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a #" ^ , $ || 0 |tes®sS SS^l %«fe£ I I ^**s*\as# E villas n A UiGIs i B Is «?? R m ^ ffl| P Mi R ^ !>0 A; ^ ft k i% Interesting Principles of Physics and Psychology Involved in the 44 Horse-Power Swing Which Shoots the Ball Skyward at Six Miles a Minute How "Babe" Ruth Grasps His Bat.and What Would Happen if a Gigantic Bat Were Swung Against a Skyscraper With the Thousands of Horse-Power Which All the Home Runs Ruth Has Made Last «. The Story of One of "Babe" Rutli'o Home Runs Told in Terms of Science A.The Ball as II Leave* tho Pitcher'* Hand, Rotating on Its Horizontal Axis and Travelling at an Initial Velocity of 150 Feet a Second or Nearly Two Miles a Minute. B.The Centre of Percussion of "Babe" Ruth's Bat, Swung for One-Twen¬ tieth of a Second with n Force Equivalent to Forty-four Horse-Power, ' Meets the Oncoming Ball, Checks lis Course Toward the Catcher's Waiting llnnds and Sends It Speeding at Greatly Increased Velocity in mi Entirely Different Direction. C."I he Ball Immediately After Its Impact With the Bat, Moving Skyward at an Angle of Forty-two Degrees and With an Initial Velocity Estimated at Five Hundred Feet a Second or Nearly Six Miles a Minute.Faster Than Any Ex- press Train Travels. i D.Maximum Height Reached by the Ball as a Result | of Its Collision With the Bat's < Centre of Percussion, Backed Up by Mr. Kuth's Forty-eight Horse- power Energy. The Height At- tained Will Be Greater on a Clear Day Than on Ono When tho Air Is Full of Moisture. t,.Slowed Down by the Friction of the Air, the Force of Gravitation Begins to Overcome the Ball'* Initial Velocity and It Stnrts Falling to Earth. Before the Full Effect of the Gravitational Force It Felt, How ever, the Bull Mm 1 ravelled Far Beyond the Fielders' Reach and "Babe" Ruth Hat Scored Another Home Run By Prof. A. L. Hodges, The Wc!l-Knnivn Phyticitt. AST Mason "I'.abe" Ruth broke all baseball records by hitting twenty* nine homo runs. Ar.<l this season there is every indication that ho will beat his 11*10 total by a wide margin. What is tho se< ret of Ruth's ability to make home runs with such surprising fre¬ quency? ">»; it because he Is possessed of greater strength than his fellow players? Is it because his vision is keener or his museles better ca-ordinated? All these tilings doubtless have some¬ thing to <lo with it, but the real reason for thl:- iii.<yionn'nal series of home runs sci- i nee finds to be the way Xvitlx applies to his work with the bat certain well-known principles of physics and psychology. "But." you say. "Iluth Is a ball plavor. What does ho know of physics or psy¬ chology?" Notheing, perhaps, but whether con- sciou.ly or unconsciously Ruth applies certain well-known principles of these two sciences every time ho makes a homo run. Let us consider some of the many inter- rsting scientific factors involved in bat- t itig a ball. As < very follower of baseball knows, a home run is the knocking of the ball out of the reaoli of opposing players and in .r.uch a direction and to nuch a distance as <o make its return impossil'o before th? runner completes the circuit of the bases. Viewed as n mechanical proolem. the hit¬ ting of a home run moans simply hitting t)i< ball with the bat so as to give it great speed in the proper direction. The spe^l and direction which the bat can To made to give tilt; ball depend on the degree of tin curve which tlio pitcher has imparted to the ball, the weight of the ball, the. weight of the bat, the elasticity of the ball and bat. and the angle at which tin, ball iir pinges on the bat. The speed which a ball t * es on im¬ mediately after its collision w'th the bat is a little difficult to compete because neither the bat nor the ball is perfectly elastic or perfectly non-elaaMc. To illus trate tlio difficulty of such a o mputation let mo explain what happens when per¬ fectly elastic and perfectly non-elastic bodies come into collision. If two inelastic bodies.say two pieces of lead.of equal weight and going with equal speed, but in opposite directions meet squarely "in mid-air, they will both stop and fall to the ground, all theii energy of motion having been turned into heat. If, however, perfectly elastic bodler of the same weight going with the same velocity, but in opposite directions, mee? in mid-air, they will bounce back with the same velocity they had originally. 11 one of these bodies has twice the velocity of the other, the latter will bounce back with twice its original velocity and tho former will bounce back only half as fast. All this applies to bodies having tho same weight. Whenever one of the colliding bodies is heavier than- the other, the ve¬ locity given tho latter body upon bouncing is enormously increased. The bat which "Rabe" Ruth wields and the ball which he hits are both fairly clas¬ tic; therefore, everything else being equal, the ball will be driven farther the heavier the bat and the faster the bat is moving as it hits the ball. Also, as tho weight of "Halm" Ruth's body prevents his bat from doing much bouncing back, tho faster the ball corner, the farther It will go when ho hits it. The weight of tho ball Itself is a very important factor in hitting a homo run, viewed us a scientific problem. If thero k xt V ~ ~v~- ?"~ "f Diagram Showing How the Difficulty of Following the Ball (B) crease* aa It Approaches Nearer, and Nearer to the Batter'* Eyo (A), the Angle at Which It I* Viewed from Positions 6 and 7 Being Ten Times as Great as That from 1 to 2. were no atmosphere, everytliine be¬ ing equal, the lighter tne Dall happened to ho the farther it would go. The friction of the air. however, slows the ball up con¬ siderably, and this fact has to bo taken into consideration with several others. The conclusion which science reaches Is that the heavier tho ball is, without In¬ creasing its size or decreasing Its elas¬ ticity, tho farther it will go after being struck with tho bat. The direction taken by a batted ball is affected to some extent by the rotation of tho ball as it strikes the bat. Thi3 factor is of the neatest importance when the but does not strike tho ball squarely. It is possible for the hat to hit the ball in such a way that it actually increases the latter's rotation. In other words, it is per¬ fectly possible for the batter to hit tho ball in such a way that it takes on a de¬ cided curve. Everybody who plays golf knows what a common occurrence this is on the links. A golf hall when struck acci¬ dentally oft' centre will ofton describe the weirdest imaginable path through the air, particularly if it passes through various air currents. A honr n depends to a very large ex¬ tent up> » direction given the batted ball. T ortanco of this factor 'may he estimated a- nine times that of tho speed given the hat*~d ball. 13y direction we mean not only the horizontal angle, but also the vertical angle at which tho ball leaves the hat. For example, no matter how hard the ball is hit, it will never re¬ sult in a home run unit's ."t clears the upstretched arms of the p1 »yers in tho field. It is plain that the direction given the butted ball must depend to a largo extent upon the manner in which the ball is travelling before it meets tho bat. Pro¬ vided the ball is given a proper rota¬ tion on its horizontal axis by the pitcher, the kind of curve best suited to make it difficult to hit it at the proper vertical angle is either tho down shoot or the up shoot. On account of the many variablo factors concerned science believes that any home run made with either of theso curve3 is a lucky chance pure and simple. After the ball has boon set in motion by the bat with a certain speed, tho distance it will go depends upon the vertical angle at which it starts. The most desirable angle i3 one of 12 degrees with the ground, or about half a right angle. Other factors which determine the distance a batted ball will travel are the speed of the ball, its sphericity, the smoothness of its surface and its lack of rotation. Tho greater tho speed of the ball tho more perfectly spherical it is. tho smoother its surface and the less rotation with which it travels the farther it will go. Atmospheric con¬ ditions, of course, enter into tho problem. A ball will go farther in a clear air that is free from moisture. Tho wind may carry it bodily for quite a distance or may retard its progress. If science wore asked to make it difficult or well-nigh impossible for "Babe" Kutli to Ltit a home run it would select a day w.ien tho barometer was high, with the air so heavy with moisture that it would retard the progress of tho batted ball. Iho pitcher selected would be one good on very alow but curvy downshootfl. If such a pitcher were not available, one who hid euch great speed that lie couid put any kind of a ball over the plato for tho batter would bo chosen. With this hind of a pitcher the ball is likely to be hit behind the plate and unlikely to bo started on its course at the proper angle. His hitting of a homo run could then bo mado stHI more difficult by compelling the redoubtable "Babe" to use a bat either so heavy that he could not swing it with much speed, or so light that it would tend to hit tho ball at tho wrong horizontal angle. There is a certain spot on the bat, usu¬ ally a few inches from tho end. but vary¬ ing with dlfVerent bats, which science knows as the centre of percussion. If the ball hits the bat exactly on this spot tho greatest effect is produced. All ball play¬ ers are aware when the ball hits this spot on the bat, not only through the absence of jar to the arm, but also through a pecul¬ iar satisfaction which is hard to define, but which is no doubt physical as well as mentnl. "Babe" Ruth's phenomenal home run rec¬ ord is largely due to tho fact that, con¬ sciously or unconsciously, he has found a way of producing the collision between his bat and tho ball on this centre of per¬ cussion more frequently than any other player. What is called the centre of percussion is a principle that enters into the design not only ot baseball bats, but of all things designed for men to swing. In the ham¬ mer, for example, the centre of percussion should be in the head. If the tool is not designed so that this centre is properly located the hammer is unsatisfactory to use because it jars and tires tho am too much. The problem of hitting homo runs with the surprising frequency that "Babe" Ruth does is ono more complicated in the mat¬ ter of powers of Judgment and observa¬ tion involved than in mechanical prin¬ ciples. Viewed as a mechanical problem, tho home run requires a bat just as heavy as a player can use with comfort, tho bat to bo given a motion as fast as possible when hitting the ball, and striking the ball so that it wilt ho impelled into tho air at an anglo of approximately 42 de¬ grees or half a right angle. The ball should also, of course, be hit at such a horizontal angle as not to cause a foul. T^lio weight of the batter has very little to do with tho matter of home runs, hut his arm muscles are a controlling factor to the extent of, say, fifty per cent. Of course, If his arms are rigid enough to make tho bat for all practical purposes a part of his body when he hits the ball, and if his body is swung forward at just that instant, it Is possible that a heavy batter, all other things being equal, would be able to knock the ball farther than a lighter player. (C) 1!)','0. Intcntntionnl Feature Service. Inc. Homo nins append, to a considerable de¬ gree, on quickness of tlio eyo and a speedy response of tlio body's muscles to tho messago which tho eye Hashes to tho brain. To follow tho ball as it leaves the pitcher's hand is no easy matter, as tho sphere is often travelling at the rate of lf>0 feet a second, or nearly two milos a minuto. The eye movement necessary to follow it increases greatly as tho ball draws nearor and nearer the plato, owing to tho in¬ crease in the angle of vision which, by the time the ball is over tho plate, is about ten times what it was when it left tho pitcher's hand. As 1 have said, tho pitcher often hurls the ball at the rato of 150 feet a second. But tho ball is travelling much faster than that when it leaves "Babe" Ruth's bat after being hit for one of tho home runs that have made him famous. This is in accordance with the laws of tho impact of clastic bodies. Great Driluin RiffUts Hcaoiveil. to Raise a 55-Ton Locomo¬ tive Half a Foot. All otlicr things being * equal, tho fnstor a ball la thrown the farther it can bo batted. You can prove \ this to your own satisfac¬ tion by throwing a ball ngainst n brick wall. Tho faster it travels, tho hard- , er it hits tho wall and tho farther it will bounce back. Of courso, If it Is raining when one of "Babe" Ruth's long hits is made, the drops of water striking tho ball will bring it to the ground long before it otherwise would fall. Tho rain also makes the ball heavier, and as It contains only so much energy to k start with, it will bo \ slowed up in its flight on account of some of tho L.rIL.. energy being used to give tho captured rain drops their new velocity. flow much actual energy does "Babe" Ruth expend in hitting one of his home fns? Tho activity or horsepower involved 1* very great, but it is in operation only for tho" fraction of a second. The ball which "liabe" Ruth hits for a V e run weighs about tivo ounces. If n % at gives it a velocity of 500 feet a see- on.., wo find, by applying a well known formula of physics, that 1,200 foot pounds of actual energy or work is done. Now, if it takes Ruth one-twentieth of a second to impart this energy by a swing of his bat, this would be at tho rate of 24,000 foot pounds a second, which is about forty-four horsepower. Tho king of homo run makors Is then working at tho rate of forty-four horse¬ power evory time ho cracks out one of hla long hits, but he maintains this rate for such a brief length of time i.hat not very much actual work is involved. Hut if the energy exerted by "Babo' The Horse-Power Required to Make Fifty of "Babe" Ruth's Home Runs Would Be Suffi¬ cient Ruth In all the homo runs he has made up to (lato coulil ho collected into a singlo forco it would he a vory enormous thing. Twenty-nine such runs last season and moro than a score thus far this year. this would he the equivalent of more than 2,000-horsepower.enough if exerted bo hind a gigantic bat to demolish a building like Now York's Metropolitan Tower! Of course, there are many psychological as well as mechanical factors involved in the hitting of tho long scries of home runs which "Babe" Ruth has been making for two seasons. The batter must bo able to "sense" in some manner not yet fully un¬ derstood just about what kind of ball the pitcher is going to throw. Then he must bo capable of putting his body in readiness with lightning swiftness to meet that kind of ball when it passes over the plate. Tho player's Judgment about tho bull must bo made within tho smallest fraction of a sec¬ ond after it leaves tho pitchpr's hand. Through some queer sixth sense.tne kinaesthotic sense, as psychologists call it .all batters have tho feeling as to whether the trnll tho pitcher is about to throw is go¬ ing to pass over the plato or not. In tho average batter the impressions conveyed by this sixth sense caunot be more than (50 per cent accurate, but in the case of "Babe" Ruth, as his batting record shows, they must be about 90 per cent accurate. As everybody who plays baseball or ever watches a game knows, you can't strike out and make a homo run. and the player can seldom hit a home run unless the bail ha strikes is taking a course that would havo carried it straight across the plate unless Interrupted by his bat. This, then, is the secret of "Babe" Ruth's home runs as viewed from a scien¬ tist: standpoint. A highly developed kin- aesthetic sense enables him to "sense" the kind of ball the pitcher is going to throw. When a ball rotating on Its horizontal n.\is and curving most favorably for his purpose comes along he swings his bat at it with an energy sufficient to chango its direction and greatly increase its velocity. The bat Is swung in such a way that the centre of percussion meets the ball, send¬ ing it upward at an angle of 42 degrees and not too far to the right or the left. When all these things happen the result should bo a home run, provided that the pitcher has given the ball proper speed and that tho wind and other atmospheric conditions aro favorable.
Page 1: ffl| P Interesting Principles Physics Psychology Involved ...baseball.physics.illinois.edu/BabeAndPhysics.pdf · If, however, perfectly elastic bodler of the same weight going with

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Interesting Principles of Physics andPsychology Involved in the 44 Horse-PowerSwing Which Shoots the Ball Skyward

at Six Miles a MinuteHow "Babe" Ruth Grasps His Bat.and What Would Happen if a Gigantic Bat Were Swung Against aSkyscraper With the Thousands

of Horse-Power Which All theHome Runs Ruth Has Made Last «.

The Story of One of "Babe" Rutli'o Home Runs Told in Terms of ScienceA.The Ball as II Leave* tho Pitcher'* Hand, Rotating on Its Horizontal

Axis and Travelling at an Initial Velocity of 150 Feet a Second orNearly Two Miles a Minute.

B.The Centre of Percussion of "Babe" Ruth's Bat, Swung for One-Twen¬tieth of a Second with n Force Equivalent to Forty-four Horse-Power,' Meets the Oncoming Ball, Checks lis Course Toward the Catcher'sWaiting llnnds and Sends It Speeding at Greatly Increased Velocityin mi Entirely Different Direction.

C."I he Ball Immediately After Its Impact With the Bat, Moving Skywardat an Angle of Forty-two Degrees and With an InitialVelocity Estimated at Five Hundred Feet a Secondor Nearly Six Miles a Minute.Faster Than Any Ex-press Train Travels.

i D.Maximum Height Reached by the Ball as a Result| of Its Collision With the Bat's< Centre of Percussion, Backed Up

by Mr. Kuth's Forty-eight Horse-power Energy. The Height At-tained Will Be Greater on a ClearDay Than on Ono When tho AirIs Full of Moisture.

t,.Slowed Down by the Friction of the Air, the Force of Gravitation Begins to Overcome the Ball'* InitialVelocity and It Stnrts Falling to Earth. Before the Full Effect of the Gravitational Force It Felt, However, the Bull Mm 1 ravelled Far Beyond the Fielders' Reach and "Babe" Ruth Hat Scored Another Home Run

By Prof. A. L. Hodges,The Wc!l-Knnivn Phyticitt.

AST Mason "I'.abe" Ruth broke allbaseball records by hitting twenty*nine homo runs. Ar.<l this season

there is every indication that ho will beathis 11*10 total by a wide margin.What is tho se< ret of Ruth's ability to

make home runs with such surprising fre¬quency? ">»; it because he Is possessed ofgreater strength than his fellow players?Is it because his vision is keener or hismuseles better ca-ordinated?

All these tilings doubtless have some¬thing to <lo with it, but the real reason forthl:- iii.<yionn'nal series of home runs sci-i nee finds to be the way Xvitlx applies tohis work with the bat certain well-knownprinciples of physics and psychology.

"But." you say. "Iluth Is a ball plavor.What does ho know of physics or psy¬chology?"Notheing, perhaps, but whether con-

sciou.ly or unconsciously Ruth appliescertain well-known principles of these twosciences every time ho makes a homo run.Let us consider some of the many inter-rsting scientific factors involved in bat-t itig a ball.As < very follower of baseball knows, a

home run is the knocking of the ball outof the reaoli of opposing players and in.r.uch a direction and to nuch a distance as<o make its return impossil'o before th?runner completes the circuit of the bases.Viewed as n mechanical proolem. the hit¬ting of a home run moans simply hittingt)i< ball with the bat so as to give it greatspeed in the proper direction. The spe^land direction which the bat can To made togive tilt; ball depend on the degree of tincurve which tlio pitcher has imparted tothe ball, the weight of the ball, the. weightof the bat, the elasticity of the ball andbat. and the angle at which tin, ball iirpinges on the bat.The speed which a ball t * es on im¬

mediately after its collision w'th the batis a little difficult to compete becauseneither the bat nor the ball is perfectlyelastic or perfectly non-elaaMc. To illustrate tlio difficulty of such a o mputationlet mo explain what happens when per¬fectly elastic and perfectly non-elasticbodies come into collision.

If two inelastic bodies.say two piecesof lead.of equal weight and going withequal speed, but in opposite directionsmeet squarely "in mid-air, they will bothstop and fall to the ground, all theiienergy of motion having been turned intoheat. If, however, perfectly elastic bodlerof the same weight going with the samevelocity, but in opposite directions, mee?in mid-air, they will bounce back withthe same velocity they had originally. 11one of these bodies has twice the velocityof the other, the latter will bounce backwith twice its original velocity and thoformer will bounce back only half as fast.All this applies to bodies having tho sameweight. Whenever one of the collidingbodies is heavier than- the other, the ve¬locity given tho latter body upon bouncingis enormously increased.The bat which "Rabe" Ruth wields and

the ball which he hits are both fairly clas¬tic; therefore, everything else being equal,the ball will be driven farther the heavierthe bat and the faster the bat is movingas it hits the ball. Also, as tho weight of"Halm" Ruth's body prevents his bat fromdoing much bouncing back, tho faster theball corner, the farther It will go when hohits it.The weight of tho ball Itself is a veryimportant factor in hitting a homo run,viewed us a scientific problem. If thero

k xt V ~ ~v~-?"~"fDiagram Showing How the Difficulty of Following the Ball (B)

crease* aa It Approaches Nearer, and Nearer to the Batter'*Eyo (A), the Angle at Which It I* Viewed fromPositions 6 and 7 Being Ten Times as

Great as That from 1 to 2.were no atmosphere, everytliine be¬ing equal, the lighter tne Dall happened toho the farther it would go. The friction ofthe air. however, slows the ball up con¬siderably, and this fact has to bo takeninto consideration with several others.The conclusion which science reaches Is

that the heavier tho ball is, without In¬creasing its size or decreasing Its elas¬ticity, tho farther it will go after beingstruck with tho bat.The direction taken by a batted ball is

affected to some extent by the rotation oftho ball as it strikes the bat. Thi3 factoris of the neatest importance when thebut does not strike tho ball squarely.It is possible for the hat to hit the ballin such a way that it actually increases thelatter's rotation. In other words, it is per¬fectly possible for the batter to hit thoball in such a way that it takes on a de¬cided curve. Everybody who plays golfknows what a common occurrence this ison the links. A golf hall when struck acci¬dentally oft' centre will ofton describe theweirdest imaginable path through the air,particularly if it passes through variousair currents.A honr n depends to a very large ex¬

tent up> » direction given the battedball. T ortanco of this factor 'mayhe estimated a- nine times that of thospeed given the hat*~d ball. 13y directionwe mean not only the horizontal angle, butalso the vertical angle at which tho ballleaves the hat. For example, no matterhow hard the ball is hit, it will never re¬sult in a home run unit's ."t clears theupstretched arms of the p1 »yers in thofield.

It is plain that the direction giventhe butted ball must depend to a largoextent upon the manner in which the ballis travelling before it meets tho bat. Pro¬vided the ball is given a proper rota¬tion on its horizontal axis by the pitcher,the kind of curve best suited to make itdifficult to hit it at the proper verticalangle is either tho down shoot or the upshoot. On account of the many variablofactors concerned science believes that anyhome run made with either of theso curve3is a lucky chance pure and simple.

After the ball has boon set in motion bythe bat with a certain speed, tho distanceit will go depends upon the vertical angleat which it starts. The most desirableangle i3 one of 12 degrees with the ground,or about half a right angle. Other factorswhich determine the distance a batted ballwill travel are the speed of the ball, itssphericity, the smoothness of its surfaceand its lack of rotation. Tho greater thospeed of the ball tho more perfectlyspherical it is. tho smoother its surfaceand the less rotation with which it travelsthe farther it will go. Atmospheric con¬ditions, of course, enter into tho problem.A ball will go farther in a clear air that isfree from moisture. Tho wind may carryit bodily for quite a distance or may retardits progress.

If science wore asked to make it difficultor well-nigh impossible for "Babe" Kutli to

Ltit a home run it would select a day w.ientho barometer was high, with the air so

heavy with moisture that it would retardthe progress of tho batted ball. Ihopitcher selected would be one good on veryalow but curvy downshootfl. If such apitcher were not available, one who hideuch great speed that lie couid put anykind of a ball over the plato for thobatter would bo chosen. With thishind of a pitcher the ball is likely tobe hit behind the plate and unlikely to bostarted on its course at the proper angle.His hitting of a homo run could then bomado stHI more difficult by compelling theredoubtable "Babe" to use a bat either soheavy that he could not swing it with muchspeed, or so light that it would tend to hittho ball at tho wrong horizontal angle.There is a certain spot on the bat, usu¬

ally a few inches from tho end. but vary¬ing with dlfVerent bats, which scienceknows as the centre of percussion. If theball hits the bat exactly on this spot thogreatest effect is produced. All ball play¬ers are aware when the ball hits this spoton the bat, not only through the absenceof jar to the arm, but also through a pecul¬iar satisfaction which is hard to define,but which is no doubt physical as well asmentnl."Babe" Ruth's phenomenal home run rec¬

ord is largely due to tho fact that, con¬sciously or unconsciously, he has found away of producing the collision betweenhis bat and tho ball on this centre of per¬cussion more frequently than any otherplayer.What is called the centre of percussion

is a principle that enters into the designnot only ot baseball bats, but of all thingsdesigned for men to swing. In the ham¬mer, for example, the centre of percussionshould be in the head. If the tool is notdesigned so that this centre is properlylocated the hammer is unsatisfactory touse because it jars and tires tho am toomuch.The problem of hitting homo runs with

the surprising frequency that "Babe" Ruthdoes is ono more complicated in the mat¬ter of powers of Judgment and observa¬tion involved than in mechanical prin¬ciples. Viewed as a mechanical problem,tho home run requires a bat just as heavyas a player can use with comfort, tho batto bo given a motion as fast as possiblewhen hitting the ball, and striking theball so that it wilt ho impelled into thoair at an anglo of approximately 42 de¬grees or half a right angle. The ballshould also, of course, be hit at such ahorizontal angle as not to cause a foul.

T^lio weight of the batter has very littleto do with tho matter of home runs, hut hisarm muscles are a controlling factor tothe extent of, say, fifty per cent. Of course,If his arms are rigid enough to make thobat for all practical purposes a part of hisbody when he hits the ball, and if his bodyis swung forward at just that instant, itIs possible that a heavy batter, all otherthings being equal, would be able to knockthe ball farther than a lighter player.

(C) 1!)','0. Intcntntionnl Feature Service. Inc.

Homo nins append, to a considerable de¬gree, on quickness of tlio eyo and a speedyresponse of tlio body's muscles to thomessago which tho eye Hashes to tho brain.To follow tho ball as it leaves the pitcher'shand is no easy matter, as tho sphere isoften travelling at the rate of lf>0 feeta second, or nearly two milos a minuto.The eye movement necessary to follow itincreases greatly as tho ball draws nearorand nearer the plato, owing to tho in¬crease in the angle of vision which, by thetime the ball is over tho plate, is aboutten times what it was when it left thopitcher's hand.As 1 have said, tho pitcher often hurlsthe ball at the rato of 150 feet a second.But tho ball is travelling much fasterthan that when it leaves "Babe" Ruth's batafter being hit for one of tho home runsthat have made him famous. This is inaccordance with the laws of tho impact ofclastic bodies.

Great Driluin RiffUts Hcaoiveil.



tiveHalf aFoot.

All otlicr things being* equal, tho fnstor a ball lathrown the farther it canbo batted. You can prove\ this to your own satisfac¬tion by throwing a ballngainst n brick wall. Thofaster it travels, tho hard-

, er it hits tho wall and thofarther it will bounceback.Of courso, If it Is rainingwhen one of "Babe" Ruth's

long hits is made, thedrops of water striking thoball will bring it to theground long before itotherwise would fall. Thorain also makes the ballheavier, and as It containsonly so much energy to

k start with, it will bo\ slowed up in its flight onaccount of some of thoL.rIL.. energy being used to givetho captured rain dropstheir new velocity.flow much actual energy does "Babe"Ruth expend in hitting one of his homefns? Tho activity or horsepower involved1* very great, but it is in operation onlyfor tho" fraction of a second.The ball which "liabe" Ruth hits for aV e run weighs about tivo ounces. If

n % at gives it a velocity of 500 feet a see-on.., wo find, by applying a well knownformula of physics, that 1,200 foot poundsof actual energy or work is done. Now,if it takes Ruth one-twentieth of a secondto impart this energy by a swing of his bat,this would be at tho rate of 24,000 footpounds a second, which is about forty-fourhorsepower.Tho king of homo run makors Is thenworking at tho rate of forty-four horse¬

power evory time ho cracks out one of hlalong hits, but he maintains this rate forsuch a brief length of time i.hat not verymuch actual work is involved.Hut if the energy exerted by "Babo'

The Horse-Power Required to Make Fifty of"Babe" Ruth's Home Runs Would Be Suffi¬cient

Ruth In all the homo runs he has madeup to (lato coulil ho collected into a singloforco it would he a vory enormous thing.Twenty-nine such runs last season andmoro than a score thus far this year.this would he the equivalent of more than2,000-horsepower.enough if exerted bohind a gigantic bat to demolish a buildinglike Now York's Metropolitan Tower!Of course, there are many psychological

as well as mechanical factors involved inthe hitting of tho long scries of home runswhich "Babe" Ruth has been making fortwo seasons. The batter must bo able to"sense" in some manner not yet fully un¬derstood just about what kind of ball thepitcher is going to throw. Then he must bocapable of putting his body in readinesswith lightning swiftness to meet that kindof ball when it passes over the plate. Thoplayer's Judgment about tho bull must bomade within tho smallest fraction of a sec¬ond after it leaves tho pitchpr's hand.Through some queer sixth sense.tnekinaesthotic sense, as psychologists call it.all batters have tho feeling as to whetherthe trnll tho pitcher is about to throw is go¬ing to pass over the plato or not. In thoaverage batter the impressions conveyedby this sixth sense caunot be more than (50per cent accurate, but in the case of "Babe"Ruth, as his batting record shows, theymust be about 90 per cent accurate. Aseverybody who plays baseball or everwatches a game knows, you can't strike outand make a homo run. and the player canseldom hit a home run unless the bail hastrikes is taking a course that would havocarried it straight across the plate unlessInterrupted by his bat.

This, then, is the secret of "Babe"Ruth's home runs as viewed from a scien¬tist: standpoint. A highly developed kin-aesthetic sense enables him to "sense" thekind of ball the pitcher is going to throw.When a ball rotating on Its horizontaln.\is and curving most favorably for hispurpose comes along he swings his bat atit with an energy sufficient to chango itsdirection and greatly increase its velocity.The bat Is swung in such a way that thecentre of percussion meets the ball, send¬ing it upward at an angle of 42 degreesand not too far to the right or the left.When all these things happen the resultshould bo a home run, provided that thepitcher has given the ball proper speedand that tho wind and other atmosphericconditions aro favorable.
