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File Name: Introduction to Intentional Breathing In this Activation, whenever you feel worried, anxious or afraid about anything, do this simple process I call intentional breathing. It was given to me when I asked for something that could help me manage my own experiences of worry and anxiety. Deep breathing is so valuable for us in so many ways emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually so there is so much good that can result from doing this and you

File Name: Introduction to Intentional BreathingIn this Activation, whenever you feel worried, anxious or afraid about anything, do this simple process I call intentional breathing.  It was given to me when I asked for something that could help me manage my own experiences of worry and anxiety.Deep breathing is so valuable for us in so many ways emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually so there is so much good that can result from doing this and you have to breathe anyways you can easily use this no matter how little time you may seem to have. You can’t do it wrong so just follow along and then play with it so it feels best for you. I have 5 simple tips to doing this and I will go over that with you now

First... Place your awareness on your mind.

And have the intention to unhook from any thought pattern of worry, doubt, fear, anxiety that you may be having - that is seemingly impacting your peace of mind. You might see or sense an image of a hook being removed from your head. Ask your inner guidance to unhook you from the thought pattern.

Second... Name the thought pattern, and then think of the opposite of that thought. So if you are feeling worried about something set the intention of unhooking from this pattern then breath in deeply while saying to yourself, " I am breathing in peace and breathing out anything less than that. When you breathe out, you are releasing any energy that is less then peace. 

An easy way to remember this is remember the word BOLT you are- breathing in the thought or feeling you want and breathing out anything less than or BOLT so any time you become aware of your breathing or want to shift your energy you can use this word BOLT to breathe intentionally breathing

Third... If you have an overall general sense of worry and concern with a whole lot of thoughts and it is difficult focusing on one thought pattern that is seeming to concern you...Then you can breathe in the essence of what you want to experience in a general way for example the essence of divine solutions to what ever is concerning you or can just focus on breathing in love and breathing out anything less then love, breathing in prosperity and breathing out anything less then that. So breathe in solutions and BOLT breathe out anything less then that..

Fourth… once you feel even a little better you are then more in alignment to attracting solutions. 

and lastly.... Once you are feeling more centered using the intentional breathing.. I suggest you can also breathe in the essences for everyone. i.e. ~ breathing in prosperity and ease for everyone and BOLT- breathe out anything less than that for everyone.

Play with this and create your own. Here are some general statements that may serve you: 

Breath in all is well... then BOLT (breath out anything less than that.); breath in everything for my highest good, then BOLT  (breathe out anything less than that) breath in that I am safe and  then BOLT

You can use this example to get yourself in a place so that you can begin considering activating something better.

I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health peace and prosperity- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Intentional Breathing SessionIn this Activation, we expand on the intentional breathing process and focus on amplifying your power to feel more peace while making a vibrational shift with your breathing in order

to attract more of what you want more easily.

So begin by breathing in and out (count 5). Now focus on one thing that is causing you any stress or anxiety one thought; one situation- Imagine a hook at the top of your head and ask your inner guidance to unhook that hook- Now breathe in the essence you want to activate- breathe in peace and BOLT- Breathe in solutions and BOLT- Breathe in love and BOLT- Breathe in peace and let it permeate through out your whole body enveloping every cell every fiber of your being—and breathe out anything less than that. Imagine light pouring in through out your whole body and filling you with peace- breathe out anything less than that. Feel a sense of calmness and knowing that this will all work out for your highest good some how. Some way- there are divine solutions on the way to you. Breathe out anything less than that. Now allow yourself to imagine anyone anywhere that is feeling these concerns or worries or anxieties to have more peace and

breathe out anything less than that for all… imagine and feel everyone having divine solutions to their concerns and breathe out anything less than that... now just feel that energy being activated that God / Spirit / Source is your supply in all things and BOLT.

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health peace and prosperity- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Create An Inner TempleIn this Activation, we create an inner temple. This is a powerful place where you connect with your highest guidance and transcend any fears, doubts and limiting thought forms. It is also a place where you can allow in more energy of alignment.So begin by breathing in and out (count 5)

then hold the intention that you want to go to your inner temple of sanctuary or retreat whatever word works for you and allow yourself to be there- It can look like anything that pleases you if you like the ocean and the mountains this is your place so you can have both next to each other there are no rules here on what this can look or feel like for you. If you are more visual you may see things if you are more feeling you may just feel it or hear it or just know it – let it be ok however this shows up for you and once you are there you may see a figure or sense one that could be your guide that is here to support you in this experience if you don’t see or feel that or hear it no worries – Now just imagine there is a way to write what you want in some way in this place – you may sense a large white screen or see a pen with a color you like show up and start to write on the side of a mountain or in the sky whatever works for you or feels good and this may change so just go with this. You may see a movie screen and prefer to have the images show up like you are in a movie or watching it just allow it to

be ok whatever happens you cant do this wrong. Now in whatever way works for you imagine or write what you want to create what you need help with- I often will see a purple marker writing on a huge white expanse of the sky like as if there was a section for each area of my life and work sort of like an order pad to the universe and just ask.. don’t filter it or if any thoughts of do I deserve that come up just brush them off you are just playing here... just playing keep it all fun energy and playful…  ohh that would be fun... ohh that would be great... if any thoughts of how could that happen show up just cross them out or let them blow away see what shows up maybe a big delete key will show up  whatever happens it is your own guidance guiding you. Now this is a great place to do some intentional breathing after you are done asking

Just breath in peace- BOLT- Breathe in LOVE BOLT

Breathe in abundance and the knowing that God / Spirit / Source is your supply in all

things. Breathe in absolute health in all ways. Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in prosperity for everyone everywhere BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health peace and prosperity- Have a joy- filled day

File Name: Manifestation ProcessIn this Activation, we expand the inner temple experience… meet your guide and begin the powerful manifestation process.

Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breather in (count 5). Breathe out- Breathe in and out now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place imagine a guide or loving energy is supporting you. That guide is here to help you manifest in this realm and then that can become a solid reality in the 3rd dimensional realm. This is where you play and create so have fun here. We want to imagine a white expanse in some way that you can either write on or use as a screen to imagine things you want to create and today if you can allow yourself to feel the feelings you will have

when you have what you are asking for that will support you in having even more fun so just play- Write down or vision the images of things you want in your health, your finances, your work, your relationships, The skills you want to activate the confidence the ability to handle things in more ease and flow. Whatever that is… and just let go of how that will all come to be- just feel the feeling of it and how you will feel... smile now even if you do not feel like smiling just smile and feel that warmth... if anything comes up like how can this be just smile at it… smile at the energy of the doubt... you may see a big smile covering over it whatever works for you. Now do your intentional breathing. If you are worried about finances Breathe in freedom from financial worries and BOLT.

If you are concerned about health issues – Breath in freedom from worry about health and BOLT. If you are angry with someone… breathe in freedom from anger and BOLT. You can use intentional breathing to activate an essence you want to feel or to activate the

essence of freedom from a troubling energy.. just let whatever works for you be.

SMILE as you breathe in peace SMILE as you BOLT

Breathe in abundance and the knowing that God / Spirit / Source is your supply in all things. Breathe in absolute health in all ways. Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in prosperity for everyone everywhere BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health peace and prosperity- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Divine TeamIn this Activation, we support you to create your inner team while in your inner temple, so you can experience more peace and guidance in practical way, which will better assist you in your life and work.Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breather in (count 5). Breathe out- Breathe in and out now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything

you want and as  you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will. Now once you have activated those energies consider those that have crossed over or are in current physicality here now.

I have people like Ruth Lee and Oprah Winfrey on my team and many other leaders and teachers that have impacted me. I have business leaders and folks that can help me in all ways on my divine team you have no limit to the size of your team just ask for what you want and they are there to support you.So just now see, feel, hear or just know that your team is now activated and ready to

serve you to support you.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here. So if you in a dispute with someone see Divine solutions happening even though you may not know the how... just see written in the sky or on your screen Divine solution to this seeming issue.. So take a moment now and write on your screen what you want. 

If you want health write absolute health in all ways and if you feel so guided add for me and everyone everywhere you can be in this place and hold that energy for those that also are asking. So if you want to attract amazing clients hold that vision for everyone that is aligned with love and peace to attract amazing clients. 

Just expand it beyond you if you feel so guided. If any thoughts of doubts come in smile at them. Smiling is the energy that dissipates them.

SMILE them away. SMILE a BIG TOOTHY SMILE RIGHT NOW. Can you feel that? 

Now take a few moments to do your intentional breathing..

If you are worried about finances Breathe in freedom from financial worries and BOLTIf you are concerned about health issues – Breath in freedom from worry about health and BOLT. 

If you are angry at someone Breathe in freedom from anger and BOLT. You can use intentional breathing to activate an essence you want to feel or to activate the essence of freedom from a troubling energy... just let whatever works for you be.

SMILE as you breathe in peace SMILE as you


Breathe in abundance and the knowing that God / Spirit / Source is your supply in all things. Breathe in absolute health in all ways. Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in prosperity for everyone everywhere BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and

share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health peace and prosperity- Have a joy- filled day 

File Name: Attracting ProsperityIn this Activation, we focus on attracting prosperity, money finances and whatever it is you want to create. If you are plagued with concerns about money and financial matters, use this Activation to focus on attracting divine solutions in ways that are beyond your logical comprehension.

Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breather in (count 5). Breathe out- Breathe in and out now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now. Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here

So imagine that white board or vast expanse and begin to playfully create about your business or if you have a job that is a vortex that flows money and financial means to you or perhaps you have reserves you are living

from – how ever you see that resources flow to you begin to write on that expanse or to see things all working out for you- You do not need to write down any specifics of HOW just see or feel it all working out- You may write down that things always work out for me – money always comes to me in abundance to pay for my bills and luxuries and I always have a surplus- just consider it first in a very general way- Things work out somehow for you solutions come to you- a way is made known for you- I want you to just see this written or feel it or hear it or just know it and just allow yourself to let go of the specifics, This is where your inner team comes in to support the connections and divine synchronicities. Your role here right now is to just see that it works out for you that here are ways beyond anything you could ever push into place that can solve anything and just allow that to be ok that you do not have to have all the solutions here. So in a very general way just feel that feeling that it is ok that it will workout somehow. And now lets do some intentional breathing. The challenge

often is to stop the worry or anxiety around what if things don’t work for me or get worse or, whatever it is the fear of the unknown so here lets just breathe in peace and BOLT- Breathe in solutions and BOLT and if what if worries come up like what if I don’t attract enough clients? Then breathe in freedom from the fear of not having enough clients or money and BOLT- if you work for someone and the fear is you may be let go breathe in freedom from fear of your job security and BOLT

Feel the peace that is now enveloping you and feel the love. And take this with you into your daily experience to breathe in freedom from worry and BOLT breathe in freedom from fear and BOLT if it helps to name that which you want freedom from then do that or just breathe in freedom from fear from worry in all things and that will support you in all ways BOLT…

If you are concerned about health issues – Breath in freedom from worry about health

and BOLT. 

If you are angry at someone…  Breathe in freedom from anger and BOLT. You can use intentional breathing to activate an essence you want to feel or to activate the essence of freedom from a troubling energy. Just let whatever works for you be.

SMILE as you breathe in peace SMILE as you BOLT

Breathe in abundance and the knowing that God / Spirit / Source is your supply in all things. Breathe in absolute health in all ways. Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in prosperity for everyone everywhere BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health peace and prosperity- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Release Prosperity BlocksIn this Activation, we focus on attracting prosperity, and being willing to ask for help to be released from beliefs and feelings that may be holding our prosperity back from us fully receiving all that is here for us to receive.Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breather in (count 5). Breathe out- Breathe in

and out now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love

and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here.

Everyone has something that they can shift no matter what level of prosperity you seem to be at. So allow that one belief or feeling to come to you now and let it be written on the expanse maybe it is that you never feel good enough there is always something that seems like it is not working in your business or job or finances. SO on that expanse write now that you are allowing in freedom from this belief or feeling – Breathe in freedom from this feeling or belief – I allow in freedom from the belief I am not good enough or don’t have what it takes to be successful and have financial freedom- be willing to allow in freedom from that feeling or belief- Just breathe in the freedom from that energy and breathe out anything less then thatYou may see or feel or just know that this belief or feeling is now being released the energy that has been stuck with it is not being dissipated with the energy of love and the absolute truth that God / Spirit / Source

whatever word works for you IS your supply. Here in this powerful place, you can have a do over. A do over of the energy of these beliefs and feelings and you can activate the energy of freedom from those patterns. You can ask your divine team to support you that any time this comes up you are reminded to breathe in the freedom from this lower level energy and Breathe out anything less than that. Agree now to the help of your divine team here and in your conscious life daily. Ask for a deep connection to your team and to God / Spirit / Source and breathe in freedom from any energy that makes you feel unworthy for that connection- and BOLT. You are worthy you are good enough. Breathe in freedom from feeling less than or not good enough… BOLT.

Breathe in freedom from anything that holds your prosperity back and BOLT. Breathe in freedom from worry or anxiety about money and BOLT.. Breathe in divine solutions in your work and all you are doing that serves you and the highest good. BOLT. Breathe in freedom from disappointment of your self or

others BOLT- Breathe in freedom from it needing to be perfect before you take action- BOLT.

Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking for prosperity and financial peace of mind. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in prosperity for everyone everywhere BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love, peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and

share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health peace and prosperity- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Sticky EnergyIn this Activation, we learn about sticky energy, how it can be holding back our prosperity and how to dissolve it in our inner temple.Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breather in (count 5). Breathe out- Breathe in and out now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your

team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here

So right now allow one belief to surface that may be keeping your prosperity from flowing so easily to you –

It may be the same one from the previous time we did this or a new one. Just notice as you ask what is the one belief or feeling that will serve me best to focus energy on dissolving in this moment? Some of our beliefs are very sticky and it may take

repeated sessions to dissolve the stickiness it IS happening so have a playful energy. If your child had a sticky lollipop you would not get angry; you would simple support them in getting unsticky… that is all you are doing here. It is not a big deal just sticky so SMILE.Now allow that one belief or feeling to rise up and be written on the expanse or screen in the part where you are declaring your freedom from that sticky energy. I declare freedom from worry about not having enough money- See it written in that expanse whatever one belief or feeling shows up for you. Now breathe in freedom from that belief or feeling and BOLT

You may see or feel or just know that this belief or feeling is now being released the energy that has been stuck with it is not being dissipated with the energy of love and the absolute truth that God Spirit Source whatever word works for you IS your supply. Agree now to the help of your divine team here and in your conscious life daily. Ask for a deep connection to your team and to

God/Spirit Source and breathe in freedom from any energy that makes you feel unworthy for that connection- and BOLT. You are worthy you are good enough. Breathe in freedom from feeling less than or not good enough – BOLT.

Breathe in freedom from anything that holds your prosperity back and BOLT. Breathe in freedom from worry or anxiety about money and BOLT.. Breathe in divine solutions in your work and all you are doing that serves you and the highest good. BOLT. Breathe in freedom from disappointment of your self or others BOLT- Breathe in freedom from it needing to be perfect before you take action- BOLT.

Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking for prosperity and financial peace of mind. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in prosperity for everyone everywhere BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all


Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love, peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health peace and prosperity- Have a joy- filled day

File Name: Shifting Prosperity BlocksIn this Activation, we work on specific beliefs that may hold our prosperity and success back and shifting them with simple a powerful process that is outlined and practiced in 11 minutes!

Feel the shift by the end of this audio!Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breather in count 5. Breathe out- Breathe in and out now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you

want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here

So right now allow one belief to surface that may be keeping your prosperity from flowing so easily to you –

It may be the same one from the previous time we did this or a new one. Just notice as you ask what is the one belief or feeling that will serve me best to focus allowing the sticky energy to dissolve?

See that belief or feeling written on the expanse maybe your belief is that I take two steps forward in finances and then something happens and I feel like I am behind again- if that is it then it is ok let it surface on be written in this place for your support is here to dissolve this energy you do not have to do this alone.

So see next to the belief or feeling it is written I declare freedom from the energy of feeling like I never get ahead enough. Feel that feeling of freedom coming over you now in whatever way comes up for you. You may feel an expansion in your heart or tears in your eyes or a sound of whooshing or a bell or just see the words illuminated in light. Maybe you will feel goose bumps anything is ok and perfect and even if you do not seem to feel or see or hear or know anything is it being done for you that is our knowing.

So declare your freedom! Any time a belief comes up even in your day write it down or see it in your minds eye and declare your freedom from that energy ask us to help you and we are there with you… Now we going to play with some project or thing you want to manifest and show you how to use this. So lets say you are wanting to attract a new job that pays you more gives you more respect and more time with your family and that you feel like your in a family a good energy now

we know you have beliefs that will tell you why this cant happen and so we are here to help you to move this sticky energy out of the way for us to help you. So write down in this expanse this project

My ideal job- now list the elements of the jobExcellent pay that pays all my bills and luxuries and leaves me with a surplus- Ok wait for it now here comes the belief the story really of why that cant and wont happen. Let is surface say the story is that you have not time to interview and are terrible at interviewing and by the way there are no jobs in your area too right? Ok now declare your freedom from each of this misperceptions which they are since all things are possible with that which creates all whatever you choose to call that presence. Now do that for each element you want it is a sort of point counter point yet we are now supporting you in dissipating that stickiness that is all it is just sticky energy no problem here.. Now take a moment and write down in this expanse or if it is easier on paper what you want to

create and the stories next to each element then declare your freedom from each one. So lets do another one- I declare the copy for my launch is super

Soul touching and people are compelled to join in

Here comes the story- I have never written copy before I can’t afford to pay someone this will never work. AHH hand that over to us please now declare your freedom. I join with the energy of love and declare that I am free from energy of feeling I am not good enough to write copy that will touch hearts. I declare freedom from worry and doubt and this or something better is on its way to me now... There is no wrong way to do this just declare what you want to create- notice the yean but or why you cant have it… and join with love energy to declare your freedom from the worry, fear, doubt and then detach from the outcome that is the power in this or something even better is on its way to me now in this area…

Now breathe

Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking for prosperity and financial peace of mind.. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in prosperity for everyone everywhere BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Allow in love, wisdom, divine guidance, support, fulfillment, prosperity in expected and unexpected ways … it is all LOVE….Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love, peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health, peace and prosperity in all ways all ways…- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Releasing FearsIn this Activation, we support you in releasing fear and worry about debt and allowing in solutions in all ways to debt for you and all everywhere!Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breather in (count 5). Breathe out- Breathe in and out now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here

So right now allow one belief to surface that may be keeping your prosperity from flowing so easily to you –

It may be the same one from the previous

time we did this or a new one. Just notice as you ask what is the one belief or feeling that will serve me best to focus allowing the sticky energy to dissolve?

See that belief or feeling written on the expanse maybe let it surface and be written in this place for your support is here to dissolve this energy you do not have to do this alone.So see next to the belief or feeling it is written I declare freedom from the energy of this belief or feeling and name the belief or feeling. Feel that feeling of freedom coming over you now in whatever way comes up for you. You may feel an expansion in your heart or tears in your eyes or a sound of whooshing or a bell or just see the words illuminated in light. Maybe you will feel goose bumps anything is ok and perfect and even if you do not seem to feel or see or hear or know anything is it being done for you that is our knowing.

So declare your freedom! Any time a belief comes up even in your day write it down or

see it in your minds eye and declare your freedom from that energy ask us to help you and we are there with you… Now we want to add one more thing to this process. Now imagine a scene and you saying you are so happy to be free of this feeling or belief or imagine a scene that shows you with what you want to manifest. Lets do an example about debt. So say you want to pay off your house. Write in that expanse) I declare my house is paid off. Then next to that write the story – How will that ever happen I barely make enough to pay the mortgager plus I have so many more debts. Now next to that see written in this expanse. I declare freedom from this belief that my house cannot be paid off. I breathe in the feeling of freedom from that belief and BOLT… Now imagine a scene feel it see it or know it where your house is paid off – somehow it happened. You are so happy and say that inner temple work really works! You are smiling! Forget the How it happened a way will be made. Just declare your freedom from the sticky energy that is all it is… Now we going to play with some

project or thing you want to manifest and use this whole process. So step one identify the project and lay out the bullet points of the things that you want to accomplish – then after each one let the story come up of why you cant do it, have it or attract it. Then declare your freedom from the energy of that belief or feeling. BREATHE in the freedom and BOLT. Then imagine a scene that is manifest you smiling saying that inner temple work really works! Or whatever feels good to say but see yourself smiling and SMILE now!

Now breathe

Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking for prosperity and financial peace of mind.. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in prosperity for everyone everywhere BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Allow in love, wisdom, divine guidance,

support, fulfillment, prosperity in expected and unexpected ways … it is all LOVE….Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health, peace and prosperity in all ways all ways…- Have a joy- filled day

File Name: Cellular ActivationIn this Activation, we learn the cellular energy activation process for health in all ways. We are guided to activate vibrant health in all cells, organs, muscles, bones, tissues, blood

all parts of our body.Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breath in (count 5). Breathe out- Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out… now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen

where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here

We are going to focus on allowing in health in all ways- health is alignment and we are going to allow in the energy of love to align and simply receive

And being willing to ask for help to be released from beliefs and feelings that may be holding your alignment now or in the future for absolute health and alignment. Breathe in and allow yourself to receive all that is here for you to receive.

So right now allow one belief to surface that may be keeping you from total alignment in any way in your body it is just energy so just allow now to receive in love and alignment. Breathe in love let it permeate every cell and

fiber of your being starting at the top of your head and permeating every organ, cell, tissue with love- and BOLT. Then let the love energy move down your body to your face and neck and again just let love in and permeate and BOLT- Then let that energy of love go down your spine and back and permeate every fiber, every organ ever tissue and let the energy of love and alignment permeate through y our chest and organs and stomach and all the way down to your body. Just keep in breathing in love and breathing out anything less than love… Just feel a sense of peace and if any thoughts come up about fears or worries about your body in any way breathe in the freedom from that energy and Breathe out anything less than that. See that belief or feeling written on the expanse maybe let it surface and be written in this place for your support is here to dissolve this energy you do not have to do this alone..So see next to the belief or feeling it is written I declare freedom from the energy of this belief or feeling and name the belief or feeling

that is wanting to be released for your absolute health and alignment Feel that feeling of freedom coming over you now in whatever way comes up for you . You may feel an expansion in your heart or tears in your eyes or a sound of whooshing or a bell or just see the words illuminated in light. Maybe you will feel goose bumps anything is ok and perfect and even if you do not seem to feel or see or hear or know anything is it being done for you that is our knowing.So declare your freedom! Any time a belief comes up or a worry or concern perhaps some thing you are dealing with right now in your body this day... see or feel the belief or feeling in your minds eye and declare your freedom from that energy ask your divine team to help you and they are there with you… Now imagine a scene and you saying you are so happy to be free of this feeling or belief or imagine a scene that shows you with what you want to manifest the alignment the absolute health and let go of how it all happened just see your self smiling and happy- SMILE and Breathe in

Now breathe

Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking for health and alignment and peace of mind.. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in health for everyone everywhere BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Allow in love, wisdom, divine guidance, support, fulfillment, prosperity, and health and alignment in expected and unexpected ways … it is all LOVE….

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity

coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health, peace and prosperity in all ways all ways…- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Cellular Love FestIn this Activation, we have a cellular LOVE FEST!! We are guided to activate the energy of love in all parts of our cells for health in all ways. Limiting beliefs are dissolved and intentional breathing will support us in releasing old energies that are not serving our health in any way including our finances, relationships and much more!Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breath in (count 5). Breathe out- Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out… now hold the

intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love

and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here

Breathe in and allow yourself to receive all that is here for you to receive.

We want to activate the beliefs and absolute knowing that you have much more power than most believe so.

First we need to breathe in love and let it permeate thorough your whole body you can do this in the shower this is a good time to let love permeate every cell. Go deep into the cells see your cells happy and loving each other. Breathe in love let it permeate every cell – Love allows your cells to communicate with each other so see and feel and just know your cells are feeling the love! They feel it and appreciate you for giving it to them - They are loving each other more and more now… Start at the top of your head and permeate every organ, cell, tissue with love- and BOLT. Then let the love energy moves down your body to your face and neck and

again just let love in and permeate and BOLT- See your cells responding to the love - You love them and they love each other! Then let that energy of love go down your spine and back and permeate every fiber, every organ ever tissue and let the energy of love and alignment permeate through y our chest and organs and stomach and all the way down to your body. Just keep in breathing in love and breathing out anything less than love. - Feel your cells drinking in this love energy this is what they crave what they need to be in alignment in all ways. Tell your cells how much you love them- Tell your body how much you love it. Love your body and tell it how grateful you are for it! Just feel a sense of peace and if any thoughts come up about fears or worries about your body in any way breathe in the freedom from that energy and Breathe out anything less than that.

So right now allow one belief that you have carried with you from your family or your society that may seem to hold you back from absolute vibrant health- There is much talk

about the food supply and what is being put in foods and so much of it is less than aligned energy

See that belief or feeling written on the expanse maybe let it surface and be written in this place for your support is here to dissolve this energy you do not have to do this alone..So see next to the belief or feeling it is written I declare freedom from the energy of this belief or feeling and name the belief or feeling that is wanting to be released for your absolute health and alignment Feel that feeling of freedom coming over you now in whatever way comes up for you. Anything is ok and perfect and even if you do not seem to feel or see or hear or know anything is it being done for you that is our knowing.

So declare your freedom! Any time a belief comes up or a worry or concern perhaps some thing you are dealing with right now in your body this day… see or feel the belief or feeling in your minds eye and declare your freedom from that energy ask your divine

team to help you and they are there with you… Now imagine a scene and you saying you are so happy to be free of this feeling or belief or imagine a scene that shows you with what you want to manifest the alignment the absolute health and let go of how it all happened just see your self smiling and happy- SMILE and Breathe in

Now breathe for all everywhere

Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking for health and alignment and peace of mind… BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in health for everyone everywhere BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Allow in love, wisdom, divine guidance, support, fulfillment, prosperity, and health and alignment in expected and unexpected ways … it is all LOVE….

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health, peace and prosperity in all ways all ways…- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Activate Cellular CommunicationIn this Activation, we focus on activating strong cells that communicate perfectly with each other for health in all ways. When our cells feel loved and are

communicating in that loving energy, alignment is the result. When we allow the energy of love to align and support our cells to communicate with each other in the most aligned ways, anything less than that is released. Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breathe in (count 5). Breathe out- Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out… now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice

the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here

We want to activate the beliefs and absolute knowing that you have much more power than most believe so

First we need to breathe in love and let it permeate thorough your whole body you can do this in the shower this is a good time to let love permeate every cell. Go deep into the cells see your cells feeling loved and communicating with each other so easily and perfectly- one big happy family…loving each other. Each one knows what to do for your

perfect health and alignment and does it. Breathe in divine cellular communication. Let it permeate every cell – Love allows your cells to communicate with each other so see and feel and just know your cells are feeling the loved and communicating- if any little seeming way ward cells needs help to communicate they all are helping that one little cell for it affects the whole. They are loving that little cell and helping it to talk to each of them in love and alignment. All your cells feel it and appreciate you for giving them love. You are more in touch now with your cells they are all communicating now and any seeming issues can be aligned. They are communicating love to each other more and more now… Start at the top of your head and permeate every organ, cell, tissue with love and see and feel your cells all communicating in love - and BOLT. Breath in and out at your own pace breathing in love and cells communicating in alignment and BOLT. Then let the love energy move down your body to your face and neck and again just let love in and permeate and see and feel or just know

your cells are all in loving communication BOLT- See your cells responding to the love- You love them and they love each other! Then let that energy of love go down your spine and back and permeate every fiber, every organ ever tissue and let the energy of love and alignment permeate through y our chest and organs and stomach and all the way down to your body. Just keep in breathing in love and aligned communication breathing out anything less than love. - Tell your body how much you love it and appreciate it always communicating in aligned energy.. Just see, hear, feel or know that all your cells now are communicating in aligned energy for your health and vitality. . Love your body and tell it how grateful you are for it! Just feel a sense of peace and if any thoughts come up about fears or worries about your body in any way breathe in the freedom from that energy or feeling and breathe out anything less than that.

So right now allow one belief that you have carried with you from your family or your

society that may seem to hold you back from absolute vibrant health-

See that belief or feeling written on the expanse maybe let it surface and be written in this place for your support is here to dissolve this energy you do not have to do this alone..So see next to the belief or feeling it is written I declare freedom from the energy of this belief or feeling and name the belief or feeling that is wanting to be released for your absolute health and alignment Feel that feeling of freedom coming over you now in whatever way comes up for you. Anything is ok and perfect and even if you do not seem to feel or see or hear or know anything is it being done for you that is our knowing.

So declare your freedom! Any time a belief comes up or a worry or concern perhaps some thing you are dealing with right now in your body this day… see or feel the belief or feeling in your minds eye and declare your freedom from that energy ask your divine team to help you and they are there with

you… Now imagine a scene and you saying you are so happy to be free of this feeling or belief or imagine a scene that shows you with what you want to manifest the alignment the absolute health and let go of how it all happened just see your self smiling and happy- SMILE and Breathe in

Now breathe for all everywhere

Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking for health and alignment and peace of mind. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in health for everyone everywhere BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Allow in love, wisdom, divine guidance, support, fulfillment, prosperity, and health and alignment in expected and unexpected ways … it is all LOVE…

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of


and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health, peace and prosperity in all ways all ways…- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Activate Faith EnergyIn this Activation, we focus on activating faith energy in our cells that God/Spirit/Source is our supply of health and vitality and youthfulness; guiding our cells no matter what the medical reports, literature, or genetic predisposition indicates.

Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breathe in (count 5). Breathe out- Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out… now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you

want support in creating.Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here

We are activating today that God / Spirit / Source use the word that best fits for you is the lead communicator in your cells and that communication is being routed direct to that energy of alignment

We want to activate the beliefs and absolute knowing that God Spirit Source is your supply of health and vitality and youthful ness and now matter what even if you cant see a way a way is on its way to you now.

Through that infinite power miracles occur- cells align- things happen beyond logic and we are now open to that and ask for activated faith in our cells.

We ask to be released from any unforgiveness of ourselves or others – We breathe in peace

and BOLT

First we need to breathe in faith and let it permeate thorough your whole body you can do this in the shower this is a good time to let the energy of faith permeate every cell. Go deep into the cells see your cells feeling that faith energy and being directed by God/ Spirit / Source to alignment if for the highest good to be served. Each cell is now accepting being fully led and directed by that infinite source energy... each cell knows what to do for your perfect health and alignment and does it. Breathe in faith in health and all things. Breathe in faith in abundance in your health, your finances, your relationships and BOLT. Let it permeate every cell – This infinite energy allows your cells to communicate with each other so see and feel and just know your cells are feeling the love and communicating perfectly… if any little seeming way ward cells needs help to communicate they all are helping that one little cell for it affects the whole in all things- health, wealth and relationships. All your cells feel that faith

energy now and appreciate you for activating this in them. It is by your intention that it is done. … Start at the top of your head and permeate every organ, cell, tissue with the energy of faith and see and feel your cells all communicating in love and faith - and BOLT. Breath in and out at your own pace breathing in love and cells communicating in alignment and BOLT... Then let the faith energy move down your body to your face and neck and again just let faith in and permeate and see and feel or just know your cells are all in loving communication with that most powerful energy of God / Spirit / Source whatever you see or feel that to be… BOLT. See your cells responding to the love - You love them and they love each other! Then let that energy of love and faith go down your spine and back and permeate every fiber, every organ ever tissue and let the energy of love and alignment permeate through y our chest and organs and stomach and all the way down to your body. Just keep in breathing in love and faith... Tell your body how much you love it and appreciate it always

communicating in aligned energy. Just see, hear, feel or know that all your cells now are communicating in aligned energy of faith for your health and prosperity . Love your body and tell it how grateful you are for it! Just feel a sense of peace and if any thoughts come up about fears or worries about your body or anything you need to have more faith in in any way breathe in the freedom from that energy or feeling and Breathe out anything less than that.

So right now allow one belief or feeling to surface in which you need to activate the energy of faith. It maybe your health or your work or your relationships- Where do you need a way to be made known when you cant seem to see a way? Where have you felt disappointed, betrayed, hurt or not enough? Let it come to the surface to be placed on this white screen or expanse to be dissipated…

See next to the belief or feeling … I declare freedom from the energy of this belief or feeling and name the belief or feeling that is

wanting to be released. Feel that feeling of freedom coming over you now in whatever way comes up for you. Anything is ok and perfect and even if you do not seem to feel or see or hear or know anything is it being done for you that is our knowing.

So declare your freedom! Any time a belief comes up or a worry or concern perhaps some thing you are dealing with right now in your body or finances or life in any way this day... see or feel the belief or feeling in your minds eye and declare your freedom from that energy ask your divine team to help you and they are there with you… Now imagine a scene and you saying you are so happy to be free of this feeling or belief. It is so amazing how this all worked out... imagine a scene that shows you with what you want to manifest the alignment the absolute health, prosperity, happiness, peace, fulfillment… let go of how it all happened just see your self smiling and happy- SMILE and Breathe in

Now breathe for all everywhere

Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking for health and alignment and peace of mind.. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in health for everyone everywhere in mind body , spirit BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Allow in love, wisdom, divine guidance, support, fulfillment, prosperity… and health and alignment in expected and unexpected ways … it is all LOVE….

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health, peace and prosperity in all ways all ways…- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Activate Rejuvenation EnergyIn this Activation, we expand our absolute knowing that God/Spirit/Source is our supply of health, vitality and youthfulness… no matter what. Even if we can’t see a way, a way is always available to us.Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breathe in count 5. Breathe out- Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out… now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can

look like anything you want and as you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here

We are activating today that God/ Spirit / Source use the word that best fits for you is

the lead communicator in your cells and that communication is being routed direct to that energy of alignment

We want to activate the beliefs and absolute knowing that God / Spirit / Source is your supply of health and vitality and youthful ness and now matter what even if you cant see a way a way is on its way to you now.

Through that infinite power miracles occur- cells align- things happen beyond logic and we are now open to that and ask for activated faith in our cells.

I want you to consider if you take any medications for conditions that your cells know what to do - please keep taking your medicines but also start to go into your cells and help activate the remembrance of what is needed to have the health, vitality and youthfulness that you want. Your cells can be rejuvenated and remember how they used to be and how they communicated with all the rest of your cells and when they are

connected to that Infinite source energy and we ask for their help in the absolute aligned functioning of our body in all ways- What seem like miracles can occur in all ways so we are open now to miracles in our bodies our hearts our minds.

First we need to breathe in rejuvenation energy and let it permeate thorough your whole body you can do this in the shower this is a good time to let the energy of rejuvenation permeate every cell. Go deep into the cells see your cells feeling that rejuvenation energy and being directed by God / Spirit /Source to alignment if for the highest good to be served. Each cell is now accepting being fully led and directed by that infinite source energy... each cell knows what to do for your perfect health and alignment and does it. Breathe in cellular rejuvenation in health and all things. Breathe in rejuvenation and new beginnings in your health, your finances, your relationships and BOLT. Let it permeate every cell – This infinite energy allows your cells to

communicate with each other so see and feel and just know your cells are feeling the love and communicating perfectly… if any little seeming way ward cells needs help to remember what they are to do and how to communicate- see all cells helping that one little cell or band of cells for they affect the whole in all things- health, wealth and relationships.. All your cells feel that rejuvenation energy now and appreciate you for activating this in them. It is by your intention that it is done. … Start at the top of your head and permeate every organ, cell, tissue with the energy of rejuvenation and see and feel your cells all communicating in love and BOLT. Breath in and out at your own pace breathing in love and cells communicating in alignment and BOLT… Then let the rejuvenation energy move down your body to your face and neck and again just let Youthfulness and radiance in and permeate and see and feel or just know your cells are all in loving communication with that most powerful energy of God / Spirit / Source whatever you see or feel that to be… BOLT-

See your cells responding to the love- You love them and they love each other! Then let that energy of love and rejuvenation and you thing go down your spine and back and permeate every fiber, every organ ever tissue and let the energy of love and alignment permeate through y our chest and organs and stomach and all the way down to your body. Just keep in breathing in love and faith... - Tell your body how much you love it and appreciate it always communicating in aligned energy. Just see, hear, feel or know that all your cells now are communicating in aligned energy of rejuvenation for your health and prosperity. Love your body and tell it how grateful you are for it! Just feel a sense of peace and if any thoughts come up about fears or worries about your body or anything you need to have a new beginning or rejuvenation in in any way breathe in the freedom from that energy or feeling and Breathe out anything less than that.

So right now allow one belief or feeling to surface in which you need to activate the

energy of new beginning or rejuvenation. It may be your health or your work or your relationships- Where do you need a way to be made known when you cant seem to see a way? Where have you felt disappointed, betrayed, hurt or not enough? Let it come to the surface to be placed on this white screen or expanse to be dissipated…

See next to the belief or feeling … I declare freedom from the energy of this belief or feeling and name the belief or feeling that is wanting to be released. Feel that feeling of freedom coming over you now in whatever way comes up for you. Anything is ok and perfect and even if you do not seem to feel or see or hear or know anything is it being done for you that is our knowing.

So declare your freedom! Any time a belief comes up or a worry or concern perhaps some thing you are dealing with right now in your body or finances or life in any way this day… see or feel the belief or feeling in your minds eye and declare your freedom from

that energy ask your divine team to help you and they are there with you… Now imagine a scene and you saying you are so happy to be free of this feeling or belief. It is so amazing how this all worked out... imagine a scene that shows you with what you want to manifest the alignment the absolute health, prosperity, happiness, peace, fulfillment. Let go of how it all happened just see your self-smiling and happy- SMILE and Breathe in

Now breathe for all everywhere

Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking for health and alignment and youthful cells. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in health for everyone everywhere in mind body, spirit BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Allow in love, wisdom, divine guidance, support, fulfillment, prosperity… and health and alignment in expected and unexpected

ways … it is all LOVE….

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVEand allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health, peace and prosperity in all ways all ways…- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Activate Confidence EnergyIn this Activation, we focus on activating confidence energy in our cells to do the work we love that pays

us well and serves the highest good. When people say I need to let go of beliefs where are the beliefs? The belief energy is in your cells!  Even if that is hard to wrap your head around and you say that cannot be true can you play with us now and suppose it was? What is the placebo effect is it not believing something so much that it becomes true- You get to choose if you want to believe it or not but why not just play with us now and pretend it is true you will have the same result and you will see for yourself how it feels.

Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breathe in count 5. Breathe out- Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out… now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place.

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here.

We all have a right to do work that gives us joy and it is only a belief in lack and limitation that keeps all from doing what gives them joy.

So today we will activate the energy of confidence that will out rank any energy of

not feeling good enough in anything. Whether you are in business for yourself or work for another you have a right to joy and you can have that in any situation as you are on your way to the vibrational matching that happens when you connect your joy with your God given skills and talents that is MAGIC and today we are activating that energy of confidence that you can have what you want... by knowing that God / Spirit / Source is guiding your cells to support you in physical manifestation. Your cells emit energy and that energy is attracting so we start with the cell energy for all things. This is the physical holder of conscious ness your cells not your brain so to speak but every cell is a representation of infinite possibilities. Breathe that in!

We are activating today that God / Spirit / Source use the word that best fits for you is the lead communicator in your cells and that communication is being routed direct to that energy of alignment.

We want to activate the beliefs and absolute

knowing that God Spirit Source is your supply of right livelihood, prosperity and all that you need in any way... no matter what even if you cant see a way a way is on its way to you now. Breathe that in- BOLT.

Through that infinite power miracles occur- cells align- things happen beyond logic and we are now open to that and ask for activated confidence energy in our cells. Confidence in our abilities- confidence in the knowing that our beliefs can be impacted in our cells and you have the power to do that now.

First we need to breathe in confidence energy and let it permeate thorough your whole body you can do this in the shower this is a good time to let the energy of rejuvenation permeate every cell. Go deep into the cells see your cells feeling that confidence energy and being directed by God / Spirit /Source to alignment if for the highest good to be served.  Each cell is now accepting being fully led and directed by that infinite source energy… each cell knows what to do for your perfect right livelihood and alignment and

does it.

Breathe in cellular confidence in your abilities and skills and your power to manifest all things for the highest good of all concerned

Breathe in confidence that you are a part of all that is and all that is creates all you have so you are always provided for. Breathe in confidence new beginnings in your health, your finances, your relationships and BOLT. Let it permeate every cell – This infinite energy allows your cells to communicate with each other so see and feel and just know your cells are feeling the love and communicating perfectly… if any little seeming way ward cells needs help to remember what they are to do so you can experience right livelihood in all ways and how to communicate that out to the universe. Then see all cells   helping that one little cell or band of cells for they affect the whole in all things right livelihood, wealth and relationships.. 

All your cells feel that confidence energy now and appreciate you for activating this in them.

It is by your intention that it is done. … 

Start at the top of your head and permeate every organ, cell, tissue with the energy of confidence you are good- you are loved- you are enough you are! And see and feel your cells all communicating in love and BOLT. 

Breath in and out at your own pace breathing in love and cells communicating in alignment and BOLT.

Then let the confidence energy move down your body to your face and neck and again just let in right livelihood serving the highest good in and permeate and see and feel or just know your cells are all in loving communication with that most powerful energy of God / Spirit/ Source whatever you see or feel that to be…BOLT.

See your cells responding to the love - you love them and they love each other! Then let that energy of confidence in yourself no matter what you have experienced at the hands or mouths of others... go down your

spine and back and permeate every fiber, every organ ever tissue and let the energy of love and alignment permeate through y our chest and organs and stomach and all the way down to your body. Just keep in breathing in love and confidence - Tell your body how much you love it and appreciate it always communicating in aligned energy.

Just see, hear, feel or know that all your cells now are communicating in aligned energy of confidence for your right livelihood and prosperity.

So right now allow one belief or feeling to surface in which you need to activate the energy of confidence for your success and right livelihood and success...Where do you need a way to be made known when you cant seem to see a way? Where have you felt disappointed, betrayed, hurt or not enough? Let it come to the surface to be placed on this white screen or expanse to be dissipated…

See next to the belief or feeling … I declare freedom from the energy of this belief or

feeling and name the belief or feeling that is wanting to be released. Feel that feeling of freedom coming over you now in whatever way comes up for you. Anything is ok and perfect and even if you do not seem to feel or see or hear or know anything is it being done for you that is our knowing.

So declare your freedom! Any time a belief comes up or a worry or concern perhaps some thing you are dealing with right now in your work, your business your finances or life in any way this day... see or feel the belief or feeling in your minds eye and declare your freedom from that energy ask your divine team to help you and they are there with you…  Now imagine a scene and you saying you are so happy to be free of this feeling or belief. It is so amazing how this all worked out... imagine a scene that shows you with what you want to manifest the alignment the absolute success, prosperity, happiness, peace, fulfillment.. And you serving others giving back time money, energy, prayers for all for them to have what you desire... let go of

how it all happened just see your self-smiling and happy- SMILE and Breathe in.

Now breathe for all everywhere

Breathe in solutions for you and for anyone asking for right livelihood, success, financial security and peace of mind. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in health for everyone everywhere in mind body, spirit.  BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Allow in love, wisdom, divine guidance, support, fulfillment, right livelihood, financial peace of mind, prosperity, health and alignment in expected and unexpected ways… it is all LOVE….

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that

light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life and this day of love, health, peace and prosperity in all ways all ways…- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Release JudgmentIn this Activation, we focus on activating the energy of forgiveness for anything anyone has done to us or we have done to another to them knowingly or unknowingly… and to do that we want to release any energy in your cells.Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breathe in count 5. Breathe out- Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out… now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no

worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here

Unforgiveness comes from the feeling of not being good enough and is something as

humans we all experience and yet we are not aware that when we judge others we are judging ourselves the energy we put out comes back to us so today I want to invite you to let go of any time you have judged any one or felt envious or jealous energy in your cells... so you can do work you love that is in your cells that pays you well and serves the highest good. You can live your life purpose. We all have a right to do work that gives us joy, life our avocation our passion our purpose and when we let go of this lower level energy we can attract more of what gives us joy we can serve in greater ways we can be a light and support transformation- just where we are... in our own lives and families and communities.

Let’s activate the energy of forgiveness and acceptance, which will out rank any energy of not feeling good enough in anything. Whether you are in business for yourself or work for another or serve in other ways that support you and others... you have a right to joy and you can have that in any situation as you are

on your way to the vibrational matching that happens when you connect your joy with your God given skills and talents that is MAGIC and today we are activating that energy of acceptance and forgiveness that you can have that by knowing that God Spirit Source is guiding your cells to support you in physical manifestation. Your cells emit energy and that energy is attracting so we start with the cell energy for all things. This is the physical holder of conscious ness your cells not your brain so to speak but every cell is a representation of infinite possibilities. Breathe that in!

We want to activate the beliefs and absolute knowing that God Spirit Source is your supply of right livelihood, prosperity and all that you need in any way... no matter what even if you cant see a way a way is on its way to you now. Breathe that in- BOLT..

Through that infinite power miracles occur- cells align- things happen beyond logic and we are now open to that and ask for activated acceptance and forgiveness energy in our

cells for ourselves. 

First we need to breathe in forgiveness energy and let it permeate thorough your whole body. Go deep into the cells see your cells feeling that release of any time you have felt envious, jealous or have judged yourself or another let it go - let the forgiveness energy be directed by God/ Spirit /Source to alignment for the highest good to be served.  Each cell is now accepting being fully led and directed by that infinite source energy... each cell knows what to do for your perfect health and alignment and does it. Breathe in cellular forgiveness in health and all things. Breathe in forgiveness energy and new beginnings in your health, your finances, your relationships and BOLT. Let it permeate every cell. – All your cells feel that forgiveness energy now and appreciate you for activating this in them. It is by your intention that it is done. … Start at the top of your head and permeate every organ, cell, tissue with the energy of forgiveness and see and feel your cells all communicating in love

and BOLT. Breath in and out at your own pace breathing in love and cells communicating in alignment and BOLT... Then let the forgiveness energy move down your body to your face and neck and again just let Youthfulness and radiance in and permeate and see and feel or just know your cells are all in loving communication with that most powerful energy of God / Spirit / Source whatever you see or feel that to be…BOLT-

See your cells responding to the love - you love them and they love each other! Then let that energy of love and rejuvenation go down your spine and back and permeate every fiber, every organ ever tissue and let the energy of love and alignment permeate through y our chest and organs and stomach and all the way down to your body. Just keep in breathing in love and faith... - Tell your body how much you love it and appreciate it always communicating in aligned energy... Just see, hear, feel or know that all your cells now are communicating in aligned energy of forgiveness for your health and prosperity.

Love your body and tell it how grateful you are for it!

So right now allow one belief or feeling to surface in which you need to activate the energy of forgiveness you are doing this for you to be free not to let what the other did be ok it is for you to be FREE!  See that person that situation and set them free you do not need to be in relationship just let the anger, the betrayal the hurt go let it go and be for your highest good - be willing to let that energy go and for you to be FREE!  Where do you need a way to be made known when you can’t seem to see a way? Where have you felt disappointed, betrayed, hurt or not enough? Let it come to the surface to be placed on this white screen or expanse to be dissipated to BE SET FREE...

 See next to the belief or feeling … I declare freedom from this person, situation, belief or feeling and name the belief or feeling that is wanting to be released... Feel that feeling of freedom coming over you now in whatever way comes up for you. Anything is ok and

perfect and even if you do not seem to feel or see or hear or know anything is it being done for you that is our knowing.

Now imagine a scene and you saying you are so happy to be free of this feeling or belief. It is so amazing how this all worked out... imagine a scene that shows you with what you want to manifest the alignment the absolute health, prosperity, happiness, peace, fulfillment... let go of how it all happened just see your self smiling and happy- SMILE and Breathe in

Now breathe for all everywhere

Breathe in forgiveness energy and solutions for you and for anyone asking for health and alignment and youthful cells. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in health for everyone everywhere in mind body, spirit. BOLT- Breathe in peace and connection to our highest guidance for everyone everywhere. Breathe in LOVE for all - BOLT

Allow in love, wisdom, divine guidance,

support, fulfillment, prosperity… and health and alignment in expected and unexpected ways … it is all LOVE….

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and LIGHT to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health, peace and prosperity in all ways all ways…- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Attracting BusinessIn this Activation, we focus our attention on attracting more business, clients, customers, life purpose, and

financial solutions, which will allow us to experience more peace, joy, and happiness in every area of our lives.Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breathe in count 5. Breathe out- Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out… now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.


Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here

Today we are going to focus on activating the energy of attracting business, clients, sales, life purpose and financial solutions! So you can do work you love that is in your cells that pays you well and serves the highest good. You can live your life purpose. We all have a right to do work that gives us joy, life our avocation our passion our purpose and when we let go of this lower level energy we can attract more of what gives us joy we can serve in greater ways we can be a light and support transformation- just where we are... in our own lives and families and communities.

So today we will activate the energy of receiving in the ideal clients, customers, sales

and financial solutions people win lotteries, have financial windfalls in all kinds of unexpected ways that serve the highest good so open up to possibilities letting go of the how... and this is a match whether you have a business work for one or have families that have either and want to support them so just hold whatever feels best to you to attract and acceptance that will out rank any energy of feeling that you are no lucky or things are a struggle or you do not deserve miracles or positive energy windfall!. Whether you are in business for yourself or work for another or serve in other ways that support you and others... you have a right to joy ease and you can have that in any situation as you are on your way to the vibrational matching that happens when you connect your joy with your God-given skills and talents that is MAGIC and today we are activating that energy of allowing in ideal matches of clients, customers, life purpose, financial windfalls or solutions that can serve you and the greater good by knowing that God / Spirit / Source is guiding your cells to support you in physical


Your cells emit energy and that energy is attracting so we start with the cell energy for all things. This is the physical holder of conscious ness and every cell is a representation of infinite possibilities. Breathe that in!

We want to activate the beliefs and absolute knowing that God / Spirit / Source is your supply of right livelihood, prosperity and all that you need in any way... no matter what even if you cant see a way a way is on its way to you now.  Breathe that in- BOLT.

Through that infinite power miracles occur- cells align- things happen beyond logic and we are now open to that and ask for activated acceptance of all good things even if it is beyond our logical minds.

First we need to breathe in this allowing energy and let it permeate thorough your whole body. Go deep into the cells see your cells feeling that release of any time you have felt things are hard or a struggle to succeed...

let the allowing energy be directed by God/ Spirit /Source to alignment for the highest good to be served.  

Each cell is now accepting being fully led and directed by that infinite source energy... each cell knows what to do to support the attraction of ideal clients, customers, life purpose financial solutions and windfalls and does it.

Breathe in cellular allowance in health, work and in all things. 

Breathe in allowing and accepting energy and new beginnings in your business, your workplace, your life purpose, your finances, your relationships and BOLT. Let it permeate every cell.

All your cells feel that allowing and accepting energy now and appreciate you for activating this in them. It is by your intention that it is done. … 

Start at the top of your head and permeate every organ, cell, tissue with the energy of

acceptance and allowance of all good and see and feel your cells all communicating in love and BOLT. 

Breath in and out at your own pace breathing in love and cells communicating in alignment and BOLT. 

Then let the acceptance and allowing energy for ideal clients, customers, life purpose and financial solution and windfalls move down your body to your face and neck and again just let acceptance energy in and permeate and see and feel or just know your cells are all in loving communication with that most powerful energy of God / Spirit Source whatever you see or feel that to be…BOLT- 

See your cells responding to the acceptance. You love them and they love each other! Then let that energy of love and acceptance go down your spine and back and permeate every fiber, every organ ever tissue and let the energy of love and alignment permeate through your chest and organs and stomach

and all the way down to your body. Just keep in breathing in acceptance of yourself and of the ideal clients, customers, life purpose and financial windfalls and solutions that serve the highest good!

So right now allow one belief or feeling to surface in which you need to activate the energy of acceptance and allowance for ideal clients, customers, aligned right action, life purpose financial windfalls that serve you and the higher good!   Where do you need a way to be made known when you can’t seem to see a way? Where have you felt disappointed, betrayed, hurt or not enough? Where have you seemed to struggle come up short? Where have you felt less than lacking in some way in your business your work your life?  Let it come to the surface to be placed on this white screen or expanse to be dissipated to BE SET FREE...

See next to the belief or feeling … I declare freedom from this seeming situation, belief or feeling and name the belief or feeling that is wanting to be released.. Feel that feeling of

freedom coming over you now in whatever way comes up for you. Anything is ok and perfect and even if you do not seem to feel or see or hear or know anything is it being done for you that is our knowing.

Now imagine a scene and you saying you are so happy to be free of this feeling or belief. It is so amazing how this all worked out... imagine a scene that shows you with what you want to manifest the alignment the absolute health, prosperity, happiness, peace, fulfillment… let go of how it all happened just see your self smiling and happy- SMILE and Breathe in

Now breathe for all everywhere

Breathe in love, acceptance and allowing in all aligned solutions for you and for anyone asking. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in health for everyone everywhere in mind body, spirit BOLT- Breathe in ideal customers, clients, aligned actions. Activated life purpose, and financial windfalls for all everywhere that

will serve the greatest good in all ways

Allow in love, wisdom, divine guidance, support, fulfillment, prosperity, health alignment and all good in expected and unexpected ways … it is all LOVE energy!

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and acceptance and allowing to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health, peace and prosperity in all ways all ways…- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Activating GratitudeIn this Activation, we focus on activating the energy of gratitude in every fiber of our being. Gratitude energy is VERY powerful and can create miracles so let’s focus on gratitude energy.

Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breathe in count 5. Breathe out- Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out… now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your

team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here

If you could see gratitude as a color, what color would it be for you?

Allow that color to come to you see, hear, feel or just know and that is your color to activate gratitude energy to AMP up your vibrational beacon to call in all you desire in your work, business, life purpose and finances since that all seems to you to be so tied together. Know that as you activate gratitude energy, you can attract work you love, pays you well and

serves the highest good. You can live your life purpose. We all have a right to do work that gives us joy, live our fullest life expressing our passion... our purpose and when we let go of this lower level energy that is the opposite of gratitude we can attract more of what gives us joy we can serve in greater ways we can be a light and support transformation- just where we are… in our own lives and families and communities.

We want to activate the beliefs and absolute knowing that God Spirit Source is your supply of right livelihood, prosperity and all that you need in any way... no matter what even if you cant see a way a way is on its way to you now. Breathe that in - BOLT.

Through that infinite power miracles occur- cells align- things happen beyond logic and we are now open to that and ask for activated acceptance of all good things even if it is beyond our logical minds.

First we need to breathe in this gratitude energy and let it permeate thorough your

whole body. Go deep into the cells see your cells feeling that release of any time you have felt lack or not enoughness. Let the power of gratitude energy be directed by God/ Spirit / Source to alignment for the highest good to be served. 

Each cell is now accepting being fully led and directed by that infinite source energy… each cell knows what to do to support the attraction of all that will support you to live your most fully expressed life and work in all ways!

Breathe in cellular gratitude in health, work and in all things. 

Breathe in gratitude energy and new beginnings in your business, your workplace, your life purpose, your finances, your relationships and BOLT. Let it permeate every cell.

All your cells feel that gratitude energy now and appreciate you for activating this in them. It is by your intention that it is done… 

Start at the top of your head and permeate every organ, cell, tissue with the energy of gratitude and allowance of all good and see and feel your cells all communicating in love and BOLT. 

Breath in and out at your own pace breathing in love and cells communicating in alignment and BOLT.

Then let the gratitude energy for move down your body to your face and neck and again just let acceptance energy in and permeate and see and feel or just know your cells are all in loving communication with that most powerful energy of God / Spirit / Source whatever you see or feel that to be…BOLT- 

See your cells responding to the gratitude energy!  You are grateful for them! Then let that energy of gratitude go down your spine and back and permeate every fiber, every organ ever tissue and let the energy of gratitude permeate through y our chest and organs and stomach and all the way down to your body. Just keep in breathing in gratitude

for every person, experience, that has ever happened to you- you may not see how it has expanded you- yet it has in ways beyond your knowing so feel gratitude that no matter what you are always loved and there is always a solution when you open up to gratitude energy for yourself and for God / Spirit / Source connection as you traverse life experiences you have a choice - choose to be willing to allow in gratitude energy- You need not be grateful for a situation to feel gratitude energy let that knowingness be remembered... gratitude energy is your absolute connection to all your solutions you are grateful in advance for the help the solutions you stand in power in gratitude.


So right now allow one belief or feeling to surface in which you need to activate the energy of gratitude not to be grateful for the person or situation. Where do you need a way to be made known when you can’t seem to see a way? Where have you felt disappointed,

betrayed, hurt or not enough? Where have you seemed to struggle come up short? Where have you felt less than lacking in some way in your business your work... your life? Let it come to the surface to be placed on this white screen or expanse to be dissipated to BE SET FREE...

See next to the belief or feeling … I declare freedom from this seeming situation, belief or feeling and name the belief or feeling that is wanting to be released. Feel that feeling of freedom THAT is gratitude energy... coming over you now in whatever way comes up for you. Anything is ok and perfect and even if you do not seem to feel or see or hear or know anything is it being done for you that is our knowing.

Now imagine a scene and you saying you are so happy to be free of this feeling or belief. It is so amazing how this all worked out... imagine a scene that shows you with what you want to manifest the alignment the absolute health, prosperity, happiness, peace,

fulfillment… let go of how it all happened just see your self smiling and happy- SMILE and Breathe in

Now breathe for all everywhere

Breathe in love, acceptance and allowing in all aligned solutions for you and for anyone asking. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in health for everyone everywhere in mind body, spirit.  BOLT- Breathe in ideal customers, clients, aligned actions, activated life purpose, and financial windfalls for all everywhere that will serve the greatest good in all ways

Allow in love, wisdom, divine guidance, support, fulfillment, and prosperity health alignment and all good in expected and unexpected ways … it is all LOVE energy!

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and acceptance and

allowing to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love, peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health, peace and prosperity in all ways all ways…- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Releasing Disappointment/ResentmentIn this Activation, we focus on releasing, disappointment and resentment energy.  We have all had experiences where we have felt disappointed in a relationship or we did not have the success we wanted in our business or project as we thought.

This energy is in our cells and so today we are going to do some cellular house cleaning to be able to open up to receives more.

Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breathe in count 5. Breathe out- Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out… now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as  you are in this place 

 I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them

what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. there are higher laws that operate here

So today we are focusing on cellular release of the energy of disappointment or resentment. We have all had experiences were we have felt disappointed maybe we did not get the joy, a relationship broke up or we did not have the success we wanted in our business or project as we thought – This energy is in our cells and so today we are going to do some cellular house cleaning to be able to open up to receive more.

Your cells emit energy and that energy is attracting so we start with the cell energy for all things. This is the physical holder of conscious ness and every cell is a representation of infinite possibilities.

Breathe that in!

We want to activate the beliefs and absolute knowing that God Spirit Source is your supply of right livelihood, prosperity, aligned health in your body and your relationship with yourself and others and you relationship with what you see as Divine support... no matter you are dealing with or concerned about … even if you cant see a way a way is on its way to you now.  Breathe that in- BOLT.

Through that infinite power miracles occur- cells align- things happen beyond logic and we are now open to that and ask for activated acceptance of all good things even if it is beyond our logical minds.

First we need to breathe in this our willingness to release disappointment energy in our selves. How have you not measured up to your expectations? Did you expect to be further along / Thinner? Free from addictions and vices? Do you beat yourself up for overeating or drinking or not doing things like exercising or taking actions what is it for

you that you want to let go of? What are you disappointed in yourself about now or in the past that needs to be set free? Breathe in the willingness to let it go to start new to love yourself no matter what happened or what you did or did not do. Let the release of disappointment energy or resentment energy permeate thorough your whole body. Go deep into the cells see your cells feeling that release of any time you have felt like you have messed up or did not do it right or enough. Let it go now… are hard or a struggle to succeed. Breathe in and out at your own pace... let this releasing be directed by God / Spirit / Source to alignment for the highest good to be served.  

Each cell is now accepting being fully led and directed by that infinite source energy… each cell knows what to do to support the release of every memory every point in space and time that you have felt disappointed in yourself; in others; in God / Spirit / Source. Let it go... be willing to let it all go now. Keep breathing in and out at your own pace-

Breathe in this release of disappointment BOLT.

Start at the top of your head and let the power of this release that is for your highest good… permeate every organ, cell, and tissue with the energy of releasing any disappointment or resentment... BOLT. 

Breath in and out at your own pace breathing in freedom from disappointment or resentment and BOLT... communicating in alignment and BOLT. 

Then let that releasing move down your body to your face and neck and again just let this releasing energy in and permeate and see and feel or just know your cells are all in loving communication free of the past resentment that was being housed in your cells… BOLT. 

See your cells responding to this release! You love them and they love each other! Then let that energy of release from disappointment and resentment go down your spine and back and permeate every fiber, every organ ever tissue and let the energy of release permeate

through y our chest and organs and stomach and all the way down to your body. Just keep breathing in release of disappointments, resentments towards your self or others that you know or maybe just have seen in the media and you compare yourself and you come up short. Let it go- breath in freedom BOLT.

So right now allow one person, one situation from the past or present surface that you need to release disappointment or resentment energy it may be you that you see or feel or just hear... Let it surface and be on the screen for it to be dissolved here in this place of divine support. Where do you need a way to be made known when you can’t seem to see a way? Where have you felt disappointed, betrayed, hurt or not enough? Where have you seemed to struggle and feel like you come up short? Where have you felt less than lacking in some way in your business your work your life? Who has hurt you? Let any resentment or disappointment or anger energy go now… Let it come to the

surface to be placed on this white screen or expanse to be dissipated to BE SET FREE...

See next to this person or situation… I declare freedom from any energy that is holding me or them back from peace. I send them peace energy. You do not have to condone what they have seemed to do just be willing to send peace for both of you and let it all be directed by a higher power that can solve everything.. You are free!!! Let it go!!! Feel that feeling of freedom coming over you now in whatever way comes up for you. anything is ok and perfect and even if you do not seem to feel or see or hear or know anything is it being done for you that is our knowing.

Now imagine a scene and you saying you are so happy to be free of this energy… it is so amazing how this all worked out... imagine a scene that shows you smiling and feeling at peace feeling, happiness, peace, fulfillment.. let go of how it all happened… just see yourself smiling and happy- SMILE and Breathe in

Now breathe for all everywhere

Breathe in love, acceptance and allowing in all aligned solutions for you and for anyone asking. BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in health for everyone everywhere in mind body, spirit…  BOLT.

Allow in love, wisdom, divine guidance, support, fulfillment, prosperity and health alignment and all good in expected and unexpected ways … it is all LOVE energy!

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and acceptance and allowing to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and

share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health, peace and prosperity in all ways all ways…- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Releasing AddictionsIn this Activation, we focus on powerfully releasing addictions, cravings and phobias. Energies that no longer serve us in any way.Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breathe in count 5. Breathe out- Breathe in and out . Breathe in and out… now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in the previous audio but no worries you can create it now- just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in

this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will.

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

Don’t judge it you can have whatever you want as long as it is aligned energy of love and peace for all concerned. There are higher laws that operate here

So today we are focusing on cellular release of any seeming addictive patterns or phobias. Addictive patterns are patterns of behavior that are not serving your highest good. It can seem simple yet it is a cellular pattern that can be released and open us up to deeper connection with God / Spirit / Source and in our ability to allow in divine solutions. We all

have some patterns that we can allow to be set free- they may have been created at a time that it helped us to feel more comfort or seem to avoid pain – it can anything from a food that we cant seem to stop eating or arguing with our mate in a certain way or even our technology. It could smoking or feeling a need for certain substances to allow up to feel more free more alive or to mask our pain and feelings of not enough ness in our selves or our lives. Whatever it is for you, we can work on that on the cellular level and you can choose one pattern at a time or a more general release. Patterns were created by habitual occurrence so to release that allow yourself to do this activation till you see the manifestation of this spiritual cellular work coming to be in your experience keep at it and you will be free of it in your physical experience as you are free in what you may seem is your spiritual self that is our knowing.

Your cells emit energy and that energy is attracting so we start with the cell energy for

all things. This is the physical holder of conscious ness and every cell is a representation of infinite possibilities. Breathe that in!

 We want to activate the beliefs and absolute knowing that God / Spirit / Source is your supply of right livelihood, prosperity, aligned health in your body and your relationship with yourself and others and you relationship with what you see as Divine support... no matter you are dealing with or concerned about … even if you cant see a way a way is on its way to you now.  Breathe that in- BOLT.

Through that infinite power miracles occur- cells align- things happen beyond logic and we are now open to that and ask for activated acceptance of all good things even if it is beyond our logical minds. Ask now if it is divine guidance to focus on one pattern, seemingly one addictive behavior or to do this in a more general way. And if this is one pattern then which one? You can also use this process for any seeming fear or phobia it is cellular history so notice what you are guided

to focus on in this session of cellular energy release.

First we need to breathe in this our willingness to release this energy in our selves.

Breathe in the willingness to let it go to start new to love yourself no matter what happened or what you did or did not do. Let the release of this energy for a particular seemingly lets call it a habitual pattern or phobia energy permeate thorough your whole body. Go deep into the cells see your cells feeling that release of any time you have felt like you were not in control of the habitual pattern it is just a cellular memory it has no power over you. Surrender it now to what you see is God /Spirit / Source energy. Know you are worthy to communicate with God / Spirit / Source directly on this issue and hold the intention you need help with this and need support and divine guidance. Let the old habitual pattern or phobia or craving go now. Out of your cells. Breathe in and out at your own pace... let this releasing

be directed by God / Spirit / Source to alignment for the highest good to be served.  

Each cell is now accepting being fully led and directed by that infinite source energy… each cell knows what to do to support the release of every memory every point in space and time that you have felt compelled to this seeming habitual pattern. Release whatever brought you to this seeming habitual patterning. Let it go. Send it peace and be willing to let it all go now. Keep breathing in and out at your own pace- Breathe in this release of anything that was a part of this seeming habitual pattern, fear or phobia BOLT

Start at the top of your head and let the power of this release that is for your highest good…permeate every organ, cell, tissue with the energy of release of this seeming habitual pattern... BOLT. 

Breath in and out at your own pace breathing in freedom… BOLT. All cells communicating in alignment and BOLT. 

Then let that releasing move down your body to your face and neck and again just let this releasing energy in and permeate and see and feel or just know your cells are all in loving communication free of the past experiences associate with this seeming habitual pattern that was being housed in your cells… BOLT- 

See your cells responding to this release! You love them and they love each other! Then let that energy of release from this or these seeming habitual patterns go down your spine and back and permeate every fiber , every organ ever tissue and let the energy of release permeate through y our chest and organs and stomach and all the way down to your body. Just keep breathing in release of whatever created and has perpetuated this seeming habitual pattern worry is a seeming habitual pattern so let go of worry now, resentments towards your self or others having anything to do with experiences of these seeming habitual patternings. Let it go- breath in freedom BOLT.

So right now allow one person, one situation

from the past or present surface that was a part of the creating or continuing of this seemingly habitual pattern... let it surface and be on the screen for it to be dissolved here in this place of divine support. Where do you need a way to be made known when you can’t seem to see a way? Where have you felt disappointed, betrayed, hurt or not enough? Where have you seemed to struggle and feel like you come up short? Where have you felt less than lacking in some way in your business your work your life? Who has hurt you? Let any resentment or disappointment or anger energy go now… Let it come to the surface to be placed on this white screen or expanse to be dissipated to BE SET FREE...

See next to this person or persons or situation… I declare freedom from any energy that is holding me or them back from peace. I send them peace energy.. You do not have to condone what they have seemed to do that seemed to be a part of this patterning just be willing to send peace for both of you... all of you… and let it all be directed by a higher

power that can solve everything.. You are free!!! Let it go!!! Feel that feeling of freedom coming over you now in whatever way comes up for you. Anything is ok and perfect and even if you do not seem to feel or see or hear or know anything is it being done for you that is our knowing.

Now imagine a scene and you saying you are so happy to be free of this energy… it is so amazing how this all worked out... imagine a scene that shows you smiling and feeling at peace feeling, happiness, peace, fulfillment... let go of how it all happened… just see your self smiling and happy- SMILE and Breathe in

Now breathe for all everywhere

Breathe in  love, acceptance and allowing in all aligned solutions for you and for anyone asking . BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in health for everyone everywhere in mind body , spirit  BOLT-

Allow in love, wisdom, divine guidance, support, fulfillment, prosperity, health

alignment and all good in expected and unexpected ways … it is all LOVE energy!

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and acceptance and allowing to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health, peace and prosperity in all ways all ways…- Have a joy- filled day!

File Name: Releasing StucknessIn this Activation, we move past feeling stuck or not taking the actions we want to take. This visualization will

help us when we are not sure which actions to take and are worried about taking wrong action.Start with taking 3 deep breaths so lets breathe in count 5. Breathe out- Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out… now hold the intention that you are going to your inner temple or inner sanctuary or inner retreat we created this in previous audios but no worries you can create it now- Just allow in a beautiful place that feels good to you- it can look like anything you want and as  you are in this place 

I want you to know that you have a divine team that is here for you to support you in this realm and in your earth experience too. So coming here and communing with your divine team supports you in all ways. Your team can consist of angels, guides, ascended masters and it transcends religion so notice the energies that are showing up for you on this divine team or power team - call them what you will. You can also commune directly

with God/ Spirit Source that is your right and if you need support in believing you are worthy to connect directly your team can support you to be free of any feeling of being unworthy or old energy that says you are not enough  - God / Spirit / Source loves you unconditionally this is your truth... so ask now to activate that knowing in the way that serves you best

Now imagine a white expanse or a screen where you can write your desires what you want support in creating.

So today we are focusing on cellular release of anything that holds you back from taking actions in your life/ your work and that includes the work you are here to do on this planet, which is your spiritual work. Meditating praying, intentional breathing for you and for all everywhere. We are all busy with day-to-day activities... yet spending allocated time each day to commune and ask for what you want to create and ask for help is key to your peace.  So today we are going to

ask for what you want here in this place and commune..

Your cells emit energy and that energy is attracting so we start with the cell energy for all things. This is the physical holder of conscious ness and every cell is a representation of infinite possibilities. Breathe that in!

We are activating the beliefs and absolute knowing that God Spirit Source is your supply of right livelihood, prosperity, aligned health in your body and your relationship with yourself and others and you relationship with what you see as Divine support... no matter you are dealing with or concerned about … even if you cant see a way a way is on its way to you now  Breathe that in- BOLT..

Through that infinite power miracles occur- cells align- things happen beyond logic and we are now open to that and ask for activated acceptance of all good things even if it is beyond our logical minds. Ask now if it is divine guidance to focus on one pattern that

may seem to hold you back from taking actions- or a more general release?  Do you ever feel like you are not sure which action to take so you find yourself feeling stuck and then taking no action or feeling sad or blue because actions you have taken did not seem to produce the results you expected

First we need to breathe in our willingness to release this energy in our cells.

Breathe in the willingness to let it go to start new to love yourself no matter what happened or what you did or did not do. Let the release of this energy for any habitual thought pattern that has seemed to keep you from taking actions in the past or present at any point in space and time. Let the releasing of this energy permeate thorough your whole body. Go deep into the cells see your cells feeling that release of any time you have felt like you were not in control of the habitual pattern it is just a cellular memory it has no power over you. Surrender it now to what you see is God /Spirit / Source energy.

Know you are worthy to communicate with God/Spirit Source directly on this issue and hold the intention you need help with this and need support and divine guidance Let the old habitual pattern of not taking actions or feeling insecure go now. Out of your cells…. Breathe in and out at your own pace... let this releasing be directed by God/ Spirit /Source to alignment for the highest good to be served.  

Each cell is now accepting being fully led and directed by that infinite source energy… each cell knows what to do to support the release of every memory every point in space and time that you have felt compelled to this seeming habitual pattern. Release whatever brought you to this seeming habitual patterning. Let it go.  Send it peace and be willing to let it all go now. Keep breathing in and out at your own pace- Breathe in this release of anything that was a part of this seeming habitual pattern, fear or phobia BOLT

Start at the top of your head and let the power of this release that is for your highest good…permeate every organ, cell, tissue with the energy of release of this seeming habitual pattern that has seemed to block you from taking actions... BOLT. 

Breath in and out at your own pace breathing in freedom … BOLT..  All cells communicating in alignment and BOLT. 

Then let that releasing move down your body to your face and neck and again just let this releasing energy in and permeate and see and feel or just know your cells are all in loving communication free of the past experiences associate with this seeming habitual pattern that was being housed in your cells… BOLT. 

See your cells responding to this release! You love them and they love each other! Then let that energy of release from this or these seeming habitual patterns go down your spine and back and permeate every fiber , every organ ever tissue and let the energy of release permeate through y our chest and

organs and stomach and all the way down to your body. Just keep breathing in release of whatever created and has perpetuated this seeming habitual pattern. Let it go- breath in freedom BOLT..

So right now allow one person, one situation from the past or present surface that was a part of the creating or continuing of this seemingly habitual pattern.. Let it surface and be on the screen for it to be dissolved here in this place of divine support. Where do you need a way to be made known when you can’t seem to see a way?  Let it come to the surface to be placed on this white screen or expanse to be dissipated to BE SET FREE...

See next to this person or persons or situation… I declare freedom from any energy that is holding me or them back from peace. I send them peace energy.. You do not have to condone what they have seemed to do  that seemed to be a part of this patterning just be willing to send peace for both of you .. all of you… and let it all be directed by a higher

power that can solve everything.. You are free!!!  Let it go!!! Feel that feeling of freedom coming over you now in whatever way comes up for you.

Now imagine a scene and you saying you are so happy to be free of this energy… it is so amazing how this all worked out... imagine a scene that shows you smiling and feeling at peace feeling, happiness, peace, fulfillment... let go of how it all happened… just see your self smiling and happy- SMILE and Breathe in

Now breathe for all everywhere

Breathe in  love, acceptance and allowing in all aligned solutions for you and for anyone asking . BOLT Breathe in love for everyone everywhere. BOLT. Breathe in health for everyone everywhere in mind body , spirit  BOLT.

Allow in love, wisdom, divine guidance, support, fulfillment, prosperity, health alignment and all good in expected and unexpected ways … it is all LOVE energy!

Let that love cover you - bask in the energy of LOVE

and allow in LOVE and acceptance and allowing to permeate every part of your body let it permeate every cell every fiber of your being and send that light to everyone everywhere… feel the energy of love , peace, health and prosperity coming back to you and feel so good!  

Notice any positive evidences today of your energy shifting to a higher vibration and share that with us in the group- I am seeing and feeling you living a life of love, health, peace and prosperity in all ways all ways…- Have a joy- filled day!
