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Field trips and science

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End of year scrap-booking project. http://altheapenn.tripod.com/id29.html
The Shepherd’s Christian Home School My Third Grade Year 2012-2013 Student: Michael Penn Teacher: Althea Penn Principal: Emmanuel Penn …the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 1 Timothy 1:5
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The Shepherd’s Christian Home School My Third Grade Year


Student: Michael Penn

Teacher: Althea Penn

Principal: Emmanuel Penn

…the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

1 Timothy 1:5

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Creation Science

• God created everything. Genesis 1

• God made everything to work together just right. Job 38, 39

• God made some things that people can see and some things people can’t see. Colossians 1:16, 17

• God punished the earth when Adam and Eve sinned. Genesis 3-6

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Answers in Genesis

There are no astronomical observations that are used as a basis for the seven-day week. This comes solely from the Bible in Exodus 20:11, which is based upon Genesis 1.

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Creation vs. Evolution

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In this picture, we see Adam and Eve clothed (Genesis 3:21) in animal skins. This animal was slain as a sacrifice for their sin. God then took the animal's skin and clothed Adam and Eve. This is a picture of what was to come in Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Hebrews 9:22 tells us that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins, and Leviticus 17 informs us that the life of the flesh is in the blood. Because Adam sinned and death was the consequence, then a life had to be given to pay the penalty for sin. The blood of bulls and goats can't take away our sin, which is why we needed a perfect Man. The Israelites sacrificed animals over and over again, but this is only a picture of what was to come in Jesus Christ. When the second person of the Godhead stepped into history to become a man and died on the Cross, He died once and for all, as the Scripture tells us, as He was the perfect sacrifice for sin.

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In Genesis 7:16 we read that it was God who shut the door to the Ark. It was God who had appointed a particular day of judgment. He had been longsuffering, waiting for many years. Only those who had gone through the doorway could be saved. Noah's Ark is a picture of salvation. The Bible tells us that just as God sent a Flood to destroy the earth because of the wickedness of man, that one day there's going to be a final judgment, but this time by fire (2 Peter 3). However, God has provided an Ark of salvation for each of us-the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said, 'I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved' (John 10:9). Just as Noah and his family had to go through a doorway to be saved, we need to go through a doorway-the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our Ark of salvation.

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Classification of Living Things Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) built on Aristotle’s work to create his own classification system. He invented the way we name organisms today. Linnaeus is considered the inventor of modern taxonomy, the science of naming and grouping organisms.

King Phillip, come out, for goodness’ sake! King penguins congregate on frozen ground sometimes. Keep ponds clean or frogs get sick.

Least Specific Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

Most Specific

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What are animals?

• They are organisms made of many parts but cannot make their own food.

• They must get energy from eating plants or other animals.

•They are classified according to whether or not they have a backbone.

Plants Animals


Classification of Organisms

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What are plants? • Plants are organisms that are made of many parts and are capable of making their own food

•There are more than 400,000 different species of plants that have been identified.

• They divided into 2 groups: flowering and nonflowering.

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Classification of Animals

Invertebrates Vertebrates


•have backbones

• share physical characteristics: a protective skin covering, an inside skeleton, muscles, blood that circulates through blood vessels, lungs or gills for breathing

•animals without backbones •some have fluid-filled bodies and do not have hard outer coverings (ex. jellyfish or worms) •others have a hard outer covering or shell (ex. insects, clams, and crabs) •Examples: insects, spiders, shrimp, crayfish, sponges, jellyfish, snails, sea stars


Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals

Animals with a backbone

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What are fish? •breathe with gills •most have scales and fins •most lay eggs •have a body temperature that changes with its environment

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What are amphibians? •first breathe with gills in water, and then breathe with lungs on land •have smooth, moist skin •most lay eggs •have a body temperature that changes with its environment

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What are reptiles? •breathe with lungs •have scales or plates •most lay eggs •have body temperature that changes with its environment

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What are mammals? •breathe with lungs •have fur or hair •can nurse their young with milk •usually give birth to live offspring •have a constant body temperature

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What are birds? •breathe with lungs •have feathers, one beak, two wings, and two feet •lay eggs •have a constant body temperature

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The Science of Fire Fires need three things to start and to continue to burn:




These three items are part of the fire triangle.

Removing or disrupting one of the points will prevent the fire from starting or will extinguish the fire.


Fire Triangle

Heat Fuel

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Handling Chemicals

•Be careful when using instruments or equipment that contain chemicals in them- like thermometers and batteries

•Never place chemicals in or near your mouth, eyes or nose

•Smell solutions by waving your hand over the container

•Never mix or use chemicals that are not part of the procedures in an experiment

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Handling Chemicals continued

•Wear protective gloves when handling chemicals

•Always read the label before using any chemical

•Report all chemical spills to the teacher immediately

•Remember the use of the eyewash and safety shower.

•Learn about a fume hood

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Safety in the Science Classroom

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Safety in the Science Classroom

• Eye and Personal Protection

• Fire and Heat

• Handling Chemicals

• Safety with Plants

• Safety with Animals

• Disposing and Clean-Up

• Emergency Procedures

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Eye and Personal Protection

•Wear safety goggles when working with


•Flying objects

•Fire/flame/hot objects and liquids

•Cutting glass

•Gases under pressure

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• Wear a lab apron and protective gloves when working with

– Animals and plants

– Chemicals

• Learn about the eyewash and safety shower

Eye and Personal Protection continued

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Safety with Plants

•Wash your hands after working with plants or plant parts

•Wear protective gloves if you are sensitive to chemicals in plants

•Do not put any plants or plant parts in your mouth

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Safety with Animals

•Only handle animals with teacher’s permission

•Wash your hands after working with animals

•Wear protective gloves and/or a lab apron when handling animals

•Do not bring animals to your classroom without the teacher’s permission

•Do not handle wild animals that are alive or dead

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Disposing and Clean-Up

•Follow teacher’s instructions for clean-up and disposing of any chemicals

•Wash your hands with soap and water

•Put all materials away as instructed by the teacher

•Make sure lab or desk area is left clean

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Nano Days at Fernbank Science Center

The word itself is a combination of nano, from the Greek “nanos” (or Latin “nanus”), meaning “Dwarf”, and the word "Science." Nano refers to the 10-9 power, or one billionth. In these terms it refers to a meter, or a nanometer, which is on the scale of atomic diameters. For comparison, a human hair is about 100,000 nanometers thick! Nanoscience is the study of atoms, molecules, and objects whose size is on the nanometer scale ( 1 - 100 nanometers ).

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Coco the gecko and her skin magnified 3,5000x with a scanning electron microscope.

Magnified images of water, gecko skin, (top) a butterfly wing, and sandpaper (bottom).

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A single layer of carbon atoms in a honeycomb pattern

It’s only one tom thick-a fraction of a nanometer (a billionth of a meter)

Graphite conducts electricity

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Mad About Science - Veritas Classical School Tapestry Community Church Roswell,GA

Thanksgiving Feast

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"Animals Belong In Class" Animals belong in a class, But not because they get bad grades Animal classes are groups of critters, Alike in important ways We are going to give you clues, So you can figure out Which of the six main animal classes, That we're talking about The first class of animals is covered with hair, And they live almost anywhere They've got warm blood and their babies drink milk, And they sweat when it's hot out there What is the animal, animal class? MAMMALS -The next class is lumped together, Because their bodies are covered with feathers Their babies are hatched from hard-shelled eggs, And some migrate with the weather What is the animal, animal class? BIRDS -To breathe under water with gills, Is a pretty impressive skill Fins and scales and powerful tails, Make ocean living ideal What is the animal, animal class? FISH -The critters with scaly skin, Are cold-blooded and born on land Snakes and turtles and crocodiles, Lay eggs like the rest of them What is the animal, animal class? REPTILES -These guys are born in the water, And at first they breathe like a fish When they grow up their gills become lungs, And they can live on land if they wish What is the animal, animal class? AMPHIBIANS -Spiders, insects and crabs all have, Segmented bodies, big and small Jointed legs and an exoskeleton, This class is the biggest of all What is the animal, animal class? ARTHROPODS -Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians, Arthropods 3x

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Six Flags 600 minute Read to Succeed Pizza Hut Book it!

Atlanta Braves Achievers

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Acids and Bases Are Everywhere: Every liquid you see will probably have either acidic or basic traits. Water (H2O) can be both an acid and a base, depending on how you look at it. It can be considered an acid in some reactions and a base in others. Scientists use something called the pH scale to measure how acidic or basic a liquid is.

Acids and bases can help neutralize each other. Acids turn litmus paper red, bases turn it blue. Strong bases can be slippery and slimy feeling. Acids taste sour, bases taste bitter. Proteins are made up of amino acids. Vitamin C is also an acid called ascorbic acid. Ammonia is a base chemical.

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In 1803 President Thomas Jefferson guided an amazing piece of foreign diplomacy

through the U.S. Senate: the purchase of Louisiana territory from France. After the

Louisiana Purchase Treaty was made, Jefferson started an exploration of the newly purchased land and the territory beyond the

"great rock mountains" in the West. Jefferson chose his personal secretary,

Meriwether Lewis, a smart man who also possessed skills as a frontiersman. Lewis in sought the help of William Clark, who was

also a draftsman and frontiersman.

Atlanta History Center Homeschool Days

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Killian Hill Soccer Camp

Victory World Church @ Hamilton Mill

Basketball Camp

Mountain Park Pee Wee A’s

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Deshong Park-Field Day Panola Park-Nature Study Stone Mountain Park hikes NSUMC-Pumpkin Patch

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Hallelujah Night at Berean Church

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Centennial Park CNN Center

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Monkey Joe’s Playdates with DJ, Nayla, McNeal, and Aaliyah

Augusta Library and Riverwalk

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Michael’s Measurement Museum

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Georgia Tech Kids at College

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DCHE Social Studies Fair DCHE Spelling Bee

DCHE Field Day

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Moms and Muffins Day at NSUMC

Mission accomplished!
