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Field Intel Report Part 12

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8/8/2019 Field Intel Report Part 12 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/field-intel-report-part-12 1/44 First Gorpmi. P&t Ha* at liries 98*9 * 64,.4* tt*rt)i to 03,5 » 05* ft* to ';$4,9*85.0 «*- 94«T - 33.5 -••95.4-» IS .a - 34.S *-84»3 our from; 1s t Pur«ui* Wiag* ChtidEt C olony dll'4gpftaj%>' &rahtri, X«ia4f&ay with jUrt*' Frttk*nt and em Raa^l*r-*t i;&©0 fflsi^rei in MfCHflW*!, Eil^VlUil, IMITOlf, Cii«lF«liIilJiy.I ^ B iACIdA. til' ^ t froa Isaf. of Goldthwaite, pilot, Li, Mtllmsd SPRS afeout 3:45, at aititud® ef 4CJ0 ®®krs. . Wtr» flrei a t l a fi«Xd iiantdiat«Xy w««t of ©helX hoi&s ju st »t ©at«kirt« of to rn . £&# fif# ia a©Hln»r© from anil airaraft butweem CMK1VIWKS3 and ST. JUV1H. 0«*8«tid«a ta ZO O altitude was maintained during the r^st of th* troops ««@n i« »tr#«rfes of SKSOiSHANCSS * 18 ©r BO sold i© rs in «Ur»«li« retreating* Ntxt teerlcmn tstrop• 1 lim. northogist ©I E^MHI. two in sh*H hoX«» aa^K4jSVlU.K bttrnliig in many pX&eaa. Slreral ito©iieeuri where corasli of BO|S da la Ft!i*fX?£!t! touclies road 1 km northwest #f ,* H«®t tosric^n sold|# n e^^t tddo of 1SLI8 BU FATS i s torn© imis*# fir® , &ad aet tha front Xino* U$m®'& to b# rs«itiit$* M§ XIft i a Coning back ®ir#r same ro»t« BHJlDLi^S * St. JUVXM, no additlo^&X •*«•?* fire H # ». shtll bartti at ^nd in read % km* mf%h of HOMASVC, ascending fro« smi^ Tillage® from th« nertfej feut aXtHttda waigfe too panait of idtatifia&tlona* Gtmin arty prsetioally six* O^ r C«WW« la th« vicinity of RUiAGKS. Mo tmin ^.Hintf on 3f, J&TOi ao far as i was pos-iiblo to obverw* tic road activity cm Gamac aid© of lise. Cmt S©man tettor> S@®B f& rla g from ?i&L39i% of BUWU. Ho 0®flaa*t X&tmitf tr#-r* | ^ # f It* Goneral impreasions ®f the day; 1%«J day w^s charact«ri«®d by serere all along the front. During the aft®rtaoon aad the night tha attack ^i i ' # l i of
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F i r s t Gorpmi. P&t H a * at l i r i e s 98*9 * 64,.4* t t*rt) i to 03,5 » 05* f t*to ';$4,9*85.0 «*- 94«T - 3 3.5 -••95.4-» IS .a - 3 4.S *-84»3 our

from; 1s t Pu r«u i* Wiag*ChtidEt C o l o n y dll'4gpftaj%>' & ra ht ri, X«ia4f&aywith jUrt* ' Frt tk*nt and em R aa ^l *r -* t i;&©0 fflsi^rei i n

M f C H f l W * ! , E i l ^ V l U i l , IMITOlf , Cii« lF« l i I i lJ iy . I ^ B iACIdA. t i l '

^ t froa Isaf.


Goldthwaite, pilo t, L i, Mtllmsd

SPRS afeout 3 :45 , at ai tit ud ® ef 4CJ0 ® ® kr s. . Wtr» flrei a tl a fi«Xd iiantdiat«Xy w««t of

©helX hoi&s ju st »t © at« kir t« of to rn . £&# fi f# i a a©Hln»r©

from a n i l a i r a r a f t butweem CMK1VIWKS3 and ST. JUV1H. 0«*8«tid«a t a ZOO

a l t i tu de was ma in ta ined dur ing the r^ s t o f th*t r o o p s ««@n i « »tr#«rfes o f SKSOiSHANCSS * 18 ©r BO so ld i© rs i n «Ur»«li«

re tr ea t i ng * Ntxt teerlcmn ts t r op• 1 l im. northogis t ©I E^ M H I. twoi n sh* H hoX«» aa K4jSVlU.K btt rnl iig in many pX&eaa. Slreral ito©iieeuriwhere corasli of BO|S da la Ft!i*fX?£!t! touclies road 1 km nor thwes t # f

,* H«®t tosric^n so l d | # n e^ ^t td do of 1SLI8 BU FATS i s torn© imis*#fir® , &ad ae t tha fr on t Xino* U$m®'& to b# rs«itiit$* M§ X Ift i a

Coning back ®ir#r same ro »t « B HJlDLi^S * S t . JUVXM, no additl o^& X

• * « • ? * f i r e H #» . s h t l l b a r t t i a t ^ n d i n r e a d%

km* mf%h of HOMASVC,asc en di ng fro « sm i^ Tilla ge ® from th « n ertfej feut aXtH ttda waigfe to op a n a i t o f i d t a t i f i a & t l o n a * G t m i n a r t y p r s e t i o a l l y s ix * O ^ r C«WW«la th« vicinity of RUiAGKS. Mo tmin ^.Hintf on 3f , J&TOi ao far a s i was pos-i iblo to obverw* tic road ac t i v i ty cm Gamac a id© of l i s e .Cmt S©m an tettor> S@®B f& rla g from ?i&L39i% of BUWU. Ho 0®flaa*t X&tmitf tr#-r*

| ^ # f It*

Goneral impreasions ®f the day; 1%«J day w^s charact«ri«®d by sererea l l along the fro nt. During the aft®rtaoon aad the nig ht tha att ac k

i i ' # l iof

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a: From a po int No rtheart of S&ftMjftfiSB. on theroad to a s ter n edge of BUI3 &« 'f&£*£&» Cot

F -C 6. 4- 85 .8 , ?*G4,tU$4*2# SQuth«srn edge of RU£:iAOI#:, ©a ste rn


* then

line tc- theof S6»IIM !£1- oawest of th«>

works: Our i# ft di vi si on report,« tha t «it 1$ youre

: - The nurabar of pr iso ne rs repo rted evacu ated yes terd ayAirl«|fiimi la s 0f fie #m » 4f| ILC.I3.**» and men

on« c oU n el . i« repo rt of pria©n«r8 tak»R by ©ur rig htOur c#nter division roports thsft It* prisoner* had already him

formed of the Oerwan psacs offsr im^i seemed Qatisfied that the cad of t^o warIn

A ct iv it y of our own tr@op«: Our tro ops M'tsmooi' flati»fae©rily in a p i t s o fstron g re sis ta nc e, a tta in in g moat of th^ir ob j«c tiv« e. Th» town of EOIAGKE 'i s purpo@@ly uiicceupisd but i s co nt ro ila d by eosibat group* »wrroundi3!ig i t . Ourl i n i * .« j i. « ti

ftasulta of our ai r oboerya tion: 34 so rt iaa of whidi 16 ««r« recon naissa nce ,8 lia i*o n» 5 adjustm ents and on© pho to. On* of mt balloons ma brought down


^ ceneervativ© astisa&te of theduring tb a pe riod wc-uld bo , 2500. ' Th is in view of th® fa ct tha * HO

the otlasr tw© di vis ion s ta king between them ali gh tly in exc ess of

I t i s r a ported th at a French »ijXdi©ir of the ird l a I'. Esg t. has pr ^E en t^ k ia ae lfat the Q"be@rYation Six aft er having eresse<4 the l i n ee . Farther iafermaiion

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Xdo atifieat iona . L«ft task, 41st I n aaat

tett&a from wott to #&sst? i§&*4 Ka gt. , 14Sth Btgt . # 18th Rag*. Tha 41 at fllv.eossistg frem &BT* * SAftUONS who n© i t ' *ms r®si&i»««S &&©t*t ta n day* , hn« fcaaainn r#&trva ia th# regioaagftgad th $ 4£ at Olf , a«#n»©$ g pih» art y of ih# SHh Mv, (73rd F./t .H*} «^a t t i l l 4a ih» m€%®t on

. (1 H»gt, of th« S4ih H#s* Biv.) n# rtli ofmv% i t ®as i l l l t b g

* (45 th E«#, ai T. ) X6Hh E«gt«, I h t XlSth^ IU t. aoitih offrom w@si i© @a@tf l^lst Heg i., i?3rd, Kagi,»

Vm %%B%h Dlv* pr«Ti©u»ly Ft ^o rta d i n ih© regi on ©f HSfE, la f t BHUfWU I in^ app6;ira i s b*? about to [email protected] the ^36th Div, in the region of2Bih I v til* lO»th R#gi« U ld« fttl !£ *d U th# B0I3 4© FAt$» Mg

fth Ht«« B iv, i s pai b&#k in l i n t 0« t. 9i& *©uih»&s*t ^f SX.VBY,iha 7^ad H*»* 'd#g,i. Oc t. 9ih, fh# r# gl . i t amid to ^# r# ^ e« 4 io ikrmt

companies. The 66th H^s.Regt, amd th# 36th R#«, Hegt. ar e al so sai d i o ba i n, F ir a i Au«tr»«ltung. Bir* £ i# at if ie d O@t* lOtfeu l H h In f. Startof th« 137th Hsgt, and 160th Regt. in the normal s«c ta r. Pr iao ae r

of th « 6 9th Ee gt . a t S1VHY gm4 iu th© BOX§ BIS CAUR^S/ C©f iba Sth Atj^r i© ?©M D@r HUHWIT2. Go» aa di »gg G+oanH <o t th© Anay i s L ;aioHuu). (Captur&d doetm@nt@ and in te rr og at io n of p riso n© ra.)i'rUemrn aaptu r^d b#tw##B the ARtiC M! and th© » | | ^ froo 3© pt, B6 to Ge t. 2ndty Aaaria aa iro©^®: -fi ra t 0«ard Mv , ? 172S prison ers? Fifth 0»ard 01v«# JJ4i *Sav«il|t- R*«. S i n , ^3&4; S«eoi^ Lw* Divs» 4S^, 7«h M«. lUir. t X64| Sfth air.»253, lXTth Dir. X7»0.t Wo priao aara of tha iil O

3afa »tiy (Oci» lOife) Frtta tha ida nti fie &t ioa i ©f Oai. ttlt «md lOtfe i t ap pea rs:(!) t ha t -yi r^ risigns a ©®rtain dlaaiMar in the (Jaimii «sait« l

on th s two banks of th e IOKI-&K * &n th e l a f t bankth# 4Sib E»g» 'Div« already sugarsd sepaimtely, are again

i . U nits of tfc# ti ^ tl i Bl r. aad tfc« m*h MT« '«T»8.14© by sides and Ba var ian o lem enis a re re po rte d i n th© sosae

se ct or s. C,n tha rig ht bank, the ' 7th R&$> Dive is engaged afterhaving b«$n withdrawn £tm th© la ft bank whera i t lo st 2250 p il e

6ttfe Ragt. i a #»g»i«d fcjr feattaliona at tlsrantaaaad p oi uta .

h -md 41st l^v* shows ikai tha on«»y haain tfe« L?Kf ragioa aooordiiig-to ath« f7th H«a. Dtr* is in proeaas af ^iaa©i«ti#a (0«d©r raaar'r

-(0) In spit® «f th e d iao rle r resistanc© la itubborn and tha onamyk yl^ ^d s only &«f©r* #»®rga tie attaefe a. 4rfciil©i^r, L sf l Bmdt.

A new 15 m* gun reported north of KU?;AUNE, i n a t an t f i r i j ^ on road»of M'0WF4%l€0I. Bigh t bank. incr©aa« of 15 em* gun in tha groyi|^i»imtamny t is^s in th» fQHm M liFINCnUHT, l e t l m t a a t I t a a t 10 drnplaeoaeMora bat te rioa i n the Ht^lftOIS ragio s. A larg« proporiiG^ of the firing onth o r«gi.on of LA f4VMiULi eomfts from ih i e dcufel® group ment. Con tin ua tio n of

sh e ll in g, ajfid of ah aU ing on 4h@ region of

i ' * ' • * % ' "

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combin#d with our occupation *rith Hila 1BGdraw from iha fore»i of

h a s forced th®MAHCQ,

enemy t© w i t hM

1*4 -ftiUJM IMW*- '.A in

du* © ist of the woods SO0 ®&i#r# north of

indmy order of battle: Frem w-ssst t # aast J

through ift@

strength of about 4$ mm* 0» aeoyt October 1st the $ Goy?\paBlas #f th« Znd

is&&®sy» oil. i l l * m®-3ming ©I ti l t Site #&? ' 3 ©lfi@»3*s * f -thi

is '

has #f f#r#4 very our

mill road which X©ads into L4 fraia southeast

fy$ % % during

night of the < 9th. V©ry ii tt I© fire report thi « iaoming. In ts mi tt ea t

in a aorthsraly direction come ahsve n#i*mia,4 1$ vahiclan w«r« obsarv»d onnorth and onlytwo going eouth at X3 hr s. 10.

10:15 aftd 10:3Q two trrains

a#ri al ac ti vi ty : H®$til» aer ial act iv it y abov© normal. - 4t IS hoursfair©!, of #i# plan»« lMttv«»n lUSVIUJI and IM$&^ At t }i#uri», &

of XI pi an© a oror BStlU^U At 13 heura plaaoa In ill* vicinity of FLSdoing infantry contact wo rite,. At 17 hrs* 30 ho*til« ballooias in the ricinity of

. l i f t *:iwirt '0.liiwirw4 -in

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very l i t t l # opposition, Th arty i s atl-mming in close auppori of the infantry.

Our ae ria l act iv i t y: One photo mlsaion, s©v»n infantry eontaot missiotta^ an©

arty aurvilianc* misaion, 2 raconrxaisean.ce and I »^#»# op©ratios


plan®a n»ur La

mm t|*%®p#. H^$o>inal3ffianc©s and p atr o ls

from lUh I t . C^i^*. i N a Got. I©, US

Xd en tifi ca tio ns . lt>th Div: Prisosiers of th# 69th Regt, b^loaging tob at ta li on s cap tured in the nor th em part $1 lO li 4 «i C^H^S HHi 5XVEY. 32^4 Bi v. :

from the 107th smil lQ2nd Rsgta. ©aptured in 4h« region of HB&E Bl BGISNo id^nti f lr^ t iGn of the %Q$r& Hegt. hae be»n repo rted . ?th $»». Civ:

Fri»0Ji©r« of 35th FuelH&r Hegt* aaptwred in th«

of Battl® * From w«st t o *aat »o«a« id b« th« g. H eg t., unita* of the 69th i« fi « of th« 5th KuK mi of th« 35th F«u»i l iors P

of the lT7th R«gt, Ba ttle Ord©r of thes « R»gt«. i» th« roy»r»« of tha t tl ve nter da y. Uaita ef the 25th J»ager Batft. of the 69th K# gt. , XS7th Re gt. 9 160thl i f t * * stla© th«s 33d .Div. with the c ri «r ©f l)a tti e prtvioueXy r©port#d. I t appe arstha t th« »n*my has a tendency t$ disp ose of h is S ivi aio as aa f^Howsi From

to «s&«t# 7th Re s. Div. (n er th aa »t «m re gi oa o f SIVEY and BOIS de LA| 33nd DiY. ( re gi on Bu i3 ^OLI, VrIl WM>mi 15th Oiy. (Front l ine


laf& ntr y. lu ri ng the day the »n«my ha© m©t our prog©»83 with v io le n t r »» i« tauic« oflpeeiaaiy with sao |in» *gu n fir * , ft** M I l i n e I s mt d*fi?iit*ly aftittdi as

yet. The M&* 0© C' UUMIS k s &*»» re tak an , I ew ^r ise ttd ra hay© fceen tffik«a ## t435© pri»«»n#ra hare %«#n counted «ine© ifaa liaginning o f th e ba tt l» in cl ui ij igtha n 2000 p-ftuonsrE eapiu rad b { }

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is * tfei*

ing w® ales r in ihe west . Bar rag© and concent rat ion s quit© vi ol en t in the «&rt


of WX

.- f • -B,

II* T, ft.

i n

mov©Keat(j: V is ib il it y , iDie mi ttftn t to impessib la to fa ir . During the

At 3 hours 30 thrau Allied and tw© Boeh© planes «©r« reported engaged in oombat


pltxma succeed«d br ingin g clown tha enemy ballo on in d ir ec tio n of

Hetsulta of our ai r obBsr vation: ft pl at es exposed , ?,? of which were su cc es sfu l

At 16:S5 frien dly tro op* at 83,8 8, 18.67» 83. 94 , Saw gr»en fla re meaning

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Report BE .271, from Corps Observation fii ig, Sec :?d OIMMIG, i9Xa t 1 9 * 5 0 • • • • ; . '

17 'th F rench 'GorpA* ' S l gh ty - s i x v e r t i c a lih & ly t&3cen* L la e a t 10s&©* i F r i e n d l y p31#0' - 77*6 , SUB • 76V 9/&U & - 7 6* 5 / 31*5 - 7«*S * 'At "l7i0B a t J 88 .5-* 78 »S , 29#7 - 7 8 *4 , S&9.-5 - 77*8* 89*7 * 77*gt* § * 77,7 * 5 1 •& - 7 7 ,0 , 31*6 - *?S*9, 51 .7. - -76-, -S, 3 1 . 8 V76*4* ••

0*2* # 1976*

0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 .

Report _ _ fi*om 3rd €0rp^ ? Ree*a 0ot« i o , . 1918 a t 19t 40.i m p r e s t l o n a o f %'km day; Very

f ighfcimg Ai l 4&y« Athe' a t ta c k re«ra$ & th is , -morniag -m & we •ga ine d va lu ab le grou nd on 'oia* l#f t .» '^«i3»e 'haa be-®a on lym o d e r a te enem y a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y * ^ m a l l e a l i t > e r s h air a. ' ••feeea '-Aotle eable lack ing* . Marteed in or ea ee li i enemj a l re ra f t«.

m COLOWEL 'HOW StJC. s (e m ll GOL* S6WELL*S .* f t# n t to np a r t i c u l a r l y t o t oien) * A a a r e f u l a t u d y - o f p h o t o g r a p h s ' ' •taken- to€ay:- o^s r th®. se c to r AIH CR JEB VII tC-IiSR'Sr*le-*>PETlT# sto#w# no recent- worki i o n ' o f d e f en e e *

y f r o n t - l i n e : n o r t h f F O B a point one • kilometer aoutfce.a&'tof BIBtlLLSS, them ga ae rfel lf ncNrth of a l i ne , e a s t to wmnt . 'a s f o l l o w s r 'C o te feGO * noa*t!3©.rn #«%# of BOIS t e BEI1TOLBS"and a lo ng th e em at er a ed&e of th e B01S 4@ FATS ®Ed h

' Of ti le BOIS da fEIJf BEFATIX, th e n e e a lo n g BfcXBmtroa d ' to 31 0•0-^84*S f then d© t o w e s t bcsumAary '-Of'

,,&i#®jf o rd er of b a t t le ? The folo wing u n it s have -beenif le d opposite', the ^©rps fro nt by prisoiaiers: 4Sth X.{2i8th B iv i i io n) , change in the previous i f40th 'F tt si lte r Reginwintf ^Sth Bivi.*lca f - ecmstSrimtitm of *

r ^ r ef bm tti e; 11 Oth § r# m ti # r Regiment-, t s th* S«LI^^ 457th. X*H-*» -S^6th ^tvleioas .236th Bi vis ioa ^ .*. same| 48 fth I•* ^amai Sth Ba varian 'Reserve ^iel 4. ?7 th Piedil ' .^arti l lery Regiment j 47th F iel d .A rti l le ry384ila B'anltary Iraimi 436th tl*I* Oes^pany.,. attached

. 457th I#E* . ' ' • • fhe order of b a t t le la di ff ic u l t to .establ ish. \o*Ing ; t# . :

the fa ct that- ins gnerey appera^- ' to be sp l i t t in g up diirisiona"and plao ing isel.«te& ae*fgliaents•'in the. l i n e a t ^a ri ^u s. p oi n ts*the. f ront- l ine apposi te the oorpg appears to foe h&M fromwest to east by •- 459ih I*S.^ 4SSth I*R*

i tg 9 gmin tiofied app ear to 'have '1>e-en"ln res er ve - and

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talom in the•; BGI.S % CUkmm+o f to

to separate

i® ecronter#

b u t has d e c r e a s e d i n r i m g tM®8O.1S €© FAYS'.-wad BOXS :da

-to. •!©• hour* and from 8 to t imurt.*.X e l l a B01S cte BRX1TIIL!,1S drawing th6 p»ri.od

B0IS d#a-O§01S ;r t&# BOI.S 4s.PAYS* t b * B0IS .ie |fSi

About thirty battteleg wore-wported In aetloxi


^ moving in bothon., tfela %

t on the

BOfS 0 1 FOHS?.

i • Vislbli lity^. fa ir to good*f id .0i ie • I # .At

m<»i"«wu» r ig h t * At 11: tiieballooa :« ' At- 15s 55 to grotpd '

# .nox^t of. MIS ffee a^lat^r j teat a toeigbt' of iOO fe$t«

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• 2 5 *

m 1st ,*, I O ;

report soiM&isei wad- tevei n XARCQ


X>«-0~Q-O-G- 0*O*0O*0-O--0 , ' .

from 17th Frenah G^rps^ Eeo'A Oat* 10^ 1018

out t© 11 i th at friexv&y troops at the19#64 * g2#64* ; 0i*eat aotiirlty of en^ifly plimetroop* a t E8*34t ^rl®adlf tz oops w®Bt forwtr€ m& thmnat 47 •IX* So troo|M»; In. llQhhffltUM Wmrm* 11? 45g-5*40* 85*45, -30$$»-'.Ai 1^8s46 priaoniiHi' from tha 102&c$asgl^#tit re po rt :t ha i' fcwo te^aiy ba tta iio aa oa part ofAii3i&l en«H^r barrage: a t O§*01* Friendly troops a t 3.5*66 '12*71,* Inem^'-troopa" at- 97>S4* At 15s.35 friemdly troops a t 15*

^23*6$* -.Saei^r-troop*- a t 94*8$, 95..0S*Diylai<m {'QUS.} report* at" 12 $30 tliat fri*n&Xy ffollonixi$'.points; W*M $ 2®.*W?$ 15•5.5* ?laB# over-. t#tlareports &rl»n&ly troopa a t lf*7

:Q* At 14:08

At ISifO i t

^ 9 *From $*2. #1060.

to 'be .seen-laof


ISO mm* s h e l l s the---af teipnoon


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in tfc*

.Circulat ions Aatib« btt vem BSMOXfrom XI

M i l l

to Hill'020*

y ! r At 10* - I r i p QUIT* %tt • At "15:30 0



order: to i i t n t i f I rat ion s ma:da la. ttm l a s tatiaek nwtfa of

ago by a w.ax^t^nburg

t fr®m 20 'hotxrs to 21*50'aant up east of-i?A to

0*0^0-0*0-0-0-O»O~G~G-0- 0-0-0 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 0 Q-0-0-0

for the, Chlet of Staff J


a t 92*4 0 8 5 ^Bo®tile «h»liijig 'in

i n M f B i

Corps i him ru ns jtaat nor th <*f B on

S. * 84*7 i A oe*4 *.• ss *-to aittl# of

corps 10*0 « 5*1^ ia#o •

th« 10IS DE F

17th Freneb * a t 'pgpesftnt '500 m#t#i»i. south':of' SXTIETthsaortfe«m of .tbeBOis Dl 0H^UM1? ad ra ss 't li s BOIS OB'onus @n ths of Itos 'Eairliis i t fM f CTEIE f

mm* HU1of '

p (illB 0I this a^Htenst eiige of tte-'

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t£Mtn'B«W»- *6ge «f ttoe B01S PS QA0E1S %# 96*80* than' BO.XS BE '0ACRES, fO^g .ite© S-, t i p of t i» B0XS

fi of I»'*70 &$ld fey th e eiwxf* dua* -the for t i f i ca t ion du BOMOOT, item

-2&«i Colonial-Coals ' (French}s .Nothing-to **eprort

.4th (3orp«: Hotblag- to

-French Arm?** On* ai vl si on i f SS.th Gorpg (Fr*)the Xintt..north of i i dCGhe '9th Fr» Cc rpa l e

y mp by maohine - gtaa fti»#f A -great

4B tfes .Oerman-rear' are a* ware :seen 'on fir e- th is i

Freneli s no th ing to u»eport*From <l- -1969,


F ro n t : On batt i lef leXd of Caist>pa.i and. st»re:« r'.po »itio n» .* Oaafermi was. abandoned

atiaelm aaal 'ated 'by taniea'we8th'Ooiobefr -south of -Caa to a l . " t o r eg a in .p ^ i^s s io n of

^ g on- e i t h e r &i4a .of -Bants*. im wel l at t reop«. of Qmmn Qi»8-aeiii

e a s i e r the getting fr#© from ad^^raary*.". Ihyt ^ followed on bot&'.ftldgs E01M- HOAB v i t hf3p©c:ea" t i r ee t i o i a of 1*1 GAfEAtl* <Nr ndvaneed troops

ayaXry* teougiit im ther^. in eonne^tjiein vlth ' . ;.n%mp hf s t e p Umj vitlUtrev to t h e i r ' a#w po$itA«miit beforef a t t a c k s • In evening.- mmmg stood oa-st #f l i n e •

P E m p t i t y f e tin-

of s i^: of.vith -French to u n i t e d a t t a e k i * ^

©a Margin' of 4B.001IB with heaver Xosaes forM f in to ftoi^h .enesnf fc ro ed M a'w ay w&s

if '4tt«ek :-eftrried out ibietireeit AXRB- H« - Botla pl ac et r tm aiM

g - w er of i t tOof-"MBUSB wo troir ^ i&ar and' south ^ SIVKiSt -took

^ ^ i h . h a d Xott fo r n %ime# Hertto!KMitmi- BMIIMOHf sjorm' of. ^

Heoiieh 'HegiBiinte Brougl&t to. a at sm dat il l

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w» mm. mm- mm

October 11,1916 at 6,30 ty £*

wot i # the i t t$

ttUgfrt- BlTie

tfeeir lines neaxly ^ ^ M.l@^t©r0 Au lBg t|»

front of ©to?i n

p 9 p HJim tSUit t^ft* ( DB9ieft, Bit* )

first line t

to deliTO rlocated in spite

of & f^from the fetct that

Aiflfiff t Bomfearcled roada anl towns


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*« ii m


%oa3Murdjaont» of th » aregf oa o f IiA. fAtfiX IliK* f t o .otn



1 1 , at

firing of

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1918. a t S.*l


a f 'A»M

of Sftli M


» 1018 a -<*

m_«. 9*40 AM

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•<*• H '•**.

Jtopert * f ttm& fill Wmm h A»mr# o^toMr 22 f 1913

®n®m setsm to wish totnere t

10/11 tl i 0<i t

A pr iso ne r ©f tit*


in or




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P at ro l out oould not keep 1m format Ion OH aoooimt of extremely

At f «4* t&0 li&t 0f tfee xlgfet BlYi&i®nf %m%§9«f - *

from Li eu t • 3rd Corps Heod,0ct , lX,1918 a t 1 X^ 0 A

Line of 80th M Y ! s i cm at 9 ,

• Sr i . Bi i r l t toa l in e pin a no r t b& ae te r ly d i r ee t i oa

t Oi t k 3 M L i ifrom both f lanks from direct ion

* •

light during the night and

d p o s i tBridge mt

aad r t f le f ir©

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O f

attacked tliiB mornlag

CTl®li» *• are eaolroXlog COHEL to a t t a c k

P»O# 9£aA M ? t ,I g h t ©f

to flan aud that w@r$ imthick*

oarp i t s #ff$r$®» of the 91st Q& our

left, p with our t roops arti l lery fir© .


§ 0


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* * . m •**.

* 46 4

XTOi f ovel««fcs

t of whom %

Wmm&k Mm&i l#ili&«t§: t o *m$m%* ( f$m -§ ^ )•I * ^


I 8*, i ' silled M i l ^8f at tM i^t# «f S ps^S d^BO&BKX* t

battery inBOIS

M Il.#<

M I S fAIM aaptm^a 4

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pBill i n

•10 $*tr*it #*sm*ithat the Infantry at

*X*S # U §

mx l&m hm&patrols in • W eon our left.

on tide hill*fxm itli

fuite actlr®» division F«m#if%#& a t 8*40 t h a t t h ey w^re J i s l t

r;-$ ' * . WWW fP«Ki iK> W1

* * ) * . *

1 pxlBomT of the £5th I^ndwehr

forward - ta liaison with* E00 Booh marching into our

S: l?th and yIn ©ifin tho aortbera of BOX8 de MALA

£ with B and4

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«*• JJU • * *

fATOMS l i tILK)I and MOIT sous les

te xang» ISO i at .10


flights 1B tip rear* Oo© plane adjusting the fiare of

©liar li n t ® tla atwi&ttg #f

* • Ifli at

l i D i v i s i on , IB tea*s H&Infan t ry , It is reported battalion ofhae moved to tbs i r r igh t of MWS1BM

i fire fromalso from Hill £88*

l l a t ft

Amerioai) troops of Major &eneral Heed operatingwith tl ie French IT til d d

jtL d t d tfeArsjy again advanced

g S I K B and SS tfOB r #y )mv® made a t o t a of t©o miles and oapt-oreel more than

1900 p r i so ne rs , (signed.

* -If 18 at.

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U •

tored gas Bhelling. m^s^ r^sistanco stiffsnir.g* Our line

He p o rt from SQthOur advanoe to-da

tfea lisa oi

dated Ocreached s ix ki lometera am tfea whole

a t 6*00 B£« Total was 41 off laere and 1381? otl^ r «

this ' tlti@lon slno® the morning of

t O X tot o Is® l a

flr •


f ron t

i H l i l B bag

ing ©wing to

HIM1 IS 1® ant

From IlGutenaBt Be B&11, 1st Corpe at 6.

0f' this

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'is i. c

state that 0&l |f £$m

•gm fix* from MIX•xplos l t* and gas on

2n d Colonial Corps (Corpsi ffotfeiag to


> I f t i i a t

the vicinity KAYI1Ei t &&B "been l a id down approximately ©m tt ie l in es 010#f i

a t

of tbftto prtss the tut i^ t i to 'withArtw Ma fmm® to tk#

moartli of %h& AIHB* flsi© moBy noon our #rlr@^@ right hsa reached tfee' p a ra l l e l 085.5 it

£ir®« Jitrtlissr to tte mnt oma?t o #^fo o t tli^s ero&s&itfg of tlu^ AlB'K

In c ro ss in g t f ce r i r e r .at • ai ^^ a to at t holds tho

*o f

4 1 s t

Division and lE5th Laadwokr H@gtSf End Ias.dw©kx*l l l t g f M4B03* Bw i^tg tl i t aay M I*O*O*?

th ru the OQT$M Gage,bringing the total niajsfcer toi to tk© ho sp i ta l t to $

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Bftff&lt* of our iasp observations:t

Offl**V*f 1

n@i&ttarfi tl©is# of M i

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fi ghtlag a l l


slep t of 1111 1*9

of lwttlats

of t&e ftli w e s t 0 ^ 90iX8i l i t

l a . l i n t © s a t of t l$ &8tfejtiMartaf* ta* gap w&tcii

. * * * * §

,11* at tM» mint for ih®

i Aitlaioiis it©ntifl#A to imm 1mm inindiscriminately.

klm©#Xf entire^ to tte" " '


areas north,

a^tillazy fir© our troops to f a l lmn%1mm% o f O i & kas jor^gifta®©

a BOIS &t K)Hif

of our mlr

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.nil I t **

0-0-0-0-0- (WMW

IX. 1918 at 8»16 HC

00*6 - 84*6 along#*

north western and northers ©dge of the Wit

r,6 tO

at aQ»40s

^ lDm? lise Is BOW # 0 meters

taicon to-day: f Officers and»;*'^§X% §«E-.

Impreeelone of theIn t |

order of "bat t le : might of 0@t$!i@i? f*&0

a relief of tho 65th

m?&m %M r e a r

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* A T "W

Buffered losses whioh

Report - f from 3rd Corpst Heo^ived October 11, 1^18 at 11*Oocaeional femrstia of M:*(J# fire if* tk© tiir^sti^s ©f

AQtiTity l i g h t . From 10 KM &$$& sh ft ll e Havre i*l$*j$ on

* i l s h e l l s f e l l

* f froai If l@o@iT©d at Eonllly OotoMr 11, 1918

}3attle u rao r: 14th D iv isi on : PriBonere of tb© 66th, and l£7tix• it in

Mvisloia, It was to be witMrawn aa so©® as -&$

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S area and north of TAIJ1*

13th Division,rear gaard i

' • #*

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Wtm Wmmk ••&*<*• to svaass IX * X9IS a t El

of ©mr t r o op s l e & t i z ig tin® po s i t i o n s he m& d e f e n d i n gn o r t h o f tbQ S8I2XS and of th e AJBUSS* Our iHf&mter* o

t h e r e s i s t a n c e m a d e b^ maohiiKJ gnus, &t*m&b&

l a 10 %m» in m a t e r i a l * f aASesteaiyto

wood and progressed into th& wooded.

• Further oast wo took

• t riXtP: mx mmmrn^ momz ssr• irasr aat4 i f . msxs« 3tes# iw$i**@f,T0H2IB^S on o r a 4# IT-IKS* Italalm trou^ aotlsg 1m

w i t h mm gallantly ptrtmsd t i io lr advane© In s p i t e of tlae 3d is ta n c e o ff ered* fh sy toft t&l&a VEHDHBSSK, KOyOK, COiniSSCOSr I

flXEOT W0OB aaft JvEB towards AILU-% IttuasrcmB f i r e eIn TH3#Bt§os of * us OXSK ^ SIIJLOIF*

of S-tflBt showing tk i t tho ^rmasas intend t o oarxy omt a

1 0 t h o-uxfeoia'feing p l a n e s w o r di ng 1 B l i a s o a w i t h^ * c a r r i e d o u t Impor t ant ope r at io i i s t hr o w ing more0 i i l o s o f bomfee oi l t r o o p a o o n o o n t r a t i o n s a n t oonr oye toEBS r e g ion , and on a m u n it io n a-amps wMoh were ^ lown u p . I

t # $ & p l a c e I n tfefi oomrsQ o f w hic h I f h o s t i l e p l a i n s w e a p o 't o r n o r oompal lBd t o a l i g h t , $ "balloone wore mt on f i r e Oxiri p l a n e s c o n t i n u e d t o f l y t o t h e enara^ r@ar report ing many

f i r e s s e t by tho entisiy I n the cottrae o f M a r e t r e a t . D u r i n g th© c o u r s eo f the n i g h t our bombi ;g m ^ M n e s e x t e n d e d t h e i r a c t i r i t y item M O I t othe tovms o f LOHaUYOli, HlliSOli, l f f l i l f PAim&^S, MDlf GO&VET s t a U o n «

feom"bB k i t th e tar got and f i re s and oxp loe ione were s ta r te d©feieflor a t HIHSO1 and A f f lt M * Da ring Soptaal»«? our av ia tor* brought

f tis%feled ^11 ©aeasjr planes oaly eight of wktoh w©r© withinmost of the combats having tafeon place o w r e n « a y l i n e c , 6i

iirt set on f i r e , 369,SCK) k il o s of ©acploslves n^reduring the day, and SOO.000 during the a i g h t *

, * * . , . . O c t o b e r 11, I f10

t h e a t r e of war: s

Soutfeweat o f BOUAI enemy a tt a ck ed Emotion south of

r t f ^ l ^ i f w it h heavy l000@3@# battle £ront eaat of CAHBR4I

of emaw? 1 our new positions and ad-

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In oronlng mfeomt in lino

a a a r £8iUJ3r a* B40 o® AXSi??* Be Sw an Sf .TO IIM a»4 &X&

rea rward , l ines on bo t i i s ides



fe tier® were onsirplaB0B destroya of

aeroplanes im our posse salon , the

omlr loot inin at*

of ot23f aTlator© 4® fighting ®n g£Q\m&.<> By raeoaaoiterimg

amd Bight,in

ant ar ti ll er y, letwithBtasdiBgoaptive "balloone of wbioh we lost ^


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Dot* a 7s-40 A*\

r dlvl$iQ& t tha t O$:rys- o-r&er wi th to aout durlsg tiu> niglit without

Ho in Xlmef p


Heport Io» 1, tvom A*I*S* l e t A r s | , $ 10 t a t ?:45 A.


"Mo 0 f . * II, 1910f at 81

tB .8110 1* ® -•:• f t -

fi 6489 r* n CT

1 3? 11 n •vt

a Si T ^©rl#^ aiif" t? n

;t l«tt '4 fee BOIS'

a s i FATS

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trmm. * m, xm a, at .a :©§'&*:

Re po rt from tforpo O bs er va ti o n .*!&£« itootw O«t«A»er 1*2, 1938 * a 8 ;I S A*;

Oorps p la ne r e po r t s In fa n t ry oont&ot mis s io n trcma 6 :49 to ^1 0».._ aoye red : r t s i o a o f oXtihuZ am i BRtM*lA^"J« Ai&orloasar, se&& i nsout hern p a r t of *1UH2L# &nmf se en ju u t n o rt h o f OTJUSL a t 04 * S 8 *

ho»vy f i r® f rom &ntl~&iraraf I t; ims over tk io p lase*s and tO ^ B aa f a r &^ ooxild b© i$een tieosis to bo on f i r e . _

were seen 0¥®r T^OIS fGICT but thoy withdrew «Sxea tliey saw ato?

L# A i r

wight was mo

Q of 8), from'OS 1 s t Ar m ,. H##d Oat«"b«r IE* If IIat Si m

las t re>

0&«4~85«2; m thto K lioatf t o ,0 *e4*7 sotrtb

fitm-wr r»j*or ted: . 4* Off tsers S tf an 1 ;

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**u re po rt ad; 0 « J* 0«CM*4*?t 10*4-414*it to 1O<*6~ 05. v a tu t t o 11*0 -Uir#i>* Jiy; 11*0 -85*5 &la»,$ ao rt b

ois .>., K»JJ:V? to I L # O -Oo.y J d v?xth {*mis the *-Oir da f Y *UK! the OIL

X*?th i*

33rd sfronoh

: :OKyj ,

t u

6f Seed. 1.8, 1918 a 8*4f> A#M*

©»• l-@ft pa^t ®t e#at#r during

: At. 15 ho : slitllimg 3>0iiit about 1SiS at th of a nimmta, a t the ,i?ate of

at l;tO .K*f fekis plaaa about 1:45 Maters*

Oorpa* H l £ # 1916 at 8*

Coup 4a l^litroad .

mt'-S5.#99 .and tt t a a l at 3sSO H on a

of f«

ff fc%- amt 106

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1&, 1918 a 9t ' 9;30«

Q A9 1 ^ tf (*9f


if*S0* Group $m the ro» 05*fg* c?m#l ox hm

mm*.» Air s

pt 10 6., OetCber l S t 1 9 1 3 - a t . 1 0 : 1 0

* .10* 1,0

xoportod im ao tl on ; 1 6188 soti KR && that g h d

* ' • f&a ei3.«ay Is on Hill S3Q*' end" in. str^aglya t K S65S»

1 0

from \E.* 1918

Corp©: VOU'JXBKRa aa d 0Ii3S2H):n on r i r o »5th Oorpa : i -vo iy l i t t l e town to the n o r t h is on f i r e *

C CerRti^e r#p©;rt&& re a d y to iaunofe t* aoxmter1m aiiVBD* An t«rloa na h o ld wood a 11»9-4J6*8

tin® at 9*30 hour^.troops

S3rd Irmah Corps : Vi l l agaB a t # a s t of Ui l l a worediirimis m # m i ^ t * A b ou t 2 00 0 s h e l l s f u l l i n g *

&&& O,»A»C.S a o t h i n g t o r e p o r t *4th Corps: Ull^fct imareao® i s A r t i l l e r y4 th Freso l t Axmjt TTillimn m& yip*lWi£BV k Treneh Armji lotfeimg to rer .or t«G~S, 20 EQI59* H*Uo01eave.Ool. G*3* A.C.of 3*

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ptem. X iUi*S» , Basil* Oet*XBt

l l t h . t o 6.AUf

smd SBJ«iAB0SS*

Migtit fir© l a t i p r « g l o » of MDlflilUOOS amdinto


t o t a l . 3 5 0 0 ;to t @ low. visibility : fa import im -the way of

•o f

At 9%06 that tktse battalias w«r<io'olpok

80th At- 9',B0I3 &e „ a n t BOXB A

of 5 to-7"ah-e^ls m o h l n . e g i l

f o i l ? * •'B®tr®lBmmn » -.aad wi s t t ^ w r « 14*

f i r im the of MIBIIIi*EiS>' Oar .of 6 'to 10 p«r

of th e fOtii Aero- -0^n r t^orfca thageemaKl to i


-*0-O -0-0*0-0*0-0-0-0*0

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XTtit l? l £ ' r 1 1?

£J7tb D I T* ; 1 j>ri«ion«r o / th a 1~ ot h ca ptu red durl&£ the after aocmth e 11 tli In th e w.UiTDC <ooU, .ha p r i s o n e r 1 a >sattall<m e&nt fA lHCt'> iis? -v©i;ion Tvh«re the ^ lv l^ ios MIS a t r # a t « I t

duoed in to Vhs na eto r of th e &9th during tho E ight f row th e 10th to11 th o f omtQher* +h® *i7th J iv , a ^iv ed frara th e OA HBAI lisgiom* I tna^ b een a t r a. t fo r a £ortfil«^ht i& th e ^egloaa of t'X1L;S and th e 12<th

0-0 -0 -0 -0 «Q*O-O

8.t -at 11:10

reported .im i 10 sSO b^ S*l*, o f th e -3a% Oorp-0- "sOtfiS

X'.St ii. 19X81 a t

l«t 1918# a t


omr lift* B0I3-DS QMOIf

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,T%in Si.***, i

? our



Witft U!

• CJ-** C'i *• ii**1; '.' ** O ""i/*** v


of the 10thr«* j>Htr4»l*i of , Oo

ofit B000 mmt^rn

oaa» «h lo h li t lit

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