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Fiesta Del Cerezo en Flor 2013.English

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  • 7/29/2019 Fiesta Del Cerezo en Flor 2013.English


  • 7/29/2019 Fiesta Del Cerezo en Flor 2013.English


    Tourist Festival National Cherry Blossom.

    The origin of the festival dates back to the 70s, when the 11 municipalities of the Valle del Jerte decide to hold a party

    at district level to serve as union and fellowship for residents Jerte Valley and neighboring districts.

    Was chosen as the date for holding the time when more than a million and a half of Cherry Valley is in bloom, giving

    the welcome spring to come loaded with fruit and prosperity for all.

    Cherry Blossom Festival: The Spring Festival in Spain and Extremadura

    The events of the celebration are mainly concentrated in two towns in the region, are rotated each year, during the 15

    days that usually lasts about flowering. Although more activities focus on two weekends.

    The Cherry Blossom is, above all, a popular celebration that aims to reflect the lives of a whole region, both past,

    present, and future. This will organize all kinds of activities that serve to showcase our culture, gastronomy, traditions

    and way of life: ethnographic exhibitions, performances of traditional feasts Valley towns, markets or typical medieval

    folk dancing of their own region or neighboring regions, plays performed by groups consisting Jerte Valley residents.

    A must in any edition Cherry Blossom tastings of our spirits, liqueurs, wines pitarra, jams and sweets, so everyone can

    try the delicacies that gives us our land.

    But what is most amazing and attracts visitors is the million and a half of cherry blossoms. They offer a show on those

    days hardly comparable, since it binds to the peculiarity of our valley, one of the most original in the world and has

    been modeled on terraces to suit the growing cherries, the great colored blanket and the hospitality of its inhabitants

    who welcome and show their finery and treasures to those who visit us, loving them to share in the excitement and joy

    felt by the arrival of spring.

    Cherry Blossom PARTY 2013

    Opening ceremony in Tornavacas, March 22.

  • 7/29/2019 Fiesta Del Cerezo en Flor 2013.English


    17:00 h. Storytelling: "PICOTINA AND COMPANY" Employment Workshop Facilitators Jerte Vital. Location. Plaza del


    20:00 h. Music Performance. "SAP VIVA". Location: House of Culture.

    22:00 h. Projection play "turn the cows." Location: City Hall Square.

    23:30 h. Verbena "Road Warriors". Location Church Square.

    SUNDAY 24 MARCH 2012

    Hikers UP V Cherry Blossom.

    Travel: Tornavacas-Cerezal de la Vega-Gorge Nature Reserve-Hell-Reboldo Pylons-Jerte-Cerezal of Rejolladas-


    Departure: 9:00 am from the Church Square Tornavacas.

    Difficulty: Easy / Medium. Distance: 20 Km approx.

    Duration: 6-7 hours.

    Route Free.

    Registration: rutasenderistacerezoenflor.blogspot.com

    Collaboration: Hiking Group Hiking Group Tornavacas and Jerte.


    SUNDAY 24 MARCH 2013

    II BTT Cherry Blossom Road.

    Departure: 9:30 h. from the Cooperative Santa Catalina. Arrival Culture House.

    Difficulty: Medium / High

    Registration Cost: 10

    Registration: rutabttcerezoenflor.blogspot.com

  • 7/29/2019 Fiesta Del Cerezo en Flor 2013.English


    11:45 h to 14:00 h. Guided Walking Tour of Chestnut Homes. Employment Workshop Facilitators Jerte Vital.

    Departures and registration point in the Plaza de San Juan.

    13:00 h. Guignol. "COLOR N, COLORADO, this forest is silent." Author. Ruth Farrona ( assigned by Panduro

    Productions) . Adapted by the facilitators of T.E. Vital Jerte. Location. Plaza de San Juan.

    13:30 h. Tasting and Soups Cachuelas Extreme a Matanza. T. Cooks Development E. Vital Jerte. Location: little


    16:00 to 18:00 h. Guided Walking Tour of Chestnut Homes. Employment Workshop Facilitators Jerte Vital. Departures

    and registration point in the Plaza de San Juan.

    17:00 h. Storytelling: "PICOTINA AND COMPANY" Employment Workshop Facilitators Jerte Vital. Location. Plaza de

    San Juan.

    20:00 h. Musical performance "COBOS ISI". Location: House of Culture.

    23:00 h. Verbena "ORCHESTRA VENICE".


    SUNDAY APRIL 7, 2013

    I FOR EQUALITY walking route

    Travel: Plaza Mayor ( Cabrero) - Soccer Field Puerto Rabanillo Robledal-High-Sierra-chestnut trees, Plaza Mayor

    ( Cabrero) .

    Departure: 10:30 am Plaza Mayor.

    Difficulty: Easy / Medium. Distance: 12 Km approx.

    Duration: 4:30 hours.

    Registration fee: 3 ( the proceeds are for the Fundaci n Vicente Ferrer) .

    More information and registration: http://rutasenderistacerezoenflor.blogspot.com.es

  • 7/29/2019 Fiesta Del Cerezo en Flor 2013.English


  • 7/29/2019 Fiesta Del Cerezo en Flor 2013.English


    Location of Spain, Extremadura, Plasencia and Jerte Valley

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