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Final Exam Practice Test. Physiological Psychology PSYC.465. Question 1. Which of the following is NOT a principle of sensorimotor organization? The sensorimotor system is hierarchically organized Motor output is guided by sensory input - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Final Exam Practice Test Physiological Psychology PSYC.465

Final Exam Practice Test

Physiological PsychologyPSYC.465

Question 1

Which of the following is NOT a principle of sensorimotor organization?

A. The sensorimotor system is hierarchically organized

B. Motor output is guided by sensory inputC. Learning changes the nature and locus of

sensorimotor controlD. The sensorimotor system is organized bottom-


Question 2

What is the exception to the rule that “Motor output is guided by sensory input?”

A. The case of G.O. (the darts champion)B. Ballistic movementsC. Muscle contractionD. Slow movements to balance a limbE. Both A and B

Question 3

The posterior parietal cortex receives input from the ________________.

A. Primary motor cortexB. Secondary motor cortexC. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortexD. Various sensory systems E. Both C and D

Question 4

Which structure is at the top of the sensori-motor hierarchy?

A. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortexB. Posterior parietal cortexC. Supplementary motor cortexD. Premotor cortexE. Both A and B

Question 5

Which lesion(s) commonly result(s) in contralateral neglect?

A. Right posterior parietal cortexB. Left posterior parietal cortexC. Bilateral posterior parietal cortexD. Bilateral medial temporal lobectomyE. Bilateral premotor cortex

Question 6

Which lesion(s) commonly result(s) in constructional apraxia?

A. Right posterior parietal cortexB. Left posterior parietal cortexC. Bilateral posterior parietal cortexD. Bilateral medial temporal lobectomyE. Bilateral premotor cortex

Question 7

Which of the following areas of cortex is somatotopically organized?

A. Primary motor cortexB. Secondary motor cortexC. Supplementary motor cortexD. Premotor cortexE. Frontal eye fields

Question 8

Which structure is considered to be part of the secondary motor cortex

A. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortexB. Supplementary motor area C. Posterior parietal cortexD. Precentral gyrusE. Postmotor cortex

Question 9

According to the classic view, the secondary motor cortex includes the SMA and the _________________.

A. Frontal eye fieldsB. Ventromedial frontal cortexC. Premotor cortexD. Posterior parietal cortexE. Postmotor cortex

Question 10

In general, damage to the posterior parietal cortex can produce a variety of deficits in _______________.

A. Perception and memory of spatial relationshipsB. Reaching and graspingC. Control of eye movementsD. AttentionE. All of the above

Question 11

More recent evidence from monkeys suggest that the secondary motor cortex includes ___ premotor regions, ___ SMA regions, and ___ newly discovered areas in the cingulate gyrus.

A. 3, 3, 2B. 2, 3, 3C. 2, 2, 3D. 2, 3, 2E. 3, 2, 2

Question 12

The motor homunculus represents the __________.

A. somatotopic organization of M1B. distribution of motor cortex devoted to

different body partsC. organization of the precentral gyrusD. All of the aboveE. Both A and B

Question 13

In the experiment by Lawrence and Kuypers, transection of the dorsolateral corticospinal tract resulted in a lasting impairment in _______________.

A. Standing, walking and climbing B. Moving fingers independently of each otherC. Grasping objectsD. Reaching for objectsE. All of the above

Question 14

There are ____ basal ganglia loops that have both closed and open interacting circuits.

A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5E. 6

Question 15

The cerebellum contains _____% of the brains neurons and makes up _____% of the brain’s total mass.

A. 10, 50B. 50, 10C. 40, 60D. 60, 40E. 30, 70

Question 16

Evidence shows that the descending ___________ motor pathways are involved in the control of the distal limbs while the ___________ motor pathways are involved in the control posture and whole body movements.

A. Dorsolateral, ventromedialB. Ventromedial, dorsolateralC. Dorsomedial, ventrolateralD. Ventrolateral, DorsomedialE. Anterolateral, posteromedial

Question 17

________ muscle fibers are capable of great force but quickly fatigue whereas _________ muscle fibers are involved in sustained contractions for longer durations of time.

A. Fast, slowB. Slow, fastC. Antagonist, agonistsD. Agonists, antagonistsE. Striated, smooth

Question 18

The ________ sensory receptors detect changes in muscle length whereas the _______ detects increases in muscle tension.

A. Golgi tendon organ, muscle spindleB. Muscle spindle, Golgi tendon organC. Golgi spindle, and muscle tendonD. Muscle tendons, golgi spindlesE. Motor pool, motor unit

Question 19

The motor_____ innervates individual muscle fibers whereas a motor ______ includes all the motor neurons that innervate a single muscle (including all of its individual muscle fibers).

A. Pool, unitB. Unit, pool C. Plate, spindleD. Spindle, plateE. Extensor, flexor

Question 20

The direct descending motor pathways synapse in the _________________.

A. Basal gangliaB. Red nucleusC. One of four brainstem nucleiD. CerebellumE. spinal cord

Question 21

H.M.’s surgery removed structures in the medial part of the _________________.

A. Temporal lobe, unilaterallyB. Temporal lobe, bilaterallyC. Frontal lobe, and some of the parietal lobeD. Parietal lobe, unilaterallyE. Parietal lobe, bilaterally

Question 22

H.M. had severe __________ amnesia and mild, or temporally limited __________ amnesia.

A. Implicit, explicitB. Explicit, implicitC. retrograde, anterogradeD. anterograde, retrograde

Question 23

Which task is sensitive to object recognition memory in rats and monkeys.

A. Delayed match to sampleB. Incomplete pictures testC. Delayed nonmatch to sampleD. Rotary pursuitE. Mirror drawing

Question 22

H.M. had severe __________ amnesia and mild, or temporally limited __________ amnesia.

A. Implicit, explicitB. Explicit, implicitC. retrograde, anterogradeD. anterograde, retrograde

Question 24

R.B.’s brain damage appeared to be restricted to the ______________ subfield of the ___________.

A. CA3, hippocampusB. CA1, hippocampusC. Dentate gyrus, amygdalaD. CA2, rhinal cortex

Question 25

Monkeys with hippocampal lesions that damage the rhinal cortex were impaired at _____________________.

A. Object recognitionB. Habit formationC. Configural learningD. Spatial learningE. Place memory

Question 26

In rats hippocampal lesions damage part of the __________ cortex.

A. rhinalB. entorhinalC. parietalD. frontal

Question 27

Animals given Ischemia followed immediately by a hippocampal lesion were ______________.

A. Impaired at object recognitionB. Not impaired at object recognitionC. Were somewhat impaired on the DNMSD. Were severely impaired at DNMS

Question 28

Which theory was developed by O’keefe and Nadel?

A. The hippocampus as a cognitive mapB. The hippocampus and configural associationsC. The amygdala in emotional memoryD. Object recognition of the rhinal cortex

Question 29

LTP is thought to critically involve activation of which type of receptor?

A. Cholinergic muscarinicB. Cholinergic nicotinicC. Glutamatergic kainateD. Glutamatergic NMDA

Question 30

The hippocampus is most likely involved in _________, while the rhinal cortex is involved in _____________

A. Spatial memory, object recognitionB. object recognition, spatial memoryC. Implicit memory, semantic memoryD. Semantic memory, implicit memory


1. D2. B3. E4. E5. A6. B7. A8. B9. C10.E


