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Field Placement Powerpoint

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  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    Welcome to the

    Clinical Field Application Meeting

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    Field Education faculty

    Advanced Seminar/Field Liaison

    • Ric !aul

    • Steve Roehm

    • "anis Lotfalian

    • Catherine #$ Rosenmeier

    • %&A

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    '(ce of )eld education

    Assistant to FieldEducation

    Kali Smith

    Field Education Graduate AssistantCory Stone, BSWOffice: 812.465.7114Email:[email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    *irector of )eldeducation

    • &onnie Rins+ LCSW+ ACSW

    • ,-.012--31

    • ,-..302,0,

    • 4erins5usi$edu 

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    F6EL* E*7CA%6'8fall .3-1

    •S'CW1-- 9 S'CW1-.

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint



    • Meeting availa4le to e:plain application

    process and identify timeline$

    • March 24 applications for Clinical )eldplacements due in the Social Wor'(ce+ E*7C 3-.;$

    • REMEM&ER< &acground checs+ =6!!Acerti)cate and Resume must 4e included>ith application$

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint



    Cory and #ali are committed to getting youplaced using the preferences$ =o>ever+ MSWstudents do not chose speci)c placements$ 'n

    the application is a place for preferences$ ?'7CA8 &E AS S!EC6F6C AS ?'7 WA8%@@$='WEER+ the goal is to get good generalistand clinical e:periences rather than speci)cpreferences$

     %here is no >hining in social >or$

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint



    •Applications have already 4eenemailed to you

    Chec your email so you donBtmiss the deadline

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    MSW 6 9 66

    • MSW 6 students )ll out 4oth the generalistMSW 6D and clinical MSW 66D application atthe same time$ 6f you move or something


    • For e:ample if you live in =enderson and youlist your primary location preference as

    =enderson and you move to "asper and youno longer >ant to do your )eld placement in=enderson$ ?ou must notify Cory or #aliBEFORE you are placed in =enderson$

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    Criminal =istory

    Local Background Checks:  ?ou must su4mit a local4acground chec$ We as that you o4tain this chec >hereveryou eep your permanent address$ %his is usually the sameaddress that is on your drivers license$ %hese can typically 4eacuired at the local sheri/police o(ce$ ?ou may call or checonline+ ho>ever+ 4ecause many times they can 4e o4tained online and it >ill save you a trip$

    National Background Checks:  ?ou must su4mit a national

    4acground chec$ %his can 4e o4tained at >>>$sentrylin$com$ %he fee is G-;$;2

    You must submit BOTH a local and nationalcriminal history checks!


  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint



     ?ou must su4mit a crr!"#PRO""#ON$L resume >ith

    your application$

     %he >riting center can help andthere are many of online


    8o more than . pages

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    =6!!A CER%6F6CA%E

    • Th! HIPPA C!r#$%ca#! &'# ! co&*!#!d !ach+!ar

    Ho, #o Co&*!#! HIPAA C!r#$%ca#$o"

    •   Enter the follo>ing address in your >e4 4ro>ser<https>>$usi$edu/health/facultystaresources/oshaandhipaatraining $ 6t >ill tae you to the 7S6 College of 8ursing and =ealth!rofessions+ 'S=A and =6!AA %raining page$

    • 6f the a4ove >e4 address does not >or for you+ simplygo to the 7S6 College of 8ursing and =ealth !rofessions>e4 page$ 'n the left side of the page+ highlighted in redthere are several options in >hich you may clic$ Clic onI'S=A and =6!AA %raining$J


  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    =6!!A C'8%687E*

    • 'n the 'S=A and =6!AA %raining page+ there is an Educational ideo

    provided 4y 'S=A and a =6!AA presentation created 4y 7S6 faculty$

    !lease+ revie> &'%= of these resources$

    • 'n the 'S=A and =6!AA %raining page+ there is a =6!AA IKui$J %ae

    and su4mit the =6!!A Kui$• After you su4mit the =6!AA Kui+ you >ill receive an email con)rming

    too the ui and that you passed it$ %he email veri)cation >ill

    instruct you to also su4mit documents to Certi)ed&acground$com$

    MSW and &SW Students *' 8'% have to su4mit documents toCerti)ed&acground$com$ %he only veri)cation reuired for MSW and

    &SW students is the email con)rmation sent to you after you havecompleted and passed the ui$ !rint the email veri)cation and turn it

    in W6%= ?'7R A!!L6CA%6'8$

    • %hatBs it ?ou have no> completed the reuired =6!AA Certi)cation$


  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    !aper clip

    • *o not staple anything

    • use a paper clip


  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    Agency list

    • Yo ,$** %"d #h! ag!"c+ *$'#o" #h! r!'orc! ag! o-

    #h! MS ,! '$#!.

    •I- -or 'o&! r!a'o" a"

    ag!"c+ +o ar! $"#!r!'#!d$" $' "o# *$'#!d. P*!a'!co"#ac# Bo""$! R$"/'0

    D$r!c#or o- F$!*d d$r!c#*+.

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    Agency of employment

    • 6f you >ant to do an internship >ith the agency you arecurrently employed there are additional forms you must )llout$

    •  ?our agency must 4e an appropriate agency


    •  ?our agency must agree to you doing your placement


    •  ?our internship must 4e *6FFERE8% from your No4  A8*

    •  ?ou must have a *6FFERE8% supervisor

    Email Cory or #ali at Social>or$Field5usi$edu for this form$

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    March .0

     Yo &'# h+'$ca**+ r$"g +orco&*!#! (a!r c*$!d) a*$ca#$o"

    ac/!# #o #h! Soc$a* or/ o1c!.

     Yo &a+ a*'o '"a$* &a$* $#0 # $# &'#arr$! !-or! March 243 456 &

    La'# da+ ,! ,$** acc!# %!*d

    a*$ca#$o"'7March 24 !-or! 456 & 777777

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    F$!*d o1c!

    • Cory Stone and #ali Smith >ill contact agenciesregarding your interest and then >ill notify you 4yyour eagles%usi%edu email to authoriescheduling an agency intervie>$

    • Chec your eagles%usi%edu email for thisimportant message


  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint



    &o not contact agencies until youha'e been authori(ed to do so%

     Yo &'# r!c!$! #h! o1c$a*a#hor$8a#$o" !&a$* -ro& #h!

    %!*d o1c! !-or! &a/$"gco"#ac# or 'ch!d*$"g a"$"#!r$!, ,$#h a" ag!"c+.

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    6t loos lie thisOreetings+

     ?ou have 4een authoried to contact< "oe Smith Nsmith5stmarys$org  St$ MaryBs =ospital

    =ere is the process<

    Send a cover letter and resume to the email a4ove$ 6n that email reuest an intervie> for placement$

    Oo to the agency >e4site+ if there is one and 4ecome no>ledgea4le a4out the agency as >ell as prepared>ith uestions you might have a4out the placement$

     ?ou >ill receive a letter and a copy of Th! F$!*d I"'#rc#or 9$d!*$"! attached to a selfaddressedenvelope$ When you intervie>+ remem4er to give the person intervie>ing you these documents$ 6f you areaccepted for the )eld placement+ the )eld instructor >ill sign the Ouidelines and return it to me$

    Remem4er+ this is lie a No4 intervie>$ 6t is a t>o >ay street in the decision maing process$ ?ou areintervie>ing the agency to see if it is a good )t for your educational needs$ %he agency is intervie>ing todetermine if you are a good )t for the agency sta$ 6f you feel it is not a good )t+ graciously decline. E$#h!r,a+0 '!"d &! a" !&a$* #o *!# &! /"o, ho, #h$"g' ,!"#.

    6f it is a good match and they approve your placement+ remem4er it is your responsi4ility to set up yourstart date+ and time as >ell as the appropriate dress for the agency$

    Lastly+ as a 7niversity of Southern 6ndiana student+ you are representing the 7niversity and the profession ofSocial Wor$ #eep this in mind as you choose your attire and see information$

    Oood luc+ and feel free to contact me if you have any uestions$


    &onnie Rins

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint



    • Students intervie> >ith agencies@Nust lie a No4

    •Do "o# # o: +or $"#!r$!, "#$* #h! *a'#&$"#!.

    • Schedule as early as possi4le in case analternate placement must 4e found$

    • Email the )eld director after your intervie> andadvise as to ho> the intervie> seemed to go$

    • *o not forget Ithe letterJ that your agency >illsign and give 4ac to us$ %his is yourIacceptance letterJ$

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint



    We >ill start placingstudents ASA!$ 6t can alengthily process+ soplease 4e patient$

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint



     Yo ,$** ! r!'o"'$*!#o 'ch!d*! +or '#ar#

    da#! ,$#h +or ag!"c+r$or #o c*a''!'!g$""$"g.

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint



    H!a*#h I"'ra"c!

     ?ou must carry =ealth 6nsurance$

     ?ou are not an employee of yourinternship agency and therefore notcovered under >orers compensation$

    • 6f you do not have healthcarecoverage of your o>n you may get

    it from


     or 66=5=2?@

    (TTY ??=>>@=452?)

    •  ?ou may also >ant to investigate %he 7niversity =ealth Services


    Pro-!''$o"a* L$a$*$#+I"'ra"c!

     %he university carries la4ility

    insurance$ =o>ever+ >e

    encourage you to have youro>n la4ility insurance$ 

    8ASW oers student

    coverage at aorda4le rates$




    Call >??=5>?=2

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    7niue e:periences

    • EC='<

    •  %>o interns to do 4oth the summer generalistand fall/spring clinical 4eing trained in inter

    professional care

    • =RSA ORA8% fall 9 spring

    • -, students each semester rotate in A clinics4eing trained in interprofessional care$ ?ou >ill

    4e assigned to one of the teams$ 6t >ill 4e partof your internship$ %he hours count to>ard yourtotal 133 hours in the fallspring$

    A8* it give you A points

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    Field is smoingB

    •133 hours over fall andspring semester .3hours per >eeD

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    Field is SmoinB cont$

    • Limit outside >or to .2 hours per >ee

    • 6n order to protect the integrity of the learningprocess+ protect the student from aha8ardo' o!r*oad+ including an unduero-!''$o"a* *$a$*$#+ r$'/ + and ro#!c#c*$!"#' served 4y students+ it isrecommended that students limit the num4er

    of hours they are employed outside of )eldpracticum to .2 hours or less per >ee duringthe time they are completing their )eldpracticum$

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    *onBt 4urn yourself out

    * d $

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    P*ac!&!"# dr$"g No"=#rad$#$o"a* Hor'

    •Agencies+ >hich are open duringnontraditional hours+ may not 4e

    a4le to provide learning activitiesor supervision >hich ful)lls theeducational o4Nectives of ourprogram or CSWE competencies$

    We cannot guarantee the availa4ilityof a nontraditional )eld placement$

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint



    • Yo ,$** ! co"#ac#!d #hrogh +or!ag*!'.'$.!d !&a$* acco"# ,$#h

    $&or#a"# $"-or&a#$o".

    • I# $' +or r!'o"'$$*$#+ #o ch!c/ #h$'acco"# -r!!"#*+ -or $"-or&a#$o"('!!ra* #$&!' !r ,!!/) -or $"'#rc#$o"'

    r!*a#!d #o +or %!*d *ac!&!"#.

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    Stay in contact

    • 6f you move or something changes you mustNOTIFY THE FIELD OFFICE (CORY OR KALI)ASAP.

    • For e:ample if you live in =enderson and you listyour primary location preference as =enderson andyou move to "asper and you no longer >ant to doyour )eld placement in =enderson$ ?ou must notifyCory or #ali BEFORE you are placed$

    • 'nce you are placed+ and the Field Ouideline letteris signed you are in that agency$ 6t is a contract

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    Social MediaP

    • %hings to thin a4out @$

    • ?ou may >ant to create a I More !rofessionalJFace4oo page+ >atch your t>itter feed+ snapchat@$

    • Also+ careful a4out email names$ 6 have seen4arQygirl5::::$com 9 mrhot0sure5::::$com

      8eedless to say+ these are not appropriate ifyou are planning to enter theprofessional >orld

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint



    Ag!"c$!' &a+ r!!'# -** cr$&$"a* h$'#or+ ac/gro"d ch!c/' a"d

    drg 'cr!!"'. B! r!ar!d #o co&*+ ,$#h ag!"c+ r!$r!&!"#'.

    Ag!"c$!' ,$** r!!c# %!*d ca"d$da#!' d! #o o'$#$! drg 'cr!!"'

    r!!c#$"g ''#a"c!' #ha# ar! "o# r!'cr$!d -or #h! ca"d$da#! + a

    *$c!"'!d h+'$c$a" or rac#$#$o"!r.

     ?ou may 4e reuired to su4mit an additional criminal history+ shotrecords+ and or %& tests at your o>n e:pense prior to )eld

    placement$ Agencies may refuse candidates 4ased on criminal

    histories and/or positive drug screens$


  • 8/17/2019 Field Placement Powerpoint


    6f you have uestions contact Coryor #ali at social>or$)eld5usi$edu 

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
