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fiHolmes Mrs Isabi' - Chronicling AmericaHi" U'.', if.-.' w %>:. mxville Journal. -y HUOXVilXK, J...

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Hi" U'.', if.-.' w %>:. mxville Journal. -y HUOXVilXK, J AVIARY 31. 1877. and Miscellaneous. X/OCAL items oil fir*t 1^- fa- SW-IM. [Board of Supervisor. » witb<l««F of Ibis resignation. JABIUS E. NKAJ ., formerly of tW» place vu defeated ,l! ® ia *i- Member raoe for the Kannas Sen** . THE BK8T brand#*? queeusware are kept at Kruct A »outl. .Me of square Call ami examine prices. DR 3- T. FBKN<'" lias been by tbe Board of Hupervisors as Phys- ician to the County Paw House- t*l- ary fW per year. l) IEn,Jan24tt..at«,e father, in Franklin to»»*>>' »,, thU, county, HKNBV, »O» *>T J'""'* 1 > ONKU, afii 'D 15 year* «-u«n<rer KEMon.cn.-KeV.TI**. B 1,eDge * , UainmlM. of D.W00M, at the Chrjslisn rbape! next Bund**, 28th Inst., at 2:30 p. ci. M-nn.Kr», JanT -'I.t. !«", b/ ^ Rogers, J. P. Indiana U>*n*nlP« * B - KDW AKU WAV*A* to MIKS MARTHA BiTiik, all of tbifl county. BeusF Society •* < ourt Hou#« Friday ereotnf. *o e*d officer* ami cotumlM*** All «•«•- vitwl to *U«od. WIIXH. STF.WIKT, U»« «**« music man, known in Knox Till*, WM marrt <*D K«* Year tre to MMS I Ihtrir UMI <•' Monroe. WM- BAUJIIM>, at* 4 el * bty died at bit bom* in I Dion township. tbta county. l**t Friday. Tb« *g*J f«U««wu» l»rM the r*»r^| «f.j )o^ of bis n»ifhi**** »oa »« «tthib bit circle of ar»|uaint*nf*«. MR. year*. J ob* GAMHi.v, pou of oar towusmao «* tb* *•*»" name, ta In tb* oly for a two-wf«*ks v »»it. He i»a cttir«& of Wyoming Territory, where be ha. for several years been •ngnftd to milting. A SBKIRH of meetings at Uie t'hri«- tlan Chapel in thin city logins thi* evening. Kid. Hlckey, of Albiy, will aMist the pastor In tb« conduct of the meetings next week. DIED, Jan. 23, at the home of her son, Pfeymoar Collins, near tbls city Mrs EMXABBTK COLLI **, aged 01 years. Deoeased waaatep-mother of Messrs A. W. and 8. L. Collins, and moth.' of Mrs. R. H. Underbill, of this city BIKTII-OAY Krid'UiMA surprise party was presented yesterday at th home of Mrs. Mary Magec, in thin city in honor of Mrs. Margaret 31 Meeken, Mrs Ma^ee's mother, on the occasion of the Kid aiinniversary of ber birth. Tbe venerable lady wan very agreably surprised by * large party of friend*. VAN BKNNKTT can no mow JIV* three mouths out of the ne»fpftj'«r busiiu-SN than a fifth can live HO I OIIK out of water, lie began his editorial <-ar«er in this city, subsequently ran liis machine at Petla aud Ottumwa, thin Htate, then in two or thren Kan •as towfts, then in Texas, then again Jii Kaunas, and is now shoving bis I>eiiio< ratic black-lead at Webb City, llistfouri. TUB Knoxville lielief Kociety will Bieet at the Couit lionet- Friday even log of this week to elect oflloers and Oouiinittees for tbe ensuing year. All 4liti/«iiH male and ft-nial<'are invited il> atteml au<i partii-ipMte ill thr pro 4ec<ling». Tim ieuu ini|M>rtaiit mutter, and should receive tiie attenlion of all Who are dis|HMed to keep the needy, BOKUKTTK ('o»i i N«.-- A rrangeinenlf l|ave l>een made by Messrs. Kinkead 0 Klliott, iet>«esH of the Opera hall, Ulth Mr. Kolwrt J. Hurdotle, of tbe Burliugtoii H<nfk-for the deliv- ery by thai gentleman of his famous Lecture, "The Rise and Fall of the Moustache," in this city on the eve- ning of Feb. 8th. It is safe to any Ifcat Mr. Burdette will be greeted with lull bouse. ANOTHKK PI .—Tbe Knoxville JoTHNAb came to us last week with tbe first page blank, the result of a rape breaking and letting tho form foil Into the pre™ rooui from the sec- ond story of their office. Thix is the eoooud of the kind in two weeks. All printers know how to «jrrnpwU»Uw' With them in such a case, for they bav«* aii "U*en thar." Get a iog- obaiu.boys, or quit putting in aucb heavy editorials.—Pilla l\Uub'. Sheriff Crozier'i Defen*. The attempted escape of the ace®*" treasury robbers, Brannon and Harris, at Albia, which we mentioned laat week, to commented upou by Uie IThcmocrati , 8HBKIKF ClWJZIKIt AND HIH »AK- DKiiKits.—In tb. !«.» le»ue of Hi. JorKXAi. of this city, appeared an ar- ticle written by the editor of that pa- per, reflecting upon HLerifTC'rozier, in relation to the attempted escape o Bran nan and Barcua at Alhia The cast as we understand it ftom Mr. Ken worthy, the attorney, Sherttr (.'rosier and his deputies, is this. After arriving at Albia, and wbi « waiting for the eastern train, quarter* were token at the hotel. Brannon and Barcus were placed under the control of John Kobinson and Urn. Hendrix, both Repui>licans, hut „o,.l,yBM.tlen. e n.for.lUh«,Sb."fr Crozier taking charge of Mw» *»*<> dew. . _ Whilst waiting for the train, Bheritr Itobb, of Lucas county, called in. and indulged In conversation with Hberiff C'ronier, who occupie-1 the parlor with bis charge. The other two officer*, with Hraunon and Barcua, occupying rooms up stairs. It seems that Mr. Kenwortby, tbe attorney of tbe male prisoners, de- sired a private conversation with his clients and asked for that privilege of their guards. This fact was reported to tbe HberifT, who agreed to it at the hmdc time cautioning bis deputies to keep a sharp look out. The prisoners »< re permitted to go into the room of Kenwortby, tbe depotiei etandiug yaUide in the hall. Af:*r a short time, Brannon came , vu cuira with his shackles off, and aa raet at tbe foot by Crozier with drawn revolver, and forced back. From Ihia circumstance, tbe Jom- .NAJ. !m1ulg«a in the ooaraeet abuse of Croiier. Our readers will bear wttneea that we have never attempted to defend the shortcoming or unlawful conduct of any officer. We believe that every man elected to offloe should do bin Juty. In regard U> the unjust and unmaoly flgbt against tbe men elected by the Orange to office, waged by the JofKKAL, aud that too, without truth or fairness, we have, perhaps, bwn too quiet. But so fur us J^beriJl (,'n>xier is concerned, although lie may not.lie possessed of ail the qualities that i* requisite for a successful Hher- ifi'; he has an honesty that cannot be impeached. And all cowardly and mean slurs, such as those contained in tbe JOI RNAL, can not bt»t meet with tbe condemnation of every fair uian. A HTABTMNO Tumi.—'Thousand* die annually from neglected coughs and colds, which soon ripen into con- sumption or other equally fatal dis- ea»*3« of the lungs; when by tbe time- ly use of a single bottle of Dr. H. I>. Howe's Arabian Milk Cure, relief and enriches tbe blow!, acts directly upon permanent cure is often effected. The Milk Cure, while it possesses all the virtues of Cod Liver Oil, can I* retained upon the stomach without nauseating. Hold by Ardery it Rob- erts, Druggist. Ar<ir>ENTs Jaud ilMuck will some" Mines occur in a printing office as well as elsewhere. By an accident last week our lirnt-page form was "pied" on tbe way from tbe composing room in the second story to the press room in the basement. Tbe extent of such a misfortune just at the hour when the paper must go to press in order to reach the out-going trains, it is diffi- cult for any but a printer to appreciate. To set up the "pi," distribute it in the cases aud then set it up again in the order in which It was before the accident, involved the handling three limes of each particular typo. In our first-page form are about loo,(Mi type*. To handle each of these types separ- ately three times would require tiie active labor of a fast printer about fight days. Hence wo could not re- pair the Hccident and give our readers their usual four pages in time. We did the best we could under tbe cir- •iimstaiices, by placing Iho local page on the press, utid printing it, leaving (lie editorial and general news page blank, tbe second and third page* haviug already beeu printed. Togeth- er with our usual news and editorial.*, an interesting column of local matter, rowded upou the ilrsl page, went in- to pi and oblivion. The explanations, hie our readers and ourselves, we >uld not stop to make last week after the accident, and henco present them now. Such a misfortune we hope may not befall the JOIJKNAI . again or years. Two such In one month are erlainly enough to satisfy editors and iiinters, if not readers. MB, JAMES BRUXJEN, aboft 34 years of age, died of consumption at lite home six miles east ofthi* place yesterday morning. His disease, as we learn, was* a result of a cold taken white dragging the Des Moines rivei for the body of young Hannan, of the eame neighborhood, drowned last fpinmer. Mr. Bridgen was lo-ld in ffcry high esteem in the community. EI,KCTISD."-There wen- CM ten-cent f»tes cast at .the Charity Hop at tbe ^emout House last Friday night, ail to decide wbo should be bouored With tbe presentation of a handsome ibina tea set of 54 pieces, provided by (A* ladiee for the occasion at the ebarity price of $10. The selling price at tbe store was $15, but Messrs JCendig A Btunop let it go for the ben •Jit of the poor, at a reduction. Mrs James Oillaspy, tbe fortunate lady, re- ceived the award by about 100 major! ty, the announcement of which result was received with joyous applause by company present. A cause of greatest rejoicing, however, upon the part «f all, was the china brought in $0 HwiMMPPfy the poor the hand uet 0f * * utu *0&ai<Mtt to purchase blanket*, shoe*, UnrOlfj 1 coal to make several needy imiUm s;'%, v THE ROBBERS, TV -' -*P' -•* ^ " v-yu*-u. •V TN^ Attempted Escape «t ' The Keokuk which be- fog a Democratic paper, cannot be ac- cused of IUi«representation with in- tent to lujure Hberiff Croaier, gives this version of the story: Barkis, and Braunan aud Mi*s Eliza Flanders, arested for the robbery of the treasury of Marlon county, were taken from tbe penitentiary at Fort Madison, where they have beeu confined for safe keeping last week to Knoxville. for presen- tation before the grand jury, there in cession, and for a preliminary hear- ing- The grand jury found a bill against them, but the prisoners, through their counsel, demanded futher time for heating, which was granted, and tbe defendants were placed on the train for Albia, from whence they were to be taken to Fort Madison, to be again lodged in tbe |>euiteutiary. Tbe counsel for the prisoners, Mr. Kenwortby, met them at Albia on Thursday night, where they were obliged to wait until 1:15 Friday morning for the east bound C. B. A (4- train. The ptu'ties, in charge of tbe Bher- ifl or Marion county and two guards, ensconced themselves in a hotel at Albia, and a priv:ue interview was requested by Kenwortby, counsel for Barkis and Brsnnan, which was granted by the HherifF, and the three proceeded to a private room, leaving Miss Flanders, the Sheriff aud two gusrds in the parlor. After a short conversation, Barkis and Branuan, wbo were handcuffed aud shackled together expressed a de- sire for a smoke. Tho attorney re- marked that be had some cigars in bis valise, and obligingly descended tbe stairs to get them. When he returned to tbe room be found a prisoner on each side of tbe door with a handcuff iu either band, and as Mr. K. entered, they addressed him and told him "that the only tiling that stood between them and lilierty"' was himself. Kenwortby begged and plead with Barkis and Branuan not to make their escape f/i*;re--he was their attorney, aud if they got uway, ho couldn't prove to the people but what he was au accessory—the people would mob him, etc. It was an exciting scene for awhile, the men seeing their liberty, tbe at- torny seeing ruin staring him in the facd if they should escape. His eloquence Anally prevailed, after allowing Branuan, who is only indicted as an accessory, to go down stairs wlotie and get his hat. Of course the attorney supposed this would be the last be would see of Brannan, but it was'nt. He pro- ceeded down stairs, got his hat, walk- ed back to tiie room, tbe men were re-shackled, aud Friday, were safe- ly re-lodged in the penitentiary. J. F. WAI'UH'S . north side Public Bquare, for 4 II s good «offee for $1. T)FAT» LETTRII LIHT. Letters ad- dressed as iielow are now in the Post Office at Knoxville, Marion Co., Iowa, aud if not claimed in 30 days will be sent to tho Dead Letter Offlco. When calling for any of these letters please soy '• Advertised," and give the date of this paper: Black Miss Kmma Burges J W ltowdi*h P W—0 Churchill FlttBiy Crawford W J Duncan Kob't Donnelly Kdward JDouahuc Patrick DavidNon John Kalk Jolin <irifilth Truman Harvey O \V Irwin Mrs F J Loyd John .Nelson Tilda Patrick Mrs T Robinson Juh II Schaofmeyer Aug Strong Wm Wells Mrs Hophia Wilson A M. W. W. CHAUDICK. P. M. Dufflcid K<-v J M (ireen Willard C Harris B C Holmes Mrs Isabi' fi rwill (ieo luiiHon A L >lney Wm-I titchey Mis* Ella Itiimel J II Bhaff A T Thorn ton Rutanna Weir MrsHarah NOTICE.—-All persons receiving a monthly statement of their account will save trouble by making a settle- uieut immediately. 33 2t COKNKIJ. BKOTIIKKH. I Mori', the DemoaruCs Peila cor respondent, says: "A fellow by the nam* of C'ou. Versteeg, a bat-eyed "boon, and a regular champion of meanness, was arrested by deputy Sheriff Lee last Friday on a charge made against him by his own hughter, that be had smashed in all f the windows of bis son-iu-law'» residence. 'Hqnire Neyenescli gave a full-doze of justice- thirty duys im- prisonment. This is the sumo chap who hires out two of bis grown up and unmarried daughters, and then goes out monthly to collect their wagen to the ia*t cent, leaving them nothing to purchase clothing with, and cyuae- <iucritly in a destitute condition." THUMB Now.-Kruck & Ely bare just, recei ved a large i n voice of Queens- ware which they are selling at bottom prices. Call aud see. 46tf H. W. PALMRK, at tba Blue Front, South side Public Bquare, has now in store a splendid stock of new goods comprising an unuwually large asHort- nieiit of dry goods, notions , ix>nts and shoes, hatH and ea|>s. Anything you may want In these lines will be found at Palmer's and at fair prices. Tbe Isdies go there for their dress goods and trimruiugs, for line shoe*, guiters substantial winter shoes, children' shoes, for their due gloves, hosiery and everything required for modern fashionable toilet. The gentlemen find there also what they want for an outfit for winter, for themselves and tbe family. Tbe Blue Front is a good place for trade. Take our word for it once and gin Palmar a trial*, i * V Is' NT it about time the officials who haudled the money and notes given by our citxens in aid of the A. K. & D. Railroad should make a report of their doings, and amounts subscribed, low expended, what tbe present cou- lition of the concern -solvent or in- solvent, whether its debts are paid, whether any balance remains in the treasury, how much, ets., for the in- rmation of the people who have a right to know? We do not ask this luestion with any intention or desire arouse suspition that something bus beeu goiug wrong nor to reflect in tbe least upon any of the A. K. & I). Officer.* or Directors or any person onnected witli the concern, but be- ause we tbiuk the public are eutitled to full information upon the subject. The publication of au official state- mi ue to all concerned. Do Nor FOHOKT to call at Kruck & Ely's, on south side of Bquare, where is kept tiie largest and cheapest stock of groceries of all kinds, queensware, glassware, chiuuware, table cutlery, etc., at prices lower than ever before. WKDIIOCK.—'tiince our last week's report the Clerk baa issued marriage licence to Tbos B Newell Catharine Metz John !•' Boat Maria Scott Alex McMillan Amy Mulkey Fdmuno Wagman. Martha Half# (Jco M Smith Sarah McOrew John F lianiug Melissa Huttrey A X Heed F.ditli Harp DC Beard L J Parsons - r , , U H Richards Bell Huut Death of ex-Sheriff Hanks. Gaptaiu R. L. liauks, formerly of thte place, died at bis borne near El- gin, Chautauqua county Kansas, on the30ihof last month, as we learn from the Chautauqua Journal, pub- lished at Scdau, in thatcouuty, which iu editorial comment, eays: "Squire Hanks was an exemplary man, and his death will lx> a loss to the com- munity." From the paper abova named we elip tls* fallowing: FCEI»AN, KANSAS, \ January 1st, 1817. j On tbe announcement of the death ofCnpliau K. L. Hanks, fwhode|«rt- ed this life .Saturday morning, Dec. ;iOtb a goodly unrulier of the citizens of Chautauqua county met at Uie court house lu Sedan to express their regards and esteem for, and cou- dole with the bereaved family in the loss of their relative and valued friend. On motion, Judge C. C. Tompkins was called to the chair, and W. W. Jones secretary. Touching eulogies upon the integ- rity, honor, aud tne sterling worth of Captain Hauks; its well as a touching sketch of bis life aud services as sold- ier for his country, having served with honor in the war with rnexioo, aud our late rebeiion.< were given by John Lee, Judge Tompkins. Rev. J. 1). McBrlan, H. B. Kelly, Dr. E. B. Hibbard, M. B. Light, and others. On motion, J. I>. McBrian, John Lee aud H. B. Kelly were appointed committee on resolutions. Committee retired, and on return- ing rejxjitcd tins following which were unanimously adopted, as the feeling of the meeting. WHKKKAS, Iu the providence of Ood. our esteemed friend and Broth- er It. L. Hank*, has been removed from our mid*! by the resistless baud of death, and, Wii KKKAB, we deem it not improp- er to give expression to our deep felt sorrow and boreavment in this sore uMliction in this dispensation of Him wiio w orketh all things after the coun- sel of bis own will. Therefore He- solved, 1st. That it is the sense of this meet- ing that in tho death of R. L. Hanks the community iu which he lived have xu*tained an irreparable loss. 2d. That his neighbors have lost a valuable ami esteemed friend, and that in their circles and association the counsel, advice, encouragement and presence of R. L. Hanks, will be sadly missed. :ird. That the county has sustained a serious loss of one or its appreciated members. 4th. That ve deeply sympathize with the bereaved family and rela- tives of the deceased, and tender to them our warmest sympathy and con- dolence, and in this sad allliction we commend them to Him who tetnper- etli the wind to the shorn lamb, and who alone can take care of the dis- consolate aud broken hearted. . r >th. That we will ever fondly cherish the memory of our friend and brother, whose life has been au ex- ample worthy of our imitatton. 0th. That a copy of these resolu- tions lie furnished the Chautauqua Journal, the Chautauqua A'turn, nnd the Cedar Vale Jilmtr, of this county, and the Knoxville JOTKNAI ., and the Marlon County Jtemocrat, of Marion county Iowa. J. I). M< BRIAN, ) JOHN LEK, [Com't®. 11. B. KKI.I .Y. ) No farther business the meetiug adjourned with much solemnity. W. W. J ( INKS, Hcc'jr. C. C. TOMTKINS, Chni'ii. UNHIVAI.KD Co I 'OH BY HUP, for aoute and chronic coughs, bronchi- tis, infleuuza, asthma and consump- tion in its incipient stages. Prepared t.y I )K. COFFIN, Knoxville. 42tf THODftAMiMi of men and woman auf- fering from Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, und broken down constitu- tions generally, have been perfectly restored to health during tiie past year by using Dr. B. I>. Howe's Ara bian Tonic Blood Purifier. It hup plies tiie lost wastes, cleanses and tiie Liver, Kidneys, and Urinary or gaus, and builds a man right square up. Bold by Ardery and Roberts, " <*r I+99 |OruggW» a fiat de It brains '' * i ' '• C r u l t ' GKKAT AOOIIIKNT.—Tba bottom has fallen out of the prices of Glass A Queensware at Kruck A Ely's. . . --—_mm**. THE Democrat this week comes to the rescue of Bherifl' Croziers with a defense, to which we cheerfully give place in our columns to-day. Wc iiave no disposition to engage in acoti- troversy witli tbe Dmiocrnl in refer- ence to the record, conduct or charac- ter of Sheriff Crozier, and no wish to injure the latter in any respect' But a few words in reply may not bo re- garded out of plaoe. Whether the deputies, who were apparently at fault as much as the Hberiff, are Republicans or Democrats, is of no consequence, as this is not a party matter except so far as the Dem- ocrat makes it such. In the first place M r. ('rozier should have learned by ex- perience not to trust such prisoners en- tirely to the cure of Deputies w hen he could just as well iiave kept them un- der hi.* own sight. lie should not have agreed that the prisoners might be allowed to go into u room with an attorney and without auy other guard. If tho deputies kept u "sharp look out" as instructed, aud were standing outside the door in the ball, as assert- ed, how did Branuan get "down stairs with his shackles off," as tbe Democrat affirms, without the kuowiedge or interference of the dep- uties? Can the Democrat explain? If Mr. Crozier was in the parlor with Miss Flanders and Sheriff Robb, how did it happen that he met Branuan at tbe foot of the stairs in the hall, with drawn revolvers? Will the Democrat explain? If the Hberiff and bis dep- uties did their full duly how did Brannan get down stairs with his shackles oil', aud so nearly approach libelty? Will tbe Democrat explain? If the Bherifl' wa» remiss in duty in such an inprortaut matter, is not bis conduct a fair subject of news- paper criticism? Will tbe Democrat auswer? The Democrat has always made pretense of a desire that all officials of It's own as well us the "radical" 1 party should be held to a strict and merciless accountability for their con- duct and the strict performance of all the public duties. Now it squirms aud wriggles like a wounded reptile under its own lash, aud while fram- ing lame excuses for a notoriously in- competent official of its own choosing, blames the JOURNAL for stating the facts, ade endeavors to shift its share of the responsibility of Crozier's elect- Ion upou tbe Orange. True, tbe Orange party, with tbe Democrat's active assistance, did elect Mr. Crozier to office near four years ago, and the Demwrat aud a large majority of its party applauded. Two years later, when Mr. Crozier's uuiitness for tbe office had been fully demonstrated, the Democrat and its party re-elected him aud became his sponsors. He is theirs now, and they must not, after adopting him, hold the Orange to account for his last election and his failures in tiie performance of duty. The JOCKNAT. 1ins not utilised Mr. Crozier, nor impugned liis honesty. If he has a desire to his duly why has its not done it? Tiie desire it not suf- ficient. Performance ia required, if Mr. Cwitr and Uie Democrat dbooM to answer the above question* in a fair nnd candid manner, omitting Its usual vile epithets and Irrelevant ami un- truthful assertions sga&ist the Jot K- *AI. Mr. Crozier shall still receive respectful treatment and no further accusations from ^ tdioud be followed op in the spirit In Which it is opened by Mr. C's organ this week, the people shall hear fur- HHWT revelations. Very Useful to Every «•* In no other way can a perifrB get back so large a profit for a very ltt 0 money, as to expend it learning to do,»chen to do it, aud how to —iu other words, to have his belp his hands. Here is one way to do this: The small saving or extra production of less than half a cent a day. or three cents a week, will now procure a large, beautiful, cheap journal, for all of 1877, splendedly Il- lustrated, with 600 fine original en- gravings, aud over a thousand col- umns of the very best, plain, practio- al, trustworthy information aboat the every day in-door and outdoor work and comfort of every home, in Country, Village, and City. This in- formation is not prepared by mere scribblers, but by a large force ofln- telligcnt working men and women, who know what they write about, and they are assisted by many others, wbo furnish information from their own practice and observation. Kucha journal is the A mcrican AgrictdturM, wo named because started 35 years ago as a rural journal, but since gieat- ly enlarged and improved to suit the daily wants of every man, woman and child iri Country, City, nnd Village— for tiie fanner, and gardner, the merchant and mechanic, the profes- sional man-Indeed all classes. It la packed full of useful information that every one ought to have. Many single hints and suggestions will re- pay more than a whole year's cost of the papor. Its original engraved plans for buildings and improvements with details of cost, etc., aud common- rense directions, are worth far more than a majority of the costly works on architecture. Great care is exorcised to have every liuo in tho paper relia- ble. Its persistent, and full exposure of a multitude of humbugs and swind- les, are alone worth far more than its cost, and have saved to its readers and to the country millions of dollars that would gone into the hands of the sharpers- Tho department for houskeepers and children are very useful and entertaining. In short, the American Agriculturist is full of good things, and ought to be In every house In the land. The circulation is so large that the publishers can sup- ply it at a little above the cost of the printing paper—or $1.00 a year, sent post-paid; or four copies $5.40. Take our advice and send your subscription for 1877 (Vol 80) to OUANMK Jtnn> COMPANY, 245 Broadway, New York. You will find it pay, and pay well. ROCKAFKM-OW A GKKKNII1!B arc selling the Grimes Wagon lower than any other llrst class wagon in the market. 2tf Money to Loan. On real estate security by Erwln A Burnett, offi ce over Pos tofice. 28tf ' "Crimes Wagon." One of the very best in the market —warranted for two years. Call and see them at 2tf ITOCKAKEIJ IJOW A GRERNLBB'B. CONEWTIONKUY side of Square. at Wolfs, north PNEUMONIA CURED. 'Vis Editor* Testimony." : OmcK OF THK IN'I Kll-OCKAK, ) cnn Atio, June -7, is7::. j B*. STBWART D. HOWE—Dear Sir: A few days since I was attacked by something like pneumonia, suffered great pain, with oppression in breath- ing and general prostration. I deci- ded to lest the efficacy of your remedy known as Arabian Milk Cure and Ara- bian Tonic. The Milk Cure gave im- mediate relief to my respiratory or- gans, causing me to expectorate freely and lifting a great weight from my lungs. I have also used the tonic somewhat with good results. Your medeclnes have in my casos brought such speedy relief that I take great pleasure iu recommending them to all who may be similarly affiicted. Wishing you every success in bring- ing your valuable remedies before the public, lam truly yours. F. W. PALMRK. This Gentleman is well known in Iowa. Bold by Ardery A Roberts, Druggists. , All accounts made before Jan. 1st, 1877, are now past duo, and I expect all customers to come iu at onue aud settle, either by cash or note. 3Stf D. T. COATS. Chicago Market, ruicAmfc Jpatfc Kftlr to choice abtppsw.. Mocker* Hutcher*' HOMri- I.It'llt weight!. Heavy weightf. WIIKAT- .13 7-. 8 fiu % ?•'. JI" tw 1 tfl NV '? Iteit'isted COKN - ll mix«d, new-..., NO. I...M KejPOtSd HATH— No. ... RcjeeU-il ftNOKVILLE MARKET. CorrtA U d Weekly by CaUteui t A Bel- lamy : W beat—old W heat—new t)ats ............... fct C '(irn ...... Rye.. Bait, fresh, |>er bbl Hides—green slaughtered... " cured " dry flint, " dry salted Tallow Sheep pelts MiArelfatieom—Corrected by ft Hon- tfr (Jreenlce. 2(1 Bull fr..*..*M„..*«...»..M.«*„.»i« is Lard 12} @ lft Beeswax go 25 Farna lar Sale. The Bates farm, situated within } of a mile of the Rock Island de|»ot, Is now ottered for nale. 'Mils is a splen- did farm, comprising l. r »o acres under- laid with coal, aud iu a high state of cultivation, lias au orchard of 200 bearing apple trees. For particulars, as to terms etc., inquire of 34 tf T. J. ANDKHHON, w SSfi 85)4 17 90 ©1 20 80 @ 00 18 0 i'i .'{0 70 3oo 64 7"i 10 8 0 25 @ GO Jtocka• Marob 24,16W. Agent. Beferee'a Sal«. Notice is hereby frlven that InJJWJ Miarn-e of an order of the lUsuj^t Ceert of the State of Iowa in and for Marion county made at the term thereof A. D. 16<« .in a ca-t- therein pending; wherein Hinnm Ibiiiing is plaintiff and Andrew Shilling etal are defendants, the ,un-. designed referee? were duly ed bv said Court in said ca*e, will <>.- for for «ale at public auction to the i hiuhest bidder on the premises in Polk township in said county on the 34th day of February A. D. 18", at 10 o'clock a. in- The following describ- ed property to-wit: The north-west quarter of the north- cast quarter of Section 18 Township 6 IS' of Range IU west, in Varum county Iowa. . ,„ Terms of Sale.—One third cash in band; balance, in one aud two years from date of sale, in equal pay men tf Pefered prvments to draw interi-.->ii at the rate of ten per cent per anuumi, form date, and to ba secured by motf* csec on re: 1 estate sold. WM. BI-AIN, I JACOI : W EST, > Referee's. 1-:. B. RUCKMAN, J January oth 1877. STOP! Original Nolle#. To P. U iitiltcrfield. You are notified, that a petition of; Parsons. Lytle & Seaman is now oifr file in the office of the Clerk of tlnjt Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, and for Marion county, claim- ing of you the sum of Sixty Dollars on book account, and for work ami labor done for you by the plaintiffs in the years 1S75-0 and that your proper- ty hiis been attached to secure sold claim. And that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the March term, A. D. 1877, of said Court, which will commence on the 'dh day of March, A. D. 1877, de- fault will be entered against you and Judgment rendered thereon. Clark & CUOZIEK, 34-87 Plaintiff's Attorneys. fifegal Notice. TIO WHOM IT MAY ( O.\( T.ltK: Notice is hereby given that tbairc is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the (,'ircnit Cotirt of Marion county, Iowa, an instrument in wri- ting pu rporting to be the Ja.st will and testament of Bailey F. Bell, deceased, which will come on for hearing on the lirst day of the next March term of said Court, commencing on Mon- day, the Mb day of March, 1877, at which time and place all persons in- terested may be heard. Dated at Knoxville, January 18, 1877. ' " ALLEN HAMUK IC, .14-86 Clerk Circuit Court. Original Notlce.| SHATJS OF IOWA, T Marlon Connty. J 0TATK OF IOWA, VS. THOMAS FOSTER. To Thoman Foatcr: You are hereby notified, that there is now on tile in theofllceof the Clerk of the District Court in and for Marion county, and State of Iowa, a complaint in the above entitled case made by one Lydia McDuff charging that you are tiie father of an illegiti- mate male child, born to her on the 12th day of November, 1870, und ask- ing that you be compelled to main- tain said child, In such sums as the Conn shall deem sufficient. A ad that unlesss you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of tho May Term, A. D. 1877, of said Court, which commences on the 7th day of May, A. D. 1877, default will be entered against you and judg- ment reudered thereon. Bigued this4th day of January, 1877. GEO. \V. LAM KKTY, 32-35 District Attorney. Original IVotine. To Sarah A/tn, formerly Sarah Ann liickabaufjh, Adam Jiic/ca/xiwjh, datharine /iickabaitdhjr.,and Irena Jti< k(t0au<jhjr. ct at You are hereby notified, that a peti- tion of Geo. W. Frauks is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Cir» ouit < 'ourt of the State of Iowa, in and for Marion County, claiming of you a deed of conveyance of the south-east quarter of the south-west quarter of section thirty-two (82) in township seventy-seven (77) N. of range twenty (20) west of the 5 P.M. iu Marioa county Iowa, and asking that the plaintiffs title to said laud be quieted, perfected and declared Absolute and perpetual as against you aud all per- sons claiming by, through or under you. And that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the March term, A. D. 1877, of said Court, which will commence on theolh day jof March A. D. 1877, de- fault will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon. BTONE A Ayhks. 31-84 Plan tiff's Alt's. IT G.£. corn ELL HAH OJ»I;NKIj A Supply Store, la conned ion with th® Post Oflieo at FLj SLGLEB . ' Ami w-litiU tUc Unilc of Miner* tutti Xartncft tu the vicinity. (it?e htm a call, mxl lie will soil jrou good* at Knoxville price*. a»-S9tf NEW GOODS r | *: 14 .t>y. HERE IS THE PLACE. •• WILL GIVE YOU BAE0AINS IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Soots & Shoes, Groceries, etc" AT HARD TIMES FftlCM* CALL FOB WHAT YQV WANT - OUT AT raw - "-' NORTH SIDS SQUARE, KMOXVIUX* EAWKEYE AND COST J. OPPENHEIMER Cait Side Square, Knoxville. nn FURNITURE mWU,h;riilR, KNOXVILLE, IOWA. Tr. •.iir «isinu-roii-; friomls ami patrons we winh to r< 11 1 1 N l*> von nnuiv IIIHH ks 1 <»r paM tuvors ftinl solUitii.K your further orders for any thing in o u r l i n e . . . . . r Having recently rebuilt the Hawkcyc Iron Works which was destroyed by fire, hare built large ami cusamodiouff buildings, located more convenient for shifping, Added more and heav- ier machinery of c\ery kind united to work In our line. \y. . i . to do BETTER WORK anil on shorter nonce than ever beluic. Wc use none but first-class material*, ana employ tirst clHss workmen. Our inotto i«: "We Strive to Please," And nothing <-li;i!l !>•' omitted that can enhance the enviable reputation already earned by our establishment as the Leading Iron Works of the -WEST. We bare a vetya*tensive atoek of Pattens for Steam Engines, MslI Machinery, Gearing, Pulleys, Hangers, Box- es Couplings, Boiler Fronts, and Grate Bars. Architectural k Works. Parti, cow 11 mi i j lining building and \rlshing Iron Fronts, Window Cap9 and Sills, Sash Weights, Water Tables, Wrought Iron Vault Doors, Anchors, Railings, Etc., Will advance their interests by addressing US,as we are especially preparcd'lor such work. COAL COMPANIES ran lie Mipplicd u itli Car Wheels, Axles, Etc., on Short Malice. STOVE CASTINGS Bowls, Sacks, Grates, ait, Wrought Iron Pipe and i-uioi1'iping fitted on KkortuoUee,I we have a full assortment of tools for fitting pipe of all fiizea. BRASS GOODS $VGii ui> Globe l/alves, Steam Coch§, Set Cocks, Guage Cocks, Safety Valve% Check Valves, Steam Guages, Water Guages, Steam Whistlet, Etc. Rubber and Leather Belting, Lace JUftlher Gum Packing, Station Pump Packing, Etc. We also handle Hoofing Materials for flat Boob, Also Building Kelt to line your dwellings aud keep von warm: likewise Fire- proof I'aint for tin roofs. Works Near C. R. & P. R. R. Depot, 2\-m JUIO^VILLE, IOWA. KEEKFE & HEBERLIMO. About Clothing FOR THE The Cheap Cash Fall and Winter. STORE or Baxter & Piigh Our fall and winter Roods arc all new, full »-id '"'"Kbt for eauh as low an the lowest mi'.'"f er 'w 'f?*" r ul ' ,lc ,,10M ' i:ood« at a very vaiali maiKiu. \> ill give .vim bargains in quality aud it the hard times. l adies w il l lind the latest styles of drew goods pri- I and line CIO^HT., ARVLXS AXVA. xr^mx- •WM# At astonkhinKly low prices. Soots, Shoes, Ba is & Caps At Hottom i'xicus. We make a xpeeialty of Carpets and OWctottis, ^"i ?" N '' c.isl, i.nrt li:>>, is m n:e moneT inThel i 'i 1K u' U i s for ,ll< ' liiMM-ai patronage ; "• Hn, t •'l^lltioli to b>ui- K 11 >"" r iiitcr,--'t to continue We arid exii "iV lU " "" r ,r " " ,ls Pnl.lle to call i xinnte u\ir gou<l>! i>r «am«p vf Awhii W. BAXTliH ^ Puoa. Kvcrybody will admit that times are hard and money scarce. There was a failure in some of the crojwi, and we feel a little poor, BUT CLOTHING WE MUST HAVE AND J. B. Cohn, West Side Public Square, _ KNOXVILLE, Ha* bia stoie chuck full of it and wilt sell it at prieeit no low THAT A UTTLE MONEY WILL GO A 600D WAYS, Men's, Boy's and Children's Hals and cap., ail *4, ' -ijiV' nibble, rrunks'aiiil Vatises iiloves ani*Mlt«. < •ouie.jwul ao&Jar yourselves, so " atf Is"'.., *• B °° HN HEADQUAETERS FOB ALL KIKXMB OP BIHII*., Hcnis Made and IaporteiF Special Atteaticn Paid to Ofdered hi MANUFACTUKKRS op Patent Breakfast Table anihm Tray Combined. •Ml III) A Full Lise c! liki Ik FOR SALE CHEAP. Works on Main Stroet, near Ohra tian Church. KNOXVILLE, - - IOWA REMEMBER THE PLACE. 2125tf WEYRICH & SON RAILROAD LUMBER TARS. Pine Lumber of all kinds on bams ana moro coming daily, besideafin» stock of Shingle* Lath, Pickets Doors, Blinds a®4 Glazed Sash. We will seU si Lowest Competition Prices AND Ghuuwtfec Satisfaction. Yard Nsareit Depot Knoxrille, IW* 24tf Bellamy * i* 1 JOHNATHAN JONES, Doing Business with ADAMS & ELBREME EXi• HHN;.;e Bnililing. l'ni'.n CbJ-caero, Ullaxoi*- W-W Please consign to June*, Ad«»»* : S s 5 QSfcs-j t'- f effp: s r- n < t ^ * 4 2 5" °T r> 3 » ^ - fit *>1 r f * s ' 5 * :U gee . Ly f-c'fLHs-r ' .'CT eC."|.s 1^"* W -^1 fkrA e.S*-,| SSSS^ 555 * > H OC rt v 2-1 ^2 •S8SS*=S- a '"
Page 1: fiHolmes Mrs Isabi' - Chronicling AmericaHi" U'.', if.-.' w %>:. mxville Journal. -y HUOXVilXK, J AVIARY 31. 1877. and Miscellaneous. X/OCAL items oil fir*t 1^-fa- SW-IM. [Board


U ' . ' ,




mxville Journal.


HUOXVilXK, J AVIARY 31. 1877.

and Miscellaneous.

X/OCAL items oil fir*t 1^-

fa- SW-IM.

[Board of Supervisor. » witb<l««F of

Ibis resignation.

JABIUS E. NKAJ., formerly of tW»

place vu defeated i» ,l!® ia*i-Member raoe for the Kannas Sen** .

THE BK8T brand#*? queeusware are kept at Kruct A »outl. .Me of

square Call ami examine prices.

DR 3- T. FBKN<'" lias been by tbe Board of Hupervisors as Phys­ician to the County Paw House- t*l-ary fW per year.

l)IEn,Jan24tt..at«,e ™ father, in Franklin to»»*>>' »,, thU, county, HKNBV , »O» *>T J'""'*1 >

ONKU, afii 'D 15 year* «-u«n<rer KEMon.cn.-KeV.TI**. B•1,eDge* ,

UainmlM. of D.W00M, at the Chrjslisn rbape! next Bund**, 28th Inst., at 2:30 p. ci.

M-nn.Kr», JanT -'I.t. !«", b/ ^ Rogers, J. P. Indiana U>*n*nlP« *B-KDW AKU WAV*A* to MIKS MARTHA

BiTiik, all of tbifl county.

BeusF Society •* < ourt Hou#« Friday ereotnf. *o e*d officer* ami cotumlM*** All «•«•-vitwl to *U«od.

WIIXH. STF.WIKT, U»« «**« music man, known in Knox Till*, WM marrt<*D K«* Year tre to MMS

I Ihtrir H«UMI <•' Monroe.

WM- BAUJIIM>, at*4 el*bty

died at bit bom* in I Dion township. tbta county. l**t Friday. Tb« *g*J f«U««wu» l»rM the r*»r^| «f.j )o^ of bis n»ifhi**** »oa »« «tthib bit circle of ar»|uaint*nf*«.

MR. year*.

Job* GAMHi.v, pou of oar towusmao «* tb* *•*»" name, ta In tb* oly for a two-wf«*ks v»»it. He i»a cttir«& of Wyoming Territory, where be ha. for several years been •ngnftd to milting.

A SBKIRH of meetings at Uie t'hri«-tlan Chapel in thin city logins thi* evening. Kid. Hlckey, of Albiy, will aMist the pastor In tb« conduct of the meetings next week.

DIED, Jan. 23, at the home of her son, Pfeymoar Collins, near tbls city Mrs EMXABBTK COLLI**, aged 01

years. Deoeased waaatep-mother of Messrs

A. W. and 8. L. Collins, and moth.' of Mrs. R. H. Underbill, of this city

BIKTII-OAY K r i d ' U i M A s u r p r i s e party was presented yesterday at th home of Mrs. Mary Magec, in thin city in honor of Mrs. Margaret 31 Meeken, Mrs Ma^ee's mother, on the occasion of the Kid aiinniversary of ber birth. Tbe venerable lady wan very agreably surprised by * large party of friend*.

VAN BKNNKTT can no mow JIV* three mouths out of the ne»fpftj'«r busiiu-SN than a fifth can live HO IOIIK

out of water, lie began his editorial <-ar«er in this city, subsequently ran liis machine at Petla aud Ottumwa, thin Htate, then in two or thren Kan •as towfts, then in Texas, then again Jii Kaunas, and is now shoving bis I>eiiio< ratic black-lead at Webb City, llistfouri.

TUB Knoxville lielief Kociety will Bieet at the Couit lionet- Friday even log of this week to elect oflloers and Oouiinittees for tbe ensuing year. All 4liti/«iiH male and ft-nial<'are invited il> atteml au<i partii-ipMte ill thr pro 4ec<ling». Tim ieuu ini|M>rtaiit mutter, and should receive tiie attenlion of all Who are dis|HMed to keep the needy,

BOKUKTTK ('o»i i N«.-- A rrangeinenlf l|ave l>een made by Messrs. Kinkead 0 Klliott, iet>«esH of the Opera hall, Ulth Mr. Kolwrt J. Hurdotle, of tbe Burliugtoii H<nfk-for the deliv­ery by thai gentleman of his famous Lecture, "The Rise and Fall of the Moustache," in this city on the eve­ning of Feb. 8th. It is safe to any Ifcat Mr. Burdette will be greeted with lull bouse.

ANOTHKK PI.—Tbe Knoxville JoTHNAb came to us last week with tbe first page blank, the result of a rape breaking and letting tho form foil Into the pre™ rooui from the sec­ond story of their office. Thix is the eoooud of the kind in two weeks. All printers know how to «jrrnpwU»Uw' With them in such a case, for they bav«* aii "U*en thar." Get a iog-obaiu.boys, or quit putting in aucb heavy editorials.—Pilla l\Uub'.

Sheriff Crozier'i Defen*. The attempted escape of the ace®*"

treasury robbers, Brannon and Harris, at Albia, which we mentioned laat week, to commented upou by Uie

IThcmocrati , „

8HBKIKF ClWJZIKIt AND HIH »AK-DKiiKits.—In tb. !«.» le»ue of Hi. JorKXAi. of this city, appeared an ar­ticle written by the editor of that pa­per, reflecting upon HLerifTC'rozier, in relation to the attempted escape o Bran nan and Barcua at Alhia

The cast as we understand it ftom Mr. Ken worthy, the attorney, Sherttr (.'rosier and his deputies, is this.

After arriving at Albia, and wbi « waiting for the eastern train, quarter* were token at the hotel. Brannon and Barcus were placed under the control of John Kobinson and Urn. Hendrix, both Repui>licans, hut „o,.l,yBM.tlen.en.for.lUh«,Sb."fr Crozier taking charge of Mw» *»*<>

dew. . _ Whilst waiting for the train, Bheritr

Itobb, of Lucas county, called in. and indulged In conversation with Hberiff C'ronier, who occupie-1 the parlor with bis charge. The other two officer*, with Hraunon and Barcua, occupying

rooms up stairs. It seems that Mr. Kenwortby, tbe

attorney of tbe male prisoners, de­sired a private conversation with his clients and asked for that privilege of their guards. This fact was reported to tbe HberifT, who agreed to it at the hmdc time cautioning bis deputies to keep a sharp look out. The prisoners »< re permitted to go into the room of Kenwortby, tbe depotiei etandiug yaUide in the hall.

Af:*r a short time, Brannon came ,vu cuira with his shackles off, and aa raet at tbe foot by Crozier with

drawn revolver, and forced back. From Ihia circumstance, tbe Jom-

.NAJ. !m1ulg«a in the ooaraeet abuse of Croiier.

Our readers will bear wttneea that we have never attempted to defend the shortcoming or unlawful conduct of any officer. We believe that every man elected to offloe should do bin Juty. In regard U> the unjust and unmaoly flgbt against tbe men elected by the Orange to office, waged by the JofKKAL, aud that too, without truth or fairness, we have, perhaps, bwn too quiet. But so fur us J^beriJl (,'n>xier is concerned, although lie may not.lie possessed of ail the qualities that i* requisite for a successful Hher-ifi'; he has an honesty that cannot be impeached. And all cowardly and mean slurs, such as those contained in tbe JOI RNAL, can not bt»t meet with tbe condemnation of every fair uian.

A HTABTMNO Tumi.—'Thousand* die annually from neglected coughs and colds, which soon ripen into con­sumption or other equally fatal dis-ea»*3« of the lungs; when by tbe time­ly use of a single bottle of Dr. H. I>. Howe's Arabian Milk Cure, relief and enriches tbe blow!, acts directly upon permanent cure is often effected. The Milk Cure, while it possesses all the virtues of Cod Liver Oil, can I* retained upon the stomach without nauseating. Hold by Ardery it Rob­erts, Druggist.

Ar<ir>ENTs Jaud ilMuck will some" Mines occur in a printing office as well as elsewhere. By an accident last week our lirnt-page form was "pied" on tbe way from tbe composing room in the second story to the press room in the basement. Tbe extent of such a misfortune just at the hour when the paper must go to press in order to reach the out-going trains, it is diffi­cult for any but a printer to appreciate. To set up the "pi," distribute it in the cases aud then set it up again in the order in which It was before the accident, involved the handling three limes of each particular typo. In our first-page form are about loo,(Mi type*. To handle each of these types separ­ately three times would require tiie active labor of a fast printer about fight days. Hence wo could not re­pair the Hccident and give our readers their usual four pages in time. We did the best we could under tbe cir-•iimstaiices, by placing Iho local page

on the press, utid printing it, leaving (lie editorial and general news page blank, tbe second and third page* haviug already beeu printed. Togeth­er with our usual news and editorial.*, an interesting column of local matter, rowded upou the ilrsl page, went in­

to pi and oblivion. The explanations, hie our readers and ourselves, we

>uld not stop to make last week after the accident, and henco present them now. Such a misfortune we hope may not befall the JOIJKNAI. again or years. Two such In one month are erlainly enough to satisfy editors and iiinters, if not readers.

MB, JAMES BRUXJEN, aboft 34 years of age, died of consumption at lite home six miles east ofthi* place yesterday morning. His disease, as we learn, was* a result of a cold taken white dragging the Des Moines rivei for the body of young Hannan, of the eame neighborhood, drowned last fpinmer. Mr. Bridgen was lo-ld in ffcry high esteem in the community.

EI,KCTISD."-There wen- CM ten-cent f»tes cast at .the Charity Hop at tbe ^emout House last Friday night, ail to decide wbo should be bouored With tbe presentation of a handsome ibina tea set of 54 pieces, provided by (A* ladiee for the occasion at the ebarity price of $10. The selling price at tbe store was $15, but Messrs JCendig A Btunop let it go for the ben •Jit of the poor, at a reduction. Mrs James Oillaspy, tbe fortunate lady, re­ceived the award by about 100 major! ty, the announcement of which result was received with joyous applause by

company present. A cause of greatest rejoicing, however, upon the part «f all, was the china brought in $0 HwiMMPPfy the poor the hand

uet 0f * *utu

*0&ai<Mtt to purchase blanket*, shoe*, UnrOlfj1 coal to make several needy

imiUm s;'%, v


TV -' -*P' -•* ^ " v-yu*-u.


TN^ Attempted Escape «t '

The Keokuk which be­fog a Democratic paper, cannot be ac­cused of IUi«representation with in­tent to lujure Hberiff Croaier, gives this version of the story:

Barkis, and Braunan aud Mi*s Eliza Flanders, arested for the robbery of the treasury of Marlon county, were taken from tbe penitentiary at Fort Madison, where they have beeu confined for safe keeping last week to Knoxville. for presen­tation before the grand jury, there in cession, and for a preliminary hear­ing-

The grand jury found a bill against them, but the prisoners, through their counsel, demanded futher time for heating, which was granted, and tbe defendants were placed on the train for Albia, from whence they were to be taken to Fort Madison, to be again lodged in tbe |>euiteutiary. Tbe counsel for the prisoners, Mr. Kenwortby, met them at Albia on Thursday night, where they were obliged to wait until 1:15 Friday morning for the east bound C. B. A (4-train.

The ptu'ties, in charge of tbe Bher-ifl or Marion county and two guards, ensconced themselves in a hotel at Albia, and a priv:ue interview was requested by Kenwortby, counsel for Barkis and Brsnnan, which was granted by the HherifF, and the three proceeded to a private room, leaving Miss Flanders, the Sheriff aud two gusrds in the parlor.

After a short conversation, Barkis and Branuan, wbo were handcuffed aud shackled together expressed a de­sire for a smoke. Tho attorney re­marked that be had some cigars in bis valise, and obligingly descended tbe stairs to get them.

When he returned to tbe room be found a prisoner on each side of tbe door with a handcuff iu either band, and as Mr. K. entered, they addressed him and told him "that the only tiling that stood between them and lilierty"' was himself.

Kenwortby begged and plead with Barkis and Branuan not to make their escape f/i*;re--he was their attorney, aud if they got uway, ho couldn't prove to the people but what he was au accessory—the people would mob him, etc.

It was an exciting scene for awhile, the men seeing their liberty, tbe at-torny seeing ruin staring him in the facd if they should escape.

His eloquence Anally prevailed, after allowing Branuan, who is only indicted as an accessory, to go down stairs wlotie and get his hat.

Of course the attorney supposed this would be the last be would see of Brannan, but it was'nt. He pro­ceeded down stairs, got his hat, walk­ed back to tiie room, tbe men were re-shackled, aud Friday, were safe­ly re-lodged in the penitentiary.

J. F. WAI'UH'S. north side Public Bquare, for 4 II s good «offee for $1.

T)FAT» LETTRII LIHT. Letters ad­dressed as iielow are now in the Post Office at Knoxville, Marion Co., Iowa, aud if not claimed in 30 days will be sent to tho Dead Letter Offlco. When calling for any of these letters please soy '• Advertised," and give the date of this paper: Black Miss Kmma Burges J W ltowdi*h P W—0 Churchill FlttBiy Crawford W J Duncan Kob't Donnelly Kdward JDouahuc Patrick DavidNon John Kalk Jolin <irifilth Truman Harvey O \V Irwin Mrs F J Loyd John .Nelson Tilda Patrick Mrs T Robinson Juh II Schaofmeyer Aug Strong Wm Wells Mrs Hophia Wilson A M.


Dufflcid K<-v J M (ireen Willard C Harris B C Holmes Mrs Isabi'

firwill (ieo luiiHon A L >lney Wm-I titchey Mis* Ella

Itiimel J II Bhaff A T Thorn ton Rutanna Weir MrsHarah

NOTICE.—-All persons receiving a monthly statement of their account will save trouble by making a settle-uieut immediately.



Mori', the DemoaruCs Peila cor respondent, says: "A fellow by the nam* of C'ou. Versteeg, a bat-eyed "boon, and a regular champion of

meanness, was arrested by deputy Sheriff Lee last Friday on a charge made against him by his own hughter, that be had smashed in all f the windows of bis son-iu-law'»

residence. 'Hqnire Neyenescli gave a full-doze of justice- thirty duys im­prisonment. This is the sumo chap who hires out two of bis grown up and unmarried daughters, and then goes out monthly to collect their wagen to the ia*t cent, leaving them nothing to purchase clothing with, and cyuae-<iucritly in a destitute condition."

THUMB Now.-Kruck & Ely bare just, recei ved a large i n voice of Queens-ware which they are selling at bottom prices. Call aud see. 46tf

H. W. PALMRK, at tba Blue Front, South side Public Bquare, has now in store a splendid stock of new goods comprising an unuwually large asHort-nieiit of dry goods, notions , ix>nts and shoes, hatH and ea|>s. Anything you may want In these lines will be found at Palmer's and at fair prices. Tbe Isdies go there for their dress goods and trimruiugs, for line shoe*, guiters substantial winter shoes, children' shoes, for their due gloves, hosiery and everything required for modern fashionable toilet. The gentlemen find there also what they want for an outfit for winter, for themselves and tbe family. Tbe Blue Front is a good place for trade. Take our word for it once and gin Palmar a trial*, i

* V

Is'NT it about time the officials who haudled the money and notes given by our citxens in aid of the A. K. & D. Railroad should make a report of their doings, and amounts subscribed, low expended, what tbe present cou-lition of the concern -solvent or in­

solvent, whether its debts are paid, whether any balance remains in the treasury, how much, ets., for the in-

rmation of the people who have a right to know? We do not ask this luestion with any intention or desire

arouse suspition that something bus beeu goiug wrong nor to reflect in tbe least upon any of the A. K. & I). Officer.* or Directors or any person onnected witli the concern, but be-ause we tbiuk the public are eutitled

to full information upon the subject. The publication of au official state-mi ue to all concerned.

Do Nor FOHOKT to call at Kruck & Ely's, on south side of Bquare, where is kept tiie largest and cheapest stock of groceries of all kinds, queensware, glassware, chiuuware, table cutlery, etc., at prices lower than ever before.

WKDIIOCK.—'tiince our last week's report the Clerk baa issued marriage licence to Tbos B Newell Catharine Metz John !•' Boat Maria Scott Alex McMillan Amy Mulkey Fdmuno Wagman. Martha Half# (Jco M Smith Sarah McOrew John F lianiug Melissa Huttrey A X Heed F.ditli Harp DC Beard L J Parsons - r , , • U H Richards Bell Huut

Death of ex-Sheriff Hanks. Gaptaiu R. L. liauks, formerly of

thte place, died at bis borne near El­gin, Chautauqua county Kansas, on the30ihof last month, as we learn from the Chautauqua Journal, pub­lished at Scdau, in thatcouuty, which iu editorial comment, eays: "Squire Hanks was an exemplary man, and his death will lx> a loss to the com­munity."

From the paper abova named we elip tls* fallowing:

FCEI»AN, KANSAS, \ January 1st, 1817. j

On tbe announcement of the death ofCnpliau K. L. Hanks, fwhode|«rt-ed this life .Saturday morning, Dec. ;iOtb a goodly unrulier of the citizens of Chautauqua county met at Uie court house lu Sedan to express their regards and esteem for, and cou-dole with the bereaved family in the loss of their relative and valued friend.

On motion, Judge C. C. Tompkins was called to the chair, and W. W. Jones secretary.

Touching eulogies upon the integ­rity, honor, aud tne sterling worth of Captain Hauks; its well as a touching sketch of bis life aud services as sold­ier for his country, having served with honor in the war with rnexioo, aud our late rebeiion.< were given by John Lee, Judge Tompkins. Rev. J. 1). McBrlan, H. B. Kelly, Dr. E. B. Hibbard, M. B. Light, and others.

On motion, J. I>. McBrian, John Lee aud H. B. Kelly were appointed committee on resolutions.

Committee retired, and on return­ing rejxjitcd tins following which were unanimously adopted, as the feeling of the meeting.

WHKKKAS, Iu the providence of Ood. our esteemed friend and Broth­er It. L. Hank*, has been removed from our mid*! by the resistless baud of death, and,

Wii KKKAB, we deem it not improp­er to give expression to our deep felt sorrow and boreavment in this sore uMliction in this dispensation of Him wiio w orketh all things after the coun­sel of bis own will. Therefore He-solved,

1st. That it is the sense of this meet­ing that in tho death of R. L. Hanks the community iu which he lived have xu*tained an irreparable loss.

2d. That his neighbors have lost a valuable ami esteemed friend, and that in their circles and association the counsel, advice, encouragement and presence of R. L. Hanks, will be sadly missed.

:ird. That the county has sustained a serious loss of one or its appreciated members.

4th. That ve deeply sympathize with the bereaved family and rela­tives of the deceased, and tender to them our warmest sympathy and con­dolence, and in this sad allliction we commend them to Him who tetnper-etli the wind to the shorn lamb, and who alone can take care of the dis­consolate aud broken hearted.

.r>th. That we will ever fondly cherish the memory of our friend and brother, whose life has been au ex­ample worthy of our imitatton.

0th. That a copy of these resolu­tions lie furnished the Chautauqua Journal, the Chautauqua A ' turn, nnd the Cedar Vale Jilmtr, of this county, and the Knoxville JOTKNAI., and the Marlon County Jtemocrat, of Marion county Iowa.

J. I). M< BRIAN, ) JOHN LEK, [Com't®. 11. B. KKI.I.Y. )

No farther business the meetiug adjourned with much solemnity.

W. W. J (INKS, Hcc'jr. C. C. TOMTKINS, Chni'ii.

UNHIVAI.KD Co I 'OH BY HUP, for aoute and chronic coughs, bronchi­tis, infleuuza, asthma and consump­tion in its incipient stages. Prepared t.y I)K. COFFIN, Knoxville.


THODftAMiMi of men and woman auf-fering from Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, und broken down constitu­tions generally, have been perfectly restored to health during tiie past year by using Dr. B. I>. Howe's Ara bian Tonic Blood Purifier. It hup plies tiie lost wastes, cleanses and tiie Liver, Kidneys, and Urinary or gaus, and builds a man right square up. Bold by Ardery and Roberts,

" <*r I+99 |OruggW»

a fiat

de It brains

'' * i ' '• •

C r u l t '

GKKAT AOOIIIKNT.—Tba bottom has fallen out of the prices of Glass A Queensware at Kruck A Ely's.

. . --—_mm**. •

THE Democrat this week comes to the rescue of Bherifl' Croziers with a defense, to which we cheerfully give place in our columns to-day. Wc iiave no disposition to engage in acoti-troversy witli tbe Dmiocrnl in refer­ence to the record, conduct or charac­ter of Sheriff Crozier, and no wish to injure the latter in any respect' But a few words in reply may not bo re­garded out of plaoe.

Whether the deputies, who were apparently at fault as much as the Hberiff, are Republicans or Democrats, is of no consequence, as this is not a party matter except so far as the Dem­ocrat makes it such. In the first place M r. ('rozier should have learned by ex­perience not to trust such prisoners en­tirely to the cure of Deputies w hen he could just as well iiave kept them un­der hi.* own sight. lie should not have agreed that the prisoners might be allowed to go into u room with an attorney and without auy other guard. If tho deputies kept u "sharp look out" as instructed, aud were standing outside the door in the ball, as assert­ed, how did Branuan get "down stairs with his shackles off," as tbe Democrat affirms, without the kuowiedge or interference of the dep­uties? Can the Democrat explain? If Mr. Crozier was in the parlor with Miss Flanders and Sheriff Robb, how did it happen that he met Branuan at tbe foot of the stairs in the hall, with drawn revolvers? Will the Democrat explain? If the Hberiff and bis dep­uties did their full duly how did Brannan get down stairs with his shackles oil', aud so nearly approach libelty? Will tbe Democrat explain? If the Bherifl' wa» remiss in duty in such an inprortaut matter, is not bis conduct a fair subject of news­paper criticism? Will tbe Democrat auswer?

The Democrat has always made pretense of a desire that all officials of It's own as well us the "radical"1

party should be held to a strict and merciless accountability for their con­duct and the strict performance of all the public duties. Now it squirms aud wriggles like a wounded reptile under its own lash, aud while fram­ing lame excuses for a notoriously in­competent official of its own choosing, blames the JOURNAL for stating the facts, ade endeavors to shift its share of the responsibility of Crozier's elect-Ion upou tbe Orange. True, tbe Orange party, with tbe Democrat's

active assistance, did elect Mr. Crozier to office near four years ago, and the Demwrat aud a large majority of its party applauded.

Two years later, when Mr. Crozier's uuiitness for tbe office had been fully demonstrated, the Democrat and its party re-elected him aud became his sponsors. He is theirs now, and they must not, after adopting him, hold the Orange to account for his last election and his failures in tiie performance of duty.

The JOCKNAT. 1ins not utilised Mr. Crozier, nor impugned liis honesty. If he has a desire to his duly why has its not done it? Tiie desire it not suf­ficient. Performance ia required, if Mr. Cwitr and Uie Democrat dbooM

to answer the above question* in a fair nnd candid manner, omitting Its usual vile epithets and Irrelevant ami un­truthful assertions sga&ist the Jot K-*AI. Mr. Crozier shall still receive respectful treatment and no further

accusations from ^ tdioud be followed op in the spirit In Which it is opened by Mr. C's organ this week, the people shall hear fur-

HHWT revelations.

Very Useful to Every «•* In no other way can a perifrB get

back so large a profit for a very ltt 0

money, as to expend it learning to do,»chen to do it, aud how to —iu other words, to have his belp his hands. Here is one way to do this: The small saving or extra production of less than half a cent a day. or three cents a week, will now procure a large, beautiful, cheap journal, for all of 1877, splendedly Il­lustrated, with 600 fine original en­gravings, aud over a thousand col­umns of the very best, plain, practio-al, trustworthy information aboat the every day in-door and outdoor work and comfort of every home, in Country, Village, and City. This in­formation is not prepared by mere scribblers, but by a large force ofln-telligcnt working men and women, who know what they write about, and they are assisted by many others, wbo furnish information from their own practice and observation. Kucha journal is the A mcrican AgrictdturM, wo named because started 35 years ago as a rural journal, but since gieat-ly enlarged and improved to suit the daily wants of every man, woman and child iri Country, City, nnd Village— for tiie fanner, and gardner, the merchant and mechanic, the profes­sional man-Indeed all classes. It la packed full of useful information that every one ought to have. Many single hints and suggestions will re­pay more than a whole year's cost of the papor. Its original engraved plans for buildings and improvements with details of cost, etc., aud common-rense directions, are worth far more than a majority of the costly works on architecture. Great care is exorcised to have every liuo in tho paper relia­ble. Its persistent, and full exposure of a multitude of humbugs and swind­les, are alone worth far more than its cost, and have saved to its readers and to the country millions of dollars that would gone into the hands of the sharpers- Tho department for houskeepers and children are very useful and entertaining. In short, the American Agriculturist is full of good things, and ought to be In every house In the land. The circulation is so large that the publishers can sup­ply it at a little above the cost of the printing paper—or $1.00 a year, sent post-paid; or four copies $5.40. Take our advice and send your subscription for 1877 (Vol 80) to OUANMK Jtnn> COMPANY, 245 Broadway, New York. You will find it pay, and pay well.

ROCKAFKM-OW A GKKKNII1!B arc selling the Grimes Wagon lower than any other llrst class wagon in the market. 2tf

Money to Loan. On real estate security by Erwln A

Burnett, offi ce over Pos tofice. 28tf

' "Crimes Wagon." One of the very best in the market

—warranted for two years. Call and see them at 2tf ITOCKAKEIJIJOW A GRERNLBB'B.


side of Square. at Wolfs, north


'Vis Editor* Testimony." : OmcK OF THK IN'I Kll-OCKAK, )

cnn Atio, June -7, is7::. j B*. STBWART D. HOWE—Dear Sir:

A few days since I was attacked by something like pneumonia, suffered great pain, with oppression in breath­ing and general prostration. I deci­ded to lest the efficacy of your remedy known as Arabian Milk Cure and Ara­bian Tonic. The Milk Cure gave im­mediate relief to my respiratory or­gans, causing me to expectorate freely and lifting a great weight from my lungs. I have also used the tonic somewhat with good results. Your medeclnes have in my casos brought such speedy relief that I take great pleasure iu recommending them to all who may be similarly affiicted. Wishing you every success in bring­ing your valuable remedies before the public, lam truly yours.


This Gentleman is well known in Iowa. Bold by Ardery A Roberts, Druggists. ,

All accounts made before Jan. 1st, 1877, are now past duo, and I expect all customers to come iu at onue aud settle, either by cash or note.

3Stf D. T. COATS.

Chicago Market, ruicAmfc Jpatfc

Kftlr to choice abtppsw.. Mocker* Hutcher*'

HOMri-I.It'llt weight!. Heavy weightf.


.13 7-. 8 fiu % ?•'.

JI" tw

1 tfl NV '? Iteit'isted

COKN -ll mix«d, new-..., NO. I...M KejPOtSd

HATH— No. ... RcjeeU-il

ftNOKVILLE MARKET. CorrtA U d Weekly by CaUteui t A Bel­

lamy : W beat—old W heat—new t)ats ...............fct C '(irn ...... Rye..

Bait, fresh, |>er bbl Hides—green slaughtered...

" cured " dry flint, " dry salted

Tallow Sheep pelts MiArelfatieom—Corrected by

ft Hon- tfr (Jreenlce.

2(1 Bull fr..*..*M„..*«...»..M.«*„.»i« is Lard 12} @ lft Beeswax go <§ 25

Farna lar Sale. The Bates farm, situated within }

of a mile of the Rock Island de|»ot, Is now ottered for nale. 'Mils is a splen­did farm, comprising l.r»o acres under­laid with coal, aud iu a high state of cultivation, lias au orchard of 200 bearing apple trees. For particulars, as to terms etc., inquire of 34 tf T. J. ANDKHHON,


SSfi 85)4 17

90 ©1 20 80 @ 00 18 0 i'i

.'{0 70

3oo 64 7"i

10 8 0

25 @ GO Jtocka•

Marob 24,16W. Agent.

Beferee'a Sal«. Notice is hereby frlven that InJJWJ

Miarn-e of an order of the lUsuj^t Ceert of the State of Iowa in and for Marion county made at the term thereof A. D. 16<« .in a ca-t-therein pending; wherein Hinnm Ibiiiing is plaintiff and Andrew Shilling etal are defendants, the ,un-. designed referee? were duly ed bv said Court in said ca*e, will <>.-for for «ale at public auction to the i hiuhest bidder on the premises in Polk township in said county on the 34th day of February A. D. 18", at 10 o'clock a. in- The following describ­ed property to-wit: •

The north-west quarter of the north-cast quarter of Section 18 Township 6 IS' of Range IU west, in Varum

county Iowa. . ,„ Terms of Sale.—One third cash in

band; balance, in one aud two years from date of sale, in equal pay men tf

Pefered prvments to draw interi-.->ii at the rate of ten per cent per anuumi, form date, and to ba secured by motf* csec on re: 1 estate sold.

WM. BI-AIN, I JACOI: W EST, > Referee's.

1-:. B. RUCKMAN, J January oth 1877.


Original Nolle#. To P. U iitiltcrfield.

You are notified, that a petition of; Parsons. Lytle & Seaman is now oifr file in the office of the Clerk of tlnjt Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, and for Marion county, claim­ing of you the sum of Sixty Dollars on book account, and for work ami labor done for you by the plaintiffs in the years 1S75-0 and that your proper­ty hiis been attached to secure sold claim.

And that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the March term, A. D. 1877, of said Court, which will commence on the 'dh day of March, A. D. 1877, de­fault will be entered against you and Judgment rendered thereon.

Clark & CUOZIEK, 34-87 Plaintiff's Attorneys.

fifegal Notice. TIO WHOM IT MAY ( O.\( T.ltK:

Notice is hereby given that tbairc is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the (,'ircnit Cotirt of Marion county, Iowa, an instrument in wri­ting pu rporting to be the Ja.st will and testament of Bailey F. Bell, deceased, which will come on for hearing on the lirst day of the next March term of said Court, commencing on Mon­day, the Mb day of March, 1877, at which time and place all persons in­terested may be heard.

Dated at Knoxville, January 18, 1877. ' " ALLEN HAMUK IC,

.14-86 Clerk Circuit Court.

Original Notlce.|

SHATJS OF IOWA, T Marlon Connty. J


THOMAS FOSTER. To Thoman Foatcr:

You are hereby notified, that there is now on tile in theofllceof the Clerk of the District Court in and for Marion county, and State of Iowa, a complaint in the above entitled case made by one Lydia McDuff charging that you are tiie father of an illegiti­mate male child, born to her on the 12th day of November, 1870, und ask­ing that you be compelled to main­tain said child, In such sums as the Conn shall deem sufficient.

A ad that unlesss you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of tho May Term, A. D. 1877, of said Court, which commences on the 7th day of May, A. D. 1877, default will be entered against you and judg­ment reudered thereon.

Bigued this4th day of January, 1877. GEO. \V. LAM KKTY,

32-35 District Attorney.

Original IVotine.

To Sarah A/tn, formerly Sarah Ann

liickabaufjh, Adam Jiic/ca/xiwjh,

datharine /iickabaitdhjr.,and Irena

Jti< k(t0au<jhjr. ct at

You are hereby notified, that a peti­tion of Geo. W. Frauks is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Cir» ouit < 'ourt of the State of Iowa, in and for Marion County, claiming of you a deed of conveyance of the south-east quarter of the south-west quarter of section thirty-two (82) in township seventy-seven (77) N. of range twenty (20) west of the 5 P.M. iu Marioa county Iowa, and asking that the plaintiffs title to said laud be quieted, perfected and declared Absolute and perpetual as against you aud all per­sons claiming by, through or under you.

And that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the March term, A. D. 1877, of said Court, which will commence on theolh day jof March A. D. 1877, de­fault will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.

BTONE A Ayhks. 31-84 Plan tiff's Alt's.


G.£. corn ELL


Supply Store, la conned ion with th® Post Oflieo at

FLjSLGLEB. ' Ami w-litiU tUc Unilc of Miner* tutti Xartncft tu

the vicinity. (it?e htm a call, mxl lie will soil jrou good* at

• Knoxville price*. a»-S9tf


r| *: 14





Dry Goods,


Soots & Shoes,

Groceries, etc"



- O U T








Cait Side Square, Knoxville. nn



KNOXVILLE, IOWA. Tr. •.iir «isinu-roii-; friomls ami patrons we winh

to r< 1111 N l*> von nnuiv IIIHH ks 1 <»r paM tuvors ftinl solUitii.K your further orders for any thing in o u r l i n e . . . . . r

Having recently rebuilt the Hawkcyc Iron Works which was destroyed by fire, hare built large ami cusamodiouff buildings, located more convenient for shifping, Added more and heav­ier machinery of c\ery kind united to work In our line.

\y. . i . to do

BETTER WORK anil on shorter nonce than ever beluic.

Wc use none but first-class material*, ana employ tirst clHss workmen. Our inotto i«:

"We Strive to Please," And nothing <-li;i!l !>•' omitted that can enhance the enviable reputation already earned by our establishment as the

Leading Iron Works of the


We bare a vetya*tensive atoek of Pattens for

Steam Engines, MslI Machinery, Gearing,

Pulleys, Hangers, Box­es Couplings, Boiler Fronts, and Grate


Architectural k Works.

Parti, cow 11 mi i j • lining building and \rlshing Iron Fronts, Window Cap9 and Sills,

Sash Weights, Water Tables, Wrought Iron Vault Doors,

Anchors, Railings, Etc., Will advance their interests by addressing US,as

we are especially preparcd'lor such work.

COAL COMPANIES ran lie Mipplicd u itli

Car Wheels, Axles, Etc.,

on Short Malice.


Bowls, Sacks, Grates, ait,

Wrought Iron Pipe and i-uioi1'iping fitted on KkortuoUee,I

we have a full assortment of tools for fitting pipe of all fiizea.

BRASS GOODS $VGii ui> Globe l/alves, Steam Coch§, Set

Cocks, Guage Cocks, Safety Valve%

Check Valves, Steam Guages,

Water Guages, Steam

Whistlet, Etc.

Rubber and Leather Belting, Lace

JUftlher Gum Packing, Station

Pump Packing, Etc.

We also handle Hoofing Materials for flat Boob, Also Building Kelt to line your dwellings

aud keep von warm: likewise Fire­proof I'aint for tin roofs.

Works Near C. R. & P. R. R. Depot,



About Clothing


The Cheap Cash Fall and Winter.



Baxter & Piigh

Our fall and winter Roods arc all new, full »-id '"'"Kbt for eauh as low an the lowest

mi'.'"fer 'w 'f?*" rul' ,lc ,,10M' i:ood« at a very vaiali maiKiu. \> ill give .vim bargains in quality aud it the hard times.

l adies w il l lind the latest styles of drew goods pri-

I and line


•WM# At astonkhinKly low prices.

Soots, Shoes, Ba is & Caps

At Hottom i'xicus. We make a xpeeialty of

Carpets and OWctottis,

^"i ?"N'' c.isl, i.nrt li:>>, is m n:e moneT inThel i 'i1Ku'Ui s for ,ll<' liiMM-ai patronage

; "• Hn, t •'l^lltioli to b>ui-K 11 >""r iiitcr,--'t to continue We

arid exii "iV lU" ""r ,r" " ,ls Pnl.lle to call i x i n n t e u \ i r g o u < l > ! i > r «am«p vf Awhii W.

BAXTliH ^ Puoa.

Kvcrybody will admit that times are hard and money scarce. There was a failure in some of the crojwi, and we feel a little poor,


J. B. Cohn,

West Side Public Square,


Ha* bia stoie chuck full of it and wilt sell it at prieeit no low


A 600D WAYS,

Men's, Boy's and Children's

Hals and cap., ail

*4, ' -ijiV'

nibble, rrunks'aiiil Vatises iiloves ani*Mlt«.

< •ouie.jwul ao&Jar yourselves,

so"atf I s " ' . . , * •B °°HN


BIHII*., Hcnis Made and IaporteiF

Special Atteaticn Paid to Ofdered hi


Patent Breakfast Table anihm

Tray Combined.

•Ml III) A Full Lise c! likiIk


Works on Main Stroet, near Ohra tian Church.


2125tf WEYRICH & SON



Pine Lumber of all kinds on bams ana moro coming daily, besideafin» stock of

Shingle* Lath, Pickets

Doors, Blinds a®4

Glazed Sash.

We will seU si

Lowest Competition Prices


Ghuuwtfec Satisfaction.

Yard Nsareit Depot Knoxrille, IW*

24tf Bellamy * i*1

JOHNATHAN JONES, Doing Business with

ADAMS & ELBREME EXi• HHN;.;e Bnililing. l'ni'.n CbJ-caero, Ullaxoi*-

W-W Please consign to June*, Ad«»»*

: S s 5 QSfcs-j t'- f effp: s r- n < t ^ * 4

2 5" °T r>3 » ^ - fit

*>1 r

f * s ' 5 * :U gee . Ly f-c' f L H s - r ' . ' C T

eC."|.s 1^"* W -^1 f k r A e.S*-,| SSSS^555* > H

O C r t v 2 - 1 ^ 2

