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Fertilizing for maximum return - aarsb.com.my · FERTILIZING FOR MAXIMUM RETURN 1 INTRODUCTION...

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INTRODUCTION Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production. The yield potential of oil palm has increased greatly over the past 30 years following the introduction of tenera planting materials, but improvements in oil palm nutrition, however, are required to exploit the site yield potential of these new planting materials (Goh et al., 1994), particularly since much of the recent expansion in the area planted to oil palm has occurred on poor fertility status soils. In order to draw up an appropriate and balanced fertilizer program, the potential needs of the crop at projected levels of growth and yield must be determined (Foster, this volume). Recycling palm residues is also an essential component of efficient nutrient management (Redshaw, this volume). Furthermore, assumptions have to be made with regard to differences in fertilizer recovery efficiency for each nutrient and nutrient source. These assumptions generally involve an estimate of the amount or proportion of nutrient loss after application. This chapter is therefore concerned with the events following the application of fertilizer to palms. Nutrient loss pathways (e.g. surface runoff, leaching), are discussed and the appropriate methods of application (i.e. frequency and placement of fertilizers) are proposed to minimize nutrient losses and maximize the returns from fertilizer use. NUTRIENT LOSSES Soil indigenous and fertilizer nutrients that are not taken up by the palm or adsorbed onto soil particles are dissolved and lost through surface runoff, volatilization, denitrification, or leaching. Adsorbed nutrients may also be lost in eroded soil and sediments. Losses are more pronounced at particular phases in the life of an oil palm plantation. The potential for nutrient losses is probably greatest immediately after land-clearing when the soil surface is exposed to erosion and uncontrolled surface runoff losses before legume cover plants (LCP) have been established. Losses can be great when large amounts of nutrients such as potassium (K) are released when the standing biomass (e.g. fronds, trunks) is burned during plantation development. The other period when the risk of nutrient losses is high occurs when ground vegetation is sparse due to poor light penetration through the closed oil palm canopy (Breure, this volume). At canopy closure, the LCP dies off and a large amount of nitrogen (N) is released from the decomposing LCP biomass. Unless palm growth is vigorous, losses of mineralized N due to leaching are likely to be large. Nutrient losses are more pronounced in areas of the plantation where steep topography and inadequate soil conservation measures result in erosion and uncontrolled surface wash. Clearly, a proper assessment must take Fertilizing for maximum return Kah-Joo Goh Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd, Locked Bag 212, Sg Buloh Post Office, Sg. Buloh, Selangor 47000, Malaysia. Fax: +60 3 6141 1278. E-mail: [email protected] Rolf Härdter International Potash Institute, c/o K+S KALI GmbH, Bertha-von-Suttner-Str 7, 34131 Kassel, Germany. Fax: +49 561 9301 1146. E-mail: [email protected] Thomas Fairhurst Potash & Phosphate Institute/Potash & Phosphate Institute of Canada – East & Southeast Asia Programs, 126 Watten Estate Road, Singapore 287599. E-mail: [email protected]
Page 1: Fertilizing for maximum return - aarsb.com.my · FERTILIZING FOR MAXIMUM RETURN 1 INTRODUCTION Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production. The yield



Fertilizers are usually the largest variable costitem in oil palm production. The yield potentialof oil palm has increased greatly over the past30 years following the introduction of teneraplanting materials, but improvements in oilpalm nutrition, however, are required to exploitthe site yield potential of these new plantingmaterials (Goh et al., 1994), particularly sincemuch of the recent expansion in the areaplanted to oil palm has occurred on poor fertilitystatus soils.

In order to draw up an appropriate andbalanced fertilizer program, the potential needsof the crop at projected levels of growth andyield must be determined (Foster, this volume).Recycling palm residues is also an essentialcomponent of efficient nutrient management(Redshaw, this volume). Furthermore,assumptions have to be made with regard todifferences in fertilizer recovery efficiency foreach nutrient and nutrient source. Theseassumptions generally involve an estimate ofthe amount or proportion of nutrient loss afterapplication. This chapter is thereforeconcerned with the events following theapplication of fertilizer to palms. Nutrient losspathways (e.g. surface runoff, leaching), arediscussed and the appropriate methods ofapplication (i.e. frequency and placement offertilizers) are proposed to minimize nutrientlosses and maximize the returns from fertilizeruse.


Soil indigenous and fertilizer nutrients that arenot taken up by the palm or adsorbed onto soilparticles are dissolved and lost through surfacerunoff, volatilization, denitrification, or leaching.Adsorbed nutrients may also be lost in erodedsoil and sediments.

Losses are more pronounced at particularphases in the life of an oil palm plantation. Thepotential for nutrient losses is probably greatestimmediately after land-clearing when the soilsurface is exposed to erosion and uncontrolledsurface runoff losses before legume coverplants (LCP) have been established. Lossescan be great when large amounts of nutrientssuch as potassium (K) are released when thestanding biomass (e.g. fronds, trunks) isburned during plantation development.

The other period when the risk of nutrientlosses is high occurs when ground vegetationis sparse due to poor light penetration throughthe closed oil palm canopy (Breure, thisvolume). At canopy closure, the LCP dies offand a large amount of nitrogen (N) is releasedfrom the decomposing LCP biomass. Unlesspalm growth is vigorous, losses of mineralizedN due to leaching are likely to be large.

Nutrient losses are more pronounced inareas of the plantation where steep topographyand inadequate soil conservation measuresresult in erosion and uncontrolled surfacewash. Clearly, a proper assessment must take

Fertilizing for maximum return

Kah-Joo Goh

Applied Agricultural Research Sdn. Bhd, Locked Bag 212, Sg Buloh Post Office, Sg. Buloh,

Selangor 47000, Malaysia. Fax: +60 3 6141 1278. E-mail: [email protected]

Rolf Härdter

International Potash Institute, c/o K+S KALI GmbH, Bertha-von-Suttner-Str 7, 34131 Kassel,

Germany. Fax: +49 561 9301 1146. E-mail: [email protected]

Thomas Fairhurst

Potash & Phosphate Institute/Potash & Phosphate Institute of Canada – East & Southeast

Asia Programs, 126 Watten Estate Road, Singapore 287599. E-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: Fertilizing for maximum return - aarsb.com.my · FERTILIZING FOR MAXIMUM RETURN 1 INTRODUCTION Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production. The yield

2 Goh, K.J. et al.

account of these temporal and spatial aspectsof the potential for nutrient losses.

Leaching losses are more prevalent incoarse-textured soils in high rainfall areaswhere large fertilizer application rates arerequired but fertilizer recovery efficiency ispoor. Nitrogen may be lost to the atmospheredue to volatilization but, as we shall see, Nfertilizers differ in their susceptibility tovolatilization losses, which are also affectedby the field conditions when the fertilizers areapplied.



Oil palm is planted on a variety of land types:

� Logged primary or secondary forest land.

� Land abandoned to alang-alang (Imperata

cylindrica) after a period under slash-and-burn agriculture.

� Land replanted from plantation crops (e.g.rubber, cocoa, oil palm).

Proper land-clearing techniques arerequired in order to conserve indigenous soilnutrient supplies and the nutrients returned tothe soil in the cleared biomass (Gillbanks, thisvolume). In the past, when tropical rainforestwas converted to oil palm, the felled trees andthe organic residues of the previous vegetationwere often burned to make field operations (i.e.lining, planting, drainage) easier and thusreduce labor costs, but large amounts of N and

sulfur (S) were lost to the atmosphere in theprocess.

In an experiment to measure the effects ofburning biomass on soil properties in Benin,West Africa on acid sand, soil chemicalproperties and yield were measured at 20years (Trial A) and 10 years (Trial B) afterplanting (Sly and Tinker, 1962). In Trial A, therewas a significant increase in soil exchangeableK in the burnt treatment (Table 1) but in TrialB, exchangeable Ca and Na, organic carbonand total N were larger in the unburnt treatment(Table 1).

In the first four years of production, yieldwas larger in the burnt treatment (Trial A) butthere were no significant differences in yieldwhen averaged over 11 years of production.The authors concluded that the burning offelled forest under typical Nigerian conditionswas not detrimental to later growth and yieldof oil palms, and has definite practicaladvantages in implementing field work (Sly andTinker, 1962).

Foong (1984) measured soil chemicalproperties of a virgin Munchong (TypicHapludox) soil at intervals after land-clearingand LCP establishment (Table 2). Six monthsafter land-clearing, there was a discernibleincrease in soil pH due to the liming effect ofthe ash from the burnt vegetation. Thisseemed to be a temporary effect, as soil pHdecreased to 3.9–4.0 thereafter. Totalphosphorus (P) content also decreased after

Table 1. Effects of burning felled vegetation on oil palm yield and soil chemical properties

(0–15 cm depth) in Nigeria at 20 years (Trial A) and 10 years (Trial B) after planting (Sly and

Tinker, 1962). [* denotes mean of 11 years (Trial A) and 6 years (Trial B); ** denotes

significant difference (P<0.05).]

lairT tnemtaerT

dleiyhcnuBaht( 1- )

K aN gM aC CEC.grO



sraeY1 - 4

tludAsraeY * gklomc 1- %

AtnruB 68.4 59.9 540.0 ** 070.0 ** 86.0 51.3 40.6 01.1 590.0

tnrubnU 42.5 37.9 830.0 ** 930.0 ** 36.0 28.3 72.6 02.1 001.0

BtnruB 69.4 ** 55.6 070.0 840.0 96.0 81.2 ** 78.5 81.1 ** 890.0 **

tnrubnU 63.4 ** 05.6 370.0 650.0 38.0 57.2 ** 51.6 42.1 ** 601.0 **

Page 3: Fertilizing for maximum return - aarsb.com.my · FERTILIZING FOR MAXIMUM RETURN 1 INTRODUCTION Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production. The yield


land-clearing but was increased substantially

after planting LCP, due to the application of

phosphate rock during the establishment of

legume cover plants (LCP). Organic carbon

(C) and total N also decreased at first, but

were replenished by the LCP at 62 months

after land-clearing when the LCP was shaded

out by the oil palm canopy. There were small

changes in soil available P and exchangeable

K over the period monitored, but there was

an increase in soil Ca and Mg. Thus, with

proper LCP establishment, soil chemical

properties could be maintained or even

improved at this site during the first five years

after planting (YAP).

In recent years, burning has been prohibited

by legislation in Malaysia and Indonesia in

response to concerns about environmental

pollution and zero-burn land-clearing

techniques were developed (Mohd. Hashim et

al., 1993). Zero-burn replanting techniques

may contribute to improved soil physical and

chemical properties because the large quantity

of biomass and nutrients contained in palm

trunks and fronds is conserved and returned

to the soil (Goh and Härdter, this volume;

Redshaw, this volume). Felled trunks and

fronds should be chipped and spread over the

soil surface to provide mulch, reduce localized

nutrient build-up, and minimize potential

leaching losses.

Although zero-burn replanting techniques

are currently the norm in the oil palm industry,

it should be pointed out that pest control

measures may be exacerbated due to an

increase in the population of Oryctes beetles

and rats. Thus, whilst zero burn land clearing

results in reduced smoke emissions and

improved soil properties it amy also result in

an increase in pesticide use.

It should be remembered that the cost of

replenishing soil fertility is almost always larger

than the cost of implementing proper land

clearing, land preparation and soil erosion

control techniques that contribute to the

conservation of indigenous nutrient supplies.

Mechanical clearing and burning can result in

increased surface runoff, topsoil erosion,

leaching, N-volatilization, and P-sorption (von

Uexküll, 1986). Soil damage during site

preparation may be so severe that LCP

establishment is greatly impaired, and this must

be avoided.

Table 2. Changes in chemical properties of topsoil (0–15 cm) in Malaysia at intervals after

land-clearing and legume cover plant establishment (Foong, 1984).

LCP = legume cover plants


)noitavitlucdnalhtnoM Hp








PK aC gM

% gkgm 1- gklomc 1-

liosnigriV 0 1.4 3.61 7.1 561 0.6 7.1 1.2 5.2

gniraelcretfA 6 3.4 4.51 7.1 041 0.7 8.1 2.2 1.2


PCLgnitnalp81 9.3 3.51 4.1 071 0.01 0.2 8.1 9.1


PCLgnitnalp52 0.4 7.41 3.1 551 0.6 6.1 1.2 5.1


PCLgnitnalp84 9.3 0.41 4.1 551 0.5 0.2 0.4 4.2


PCLgnitnalp26 9.3 3.81 8.1 971 0.8 6.1 6.3 7.2

Page 4: Fertilizing for maximum return - aarsb.com.my · FERTILIZING FOR MAXIMUM RETURN 1 INTRODUCTION Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production. The yield

4 Goh, K.J. et al.


Surface runoff water is the amount of watercontained in rainfall and runoff received fromhigher elevations that does not infiltrate thesoil. Runoff is greater where the soil structurehas been damaged due to compaction, whichcauses a reduction in the soil water infiltrationrate. In a study in West Sumatra on 10-year-old oil palms, significant spatial variabilitywas found when soil water infiltration ratesin the soil beneath the palm circle, path andfrond stack were compared. Infiltration rateincreased in the order path < circle < frond

stack. The larger infiltration rate in the frondstack was attributed to the effect of prunedfronds on soil structure. The smaller infiltra-tion rate in the circle and path was related tosoil compaction due to wheelbarrow andhuman traffic (Fairhurst, 1996).

In a simulation study of in-field transport offruit bunches and fertilizers, Tan and Ooi(2002) showed that infiltration rate in themechanization path could be reduced to zeroafter 24 runs by a 2.3 t mini-tractor grabbercarrying a 1 t load. Thus, the use of low groundpressure vehicles for infield transport isstrongly advocated to reduce soil compaction.

Soil erosion occurs when soil cover is poorand particles of soil are detached by raindropsand carried offsite. Preventive strategiesinclude the installation of erosion bunds (onslightly sloping land), palm platforms (onsloping land), and contour terraces (on steeplysloping land) (Gillbanks, this volume). Nutrientloss due to erosion are greater on steep slopes

are where rainfall intensity is greater, but lossescan be reduced by improving soil cover andinstalling soil conservation structures (Kee andChew, 1996). It is therefore very important topractice selective weeding in mature oil palmplantations to preserve groundcover andreduce the amount of nutrients lost in surfacerunoff and eroded soil. When properly arrangedin the inter-rows, pruned fronds are animportant means to reduce run-off and erosionand thus should not be removed from the fieldfor other purposes (Redshaw, this volume).

The amount of nutrients lost due to runoffand topsoil erosion may be large (Maene et al.,1979) (Table 3) and are usually greater thanlosses due to leaching. Losses of N and boron(B) in runoff water were greater than 10% ofthe amount applied as fertilizer, but losses weresmaller for the nutrients K, magnesium (Mg) andP (Table 3). This was probably due to the greatersolubility of N and B fertilizers and the adsorptionof K, Mg and P on soil complex. Losses fromsurface runoff were larger in the uncovered soilin the harvest path, compared to the interrows,where pruned fronds provide soil cover (Table3) and improve soil structure and the rate ofwater infiltration (Fairhurst, 1996).

Other studies indicate that the amount offertilizer nutrients lost due to surface runoffcould be related to the amount and intensityof rainfall immediately after ferti l izerapplication. Kee and Chew (1996) found thatN concentrations in runoff water collectedafter the first rain event following fertilizerapplication in the wet month of October were89 mg kg-1 for Rate 1 at 65 kg N ha-1 and 135

Table 3. Nutrient losses in surface runoff water on a Durian Series soil (Typic Hapludult) in

Malaysia (Maene et al., 1979).


N P K gM aC B

wormlapliO 3.31 5.3 0.6 5.7 8.6 9.22

htaptsevraH 6.51 4.3 3.7 5.4 2.6 8.33

wordnorfdenurP 0.2 6.0 8.0 7.2 8.0 3.3

htaptsevrah/dnorfdenurP 6.6 4.1 5.3 2.2 4.3 5.21

dleifehtrofegarevA 1.11 8.2 0.5 6.5 2.5 7.02

ahgk(deilppastneirtunrezilitreF 1- ) 2.09 0.25 9.502 8.23 9.87 4.2

Page 5: Fertilizing for maximum return - aarsb.com.my · FERTILIZING FOR MAXIMUM RETURN 1 INTRODUCTION Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production. The yield


mg kg-1 for Rate 2 at 130 kg N ha-1, comparedto 4 mg kg-1 in the control plot.

During the dry period when there was norain for five days after fertilizer application,however, the N concentrations in the runoffwater collected after the first rain event weremuch lower at 30 mg kg-1 (Rate 2), and <5 mgkg-1 (Rate 1 and the control plot). The drier soilsurface appeared to result in an increase inthe infiltration rate and thus a greater proportionof applied fertilizer was washed into the soil.Similar trends were observed for P, K and Mgfertilizers.

Phosphorus is more likely to be lost due tosheet erosion as it is less soluble than othernutrients and is held strongly on soil particles(particularly in highly weathered inland andupland soils). Sheet erosion also results in theloss of organic matter that forms an importantpart of the cation exchange capacity in highlyweathered tropical soils. Steeply sloping inlandand upland soils are more vulnerable to sheeterosion, and thus the effect of erosion on soilfertility in these soils is more pronounced. Thesubsoil in highly weathered soils is characterizedby low cation exchange capacity (CEC) and thepresence of small concentrations of plantavailable K, P, and Mg. The subsoil is thus aless-favorable environment for root growth and

root activity, particularly if the concentrations ofAl3+, H+ and Mn2+ are large due to low soil pH.For these reasons, the concentration of oil palmfeeder roots is greatest in the upper 30 cm ofsoil (Ng, et al., on botany, this volume). Coverplants are very difficult to establish on areasaffected by sheet erosion, and usually soil Pmust first be replenished before a full LCPcanopy can be established. The importance ofLCP in soil conservation is illustrated by Ling et

al. (1974) in an experiment in Malaysia whererunoff and soil loss decreased from 22% underbare soil conditions to 1% where soil surfacewas covered with LCP (Figure 1).

To summarize, measures to minimizenutrient losses due to surface runoff and soilerosion include the following:

� Maintain adequate groundcover byselective weeding, so that harvesting is notobstructed and competition from weeds isminimized,

� Implement contour planting with properlydesigned terraces and platforms on steepland,

� Align cut fronds along the contour,

� Mulch with empty fruit bunches,

� Avoid fertilizer application when heavyrainfall is likely to occur, and

0 0–30 0 30–90 0 90–1000

















Surface runoff (mm) Soil loss (t ha-1)

Ground cover (%)

Soil loss


Rainfall (mm) 269 311 378

Figure 1. Effect of groundcover and rainfall on surface runoff water and soil loss from a

Munchong Series soil (Typic Hapludox) in Malaysia (Ling et al., 1974).

Page 6: Fertilizing for maximum return - aarsb.com.my · FERTILIZING FOR MAXIMUM RETURN 1 INTRODUCTION Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production. The yield

6 Goh, K.J. et al.

� Install contour soil bunds.


Leaching losses occur when nutrients aredissolved into the drainage water as itpercolates through the soil profile. Leaching isparticularly problematic on coarse-texturedsoils in the humid tropics where rainfallexceeds evapo-transpiration. Other factors thataffect nutrient losses by leaching include soilpore size, rainfall intensity, the initial watercontent of the soil, and the amount and timingof fertilizer application. The cations Ca2+, Mg2+,and K+ and the anions NO

3- and Cl- are most

prone to leaching (Foong, 1993) (Table 4).Leaching losses are generally larger in olderpalms, probably because larger amounts offertilizer have been applied.

In a catchment study in the sameplantation where Foong (1993) conducted an

Table 4. Loss of nutrients by leaching measured by lysimeter in mature oil palm on a

Munchong series (Typic Hapludox) (Foong, 1993).



N P K gM

naeM egnaR naeM egnaR naeM egnaR naeM egnaR

8-5 2.1 7.2-5.0 6.1 7.1-4.1 5.2 7.3-9.0 5.11 8.82-2.5

41-9 0.3 8.5-6.1 5.1 7.2-8.0 9.2 4.4-4.1 5.51 7.32-3.8

Table 5. Loss of indigenous and fertilizer nutrients from a Rhodic Paleudult soil in central

southern Nigeria (1923 mm annual rainfall) (after Omoti et al., 1983).


N- ON3

N- K aC gM OS4

S- lC

ahgk 1-


loopevitanmorfssoL 5 81 2 511 22 73 73

rezilitrefmorfssoL 01 61 42 521 62 02 16

ssollatoT 51 43 62 041 84 75 89


loopevitanmorfssoL 5 43 12 98 32 95 22

rezilitrefmorfssoL 4 3 8 72 7 7 84

ssollatoT 9 73 92 611 03 66 07

experiment on leaching losses, theexceptionally large Mg losses were attributedto the excessive application of kieserite andthe application of N and K fertilizers thatdisplaced Mg from cation exchange sites intothe soil solution. Losses of P were very small,due to its comparative immobility in the soil(Chang et al., 1994).

In a study on nutrient leaching on Orlu andAlgba series (Rhodic Paleudult) soils inNigeria, Omoti et al. (1983) distinguishedbetween nutrients originating from the soilindigenous supply and nutrients added inmineral fertilizers by using fertilized andunfertilized lysimeters installed 60 cm belowthe soil surface. Losses of NH

4-N and K were

small in young palms in the absence offertilizer, but for all nutrients, leaching lossesfrom fertilizer were smaller in the older palmscompared with the young palms (Table 5).

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This outcome is to be expected since the olderpalms have better root system to absorbapplied and indigenous soil nutrients, a largerdemand for nutrients, and a highertranspiration rate with a consequent lowerwater balance for leaching.

Losses of NO3-N, K and SO

4-S all were

greater in the unfertilized soil in older palmscompared with young palms, presumablybecause of nutrient accumulation in the soilsdue to fertilization prior to the measurements(Table 5).

Calcium was leached in the greatestquantity followed by Cl, SO

4-S, and Mg. As

could be expected, losses of NO3-N were

greater than of NH4-N. It appears that Ca was

the main carrier for the anions in these soils,probably due to the relatively low K rate appliedduring the experiment.

Clearly, there is a wide difference betweennutrients in terms of their susceptibility toleaching. Nutrient losses may be large,particularly where organic matter status of thesoil is low, in coarse-textured soils, and in areaswith high rainfall.

To summarize, measures to minimizenutrient losses due to leaching include thefollowing:

� Implement balanced nutrition (nutrientssupplied according to crop demand).

� Split large application rates into a numberof smaller doses (particularly for N, K, andMg).

� Spread fertilizers evenly to maximizecontact with the root system.

� Avoid fertilizer application during periods ofheavy rainfall (by using statisticaltechniques or expert systems to predict theoccurrence of dry periods).

� Apply empty bunches and cut fronds toincrease soil organic status and cationexchange capacity.

� Increase the soil pH through liming toincrease soil cation exchange capacity invariable charge soils.


Nitrogen is lost to the atmosphere byvolatilization when moisture (from the soil orair) is just sufficient to dissolve urea applied tothe soil surface but insufficient to wash ureaand its decomposition product (ammoniumbicarbonate) into the soil. Losses occurbecause the ammonium bicarbonate ishydrolyzed to ammonium hydroxide andcarbon dioxide.


2 + 2H+ + 2H

2O ––––(urease)→

2NH3+ 2H+ + H



This process causes an increase in soil pHin the vicinity of the applied urea that favorsrapid liberation of ammonia gas into theatmosphere (volatilization). A simple procedureto assess the likely occurrence of volatilizationlosses from urea was proposed by Ng et al.(1983) based on factors that affect the rate ofurea volatilization (Table 6). For example, highclay and silt content tends to increase the

Table 6. Parameters for assessing the potential for N losses by volatilization from surface-

applied urea (Ng et al., 1983).

WHC = water-holding capacity







dedeeWsuidarelcric edahS


llafniardna% CHW% mc

hgiH 53< 54< draH 061 nepO 4>

etaredoM 56-53 56-54otmriFelbairf

002-061 dedahS 4-3

woL 56> 58-56 elbairF 042-002-lleWdedahs


Page 8: Fertilizing for maximum return - aarsb.com.my · FERTILIZING FOR MAXIMUM RETURN 1 INTRODUCTION Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production. The yield

8 Goh, K.J. et al.

fixation of NH4-N to the soil complex, which

reduces the amount of volatilization. Similarly,urea applied on moist soils will dissolve andpercolate into the soil resulting in smallervolatilization losses. Conditions that promotethe rapid downward movement of urea or itsdecomposition products into the soils willreduce volatilization losses.

Ammonium sulfate (AS) is a more suitableN source in sites wher the probability of NH


N losses from urea is great.

In addition to these factors, high soil pH,temperature, and wind speed increasesvolatilization losses. Urea should be storedcarefully since volatilization losses alsoincrease when compacted lumps (formed inbags stored under damp conditions) areapplied to the soil.

In experiments carried out on N-deficientcoastal clay soils in Malaysia, Zakaria et al.(1989) showed that the average relativeefficiency of urea was 80–85% of ammoniumsulfate. Yield response was greater with ureain three of 12 experiments but under adverseconditions, more than 70% of the N containedin urea was lost within one week of application.

Provided the conditions for low probabilityof NH

3 losses are met (Table 6), however,

volatilization losses are tolerably small andurea can be considered a highly concentratedand economic N source for oil palm.Volatilization losses can also be reduced byapplying a mixture of urea soluble Ca or Mgsources, e.g. kieserite (1:0.1 to 1:0.5 N:Mg)(Fenn et al., 1981; von Rheinbaben, 1987).

To summarize, measures to minimizenutrient losses due to volatilization include thefollowing:

� Apply N (urea) only during months whenmoderate rainfall immediately followingapplication is assured (i.e. months withbetween 150–250 mm rainfall).

� Cover the N fertilizer with soil afterapplication.

� Split larger N fertilizer requirements into anumber of small doses.

� Use S-coated urea.

� Use urea/kieserite mixtures.


Nutrients are said to be ‘fixed’ when they areconverted from a form readily-available forplant uptake into a form unavailable or veryslowly-available for uptake due to reactionswith soil particles.

Both K and N are affected by ‘fixation’,which occurs on coastal clay soils containinglattice layer clays (e.g. montmorillonite, illite).Phosphorus fixation occurs mainly on highlyweathered ‘upland’ or ‘inland’ soils containinglarge concentrations of Fe and Al oxides(termed sesquioxides) that form insolublecomplexes with applied P. Soluble Pfertilizers (e.g. triple superphosphate (TSP),diammonium phosphate (DAP), watersolubleP in NPK compounds) are particularlysusceptible to fixation when applied to acidupland and inland soils. Reactive phosphaterock is a more suitable P fertilizer source foruse on upland and inland soils, but not onthe slightly acid-neutral soils where there isinsufficient acidity for P dissolution. In acidsoils, reactions between the soil and thephosphate rock result in a continuous releaseof P for plant uptake.

A large application of phosphate rock maybe required to saturate part of the soil’s P-fixation capacity such that sufficient P isavailable for plant uptake. In a pot experimentwith four soil types (i.e. two Ultisols and twoOxisols) in Malaysia 80–98% of the P appliedwas not available for plant uptake due tofixation when 250–500 mg P kg-1 soil wasapplied (Zaharah, 1979). At larger applicationrates, however, a larger proportion of Papplied is available for plant uptake (Figure2). This has been confirmed in f ieldexperiments with mature palms where Puptake increased by >300% when the Pfertilizer application rate was doubled,compared with the control (Goh and Chew,1995).

In experiments carried out in Malaysia, theresponse to rock phosphate was small incoastal clay soils (where soil pH was higher)compared with acid, P-fixing inland soils(Zakaria et al., 1991) (Figure 3). The loweryield responses to P in coastal soils can be

Page 9: Fertilizing for maximum return - aarsb.com.my · FERTILIZING FOR MAXIMUM RETURN 1 INTRODUCTION Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production. The yield


Figure 2. Amounts of P adsorbed by soils at different levels of P added (Zaharah, 1979).

250 500 1000 1500 20000







Available P (mg P kg-1 soil)

P added (mg P kg-1 soil)

Bungor (Ultisol)

Durian (Ultisol)

Malacca (Oxisol)

Munchong (Oxisol)

Figure 3. Effect of rock phosphate on bunch yield on inland and coastal soils in Malaysia

over two periods (Zakaria et al., 1991). [I and II refer to Period I (first 4 years of P treatment)

and Period II (next 4 years of P treatment) respectively.]







0 1 2 3 4 5

Yield (t ha-1)

Rock phosphate (kg P palm-1)

Inland I

Inland II

Coastal I

Coastal II

partially attributed to less P-fixation andhydromorphic effects (which reduce Fe3+-P tomore plant availabel Fe2+-P). Yield responsesto P in both the coastal and inland soils weresimilar in Period I (first 4 years of P treatments)

and Period II (next 4 years of P treatments).In Period II in the inland soils, however, theabsolute yields were lower, probably due topalm etiolation caused by the relatively highdensity of 148–161 palms ha-1.

Page 10: Fertilizing for maximum return - aarsb.com.my · FERTILIZING FOR MAXIMUM RETURN 1 INTRODUCTION Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production. The yield

10 Goh, K.J. et al.

To summarize, measures to minimize P-fixation include the following:

� Minimize contact of water-soluble P-fertilizer with soil (P should be applied inbands, over frond stacks, or to the outerrim of the weeded circle).

� Apply empty bunches as a soil mulch.

� Establish LCP to increase P-cycling.

� Apply lime to very acid soils (pH<4).

� Apply large amounts of reactive phosphaterock to replenish soil P stocks in degradedsoils.



I Assessment of nutrient use


Three basic questions must be answered inall assessments of fertilizer use efficiency:

� How much of the nutrients applied are takenup by the crop?

� How much additional yield is obtained foreach additional unit of nutrient uptake?

� To what extent can the crop benefit fromthe nutrients not recovered by the cropduring the period of assessment?

There are five indices that can be used toassess nutrient use efficiency.

Partial factor productivity (PFP)

PFP answers the question: How much yield is

produced for each kg of fertilizer nutrient (FN)



= kg bunch kg-1 fertilizer nutrient (FN)applied:



/ FN (1)

where BY+FN

is the bunch yield (kg ha-1) andFN is the amount of fertilizer nutrient applied(kg ha-1).

Because BY at a given level of FN

represents the sum of yield without fertilizerinputs (BY

0 FN) plus the increase in yield from

applied fertilizer (∆BY+FN



= (BY0 FN

+ ∆BY+FN

) / FN (2)



= (BY0 FN

/ FN) + (∆BY+FN

/ FN) (3)

and by substitution with equation (5):


= (BY0 FN

/ FN) + AEFN


where AE+FN

is the agronomic efficiency ofapplied fertilizer nutrients (see below).

Equation 4 shows that PFPFN

can beincreased by increasing the uptake and use ofindigenous soil-N resources (measured asBY

0 FN) and increasing the efficiency of applied

fertilizer nutrient use (AEFN


Agronomic efficiency (AE)

AE answers the question: How much additional

yield is produced for each kg of fertilizer nutrient

(FN) applied?


= kg bunch yield increase kg-1 FN

applied (often-used synonym: nutrient useefficiency):


= (BY+FN

- BY0 FN

) / FN (5)

where BY+FN

is the bunch yield in atreatment with fertilizer nutrient application;BY

0 FN is the bunch yield in a treatment without

fertilizer nutrient (FN) application; and FN isthe amount of fertilizer nutrient applied, all inkg ha-1.


represents the product of the efficiencyof nutrient recovery from applied nutrientsources (= recovery efficiency, RE

FN) and the

efficiency with which the plant uses each unitof nutrient acquired (= physiological efficiency,PE







and PEFN

thus contribute to AEFN

,and each can be improved by crop and soilmanagement practices, including general cropmanagement practices and those specific tonutrient management, e.g. a more balancedN:P:K ratio or improved splitting and timing ofnutrient applications (see Table 8 and 9).

Because AEFN



, it is necessaryto quantify the relative contribution of eachcomponent to explain measured differences inagronomic efficiency that result from differentnutrient or crop management strategies.

Page 11: Fertilizing for maximum return - aarsb.com.my · FERTILIZING FOR MAXIMUM RETURN 1 INTRODUCTION Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production. The yield


Recovery efficiency (RE)

RE answers the question: How much of the

nutrient applied was recovered and taken up

by the crop?


= kg fertilizer nutrient taken up kg-1

fertilizer nutrient applied:


= (UN+FN

- UN0 FN

) / FN (7)

where UN+FN

is the total palm uptake offertilizer nutrient measured in abovegroundbiomass in plots that receive applied fertilizernutrient at the rate of FN (kg ha-1); and UN

0 FN

is the total nutrient uptake without the additionof fertilizer nutrient .


is obtained by the ‘nutrient difference’method based on measured differences inplant nutrient uptake in treatment plots with andwithout applied nutrient (Equation 7). Recoveryefficiency of applied nutrient is estimated moreaccurately when two treatments with a small

difference in the application rate are compared:


= (UNFN2


) / (FNFN2


) (8)

where REFN

is the recovery efficiency (kgnutrient uptake kg-1 nutrient applied); UN is thetotal nutrient uptake in bunches, fronds andtrunk (kg ha-1); and FN is the amount of fertilizernutrient added (kg ha-1) in two different nutrienttreatments (FN2 and FN1) e.g. FN2 receivinga larger nutrient rate than FN1.


is affected by agronomic practises andrainfall (Table 8)

Physiological efficiency (PE)

PE answers the question: How much additional

yield do I produce for each additional kg of

nutrient uptake?


= kg bunch yield increase kg-1 fertilizerFN taken up:


= (BY+FN

- BY0 FN

) / (UN+FN

- UN0 FN


where BY+FN

is the bunch yield in atreatment with fertilizer nutrient (FN) application(kg ha-1); BY

0 FN is the bunch yield in a treatment

without fertilizer nutrient (FN) application; andUN is the total uptake of fertilizer nutrient (kgha-1) in the two treatments.


represents the ability of a plant totransform a given amount of acquired fertilizernutrient into economic yield (oil or bunches)

and largely depends on genotypiccharacteristics such as the bunch index andinternal nutrient use efficiency, which is alsoaffected by general crop and nutrientmanagement (Table 8).

Internal efficiency (IE)

IE answers the question: How much yield is

produced per kg fertilizer nutrient (FN) taken

up from both fertilizer and indigenous (soil)

nutrient sources?


= kg bunch kg-1 FN taken up:


= BY / UN (10)

where BY is the bunch yield (kg ha-1), andUN is the total uptake of fertilizer nutrient (kgha-1).

This definition of IEFN

includes FN taken upfrom indigenous and fertilizer sources. IE


largely depends on genotype, harvest index,interactions with other nutrients and otherfactors that affect flowering and bunchformation.

II Implementation of nutrient use

efficiency assessment in oil palm

fertilizer experiments

In annual crops, destructive samplingmethods can be used to measure nutrientuptake in fertilized and unfertilized plots ineach crop season and fertilizer nutrient useefficiency can then be calculated by difference(Dobermann and Fairhurst, 2002). The relativeease with which this can be carried outexplains why in grain crops, measurement ofnutrient use efficiency is standard practicewhen analyzing data from field fertilizerexperiments. Destructive sampling cannot beused in oil palm fertilizer experiments,however, because it is costly and precludesthe possibility of further measurements in theexperiment. For this reason, Fairhurst (1996)and Fairhurst (1999) devised a non-destructive approach to measure nutrientuptake, based on standard methods forestimating above ground biomass productionin trunk, leaf, bunches (Corley et al., 1971,Appendix 6) combined with tissue analysis.Nutrient uptake is calculated from the nutrientconcentration and the amount of biomassproduced (kg ha-1 yr-1) respectively in thetrunk, leaves, and bunches, and nutrient use

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12 Goh, K.J. et al.

efficiency is measured by comparing nutrientuptake in different treatments in fertilizerexperiments.

Differences in nutrient use efficiency betweenplantations, blocks, single palms or fertilizersources are explained by a range of factors(Table 8). The goal of a good field managementis to maximize uptake by identifying possiblelimiting factors and implementing remidialmeasures.

These methods were used to assess nutrientuse efficiency in six fertilizer trials at Bah LiasResearch Station (BLRS) (Prabowo et al.,2002). Preliminary results from one year ofmeasurements indicate recovery efficienciesof 19–36% (N), 7–29% (P), 29–70% (K) and10–60% (Mg) (Table 7). Large differences inRE were measured for different fertilizersources of P and Mg fertilizer and RE wasmuch greater when these nutrients weresupplied in soluble forms respectively as TSPand kieserite (Table 7).

In almost all cases, RE was greater for eachnutrient when other nutrients were supplied innon-limiting amounts. RE was smaller in Trial231 where high rainfall resulted in largefertilizer nutrient losses in surface water runoffand eroded soil (Prabowo et al., 2002). In Trial231 RE was >100% for K where yield was lessthan 23 t ha-1. This suggests that palms wereable to use soil indigenous K more efficientlyafter K deficiency had been corrected.

The separation of AE into its componentsof RE and PE provides the means to identifyproblems in fertilizer response experiments.For example it may be possible to achieve large

values for RE but low values for PE result inlow values for AE. Field management factorscan be separated into those affecting RE andPE (Table 8). For example, RE may be largein a fertilizer treatment but a low value for PE

is caused by inter palm competition and thegenetic characteristics of the planting material.


A wide range of fertilizer products is availableon the market. The choice of fertilizer dependson the following factors:

� Nutrients required.

� Availability of fertilizers.

� Physical and chemical properties (nutrientconcentration, availability) of fertilizers.

� Cost ($ kg-1 N, P, K, Mg, B, and Cu).

� Soil characteristics (pH, clay content andtype, texture).

� Terrain (e.g. flat, sloping, hilly).

� Palm age and condition.

� Climate.

� Availability of labor.

In general, the water soluble fertilizers areused for immature palms, correction of nutrientdeficiencies, and aerial application. Waterinsoluble fertilizers (e.g. dolomite, rockphosphate) are used on acid soils to provide asustained slow release of nutrients, to counterthe acidifying effect of urea and SOA, and tobuild up soil fertility. The common fertilizersused in oil palm are listed by Goh and Härdter(this volume) and a comprehensive account isgiven by Chew et al. (1994).

Table 7. Recovery of nutrients from mineral fertilizers in five fertilizer experiments in North

Sumatra, Indonesia (after Prabowo et al., 2002).

* RP and dolomite used instead of TSP and kieserite.


132lairT 232lairT 572lairT 772lairT *3041lairT



0.42 8.81 0.63 7.32 7.62



8.02 2.61 0.92 6.52 2.7



5.96 9.75 0.84 1.83 6.73



0.06 9.12 0.02 7.9 7.6

Page 13: Fertilizing for maximum return - aarsb.com.my · FERTILIZING FOR MAXIMUM RETURN 1 INTRODUCTION Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production. The yield


Table 8. Examples of factors affecting and physiological efficiency (PE) and recovery

efficiency (RE) of fertilizer nutrients in oil palm.

rotcaF ycneicifferoopfoesuaC serusaemlaidemeR








gninurP .gninurp-rednudna-revO8≤(sdnorfgnidnetbusowtniateR











.ekatputneirtunrooP .etagirri;sehcnubtiurfytpmeylppA






.gnidaerpsrezilitrefnevenU .gnidaerpsdezinahcemecudortnI

.noitacilppaylemitnU .noitacilpparezilitreftpmorP




















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14 Goh, K.J. et al.


Generic fertilizer products (e.g. urea, SOA,TSP, potassium chloride, kieserite) shouldconform to statutory quality parameters statedin fertilizer tender documents and contracts.

For example, in Malaysia it has become acommon practice for the buyer and seller torefer to the SIRIM (Standard and IndustrialResearch Institute of Malaysia) standards asguidelines, and specifications for fertilizerquality and testing methods. In general, thequality of fertilizers should meet the followingspecifications (Razman et al., 1999):

� Nutrient content and concentration.

� Nutrient chemical composition.

� Moisture content.

� Particle size.

� Physical condition (e.g. free flowing).

� Solubility and/or availability.

� Packaging details.

At least one sample from each fertilizerconsignment should be sent to a reputablelaboratory for analysis to confirm that itconforms to specifications (Appendix 8).Equally important is the quality of fertilizer bags,which should be waterproof, and manufacturedfrom woven polypropylene with a polyethyleneinner liner (Razman et al., 1999). Fertilizersshould be stacked properly in a dry storagearea and used promptly because fertilizersbecome caked after long periods in storageand space must be available for the nextfertilizer consignment.

When comparing the cost of fertilizers,consider the following:

� Cost per kg nutrient, not cost per bag.

� Transport costs to destination.

� Quality of fertilizer (e.g. additional costsincurred to break up caked fertilizer).

� Availability of nutrients (e.g. phosphate rockand dolomite are only available for uptakeafter reaction in the soil).

� Application costs (e.g. application cost forkieserite is less coslty than dolomite on perkg nutrient basis).

� Number of application rounds required(fertilizers with a large nutrient content [e.g.

urea] or containing more than one nutrient[e.g. DAP] will reduce the number ofapplications requried).

Thus, some seemingly expensive fertilizermay be less costly when all the factors areconsidered.


Once the amount required and source of eachfertilizer nutrient has been determined (Foster,this volume), a strategy for the placement, andfrequency and timing of application must beconsidered.

I Strategies for the placement of


It is axiomatic that fertilizers should be placedwhere they can most readily be absorbed byfeeding roots of the crop. The proportion of thesoil volume exploited by the oil palm increaseswith palm age (Ng et al., 1968; Ruer, 1967)but the rate of expansion depended on soil type(Tan, 1976). Palms absorbed labeled 32Papplied over 30 m from the point of application,even when the palms were separated by a 65cm deep trench (Zaharah et al., 1989). Physicaldisturbance of the soil in the path inter-row dueto mechanized fruit collection also affected rootgrowth in this zone (Mokhtaruddin et al., 1992)and the quantity of roots was increased bymore than 20% following sub-soiling ofcompacted palm inter-rows (Caliman et al.,1990b).

Based on cursory investigations in thefield, it is sometimes asserted that there aregenerally more active feeder roots in the soilbeneath the frond stack compared with soilfrom beneath the weeded circle. In a detailedstudy in West Sumatra on palms 10 YAP,however, no difference was found in feederroot length density between these two zonesbut root length density was smaller in soilbeneath the harvesting path, where the soilwas more compacted than the other twozones due to frequent wheelbarrow traffic(Fairhurst, 1996) (Figure 4). In the soilbeneath the area where fertilizer had beenapplied, root length density was greater,suggesting that roots proliferate where theconcentration of nutrients is greatest (Figure5). Other workers reported the positive

Page 15: Fertilizing for maximum return - aarsb.com.my · FERTILIZING FOR MAXIMUM RETURN 1 INTRODUCTION Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production. The yield


Figure 4. Contour map showing root length density (RLD) in a transect between three

palms across the harvest path and frond stack interrows in a field of palms in West Sumatra

10 years after field planting (Fairhurst, 1996).





0 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 0 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 0




Distance between palms (m)









Harvesting path


Fertilizer application zonesFertilizer application zones


RLD (cm cm-3


Figure 5. Root length density of primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary roots in the

circle facing the front stack (Circle S) and harvest path (Circle P), and frond stack in a field of

palms in West Sumatra 10 years after field planting (Fairhurst, 1996). [Bars represent

standard error of the means, n=7)

Circle S Circle P Path Stack0
















3.5 Secondary










Root length density (cm cm-3)


Circle S Circle P Path Stack0










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16 Goh, K.J. et al.

tropism of oil palm roots towards areas withbetter water and nutrient supply, with a greaterconcentration of roots in soil beneath the frondstack in the palm inter line (Bachy, 1964;Tailliez, 1971), and at the edge of palm circleswhere there had been an accumulation oforganic debris (Purvis, 1956). The quantity ofroots in soil beneath the harvesting path wasreported to be small (Hartley, 1977).

Fertilizer application rates may be verylarge, particularly when the rate is calculatedbased on the area of soil over which the fertilizeris applied. Palm circles occupy only 20% of thesoil surface area under oil palm and thus, forexample, 1.5 kg palm-1 urea applied over theweeded circle is equivalent to an applicationof 1,000 kg ha-1.

From an agronomic point of view theapplication of fertilizers over the weeded circlewould, at first, appear to be unsatisfactorybecause

� the root system in mature palms extendsfar beyond the boundary of the weededcircle (Ng, et al., on botany, this volume),

� the soil beneath the circle may haveinsufficient cation exchange capacity tostore the large amount K and Mg appliedbut not immediately taken up by the palm,resulting in increased leaching losses,

� the application of large amounts of aparticular cation (e.g. K) may result in thedisplacement and leaching of another cation(e.g. Ca), and

� the application of large quantities of ureaand sulfate of ammonia may cause soilacidification (and a consequent reductionin cation exchange capacity in variablecharge soils).

Some arguments can be made in favor offertilizer placement over the frond stack:

� Soil P fixation is reduced due to the effectof organic residues on soil properties.

� There may be a greater proportion of finefeeder roots (tertiary and quaternary roots)in soil beneath the frond stack.

� Surface wash of fertilizers may be reducedby the protective layer of pruned fronds lyingon the soil surface.

The infiltration rate in soil beneath the frondstack is more rapid, however, and this mayresult in greater losses of K and Mg fertilizersdue to leaching. Since the water infiltration ratein the soil in the weeded circle is often reduceddue to compaction, however, fertilizers appliedover the weeded circle may be washed outand distributed over the surrounding area.Clearly, the selection of a suitable placementstrategy must take into account the nature ofthe fertilizer material, the particular nutrientapplied and the age of the palms.

There are three reasons why there was, inthe past, a tendency to apply fertilizers overthe circle:

� First, some of the N supplied in fertilizersapplied over the inter-row will be taken upby ground cover vegetation and lost whenslashed ground vegetation decomposes onthe soil surface,

� Second, N volatilization losses are greaterwhen urea is applied over decomposingorganic debris where urease activity isgreater, and

� Third, it is much easier for the manager toverify that fertilizers have actually beenapplied and spread properly when they areapplied over the weeded circle.

We will now review some past experimentsthat investigated the effect of fertilizerplacement on nutrient use efficiency. Fertilizerplacement studies have generally producedinconclusive results despite large yieldresponses to fertilizer in a number ofexperiments (Table 9). In fertilizer experimentscarried out in Malaysia, yield was larger whenP was applied in the harvest path avenuecompared to the frond stack and circle, andwhen K was applied in the frond stackcompared to the circle (Foster and Dolmat,1986). In contrast, Teoh and Chew (1985) andYeow et al., (1982) found no difference in yieldbetween different placement strategies. Ofparticular interest is the increased responseto fertilizer in experiments carried out inMalaysia when palm fronds were broadcastover the inter-rows compared to the placementof fronds in alternate palm rows, and whenfertilizer was applied together with anapplication of 3.5 t ha-1 empty bunches (Chanet al., 1993). To summarize, fertilizer

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application over clean weeded palm circles,over the outside edge of the weeded circle, orover the frond stack gave similar yieldresponses in mature oil palms planted oncoastal soils, NPK fertilizer could be applied inalternate avenues in the oil palm plantationswithout reducing efficiency.

Foster and Tayeb (1986) measured theeffect of different fertilizer placement strategieson yield of palms 7–9 and 10–11 YAP (Figure6). Very similar results were obtained for bothage groups:

� With one application of N per year, yieldwas greater when N fertilizer was appliedover the weeded circle, but when N wassupplied in three applications, there was nodifference between the placementstrategies.

� Phosphorus was most effective whenbroadcast over the avenue, while K was

Table 9. Effect of fertilizer placement on bunch yield in Malaysia.

1Yeow et al. (1981); 2Foster and Tayeb (1986); 3Chan et al. (1994); 4Chan et al. (1993).

tneirtuN seireslioSlioS


lortnoCelcricdedeeW etanretlA

seunevadnorFkcatsnihtiW edistuO

aht 1-


hairB 1 tneuqaporT 3.51 1.32 3.42 - -

magneR 2 tluduelaP - 5.22 7.12 - 6.12

nairuD 3 tluduporT 0.42 5.92 7.92 - -

P magneR 2 tluduelaP - 2.12 6.22 - 4.12


magneR 2 tluduelaP 4.12 7.12 - 7.22

nairuD 3 tluduporT 4.72 7.72 1.82 - -

gnarP 3 xohtroorcA 2.63 2.73 1.73 - -

nabmereS 4 tluduporT 6.62 2.72 7.72 - -

KNgnohcnuM 5 xodulpaH 2.12 9.52 7.42 - -

gnadreS 5 tluduelaP 1.51 9.91 6.91 - -


rognaleS 1 tpeuqaporT 2.92 - 0.23 1.23 -

rognaleS 1 tpeuqaporT - 1.13 - 6.13 -

yeraC 1 tpeuqaporT - 6.92 - 9.92 -

most effective when broadcast over frondstack (Figure 6).

Goh et al. (1996) measured K uptakeindirectly in an experiment with palms 16 YAPon a Rengam Series soil (Typic Paleudult). Two1-m2 plots were marked within each microsite,i.e. palm circle, interrow, frond stack andharvest path. At each micro site, one plot wasisolated by a trench (0.3 m wide x 0.9 m deep)and K uptake was estimated from total Kcontents in the 1-m2 plots by difference. Theplots were allowed to settle for a year before Kfertilizer treatment (500 kg K ha-1) was applied.In the fertilized plots, K uptake was greatest inthe palm circle, followed by the inter-row, frondstack and harvest path, where uptake wasprobably affected by soil compaction (Table10). In unfertilized plots, K uptake was greatestin the palm circle where the concentration ofexchangeable K (0.22 cmol kg-1) was thesmallest of the areas sampled.

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18 Goh, K.J. et al.

Figure 6a. Effects of different fertilizer N placement strategies on bunch yield in oil palm at

7–9 and 10–11 years after field planting (Foster and Tayeb, 1986).

Circle Path Stack20



Bunch yield (t ha-1)

Zone Frequency

Circle Path Stack26



Bunch yield (t ha-1)

Zone Frequency


Circle Path Stack20



Bunch yield (t ha-1)

Zone Frequency

Circle Path Stack26



Bunch yield (t ha-1)

Zone Frequency


Figure 6c. Effects of different fertilizer K placement strategies on bunch yield in oil palm at

7–9 and 10–11 years after field planting (Foster and Tayeb, 1986).

Circle Path Stack20



Bunch yield (t ha-1)

Zone Frequency

Circle Path Stack26



Bunch yield (t ha-1)

Zone Frequency


Page 19: Fertilizing for maximum return - aarsb.com.my · FERTILIZING FOR MAXIMUM RETURN 1 INTRODUCTION Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production. The yield


Table 10. Effect of frequency of fertilizer application on oil palm yield in Malaysia.

F0 = no fertilizer; F

1 = 1 round in 4 years; F

2 = 1 round in 2 years; F

3 = 1 round yr-1; F

4 = 2 rounds yr-1; F

5 = 3 rounds

yr-1; F6 = 6 rounds yr-1.

1Foster and Tayeb (1986); 2Chan et al. (1993); 3Chan et al. (1994); 4Chan (1982); 5Foong and Sofi (1995); 6Teoh and

Chew (1985).

tneirtuN seireslioSlioS










ahBFFt(dleiY 1- )

N magneR 1 tluduelaP 0.22 - - 5.42 - 0.52 -


magneR 1 tluduelaP 0.22 - - 9.32 - 5.42 -

nabmereS 2 tluduporT 6.62 - - - - 3.72 6.72

nairuD 3 tluduporT 4.72 - - - - 8.72 0.82

gnarP 3 xohtrorcA 2.63 - - - 5.73 5.73 8.63


magneR 1 tluduelaP 0.22 - - 5.42 - 0.52 -

uagnereJ 4 tludulpaH 4.01 - 3.31 9.41 - - -

dooryloH 5 tludulpaH - 6.81 5.02 2.12 - - -

KN gnohcnuM 6 tludulpaH 5.31 - 7.81 6.91 4.81 - -

In addition to nutrients supplied in fertilizer,small quantities of nutrients may be added inrainfall. Annual rainfall of 2,000 mm in Malaysiacontained about 5 kg K ha-1 yr-1 but asubstantial amount of K was leached from thecanopy resulting in the addition of 36 kg ha-1

yr-1 to the soil in through-fall (Goh et al., 1994).

One reason for the inconclusive results inpast investigations on the effect of fertilizerplacement is that gradients in root distributionmay already have been established at the startof each experiment. Thus, when treatments tocompare broadcast fertilizer with applicationin weeded circles are installed in a field ofpalms where root gradients are alreadypronounced, nutrient uptake is likely to be lessefficient in areas of the field that have notreceived fertilizer or pruned fronds in the past,such as the harvest path, and where rootdevelopment is poor. Ideally experiments onfertilizer placement should be established infields of young palms so that both uptakeefficiency and the effect of nutrients on rootdevelopment are taken into account.

Broadcasting fertilizers over the entire soilsurface under mature palms has also been

advocated because it results in an overallbuildup of soil fertility (and probably moreuniform root distribution), avoids excessivenutrient buildup (and acidification) in the palmcircle, and reduces leaching losses of K andMg in the palm circle. Clearly, fertilizerplacement is not an issue in plantations thathave changed to mechanical fertilizerapplication due a shortage of labor for manualapplication. Fertilizer use efficiency mayincrease where fertilizers are broadcast dueto more even root distribution.

Fertilizer placement strategies for maturepalms must take into account thecharacteristics of each fertilizer, oil palm rootdevelopment and palm age (Table 11.Placement strategies should also be adjustedto take into account soil properties, weedmanagement (some companies prefer bare-ground conditions or sparse vegetationfavoring fertilizer application in the palm circle),and rainfall distribution.

It is recommended that bunch ash isapplied around the weeded circle to palms 4–7 YAP, and outside the weeded circle in palms>7 YAP.

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20 Goh, K.J. et al.

II Frequency and timing of fertilizer


Hew and Ng (1968) showed that uptakeefficiency was increased with more frequentapplications of fertilizer and designed aschedule for fertilizer application according totree age and fertilizer source.

The frequency of fertilizer application isconstrained by

� the time it takes to apply a single applicationof fertilizer in a management unit,

� the number of fertilizers that must beapplied in a year, and

� the requirement for a period of two monthswithout fertilizer application prior to leafsampling.

Thus, there is potential for ten fertilizerapplications in a year assuming one applicationcan be completed within a month in a singlemanagement unit of 1,000 ha. The mostsuitable frequency for fertilizer applicationdepends on:

� the nutrient's susceptibility to leaching,

� the soil's capacity for nutrient retention, and

� local patterns of rainfall distribution andintensity.

Because NO3

- produced from the minerali-zation of N-fertilizer is highly susceptible toleaching, more frequent applications may berequired for N fertilizers than for P fertilizers,which are comparatively immobile in the soil.Frequency of K and Mg application should be

related to soil clay content and mineralogy, andthe soil’s cation exchange capacity.

On a sandy soil in Malaysia, the yieldresponse to P, applied as rock phosphate wasgreater when applied annually compared toonce in four years, but frequency ofapplication had no effect on leaf P content(Foong and Sofi, 1995) (Table 12). Largeryields were obtained when N, P, and K wereapplied three times a year compared to oncea year on a Rengam soil (sandy clay texture)with small cation exchange capacity (<10cmol kg-1) (Foster and tayeb, 1986) but onSerdang (silty clay loam texture) andMunchong (clay texture) soils with a smallcation exchange capacity there was noadvantage from increased frequency ofapplication of NK fertilizer, provided fertilizerswere applied during periods of low rainfall(Teoh and Chew, 1985) (Table 12). Resultsfrom other fertilizer frequency experiments onmature oil palms are more equivocal (Chanet al., 1993; Chan et al., 1994) (Table 12).The general trends showed that N, K, and NKfertilizers could be applied once a year foroptimum yield, while the less-solublephosphate rock could be applied in alternateyears. It should be noted, however, that theseexperiments used soluble fertilizers on heavytextured sandy-clay to heavy-clay soils andmay not be applicable to light-textured soils.

Although humid tropical climates withannual rainfall of 2000 - 2,500 mm imply theloss of large amounts of nutrients throughleaching, the large evaporative demand of oilpalms suggests that leaching losses may in

Table 11. Recommendations for fertilizer placement by manual application for oil palm.


3-0 6-4 01-7 01>

)NAC,AOS,aeru(N elcricdedeeW elcricdedeeW elcricdedeeW elcricedistuO

)etahpsohpkcor(P elcricdedeeW elcricdnuorA elcricdnuorA elcricedistuO

)lCK(K elcricdedeeW elcricdedeeW elcricdnuorA elcricedistuO

)etireseik(gM elcricdedeeW elcricdedeeW elcricdnuorA elcricdnuorA

)etimolod(gM - elcricdnuorA elcricedistuO elcricedistuO

)etaroB(B elcricdedeeW elcricdedeeW elcricdedeeW elcricdedeeW

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fact be small (Chang and Chow, 1985).Nutrients lost by leaching represented between2–5 % of the nutrient content of fertilizersapplied to a clay loam soil in a lysimeter plantedwith oil palms and legume cover crop whereannual rainfall was 1,800–3,000 mm. Losseswere different for each nutrient, increasing inthe order P<N=K<Mg, and the largest lossesoccurred during periods when monthly rainfallexceeded 200 mm (Foong, 1993). In contrast,on an acid sand soil in Nigeria where annualrainfall was 2,000 mm, 34, 18, 172, and 60 %respectively of the fertilizer N, K, Ca, and Mgwere leached from the soil in an experiment inwhich lysimeters were installed 150 cm belowthe palm circle. These two experimentsillustrate the larger amounts of nutrients, whichmay be lost through leaching on coarsetextured sandy soils (probably with small cationexchange capacity) compared to clay soils.

To summarize, whilst there is no empiricalproof that increasing the frequency ofapplication always increases uptake efficiency,it is common practice to apply N and Kfertilizers 2–3 times per year to reduce the riskof nutrient losses, and kieserite and rockphosphate once per year. Applicationfrequency is usually increased in very youngpalms where, for practical reasons, the use ofcompound and mixed fertilizers (mixtures)supplemented with straight fertilizers iscommon. Fertilizers are spread much moreevenly with mechanical application whencompared with manual application and it maybe possible to decrease the frequency andincrease the application rate at each dosewithout adversely affecting uptake efficiency.

It is clear that applying very large amountsof fertilizer to any crop at one time may resultin large losses due to leaching, surface runoffand erosion. The planter must thereforeattempt to synchronize the supply of mineralfertilizer nutrients with palm demand. Unlikeannual crops, the demand for nutrients in oilpalm is continuous and in the end, the optimalfrequency is a compromise between meetingnutrient demand, and supplying these nutrientswithout incurring excessive labor costs ororganizational difficulties.

III Timing of fertilizer application

Very little has been published on the effect ofthe timing of fertilizer application on fertilizeruse efficiency (Teoh and Chew, 1980). Runofflosses, however, can exceed 45% of rainfallduring months with high rainfall (November–December). Unlike other crops, where fertilizerapplication must be timed according toparticular phases of vegetative and generativegrowth, the oil palm produces bunchesthroughout the year and thus requires acontinuous supply of nutrients. The importanceof timing is thus mainly related to the use of Nfertilizers that are susceptible to loss byvolatilization (Thompson, 2003). It may bepossible to improve the timing of N fertilizerapplication by taking into account rainfallpatterns and distribution and for this purposeeach plantation should install a rain gauge (mmmonth-1) and a pluviometer (rainfall distributionduring each day). To optimize recoveryefficiency of N from urea, applications shouldalways be followed by light rain and urea shouldnever be applied to dry soil.

Table 12. Estimated K uptake by oil palm from different soil zones on a Rengam Series

(Typic Paleudult) soil in Malaysia (Goh et al., 1996).

* Uptake of K over 12 months prior to fertilizer applicaiton.


mKg(ekatpudetamitsE 3- )lios


dezilitreF dezilitrefnU

elcricmlaP 781 011 381

htapgnitsevraH 0 01 92

worretnI 061 01 42-

paehdnorF 05 93- 26

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To summarize, fertilizer application shouldbe avoided during months with a highprobability of rainfall exceeding 250 mmmonth-1 and months with >15 rain-days. Lossesof soluble P, K, and Mg fertilizers from runoffare smaller if applied in dry months (<100 mmmonth-1) in Malaysia.


Nutrient balance calculations are useful fordetermining whether there is a net removal oraddition of nutrients to the soil:

� Nutrient removal is calculated from thebunch yield and nutrient content.

� Nutrient immobilization is calculated fromtrunk incremental growth and its nutrientcontent.

� Nutrient addition is calculated from theamount of fertilizer nutrients added and theamount nutrients recycled in palm oil milleffluent (POME), empty bunches, andbunch ash.

Foster (this volume) provides a detaileddiscussion on the use of nutrient balance todetermine fertilizer requirements of oil palm.

If net nutrient removal is not balanced bythe addition of mineral fertilizers, the systemwill not be sustainable in the long term. Forexample, a negative nutrient balance may not

affect yield in the short term on coastal claysoils with large nutrient reserves, but a negativebalance on a sandy soil with small nutrientreserves will result in a rapid reduction in yieldas soil nutrient reserves are depleted.

A change in the source of one fertilizernutrient may affect the nutrient balance ofothers. This was confirmed in an oil palmplantation in West Sumatra, where the nutrientbalance for Ca was positive and Mg negativewhen dolomite was used as the Mg fertilizer.After kieserite was substituted for dolomite (toovercome acute Mg deficiency), however, thebalance for Ca became negative (Figure 7)(Fairhurst, 1996).



Proper fertilizer management is required notonly to achieve large yields and profits, but alsofor the sustainability of a plantation in the longterm. The fertilizer requirements on a particularplantation depends on the inter-relationship ofa large number of factors that include thefollowing:

� Nutrient supply to sustain the targetbiomass production and bunch yield.

� Maximum contribution from biological N2fixation (Giller, this volume) and recycledcrop residue (Redshaw, this volume).

Figure 7. Effect of fertilizer source on the nutrient balance for Ca and Mg over a 10-year

period in an oil palm plantation in West Sumatra (Fairhurst, 1996).

85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94-30











Balance (kg ha-1)





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� Soil conditions, including soil chemical,physical and microbiological properties(Paramanantham, this volume).

� Climate, including rainfall intensity,frequency and total amount(Paramanantham, this volume).

� Nutrient sources, placement, frequency andtiming of application.

� Management policies, such as weedcontrol, harvesting and removal of fruitbunches (Goh and Härdter, this volume;Gillbanks, this volume).

� Field history, for monitoring changes innutrient balances (Fairhurst, this volume).

� Soil and plant nutrient analysis (Foster, thisvolume).

These factors are site-specific and time-dependent, and plantations should be dividedinto leaf sampling units where soil, topography,and drainage conditions are comparativelyuniform (Appendix 1). With the advent of fieldmechanization, computer and electronic tools(e.g. Geographical Information Systems [GIS],Global Positioning Systems [GPS]), and toolcontrols for accurate application of fertilizers,it may be possible to achieve site-specificmanagement at a scale of 1 ha (Tey et al.,2000). A very important step in site-specificmanagement is to first collate all availableagronomic data for each year and planted fieldin a database system that allows for rapid dataanalysis, reporting and mapping (Fairhurst et

al., 2000).

The following aspects that relate to site-specific nutrient management deserve specialattention (Ng, 1977; von Uexküll and Fairhurst,1991):

� Maintain a proper balance betweenmacronutrients (e.g. between N and K).

� Consider the micronutrient needs of oil palm(e.g. B, Cu, Fe, and Zn) particularly onorganic soils.

� Identify and correct nutrient deficienciesthrough frequent visual monitoring and plantanalysis.

� Identify problem soils (e.g. acid sulfate soils,deep peat) early on during fieldpreparations, and implement ameliorativemeasures promptly.

� To maximize yield potential in young palms,avoid rapid depletion of soil nutrientreserves during the immature growthphase. In most cases, it is economical tocapitalize soil fertility during the immaturegrowth period, to provide a buffer supplyduring periods when nutrient demand isgreat. This is particularly important for K asthe young palms coming into productionhave very small K reserves in storagetissue. Potassium exhaustion must beavoided and supplies for the second tofourth years should exceed the amount ofnutrients required based on calculatednutrient uptake.

� Make full use of high yield potential areas(i.e. favorable climate, no dry periods, highsolar radiation) by applying fertilizer inexcess of the amount calculated for uptaketo allow for nutrients lost throughvolatilization, runoff, erosion, leaching, andfixation.

� Under intensive cropping, soils in the tropicscan undergo rapid changes in fertility. It istherefore essential to continue monitoringchanges in soil fertility (through regular soiland leaf analysis) and vegetative growthmeasurements in order to improve andmaintain large yields.

� Further fine-tuning of fertilizer recommen-dations (based on plant analysis) is requiredsince there is a long recovery period beforeyields are restored in palms that have beendepleted of nutrients and carbohydratereserves.

� Fertilizer affects yields up to four years fromthe time of application. Do not reducefertilizer applications when palm oil pricesare low as this may result in poor yieldswhen prices have recovered. Omission offertilizers is particularly harmful to youngpalms that may, as a result, never reachtheir genetic yield potential.

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Important points for practical planters

1. Fertilizers are usually the largest variable cost item in oil palm production and therefore,should be used at the highest possible recovery efficiency by minimizing soil (nutrient)losses.

2. The major soil loss processes or pathways are runoff and topsoil erosion, leaching, Nvolatilization and nutrient fixation.

3. Apart from mitigating practices such as soil conservation terraces and stop bundsalong terraces, planters should adhere to the following sound practices:

• Select the best, cost-effective fertilizer source.

• Apply fertilizers under suitable climatic and ground conditions.

• Broadcast fertilizers evenly and widely into areas with maximum root length toincrease root ‘safety net’ and reduce leaching losses.

• Ensure that every palm receives its quota of fertilizer by good supervision.

• Split the fertilizer application if necessary.

4. Planters should also ensure the following:

• A dry storage area for the fertilizers.

• Adequate storage capacity for the fertilizers.

• Fertilizers should be delivered to the plantations just in time for application.

• Fertilizers should not be stored for more than 3 months to avoid fertilizer cakingand occupying fertilizer store.

• Fertilizers from every consignment should be sampled and sent to a reliablelaboratory for analysis to ensure that they meet an agreed standards betweenseller and buyer, e.g. SIRIM standards.

5. Planters should be aware of site-specific nutrient management practices including theuse of a good relational database with map facility.

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