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Festival Church of Music · “A man for all seasons,” Mr. ... Come now and look upon the works...

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Festival Church Music of Sunday, November 14, 2010 7 o’clock p.m. Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Hall Dallas, Texas “Informed by the past, Committed to the present, Preparing for the future”

Festival Church Music


Sunday, November 14, 20107 o’clock p.m.

Morton H. Meyerson Symphony HallDallas, Texas

“Informed by the past, Committed to the present, Preparing for the future”



Harold W. McGraw, Jr.

1918-2010 In the fall of 2006 Harold McGraw gave a gift and advice that began the Church Music Institute. He said, “I will make a gift to begin this venture but you must fi nd others who will join you. Th is is a good idea and the eff ort must be shared by many in order to grow.” Mr. McGraw spoke from years of experience as an educator, a World War II veteran, beloved CEO of McGraw-Hill, service on non-profi t boards including the New York Public Library, staunch advocate for literacy that led to a Presidential Award in 1990, and as a father, husband, and member of Noroton Presbyterian Church in Darien, Connecticut. His talents with a paintbrush also were not to be dismissed. “A man for all seasons,” Mr. McGraw helped to found CMI with his generosity and his wisdom of the workings of organizations. His advice continued to guide CMI until his death. He included his daughter, Suzanne, also an educator, in his conversations. Not one to talk about his faith, he would often say he did not know much about music either, but then at an unexpected moment break out into a stanza of “Onward, Christian Soldiers,” his favorite hymn. Mr. McGraw was a man of his word, honest to the core, true to his commitments, one who fulfi lled his duties as a good soldier. He stood by the Church Music Institute from its inception until his death. Th e gospel hymn, “Stand by Me” was sung at Mr. McGraw’s memorial service in April by Michael Booker, soloist and member of the Noroton Presbyterian church. Th is new arrangement, which Hal H. Hopson has arranged for the choir to premiere tonight, is dedicated to Mr. McGraw’s memory and in thanks for his exemplary life and gifts that began the Church Music Institute. Published in 2010 by MorningStar Publishers, it now will be shared by many, an ongoing testimony to and example of the faithfulness of the life of Harold W. McGraw, Jr.



Th e music tonight is an off ering of prayer and praise to the Giver. Please save applause until the end of program.

OPENING VOLUNTARY Variations on the Welsh Hymn Tune ABERYSTWYTH Paul Lindsley Th omas

WELCOME AND INVOCATION Dr. Charlotte Kroeker, Executive Director, Church Music Institute Th e Rev. Dr. Robert S. Dannals, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

Please stand, as you are ableWhen the Morning Stars Together

Albert F. Bayly, alt. WEISSE FLAGGENBased in part on 2 Chronicles 5:12-14 Setting by Hal H. Hopson


Walk Softly

Shaker anthem Bob Chilcott

When we assemble here to worship God, to sing His praises and to hear His word, we walk softly. With purity of heart; and with clean hands, our souls are free; we’re free from Satan’s bands, we will walk softly. While we are passing thro’ the sacred door, into the fold where Christ has gone before, we will walk softly. We’ll worship and bow down, we will rejoice and when we hear the Shepherd’s gentle voice, we will walk softly.

God, Source of Mercy and Hope

Kyrie Eleison from Solemn Mass, Opus 16

Liturgy of the mass Louis Vierne

Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison. (Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy.)

Th e Eyes of All, Wait Upon Th ee

Psalm 145: 15-16 Jean Berger

Th e eyes of all wait upon Th ee and Th ou givest them their meat in due season. Th ou openest thine hand, and satisfi est the desire of ev’ry living thing.

God, Worthy of Praise and Th anks

Please stand, as you are able


Now Th ank We All Our God

Martin Rinkart, trans. Catherine Winkworth NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT Johann Cruger Arr. Hal H. Hopson from J. S. Bach, Cantata 79

Stanzas 1, 2: All

How Lovely Is Th y Dwelling Place

From Psalm 84 Johannes Brahms

How lovely is Th y dwelling place, O Lord of Hosts. For my soul, it longeth, yea fainteth, for the courts of the Lord. My soul and body crieth out yea for the living God. Blest are they, O blest are they which dwell within Th y house. Th ey praise Th y name evermore.

Please stand, as you are able


Th e Old Hundredth Psalm Tune

William Kethe OLD HUNDREDTH, Attr. Louis Bourgeois Stanzas 1, 2 & 5: All; Stanzas 3 & 4: Choir only Arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams

Please be seated.Th anks to God for Gifts of Music and Musicians

For Breath of Life and Voices StrongStanley K. Engle JERUSALEM, C. Hubert H. Parry Arr. Paul Lindsley Th omas Descant by Hal. H. Hopson


Psalm 46

New Revised Standard Version of the Bible Paul Lindsley Th omas

Alleluia! God is our hope and strength, a very present help in trouble. Th erefore we will not fear, though the earth be moved and though the mountains be toppled into the depths of the sea; though its waters rage and foam, and though the mountains tremble at its tumult. Th e Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold. Th ere is a river, the streams whereof make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be overthrown. God shall help her at the break of day. Th e nations make much ado, and the kingdoms are shaken. God has spoken, and the earth shall melt away. Th e Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold. Come now and look upon the works of the Lord, what awesome things he has done on earth. It is He who makes wars to cease in all the world; who breaks the bow and shatters the spear and burns the shields with fi re. “Be still, then, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.” Th e Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Alleluia!

Hymn to the Trinity

Christopher Wordsworth, 1862 Paul Lindsley Th omas

Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Hosts, eternal King, by the heavens adored; angels and archangels sing, chanting everlastingly, to the blessed Trinity. Since by Th ee were all things made, and in Th ee do all things live, be to Th ee all honor paid, praise to Th ee let all things give, singing everlastingly to the blessed Trinity. Th ousands, tens of thousands stand, spirits blest before Th y throne, speeding thence at Th y command, and when Th y command is done, singing everlastingly to the blessed Trinity. Cherubim and seraphim veil their faces with their wings; eyes of angels are too dim to behold the King of Kings. Singing everlastingly to the blessed Trinity. Alleluia Lord to Th ee, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Th ree in one and One in Th ree join we with the heavenly host singing everlastingly to the blessed Trinity. Amen.

Calm on the Listening Ear of Night

Edward Hamilton Sears, 1834 Paul Lindsley Th omas Paula Price, Flute Dr. Ann Knipschild, Oboe

Calm on the listening ear of night, come heaven’s melodious strains, where wild Judea stretches far her silver mantled plains. Celestial choirs from courts above shed sacred glories there; and angels, with their sparkling lyres, make music on the air. Th e answering hills of Palestine send back the glad reply, and greet from all their holy heights, the Dayspring from on high. O’er the blue depths of Gallilee there comes a holier calm, and Sharon waves, in solemn praise, her silent groves of palm. “Glory to God!” the sounding skies loud with their anthems ring, “Peace to the earth, good will to men, from heaven’s eternal King!” Light on thy hills, Jerusalem! Th e Saviour now is born. More bright on Bethlehem’s joyous plains, breaks the fi rst Christ-mas morn.


Shout the Glad Tidings

William Augustus Muhlenberg, 1826 Paul Lindsley Th omas

Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing, Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is king! Sion the marvelous story be telling, the Son of the Highest, how lowly his birth; the brightest archangel in glory excelling, He stoops to redeem thee, He reigns upon earth. Tell how He cometh from nation to nation, the heart-cheering news let the earth echo ‘round: how free to the faithful He off ers salvation, His people with joy everlasting are crowned. Mortals your homage be gratefully bringing, and sweet let the gladsome hosanna arise, ye angels the full alleluia be singing, one chorus resound through the earth and the skies. Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing, Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is king!


Please stand, as you are able.

Th e Church’s One Foundation

Samuel J. Stone AURELIA, Samuel S. Wesley Arr. John Ferguson


God, Source of Strength and Hope

Stand by Me

Charles Albert Tindley, 1905 Charles Albert Tindley, Arr. Hal H. Hopson Pamela King, Mezzo-Soprano Dr. Charlotte Kroeker, Piano

In celebration of the life of Harold W. McGraw, Jr., 1918-2010,and in gratitude for his gift that began the Church Music Institute

When the storms of life are raging, stand by me; when the world is tossing me like a ship upon the sea, Th ou who rulest wind and water, stand by me. In the midst of tribulation, stand by me; when the hosts of hell assail, and my strength begins to fail, Th ou who never lost a battle, stand by me. In the midst of faults and failures, stand by me; when I do the best I can, and my friends misunderstand, Th ou who knowest all about me, stand by me. In the midst of persecution, stand by me; Lord, stand by me; when my foes in war array undertake to stop my way, Th ou who saved Paul and Silas stand by me. When I’m growing old and feeble, stand by me; when my life becomes a burden, and I’m nearing chilly Jordan, O Th ou “Lily of the Valley,” stand by me.

Shall We Gather At the River

Robert Lowry, 1864 HANSON PLACE, Robert Lowry Arr. Donald Busarow Paula Price, Flute

Shall we gather at the river, where bright angel feet have trod, with its crystal tide forever fl owing by the throne of God? Yes, we’ll gather at the river, the beautiful, the beautiful river; gather with the saints at the river that fl ows by the throne of God. On the bosom of the river, where the Savior King we own, we shall meet, and sorrow never, ‘neath the glory of the throne. Ere we reach the shining river, lay we every burden down; grace our spirits will deliver, and provide a robe and a crown. Soon we’ll reach the shining river, soon our pilgrimage will cease; soon our happy hearts will quiver with the melody of peace.

Soon Ah Will Be Done Spiritual, arr. William L. Dawson

Soon ah will be don’ a-wid de troubles ob de worl’, troubles ob de worl’, de troubles of de worl’. Soon ah will be don’ a-wid de troubles ob de worl’, goin’ home t’ live wid God. I wan’ t’ meet my mother, goin’ t’ live wid God. No more weepin’ an’ a wailin’, I’m goin’ t’ live wid God. I wan’ t’ meet my Jesus, I’m goin’ t’ live wid God.

Please stand as you are able.


Marching to Zion

Isaac Watts, stanzas, alt. MARCHING TO ZION, Robert LowryRobert Lowry, refrain Arr., John Ferguson

REMARKS Kim Warner, Chair, and Diana Warner, Secretary Church Music Institute Board of Directors


God’s Fulfi llment in Jesus Christ

Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy

Joseph Hart (stanzas), 1759; Anonymous (refrain) RESTORATION William Walker’s Southern Harmony, 1835 Arr. Tim Sharp

Come, ye sinners, poor and needy, weak and wounded, sick and sore; Jesus ready stands to save you, full of pity, love, and power. I will arise and go to Jesus, He will embrace me in His arms; in the arms of my dear Savior, O, there are ten thousand charms. Let not conscience make you linger, nor of fi tness fondly dream; all the fi tness He requireth is to feel your need of Him. Come, ye weary, heavy laden, lost and ruined by the fall; if you tarry till you’re better, you will never come at all. Saints and angels, joined in concert, sing the praises of the Lamb; while the blissful seats of heaven sweetly echo with His name: Hallelujah! Hallelu-jah! Sinners here may do the same. I will go to Jesus!

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

Isaac Watts, 1707 HAMBURG, Arr. Gilbert M. Martin

When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died, my richest gain I count but loss, and pour contempt on all my pride. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, save in the death of Christ, my God! All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifi ce them to his blood. See, from his head, his hands, his feet, sorrow and love fl ow mingled down! Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, or thorns compose so rich a crown? Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a present far too small; love, so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all! Amen!


A Tribute from John Rutter


Th e Church Music InstituteSalutes


Excellent Musician and Composer

Nurturer of Spiritual and Musical Growth of Children and Adults

Innovative Contributor to the Worship Life of the Church


Canon Dr. Paul Lindsley Th omas

Th e Church Music Institute honors the life and work of Dr. Paul Lindsley Th omas, a man who models the goals of the Church Music Institute. His formative years in home and church nurtured a musical and spiri-tual development that led to an extensive education in music. His commitment to the church shaped his ministry of music to children, youth, and adults, and the musical program he created meaningfully infl u-enced the lives of musicians and parishioners. Special musical events in his church often used compositions from the past that off ered new insights to contemporary Christians, and his own compositions have served the liturgy of many parishes beyond his own. Dr. Th omas’ ministry to children and youth developed new generations of Christians, and the compositions he leaves for us provide a permanent legacy for Christians of all denominations.

Dr. Paul Lindsley Th omas is a native of New York City where he began musical studies at age four with his mother, Virginia Carrington Th omas, a noted organist and student of Charles Marie Widor and Lynwood Farnam. A boy chorister in the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, Dr. Th omas played his fi rst organ recital there at the age of 14 under the guidance of his teacher, Dr. Norman Coke-Jephcott. Two under-graduate degrees were earned, at Trinity College, Hartford, and Yale University. His master’s degree was in organ from Yale, and the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in organ performance was earned at University of North Texas. Dr. Th omas’ organ and composition study was with some of the most prominent teachers on the American and European scene in the fi rst half of the twentieth century, including the legendary Nadia Boulanger at the American Conservatory in Fontainebleau, France.

In 1960, Dr. Th omas was appointed Director of Music and Organist at St. Michael and All Angels Episco-pal Church in Dallas where he remained for 37 years. During his tenure, the adult choir grew to more than 60 volunteer singers who, in addition to providing music for services, sang oratorio and large choral works. Th is choir performed with professional orchestras and traveled in America and Europe on performance tours. Dr. Th omas was committed to working with children, providing choirs from the age of four through high school. Th e Boy’s choir sang with the Dallas Symphony and appeared in one movie. St. Michael’s became recognized in the Southwest for such innovations as liturgical drama and dance, and Benjamin Britten’s “Noye’s Fludde” was performed every four years with more than a hundred children in costumes. Dr. Th omas was appointed Canon of Church Music in the Episcopal Church in 1980 in recognition of his service.

A member of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), Dr. Th omas has published anthems and organ compositions with major music publishing houses. Th ese include Oxford University Press, H. W. Gray, MorningStar, and Concordia. He has been active in the American Guild of Organists, serving as Dean as well as being a member of the AGO National Council.

After retiring from St. Michael’s in 1997, Dr. Th omas served Trinity Episcopal Church, Dallas, as Director of Music and Organist for eleven years. In December 2008, Dr. Th omas was appointed Director of Music and Organist at Th e Chapel of the Cross, Episcopal, Dallas.


Members DirectorsFirst Presbyterian, Arlington Russell FarnellFirst Presbyterian, Bonham Roger AshcraftFirst Presbyterian, Grapevine Rick WalshFirst Presbyterian, Oak Cliff Susan TicknerFirst Presbyterian, Plano Linda DyerFirst Presbyterian, Richardson Ralph StannardPreston Hollow Presbyterian, Dallas Terry PriceSt.Andrew Presbyterian, Denton Morris MartinSt. Marks United Methodist, Mesquite Tish DavenportSt. Michael and All Angels Episcopal, Dallas James DiazSt. Philip Presbyterian, Hurst Pam CochraneTh e Chapel of the Cross (Episcopal), Dallas Paul Lindsley Th omasTrinity Presbyterian, Flower Mound Sara AbellWest Plano Presbyterian, Plano Martha HopsonWestminister Presbyterian, Nacogdoches Deborah Dalton


Pamela King, University of North Texas and soloist at Preston Hollow Presbyterian; Dr. Ann Knipschild, professor in the School of Music, Auburn University; Paula Price, formerly on the faculty of Southwestern Oklahoma State University. Other instrumentalists are Andy Downing, horn; Rob Graham, trombone, Judy Melson, timpani; Jimmy Tullos, trumpet, Greg Waits, trombone.




Tim Sharp is Executive Director of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), the national professional association for choral musicians. Dr. Sharp is an active choral conductor, author of scholarly articles and books, composer, and has worked in executive positions in higher education, publishing, and recording. He was recently appointed Artistic Director/Conductor of the Tulsa (OK) Oratorio Chorus.

Terry Price has been Director of Music at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church in Dallas since 1998. He has directed choirs at Church Music Festivals in Coventry and Cambridge, England, and Rome, Italy, and served as Interim Director of the Chorus of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra for 2009-2010.


Annette Albrecht is Organist and Associate Director of Music at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church in Dallas, a post she has held since 2000. She holds a Master of Sacred Music degree from Southern Methodist University and Perkins School of Th eology and is active in the Dallas Chapter of the American Guild of Organ-ists on committees and as past dean.


Th e Cincinnati Brass Quintet is comprised of professional musicians with graduate degrees who are instructors in universities, schools, conservatories, and private studios. Th ey perform as soloists and principal players with professional orchestras in a three-state area. Th e Quintet members are Dave Zeng, Stephen Camp-bell, trumpets; Cecilia Kozlowski, horn; Andrew Peoples, trombone; Anthony Lazzeri, tuba.


Gifts given in honor of Dr. Paul Lindsley Th omas (as of November 8)

Pamela and Michael BarberaMr. and Mrs. Vance CampbellPeggy, Web & Catherine CarrNancy CurreyPhilip Fischer, M.D.Louise and Guy Griff eth In honor ofDr. Paul L. Th omas and Ms. Peggy WoodWinnie and Davis HamlinBlake HullMr. and Mrs. William Johnson

Charlotte Kroeker and Robert MannMary and Jerry MassengaleAnn C. MillsJane and George Slover, Jr.Steve and Pat SniderMr. and Mrs. James M. SpellingsSylvia TaylorSuzanne and Robert H. Th omasTignor M. and Peggy Th ompsonPeggy WoodTish Woodruff

Mr. and Mrs. Lee P. BerlinJeanne R. JohnsonMontae and Richard JohnsonCharlotte Kroeker and Robert MannPatricia and Curtis W. Meadows

Nesha and George MoreyRichard and Enika Schulze FoundationCynthia and Paul WeatherallSenseney Music, Inc.


SUSTAINING MEMBERS (as of November 8)

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer N. AdamsAnnette AlbrechtMr. and Mrs. Lee P. BerlinLance BohannonKathy and Gary CollierAlice CourtJim and Cindy FinleyWalter and Karen GastOrrena H. HerodDon H. HorisbergerJarl and Naydene JohnsonJeanne R. JohnsonMontae and Richard JohnsonAnn KnipschildBedford and Kathryn KnipschildCharlotte Kroeker and Robert MannLaura LumleyWilliam Ralph MannTh omas J. Manton, Jr.Patricia and Curtis W. Meadows

Suzanne McGrawMeadows FoundationKaren R. MonroeNesha and George MoreyMorning Star PublishersIrene NicolaouDiane and Edward L. Parry Kenneth W. and Mary Dean PerryCarol and Bob PoteetJan SchmidtRichard and Enika Schulze FoundationSenseney Music, Inc. Charlotte TestFaye E. Th ompsonSarah WarneckeKim and Diane WarnerCynthia and Paul WeatherallCharles WebbAnnell Williams



Elmer and Jean AdamsAnnette Albrecht

Suzanne B. AndersonRoger Ashcraft

Maxine S. AustinBeans and Billie Bates

Cathy BebeeEdith (Deedy) Bennett

Betty BernshausenJ. Burton Black

Lance BohannonRev. Gary and Carolyn Bowker

Patricia Bradfi eldMildred H. BrumbleMary Ruth Caldwell

Pam CochranePatricia Conner Coggan

In Memory OfDavid Davidson

Barbara ColegroveRev. Kathy and Gary Collier

Joshua CollierRichard and Annette Conklin

Alice CourtJanelle Crays

Dr. Deborah DaltonHarold and Katherine DamianoJudy and Stephen Dardaganian

In Honor OfKristin Dardaganian Booth and

David BoothBradley Stewart Dardaganian and

Christa DardaganianStefani Elizabeth Dardaganian

Margaret Elizabeth NixJane Marshall

Ray and Jo Deen DavisDan and Alma Ediger

Ruth Ann ErnstJim and Cindy FinleyWalter and Karen Gast

Gary and Lois Ann GodfreyIn Honor Of

Dr. Robert C. MannRev. Dale Gorman

Neil Haase

Dr. C. Michael HawnAnne R. HealyOrrena HerodIn Honor Of

Charlotte KroekerCarolyn W. Hertzler

Hal and Martha HopsonDr. Don Horisberger

Melinda HuntMarilyn and Jack Irons

In Memory OfRev. Earl and Mrs. Ruth Darden

Montae and Richard JohnsonJeanne Johnson

Dr. and Mrs. Bedford F. KnipschildDr. Ann Knipschild

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley KroekerMrs. John Lester

In Honor of the Marriage ofCharlotte Kroeker and Robert C. Mann

Ann LoveLaura Lumley

William Ralph MannDr. Charlotte Kroeker

and Dr. Robert C. MannTom Manton and Cordelia Manton

Elaine and Morris MartinHarold W. McGraw, Jr.

Suzanne McGrawCurtis and Patricia Meadows

Mark and Judy MelsonMegan and Andy Meyercord

Karen R. MonroeGeorge and Nesha Morey

Dr. John and Sameera MuradKallie Myers

James and Ann NicholsonIrene NicolaouBarbara O’Neal

Richard and Jane OrrockRonald and Deanna PalmerMario and Mary Kay PasinKen and Mary Dean Perry

Th e Rev. Dr. Robert and Carol PoteetTerry Price

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. RelyeaTh e Rev. Dr. William Bradley Roberts

John and Diane RutzlerMichael A. Sanders

Jan SchmidtRichard and Enika SchulzeFred and Kristen Shepard

Elizabeth G. SicksIn Memory Of

Isabella Kitching GordonMr. and Mrs. William E. Sleeper

Arlene SmallIn Honor OfMark Scott

Anne J. StewartPeg StocktonScott Stolley

Charlotte TestCeleste Th omasFaye Th ompsonMark Unkenholz

Melvin and Helen WarkentinKim and Diana WarnerDr. Charles H. Webb

In Honor OfCharlotte KroekerShane E. Whisler

Louise WhiteStan and Judy WoodwardTom and Peggy Wright

Texas Presbyterian FoundationSynod of the SunSenseney Music

Morning Star Music Publishers




Th e Church Music Institute is dedicated to the practice, advancement and stewardship of the best of liturgical and sacred music for worshipping Christian congregations. Th e Institute off ers educational courses, workshops, on-site and online resources, fosters conversation among musicians, pastors and laypersons, and sponsors research in the fi eld of church music.


Th e Institute acknowledges music as one of God’s greatest gifts, deserving of our best understanding and care. Th e work of the Institute is thus based on the following assumptions:

Th at music in worship should be chosen for its capacity to approach holiness, beauty and • transcendence in the worship of God.

Th at music in worship is a vehicle for prayer and praise, serving the gathered community of • all ages and backgrounds.

Th at leaders of music in worship must fi rst be equipped with the fi nest skills as musicians, • and further with the theological and musical skills to enable congregational song as prayer and praise.

Th at leaders of music in worship must have available resources that refl ect the best of litera-• ture and practices available from current and past contributions to the music in Christian worship.

Th at pastors/priests and musicians must be equipped to work together so that they can com-• bine word and music to the glory of God and as a vehicle for the worship of the congregation.

Why is the Institute important?

Th e Institute is the one venue in the United States for pastors/priests and musicians to • address the music of worship in an ecumenical, non-commercial setting.

Th e Institute provides workshops, conferences, a library/resource center and online resources • where musicians can browse for music and plan music for worship.


Who is behind the Institute?

Th e Church Music Institute began in December 2006, with a group of musicians, clergy, and • laypersons interested in strengthening the music of Christian worship. Th ree Presbyterians gave initial funding to begin the work and have been joined by many others from a variety of denominations to continue its work. Th e Institute is now serving a broad range of Christian denominations. CMI is incorporated in the State of Texas and has IRS 501(c)(3) non-profi t status.

A board of directors guides CMI. Members are Kim Warner, Chair (V.P., Texas Presbyterian • Foundation), Enika Schulze, Vice-President (publisher), Diana Warner, Recording Secretary (Texas Presbyterian Foundation), Mary Ruth Caldwell (church musician), Ruth Ann Ernst (lay musician and business owner), Jim Finley (lay musician and organizational development consultant), Dr. Michael Hawn (Professor, Perkins/SMU), Hal Hopson (composer/church musician), Martha Hopson (church musician), Jeanne Johnson (civic leader), Dr. Robert Mann (professor – organ/church music), George Morey (lay musician and retired corporate fi nancial executive), Nesha Morey (music educator), Terry Price (church musician). A group of nationally prominent advisory board members assist the organization from their areas of expertise.

Executive Director is Dr. Charlotte Kroeker who came to Dallas from the University of • Notre Dame where she held a faculty research position in church music. She is the editor of Music in Christian Worship, Liturgical Press, 2005, and author of forthcoming in 2011, Th e Sounds We Off er: Achieving Excellence in Church Music, Alban Institute.

Where is the Institute housed?

Th e Institute is located in offi ces in North Dallas at 7557 Rambler Road, off Walnut Hill between Central Expressway and Greenville.


George and Nesha Morey, Festival Coordinators

Dr. Charlotte Kroeker, Executive DirectorDr. Robert Mann, Resource Library Director

Billie Burgess, Administrative AssistantDr. Kenneth Hart, Volunteer

Mica Sleeper, VolunteerPeggy Wood, Volunteer

T. Wesley Moore, SMU/Perkins Student Intern

Piano for tonight’s performance is provided through the courtesy of Yamaha Music Corporation of America and Grand Staff Piano Centers.

Cover design by Walter E. Gast [email protected] photography courtesy of Jack Ed Irons

Festival Church Music


Sunday, November 14, 20107 o’clock p.m.

Morton H. Meyerson Symphony HallDallas, Texas

“Informed by the past, Committed to the present, Preparing for the future”

