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Film Genre. Hollywood and Beyond - Barry Langford

Date post: 28-Oct-2014
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Fdillhurgh L'ni\er....Pre.... :-. I,td22 Square, Ldinhurgh'1\ P"'''! ill \ \01101\ P" Ehrhard!h,\ Lll1che...;tcr, JIlllhound in (irc.11:\11[0'" I{O\\l' I ,Id. (,hipIKllhalll. \\ il".\ CIPrLTord for Ihi...; hook i:-. ;\\Fall illld,lie RIsc II [l!u/c'lIIlml .1/0,'1(.1'.I,omloll: :\thlone.Prince, S. (cd.) (11)1)1)) S'1I11l'ed'lI/f>al,'sThe\\tldBunch. Cambndge: CamhridgeLni\ersit\ Press.PrllllT, S. 1.\OI'('I)/!I'IIIII/I(e(, 'nO),I'erllsII/Pllllhlle, The(seri,Jl, Iq I-t), -t-t, I I'esei, Joe, InI'hmlr CII)' SI"r)'. Til-t,277Pllf,{/I /;'110111'. n"'(ll!30), 1.1(', l)S' '.)3; secolso\V\\' II nJlllbat filmS('(ollds("ldl), 200S('(rCI BCI'IJ/I,I IIII' /)0"1', nil' (I lHX), 221SclzniL'h, 1)", id, 23l), 2..3semantic-slnucricanall'sis (-\Itman), If>, 17,V' 53, .15, 123, 157, 17X, ISS, "13,I0), 73Sl'I'g,'11I11 } 'od' (Il)" I), Iof>, "I, I3 IIISCUIIIII 1'1(11111, 'I'llI' ("HS), Ih" 22XsC\:ualitl, l)3, 1(10, I(q, 1()7, '72 .1, ")2 3,217,22),23' 2, zh7Sicgc, Til:';/gnIJisasfcr ( I122SdcII"corllIc /'01111'5, 'Ihc(ll)l)I), Ih" IXOSi/cIII Rllllllillg("17 I), I XXSilA, SIO"A-/IIgs(I l)S7), l)SSiller,jocl, 202Sinll110n, Scott, ...., f>oSimpson, I )on, 23() Ben, 3S-l), .. 2, H, "l), 2.1..Slligill'ilI II/{, R'illI (,,),,2), 23, X7, l)1, liS, Ill[-"IUilc 1'1'1110;'- ("ll)2), IXlnSirk,30, 31,V, ..0, +7, ..S'l)Sl,uII SCIlSC, Till' (Il)l)l)), I SX, I hi, '7X, I XoSklar, Robert, 2Slotkin, Rich,ml, 12, .17, f>1, (,2, (,7, 7.. , I q,12..SlIol(lI (2000), qSSobchack, Vilien, 12, I(q, IS." lXX, Il)", Ill(,S"Uier BllIc(Il)70), 2.1, 72, 7f>Sol,lUs(1l)72), 201.\'Olllt' Camc Rlfl/Ill",!!, (I (59), 32SOil OrFUIlIA'(//sIOIl (Il),)!)), 1f>7SOllg01'.\ Ol'll'il) , (I (170), l)('Sol' IIII' '5 ClIoi",' (Il)X2), 2f>SSof>r,lIiliS, Tilm" (I ')7i1), I7.iSlIllIr" (1I)l)3), lilaSII','
