future, in particular to

those where fern identification courses are held.

We hope to have a stand at the Tatton Park RHS

Flower Show from 23rd

to the 27th of July, and also

to participate in any RHS Plant Society open days

that are held in future. We are also planning to

have a stand at any future ‘Big Nature Days’ at the

Natural History Museum, and in 2015 we would

like to repeat our very successful ‘Ferns and Fos-

sils’ event at Manchester Museum. Does your local

Museum have any natural history events where we

could showcase the BPS? Please let us know!

Spreading the word about ferns through collaboration with other organisations

(Photo: Mary Gibby)

Page 9: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

Contact the Education Group : [email protected]

Education Group News Sharing fern sightings with iSpot

iSpot was developed by the Open University along with

OPAL to encourage the public to explore and engage

with nature. iSpot now has 33,500 registered users, who

have added over a quarter of a million wildlife observa-

tions. Worldwide, over 11,000 different species have

been observed on iSpot (the figure for the UK and Ire-

land is around 8,000 species). All this activity is thanks to

the enthusiastic, knowledgeable and friendly community

of iSpot users who volunteer their time to help each other learn about wildlife.

To see all fern observations on iSpot the best place to start is with the species dictionary pages, which allow

you to browse down to family, genus or species level etc. On each page what you are shown is the most re-

cent set of observations on iSpot. The BPS and over 100 other organisations are now badged on iSpot,

which means that one or more people are shown as representing the organisations concerned to help iden-

tify submissions from the public. If anyone else in the BPS is interested in contributing to iSpot and being

badged as a BPS representative, please get in touch!


Field Studies Council Fern Courses

James Merryweather runs his popular ‘Fern Guide’ identification course at Blencathra Field Study Centre in August. We are developing a collection of British native ferns in the garden there as a teaching resource. There will also be self-guided trail leaflets for beginners and for more experienced botanists, so that people

can learn from the collection whenever they visit, not just when the course is in progress.

James’s course runs from 17th to 22


August. There are also fern identification courses at other Field Studies Council Centres:

Kindrogan (Heather McHaffie, July 4th to

7th), Rhyd-y-creuau (Chris Metherall,

August 8th to 11

th) and Preston Mont-

ford (Mark Duffell, 19th August).

Further details can be found on the FSC website:


Left: James Merryweather, Alison Evans,

Roland Ennos & Yvonne Golding at

Blencathra Field Study Centre. Photo: Andrea Leng

Page 10: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

Don’t forget the BPS Website : www.eBPS.org.uk

Special Publications

You may remember in the last issue of Fern World we included a flyer for John Edgington’s

book Who Found Our Ferns? We are pleased to say that sales of this Special Publication

have been very good, and we would now like to introduce the next two publications, which

will be available very soon.

Some Taxa Within The Dryopteris Affinis Compex - A Field Guide is a tribute to the work of

the late, and much missed, Ken Trewren. It will be published in April and will be available

with free postage in the UK to BPS and BSBI members until the end of August. Please see

the flyer opposite for more details about this publication.

Also coming soon to the Special Publications catalogue: The Jones Nature Prints - Nature

Printing and The Victorian Fern Cult by Michael Hayward. Michael has done extensive work

on these beautiful and rare prints, made at the end of the 19th century. They provide a fasci-

nating insight into the fern varieties that were in cultivation at that time. The book includes

the stories of the people involved in making these prints, and information on the techniques

of nature printing. It comes with a searchable resource disc, which has a full set of the prints

and the ‘memoranda’ sheets that Col. Jones wrote to accompany the prints.

And for fans of fern history, BPS Special Publication No 11, available now, is a must! It is a

CD containing volumes 1-9 of The British Fern Gazette along with a listing of British ferns by

E J Lowe. Michael Hayward has hand edited the set of files to allow accurate searching

with Adobe Reader, and the original photographic illustrations have also been enhanced.

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Page 12: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

Contact the Publicity Team : [email protected]

Dates for the Diary 2014

April 12th

AGM London

Spring Indoor Meeting at the Natural His-

tory Museum in London. In addition to the

main AGM business, the meeting will be

themed around members' visits to see

ferns worldwide.

Contact : Pat Acock (Alison Paul will be


May 17-24th

Capo di Ponte, Italy

A chance to explore the ferns of Northern


Leader : Enzo Bona

Contact : Paul Ripley

May 24th

Yorkshire Group

Moonwort surveys, Grinton near Reeth.

Leader : Barry Wright

May 31st

Scottish Group

Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh; Ophioglossum.

Leader : Mary Gibby

June 7th

East Anglia Group

Cambridge University Botanic Garden

Leader : Paul Aston / Tim Pyner

June 14th

South-East Group

Angley Wood near Cranbrook, and Hole

Park, near Rolvenden, Kent.

Leaders : Paul Ripley and Pat Acock

June 21st

Savill Garden, Surrey

A chance to see a wide range of ferns and

other plants in a beautiful setting. The gar-

den holds the National Collection of hardy


Leader : Julian Reed

Page 13: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

Don’t forget the BPS Website : www.eBPS.org.uk

Dates for the Diary 2014

June 21st

Yorkshire Group

South Yorkshire. Ancient woodlands of

Prior Royd and Wheata Wood. Wentworth.

Leader : Paul Ruston

June 27-29th

South Wales

Based at Brecon, including upland sites in

and around the Brecon Beacons, moist

woodlands further west, and two garden


Leaders : Brian and Sue Dockerill

June 28th

North West Group

Roudsea Woods and Orchard Cottage.

Leader : Alec Greening

July 5th

North West Group

Southport Botanic Gardens and Michael

Hayward’s Garden.

Leader : Michael Hayward

July 5th

South-East Group and Wessex


Steep, Hampshire, and West Dean Gar-

den, near Petersfield, Hampshire.

Leaders : Peter Tindley and Julian Reed

July 12-13th

Yorkshire Group

Weekend in Wales to celebrate the 30th

Anniversary of the Yorkshire Fern Group.

Based around Betwys y Coed.

Contact : Alison Evans

Details of all the Meetings are also available

on the Meetings Calendar:


Page 14: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

Contact the Publicity Team : [email protected]

Dates for the Diary 2014

July 12th

Scottish Group

Dumfriesshire, Cryptogramma crispa at

Mennock Pass and Thelypteris palustris

near Southerness.

Leaders : Adrian Dyer and Bridget Laue

July 23rd-27th

Tatton Flower Show

The BPS hope to have a stand.

Contact : Yvonne Golding

July 23rd

South Wales & The Borders Group

A field outing to Corndon Hill, Radnorshire,

about 5 miles north of Bishops Castle.

Leaders : Brian and Sue Dockerill

July 26th

Wessex Group

New Forest, Royden Wood.

Leader : Josephine Basil

July 27th

Scottish Group

Cramond Island, Edinburgh; Fern ID tour.

Joint meeting with BSBI

August 2nd

Yorkshire Group


Leader : Bruce Brown

August 9th

Scottish Group

Geilston Garden, fern ID tour.

Leader : Frank McGavigan

August 9th

North West Group

Hutton Roof and Pear Tree Cottage.

Leader : Alec Greening

Page 15: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

Don’t forget the BPS Website : www.eBPS.org.uk

Dates for the Diary 2014

August 14-17th

Southport Flower Show

A chance for you to help at the show, en-

thuse to the public about ferns and / or dis-

play your ferns.

Contact : Michael Hayward

August 23rd

South-East Group and East Anglia


The Swiss Garden, Old Warden, Biggles-

waden, and Waldy Pierozynski's garden.

Leaders : Paul Ripley and Pat Acock

August 30th

South Wales and The Borders


Visit to Tim Brock’s garden and its envi-

rons, Tregaron, Ceredigion.

Leader : Tim Brock

August 30th

Scottish Group

Stob Coire Sgriodain, West of Cairngorms;


Leader : Roger Golding

September 6th

East Anglia Group

Mill Green, Ingatestone, Essex. Joint

meeting with Essex Field Club.

Leader : Tim Pyner

September 13-14th

North York Moors

Based at Whitby and themed around Ken

Trewren's local fern study areas for Dryop-

teris, Trichomanes and Polypodiums. Vis-

its to Ken's garden, local woods and


Leader : Bruce Brown

September 27th

Scottish Group

Autumn Indoor Meeting, Lenzie, Glasgow.

Host : Frank McGavigan

Page 16: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

Don’t forget the BPS Website : www.eBPS.org.uk

Dates for the Diary 2014

October 5th

Autumn Indoor Meeting

Chelsea Physic Garden, London. An op-

portunity for members to visit the 'Thomas

Moore fernery' and other fern collections

within the garden. Talks will also be given.

Contact : Mary Gibby

October 11th

Polypodium Cultivars, Kyre

An opportunity to see and discuss Martin

Rickard's National Collection of Polypodi-

ums which includes cultivars and species.

Leader : Martin Rickard

October 11th

Yorkshire Group AGM

AGM at Learning Centre, RHS Gardens

Harlow Carr, Harrogate.

Contact : Bruce Brown

Details of all the Meetings are also available

on the Meetings Calendar:


October 18th

North West Group AGM

AGM at Holehird Gardens, Windermere.

Contact : Peter Campion

October 18th

East Anglia Group

Autumn Indoor Meeting, Southend-on-

Sea, Essex.

Contact : Tim Pyner

October 22-November 2nd


This event is supported by, but not organ-

ised by, the BPS.

Contact : Pat Acock

November 8th

South-East Group

Autumn Meeting, Battersea Park, SW Lon-


Contact : Peter Blake

Page 17: Fern World Newsletter Issue 8

For Meetings Information : [email protected]


General Secretary:

[email protected]

Membership Secretary:

[email protected]

Meetings Secretary:

[email protected]

Editor of Pteridologist:

[email protected]

Editor of BPS Website:

[email protected]

Merchandise Organisers:

[email protected]

Spore Exchange Organisers:

[email protected]

Regional Group Contact details:

Yorkshire Fern Group

Leader: Bruce Brown

Email: [email protected]

South East

Leaders: Paul Ripley and Pat Acock

Email: [email protected]

East Anglia

Leader: Tim Pyner

Email: [email protected]

North West England

Leader: Peter Campion

Email: [email protected]


Leader: Ian Bennallick

Email: [email protected]


Leader: Bridget Laue

Email: [email protected]

South Wales & Borders

Leader: Brian Dockerill

Email: [email protected]

Manchester & North Midlands

Leader: John Grue

Email: [email protected]


Leader: Josephine Basil

Email: [email protected]
