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Date post: 11-Mar-2016
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FIGFood Is Good

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Editorial Editor – Alex Pavlov Graphics – Madi BroomfieldMarketer – Jakob HammondTech – Lewis Mills

Articles - Chocolate – page 4- Chubby 2 Lovely –

page 7 - Fit 2 Fat - page 9- Healthy Budget – page


Reviews- Fat, sick and nearly

dead – page 12- Donna Hay and Bill

Granger book review – Page 18

- Tefal Actifry – page 19

- Interview with Heston Blumenthal – page 12- Ripples dinner competition – page 17

Recipes - Hot Cross Lunch –


Is it a super food?


Or is that a myth…

Written by Alex Pavlov

I But why is this only limited to chocolate, their has to be people that hate chocolate and love cake, burgers and hot chips so why cant all foods be super foods? Wouldn’t that be the answer to worldwide obesity and type II diabetes? I decided to find out and visited the Australian research of Wellbeing. When I arrived I was ushered through what resembled a kitchen stocked with scientific implements and charts, lots of charts. After the brief orientation I was then sent to the end of the room to meet Dr. McDonaldson, who oversees all the evolution and design concepts of foods that are in “Transition”, a word that I would hear a lot of throughout my visit. After I had introduced myself with Dr. McDonaldson, I was curious to find out how “Transition was executed”. I was left stunned at how complex this process was. It Took over 15 Years in development alone to find out if Chocolate was could go through the process, then another 5


FIG: Articles

We all know that a little bit of chocolate can have big consequences for your body. It’s common knowledge that chocolate is extremely unhealthy and a substance to be avoided if your trying to reach or maintain a perfect figure. But have you also heard that chocolate is a super food? . Well this isn’t the first time science has turned a guilty pleasure into a super food.

Everyone knows, recently the chocolate has been turned from a devil’s temptation into a guilt free way to get your chocolate fix with loads of extra benefits to your health. This was achieved by, changing were the cocoa, beans were sourced, changing the chocolate manufacturing process and lastly by changing the percentages of the ingredients in the chocolate itself. By changing all these multiple elements of the chocolate itself, we have created chocolate that is classified as a super food. But if science has been able to shift chocolate from a once a week treat to a daily necessity why can’t this be done with all food. After all wouldn’t that be the answer to worldwide obesity and Type II Diabetes?

This so called “Super food” isn’t just ordinary dark chocolate loaded with extraordinary amounts of coca. It’s developed in labs then carried out on small-scale production, as quality is paramount to the manufactures that have made these bold acquisitions about the chocolate they have developed. This unique breed of dark chocolate is loaded with health benefits, ranging from youthful

Chubby 2 LovelyMelanie Brown the one everyone knows as a “spice girl” or also known as the 1.65m, sim, tanned, brown eyed Mel B. But this is not how she used to be. It has been quite a dramatic change from where she was to now, so I am going to take you on the journey of showing you how Mel B lost her weight and how it can work for you. Mel B overcame her weight issues by using the famous Jenny Craig, which is weight program that

She also explained to the interviewer, how she did not consider what she ate. “I enjoyed myself. And just ate everything. It’s not like I had a particular weakness or craving. If I wanted pizza I had it. I also didn’t exercise because I was so sick. But at 36 years old, it takes more effort to get the weight back off. It’s not like 13 years ago when I could pop a baby out and just snap back into shape.” This shows how her fatty foods dominated her thoughts to eat healthy food. It is evident that she wanted to lose her weight.

How YOU Mel B also overcame her weight problem by attending the gym Fitness First and working extremely hard to lose her extra kilos in order to achieve her preferable size. Her top 5 favourite big workouts consisted of Kettle bell

It also helps you to manage your food portions and nutrition’s so that you eat healthily to lose your extra kilos. Mel B went from being quite a large woman to a fit, good looking, middle-aged woman. Mel B also used the gym company, Fitness First and a personal trainer to help her burn her excess fat. Mel took on this program because she was not proud of her body, “Oh God, my butt. And my neck and arms, too. Actually, it just went everywhere.” Mel was not happy with the way she looked, and that she wanted to change her appearance.

Oprah Winfrey’s comments on AJ RochesterAJ isn’t the only celebrity that has done this; we found out that the Oprah Winfrey has also gained a bit of weight. The weight gain was blamed for her hectic work schedule, work left her tired and exhausted, as

Kristy Welsh who was her personal trainer at Fitness First put this program together for Mel. Mel says that this program “can be done at a low intensity soon after returning to training, or ramped up once you're feeling up to the challenge”. This quote shows us that it was an easy program to follow, however the Mel B program could be made more intense. These exercises were the foundations of her weight loss.

Mel B loses her weight through Jenny Craig, a weight loss program, which was tailored specifically to her needs to lose those extra kilos. A gym program was designed to complement her weight loss program, helping her to become fit

She also explained to the interviewer, how she did not consider what she ate. “I enjoyed myself. And just ate everything. It’s not like I had a particular weakness or craving. If I wanted pizza I had it. I also didn’t exercise because I was so sick. But at 36 years old, it takes more effort to get the weight back off. It’s not like 13 years ago when I could pop a baby out and just snap back into shape.” This shows how her fatty foods dominated her thoughts to eat healthy food. It is evident that she wanted to lose her weight.

How YOU Mel B also overcame her weight problem by attending the gym Fitness First and working extremely hard to lose her extra kilos in order to achieve her preferable size. Her top 5 favourite big workouts consisted of Kettle bell

Written by Jakob Hammond

medication for his magnitude of illness’s, they were only treating the symptoms as no doctor seemed capable of treating the illness directly and providing Joe with the long term care necessary if he chose to turn his life around.

After receiving the devastating news, Joe leaves the country and travels America to share his journey with the overweight American population. Loaded with generator and a Breville Juicer, Joe makes the brave pledge to survive on noting but juiced farm fresh fruit and Veg for 60 days. Not long into the 60-day juice fast, Joe realizes that he is on his way with ending his relationship with prescription medication. It’s a miracle! Joe’s body has began to heal itself, everyday Joe wakes up stronger and more independent than the last and is coming to the realization that he is well on the way to helping others and most importantly himself.

Joe proves how empowering it can be when an individual takes

Oprah Winfrey’s comments on AJ RochesterAJ isn’t the only celebrity that has done this; we found out that the Oprah Winfrey has also gained a bit of weight. The weight gain was blamed for her hectic work schedule, work left her tired and exhausted, as

Healthy eating

Buying and eating healthy vegetarian whole foods is often a painfully expensive pleasure. Organic products, fresh fruits and vegetables, plant milks, special flours, nuts and seeds can easily crash any family budget. We can definitely guarantee that. For the last couple of years, have your food expenses doubtlessly been on the highest cost each month? Have you prioritized paying more for food and less for clothes and other stuff? This doesn’t mean that you are just splurging away without looking at the price tag of that organic coconut oil. It’s quite the opposite. You make constant efforts to plan how, where and what you buy and what you eat, in order to reduce expenses. With this in mind, here at FIG we have decided to start a new series, every month, called Healthy Eating on a Budget. We will share tasty and wholesome recipes that are affordable, along with some tips on how to eat well without blowing your savings away. First out is this hearty Mung Bean Stew that will keep you warm and

Written by Madi Broomfield

on a Budget!

Choose Dried.Dried pulses like lentils and beans are always cheap

and easy to bulk up on. Soak, cook and freeze in portions.

Remember the season.Vegetables and fruit in season are always more

affordable. Adapt ingredients in recipes after what are in season in your country. If a recipe calls for sweet

potato you can use carrots instead, etc.Alternative organic brands.

Most large supermarkets have their own organic or fair-trade product line which is cheaper than other small

brands.Natural super food.

Skip the fancy super food powders. Go for kale, apple, carrot, sweet potato, potato, leek, onion,

pumpkin/squash, broccoli, beet, tomato, tomato concentrate, cabbage, egg, banana, almonds, rolled oats, whole grain rice, quinoa, flax seeds, berries,

coconut oil, olive oil and tea. All of these ingredients are real super foods too.

Don’t skip the frozen section.Frozen vegetables and fruit are always in season; they are often on sale and are actually full of nutrients. They

are usually picked, cleaned and frozen within a very short time-span, which means they contain more

nutrients than the supermarket vegetables lying on the shelves for weeks.

Love seeds.

Here are some general tips on how to eat healthy vegetarian whole foods on a


Imagine this. Yourself and your Partner Chauffeured in an S class Mercedes Benz, too Sydney’s Finest Italian restaurant’s. With Beautiful Views of the Sydney Harbour Bridge as well as a marvelous 4-course dinner At Ripples Milsons point By Jeffery Sue, your guaranteed to have a night you will never After you have finished your

extravagant night at Ripples you’ll then, again be chauffeured to The Marriot Darling Harbour and have the Privilege of staying in the Executive Suite, then to be awoken to the breath taking view of Sydney Harbour. Here at FIG we believe

everyone should experience Excellence. But Only One will be Chosen.

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FIG: Reviews

You’ve friends coming for lunch and you want to give them, let’s say, a starter, main course and pudding. Do tuck into two new inspiring, user-friendly and good-looking cookbooks – Donna Hay’s fast, fresh, simple – 160 fast recipes, fresh flavours and simple standbys for every day and any occasion and Best of Bill – The Ultimate Collection of Bill Granger’s Recipes. I had friends to lunch and the three recipes I experimented with and which turned out so successfully on the fruitful feast day were from both books. We started with Donna Hay’s Fig and Gorgonzola Tart. That’s elegant individual tarts with figs, oregano, honey, watercress and prosciutto. Donna Hay again for the main course of Slow-cooked Balsamic and garlic lamb which cooks meltingly for three hours and turns out hunky and handsome. I paired it with Bill Granger’s Spicy Eggplant Salad – aubergine with garlic, fresh coriander, paprika, chilli, cumin etc. Then Bill’s little mischief-maker – Chilled Zabaglione. Yum. All can be prepped the day before - the zabaglione and the zesty aubergine can be made the day before. Fuss-free entertaining for a hassle-free hostess. Both books are dressed in blue, a cool, encouraging colour in the heat of the kitchen. And both books have great genealogies – it’s Donna Hay’s 20th cookbook, she has her own television show and she designs a range for Royal Doulton. Bill Granger has assembled the best of his recipes, some from his previous cookbooks; he has his own restaurant

The new Tefal ActiFryThis creation by David Lebovitz (The Tefal ActiFry), has brought Tefal to introduce and produced the new revolutionary way to cook your chips, vegetables, small meats, fish and even pudding, by just adding one included spoonful of oil over and around what you’re cooking with only 3% fat. This new Tefal cooker feeds your family of 4 so easily and so economical. It is ready to be used as soon as the power plug is inserted into the wall. The design of the Tefal ActiFry with its colours and shape is quite “new” and innovative. Also it is quite amazing when you decide to clean it because you can pull apart everything inside which includes the huge clear top that you can see when it is cooking, the coloured spoon (green), the black base which is super light and easy to get off, and the moveable hand that spins slowly inside the ActiFry. Everything inside can be put into the dishwasher so it is incredibly handy. It is extra light and everything fits perfectly inside of it with the spoon sitting neatly on the top and the handle folding down so it doesn’t stick out. I recommend this cooker/fryer to anyone that wants a cooker that is super easy to use, clean and keep looking amazing with not a lot of time on their hands, just because how amazing it is. I give this 10 out of 10 and I have also heard lots of different comments on this, and they were all positive.There are lots of different models that you can buy. These models are: FZ7000, FZ7060.The price for this is: (RRP): 279.95.Features:   




FIG: Gossip What food is good for

you? And what is not?

Everyone now days are wondering what to cook and what type of foods is celebrities eating. Food trends can change extremely quickly in society so, we narrowed down the hottest/ healthiest foods of this past year and the not so great foods into a, “top ten foods of the year”.

Top 10 hottest/healthiest foods of the year 2014Every year the world is slowly getting healthier, so we decided to put in some of our personal opinion of what is hot and most importantly what is the healthiest

1. figs2. Almonds 3. Banana4. Apple 5. Fish 6. All types of lean meat7. Cashews 8. Margarita pizza9. All types of pasta with a tomato

paste10. Pumpkin soup

Why are these good? These foods are all listed for their unique ability to help the body in all different ways, making you satisfied, healthier, thinner, and happier. They are also so good because they can be put into heaps and heaps of meals that you and your family can share. They are also affordable and

2014 – Worst foods of the year

1. Bacon 2. All types of soda3. Artificial sweeteners4. Shelf-stable condiments 5. Sword fish and some tuna6. Processed meat 7. Microwave popcorn8. Bagels 9. Stick margarine 10. Anything deep fried

The reason all of these items are here is because they can be the cause of many terrible things like causing diabetes, types of cancer, depression and harm to your body. These foods might taste delicious but they are doing nothing for you, or your body. These foods you should try to

Hot cross lunchMakes 1

1 traditional hot cross bun, lightly toasted1-tablespoon good quality goats curd1 tbsp. honey1 teaspoon red wine vinegar½ tsp. cinnamonA small handful of red grapesA few sprigs of fresh herbs (whatever you can find)

Smear the goats curd onto the warm hot cross bun. Combine the honey, vinegar and cinnamon in a small bowl. Top the goats curd with grapes, drizzle over honey vinegar

Hot cross breakfast crunch1 hot cross bun, lightly toasted¼ cup oats¼ cup puffed brown rice1 tbsp. coconut oil1-teaspoon vanilla extract1 tbsp. coconut sugar

Preheat oven to 150C.Blitz the hot cross bun in a blender until coarsely crumbed. Add to a bowl with the remaining ingredients and toss to coat. Spread out on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake until golden and toasted. Allow cooling before adding to a sealed jar to keep. Serve with fruit, yoghurt and a bit of honey. Or just eat it like you would cereal. It keeps for about a week.

Next issue of FIG

Coming late June
