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Film magazine experiments

Date post: 13-Apr-2017
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Page 2: Film magazine experiments

To start with we experimented with blacking out the models eyes to give the effect of a mask as this would fit with our brand identity, however by just doing this it didn’t show much creativity and didn’t fit the Little White Lies style because of this we decided tot ake this idea further and experiment with different effects on it.

Page 3: Film magazine experiments

For this one we used the same image with the black out eyes, however cleaned them up a bit so they looked more realistic, we then went onto the filter gallery on photoshop and tried out different effects in which we thought would work well, we added this filter to our image and changed the exposure to create more of a contrast between the light and dark in the image. In addition to this for this experiment we tried a variety of ways in which to place our title this included within the eye of the model, changing the transparency of the title so it would be transparent amongst the background and show subtlety as this is commonly used in a Little Whit Lies cover. However we struggled to find one we liked, in addition we felt the image itself didn’t fi the little white lies style as it looked to pixelated and over edited, because of this we decided to try some different experiments.

Page 4: Film magazine experiments

For this one we decided to take a different approach to the style of our editing, we looked up online how to recreate an image to look like an illustration. We started this by adding a filter over the image to get rid of the majority of colour within the image, we then layered two of these filters over the top of each other to create an almost drawn like effect. The next stage was to start effectively colouring in the image with colours we thought were necessary. Throughout this process we weren’t too keen o how it was turning out and felt like it looked too immature and didn’t fit with our brand identity.

Page 5: Film magazine experiments

For this experiment we edited the picture with a filter on photsohop whilst also changing the tint and also the exposure to the image to give it more of a blue tint to fit with our brand identity and the use of blue used in both the trailer and film poster. For this idea we decided to only black out one of the eyes to give it the effect of half a mask and half of a face, this is to show the idea of both characters used in the film, we also got rid of some of the shadow that was included on the white side this was done to emphasise the mask look. We also included the title within the hair, we decided to do this as it fits the way Little White Lies often incorporates their titles in very subtly, so we decided to take this convention and use it within our own cover. However although we are getting closer to finalising our idea as this is our favourite experiment so far we still find that we need to add in some more features to this poster to keep with brand identity.

Page 6: Film magazine experiments

We still haven’t finished our magazine poster and are still trying out different experiments in which we could use for it, we have come closer to figuring out what we want to use, however we need to incorporate our brand identity in more.
