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Fertile crescent part 1 power point

Date post: 19-May-2015
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  • 1. Take out your maps of the MiddleEast

2. Caspian SeaBlack SeaTurkey Pal. Ter. Cyprus SyriaBaghdadLebanon TehranMediterraneanSeaIsrael Iraq Iran Jerusalem Kuwait Cairo Jordan Persian Gulf Qatar EgyptSaudi ArabiaUnited ArabRiyadhEmiratesRed SeaOmanYemen Arabian SeaIndian Ocean 3. Fertile CrescentVocabulary 4. excavationThe exposure,processing andrecording ofarchaeologicalremains 5. backgammonOne of theworlds oldestboardgames 6. datesThe fruit of adate palmtree 7. PlowA farm toolused forbreaking upsoil. 8. ironAn element thatcan be used tocreate strongtools, structures, and machines. 9. zigguratThe sight of thetemple to themain god orgoddess of aSumerian city. 10. empireManyterritories andpeoplecontrolled byonegovernment 11. SumeriansPeoplefrom theearliest-knowncivilization 12. BabyloniansPeople froman ancientregion insouthwestMesopotamia 13. AssyriansPeople from anancient regionin northernMesopotamia 14. TigrisA river inIraq andTurkey 15. EuphratesA river thatflows southfrom Turkeythrough Syriaand Iraq 16. UrA city inancientSumer 17. cuneiformA form of writingthat used groupsof wedges andlines; used towrite severalFertile Crescentlanguages 18. supplyHow manyor howmuch of aresourcethere is 19. demandHow muchpeopledesire orneed aresource 20. Ancient Mesopotamia for Children Watch the video and answer the questions on the viewing guide. 21. Viewing Guide1. Mesopotamialays1. A- Euphratesbetween theTigris and________Rivers. 22. Viewing Guide2. Sir LeonardWoolley and1. A- Wifehis__________began atwelve yearexcavation ofthe lost city ofUr. 23. Viewing Guide3. Inthe royaltombs at Ur,the worlds3. B- backgammonoldest boardgame wasfound and issomethingsimilar to________. 24. Viewing Guide4. A huge stepped4. B- ziggurattower or___________was often at theheart ofSumerian cities. 25. Viewing Guide5. The Sumerian city of Ur had 5. C- 30,000 a population of approximately ____________ people. 26. Viewing Guide6. The ancient Sumerians6. C- dates enjoyed a type of wine which they made from ____________. 27. Viewing Guide7. The Sumeriansinvented the 7. C- bronzewheel andmade the firstplough out of_____________. 28. Viewing Guide8. TheSumerians writing8. B- triangle system is known as cuneiform from the Latin word for _________. 29. Viewing Guide9. Ironwas9. B- Metal known as from ___________heaven 30. Viewing Guide10. The city states of 10. A- WaterSumer began tofight over____________. 31. Viewing Guide11. TheAssyrian11. A- Israel empire stretched from parts of Asia Minor to ___________. 32. The Story of Sargon IIKing Sargon II of Assyriaheard the news: Assyriahad attacked the nearbykingdoms of Urartu andZikurtu as planned. Butthe two kingdoms hadjoined forces againsthim. 33. The Story of Sargon II How dare they resist the most powerful monarch in the world? In the summer of 714 BC, king Sargon II set out to confront his enemies. 34. The Story of Sargon IIThe two kingdomswere no match for thepowerful Assyrianruler. His armiesquickly overcame theforces of Urartu andkilled all who resisted. 35. The Story of Sargon IIThe Assyrians howled with laughterwhen they saw the king of Urartufleeing on an old horse. Sargon IIlet him go. He knew the defeatedking would serve as a warning toothers who might later be temptedto challenge the mighty Assyrians.Sargon II was one of many kingswho ruled the Fertile Crescent afterthe fall of Sumer. 36. EmpiresAn empire is an area of many territories andpeoples that is controlled by onegovernment.Rulers of empires gained great wealththrough:TradeAgricultureWhat is agriculture?Farming 37. BabyloniansBab-be-Low-Ne-ansNot baby lionsThey were the firstpowerful empire inhistory. 38. HammurabiCreated the BabylonianEmpire in 1787 BC byconquering the city-statesof Sumer and land to thenorth.Made the city of Babylonthe capital of his empire. 39. The Babylonian EmpireThe Babyloniansbuilt roadsthroughout theempire.Babylons locationmade it a crossroadsof trade. 40. CaravansGroups of travelingmerchants wouldtake to the roadsand stop inBabylon to bartertheir goods. 41. BazaarsMarkets, usuallyoutdoors,wheremerchants andtownspeoplewould bartertheir goods. 42. The End of the BabyloniansWhile Hammurabi was incontrol ofBabylon, people to thenorth were beginning togain some militarystrength.Shortly afterHammurabis death, theBabylonian Empire wasoverthrown. 43. The AssyriansThe next empire todominateMesopotamia.Assyrians were fiercewarriors andinnovators of militaryweapons andtechniques. 44. Assyrian WeaponsBatteringRam 45. Assyrian WeaponsSling 46. Assyrian WeaponsArchers 47. Assyrian WeaponsChariots 48. But the Assyrians were not just warriorsTheir capital, Nineveh, was a city of great architecture andlearning. 49. NinevehZiggurat Library 50. The End of the Assyrians Two groups, Babylonia ns and Medes eventually joined together to defeat the Assyrians. 51. Babylonia Rises AgainAbout 1,000years afterHammurabisThey calledempire collapsedthe descendants themselvesof the ChaldeansBabylonianscreated a newempire. 52. NebuchadnezzarTheir mightiestking, Nebuchadnezzar, rebuilt Babylon bigger andbetter than it had everbeen before. 53. Center of Learning and ScienceAstronomers charted thepaths of the stars andmeasured the length ofthe year.They were the first to usea system dividing timeinto increments of 60.Farmers raised honeybees. 54. The Final End of the Babylonians The Chaldean empire was eventually defeated by a new, even more powerful civilization The Persians 55. The Persian LegacyThe Persians built thelargest empire that theworld had seen up to thatpoint. 56. The Persian LegacyThe Persianreligion wasThis is importantknown asbecause mostZoroastrianism. other ancientpeople worshippedThe Persiansmany differentworshipped only gods andone god.goddesses. 57. The DifferenceMonotheism PolytheismThe worship of one god. The worship of many gods. 58. The Persian LegacyTheir empire washuge so theydevelopedBureaucracybureaucracy as away to rule such alarge area.We have abureaucracy in theUS today. 59. The Persian LegacyThe Persians didnot force anyoneto change theirbeliefs or follow anew religion.They allowedpeople to keeptheir own culture.Tolerance 60. The Persian LegacyLasting InfluenceThrough trade andconquest, Persianculture was spreadaround the world.Many of theirachievements survivetoday in our owncivilization. 61. Three Tab Book1. Cut your booklet into three tabs.2. At the top of each tab, label it: Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians3. On the cover of the tab, draw the outline of the empires territory using the map on page 39 as a guide.4. Inside the appropriate tab, write down what you think are the 5 most important details about each empire. 62. Wednesday, December 12th2012Answer the following question in atleast 3 sentences.Which contribution made by theBabylonians, Assyrians, or Persians doyou think was the most important to ustoday and why?
