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Field Intel Report Part 7

Date post: 10-Apr-2018
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1st srlgMt* &t $t%0 1s t O 21O 0& B* * 9# r#f>4i»€ tcnl^t tetogi^g t&» total an&UKI* titfiol to ft9« ^ n %%* Im
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abil i ty -la ^^ *?«w* JM tfa rim lU * l«i«I. atn^ai «t

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&kmm®& in Wm w®g$m ®g B*m±$®ie*w*& 14

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.p e n s1

i trm 78th 4th,.' X918, at 4sfBj (A). Considerable lag fS) '.uwm ^ a i r o l s {Q-} (A)l a t h i n g to .mpart-(-B) t o n a (M) Jtelr• •(») ,»o-tshiaf

) (S) f XXowlng 6.3tiisai«a;'shoes a a l t ( J ) Kaid fejr S iai; p t ' .prlaoitftra'aDd' S macihiii®-. u&9« Our t 'IK)'Jfotffcing t o r e p or t (B).. $othlftg. t o .re port * •

<«3* TJn&&r (%) tk) wor t .eTl4#n^Xjr l e f t o u t , ; • '• Uhd#r :' (S) W© h ave mo code words f o r shoes and a a l t

#18ff, from X7%U Wr^noh Corps, by pkm®* Re# T d*-Oat» 4th^ ' X^XS t Yfh*

few. ;gas.-sheXls on .the R l f l l DU O0Xi BBIJiS: ari#.-sl8o BOMB 'gag shells from • /E B * ' l o tk lng e l s e t o r e p o r t . • . . - . • •

, hf phone* B®*!1^.* .0ot« . 4 , . 1 9 1 8 , a t - 7 » O O h#

fietblng to report.

fr&w. §-E f •#lliO*

Beport, #18 84, .frma Sud. O olo ala l C or p. ,Tby # 4, 19X6, 7sh#

t l o f ' the Tillage*, ift the of th e USHBI« nothingelse to

y from 4 t h Frenoli Army*, by 'p ho ne . EeoelTed 0©t, 4 , .1918, a t 7 ;

to . . r e p o r t * • " • . • • ' • ' •

# 'from -3rd -Corp* - (CaX# fhorne) By phorn©* EeeelTed 0©t.' 4 f 1918',h*

report that eiaessy arti l lery.reactIan to bewws 0B t,!h& B#th.« fhey als o report- th a t th» I s

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- z •

e our -front liiie

t #1109*-;


* &eof<t#. O c t . 4 , |?:0® h*

to ,• re p or t • ©titside- of telep hon e, 'message t o Colone l

a.# Oat« 4

to plan went o f f Only

.*'' #1167;

t ' f rom 3rd Sorp®, W phone* 'Rec 'd* 0ot* : 4 t 1 9 1 8 S , a f Ti

g- Q*K* ,We a r e r i g h tand r e q u e s t counter-RJ&tH38dcbatt8X4?*l i fro nt of .HAS g . h o s t i l e• ftre-%

'.to -determine ttom 4ir©otioB tdais f ir la

-0 ^© -HD -0 --0- 0

Boerson 6 f by-phone.* Booeiired Got*4*' , at 7;44

«'liliery--r«iwitjioa- lig ht* ofi l i g h t * t r e a t -tf wist whirt.

• • ittposslsle* point attaek: probatin0*. f i r e of


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of f quietly* -IfcheeeiY«& an f

®w T*mtL*: Z&Wt M r*

Oo'lon«X If 18

Wo ha tt reporte d th at MiefiZJ9fAHVXLL13 report + hat when00&se& and no aigas of enemya r t i l l e r y e a s t of $

Artillery batteries fromattack started this si&rBi&g the

artillery ao irity siase^©ports hostile artillery firs

ffeiegraoi) from 8*8/is 14ewing 4> f at

JLnd fpraes reptd*. $£ Waterfall

:l@f o r t t from 1 s t Oet« 4 , iflB,- a t 8.;.p&'-aMi4

% Ihe .I 6 t l >aai, X8.th yo^jeetlTe». We ImTt identif ied thre e Battalions of th# BOtli

* lUigt* a

4th Oorp©, b / phom* Hee f4«''0e%eber 4 , l t l i 9 a t 8;Ot> h«



jfr» S if t report© n

DiT# reports motsi^uMr* ,- nothing to report*£1T» «• reports Tory hea,ry

to report 1**m ordeafeit

• . • • -...otherwise nothing- t o repi .

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from. 3x4 Oerpn, l?l'@» a t 8; 10 ~

At •?£§§•i t t h M f* re -p tr tg • t& eI r iatfaafcapy apparent ly well*X i tafairfcry f ir e* - A r t i l l e r y ' t &#t*t& ofjto&jf^s*' ' Qali©d--f<ar "lias'a* •?

t~ ': Three d$all ta&fcs a t o6~ &8$*&# '. f ro n t l im t* l > t8 i# -3 't o - 309«7 » $83*.X» Flare b

t@ 5X1*6 •*•%&&*&• [email protected] o a i l # 0 - 883*0* fhroe Hig t anks

assisting '

. &*!*$*, {Memt . BMtnhmt€%}5 th Corp»*»'H«®al¥Nl

f1>mt tio -news of th#- Una* Se^maii a r t i l le ryno t act ire

our.• prtpjarailoii*- At#.:;.T;lilie rottoMsod. 0iir-fi2*©au i & - l i t t l e mor® mmh*t%p® tzom %h® f,ir#©tl0ii of MISSUS* At .7 A•'!£•'the fire of ene&jr arti l>owfiwirtlva'-iargo.explosion im.MlfliiTiiia* . . -.-. . .• f o i l owing l^ at to ries - femi^ >eea-so«WL

•• ' 0 5 i

.tread wra Mr* a t 5 ; ®n

Brd Si?* .at'.6-;00' •p l r i s i wa l reports"littleartillery reaction*

'twrn ether i#114#*

Corps f Ee#ta.# Oet*4,. , a t 8;85..h*

90tli Bit* DiT« - lotliiiig to :gf to -report* 0

y ' f i r © * S s* • Uo'fluent | s s - ^ r i# r # t ifjp«a;.7®t3iDIT*im of fllAOOMf. aad^

, , a t B:3O mm *

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Airplaneft report at 7 300 -am,* *9 * 3$&*E* frontliae at 309*1 - B83*5 to 009 • 7 Aat SlO*O& -'£&f«05« Front lint at. 0 8*05 t o g i l# 6 - £88 »? %,o. 311*0

* Three *9;~ si w@i># p ro g re ss in g w al l •;m is *

«WS». #1147*

Beport from-'17th FrBmh Oorpi». by. phond.» 1! Oet« 4 , . 19 18 , a t 8.;$© .h#

gtot o.a,Iai» Saa sh all P- i n th e r s t l n e ^f i r© in the rsg ion. -of B1EIK1*


-O-» 0 -0 -0 - 0 - 0 * 0 - 06«. Go t. 4, 19X8, a t 0;SO

I n f a n t r y ! Mo e n e n y ' i n f a n t r y a a t l r i t y *Ay tiX l&q rs Fr.om X h r s * BO t-o $»E6" hrn * enaa^y §5.1 sheila77--.4* a a X O ^ s * m BO.XS 3 1 KiB0i&5«- fro®. Xi45 t o 2*

MIX sax* t o IS to 5


p from Armj observation 1st -Army* E##©iTet 0©to1>er 4th»•* a t ' 8 $30 aoi» . ' .

£133X083*t© t o

X t r a i n a t < gX ' t r a in * 'ta&& i$g.at M2AHCY a t 7;00*1 t r a in g o ia g I* from StBJSIAT* a 7 ;S 0 ,X t r a i a §©ia f I* l» trim 'W&%&MQT at 7 ;g§*E trmiB B go iBg IT* from 0ALMORT a t f | t i *1 ; t ra i a - s t a n d i n g a t s t a t i o n ' a tSMM&BX &%7<;&f>«

of ooiiToye (probably il^tor faraaks) a^out1S5 to 1751m a l l tkr« # om. road ao-utfe of at 7:10


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f t m on edge -of AIHOMi MRBSfa t % an w»»tof

t. t t » la posB itig© of imai a t

1 t i r o in wood*.l l i W AHOMFfV 10

formEti^n of 8 to -10 -^ planes vest*of

•«*«>• #1x88

at 0;

to; report


frcm airplane at T|§§ am of smoke .-inarefl4a- of

•B»"f» a n d

ii • # 1 1 6 4 ,

* .at 8;45

barrage working-.fint'no

tafilai 'report for theirt i n^ t i on* '

eTerythlng' wmt off on,;$ Of t rO0f#$'2n& D i « *f

ttion* f ir@ * 8 ktn*f hr s* 55« left r e

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Mil®tin) fTim A«.I*3*-g. AI f 1 8 , a t 0: 46 am* . • .

8 to fire

at.'$g0Ofrom EM G«A*£

- from l e

norther t tr® r sto ri

ftom a ground ®hmrr®r sta ted th a tftei t t l l l b t iht t i f

t h sI'-lai. I*

EStli Infantry

1 s t

1.0*1 *

&t &;10; B#aoiaiai»»;»«©•«•east of

Sail wa^t'o-f tha

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£roai M r H a r r i e t , Sri.

Beport ' from Message C«ii t#.r9 1st''ATBQT Hqrs Oet*4 f X918, at 9;



-O-Ck 0-0-<> .-*D«€ )-0*0-0-0*0 «•'

1st 4th, 1918« at 0:

j i al l ^follows: •JpUfiliM

• f. .froui' 17th « (Ckpt*


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- 8

Bo po r t ' # 1897 , * BeeeiTed Oat*. 4» If IS* &t 8:40 &*

at 7;:5S OIL. i tsfrom artillery, fire*0* $* 3&mt .BIT. at' 7;10 latex" g&oia

art i l lery i |> to present*OnxM i t he i r

p p f on- otr a t wi l l , the £i:rsVfl ight ®± AmrX&mpla»@s wtnt oTtra t ?;30'&%*

f l a t s , f r o m l i t Corp* .{Signal . O ffi ce !% phone-. Hee0lted', 1318,* a t 9 ; 2.5 h« * . • ,

,.. 1918v. Pige oa Sa rfl eeof 5 th an d t-®& Iidw* regiments- taken'i n BABE&tf

firstV #1184,

Bill la ti n) fr&®Ist ia jr .. Wood, F.C#.f 4 # a 9;3-5 sm#.

t0 ti» le f tAt; -fjOO "flre« were seesat. 0 S I 9 t t t t tQlirf:..IBBA, •..At 91G0» great ttlroimof '® MKlt f '^ d O li l tattls»totl-^aireraft• aat ir i t j r a t

a t IM at#

from * 1910, a t 9 :

69 9 'hrev 40;? de'flalte rejorte-thatt j» l is ie ' -ose


emti3?# fifoiit,

• I*:0*f;«. 9 i«f i*®§$ • l l tmtnts o f l e f t southoff i t by Boc&e b a rr a g e *•• ' • ' . - .ire;%tir ' It^-iag of- talp-to at•••#reeie j r t -# ; I©- , r epor t sat fr#a

dlf0Biti©B« (sighed) .Bo,eae to about 7

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.abee to fol low 'barrage,- tat'.tfttatmp by- a

tfoe.'loe-ailoa of [email protected] . mot,

# 9 lira 40 s • fli# 1© pregra@aia&9 t te inf&&tryf i r e 'on tli* BB IB M HDRHft '

n a ? , • •

Cor pa >y.: phono . t 191B-; <at .$'$30 2u


•0 -0 -0 - 0 -0 -0 * 0 -*0~Q«O«O~ 0*

f ir©to tin® lJJtf£Lf*0lB l i t t le fim


at .S;00

. 37 timte X#ft


Oiar l lae as to ieft .* ;.•#d,^o o f

to point I ism* aoirtk i f itd i s a-aomifoft#ljr -f the- la ' f t

to o f ' | @ f tfire, iiald om le f t

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• « < •

Araiy A r t i l l e r y Gromf {Iran© !!), Re&el"re& Oeiobe r 4 & b, 'l$ l3 .» .

S e o o a n a l s sa m e , r e p o r t : Heavy a r t i l l e r y f i r eI n t he mn® a a s t of~ Grea t & e t tv i ty on our roa&e, b u t t r a f f i c s eems easy*more ra p id toward th e loft ; especial ly iSMMOBf sseesist o b@ ou ra i f

i g a r t i l l e r y ba r rage s* 3ESH$Si s n o t ce r t a in* Aaer ioan ba r ragesfr«« BEtMLLJSS t o ROEAGil -BOUS-MOiUBViUOOI. B arrage n o r tho f FCHESf WOOD*:

i s bu rn ing* MVLMBTOVB aiusonltlon dumps a r e b u r s t i n g o u t inB i g f i r e s i n OilJfiVISiKS - SS. JinriH - 14HOa*

In fo rma t ion oeo t ion , A ir C a r r i e s *

#l fOEf from 4 th f r t i i l i Axiay, B@©@iT@f O a t.4 $ 191$, a t 10;00 h #

?if«ttch Corps &&s had .strong pppogitiomI n th© BO IS D'AOTRT'and BO IS.£&• ftRHIKHB* Iat@at iaf .orm ation i t a t e a tha t" the g en tr al l in®o f ^@

C#rfB riia® a s fo l low s : B*B« s t a t io na t DsA:UfRI9 B«B* eag@ of BO IS -IS ; BOIS BB 'PLMOHft amd i n liaison with &Bftrio«a&a t Afi>Q&XI M .

* B0I3.fiS BRUUS aaA th@ farm2&mtB- wm a t i l h t ld by sn«ap 'v. 4a£signall@a tba. t th® saeoar ' has .S •batteriesi n a e t i o n a t . M. K

a t M I « .0BS!C.IK3 sou tho f

..". : • • - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - O - . 0 - 0 - 0 - O - 0 - 0 - ; '

from- Corps 'Obse ryati oii Wing, 3rd. .Corps* Ree airo d Ootober 4 th ,191B

two mi ' ss lona re tur ne d f ro® fa g i t iW ta rg et work;, fogBO t&iek no-obta ined.* Our pu rs ui t p lan es Te ry 'a o t i w ore r Seotor* One essa yin -asott t&io'n northeast of BOIB DM F01®.» f r iendly t p

i n g a t d9*S *• BZrni, U » 0 - 33*3*.-to 11*6 ». 8 » , 5 . a l s o s o u t h of BQISiQ^p pr.3'&t'7;l5 h*.. Flam ® from our tr o op s at -1 0* 5-- -82*8 a ^ - l l *,0mr:; tro o^ » e n t e r i n g soatfiw e.st BO IS DB 'CUMX*a t 7*15 t o 7#B0 mm*•Of li g h t tanks" aocoagaanyingt o l e f t o f wo.oaa between B03SM WIS and B0I3.'PR ;OK§0'BBS*''An eaei^r tw o - s t a rr e t roak.@t seem,a t 11» 4 * . 8 4 *i * f b re e f l S| : #a t r t anks a t 1S#5 - 81*3 .Two f i r e s seen in d i r e e t i o n of AHOESTXLJil t lay .a ni ir ai ro ra ir t f i r e -quite, a© ti t© oTor 'S^ eto r; no' eae.sty plan e's,ef 'Oflattere&»' two infantry oontaet missions'outk one f o r t l ie 35r t -andonefor the ' 80th 'Division^*. . . '•', • ' ' '••'

"-••" •'••' .• ' • l nf o rm . tl .O B Se@ti&B» A i r - S e r r i o e *#

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• . . ** X l * * • .

p # 1 9 0 3 , fr®m 1®% C o r p p ( L i e u t * A l l e n ) By ph&in@<« E e e 'd * O et o M ir4 t & ,

I f l S t m t X Q f O i u h * . • ' . • ' • ' ••Ink .Bit : , reports their Xim a t 9;00 fro® ?%tefe to left- I / a 3m* n dr$h of '•E4BM iXBffi&L, ea s te rn etfgeof. I ISM^l f r -noirtli e&ge of B0IS M@ftfHBBHUkO!«•point'It- 1BHI« north of ti i^ A l® ! ; farm*. .tlsere I t j o i a a .t&e 20th BlVi«loa>

g in nm^mton OR r lg t t with eorps on right* A rti lle ryleft'lir.lgad#'of oentor I

Brd Corps &,X*B« (,i.ieat* dirardoau* Rdoeived Oetpbor4 th

8135 --.'47th Inf* r e po r t s our gtrns haife lcsoalge&out t«ro 778 sot t th 'of

| * 4th a i r * r@port@ -adranoe M@i4 tip -'In -the BOISm SAYS "by. saaeh&fir® &M a r t i l l t r j f i r© frtm.iiaa . r l#t t bask of the KBUSS* .'. ; ".

f.j3Q' -.-•••X&feth-Ar'fiillerar Brig ade r e p o r t s %arr&f@ e ta rt ed .0m tlia®,. S t i l l ••k |drogre08lng-» Infantryon %fe# left 'hare' adtaoe:ed to ill® 8ni rl&g®. , . ' nor th of MMMTtMM* . In fan t ry on . th e r l ^ t e t ' h aw p r#g r#s s# # f to t

, 1,8,t. Cor fa - X0;JjO,; • . ' •

j .-. f ; 4 i :*; MmrfWitng progressing g g! t E 0 S pria oiie rs tak en« *fire.t Sir * reaehed. tfeel a t j

Sligf etto en-ony reaetioa*- Bnteoy fi re fa ll in gam OXI1STfrom ©aat %mk of M1USS* " , •. .

*f L le ut # Harkham*' 10*00..<MW ~pm~ turn ^m, «w ««. «w» '4«IK «-*" ww • *» m m- * r»

g fire ^a^tmg the nightif i r e '•• XOSss e n105 8 o n

16 - 77^ OB Hill £94*


r e a o t l e a r^wf I l^h t* A»' aomp&3f@t to t^a t OH the E6th» i t i s leas' - •

l e * r e p o r t ed lit s e t i e i u 8;

ireperted in ae t lon 8 i lifewhT *"'" "•."" •""" "•" •r e so r t ed in a e t l d n . 8;tffeir -""•""" - "*

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C •£,<!•


T $368-, O al if cr e" 77 , S«R.6*!P.-'67.I 1367, -Cal i to* ISO S«B*O*f* 6*?

off e l o® S1IJSS, WOS

AXlifd Artillery - Haraeaing flr0 of 1300 roimda

-0 -0 . -0-0-O^

4, a t

't&m by th© 4tdi Field Artillery Brigade at 8|00 am -* ?ar#X3i»l$ t ^ ; ' i ' ^ W IIS- tk T ^ i

lime of'the fith Oo-rfB a t 10 $$0* a s . f o l l o w s : 1of BO IS do "&&&$*:ftoittlgMg®, -of BOXS SS

, nor th t4ge of lOiB M010f» 0omt2r'e3$eo f J?BfOTof S-OMMiEiJCm*

0~E»: #1194*

t^l 914* i from Sard OO^J S (Colonel fhorm) JSy'pliofia. Heoe.if^dISIS, a t 10;35 k, •• . . • • • ' • . •

Squadroni "0'S* troop© adTaaolag osi* : 8 3 * 4 # ' •G;o«ate3r. Battery BjOO h line 8«,I* of fm@ JIA3£XJUJgB f A0X

*B/ # (Ool* fhovm thtmkB t h i s i s target*)-.


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I t*


st&rt&d on time*

Air-"S errle#» l e Begoiired oat*, ,4'v , at XO;

to. .report4 01 M


in of

Artillery 0%s©rTatiom: (Sro-np - f im tr 9 $

ot i tskir ts of t&ie

, Mr Sar r ie t*


th&ti 300

o*o» o-Q

#1917» from 3rd. 4 t 1918, at 10;50 h*t h a t they ar# oaai ta* no rth of •: •

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Bop©rt'.#1980, from 0> of- S« * "H&eelved October 4 , . 19X8,- a t "10;BO lunars* • •

foloplion© message, General Craig, l a t Corps to Colonel Drum, l(/;ll> h -Oot* 4 th , 1910 — Bight of th© 1st DiTlalou I s i n close touch with the l e f tof th® 32nd« TIM SW Alp of th e S0I3 IB 1IOMO£; Ifaam D'ABIKJAL; soor&la&iee:0E#4 * 83»6* HmJia from th e r e in a genera l SW l inn in to th e edge of1JKBM0IT (oastarn edge); rwn® fron t te re ' to Farm &© C&UHGg; t h t r e i t Jotesitb@ ri^fet of the ESth* General Craig doefln ft ttoi&lc; tlaat c ong e r' s b rig ad eof t h e ESth i s moring (about 8.00 aa* S*

At 8 2u aa ai rp lane repor ts tha t th e 77th rwaa from th e r o a tfrom BISAHT1LLK to APRJ5M0ST* Frinele a r c eh own on the roaa aim theyinfant ry nor th of the road* Few pris one rs iden tif ica tio ns >of tfee BBfh*pr i sone r s i den t i f i c a t i ons in the 1s t Dlrloion* All eay p r a o t i e a l l y n.#Infant ry in front; held by taaehlne gun and ar t i l le ry * (ao^ss f roa h1 t D l }

28th I n f , whieh 10 2nd Uegt« on the r i g h t of fcho 1 s t B1T« i s onthe slop®t& of h i l l 340 # OT of JSXjtSRIlOJBRr» well beyond llioir 1 s t h it h a t h i l l i s t h e i r End o&.jeetire«

.l: « of ^

, . . •-••••••• ;$ el ep h 6 ii e r e p o r from 3 r d O a r p s .f r # 0 ' * d O H i # f o f S t a f f ,•4th*' I f 18* • t as t report aoottt'-9'h*' * i t i f f e t p |••tasuiBiir'B t h i r t f oai tl on*" At 8;3.0 a ta i l f - re leased a' pif tcm repdr t iag i t s.pre@«@e-.-1 to* 1» of u. yi!M'Si» BOIS F » * th e 8 0 t h ' M T * ha d I t e l e i t.&#£&. up l e s s t h a a ' l te # so r th of fiJflLlOTS f reported' aeeut i.?i§ ; 'h*

:'••'•• .Ae-eor'djjag to our Best iBfomatioii, fa@r# ax e omly.tw©' ot t h r e ebatterio3 fjLrlag g the.. r£^ht-.ba»ic o.£roii ^

: .••..- ;' •..: '; S a a t re p o r t j fipoa . -Sen* Eli te s* 1#0*& » afeoii t9;40 &* 4 t h XHre#*A'i BF;'e.ettrler from 47th tef ? a t f; lS .h # *ptir giuas har e toeelced£- **: W : t s f south of'BIIWX.iAiS« Amerio&n "plant -teomSfet bom' near 47th l»f#

>. thrm 0* of SU -Hee'd^ Oot# 4 , 1918 1 a t 10;,5C k

of S* a t 9;6Q#.Hi#t regli tej^ of the left .fii-rlslas held"y fire &u# ^ i e leff r#fisbirl of the r i g ^ t - d l t l s i e n was

afftillejty fi r# » Report from ot he r twe tea Aoi'-beeB reeelTed* !Sh©Mb$imm% .o f th e le ft- 'DiTisten.w as pro gre ssin g '.and i s l a l ia i son wi thi h t f t h e 1 s t Corps..* • I t Xoota a s th#mgh w»- tw o re-giaieats were

In. tlie open plan® to tjbe eaat of SliSIfBS*' fh is r a p o r t k

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ifircw Buster 6« 4th., 192.81. a t

of th*&&« 3 rd &aptared

flit 0mm to .tbeir d id mat

Bapor't fro® Bttster6 t hy phone* BeeeireA Oot* 4, 1918* a t I I; 1

ef t br igade of our ©enter division liasnot bean heard ofof our Center Division hae re ached OBA OE FAHM whorei t i s im

tfe®, Ditleioa to %}mr i ^ t * It has b©en obeerred from aeroplan©

road arid a t point 0OH.5'-* EBO«7« Our t roops hare alein plaloon and squad oolmsua from th© nortMraa otg®of

* 0*0-0- 0-0 *

Be port, from BT$L Gorp© October 4, 1918, at 11;

One prisoner from th® Bud Oo«* &&fthBegt«t B36th Divthe road 800 metora somtli of MA^IMIK WABM. at §;45 Ootoberp i r 0 statem ont, t lio t i r i s lorn i s a^po^ed to ^ T © t

l i n e fow days ago* Prisoner s ta tes thatth e 458th and 459th gtfce other tB0"regi»©Bt©in the $ivisioii« flmp are not p o s i t i w l ybe in l ino* fhi® i© a new i d en t i f i t a t i oxu

# o i ^ rt a l i eu t e n an t of th% 11th Co«f ?^t Xieserte E©§t#of* E#0» DiT« oaptured500 meters BOUtliof the B01S 1)13 OOOIJBSa th&wem* Ooafiim® th e order of b&ttlo*

y i© rery poor* Iei th®r the O»,P* or air s a r r i o e ©an sa©a t aH« Get t ing y l igh t ly be t te rnow.. . . ^

y from , by * He«fd*- 0«t» 4 , ,. a t 21

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1986» from 1st Corps,fog phone* Seo'd* Oei»» 4, 1918, at 11;10 h*

here a t 10;00 h . At 5|S0 h* from 1s t DiTs- lo th §report «Torything started 0*!U at .?;00 h« E8fch Blr* report® &tt&ai&a® per aehed ale at 8;S5» 1 s t D!T« s t a t e s aeroplaa© oba@rr@4 tr oo ps adr<*anola g £• e&gt of BO IS MOIfKSBlAU, At9;1L let ira^r report® 00th &trl»i«ft3rd Oorp® ad m iri ng well« At 7;50 -a r t i l le ry f t re fro® I . of 8 O T 2&At 91$0 h» Sri D1T# report* 3rd-Brigade&n ofejudtire at ?;00 !uB4e« OB obj©@tlTe a t* 7 ;1 5 li* ^h le olj®^tiT@ rffias from MIXZ1Zof ^SBMOif - 1 to* I* of t*JBSi»JBRA«CK» At 9?16L* 1st Dir* reports

f a t 8;00 h» had pas^©d f i r s t obj#@tiTe aiaa now S»of M i lthey ar e m@@tlng wi th M#Q» fi r e - B rer ylh ing goin g w e ll .

At $;50 h» the 38th DiT*. re p o r ts or iff on ers of th e SiJhi ^uarda t MB. aEAICCS VMK.« .. '. . . ..

f from • 5th 0.ori»« b& :^Hone« Eea'-'d* ..oct#

* •Sriai.Srd €orpi(* Mmir^t •October 4t h ,.; it18, a t

omt f^ tr o ls .* 0--*.-a»«.ftl f i r ei ^ 2)* i

-0 -0 -*0uO

Btport from Qor$m ohu erTa tion Wing: Hee eiTet O ctober 4 , 1918 , at 11;BO h«f i r s t Q0Tp% reports 77th Dir* flares seen from otir left along the roadr^aaipg @&st from BIBAET1I»I^ to aearAMMffiM* Our troof® appear to heno rth of th e road in th© wood. Grenade fi ri n g along th i s li n # a t 8;00 am*at 7| am* friendl |r ba rra ge f a l l in g no rt h of ro ad in the BOIS I®' CHAfBI**BOO h o s ti le tro op s goin g west on road between E5»5 « 7f#¥ * ft*O# In aimlgrou ps. Our plane f ire d at these tro op sat 7;55 am*Blx true&s going southeast on rm & between 95.5 - 79#3 and 76.& - 7 8, 4, Two Isrg o f ir e s seenin 0HAM^ OHJWHlti fi re h o s ti le a ir or a ft oeea ne arOMfKUCHMgBX hf and @;S0*r Shell® fa l l i n g in CBMKL 0HH1ET and SCEMITj al so f a l l i n g$M woods dirt^tl^r south ofOMfWh 0MWM1• Infan try ooa ta#t i^atrol a t6;50 composed of one protection and one oontaest plane encountered sixplan es at 300 me ters; prote ct io np&&m ^adly shot up; contact plane notjrot yotflumot a n l ao w r d re ce iv ed . Another pl&iae a t l t

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of &¥atrt ilm •®a®m& p l a n e * at #00 net&rjt* fJi@ l i n t a t §|1.0t 0B*S *'79»S to- 0&»& •?»• •7fc*S;. Mi® p a t r o l SM%o laftft. a t .headquartertar otmeaFjeraad p i l o t <

s h o t m p ; i h a d %o -to '&tsSL-ym$»tm .'

Corp* r e p o r t s oae of thft.lr ,pXma©:Bs t -9-;.15 "saw our- fwith small tmnkBm&rmmin$'-•&&& • jiligistly- lafetmd t|»iift:*...Att W

to '

A ir i

- 0 - O *CW 0*0 *o*o-o*o5 t . fro© 3rd

f: lfia> at 'U ;E5 k*Oorp^

of tlie- a BjIO* hat® Wo3c«a 1'te* M flffii AM MOW*

3, |Hf:l»OS*t; from' tact. Go« 457t3a.;H9^1m»iitji ESUtli on . 800



from ftafeemod -« X91&*

i 4 fet

fhey M^PS W« Hi n l inep mm tusam-from- %h® poei Mom - last

our f^oiit 'line at- $£4§ a®* Oar t r oo f s a r o s s t t t i t &i i of th« l f g 1OIB BB "LAS battaXloa t© go forvncrdf I t >f i re ' .fr^w.thia* wood.®*. In omr r i ^ t . 'Brigade tib»1111 339 aaat o f QiaHES«. fh. s tanit® fea.^& g#m@ forward

-folloi^id the i r sahe^ahilei Uhey hat©- en te re d th # BOXSh i l l

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#1$S0, from 4th Ajnaj fcjr * Heeei-md Oetofcer 41lt, 1910* &t'll;.@Q It

to r op-ox* t» .'

.from' §-£#.. #1&15»

S».port October

Ar t i l l e ry at 9|4§ an : On fr on t of Corps on X@£t

and. a t t 1S.«M.* 1/8' Jon* soa t l^ss t offrismi'ly on t h d f1 i iT l^BM01K

MMflUM*.4#TQ B%* a t 1 0; 00 a u- ..;.. Oar45 &n rromt of 3li l Sir*

Report (Biem®) from, sister 6 9 BeoelT#4 Otiftteir 4, 1918 f at. 11 ;40-«*»

% One fef a p

to t&@ -5th. 0«ar4Mm O«paiyr of tba l'SEnd attach©d t© th#V8tfcaoeordiag to a in

<m 'th*-T ight' rfa#l®t, i t s f i r at ofejeotits from h i l l E1S toiH©lf to oa# leu* .north *£ JI0i?lilAIil a t 6 hx* '• m% troops ^ M upM i l - M i uhlan i&-.aortoi ©f fnalMOif # a t f jE i fe* taaafe^ r@p<^tat by


* 4* 191S # a

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, from ftensxal BJemata&t (by phone.)* He# sa s oat* 4 t 1918., at IXs

&r# tar&saing the rapports in i@iem ' of -tlii trod$s ons*e i f you ©s?i ft k T® 'omr air planes iteejr fh

t M s .Burning; show tlt&t probably the 6th;««-•.right with--Its left on ^it, xpntT ; -n#st im^t i© t&$

witliin X .fe»* of.-eiaoli ©tli#r« -6tli. ::S«Tariaa wae somtk of B0I.8

9 Air s.If a ; at ; XI510

I t 1B tiffi0"aXt to get

Export from Ar t i l l ery ofe0*;rTatio&

artillery fir# in.on our ^aads tat t r a f f ie a@#ma easy* fhe

the left* 'B^lMOlf setmn to 3 is not -09muufrom migBWSS

i s limratag* Xiot of «; tkem' t t re big f l rea- la CWSVXSBS&+ S*P. JWIH and

(Special bulletin) froaL 1st Carps (.Lieut* <DeSell)«4th* 1918*. a t lli&SfeoortuZXiM i • .She l e f t Di rt sion li a# beginning . a t th e po in t j£94*7 - Sf#«0ii Sv jt lo mf .the ro ad ' to Bi5»,i.» Jsteos s o u th ea s t to th# poi»t••• 29ii.i5. ;Vth®n dm# mmrni t o 297*B > 'then north, to tit® point &96>0 « 07S.«5 ft HijBjkof the oe&tor d i r ls lo n hol4g US. 0E4MiS FEE.* tank s on. tfce li n e -Q&kWb

. 5f ee -r i# t Div ision i:ufaatr|- r epor ted a t 9-;S0 six . hmndyed 1 aeteraof FMfXMS.* thin hm m®$ -been, ooafirae'd. fey a@rial -ob»eTi»tio%- :"

t®.b«. having diffift-tslty @ tine- rl tf it* ^r er yt hl ug 1» "gotog a l ir i g h tt h i t atorning* th e -ehief re s i s tacaie !»' aooie oounte-ir att a© te : agalwit. the ;I t f t of' ottr-*#at0r position*. Snen y-ati atlon t l

* #1*1?* •

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f from 3rd Corp*, 4 , 1918 * IB

from 88 th Air a^drn*1§

IX;1510|0§ ~ 10140 * B* «f t0KAW9«On.£&• a t T5! w»te?$* Could s©#" no;

sor ted* A l a rge f i re wasu S o T h©:tts#€s.# A. e'©3S'!foy'$ of

going- to.wards bserred at 10*10 at- is*4*k obserred ®% Colonel

^ B 3?& "Corps,' * YColonel !Uhorae'J-# BeoeiTed•4ifiV;i9X8t at IS/10 tea*. . /

low* luamj a r t i l le ry qiaiet*(Mr a r t i l l e ry eo&t inue» 'w i t& d r tw / i r eJ a r t i l l e r y t® mwsrlng

from ©*g»'

19X8,p at 10;00 A#IU driTem off S

a t 0OT1S n h il e fly iag '• jErem- .300 •-to 600' ti e to r*by gix emexsy-to get l i sws* Qmr t roof# at^^a#ing east-ofa ta i ia g ' Qt?ms.-X»,wa» 'ta3om.«..A| .A;

i n - t h e ' d i s t r i c t .of- Tiloanes by f iw

1s t Oorpai Infazitrybut ' .as d i dl

troofs- r e s t i n g o n r o s d t 4 - I ; 4 at tjgf. AE»i g

p ^ T 8- - 2 5 at 9;3d*mortli of « w ' t r o o p s * ^ t i l l e r y p J'controX mxk owiisg to ' a:%mospli@ri« eonditieaas*-Saw no

OORffAY*/0aw ^aaiX fir@at^ § 3 - 0 ? a t j,ann#x •$' ~>~Z$ a t 8;20j; large f i r# a t PT - 17 ^ t 8;$©;. la rg e fi ra

T; no enefty airplanes'er. balloons .**e&#- Inf.* 3e«ti;oa« .Air. Serriee-O ~(M 0

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Report* Pursuit Wing* October 4th, 1918* a t feoua.

ofto $00derm*h i t

45 and 10;00 twelveof the g&adHRXSUUSS and

aad i i sof our pilots

by a th e 11 from th e

* flita ix

g butgrowid*

p ptwelve Folder®, l a

f ight UMI o&rried outo f the #B@s^ fa pon# o f these was

Th© Foldte rs T»a& r@d

# Mr Serr lee*

1>ret»o ^#

s and

fy$$9 f ftm 3rd $orp«.* by

ha s

at ' l l ; iO

Eeo»a.# Oetober 4* 19X9, a t


Begirt (&*l*B« M®m repor t I f I t

a l l tt l# fi i0 $# 'l i n t out eacvAp.t o-ae#\ Fa fthfl ;r#. last nifl i t tmi



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;•» #190®» from 3rd Corps (Col** - Shorn*, toy ho&*) October 4 ,19l@» at 1B|4& h '

a r t i l l e r y in dlrftotloiL' of CXBBSE3.BM& miMUMB. arfeift* 10 to ' IB* mizmte* At ISj.OO n 6 .feurats of M.*§* fir®- i n &L r a t i o s of

1RXB0I&1B*• -Area along K&UH8 • wry <pl t t* fo s t a l l i n g * At llifO hom»#*pXaaes. d r l t ta off by t i a l l i ad .p lan ts in aireot iom of

At 11; 50 ^m&my plsn^ fo^e^d downi n Tio in l t y of UAJf^tLIiOIS

from a-Et.#l:B34

Bi»por.t 9. fTom 3rd Oerps $ir&rdeaa) Rooo.iTad-Oetober 4 , 1918, -

At 10;5Oj' la rj u ry ro ^o rta ' tro op s' at. MIIBYOUX a t 10;ao. w ithte a r gms -from d ir es ti o aof s l t S t . At 1E1B0 l i n e is on roaffron CTIIIE^io BBISTCyssfor s^ort tftftn.-on north ©4g@of 10IS

on 'wel l buthm k of- th# i s


t #1E4O*

0«t.» 4 , 1918#

ESth M T at 10;00 h« 10th DiT*that EOth Begt^ Is <m tfatir rifht* At E##t#; onhill . l&'held-'ttp h pat .fire* has ,not mo-ret*

#ontm@t with t LA $® * t 11 W li*f l»tt at roadin touoh 'with Bitv r bomt 1»I0O fds* in • f

on our left* l*reneh trenah

4, 1918 «

Corpse Dro|» Meo«aget IE;SO - Our t roops a t S1CUS •-• S80.»St o

SaNt. Corps* D.r@f M#^saf@»' 10;EG- ' o u r t&aato a t 1B8« -* 80%8 goingI t t o r t 4th MYiBiom "fi?ost ilae a t 10; 10 f o n t BB•"J" " tf ; l B ,t , . S d Dif*.-~ jaothiag to repor t* 11;4§- - a t t a ck l a .

_ — , , _ _ _ ,ro ^g ht dow»'ty aati-a ir% r.aft..aa 4 «a93iizi«. «Rnfi a# a r' K0*l l |SO

f. Doirrtr £r<mt.Xino -* S,« # a ^ of BOIS M WBMm

of "'0HSli#'" O^H'toyof i teuoJtes.mad sonpiixyof M®B a t 10.;SB a t XO*S-'•* •

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! f l a r e s a t 10; 10 a*n« ~ X3U4 - 86:«4* 1 Boehe balloonI na t 10; 3$ near $U1» Saw booh© balloon'down i n f lames in woods I * o ft anks ' a t 08*$* 84«5« Vis ib i l i t y. ' poor* ' • • v

• At 11;$Q, Opera t ion® Off icer repor ts tha tdOth Si r i s ion a t -9;00, am*GUH1& s t i l l i n lismda o f Bo$he* 11 ;1 - ©2nd Brigade re po rts . infa ntr y adr-'ane.fd'aborat 4 lot* &&& were, subject t.*& t o eounter attaek General Xrwia r©-»

no f i re south -of p a r a l l e l 88 • \ •

• • ' -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00 -0 -0 -0 -0 - .

Heport #1941» fro® 17th Prensh Dorps* 'Keeeired' Oet» 4 , 1-918, a t 1 5 ;

Mttl# har^^iBg fir© north Qf B

f By. phon® ) from Srd Oorp.s#'BeoeiT«d Oat, 4 9 1918 , .at 1;15

i n f a n t r y a o t i T i t ^ : 1% Bl ;§5 hea r© bur s t s o f enemy machinei n d i r e e t t o i i o f•QXMQ&3*- l a s t i n g f iT t -m inu te s* , -.

A r t i l l e r y : • I n t e r m i t t e n t a l te l l in go f BO IS Bl 2»OHQ3BS betw een 'B O -h ourssad%t form*$0-# from EO;1B hir** t o E0|SOhr@* ®n©i^r sheila landingon M i .n o r t h of• SSPTSABQBSa t ra t© of. four $#r • n i n m t t * A t 2 0 ;10 hounr- 10 i' iaii.is '4 on MOIftAPOOIj a t E©;30 ^r as ni ti om dts^p. wamt m p'i n fl ai ss si ni t y of' f ront - l ine near OXHRSBS*At 14^30-hni# hos t i le p lan© broughtby'A*A* - .f irs ne ar k i l l 2$Z* A t 16;40 hr s# . oae h o s t i l e b a l l o c m '4BW&'a t B0J3 SASfl M l l l l f S , A t 1S;4^ hrs-» twel t i i eno^y p lantst l i n e s , 0 B #was brought 'down a t 14»7 * 7S*g- by on@ o f our

e' repor t r eee i red teem Q-E» Sr-d'0-orpSt by .W£1I« a t ^ o'elosk^Sri* 1 ' '

|K/JJb JJ&

dur ftaoX'-areaa* • So. maehine gtm

9 ;4 0 e' a'lo ale froiai S3H1SB3OH': S@@to,r e o n ti n n e a f a i r l y qu ie t«

4 ; 4 0 ; o9«l9 el e froni' SMSE30I: Tk m ' seetor- eo-iit lnoea

freai Armj ©bserratioa Sroap*- Esaeivftd Oetober' 4th, 1918* a t i S

A 'tl-sual r eeo naa lsssjsee mi&mt®m $MB%j&$gtx»*& reports: , .l l jOE - A la rge , exp los io n fo l lowed by -f i r e be tweenMWMIhJM and

Oar plsnes were followed, b j Boshe foraiations of \& planes neart i f f * * w t V " > • • ' '

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Seport #1944* from.5th'Corps.» by telegraa* -Reeeiyed 4S 191S' - W;W h*fo-. reports a©.yet -receivefi fro® 6th Corp&» .

Bepor t '#1944* f rom l i t Corp s *• He eei fed Oe tv4 , . 1 9 1 8 / a t 13;E0 by phpae*

' ;• 1 s t M r * Sad Brig*, 10;4B - '88-th .Xaf« s t i l l .adyaneIn g no rt hof . WOfjUXle t Br ig , - a t 10 ;35 *•• 18th Inf* adTJan.eiBg up h i l l l o , 340-*. 1 s tbr igade - r epor t 1 ,B&# "of 6th H e l d A r t i l l e r y , 1 BKU 7th F*A«1.1;06 ,hrs» ~ 1 bn 38nd Mr* leading to.386th Inf. 1. bm 58nd DiY#BOIB 0o,#;t m al de- M UI. M, J«eft Segt,-. SBndSi r. has ' a p p a r e n t gap 1X en-ding and s u p p o r t Bn* 11;E5 -- 'Isi-t 2>ir# Bneny plane- fir in g ' in tof r o n t l i n e * 11*30 - 77th $LT. n o t h l a g t o r e p o r t * . 11 ;3Q to®* *•. 1st• $£y«;. '••';'1 6 t h . Jnf* in r a r i n e #00 sMi-tere S»B* of SX$tX£6&.*": l#th. Inf«.. (.Aelaj^A-. r@pt*J

^m:gB& in Aiea&lng1 mp I^iMOIIf* 86th' Inf*. a t l l ; i s .: j i o ton r ig h t f lank* B iBl^ig ahead'&& r a p i d l y a» poaa ib ' i e i :

f r o n t l i t t t l a TJKB€BSf.JB - LA M ii ll t FiSM^ fMi Di -Oft&SOSSffcgmi a r e t r c « O S B ^ E I * B r i d g e ' a ttA f a:iCtt; O*X*.

as road .between BItif l lfSian t a s i l i i t x a i p o i n tof.HUISSMAH Dl MIHSOlf eross lng .* M«klaon with 1 s t B$T«


§*• Beefd # . . 0 e t » '4,*

from right. Dim* -at II;SB AMli m M


fhe line- the Mtitfiteiinn* 5

gl l ; l i a"o f t he •

:' Wilt©white

1910 psa*

i states.that there 1Bfire 'f

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ogp* Qetober 4-» 191SJ a t

8regt ie t» lef t on -expedition this isoraigg*fas reaehs-& ebje$tlifte4*opve& 1160 k i lo s * of feeafbson PUB SUBffiTTSI* Biz bursts mare fe

•fedt two f i re s a is l th ree exp los ion s /^ i f to e i i to t t s r s fo i l ©wadth#.. form at Ion fromM I %m®"k to - the . l i m s end ware stt&e&?d hy oiir'p a t ro lv - .se te a "feeiJig- tmt off , Two w@re a^en'to b© »hot'd-0na# One'o£B,r@ga,eta' had no t returned* ROMMIland 01§I!1S w e Imraimg a t l l |One of 13ie. ^olsieers a »n tl oned a bo re want dowa I Bth e r i e l n l t y. of OT aalother - in- the . t ie la l ty of MIT*

•Information 3

#1945* from &my A r t i l l e ry*fcy * 4 t 1918 -. ISfBO li-

Mr- ®g®®$X]®gt advanee P«0# .etatea "our troops havey p ^ ^ t lmt he-- i»;i ' tOur attaek wae held up for a wMl# eonnterattaek in-fs?oai

Of te'.Batteries ai^e 'f ir in g aeeor to

l r * 4.* 191.8t© e l s e to- repor t* • .

( from'Col*

As'roplans r^iport lilt*10* (Mr X0«-EAi* 'Ser r ied - o«r'tanfcii a t l

5# 119g

A WL* panel.ivms seen a t 13*3 -St ©•?• SrS.' Costs'1&&10 has. Jus t ad a ' h k every th ing i s goiag ap#ii4ia:iy:* £Ompt* Boll^sd.at' the ' r i ^ i t bank is

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f from & t& Corp * E4 th t a t 10|4O hr*# . '


He port #1947» 'from G> of S*.» hj phone* Reaelred Oc** 4 , 1918, a t

report from 5 th QQTPB- t o Q,i.©f S* r#e ?&« 1S*E7 p.*®* . 10/4/lf*HiT,*/Xl;40 aau r epor t 15 'eftea? .pifiiiie.8.•-orer MOifFAtTCJOI a t i i 3 0 ' $ E

M Our>#opl# rep ort th at '^ .r w& s feaT®' #0B let® a i ror e- wr y it tt lf t la., e'fldteae* BF tiae of MA

brought do^si 6 plane® •and. tJsls aeems -to be the.they hare up the re ^ . . •• . • '" ...:• .vd d i v i s i o n tos ^ a a e e d t h r o i ^ h -^ @ .BOIS M LA MQHIHS a 3d a r e n o r t h

• l e j ' o x * S H a t o r 1 0 4 8 , from 3 r d Corps v ':to.-C« o f 3 » % pho ne* Beee l Ted.i f e h r a * . •• ' ; • . • • ' • : • • • "

f ro m 0#m* B i o n r i s t M tt 3 r t to . G©1* Drum, a t

M T* mi 8 am* appar«nt.ly . in . par t of. the BO IS-m . 3?roa another

l i ae- X&£« l e t

-0*0 -0 -G-0 -0 ^0*0 -0

* from Oorp© ipb serration WiBg* 3rd Oorps* Ee#*tT»4 Ogtoitr 4th» .1918at 1|$Q

fh!sm B8th ?iae li$£S to ia;40;rt 0 f«9-» on

of ri-rer a t 99#@- - 79^0 &* Omr troo$& aaen %iit moa t 9f#@ - 79#S'to Ee^ir^t iaa#hlae gan/fire

point ©f mod 'a t ®7 fi -» ? t # i gma f $m- fx m ilk'9 torn o f® f otmeroex was h i t . i a t h e leg*

f l ' *'Aisr Se3pri«e.«


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! #Xf§S# from 3rd Th&rm) by

4*k t 191$,-;at 14|10 lfr&at line

tafea on aofeth*rii BB FO

- t .'#1S0GU

jr 4t . 3,018 - 14i

tlaa•a t .vaj^ a t :X1 &%and 4 tanks 1 K« soatib ' of

•BiT. of fi^oiaW w r t aortH'a4^a of at 11230 S*

i t #X$46f.fraB, at 14|30- Ira*

h i l l . £IB;.X-.1ERUtlsat- at W, lira.*/ trit»5Xy-t*o^jHif i t l t t o %h f 'MOB$SlPP

ll;04.*aai« SSIfe 2iri si.< mInfan try a^Yanoing up h i l 340; 1 tor 6th F»A», 1

D ir , 1X|0S' ant -1 tappad.at.B0l3i g to and imff;<irt te# of leftl im

fhat tata-of'affairs- at;'8j-4S r it- is

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/ from 1st pfco&ft* H<s#®iw4 Oetober 4» 1918- 14$30

J>i¥« 1 te* t^atporarilr teffltatiitg im f ront ®f .the 1013 OQKg&K&&ffe hurt ITBSlQlf* Our r i g h l i s laTlmg &m» tr<mfcle with- ••

plat© no rth ..of M i l WiZ* £. &08, of a r t l l l o r y mvingion* A ta&S: i s refisrtad .north ef h i l £40« fasdc

l~l/& lesu w»rt -of KfilMDIf fi t & l % t f t t ^ f f l ^ T I S I S north

(U$Q0 am)l o f t i« on the road * he

at t8*4 * ?&#3* We a r e im with $i@ SSth on1^00 jaris i n adtanse of th e on omr •• le f t*

l a

Wth. BiYlsIon {lliOO.am! Owe r igh t has reaehe.3. FASM LAllaiso-xt- ^ith- diiTlsion onxig kt*- 3rd ^r#nad"te.ro/Mvieioa- on ©mr front*, '. . - . • ' . ' , . . - • . ~ 0 m , . . • • . - • • •

Airplane reports eneay ^etreatijaug on road a t • £%Sf JMM* X %mk on$Q§ m%®m north of WMM W m&MMi 1 tank 300 m%®T® S.#I*. of fAM M%. l%mk 60p..n»tftr9 eaet of 0E4flx.0SlllI.si:* m. toueh with .77th

rom a*8 ,


noon,- Oetoher I t » . 4 th Mr* •{General 'Siita?) ^axo^nd*40|50t o "be . southen #fig0 ©.f; BOIS BJMOTK* • i f thiat !» ' %rm

in adv^atnee of. .the 80th -aoeo ting to ff liefe . they h a w 00110 n@n f a r t e t r forward of the points• •f t . ' t o u s * • . • • • • • • . • • . ' ' . " ; • "

$ i and reported i t a t taolps. ( Bliftfeer mots t a t ed ) a t between X0»G5 and 10.45 am. At 10;25 about 5 trucks and a

t * 86*5 ,f©img t.evrard OHSS£» ^ ^ r # » t l y feo#!to* >be-** •the a ri at or f i r e t hi© 'laaehine p m a t them* • & heagal ' f lares ' a t 10;'X0

* from Bth « 4, 1918» at- 14;.30l}tpars

brigade of l e f t i t s l i a e to fee heyex&d h i l lforward T «W well .and haT©

BOXf "Dl-M 10IXIB and j • hi ll : aw.* Coafimied hy athat at 9';30 the line o»8 the eeetor of th®

• f

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* #1969> from 1 st Co rps, by-phone* &eer«U Ootolier 4 , 1918 , at 14*30h

ge from f i r s Corps 1£;1& $m# Oet* 4ti** H/4 mile »©rtl*!»estof A^BHtiKk l e t .DiYlsioa. Ctlt&O) i » f ftrlgfedar®$mt® i t e t a t > | IO h

f i» the- ra v in s 60:0 a t i e r s wo&t&e&st ©f J^Y ij^u i* Belayed'18th I nf an try s ta te they were -hea-rlly engaged in mopping

Ent B ri ^d # rep orts ' l l | l f » .Are not being smpp$rt©4 oaflaailc* Biding ®hm& as r a p tl ly as po ss ib le * 11;40 8w©@ny: .

f the lOftli Xnfaiitrys 98t0'*"-76v4 to 98.«7 - f$*6« feont ofIn fa n tr y : 98*8 - 79#8 to 95*5 * 80* Meetingno . reslstajaee

.iiaehlite goa firing in the Y ie ia l ty of OSSHgRX# :iri4g@ a t LA.i s o # - i* • ' • .

r e t r e a t i^ aortti of omaEBI om BAUUX j?LBVIH£ roaa* Oar ta&fcp g along- roa d in> p u r su it w ith Xni&ntry support*- Are now abo ut'

ea-Khe-road between fLE!?II*iB an t <MBIiSE¥j about on ©oor&iis&iMg 01* Si^ i# onw ith i s t ' D i r l s i o n a t ORlBOi tABM* li;-4fiam * frisoae'rs %akm a M0OTB1BE4Wwoods t- 1st eompanj of t-he Jaeger Cyelists ha1?© beea attaehe-d iio th^r--0%

^uur t 'D l r i s i da r eee a t l y from LAOU* fhesa- are th e so ld ie rs alr ea dy .'tteatloae40 being seea to greea .breoehes* Also st a te s- th a t the 1s t Ma^hiae®m io-*o f' th e '12 Bod Ldw# ar© .with the; 5th. Guard P ir is io a * $ftey ar^ pro ba bly -th e

i ' of 'the IBBBII D ir is io a whieh w#r©- re po rte d aa he iag oap 'tored ia. '

~0 -0 ~0 -0- 0* 0 ~0~G~0~0~O~O~

Eepert #19.701' from 1st Qozput. by phone* Heee.ired October 4 th , 1918'* .at 14;S

«f 4 ir Se rv iee : iSaeqiy av ia tio n repo rted Tery. s e t ir e gottr front' lin e* fro® the 77th BiT isie a at. i$0 13 .1e ft£L$sik &%$$*$r i # t flamfe if# 0 * 7S#4. This line rmns from 76#4 dom to

T5*-4. a5a& up %a ;d@ « to f6#,E* 5he r i g h t flaa k of tht$rm&hih it; a t 94 *1 -and down to 7 6 . 2 . StegxKi JaJLX.fiiajBk ab ou t 1B00.to: r.esr of. our left* ' We are tasetlng. res is ta i ise&n our r l$h t

f e l l a i i i i mm 4 ir # # ti o n &n& hs aT ily 'wired* lyameroms' mashiss ^3as jus-t•tr^ytoa, the»» . fete- ri g h t .brigad e 'is. ab so lu te ly stopped and th© le ft ' i».isottiiig ©tro:i3g re s ts ta n s e and push ing forward a l i t t l e *Istt Brigade i strying -to help ou% the right*

B e j w t i %$ ph®n&w from 4th Corps 0®g@» HeeeiY«d Oet* 4.9 1918^ a t £ ;S0 pm*'

1'l>©longing to the 4ZBtk Regiraent* BB%h DiTisIon* af .68«3

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BsporV #1971* from OoJ* ELtehell, thru message to'Gol* .Drum* HeeelredOetobe*. 4 t h , 1918, a t 1 4;80 hrs*

Our 8rd Corp® O bse rva tion rep ort s., th a t our. tro op s ar e ad vanes tu goff • WMM** - 'Bigeoa j u s t re tu rn ed say s •0U11L was taken* ; . " :

Es co rt #107B». fro n 5th Corps* Beee ived Qetofcer 4, 1913, a t 14 ;30 tau

deferring, to 1;50,000 nap- Bt& BIT* S i l l £63 f Aa of fl e e r of ga©:ot .eaae oael: to th e 3 rd Dir# .t 0« and reporte d- th a t hs was ea '.H ll jMus.elf aad-ftaw nothing but a few stragglers immediately nort^ of

31T# -right us ad^a.i3@imf north of

> from Geu« B jo rn st ad t* th ru m#aaaga to.4, 1.918, a t 14is.SO

.- • 4th BIT* reports troops f®a#liei th» OVmh-»mWUMB road at -I0;B0$re *ythin g o#K»."'8hottld isaw he .on no rthern edge of BOXS- PB fORB-f* f

the .a^taittnitiott question* Army isuai loosen up« l e t ti n g short*

Be po rt ,(A* I*S» Phone Beport) 'firea ?»C. Bairls"« 4i r# aronplng*.'3 e«e iTe4

Oeiober 4* X®1B* a t 2;.30• We f ir ed on th e wo-ods wes t of BOMMifB th i s ao rning* Ootznt'ex 'B atte ryi n t e r t i e t i o m f i r e #, ' ' • '

•• 'Bat ter ies repor ted h$ plane; Ooord®* - F 0S650 f F 83&Q0» F-'OSidO,f 90600, t he Xa@t a hi g gon (§0 rounds).*. . Jun% west of RQJI&Gt&B* these new b a t t e r i e s were fi re d upon; 54 il« 4260 v .5361» '9465 and 556£< " • . ' .

• ' ,10M4iH and. WAMW^JMM ar« burning*I-'.Boehe 'p lg nes 'were, brou gh t down n ta r MOlfi*FiUG01 hj maehine gan and

iAt the reo^uisst ©f the Cor.ps. y these ha tt er le s were fired upon: F 5562 160- and : '

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Beport.-flftione message) from Xiagoon £* Ra#@iw& 0©to1)@r 4 , 1918* i t 2;-4§

Message from 3 r t Biv* .tkr-u liafcewood .at 1;&5 pm; Hi l l S6Sf £ toas*sottilitaB t of BOMAOfl take n at 10;30 an.* flie r e g i o n i w i ll re.fo ra aad wafr ep ai ri ng to. at ta ck again at l ;3 0 pm* w it h. 'a rt i l le ry prepar&tioiisu !?he/' h i l l ' n a y .V<* fo^nd on HOOTAOCGl!1/iDOOO map* I t i s no t marked onl/£[email protected]&p» fcut Is on line 83, ooordlnattt I1 -8630• One ar ia tf cr ea pt ar ed 'fee lo ng in%® gpoup &,'at taefe ed to 5 th Army wi th a v ia ti on f ie ld a t fOMKBS*. !Eh<>•onuaa iidtr' i s 'Captaim -Xiaus4i«fh® group is ' «onipottsd of f ou r S ta ff e l

froa- 4th Wlsg group* Wl£ ''.«@sffl»iid<ir l e Li@ut* S i e g l i t sand papers

Jfrtm S-

from Li^ut* Jennings. Be«.eiTe'd Oeto'ber 4fe$ 1918, at. 3;45 pit*

Oetober 4-18,• 11 a»»# From Capt* 0omp%on9 11;SO» Se n^ ral Holanta nk s out o f 'a e t io a abore APBIMOlf # i s send ing one pl at oo n ntiae''ii bb s to' OJ!IiS~O0!BO "bjr d i r e c t i o n of D l r is l o s eoonaxide3*.» i a t e rr e p o r t s ta nk s. itt?rth of CHBHBX* '.

1.0t :Di.T# Reporte d JX^HM)If %ak@n« The 28th. BiT* .r e p o r t s le ft , b ri ga de ha^e not 'atored a t 10;EO* Bigh t B ri ^d © ha d' eo ni ae te d wtfeh the 1st - M r* . •.""a t ^a.Cte'a.nge farm* A eroplan e r ep ort ed , fr ie n d ly tsjiie no rt h of MOIfBKfiJIi^*7Tth p i r i s l on re por t s l i a i s on 'w i th ^ re ii eh on ' l e f t a i r $4*4 - 75#2# Bept t ,th ey w ere in tomeh wi th t he 38-th Di vi sio n on road 1200 me to r s in a4;faiie«.'•of ipreneh on l e f t , fre ne h thrown-'baeife'teyont X»A3?AI*Sf3*3S- tren@h»" E8th,M T.l i a i s o n w ith l e t D ir is io n a t US GBAtQl* 3 tanlcs' s^-enW aero plane , 1 onroa d 800f .mete rs n or thof jfAEM'M MM f pm - 100 m ete rs aomthwest of .

-0aAIO£y## on© -300 m ete rs sou thw est of farmm §ailJ(H*.- 4 tan&s a ls ono rt h a t 00*9 - g9$«&« Cfe® ta nk going no rt h a t 301*5 - d&&

At ll 's^O aath 'DiT is io n reported l in e was 'IS ai£rCU$9E2B - JUfi IGEUIILwmi mmm®B» Brid ge a t M ?($<& 6. K » J^i^m^ re t r e a t i n g no rt h- of GBBHSHT*Tsnis pursuing laiem supportedW Infantry on'road between Fl^BVIIiS andOBSKBRY at ..point. S00 m-etars north( of BIISSlA0-BXMlOIf

• • • . • - • ' ( S i g n e d )

from a - g , #1ES1.

#1977* from 1 s t Oorps» h r phone* K&a'ci* O^t* 4» 1918, a t 15;00 '

1st Bi t"« reports 'a t 2; 10 p«»« - M eeting maehine gun resi9%ans:e on l e f tfianJ t i n tre nei ies ' ne ar B arrae-to neaa*M*MXUM* So -mae'h'ixie gan f i r e le ft *A irp la ne aMssage- a t &-jE'5 pvau - X»©ft- Bri gad e f i r s t D iv is io n't ro -o ps annrlngnorth, from, h i l ' m 'pf -fXBfXSiS, nortto of h i l 4077 th aM H8th J)£rl&$ans - Nothing tso. report-*

# 1 2 7 1 * . •'' • . ' ' :

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.Report' t%%r91fi from Qo lon el Xoasa» t>y phone« Be eei ye d Oetofee?4 t h ,at Un$G

fhe f i r s t fen* -57th Arzsy A r t i l l e r y l ias .$ajp ta re dan© ®»-rma ph t &&&& fey m ac h ine -ga n f l r # * A r t i l l e i y O i ^ e r f a t l en Squad ron. #S04

a t l.;3 0 omr l i n e exte&deft ffroa 0OT1& i j i o l a s i w ,1 ta« n o r t h of, BOIB BBSwmiBk, i m l u s l m e , h i l l # 0 4 0 ,1 ioii«.-n«rtii o f J A #

f o r o on oe&t r a t i o nofA re p o rt fr©m t h e 3 r i Corps., th a t mmmmg a r t i l l e r y f i r e , so mth

od*ord i i ia te 98*At the t in© th i s aess&ge was r e e e i r e d * 5 (Sexigwi e s i n tliis jione fir.lag- osr ou r t roops* , fhey w#r© f i r e d . a t -by'thea r t i l l e r y. * fhe a r s i ^ a r t i l l ex g r was howertr stopp^'d*'

E0pO3*t'#1903.., from 51fe'Corps,toj phone• BeceireA Oatober 4» 1918, ISjSOh«

I t f f e l s g to . r epor t* • ' ' . - . • . . . .

from §-2 r #1E76» • ' ' . • • ' . ; ' .

- 0 * 0 - 0 - 0 -0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -0 - 0 - 0 - • .

, from C«^of S.«» Heeeifed -Oct.*4 f 1918* a l i - ;40

t o C-#- of 3*-'?eovd* B;Oi .p»:m;« -.-Ataa:matj ing I* ©f h i l l I0« s t a r t e t

.and had mtkBi(l0tmhlMtromhla with aaea. ' ine gunaa t BSOOX SI:siid frisk 1 Jbs * m ^ M# -0* flr eni tfee 2*i $ i t « • . •. ' \ f i ie" '- left B@gt» 'was s t a r t e d aW a t ' th e .saae t i a e from 'ifeeS« edge o€dfiUHie. f$ * J r t . DiYtOtf* r e p o r t s 3 tan ks B. kas« S#. o f B.C9IUS9V* - ' a t1 1sit'd 4 taa;ks 1 km * S* of 013113*a 11 W®*' f h i s i&- %M l a t e s t r ^ . o r t * .

ffc* 3'2nd DiT» h a s p r d f r e s s e d t h r o m b i t^ e BOB H i M i l O H H *B*: t betiraen.- ix and lltSO hr*m- and --are progrsssixuf*

- o . - © - o - o « < o - o - o - - o - o - o - o - o --. • '• . -, .• • -. .

t f roa 0-Bf: 3 rd Corps * Beeeiref t October 4 9 ' 19 X$f-at l&s40h r s .

fr'om $r& Corps';.. l*i@mt.« Colone l OXark repor t sa t l;$0'pm* t h a t ho ha©a repor t da ted l iSS 'p#-ar«-^bat: ^fcte-Oe'raswas wtr©

t r o o p s , I # of' B0X3 DM QiOIS* Betmaut a e r i a l

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lt, from 3r4 0e1u 4, -1918, &t ;li>i4§


I f l8 t

* frott6

Ideut* A11&&, 1 s t Reo^d* Oe.t* 4*

:28:t33fJ>iT*. reports .'at 13;30 -fera* feur o f t& e ,ath- ••Co.»


Our mmt lorn i s tfoat a ooatat was att ach ixig- nor %h ofH

) froa-Iiagooa --6, Dot. 4,-191.8,' at 3;Si

from SEn.d • 3 j 4 0 ' p * » * :, - ,SD%. sgto- ; the» to ' . « top a gag•

t, -the 1st


4 , • 1 9 1 8 > - ' a t

II :;aD. tos* iitiw ma edge of BOISof § dge of BOIS i l

D'ARfAll* - alppe^ of-kill »40" # stmtb! E T a I ^ M 0 1 f road.

f; fron G# of B» a t

from Gto.* Craig t 1Bt €«irpB to DrtdK* ,at S;10t j n o o a » B » c 'f d 4 '& ;£ 8 ••»•**« p

ttm W l l ea st of msfllJUS !• of Milll*ft I r lp tde (ooi»#© from -iafe

4 $ i li to* 8*'of C 1 ta*lsti-ta* ocma#ots with tto

A t -the. others to . t&e W*.

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* .36--

Texy heavi ly fxm our a r t i l l e ry f i r e* Our l a t e s t i s s fd rma t i .omi s'a;«nsba1i p a t r o l M a t t a c k i n g I * o f 01&fB& QH1EIHZ(from ZBW Mrimim

1st BiT« E;10 jp^m** 16th In t»• ^eaohed Ead- ofejeeiirea tl a •ii&ZBOWM$ H ^ v i . o f h i l l . MO) they - a ra -aee i i ag

f ra n an emtrei90)itd"|>.oslti-oxt n ea r BAIAQ^E' an d y.iiB:Ylii|S«r a t i t o o a r t a t o H i l l 2 1 E# 1 tat* I»B» o f HSOfifiHOHf; £•&# of l i i l l

.10 M0 fir© from th e i r le ft" ( fr cw -H ill i«0).-* ' • ' " , ':i?f%k Dlr is iou do^sn^t ae .e t i to be . doing. rery

Hef ox * by ,fh&n® $ trm i*0.» Sc ot t , Bee eiw d October 4* 1918,a t 4;GQ'p*a,

•* 76 roundm '*« * 10.7

--60 round*

CotuttQ^bat 'te.ary Cr OSiB- --l round a*• : • a 0585 - 4$ roun&a*

T I M E S BlfAIf DI31 «- ill ro un d s.$M -* 84 round8*

group ing . r ep or t s th a ta ©f• 1 s t Bat* shd 't t# wa -a

from. 3 r^ •Oarpa» 5$00

p r e p o r t s %hm% e\r'®fl©f fromrepor tH tha t i t has workM i t away a round o f

A i s a l s o OB tlift 1QMA0I®SO IS M0IfFAmOI and 'O13BS3iCorps, at•

AIIIM WMMZh mi i First .Dlrlai n aouth e.f a h ill I40-*

•from i t * • t 14 %00 .hra»

g ^ XAne run s, e a s t . froa 'IA S t h i l l 1 5 SS t o th e«a»1f odf.the woods fll.EIlHBr 0K8I1*- Left


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( B O B ) from Ift'k Gorpi. {MaJ* Hyatt)* Beoeired 4t h f-

a c t i v i t y daring the ; $ay/m ore ae tive durtmg theof fir© ; harassi2i&< fir ®, es pe ci al ly during '••%)& on

$00 ai%d ; t&cio shells* in the region-ofosives and-ioatte. 'shells-*- Mo .-rewtioa &tarisi§

sheila on ISiDil* 'number of


X X ,

Expor t OB Inforsifttioii gathered during t h e n% ht 5 /4 • Hallway Xinea:

-p,m» no Xight in the *YOUai3®3 d^pot*P,OIIB

Xlghia on raiXws^r XiBaEBfHEl* and JUft&08&* 9j45 prn* ffere© l ig h t s in. the EBfHEI* statioia erfwhich Z &v® p u t out* 9;44 pa* numarome l ig h t s I n t he 1M0HE d-lreetlfni« XE;am* Q&0 li gh te d t r a i n in the OHAEKX* e ta t ioa everyth ing i s pu t ottt a t t h eapproach of th e airpXams* Uhe light© In th e s t a t ion a s well a ^ ^ 0 # #the OlAfKSSf BOTHL XiJio a r a also p u t out* \Z%ZZ O T * One t r a iB a» theX® OHaSBim llxn tom rds RJflfESl,, IE53S am* Terj vmn$ light a i nand in, YBISX and a l l along th e l ine t o HITJWr. Brer^thiBg i s pu t oxit a t th©app3*oaeh of the airplaiae&*loads: 9;X0 asi - on0 COBTO/ onf ;X0 am* Hoaterotun l ight a in tbe wood batween th e OOEB SX L&Ofi

* 12;$0 sys« - Lights i a AUSSOMOB ar© p u t o u t .

t' from 1 s t Corps-« .«. Be-o elted 0@t.«' 4* 1 9 1 ®t ' a t

ihtm ®*U ,

B0-2BS$ts& * a t j | ; : 8 our", l e f t ml®

from BOSS

;06 , f?th Mr* ; reports afeoatis' and

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v 8 8 t h B i T * A s r o p la i & e j s# $0 m §© 5 - d r o o p s s e e s a l o n g JUE63Brtmr &xg '$lim: 8 . o f I * yORO&+''{The <m# 1* o f O I M B B X } ^ i k o s e - m i - V ^ ' t a o J c - . .•••

••$£ r i T t r ' a t t a d J c i n g w e e d s / o nt h e l e f t * • • •• '• • • .X$-f.4® ~-28tli DiT* r ight . c*£ r igh t >Brtgade progressing to IA FC&3& from

miMm ro ad , On. th e l e f t baiifcir of the AIBl f l a t i reached &!

l & ; 4 0 ..-• 1 s t P i r » B B 4 B r i g a d e * g s t h 'Inf.* a b o u t to a t t a c k w o o d s !*•Ifo*- 818* 2@th Inf » a t t a o k i a g from SBABRB$&HD«

| £ ; 0 0 k r s ~ 77th* Dir* « i £ 8 % BIT* • N o t h i n g to H e p o r t * • ' l i | i i hxn « 1 s t 9iir - ' t a n k s • r e p d r t .2nd. 0t> 3ect.lv*. p a ss e d. a t . 11 ;56

s h e l l in g road* <Bs*srY* tan ics go ing i n to ac t ion ,*• •• - .. fro m 'tSorps "dfeserYer1 4 ; 0 0 h r s * ^ n ea y : b a t t e r y SI of IHfE .DBSi."by'eti r troops with good e f fect .' • . ' • . ••

from: 1st DiT* 1 a t 14; 10 hrs« %toa% they were meeting H*§» f i r et&e.'-'left flanfe in t re nch works ia©ar barr'ao3ES near thMflUM* Mo ! • § *

l a f t . . . ' • •• • • .

Airplane 'message* at 14$05 Mrs* re po rt s l e f t Brig ade t 1st Diri g l * from hill ® 1 of rasVJMB I* of, h i l l E40.

$Sth. ?rejaeh•.Corps- re por ts a t JL4;40'hrs» - fo change' expected' toda rf t •oo raotiOBis :of th e li ne « 5?he line now -.runs from, 1*. of LIB» ^fflHSlt- 0HALX«iRAi » lioolixsive acr oss to h i l l 127 , SOXS B

f. '-we-at to '

:from C*0:# 1 s t -I'a&k Brigade i a t M®H43)f 3- pm*'#83»reports fro® 1st tank Brigade 'from noon Ootober

Oetooer Sr i a l l tan ks wtr® held--ia. rese TteBA0LI1# ' Disposition for attack ..of Oct* 4th-aade ai

'supporting adranoe of "isf. B it is ie a, 1Diri.sion* t with, an addltional ®®mpm®$' in support echelon on

' • • * '

resexm of 13 tank®, le f t TMMilS at I pm*- Oc-toher 4th. iea-dadtano-e of 1st BiTieion#work daring'aoiaing'.-of-'OctolMir .4th, 'reported &y Infantry as

" - .Brett,

DiT* r e p o r t s , a t % pm# t h a t a t 1&;&5 t a d o b je et iT es pa ss ed * ' 6e.raai3i8.j i g r o - a d # . - • • K e s e r r e %mikM g^img i n t o ' a a t i o n * -End b j i lfe

h i l i MM, n o r t h , o f h i l l B40, 1 m norm of• FAM Bl.

r^-port® right Irig&fta stopped h^'M^O* : iire* ij©ft s t i l

At .If If-5 the.-.1st a)ir#- -reports line, an road running northeast of! '•••""•" : and at It14 0 they'wejre mb®u% , to atta ck woods north of h i l l

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At j$i40--£6t1i mmm from m G&tsm road on tsii®.l#ft of hat

of. th& &% k Dorps a t r s * t h i s mo morning.Brigade mehamg@&# List 10 hrs* feis1 'tab- south of 8013 21 M0ISI-, '1 - te . a ort e of COT" S. gomth .of '" '""" of

1s t BiTl©i0ii l i from ©omth of mstl$*m to h i l l S40«

1988, from, l e t Corps, W pta&e* Roo'4* Oet» 4* 1910, a t ljS ;4i li#

lio ;.aliianf® in front lifee* first D1T« ooftflrms r ep or t t ha t ul».«lr l i a o l afrom Eoutfe of FlBVUlia to g i n &4O« • • . . , • • "• •' •

- • S8tS',.2)iT., - pmttlmg a r t i l l e r y f i r t onand; oth«r; nachiae gun n ta ts * fhey r epor t th a t AIB1 BI11E ?AH*1T

l77ill B1Y» ass^ed as sls tai iae from th.e French to Jo in .u p t h t i rwith. -%h®

Worn 0*S#

» fro» 3rd Corpe $ (Colonel-Htora«> By phono.. BaoM* October ^5

$% * rSim ; r t of BOXS 38 IDRSfgouth of a t •.fi;00;,«*.*' showed no m®m& acti.Ylty #

difficult on of'•&&*»# lo. enemy..• al re r^ ft ;, - Ho a n t ia i r c r a f t :ao.tiT£ty# Roads ap fo .troopft"'a0e;n in woods.

9 4th 0©rjs f ' by phone* Qot,' 4, 1918, at If ;

fr@:m 2nd- G«A*O*t: b y - X7;00 h«

d'f whom tw o of'flo9r».« Slight

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i#p-oxt #100^, from ,§th -06i|»Btby .phone, Hee 'd,, O ct* 4,. 1918,. a t 17;'O9 tor*

Ef froa-17tls 3Tenoh Corps R Octobereaei redt I f 181 a t I f ; 10 tern* _Day o&lau About 100'*h*ll6 on - YikCEill40?ISLi*

, by #, from Col» 1918* at 5;id5 f«M#:

Oroupeaent l le l l i l lan r ep or ts th a t ba- t ta r ieu west of OHAHIT were sub jec te dto she l l i ng fo r t h r ee guax te r s of anhour from 71B and ISO h l ^ ®3^1osiT#s«ln tea fa i t t «n t sh.el li3Xg of th#s© "b at t t r i ee "by Ta rlo us ca lik r© tkrougiiWfe t l »a f ta r n oo a * l o a i r a c t i v i t y . nA!* b a tt er y of th e 53rd A r t i l l e r y ©&pt&r«& am©xhaustod c a r r i e r p igeon a t 15;30 tes*fBi® t ra a s l a t e d Gorman k©ssa.^0j116;56 h r s , Bnemy a t t a c k e d OEJfBOHL i nW&Y©,$* F i r s t ware waa S5toppeda t '300 me tora from toim* i&aeaty ha s been t a i n g a t l e a s t th ro e fcfee&ax tanicsi t b i i i t 3 i a i t T Pw

- frott Corps * H&oeired Dot* 4? 19181 a t 17;30- hrm*

Fifth aorp® plan© l.aiid#t at16? 10* $hey-l ia& aa fe l fo r l i n e t [email protected] on e 'p a n e l a t Ba# !>*,$*». 2*5 - $«-£«- One s i gn al read ® hi element.*?* Tktm ia f a a t r j pane l s a t 3)761 I^ .» . 1 - 1 ,

a t .8-21, 1-1 anl B-0 «vJ-6* flare'd;on "by a t • iea .a i • Hia raadiin© guns^l of -3rd Mr*. P«.0» a t l l ; 4 i read" ^Amy p f e | i l ^

f tftat•-.£*#* h& * o o a e r r a t i o n h® doot mot b@li@T®: t M s.fair* W k tiito lcs . soma mis talee mm#t ha te ' been mad© i n pa ne l* ' • ' •

la nd ed 'a * I6;4.g re p o rt s feat th ey mad©of %-h'e n o rt h e rn p a r t of t h o i r «5©otorwa& obserired

of p repa ra t ions ' fo r coun te r a t t ao i* fwo p lanes -Here onmm. was sho% at'&w& the--other was' ao t sh o t at *

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f. from 1 s t •• .He*'&« ootohsr 4 , I f 1 8 , a t !¥>$€>h*

. l?th hrs# 77th Bir* gI$fh M T * re-ports toajfm .gome north w©%% ofxl&gs* f i rs tDivis ion BlA0EBt4H|) $&&#&« fhey s t a t e A Mf«i i .atmstiag acfrth- 'of of .B0|8 VBI JtOIMfV $3te mmm f t f I I \ '&e :X44 f40*-.Prisoner# y p rioa report .tfcs're ar* no r#g#r*e^.

^ .fbe'jBi'aiid. th at iftey are ordered to kolif out at a l l -oos t s* l$%k 'ii*3r #


(frt|a|39rI>iT« ^ at 17; 40

A ^ s - omr intaaitry pa tro llin g 0 mr a rt il le ry oaririai' omtt i M f f attaok ®n ©mr

of th e0- outlet mntl l §; 3. ^

-Escort'.'••#iS94t Froa'^tfe. 0orps 9 by. phone*.. BtoM* 0@t,. 4 f 1918, a t ' 17 |4&h

SOKlth "Oftt» »ortherii o f @B31i&S' t h # s i n a

r 17.to r ® * t h a t ®tw. hxim o fon the

0" of , at

south to h i l l 840 p gof i s tttt i

I s sapsgtresfth* i t h 'Onsx-ft. Dlrls lea ^n ib© other haul ^rery low 1m

i hei ty las ses •'and are way'%elow atr@ng^i#- began tli®i d fhey are t b

38th Oorpu reports ao.fisaage 1 oxpeoted 1 today*t of the 28th I s kmping up with t he l u t I t * » l^ft Is attaoielag

mow*, ]fo $&@&g® in 77th• Bight of the 1st MT# ±B f north of hill £12l®fBi?y reports 5 f l i g h t s of tnomy planes t S1?

i f with naehlne

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i -trim f :Corps» Qea»- Burt, thru Gol.oneX* 17145 hr*.

£•&* 'October 4t tu 'Came-roii p £rem Se&eral

&nix a rmmner 2ia« inu% mom in fromre-port'-tiiat -is Ims

from 4% Corps 4, 1918, a t Hf|.


to repor t .

.the offeaalTe ,ha$ south of th© BQi&flpMH

* 4 ,

Ootober* a t

of the 88th Mt# at 4;$G pn» from 99*1 * 79*0 to IM- 0SSII8 T01OT ridge* Also report® th at p ar t of hi© lis® i s SOof the road emst of £A F0H01. The Oormm are eo aia g teto th® &Hl-Bi ?lErallejr &l®ng the b&ite ju^t enst o,f CEAfM^OIIIIiBY* 0H49|SXHGRB^£^T :ls\f a l of ia ohin# fans* Bridg#n ao7*080 Hi© AWM are destroyed and tanirs

l 0 t B1T» at 1115 re po rt s: ^^riBonerB s ta te ther© are a© r#a#w«i»%t' a l l behind them aa€ th at they were .-rdered to hold o ut at a l l

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2, from 3rd Oorpg tteiu 4 , l i l i * a t I S ;

from G~3(l*£*r~ 15? 35 toe* a r t i l l e r y aet iYit jrI ^ fciwills. f&Xlimg aar th &£ Mjrfllt&cil^ 106

r a t ^ of 5 per-mini*t* amang" dof WA«fItiblS#- ' •"

• , 1S;40 &ra« a a t 16;50 &ra* efteagr g•81*8 <a$ -'.'rate o f , 8 s h e l l s p a r miimte*-Cta,li>re- - Si*. ' , from titk-41r« 3^a&drmt# M M ! * B a g l t j r At 14;0Q tos.* about'

, i n O1GB0 si ng le i l l * a»r«liiag.'jfirosi 1^*3 - ©5^5, .13*& '- 80*3* ^E.lin® paaaed «rr©r' - ' ataaa t o %® ®wming n&m&k irm

9n%&T0&,%®lB M PlOf M 1 1 a n t ii&rfeh w tat mrmz* $ai.&m s t t f i r t l ^ t%B m jfi&n** p*M6*& ®T®T a t 100 oeteTJi* triform k A i ' "

i w hile, crrar said town* Cal led fo r l i ne $ t i ne s* Saw

s^ti*ai.ri-raiHr» Same-.largef al li n g 01 th e 10IS* Ho @ B © ^ planes o rT£ii|^ ff or and. get tin g.

Col* Thome-«., #1005

t From 5th Oetober 4. t-• 191 8,

.of of AfOOOMf t»yo1>serTer_aiad-pilot.

phone* Hee?d-.. Oat* 4 , . 191B, a t

%r®®p& of i&e &%h Brig* %o d i g i nline-

O"aet»» of'BOIB MYS* 801&' Stir* l a BOIS


* October 4 , 1018, a t 6;15 F«M«

Ootpf line of .first ' J.®6. ^ » * ^ 0 f0ll0W@|fir© fe of ^IlAK¥Xkl^v

.rrnnajus t a - l i t t l e ea of north-'-te m©rt& of


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t IflS> at

-.30'tli Sfeenah CorpsM a m today* I t o ^i3^0^@& toy - r lo l en t i'- of- A&HPM , fX3KHB-*' f l ia ea t r t t r a'loo fa i l© A Ko

I t f t of th© 4th

-SOPfHLEf $&'& t h e' S » & , DiY*

w i l l

, . #1306*

1s t Corps* Hec 'd . Ots t*4 , 1918 , a t , 6 ; i

A '-phone' n a n aaptmr9& to l e t B&»* 6 thi mrri.T@i'•la the r e g i o n of HOCROf twoin BOIS MOIfHlM&0*

-o-o-o-o-c«"froai-4th Army - b j phone. .0ot.'4 f 1*18, at 18# 0 tops*

BOB .W MIDOI t Sf • ' U in ^ A Q X 'A ^ n S j Po.ini .MLdV


1st Cor pa f %y phone* Heo'd*. October 4, • • • ' a t

•17 j l O

to tin

•at I f ill*fth f»^* report*' £6th Ittf#; 1» in OT2§ BOH Jmat northof

i iand i7th

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telograau- .* Qot>ob.*:r

Of YBRDBV* W to, sane'd-ateV f 9 6.X*«*& at -TOSS.D©p%* JK«US0,-'19 h r * a t S If* If bra* i

1 3 1 8 • . •

Report #S01S t from fife Corpu B@0*€U 0©t* 4, . I f 18, .

m©T©men% ©f d t r i s l o a Bcprsu from


;f3?sH§til 'la


f troai'^Ifc "06rps.., by 4 , 19X8:* a t

MM Mr* XiB# at . X#|4S - 72*84 V la. bXadlc ?S» of^ i of'BOIS M M. .MOR-X1I£» tfeea w»*t of I


/ Srois Firat faramtt 9 4U3v u.*- w t « -4* 19 X8 , at • 7j<

1st Bair bamba^teant dropped 4O'bO fes» to t a of !X.iO



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Btport #£0X£* from * Oat*-.4,

ifot&la^ t o ..report*-#-&.,,#1311* '

a t

'l7*4t> hrs# Aaer* 12 # «-0* and in t f t rl t '^fga#2si4*

, from C»A«a*t Jfifth Corps, October 4» 1 916 , a

HebonaaisflMBicMiofat Z«~& 9 I-B#

hat oould not d i s t i n g u i s h friaatly ori a J i t i ^ t of 00 to mot £Lr«d at* J|o

of aa^ sor t aouth of H0H4SH a t * «oath ofappeared to be % gas avtao&9 from oaat to w# st# Ho thn o t i e e l n o r t h of EOHA0I1 on road t o r to 3AI1H&YX&3EUAt

north* Ocmldnot t istingui^i i luith^r friendlyXaforaatloit S^otion, Air

from S -8 f

# from i r f O * E@af

4« Det* 4. 1918,f or

of ^@ 101S M PATS* fh& a t t a ^ ' ^ o m ^ i e t e dofiby an Artl l lesry l iarragtwhich'TOS a l? At th e mm®%im he..put'down a s t rong

oftoe-. BO.ISB25 JfAii t o ^te p ou ti 321 ,M^i> ' She. atte et h a t th e terr«^9 drore oliiaif

that he' @%e#t#4-th e at.%Miicl^ foxeetol i to 5th M


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#$081, from O^lsnol id tohslX* Beof4; Do to ba r 4th» a f BO;10

17100 tasu om@ I m f c t r a i n .from the• s o u t h

f rom Oh** #3JE4*

$Q&2..»• f rom £ th Corps« t e legram* B0:0sa# O etot»or 4 , 191 8," at. •8O:|;10--ti»

«Ag« of BOia m fa, i aor ibBr t t om tg k i r t s o f GlS lOt i*d t o H l l ^

a t 'S hr's.«


t. 'from CO'X«' M IXlln g. A lr - S a rr ie a * B##?£U October 4,

from th a Sifc Corps r #a 4 tot .fam@l.@of th e' Sr d Mr * a t',**. Ha s t e i a a ^h »t -ir o3 S' h i s oiv0©rtm%iom

ti l l s to .be E £aa i 'bm i tMmfes tM r e is ^3 :^ is tlie

p fx®m ths frt- Oorj»- a% 1&;45 aufi- Tsports tha t ho,^-{^»laaiasaa.o# of t i of thai?* suitor» d


from 1s 4 r at BOjlO

i s» a r e maaMa© guas t© th e

im te@ f l f l f B01S*, B#tw@©m «•to Ik© MiMi Df4R13ft42i*' f k e i r @asmalt&©s

First-DiTi-siosa has alomt iDO

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