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Figurative of Speech

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  • 7/28/2019 Figurative of Speech


    Figure of speech

    Aam Kharnamah

    Ika Sartika

  • 7/28/2019 Figurative of Speech


    2. Simile

    A simile compares two things using the wordslike and asFor examples:

    As funny as a barrel of monkeysThey fought like cats and dogs

    1. Metaphor

    When you use a metaphor, you make a statement that doesntmake sense literally, like time is a thief. It only makes sense

    when the similarities between the two things become apparentor someone understands the connection.For examples: He has a heart of stone You are my sunshine

    Figure of speech is a rhetorical device that

    achieves a special effect by using words in

    distinctive ways

  • 7/28/2019 Figurative of Speech


    4. PersonificationPersonification gives human characteristics toinanimate objects, animals, or ideas. This can reallyaffect the way the reader imagines things. This is usedin childrens books, poetry, and fictional literature.For examples:The sun greeted me this morning.The sky was full of dancing stars.

    The sun played hide and seek with the clouds.

    3. HyperboleHyperbole is an outrageous exaggeration that emphasizes apoint, and can be ridiculous or funny. Hyperboles can be

    added to fiction to add color and depth to a character.For examples:You snore louder than a freight train. I cant breath without you. Ive loved you for a thousand years

  • 7/28/2019 Figurative of Speech


    5. Irony

    Irony is used to stress on the opposite meaning of a

    word. When people are looking to be sarcastic, theyemploy irony.For examples:He was so intelligent, that he failed all his tests.Her handwriting is excellent, that I cant read it.What a tidy your room, that I cant find my book.

    6. Litotes

    A figure of speech consisting of an understatement

    in which an affirmative is expressed by negating itsopposite.For examples:The food at that restaurant is not bad at allPlease drop in to my hut!

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    7. Antonomasia

    This figure of speech uses the name of a person

    on another person or possessing characteristicsthat are similar to the characteristics of theformer.For examples:He was the Adolf Hitler of the school.He will be next Soekarno.

    8. Autonomasiais a descriptive word or phrase is used to

    substitute a persons proper name.For examples:Miss No Comment forDesi RatnasariThe King of pop forMicheal Jackson

    The Mahatma for Mahatma Ghandhi

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    9. Sarcasm is a form of humour that uses

    sharp cutting remarks intended to mock or

    ridicule othersFor example:

    When you made the most silly mistake ever,

    your friend says to you Good job.

    oh very funny, haha when you dont mean it.

    10. Dead metaphors are metaphors

    that are so common they are usually

    unnoticed.For examples:

    to catch a cold

    to run a program

    to grasp a concept etc.

  • 7/28/2019 Figurative of Speech


    14. Tautologyis needless repetition of words to denote

    the same thing.For examples:CD-ROM disk PIN number

    ATM machine, etc.

    13. Symbol

    refers to the use of an object or symbol to

    represent or indicate something else.For examples:The symbolism of a red rose (love) the symbolism of a white flag (peace), etc.

  • 7/28/2019 Figurative of Speech


    13. Symbol

    refers to the use of an object or symbol to

    represent or indicate something else.For examples:The symbolism of a red rose (love) the symbolism of a white flag (peace), etc. c


    is The substitution of an inoffensive term for oneconsidered offensively explicit.

    For example:Dr. House: I'm busy.Thirteen: We need you to . . .Dr. House: Actually, as you can see, I'm not busy. It'sjust a euphemism for "get the hell out of here.

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    15. Onomatopoeia

    is partly pleasure and partly business. It is used

    to replicate sounds created by objects, actions,animals and people.For examples:Moo for cowsHiss for snakesOink for pigsQuack for ducks, etc.

    16. Antithesis

    The juxtaposition of contrasting ideas inbalanced phrases.For example:Love is an ideal thing, marriage a realthing."

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    17. Alliteration

    is the easiest of the examples of figurative language tospot. It is a repetition of the first consonant sounds in

    several words.For examples:Wide-eyed and wondering while we wait for others to

    waken and tongue twisters like.

    Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Bettybought better butter to make the bitter butter better.Good men are gruff and grumpy, cranky, crabbed, and


    18. Antithesisis an obvious contrast in expression

    For examples:

    Actions, not words

    Read, not sleep

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