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Fifth Sunday After Pentecost - saintstephensdownsview.com · Readings for Next Sunday - July 1,...

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† STUDY the Scripture every day. In light of what I have read, what is God calling me to be or to do today? † PRAY at least three times a day [Please add to your prayers] St. Stephen’s Rule of Life This Week’s Readings for Daily Devotion Mon. –Ps. 89: 1-18 Num. 16: 1-19 Mt. 19: 13-22 Tue. –Ps. 97, 99 Num. 16: 20-35 Mt. 19: 23-30 Wed. –Ps. 101, 109 : 1-30 Num. 16: 36-50 Mt. 20: 1-16 Thu. –Ps. 105: 1-22 Num. 17: 1-11 Mt. 20:17-28 Fri. –Ps. 102 Num. 20: 1-13 Mt. 20: 29-34 Sat. –Ps. 107: 33-43, 108: 1-13 Num. 20:14-29 Mt. 21: 1-11 † GIVE regularly to support the Church’s ministry [envelopes, gifts, talents and time] Birthday Blessings T’yanna Shortte-Jarvis (24th), Voshon Georgeson (27th), Wilbey Arnold (27st), Zanaiah Martin-John (28th), Foster Odlum (30th), House- bound George Barnett, Dophne Bolden Sick & Recovering Alton Ballantyne, Courtney Bolden, Coralee Campbell, Thelma Edwards, Kathleen Ellis, Rueben Grant, Nellie Greenidge, Lily Griggs, Andrew Gunraj, Carmen Hibbert, Ena Hordatt, Rita John, Torrette Knight, Felicia McCalla, Paul Patterson, Kathleen Reid, Rema Yellery, Joan Singh, Hyacinth Nwosu, Dorine Rus- sell, Fitzgerald Grant. Sick Friends Abigail Barran, Rosette Bartley, Jacqueline Brady, Mohani Budhwa, Joyce Burpee, Angie Chung, Norma Elcock, Donna Henriques, Evelyn Hordatt, Margaret Hudson, Enric Johnson, Audrey Laidlaw, Tania Leon, Kyle McIntosh, Emma Prichard, Robert Sinclair, Nolan Telfer, Charles Warrington, Joyce Wil- liams, Junior Williams, Michael Allder, Ken Bahadhur, Jaleel Burton, Everton Williams, Neville Tennant, Randy Peters, Kushal Umashankar, James Mungra, Taticia Linton, Nicola Osborn, Su- san Budnic, Roland Coy, Ian Nero, Benedicta Emilia Hadad, The Venerable Gbenga Oniye. Readings for Next Sunday - July 1, 2018 (6th Sunday after Pentecost) 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27; Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 8: 7-15; Mark 5: 21-43 2259 Jane Street, TORONTO, ON. M3M 1A6 Tel: Office - (416) 241-4639 Fax: Office - (416) 248-5415 Church Email: [email protected] Website: www.saintstephensdownsview.com Priest In Charge: Fr.. Theadore Hunt Parish Administrator: -- MISSION To worship God, creating a caring, Christian community, through growth and celebration, using our gifts and talents to reach out in love to others. OUR MOTTO Bearing witness by faith and works. OUR PRIORITIES Christian Education, Youth & Outreach. WELCOME A special welcome to all parishioners, visitors & friends. We invite visitors to sign our Visitors Book. If you do not have a Church home we invite you to make the Church of St. Stephen your spiritual haven. BE THOUGHTFUL & REVERENT Before Service: Talk with God During Service: Let God talk to you After Service: Talk with each other Fifth Sunday After Pentecost June 24th, 2018 SUNG EUCHARIST: 10:30AM DYC & St. Stephen’s Youth Service A great prophet has arisen among us! God has visited his people! Luke 7:16

† STUDY the Scripture every day. In light of what I have read, what is God calling me to be or to do today?

† PRAY at least three times a day [Please add to your prayers]

St. Stephen’s Rule of Life

This Week’s Readings for Daily Devotion

Mon. –Ps. 89: 1-18 Num. 16: 1-19 Mt. 19: 13-22

Tue. –Ps. 97, 99 Num. 16: 20-35 Mt. 19: 23-30

Wed. –Ps. 101, 109 : 1-30 Num. 16: 36-50 Mt. 20: 1-16

Thu. –Ps. 105: 1-22 Num. 17: 1-11 Mt. 20:17-28

Fri. –Ps. 102 Num. 20: 1-13 Mt. 20: 29-34

Sat. –Ps. 107: 33-43, 108: 1-13 Num. 20:14-29 Mt. 21: 1-11

† GIVE regularly to support the Church’s ministry [envelopes, gifts, talents and time]

Birthday Blessings

T’yanna Shortte-Jarvis (24th), Voshon Georgeson (27th), Wilbey Arnold (27st), Zanaiah Martin-John (28th),

Foster Odlum (30th),


George Barnett, Dophne Bolden

Sick &


Alton Ballantyne, Courtney Bolden, Coralee Campbell, Thelma Edwards, Kathleen Ellis, Rueben Grant, Nellie Greenidge, Lily Griggs, Andrew Gunraj, Carmen Hibbert, Ena Hordatt, Rita John, Torrette Knight, Felicia McCalla, Paul Patterson, Kathleen Reid, Rema Yellery, Joan Singh, Hyacinth Nwosu, Dorine Rus-sell, Fitzgerald Grant.

Sick Friends

Abigail Barran, Rosette Bartley, Jacqueline Brady, Mohani Budhwa, Joyce Burpee, Angie Chung, Norma Elcock, Donna Henriques, Evelyn Hordatt, Margaret Hudson, Enric Johnson, Audrey Laidlaw, Tania Leon, Kyle McIntosh, Emma Prichard, Robert Sinclair, Nolan Telfer, Charles Warrington, Joyce Wil-liams, Junior Williams, Michael Allder, Ken Bahadhur, Jaleel Burton, Everton Williams, Neville Tennant, Randy Peters, Kushal Umashankar, James Mungra, Taticia Linton, Nicola Osborn, Su-san Budnic, Roland Coy, Ian Nero, Benedicta Emilia Hadad, The Venerable Gbenga Oniye.

Readings for Next Sunday - July 1, 2018 (6th Sunday after Pentecost)

2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27; Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 8: 7-15; Mark 5: 21-43

2259 Jane Street, TORONTO, ON. M3M 1A6

Tel: Office - (416) 241-4639 Fax: Office - (416) 248-5415

Church Email: [email protected]

Website: www.saintstephensdownsview.com

Priest In Charge: Fr.. Theadore Hunt

Parish Administrator: --


To worship God, creating a caring, Christian community,

through growth and celebration, using our gifts and talents to reach out in love to others.


Bearing witness by faith and works.


Christian Education, Youth & Outreach.


A special welcome to all parishioners, visitors & friends.

We invite visitors to sign our Visitors Book.

If you do not have a Church home we invite you to make the

Church of St. Stephen your spiritual haven.


Before Service:

Talk with God

During Service:

Let God talk to you

After Service:

Talk with each other

Fifth Sunday After Pentecost

June 24th, 2018 SUNG EUCHARIST: 10:30AM

DYC & St. Stephen’s Youth Service

A great prophet has arisen among us! God has visited his people!

Luke 7:16

On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, "Let us go across to the other side." And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. Other boats were with him. A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him, "Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?" He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!" Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to them, "Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?" And they were filled with great awe and said to one another, "Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?"


By: Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.

Your playing small Does not serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, As children do.

We were born to make manifest The glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; It's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we're liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others.



Processional Hymn 215BB - When Morning Gilds the Skies


Priest The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. People And also with you. Priest Almighty God,

To you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hidden. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name; through Christ our Lord. Amen

Priest Glory to God in the Highest, Page 186 The Collect: Page 362

Praise & Worship: 9BB - Glorify Thy Name 10BB - Majesty Musical Tribute: I Give You Glory Kanier Hodge


First Reading: 1 Samuel 17:32-49

Psalm: 9: 9-20

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 6:1-13

Gradual Hymn: 548BB - As the Deer

Chorus: Ancient Words

Gospel: Mark 4:35-41

Chorus: Ancient Words

Sermon Hailey McCalla


The Apostles Creed Page 189

Prayers of the People

The Response to each petition is:

Hear our prayer.

Confession & Absolution

Priest Dear friends in Christ, God is steadfast in love and infinite in

mercy; he welcomes sinners and invites them to his table. Let

us confess our sins, confident in God’s forgiveness.

Priest Most merciful God,

All: We confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone.

We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbours as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of your son Jesus Christ , have mercy on us and forgive us, that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, to the glory of your name. Amen.

Priest Almighty God have mercy upon you, pardon and deliver you from all your sins, confirm and strengthen you in all goodness, and keep you in eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

All: Amen

Our Greatest Fear (Poem)

Presented By: Chanté James


By: Hailey McCalla

This Week At St. Stephen

Monday @ 11am -12:30 pm Saints Café

Tuesday @7 pm Prayer & Bible Study

Wednesdays @ 11am-12:30 pm Saints Café

Wednesday @1pm-2 pm Soul Food

Thursday @ 7-9 pm Bible Study (Gospel of Mark)

Thursday @7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal

9: 00 a.m. Service 10: 30 a.m. Service

Ushers Omeyeni Aliya, Lanre, Bisi, Bryan

Chalice: Patrick B. Iris L., Allan A.

Readers: Myrna B. Kendra A., Rakim R.

Gospeller: George Q.

Intercessor: Bryan M.

Altar Guild: Verna H., Wendy C.

Counters: Norman, Felicia, Emmerson, Shalon Servers: Renee Kendra, Matthew, George, Rakim, Jahnyah







Next week’s Ministers

9: 00 a.m. Service 10: 00 a.m. Service

Ushers -- Hilton, Kameel, Orphtee, Pauline

Chalice: -- Margaret Q., Nicole D.

Readers: -- Kendra A., Rakim R.

Gospeller: George Q.

Intercessor: Bryan M.

Altar Guild: Verna H., Wendy C.

Counters: Janet, Winsome, Hyacinth, Monica Servers: -- Shanique, Briana, Chante, Ladainian, Kanier

Matthew 18:21

A friend of mine often says that it’s not the virgin birth or the bodily resurrec-

tion that he has trouble believing. He can’t understand the grace of for-

giveness. Indeed, the concept of forgiveness may be one of the hardest to grasp

in the life of a Christian. Forgiveness isn’t a pardon or a do-over, and it doesn’t

mean that everything will work out okay in the future, either. Forgiveness

requires a constituency of one—and an abdication of our resentfulness and

anger toward someone who has wronged us. The hardest part about for-

giveness is that it requires absolutely nothing from the person who wronged

us! Whether a person asks for forgiveness, expresses contrition, or pays restitu-

tion, Jesus commands us to forgive anyway—not once, or twice, or seven

times, but as many times as it takes. When we orient our lives toward for-

giveness, feelings like anger, resentment, and bitterness lose their ability to

harden our hearts. The more we forgive, the more our capacity for love in-

creases and the more we begin to resemble the Body of Christ.







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Offertory Hymn 730BB - Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus Prayer over The Gifts Page 364

Eucharistic Prayer #3 Page 198

The Lord’s Prayer (Caribbean) Communion Hymns Kanier Hodge - Pass Me Not

348BB - My Savior’s Love

357BB - Christ Arose

359BB - Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks

Ablutions 591BB - Have Thine Own Way, Lord Prayer after communion Page 364 Glory to God Page 214




Spoken Word Poem: Hailey McCalla



Church of St. Stephen / Downsview Youth Covenant

Youth Service - June 24th, 2018

Celebrating our Participants and Graduates

Thank you to our Downsview Youth Covenant participants, volunteers and staff.

DYC Participants (2017 - 2018)

Reem Atufa

Matthew Austin

Jovaughan Bloomfield

Mensah Bonsu

Fayth Caesar

Jumel Caesar (Grade 5 graduate)

Danell Cheong

Teyana Clarke

Kiara Crocker

Travis Do

Emre Elik

Esma Elik

Coy Ellis

Emelia Hurtado

Miguel Ignacio Hurtado

Deshawn James

Tivy Jerome-Milandov

Telson Khan

Trayton Le (SK graduate)

Jerel Louisy

Taija McDowall

Michael Mensah

Patience Mensah

Cayden Nembhard

April Monge Cedeno

Madison Nyim-Asare

Omonuwa Omere

Daniella Owusu-Ansah

(Grade 5 graduate)

Davina Owusu-Ansah

Michael Owusu-Banahene

Zion Owusu Gyamfi

Jaeda Peart

Daniel Philips

Jayvon Philips

Jahnyah Riley-Rosegreen

Aaron Saigo (SK graduate)

Akeem Saigo

Alister Saigo Jr. (Grade 5 graduate)

Antonella Salazar

Chad Salmon

Mika Scott

Akiera Sears

Cenghizhan Sert

Irmak Sert

Faith Smith

O’Mark Smith (Grade 8 graduate)

T’Zara-Skii Smith (SK graduate)

Gabriel Squires

Ike Taiwo SK graduate)

Francis Thomas

Johnta Vernon

Keshawn Ward

Chad Willis

Lemuel Wright

St. Stephen's Festival of Cultures and Parish Fair, Saturday, June 30th

Stewardship Working Group: There will be an orientation meeting for the members of the Stewardship Working Group this coming Tuesday, June 26th at 7pm, as we seek to begin important work on the Growing Healthy Stewards initiative.

Summer Schedule: Beginning Sunday, July 1st and continuing up to and including the Labour Day holiday weekend (Sunday, September 2nd) there will be one service at 10:00am. The regular schedule of services will resume on Sunday, September 9th.

Bus Trip: St. Jacobs Farmers' Market, 878 Weber St N, Woolwich, ON Date: Saturday July 14th Time: Leaving the church at 9am, returning at 4:30pm Cost: $30 per person Contact Person: Daisy Browne

Community Garden: Gardening season is here once again! The return of warm weather has brought with it the return of activity in our community garden. Orders for plants for the garden will be placed very soon. If you are, or would like to be, involved in this initiative, please speak with Violet, our Community Garden Coordinator, for more information."

Please let us know: If you are ill, or if you know of another member of the parish who is ill or in hospital, please contact the Parish Office to let us know at 416-241-4639.

A very special thank you to all of our participants, congratulations

graduates. Have a fantastic summer!!!

Let’s Communicate, Connect and Collaborate

Our Preacher today is Hailey McCalla who has been chair of the

Downsview Youth Covenant for the past 3 years. She is a recently retired

Superintendent of Education with the Peel District School Board, with a

career in Education spanning over 40 years from England to Ontario,

Canada. She is a transformational value-driven educator with a demon-

strated ability to build positive relationships, promote successful partner-

ships, and establish collaborative, safe and caring teaching and learning

environments. She is passionate about her community, developing chil-

dren and is committed to volunteer service.






$1, 849.10


$68, 269.25




Prayer for Children at School and University:

O God our Father, we pray for the children growing up in our schools and universities as they prepare for their tasks in this life. May the learn the lessons of greatest worth: self-discipline, integrity of character, care for others, and a true sense of values. So may they acquire wisdom as well as knowledge, and be strong in spirit to serve their generation and to further your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer for those transitioning to another grade or leaving school:

God of love, we pray for our young people who are transitioning to an-other grade level or leaving school to enter upon the wider life of the world. As the face these new changes, their new future, and all that it holds for them, give them the confidence that their times and lives are in your hands. Help them to discover your purpose for their lives, that they may find their true fulfillment in your service; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Priest: The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and Love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord: And the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be amongst you and remain with you always. All: Amen Welcome & Announcements Recessional Hymn 235BB - Take the Name of Jesus with You


Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

All Thanks be to God.

Volunteers Staff


Carolyn Jackson

Constance Kendall

Shawdonnay Belgrove

Heniesha Christie

De’mari Grant

Alie Isaac

Joshua Persaud

Myke Predko

Feaven Tewfik

Hyacinth Edghill

Rhona McColman

Desire Iyamu

Lamar Grey

Rakim Rosegreen

Aliya Whyte

Angela Whyte

Church of St. Stephen / Downsview Youth Covenant

Youth Service - June 24th, 2018

Celebrating our Participants and Graduates

Thank you to our Downsview Youth Covenant participants, volunteers and staff.

Church of St. Stephen / Downsview Youth Covenant

Youth Service - June 26th, 2016

Celebrating our Participants and Graduates

Giving thanks to our youth from the Church of St. Stephen for all their

contributions over the year.

St. Stephen’s Youth Participants

Alice Abumere

Joyce Abumere

Grace Addo

Kendra Austin

Jayda Bartlett

Marc Cottle

Chika Ekeh

Lamar Grey

Kanier Hodge-Simon

Renee Jagdeo

Chanté James

Brianna James

Hailey Mccalla

Ethan Mccalla

Christian Murray

Bryan Murray

Uyiosa Omere

Rae-Ann Roberts

Rakim Rosegreen

Christianna Samuel

Sutanya Samuels

Destiny Shortte-Letts

Dakare Shortte-Letts

Tianna Walters

Bisi Williams

YOUNG ADULTS Patrick Brown Jr. Shanique Douglas Matthew Jadgeo Ireneh Omere T’yanna Shortte-Jarvis George Quarcoo Lanre Williams Aliya Whyte

Church of St. Stephen / Downsview Youth Covenant

Youth Service - June 24th, 2018

Celebrating our Participants and Graduates

Congratulations to all our graduates on their academic achievements

2018 Graduates

Home to Pre-School

Aiden Gleeson

Doren Hunt

Kindergarten to Grade 1

Alyssa Toma

Aaron Saigo

Elementary School

Matthew Austin

Alister Saigo

Middle School

Alice Abumere

Marc Cottle

Dakare Shortte-Letts

Secondary School

Kanier Hodge

Hailey McCalla

Uyiosa Omere

Tianna Walters

University & College

Ngozi Atu-Ude

Eric Campbell Award 2018

Our thanks to all those who made a submission for the

Eric Campbell Award. Your efforts were appreciated.

Congratulations to our winners .

This year’s awards will be presented by

Beverley Brown.
