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Proposed Upgrade of the Bayside Canal, Table View SLR Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd 1 Comments and Responses Report FINAL BASIC ASSESSMENT FOR THE PROPOSED UPGRADE OF THE BAYSIDE CANAL, TABLE VIEW 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Comments and Responses Report is to record comments received from Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) during the updated draft Basic Assessment Report (BAR) review and comment period from 4 March to 14 July 2020. 2. COMMENTS RECEIVED The following I&APs submitted written comments during the above-mentioned comment period: SUBMITTED BY: DATED: METHOD: Authorities 1. City of Cape Town – Morne Theron 14 July 2020 Email 2. Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning 26 March 2020 Email General I&APs Jaco Wolmarans 2 December 2019 1. Friends of Blaauwberg – Stephanie Muller 25 March and 3 April 2020 Email 2. Melkbosstrand Ratepayers Association- Smokie La Grange 10 March 2020 Email 3. Christiana Groenewoud - Ward Councillor (Ward 4) 3 April 2020 Email 4. Katja Haslinger - Milnerton Aquatic Club 29 April 2020 Email 5. Cameron Hugo 11 July 2020 Email Copies of the written submissions are attached as Attachment A, arranged according to the table above. The comments received and responses provided are presented in Table 1 below.

Proposed Upgrade of the Bayside Canal, Table View

SLR Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd 1 Comments and Responses Report




The purpose of this Comments and Responses Report is to record comments received from Interested and

Affected Parties (I&APs) during the updated draft Basic Assessment Report (BAR) review and comment

period from 4 March to 14 July 2020.


The following I&APs submitted written comments during the above-mentioned comment period:



1. City of Cape Town – Morne Theron 14 July 2020 Email

2. Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and

Development Planning

26 March 2020 Email

General I&APs

Jaco Wolmarans 2 December 2019

1. Friends of Blaauwberg – Stephanie Muller 25 March and

3 April 2020


2. Melkbosstrand Ratepayers Association- Smokie La Grange 10 March 2020 Email

3. Christiana Groenewoud - Ward Councillor (Ward 4) 3 April 2020 Email

4. Katja Haslinger - Milnerton Aquatic Club 29 April 2020 Email

5. Cameron Hugo 11 July 2020 Email

Copies of the written submissions are attached as Attachment A, arranged according to the table above.

The comments received and responses provided are presented in Table 1 below.

Proposed Upgrade of the Bayside Canal, Table View

SLR Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd 2 Comments and Responses Report

Table 1: Summary table of comments received from Authorities and/or Organs of State, with responses from the project team

Note: = Letter/Fax = E-mail = Public Open Day


1. Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning – Rainer Chambeau

1.1. - 26 March 2020 The Directorate's comments on the pre-application draft BAR have been

adequately addressed.

This comment is noted.

1.2. Please ensure to include the Department's reference number:

16/3/3/1/A1/37/3007/20 in the final BAR and all future correspondence regarding

this application.

This reference number has been included on the Final Basic Assessment


1.3. Kindy quote the abovementioned reference number in any future correspondence

in respect of this report.

1.4. Public Participation:

• Proof of the public participation process undertaken for the draft BAR must be

included in the final BAR.

• All comments received on the draft BAR must be included in the final BAR

and the comments and responses report must be updated accordingly.

Proof of the public participation process undertaken for the updated draft BAR

is included in Appendix F. All comments received during the review and

comment period of the updated draft BAR are included in this Comments and

Response Report.

1.5. Duly dated and originally signed declaration forms by the applicant, EAP and

specialists that conducted specialist studies must be included in the final BAR.

In accordance with Annexure 2 of the “Directions Regarding Measures to

Address, Prevent and Combat the Spread of COVID-19 Relating to National

Environmental Management Permits and Licences” (GN No. 650 of 5 June

2020), the final BAR and associated attachments (including signatures) have

been submitted electronically.

1.6. Please note that two printed copies as well as one electronic copy (saved on

CD/DVD) of the BAR must be submitted to the Department.

1.7. It is an offence in terms of Section 49A(1) (a) of the NEMA for a person to

commence with a listed activity unless the Competent Authority has granted an

Environmental Authorisation for the undertaking of the activity.

This comment is noted.

2. City of Cape Town: Environmental Management Department, Environmental & Heritage Management Branch & Biodiversity Management Branch – Morne Theron

2.1. - 14 July 2020 The revised DBAR adequately reflects and responds to the comments raised by the

City of Cape Town during the previous draft BAR stage on 24 June 2019.

This comment is noted.

2.2. The draft EMPr must include that the Recreation and Parks Department be afforded

an opportunity to comment on the Rehabilitation Plan prior to its approval.

The draft EMPr has been updated accordingly.

2.3. The City supports the recommended Preferred Alternative in the DBAR and

Intervention 5 in the Preliminary Design Report, compiled by BVI Consulting

Engineers, dated April 2018 (Ref 30964.13BB-REP-003 REV3). Intervention 5 is

considered to be the preferred alternative.

The City’s support of the preferred alternative has been recorded here for

consideration by the Competent Authority during the decision-making process.

2.4. - 14 July 2020 The City also concurs with the EAPs recommendations and proposed conditions as

contained in Section 5(a) on page 46 - 47 of the revised draft BAR.

The City’s Support of the recommendations has been recorded here for

consideration by the Competent Authority during the decision-making process.

Proposed Upgrade of the Bayside Canal, Table View

SLR Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd 3 Comments and Responses Report

Table 2: Summary table of comments received from I&APs, with responses from the project team

= Letter/Fax/Post = E-mail = Public Open Day



1. Jaco Wolmarans - 2 December


I am a member of the Milnerton Aquatic Club and working in the

club team to try counter the high phosphate levels and resultant

aggressive growth of pondweed in the vlei.

I was not aware of the design your firm has proposed, and over

the weekend spoke to a researcher at UCT, a colleague of my

wife Nicky at Civil Engineering, whose mail I attached below. His

proposal is for a weir system to help clean the water. Is this the

same or similar as your design, mentioned in points 3.2 in the


While the proposed weir system is not precisely the same as that

provided in the correspondence, the principle of the proposed weir

structure is similar as it would divert all low flows into a formalised

reed-bed system. The reed-bed system would facilitate the removal

of nutrients from the stormwater runoff before it ultimately enters

Rietvlei. The proposed weir would be "overtopped" during higher-

order storms, where the more diluted stormwater runoff would then

enter Rietvlei while bypassing the treatment system. The

formalisation of the reed beds would facilitate easier maintenance

of this area to allow for more regular litter and sediment removal as

described in the BAR.

What is the proposed timeline for the building of these? Should an Environmental Authorisation be granted for the proposed

project, additional detailed engineering design work would still need

to be completed before construction could commence. Thus, it is

not possible to provide a timeframe for the implementation of the

project at stage.

2. Friends of Blaauwberg –

Stephanie Muller - 25 March 2020

Will this due date still be upheld, in view of the lockdown? It was originally proposed that the updated draft BAR review and

comment period would be upheld as it was the second opportunity

I&APs could comment on the BAR and a large portion of the

comment period had taken place outside of the lock-down period.

However, following interaction with the Department of

Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEA&DP), an

extension of the updated draft BAR review and comment period was

granted to I&APs and the review and comment period was extended

to 14 July 2020.

- 3 April 2020 There is one point of concern still namely the handling of non-

solid pollutants by the reed-beds:

• specifically the current Typha bulrushes (which should be

eradicated), and

• work done within the reed beds which could affect birds’

nests, frogs etc.

There is mention of an environmental assessment plan. Will

these topics be addressed in there?

The project entails formalising the existing Typha reed beds to allow

for the uptake of nutrients and physical filtration of pollutants by the

reeds. The establishment of formalised reed beds would allow for

easier management once the reeds become overgrown, however

these would not be eradicated entirely.

The potential impacts linked to the direct mortality of fauna and loss

of faunal habitat has been assessed in Section G of the BAR. Key

mitigation to limit such impacts include limiting the construction

Proposed Upgrade of the Bayside Canal, Table View

SLR Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd 4 Comments and Responses Report


footprint to as small an area as possible and relocating any

amphibian, reptile, bird or mammal encountered during site

preparation to a suitable area immediately outside the proposed

project footprint.

The Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) is attached as

Appendix H and includes all the proposed mitigation and

management measures that must be implemented in the

Construction and Operational phases of the project.

3. Melkbosstrand

Ratepayers Association –

Smokie La Grange

- 10 March 2020 We would like to offer you our support, and note that we have

no objection to the draft BAR.

Support for the proposed project has been recorded here for

consideration by the Competent Authority during the decision-

making process.

4. Christiana Groenewoud –

Ward Councillor (ward 4) - 3 April 2020 The present circumstances, a national lockdown because of

the Covid-19 virus, is beyond everyone’s control. I would

therefore propose that the due date for the feedback be

reconsidered and extended to two weeks after the national

lockdown has been lifted.

Mr Arnott, you may consider that nothing significantly new

could be added to the proposal. However, in the light of the

serious pollution of the Dieprivier, which is and was proposed

as an ecological disaster of note, one would need to

reconsider. You may be aware of the fact that both the

Western Cape Provincial Government’s Department of

Environmental Affairs and National Government have taken

issue with the City of Cape Town regarding the quality of the

Dieprivier and especially the Milnerton Estuary.

You may also be aware of the fact that OUTA – the

Organisation for the misuse of Tax Money has served a court

order on the City of Cape Town because of the pollution in and

around the estuary. It is therefore imperative to have a relook

at the proposals to ensure that the proposed upgrade of the

Bayside stormwater outfall canal will produce the necessary

results in order to reduce the pollution en route to the Milnerton

Estuary. It would be therefore an important decision to

reconsider the due date of response to the proposed project.

The City of Cape Town is a caring city and I thank you for

extending that care to the wellbeing of its citizens and above

Following interaction with DEA&DP, the updated draft BAR review

and comment period was extended to 14 July 2020.

It is pointed out that the other points raised with respect to Dieprivier

and the Milnerton Estuary fall outside the scope of the proposed


Proposed Upgrade of the Bayside Canal, Table View

SLR Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd 5 Comments and Responses Report


all, the Diepriver that was here before us, and will most

certainly be here after we have left.

It is up to us to ensure the continued wellbeing of the Dieprivier

and restore it as far as possible to its original glory - a deep

river and its path leading up to Vissershok and beyond.

5. Katja Haslinger -

Milnerton Aquatic Club. - 29 April 2020 I just wanted to follow up with you about the status of the

Bayside stormwater canal upgrade project. Has the EIA been

concluded yet?

The Basic Assessment process is currently in progress and this final

BAR has been submitted to DEA&DP for consideration and

decision-making. The following steps will be undertaken in the

remainder of the Basic Assessment process:

• After DEA&DP has reached a decision, all I&APs on the project

database will be notified of the outcome of the application and

the reasons for the decision.

• A statutory appeal period in terms of the National Appeal

Regulations (GN No. R993 of 2014) will follow the issuing of

the decision.

6. Cameron Hugo - 13 July 2020 I am a resident of Table View and only now saw this project. I

would like to be able to register as an Interested and affected

party in the proposed upgrading of the stormwater canals of

Bayside outfall project.

This I&AP was registered on the project database (see Appendix






87 PIENAAR ROAD MILNERTON 7441 PO BOX 35 MILNERTON 7435 www.capetown.gov.za

Making progress possible. Together.



Morné Theron

Senior Environmental Professional

T: +27 21 444 0601 F: +27 21 444 0605

E: [email protected]

14 July 2020

SLR Consulting (SA) Pty Ltd

PO Box 10145

Caledon Square


Email: [email protected]

Attention: Mr Nicholas Arnott

Dear Sir



DEA&DP ref No: 16/3/3/6/7/1/A1/5/3194/15; SLR Project No: 773.07036.00002

The Draft Basic Assessment Report (DBAR), compiled by SLR, dated March 2020 (Revision No: 3), refers.

The revised DBAR adequately reflects and responds to the comments raised by the City of Cape Town

during the previous draft BAR stage on 24 June 2019.

The following additional technical comment from the relevant City of Cape Town Department is


1. City of Cape Town: Recreation & Parks Department

The draft EMPr must include that the Recreation and Parks Department be afforded an

opportunity to comment on the Rehabilitation Plan prior to its approval.

The City supports the recommended Preferred Alternative in the DBAR and Intervention 5 in the

Preliminary Design Report, compiled by BVI Consulting Engineers, dated April 2018 (Ref 30964.13BB-REP-

003 REV3). Intervention 5 is considered to be the preferred alternative.

The City also concurs with the EAPs recommendations and proposed conditions as contained in Section

5(a) on page 46 - 47 of the revised draft BAR.

The City now awaits the Competent Authority’s decision.

Kindly submit the final Basic Assessment Report (FBAR), once available, to this office.

Yours faithfully


Head: Environmental Management Department: Environmental & Heritage Management Branch –

Northern Region


Nicholas Arnott

From: Jaco Wolmarans <[email protected]>

Sent: Monday, 02 December 2019 09:27

To: Candice Sadan

Subject: Fwd: Re: Blue green algae at rietvlei

Attachments: BV01_ExecutiveSummary_May19.pdf; ATT00001.txt

Follow Up Flag: Follow up

Flag Status: Completed

Categories: Green Category

Good morning Candace

I read the proposed Rietvlei inflow rehab document you presented to the CoCT in May (your document attached).

I am a member of the Milnerton Aquatic Club and working in the club team to try counter the high phosphate levels

and resultant aggressive growth of pondweed in the vlei.

I was not aware of the design your firm has proposed, and over the weekend spoke to a researcher at UCT, a

colleague of my wife Nicky at Civil Engineering, whose mail I attached below. His proposal is for a weir system to

help clean the water. Is this the same or similar as your design, mentioned in points 3.2 in the document?


In point---- Begin forwarded message -----From: John Okedi <[email protected]>Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2019 11:09:26 +0000To: Nicky Wolmarans <[email protected]>CC: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>Subject: Re: Blue green algae at rietvlei

Hi Nicky

I eventually worked with zeekovlei for my PhD. To manage pondweed and algae blooms, you need to mimimise nutrients flowing into the reitvlei. One way to do that is to work with city officials to install small wiers in the rivers feeding the vlei and polluted water usually low flows pumped to the sewerage system. The high flows can be allowed to enter the vlei. I am not sure how the outlet looks like but can you possibly empty the vlei say in April and allow it to fill with May winter rain? This can allow you to drain the vlei and provide some cleaning. This is done at zeekoevlei annually. I am happy to meet and discuss this further. I am also happy to get undergrad students to work on this problem for their thesis. This could help us understand the problem better and provide scientifically backed solutions.



Get Outlook for iOSFrom: Nicky Wolmarans <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, December 1, 2019 6:51:11 AMTo: John Okedi <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Subject: Blue green algae at rietvlei Hi JohnI¢m wondering if you are able to advise MAC (Milnerton Aquatic Club) at Rietvlei on managing the pondweed & algae bloom. I¢m sure the site was on of your PhD case studies and access to the vlei is currently severely threatened. Any advice would be welcome.I¢ve copied Jaco as he is involved in the club management.ThanksNickyDisclaimer - University of Cape Town This email is subject to UCT policies and email disclaimer published on our website at http://www.uct.ac.za/main/email-disclaimer or obtainable from +27 21 650 9111. If this email is not related to the business of UCT, it is sent by the sender in an individual capacity. Please report security incidents or abuse via https://csirt.uct.ac.za/page/report-an-incident.php.Jaco Wolmarans Video, photography, copy writing082 8555945 | 021 5523982


Nicholas Arnott

From: Jaco Wolmarans <[email protected]>

Sent: Monday, 02 December 2019 12:11

To: Nicholas Arnott; katja Haslinger

Cc: Candice Sadan

Subject: RE: Re: Blue green algae at rietvlei

Hi Nicholas

Yes, thanks, it does. What is the proposed timeline for the building of these?

On Mon, 2 Dec 2019 09:52:44 +0000, Nicholas Arnott wrote:

> Good Morning Jaco,


> Your email hereunder, addressed to my colleague Candice, has reference.


> While the proposed weir system is not precisely the same as the one

> mentioned in the email you supplied, I believe the principle and

> outcome would largely be the same.


> The proposed treatment system described in our report would divert all

> low flows into a formalised reed-bed system which would facilitate the

> removal of nutrients from the stormwater runoff before the runoff

> ultimately enters into Rietvlei. The proposed weir would be

> "overtopped" during higher-order storms, where the more diluted

> stormwater runoff would then enter Rietvlei while bypassing the

> treatment system. The formalisation of the reed beds would

> facilitate easier maintenance of this area to allow for more regular

> litter and sediment removal as described in our report.


> I trust that the above addresses your query.


> Kind Regards,

> Nicholas





> Nicholas Arnott

> Environmental Consultant


> Email: mailto:[email protected]

> Cell: +27 72 376 4809

> Office: +27 21 461 1118

> Fax: +27 21 461 1120

> SLR Consulting


> SLR Consulting (Cape Town office)

> 5th Floor, Letterstedt House, Newlands on Main Cnr Main and Campground

> Roads Newlands, Cape Town, 7700, South Africa





> Confidentiality Notice and Disclaimer


> This communication and any attachment(s) contain information which is

> confidential and may also be legally privileged. It is intended for

> the exclusive use of the recipient(s) to whom it is addressed. If you

> have received this communication in error please email us by return

> mail and then delete the email from your system together with any

> copies of it. Any views or opinions are solely those of the author and

> do not represent those of SLR Management Ltd, or any of its

> subsidiaries, unless specifically stated.





> -----Original Message-----

> From: Jaco Wolmarans [mailto:[email protected]]

> Sent: 02 December 2019 09:27 AM

> To: Candice Sadan

> Subject: Fwd: Re: Blue green algae at rietvlei


> Good morning Candace


> I read the proposed Rietvlei inflow rehab document you presented to

> the CoCT in May (your document attached).


> I am a member of the Milnerton Aquatic Club and working in the club

> team to try counter the high phosphate levels and resultant

> aggressive growth of pondweed in the vlei.


> I was not aware of the design your firm has proposed, and over the

> weekend spoke to a researcher at UCT, a colleague of my wife Nicky at

> Civil Engineering, whose mail I attached below. His proposal is for a

> weir system to help clean the water. Is this the same or similar as

> your design, mentioned in points 3.2 in the document?


> Regards


Jaco Wolmarans

Video, photography, copy writing

082 8555945 | 021 5523982


Nicholas Arnott

From: Friends of BCA (Chairman) <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, 25 March 2020 09:45

To: Candice Sadan

Cc: Nicholas Arnott

Subject: RE: Proposed Upgrade of the Bayside Stormwater Outfall Canal: Notification of

Updated Basic Assessment Report

Importance: High

Hi Candice

Will this due date still be upheld, in view of the lockdown?

Stephanie Muller

Chairman: Friends of BCA

[email protected]

083 679 4642

From: Candice Sadan [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 04 March 2020 03:33 PM To: Candice Sadan

Cc: Nicholas Arnott Subject: Proposed Upgrade of the Bayside Stormwater Outfall Canal: Notification of Updated Basic Assessment


Dear Sir / Madam

Please find attached correspondence regarding the availability of an updated draft Basic Assessment Report (BAR)

for the above-mentioned project. The updated draft BAR has been made available for a 30-day review and comment

period from 4 March to 3 April 2020. A copy of the Executive Summary of the report is attached to this email. An

electronic copy of the full report can be accessed on the SLR website at the following hyperlink:


Should you have any queries on the above, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the


Kind Regards,

Candice Sadan

Office Administrator

+27 21 461 1118

[email protected]

SLR Consulting

SLR Consulting (Cape Town office)

5th Floor, Letterstedt House, Newlands on Main

Cnr Main and Campground Roads


Cape Town, 7700

Friends of the Blaauwberg Conservation Area


NPO Registration No. 068-317

PBO No.930041142

c\o Unit 2 Piazza Armerina 283 Blaauwberg Road TABLEVIEW 7441 071 671 9552 www.bca.org.za


SLR Consulting (SA) PO Box 10145 Caledon Square 7905 3 April 2020 Attention: Mr Nicholas Arnott an Jonathan Crowther Response to the Updated Basic Assessment Report (BAR) prepared for the proposal by the City of Cape Town: Transport for Cape Town (CoCT) to upgrade the Bayside Stormwater Outfall Canal, located within Tableview, Cape Town. We have perused the Updated documents. There is one point of concern still namely the handling of non-solid pollutants by the reed-beds:

• specifically the current Typha bulrushes (which should be eradicated), and

• work done within the reed beds which could affect birds’ nests, frogs etc. There is mention of an environmental assessment plan. Will these topics be addressed in there? Once again, thank you for the opportunity of commenting on the proposals. Yours sincerely

Stephanie Muller Chairman – Friends of the Blaauwberg Conservation Area Cell: 083 679 4642


Nicholas Arnott

From: Duval La Grange <[email protected]>

Sent: Tuesday, 10 March 2020 15:54

To: Candice Sadan

Cc: Nicholas Arnott

Subject: Re: Proposed Upgrade of the Bayside Stormwater Outfall Canal: Notification of

Updated Basic Assessment Report

Dear Ms Sadan,

Thank you very much for informing us of the above mentioned project. Although it is slightly our of our mandate we are

pleased to receive the information.

We would like to offer you our support, and note that we have no objection to the draft BAR.

Best regards

(Mrs) Smokie La Grange

Chairperson - Melkbosstrand Ratepayers Association

Ward 23 Representative - Civic Organisations

On 04 Mar 2020, at 15:33, Candice Sadan <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Sir / Madam

Please find attached correspondence regarding the availability of an updated draft Basic Assessment

Report (BAR) for the above-mentioned project. The updated draft BAR has been made available for

a 30-day review and comment period from 4 March to 3 April 2020. A copy of the Executive

Summary of the report is attached to this email. An electronic copy of the full report can be

accessed on the SLR website at the following hyperlink:


Should you have any queries on the above, or require any further information, please do not

hesitate to contact the undersigned.

Kind Regards, <image798 442.j pg>

Candice Sadan

Office Administrator

<image822 124. png>

+27 21 461 1118

<image521 922. png>

[email protected]

SLR Consulting

SLR Consulting (Cape Town office)

5th Floor, Letterstedt House, Newlands on Main

Cnr Main and Campground Roads


Cape Town, 7700

<image780 186. png>

<image810 388. png>

<image129 364. png>

<image089 996. png>

Confidentiality Notice and Limitation

This communication, and any attachment(s) contains information which is confidential and may also be legally privileged. It is intended for the exclusive use of the recipient(s)

copying, distribution or action taken or not taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please advise SLR by e

sent with them may be intercepted, corrupted and/or delayed, SLR does not accept any liability for any errors or omissions in the message or any attachment howsoever caused a

Any advice or opinion is provided on the basis that it has been prepared by SLR with reasonable skill, care and diligence, taking account of the manpower, timescales and resources devoted to it by agreement with its Client. It is subject

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message and any attachment(s) for any purpose.

© 2017 SLR Consulting Limited. All Rights Reserved.

<2020-03-02_Let_IAP_DBAR Notification.pdf><BV01_Updated DBAR_ExecSumm_Mar20.pdf>


Nicholas Arnott

From: Christiana Groenewoud <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, 03 April 2020 14:31

To: Nicholas Arnott; Marian Nieuwoudt; Xanthea Limberg; Mayor

Cc: Joy McCarthy; Eddie Andrews; Friends of BCA (Chairman); Roy Fuller-Gee

Subject: FW: Proposed Upgrade of the Bayside Stormwater Outfall Canal: Notification of

Updated Basic Assessment Report

Attachments: Proposed Upgrade of the Bayside Stormwater Outfall Canal: Notification of

Updated Basic Assessment Report

Importance: High

Follow Up Flag: Follow up

Flag Status: Completed

Good evening, Mr Arnott

The present circumstances, a national lockdown because of the C19 virus, is beyond everyone’s control. I would

therefore propose that the due date for the feedback be reconsidered and extended to two weeks after the national

lockdown has been lifted.

Mr Arnott, you may consider that nothing significantly new could be added to the proposal. However, in the light of

the serious pollution of the Dieprivier, which is and was proposed as an ecological disaster of note, one would need

to reconsider.

You may be aware of the fact that both the Western Cape Provincial Government’s Department of Environmental

Affairs and National Government have taken issue with the City of Cape Town regarding the quality of the Dieprivier

and especially the Milnerton Estuary.

You may also be aware of the fact that OUTA – the Organisation for the misuse of Tax Money has served a court

order on the City of Cape Town because of the pollution in and around the estuary. It is therefore imperative to have

a relook at the proposals to ensure that the proposed upgrade of the Bayside stormwater outfall canal will produce

the necessary results in order to reduce the pollution en route to the Milnerton Estuary.

It would be therefore an important decision to reconsider the due date of response to the proposed project.

The City of Cape Town is a caring city and I thank you for extending that care to the wellbeing of its citizens and

above all, the Diepriver that was here before us, and will most certainly be here after we have left.

It is up to us to ensure the continued wellbeing of the Dieprivier and restore it as far as possible to its original glory -

a deep river and its path leading up to Vissershok and beyond.

Vriendelike groete / Kind regards

Christiana Groenewoud PR Cllr/Rdl. Ward 4

Portfolios: Spatial Planning and Environment; Demarcations / Portfolios: Ruimtelike Beplanning en Omgewing; Afbakening

Committees: Cape Town Heritage Trust; Missionary Museum / Kaapstadse Erfenistrust; Sendelingmuseum

Friends of Blaauwberg Conservation Area / Vriende van Blaauwberg Bewaringsarea

PAAC: Table Bay Nature Reserve; Witzands Aquifer Nature Reserve / Tafelbaai Natuurreservaat; Witzands-Aquifer Natuurreservaat

Subcouncil 3, Racecourse Rd, Milnerton / Subraad 3, Racecourseweg, Milnerton

Mobile: 082 294 1894 | Email/epos: [email protected] | Web: www.capetown.gov.za

CCT Contacts | CCT Media and News | Report a fault | Account Queries | Water Restrictions


From: Nicholas Arnott [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 25 March 2020 09:54 AM

To: Friends of BCA (Chairman); Candice Sadan

Subject: RE: Proposed Upgrade of the Bayside Stormwater Outfall Canal: Notification of Updated Basic Assessment Report

Good Morning Stephanie,

At present, the due date for comment will still be upheld as:

(1) This is the second opportunity which has been provided to stakeholders to comment on the Basic

Assessment Report for the proposed project and the information presented in the report is not significantly


(2) A large portion of the comment period on the report will have taken place outside of the lock-down to be

implemented by tomorrow; and

(3) Recent feedback from the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEA&DP) we

have received indicated that public participation could still be undertaken during this time.

Kind Regards,


Nicholas Arnott

Environmental Consultant

+27 21 461 1118

[email protected]

SLR Consulting

SLR Consulting (Cape Town office)

5th Floor, Letterstedt House, Newlands on Main

Cnr Main and Campground Roads


Cape Town, 7700

Confidentiality Notice and Limitation

This communication, and any attachment(s) contains information which is confidential and may also be legally privileged. It is intended for the exclusive use of the

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From: Friends of BCA (Chairman) <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, 25 March 2020 09:45

To: Candice Sadan <[email protected]>

Cc: Nicholas Arnott <[email protected]>


Subject: RE: Proposed Upgrade of the Bayside Stormwater Outfall Canal: Notification of Updated Basic Assessment


Importance: High

Hi Candice

Will this due date still be upheld, in view of the lockdown?

Stephanie Muller

Chairman: Friends of BCA

[email protected]

083 679 4642

From: Candice Sadan [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 04 March 2020 03:33 PM

To: Candice Sadan Cc: Nicholas Arnott

Subject: Proposed Upgrade of the Bayside Stormwater Outfall Canal: Notification of Updated Basic Assessment


Dear Sir / Madam

Please find attached correspondence regarding the availability of an updated draft Basic Assessment Report (BAR)

for the above-mentioned project. The updated draft BAR has been made available for a 30-day review and comment

period from 4 March to 3 April 2020. A copy of the Executive Summary of the report is attached to this email. An

electronic copy of the full report can be accessed on the SLR website at the following hyperlink:


Should you have any queries on the above, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the


Kind Regards,

Candice Sadan

Office Administrator

+27 21 461 1118

[email protected]

SLR Consulting

SLR Consulting (Cape Town office)

5th Floor, Letterstedt House, Newlands on Main

Cnr Main and Campground Roads


Cape Town, 7700

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Nicholas Arnott

From: Katja Haslinger <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2020 10:57

To: Nicholas Arnott

Subject: Bayside Stormwater Canal Upgrade

Dear Nicholas,

Hope you are well and keeping safe from corona.

Just wanted to follow up with you about the status of the Bayside stormwater canal upgrade project.

Has the EIA been concluded yet?

Looking forward to hearing from you.



Conservation Officer

Milnerton Aquatic Club.

On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 12:16 PM Nicholas Arnott <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Jaco,

SLR have been appointed to facilitate the environmental approval process. We would anticipate that the related

approval could be issued in Q1 next year. Thereafter, there is detailed engineering design work that needs to be

completed, along with obtaining various other approvals and changes to existing other documentation. Only after

these aspects could construction commenced. This does not factor in any of the City budget planning aspects. So I

unfortunately can't give you any concrete timeframes for project commencement at this stage.

Many thanks,


-----Original Message-----

From: Jaco Wolmarans <[email protected]>

Sent: Monday, 02 December 2019 12:11

To: Nicholas Arnott <[email protected]>; katja Haslinger <[email protected]>

Cc: Candice Sadan <[email protected]>

Subject: RE: Re: Blue green algae at rietvlei

Hi Nicholas

Yes, thanks, it does. What is the proposed timeline for the building of these?

On Mon, 2 Dec 2019 09:52:44 +0000, Nicholas Arnott wrote:

> Good Morning Jaco,


> Your email hereunder, addressed to my colleague Candice, has reference.


> While the proposed weir system is not precisely the same as the one

> mentioned in the email you supplied, I believe the principle and

> outcome would largely be the same.



> The proposed treatment system described in our report would divert all

> low flows into a formalised reed-bed system which would facilitate the

> removal of nutrients from the stormwater runoff before the runoff

> ultimately enters into Rietvlei. The proposed weir would be

> "overtopped" during higher-order storms, where the more diluted

> stormwater runoff would then enter Rietvlei while bypassing the

> treatment system. The formalisation of the reed beds would

> facilitate easier maintenance of this area to allow for more regular

> litter and sediment removal as described in our report.


> I trust that the above addresses your query.


> Kind Regards,

> Nicholas





> Nicholas Arnott

> Environmental Consultant


> Email: mailto:[email protected]

> Cell: +27 72 376 4809

> Office: +27 21 461 1118

> Fax: +27 21 461 1120

> SLR Consulting


> SLR Consulting (Cape Town office)

> 5th Floor, Letterstedt House, Newlands on Main Cnr Main and Campground

> Roads Newlands, Cape Town, 7700, South Africa




> Confidentiality Notice and Disclaimer


> This communication and any attachment(s) contain information which is

> confidential and may also be legally privileged. It is intended for

> the exclusive use of the recipient(s) to whom it is addressed. If you

> have received this communication in error please email us by return

> mail and then delete the email from your system together with any

> copies of it. Any views or opinions are solely those of the author and

> do not represent those of SLR Management Ltd, or any of its

> subsidiaries, unless specifically stated.





> -----Original Message-----

> From: Jaco Wolmarans [mailto:[email protected]]

> Sent: 02 December 2019 09:27 AM

> To: Candice Sadan

> Subject: Fwd: Re: Blue green algae at rietvlei


> Good morning Candace



> I read the proposed Rietvlei inflow rehab document you presented to

> the CoCT in May (your document attached).


> I am a member of the Milnerton Aquatic Club and working in the club

> team to try counter the high phosphate levels and resultant

> aggressive growth of pondweed in the vlei.


> I was not aware of the design your firm has proposed, and over the

> weekend spoke to a researcher at UCT, a colleague of my wife Nicky at

> Civil Engineering, whose mail I attached below. His proposal is for a

> weir system to help clean the water. Is this the same or similar as

> your design, mentioned in points 3.2 in the document?


> Regards


Jaco Wolmarans

Video, photography, copy writing

082 8555945 | 021 5523982


Nicholas Arnott

From: Cameron Hugo <[email protected]>

Sent: Saturday, 11 July 2020 15:07

To: Nicholas Arnott

Subject: I&AP

Good Day whom it may concern

I am a resident of Table View and only now saw this project. I would like to be able to register as an Interested and

affected party in the proposed upgrading of the stormwater canals of bayside outfall project.


Cameron Hugo
