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FIDWG Quality Indicators Sept 2011

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  • 8/3/2019 FIDWG Quality Indicators Sept 2011


    Rodrigo Porto

    Central Bank of Brazil

    Quality IndicatorsFinancial Inclusion Data Working Group

  • 8/3/2019 FIDWG Quality Indicators Sept 2011


    Concept Note: The importance of indicators

    Indicators of Quality





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    Indicators are important to:

    understand the current stage of financialinclusion of the population;

    monitor its progresses and barriers in differentdimensions, several indicators should becreated.

    They can be divided according to their purposesinto three main groups: Access, Use and Quality.

    Concept Note The importance ofIndicators

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    Indicators of Quality are designed to:

    complement the analysis related to

    identification of other barriers to financialinclusion when access to services is available

    verify the sustainability of the use of financial


    Concept Note Indicators of Quality

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    Indicators of Quality can provide information on:

    The convenience of services

    The level of security of users

    Consumer protection issues

    Financial education of potential clients


    Concept Note Indicators of Quality

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    These indicators should measure the extent to whichfinancial services are made available to users,observing the existence of implicit barriers, such as:

    high cost of service

    waiting time in queues

    requirement of criteria to admission, such asdocumentation, minimum wage etc, not easilyavailable to all potential customers suitability

    complexity (such as contractual complexity,hindering the understanding of the obligations andrisks of services) of services

    Indicators of Quality - Convenience

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    Client security encompasses:

    issues related to the possibility of losses bytransaction or registration errors due to poor

    infrastructure or fraud the stability of the financial institution

    the continuity of services in the locality

    the access to safety net, such as depositinsurance.

    Indicators of Quality Security of users

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    The consumer protection scope should embraceboth preventive and corrective measures.

    Preventive measure:

    Users should have access to accurate financial

    information, clearly and transparently available, thusenabling decision-making with full knowledge of theirrights and obligations.

    Corrective measures:

    focus on conflict solution between clients andinstitution. Accessible channels to clients must beprovided to resolve any problems in their relationshipwith financial institutions

    Indicators of Quality Consumer protection

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    Financial education should be emphasized due to: the lack of financial education,

    the existence of information asymmetry regardingthe use of financial services and

    the uncertainty over the budget of low-incomepeople

    the complexity of choosing one among many ofservice conditions offered

    It is also important to monitor the level of indebtednessof users in order to evaluate whether access to credit issustainable, increasing welfare of its users

    Indicators of Quality Financial Education

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    Choice is also an important dimension socustomers have the opportunity to select the bettercombination of:


    quality of services


    Moreover, it reduces the risk of the discontinuity ofservices in their locality.

    Indicators of Quality Choice

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    AFI | Riviera Maya (Mexico)| 27.9.11 | Page 11

    Dimension Scope

    Convenience Cost of services; Waiting time in queues;

    Complexity of services; Opening hours;

    Product fit

    Client security Possibility of transaction or registration errors; Stability of the financial institution;

    Continuity of services in the locality; Access to safety net

    Consumer protection Preventive actions;

    Corrective actions;

    Complaints resolution;

    Level of indebtedness of consumers Financial literacy Level of financial literacy of users;

    Level of financial capability of users Choice Level of competition

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    Quantitative Indicators: Distribution (mean and variance) of interest rate on loans

    by range of users income (Convenience/costs)

    Average waiting time in queues / Number of clients

    (Convenience/waiting time in queues)

    Qualitative Indicators: Required information to buildconcepts:

    Does regulation defines a standard to simplify loancontracts to low income clients?(Convenience/complexity)

    How is financial literacy measured? Is measurement of

    financial literacy already in progress? (Financial literacy)

    Indicators of Quality Different Approaches

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    [email protected]


    Thank you!

    Rodrigo PortoCentral Bank of Brazil

    [email protected]
