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Final Future 1-5

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  • 7/30/2019 Final Future 1-5


    Chapter 1,

    In the land of ancient Gian, there was a prophecy, lost in time. In this it was foretold that five

    spirit warriors will rise up against the end of existence to save the ones they love. But a new

    enemy will appear to prevent the warriors from accomplishing this. They must learn the ancient

    lost arts to survive the attack on humanity. Now the prophecy unveils its secrets.

    Im bored to death, groaned Mercer irritated as he walked in circles inside a jail cell.

    Mercer Sobek was a twenty year old Shakti (a humanoid reptilian lizard- like race.) Mercer is

    normally aggressive towards people, but he could be kind. Since Shaktis dont have hair, spikeoften takes its place, making each Shakti unique. These spikes usually trailed down their tails as


    So am I sighed Logan with a serious face as he sat down on the bottom of a bunk bed

    in a corner of a jail cell.

    Logan Vosamaki was a tall twenty one year old Dark Elf (Elven race with gray charcoal skin)

    male with short messy black hair, he seemed very mysterious in everyones eyes. Dark Elves

    used to be tribal races until the advancement of technology. Now they spend their lives likenormal people. They are adept in dark magic, but was soon forgotten in the new age.

    Howlong have we been in here? asked Mercer, curiously and irritated at his own


    I lost track a couple of years ago, sighed Logan as he laid down on the bed.Damn! Its been that long? asked Mercer with a nasty scowl.

    I guess so, yawned Logan not caring about Mercers question, Im going to bed.

    Logan and Mercer were only actually in this cell for about two years. It seemed longer as there

    was nothing to do and they could see no one. The emperor of the land isolated them from

    everyone, except for an occasional guard.

    I might as well join ya, yawned Mercer as he climbed onto the top bunk of the bed,

    night, Logan.Once Logan fell asleep, he started to dream of a massive demon army approaching a city from an

    open grassy plain.

    Whats this? asked Logan confused, as he stared at the city.Then without warning, the demon army started to raid the city. Logan stared at the familiar city

    in shock.

    Its Nu Ran!! exclaimed Logan as he saw the demons brutally killing dozens of peopleand burned familiar buildings.

    When Logan looked away into the horizon in disgust, he saw five creatures appear from the

    outskirts of the city.

    Its the legendary spirits! said Logan surprised by their appearance.So the spirits began to reveal their appearances one by one. There was a golden oriental dragon,

    a darkened red phoenix, a blue serpent, a silver Pegasus and a bronze mechanical lion. Each of

    the spirits was the size of buildings, possibly larger. The dragon quickly summoned a vast

    lightning storm and electrocuted hundreds of demons and the snake shot an immense water

    torrent and washed away more demons. When the Pegasus began to whip up a massive tornado,

    the phoenix flapped its wings and blew a heat wave at the tornado. As soon as the wave hit the

    tornado, it merged with it and formed a blistering tornado that incinerated many demons and

    flung molten rocks in the air. The lion jumped up in response and cooled the molten rocks then

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    shattered them. As the rock shards fell to the ground, they started multiplying and rained over the

    remaining demons.

    What power, said Logan shocked, unable to fully comprehend what had happened, Ivenever see anything like this before.Unexpectedly, a black shadow rose up from the ground and towered over the entire city.

    What the hell? asked Logan terrified from the fearsome sight of the shadow.Not even the powerful spirit five can defeat me and prevent this worlds demise,bellowed the shadow, which shook the land.

    So the spirits attacked the shadow with everything they got, a large explosion nearly blinded

    Logan and blew away the city with a massive shockwave.

    Now die!! bellowed the shadow in a low roar, unfazed by the attacks.

    A massive pitch-black shadowy wave washed over the city, blackening all it touched. When the

    wave got close to Logan, he closed his eyes in terror. After Logan reopened his eyes, he saw

    destruction and carnage beyond his comprehension, buildings ablaze, people being mercilessly

    murdered by demons, and the five spirits laying down on the ground fatally injured.

    Whats happening here? asked Logan stunned with fear as he looked around.

    Youre next!! bellowed the shadow as it glared at Logan with piercing red eyes.So Logan began run away but he couldnt get any further away from the shadow. This caused

    Logan to become more terrified with each step. His surroundings quickly faded to black as he


    You cannot escape me! bellowed the shadow as his sharp black claws reached forLogan, this is your fate!

    Nothing is set in blood, said Logan as he stopped running, now realizing his dream, my

    fate is my own, you will not tell me otherwise!!Then a shining golden, volatile aura started to slowly spiral around Logan. His fear dissolved in

    the bathing light.

    This will never happen to my hometown! exclaimed Logan as his aura completely

    surrounded him.

    This is impossible!! yelled the shadow, taken aback with Logans power, sorcery was

    lost forever!

    Not from me, said Logan with a calm voice, I wont let this happen!Then try!! bellowed the shadow.

    Once Logans aura started to fluctuate, everything froze in place. He watched as everything

    stopped in front of him.

    Logan, wake up, said a familiar male voice, worried.

    What? asked Logan as he looked around, confused.

    Wake up!! yelled the voice.

    When Logan woke up from his dream, he rolled off of the bed onto the concrete floor.

    What the hell were you dreaming about? asked Mercer, curiously.

    Nothing anymore, groaned Logan as he shook his head.

    Well, nothing was a nightmare, said Mercer, concerned.

    Fine, but its gone now, said Logan as he got up.Okay, said Mercer with a sigh, so what are we going to do today?

    The same thing we do every day, Mercer, said Logan, angrily, nothing.

    For a few years Logan and Mercer had sat in this jail cell without visitors, rotting away. They

    never shared the reason why they were in prison, but shared their lives. They have met before,

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    Dude, whats wrong with you? asked Mercer, just take the damn sword.

    No, I require a katana for maximum efficiency, explained Logan, otherwise, I cant

    fight well.Fine here, said the guard as he gave Logan a rusty katana and Mercer a rusty sword, but

    remember this, you wont always have a katana nearby.

    I know, thanks, said Logan as he and Mercer picked up their weapons.Youve got be kidding me, they dont belong here said a twenty-one year old Dark Elffemale with long red hair and in dull steel armor, too soft.

    Ill show you soft!! yelled Mercer angrily as he went to the woman.

    Calm down, Mercer, said Logan as he sat down.Fine, said Mercer as he walked away, angrily.

    Like I said, too soft, said the woman as she smirked.

    So, who are you? asked Logan.

    I am this arenas Bloodmaster and ultimate fighter, Zhen Ju, said Zhen.Zhen Ju is a Dark Elf warrior always prepared for battle. Everyone in the arena dares not to piss

    her off. However she is much kinder than people make her out to be.

    Well then, you should keep that jaw in place when I get into the arena, said Loganseriously, my power is beyond your imagination.

    Why you!! yelled Zhen as she attacked the cell.

    By the way, our match startsnow, said Logan.

    Then two doors, on the far side of the cell, opened. The doors creaked loudly until it was

    completely opened with a loud metallic thud.

    How? asked Zhen as she backed away, shocked.

    Nice trick, said Mercer as he and Logan went into the arena.If only you knew said Logan under his breath, deep in thought.

    Now entering the ex-convicts, Logan Vosamaki and Mercer Sobek, said the announcer

    over the microphone.

    Oh yeah!! yelled Mercer as the crowd booed at them.And their opponent, the mean, the bad, and the ugly, Habis the berserker, said the


    Then an Orc (a dark green humanoid, barbaric race with a beastly face) entered the arena on the

    opposite side of the arena.

    Orcs are a large bodied barbaric race. Though with a few exceptions, they like to try to start

    fights when possible. With the recent civilization of their race they have calmed down enough

    for everyday life.

    I will crush your skulls! yelled Habis as he drew out his axe.

    Then try! yelled Mercer as he drew his sword.

    You can have this one, said Logan as he sat down.Okay, suit yourself, said Mercer as he ran towards Habis.

    But, when Mercer got close, Habis slammed him into a wall. Mercer was imbedded into the

    concrete wall.

    Too easy, said Habis, disappointed.I suppose I should meditate, said Logan as he began to meditate.

    After Mercer got out of the wall and picked up his sword, he charged at Habis again.

    Idiot, said Habis as he ran towards Mercer.

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    Once they collided, Mercer was blown back while Habis stood still. Then Mercer charged at

    Habis once more.

    This is pointless, growled Habis with his deep voice.Again, when they collided, Mercer was thrown into a wall. Mercer didnt seem to feel the pain ofhitting the wall.

    Im not done yet, said Mercer as he got out of the wall.You are weak! yelled Habis, though he thought differently.Fine, Ill step up, smiled Mercer, happy to finally releasehis pent up aggression, just

    for you.

    Then Mercer picked up his sword and charged at Habis again. So once Mercer got close, he

    stopped and started to slash Habis. But Habis easily dodged every one of Mercers attacks.

    What the hell? asked Mercer confused.

    I was trained by a martial arts master, said Habis as he grabbed Mercer and threw him

    into a wall, at this rate Im going to run out of wall space.Then you come out of them, said Mercer as he grabbed Habis and threw him into the

    wall next to him, time to get serious!

    With his sword, Mercer began to slash Habis. But Habis dodged every slash and the bladecreated holes around Habis. His green skin became brighter as spark flew from Mercers sword.

    If you dont serious then Ill just ruin the fun, said Mercer.

    I see, smiled Habis as he kicked Mercer far away from him, Ill get serious then!

    What? Were they merely warming up before? asked the announcer, trying to rouse thecrowd.

    Time to see how long hell survive, thought Logan as he continued to meditate.

    Then Habis tore off his chest plate and his shirt revealing a muscular chest. After Habis got his

    axe, the axe began to be covered by green ooze.

    Oh no, Habis is using his Berserker Frenzy combo!! said the announcer, Lets see if

    Mercer can be the only one to survive it?

    What? asked Mercer.Thats right, no one has survived this technique, said Habis, and thats never


    Oh shit, I need to hurry, thought Logan.As soon as Mercer moved, Habis ran towards Mercer faster then ever. He couldnt keep up with

    Habiss speed.

    Die!! yelled Habis with a mighty battle cry.When Habis swung his axe, Mercer quickly moved out the way. Once the axe hit the ground, it

    created a big crater in the ground.

    Oh shit, said Mercer, amazed by Habiss power.

    Nice but you cant dodge forever, said Habis as he ran after Mercer.After Mercer grabbed his sword, he ran towards Habis.

    Im not trying to, said Mercer as he blocked Habis axe.

    Idiot, you cant block it either, said Habis as he punched Mercer into the ground as hard

    as he could.

    So once Habis got his axe over Mercer, he didnt move or anything.

    Finally, he is dead, said Habis as he pointed the axe at Logan, Youre next.

    All of the sudden, Logan snapped his eyes opened.

    Mercer! yelled Logan as he got up, now youve done it.

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    Then a golden aura spiraled around Logan. His volatile aura sparked around him.

    What is this? asked Habis, unable to properly speak.

    Is this the lost art of sorcery? asked the announcer.

    Back in the waiting room at the arena, Zhen just stood there, jaw dropped and stunned in shock,

    she was wrong about Logan. No one has ever seen power like this.

    Is this the power he was talking about? thought Zhen as she stared at Logan.You killed my friend, said Logan angrily as his aura surrounded him and began tofluctuate.

    Even with sorcery, you still cant defeat me! said Habis, Im unbeatable!

    I call upon the power of the dragon, lend me your power!! yelled Logan as a lightningbolt struck him, Dragon storm!!

    Once Logan started to swing his katana in circles above his head, his aura swirled with the

    katana. Then suddenly, Logans golden aura turned into a bluish tornado with electricity emitting

    from it.

    Whoa, get a rubber suit and some cinder blocks folks, this is getting intense, said the

    announcer as he protected his face from the winds.

    How is this possible? asked Habis as he stood against the raging winds. Like this!! said Logan as he swung his katana into the ground in front of him

    Then the tornado slammed into the ground horizontally and went straight for Habis. When it got

    close to Habis, Logan swung his katana upwards, bringing the raging tornado upward. The

    tornado sucked in Habis with impressive winds. After the tornado diminished, Habis charredbody slammed onto the ground with a sickening thud.

    What a fight, no one has seen anything like this, like ever, said the announcer, stunned

    by recent events.

    Dragon heart, said Logan as he knelt down, exhausted.

    Then several reddish energy waves flew towards Mercer. Once the waves touched and was

    absorbed by Mercer, he woke up.

    What happened? groaned Mercer as he shook his head and looked at Habis charredremains, whoa, what really happened just now?

    A little presentation, said Logan as he got up.

    Damn, of what? asked Mercer, confused.My power, said Logan as he staggered to get up.

    Nice, said Mercer as he and Logan went back to the cell.

    Im sorry, sensei, said Zhen as she walked up to the cell, I didnt know.Im not your sensei, said Logan, still tired.

    Could you teach me the art of sorcery? asked Zhen, politely.

    Fine, but you must learn to control your emotions, said Logan, dont let it cloud your

    mind, meditate and allow your mind to be calm.Okay, sensei, said Zhen as she bowed.

    Once Zhen walked off, the Imperial guard came back to the cell.

    Youve passed the first test, said the guard, but it only gets harder.

    Oh man, the last one was tough sighed Mercer, awesome!Bring it on, smiled Logan.

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    Chapter 2,

    Logan, you smiled said Mercer, quite shocked.

    Logan was normally a serious person, he never once smiled when imprisoned with Mercer.

    However, this is not who Logan was outside of the prison.

    That fight loosened me up, do you prefer that I was serious all of the time? asked Logan

    as he looked at Mercer with a serious face.

    Well no, just asking, but what about me? asked Mercer, almost whining.What? asked Logan confused, losing his serious face.

    I want to learn the arts too!! said Mercer, eagerly.

    Fine, lets meditate for awhile to gain some mana, said Logan, I can finally gather

    mana here.The prison they were in beforehand prevented magical use and the ability to gather mana, or

    magical energy. This was forgotten over the years, so only Logan was affected these days.

    Okay, said Mercer, not knowing what mana was.

    Once the guard walked off, Logan and Mercer sat down and started to meditate. The only sounds

    Logan and Mercer could hear were metals clashing from people training across the room.

    Several hours later, the guard came back, with a silver food service cart.

    Dinner time, scowled the guard as he clanged on the cell bars.What is it, gruel? asked Mercer as he opened his eyes, tired.

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    Steak and cheese subs, said the guard, do you prefer gruel?

    Its been so long, I almost forgot about real food, said Mercer as he got up, Logan, get

    up.But Logan didnt move, even an inch. Even his breathing was still and quiet. Both Mercer andthe guard stared at Logan, worried.

    Logan? asked Mercer as he poked Logan.After Mercer poked Logan, he fell over and snored. Logan had fallen asleep while meditating.He fell asleep! said Mercer angrily.

    With that much power, I can see why, said the guard as he shrugged his shoulders, not


    Is sorcery really that powerful? thought Mercer, though the thought didnt last.

    The next morning, Logan woke up early. He quickly took notice of the worn gray wool blanket

    that covered him.

    That was a great nap! said Logan as he got up and stretched.Then Zhen walked up to the cell. She seemed calmer than the last time she approached. Her

    bright red hair flowed down to her waist, and a headband was seen behind her two large bangs in

    her hair. Its been awhile since Zhen let her hair down, and seemed feminine, she didnt like toappear feminine in front of other people.

    I have meditated and controlled my emotions like you said, sensei, said Zhen as she

    calmly bowed.

    She was slightly embarrassed by her appearance, but happy at the same time. The rest of the

    fighters in the arena noticed Zhens new look, a few of them couldnt focus at what they were


    Good, said Logan with a comforting smile that is the hardest part.Then Logan did a hand sign in front of his face. Zhen stared at Logan, curious as to what he was


    Fox-vision, said Logan as his eyes became like a foxs yellow feline-like eyes, good,

    good, you did great.Logan saw Zhens immense fiery red aura, though some parts of the aura were pitch black. Her

    aura was stronger than hes ever seen, it seemed strange to him.

    Is that what I think it is? asked Zhen angrily as she covered her chest with her arms.What? asked Logan as he looked up to see her angry expression.

    Logan was staring at Zhens chest for a moment. Though all one could see is a heavily armored

    chest plate, Zhen thought he used x-ray vision to see through the armor.

    Youre a sick man, yelled Zhen as she slapped Logan across the face.

    Fox-vision detects energy levels, thats all! groaned Logan as he rubbed his face, I


    Then why were you looking at my said Zhen shyly.The heart is the center of the mana in the body, explained Logan, sorry if I seemed to

    be intruding.

    Dont worry about it now, smiled Zhen, now understanding his intent.

    Now to use sorcery, or magic, you must focus on something and cast it, said Logan, butit must be realistic, no changing reality.

    Okay said Zhen confused, unable to understand what Logan had said.

    Try this out, I can cast lightning due to the fact that the muscles in the body can producetrace amounts of electricity, but magic is needed to amplify it, explained Logan.

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    Oh, okay, said Zhen, still very confused.

    Try the basic firebolt at that target, said Logan as he pointed at an armored practice

    dummy, focus on the heat around you and amplify it.Okay, said Zhen, eager to learn magic.

    So Zhen focused on the heat. Then suddenly, a small fireball ignited on Zhens hand. The fire

    hovered over her gray, charcoal colored hand, but she didnt feel the fires burning heat. She felta warm, pulsing sensation instead.Now throw it, said Logan amazed at her accomplishment.

    Then Zhen threw the fireball at a target. Flames engulfed the target, making it appear hot red.

    The metal heated up and nearly melted the armored dummy.

    Nice, said Logan, astonished she managed that much, now practice that until you get it

    and try making it bigger and hotter.

    Okay, said Zhen happily as she bowed and left.

    Magic can be very difficult to learn and master. It often takes years before one can do what Zhen

    just did. Even Logan took days before he could use powerful magic.

    That was pretty nice but the tests continue, said the guard as he walked up to the cell

    after watching Logan and Zhen, but you need to do something first.Of course, but what now? asked Logan with a slight scowl.

    Breakfast, said the guard as he pulled aside a food service cart.

    Gruel? asked Logan.

    No, pancakes and some orange juice, groaned the guard, irritated from hearing gruelagain.

    No offense, but kid food? asked Logan, trying to be polite.

    Fine, starve, smirked the guard, angrily but seemingly jokingly as well.Sorry, but eating crap all this time, I thought I would have a mans meal, said Logan,

    but thanks, I suppose I would overreact.

    Dont mind me asking, but how the hell did you end up in jail? asked the guard,


    Cant remember, but Im reformed, said Logan as he shrugged his shoulders, or

    something like that.

    You probably want to toughen up then your next opponent is a real monster, said theguard.

    When? asked Logan, seriously.

    Before lunch, said the guard, but dont expect anything if you fail and wake him up,breakfast is important.

    Okay said Logan confused.

    Then Logan snapped his fingers. All of a sudden, a small fire started on Mercers pants. It took a

    second before Mercer woke up.

    Whoa, fire! yelled Mercer as he got up and ran in circles, put it out, put it out!

    Once Logan snapped his fingers again, the fire went out. Mercers ragged trousers had a small

    burned hole by his tail.

    What was that for? asked Mercer as he glared at Logan.Food, said Logan.

    Alright groaned Mercer as he looked at the food, PANCAKES!

    Then Mercer started to eagerly eat his breakfast. When the guard left, Logan grabbed his plate

    and started eating as well.

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    Doesnt that guard seem strange to you? asked Logan, quite skeptical of the guards

    behavior with them.

    No, not really, said Mercer as he stuffed his face.Must be me, said Logan as he ate as well.

    Finally at noon, it was time for the next test. The guard came back to the cell, with Logan and

    Mercers weapons.Its time for your next fight, said the guard as he passed them their weapons.Alright! I was starting to become bored, said Mercer excitedly.

    After the doors opened, Logan and Mercer went into the arena. The crowd was eager to see them

    again, they cheered as loud as they could.

    Now entering the dynamic duo, the double trouble, Logan Vosamaki and Mercer Sobek,

    said the announcer over the microphone.

    Oh yeah, Mercer as he started to show off for the cheering crowd.

    And at the other gate the invincible, the immortal, Tyson the bison, said the announcer.Is he really a bison? asked Mercer, curiously to Logan.

    Then a large hairy creature with thick, bestial armor smashed through the gates. Its crimson fur

    grew from under its heavy steel armor. Bull-like horns protruded from its head.Close enough, chuckled Logan.

    Me Tyson, you dead, said Tyson, unable to speak completely.

    In your dreams, said Mercer, confidently.

    Then Mercer rushed at Tyson but he swung his right arm and slammed Mercer back next to

    Logan. Mercer wasnt effected much from theimpact, Tysons fur helped cushion the blow.

    You attack, Ill block, said Logan as he wielded his sword.

    Cool with me, groaned Mercer as he rushed at Tyson once again.When Tyson had his hand over Mercer, Logan ran to block it. But Tyson used his other hand to

    smack Mercer away.

    Smart, said Logan as he retreated back to Mercer.

    But not smart enough, said Mercer.So Mercer ran towards Tyson again but water started to rise up from the ground and surrounded

    Mercer. Logan was surprised to see Mercer use magic after only one day.

    What the? asked Tyson, shocked at Mercers mystical attack.Hydro missile!! yelled Mercer as he was shot towards Tyson in a veil of water.

    Every time Tyson swung his arm, Mercer dodged it with ease. A trail of water marked his path,

    just like a comet.

    Bull fire!! yelled Tyson as he shot two streams of fire out of his nose and blew Mercer


    The water around Mercer protected him, but he could still feel the heat from the flames. The

    water rapidly dispersed back into the ground.

    Nice use of magic but hes too powerful to take on alone, said Logan, the

    flamethrowers is his nose is quite strong.

    Flamethrowers? asked Mercer confused, didnt he use magic?

    Hes not using mana, so no, hes not, observed Logan, if you look closer, theres adevice hidden in his nose.

    Good point, said Mercer as he looked at Tyson, then lets attack together.

    Lets try it, said Logan with a smirk, eager to fight again.Both Logan and Mercer gripped their swords tightly, waiting for Tyson to attack.

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    Bull fire, said Tyson as he shot two streams of fire at Logan and Mercer.

    After they jumped in opposite directions to dodge the fire, they jumped off of the solid concrete

    walls and flew towards Tyson.

    Storm wave!! yelled Logan as golden lightning trailed behind his sword.Hydro missile!! yelled Mercer as water surrounded him.

    But once they got close to Tyson, he simply blocked it and pushed Logan and Mercer into theconcrete wall.

    It didnt work, groaned Logan as he and Mercer exited from the wall.

    So, go full power, Ill distract him, said Mercer as he turned to Tyson.

    Fine, said Logan, ahhh!!!All of the sudden, a golden aura blasted from Logan and surrounded him immediately.

    Thats more like it, laughed Mercer excitedly as he looked around his shoulder.

    Storm Volley!!! yelled Logan as he shot multiple lightning balls at Tyson.

    But the lightning simply dispersed over his fur and armor, not affecting him at all.

    That tickles, laughed Tyson with a nasally breath.

    Do the other one, said Mercer, curious if it was a different attack that killed Habis.

    Fine, said Logan as he swung his katana in circles over his head, Dragon Storm!!When the tornado began to appear, Mercer charged towards Tyson, sword in hand

    Die!! said Mercer as he raised his sword.

    But Tyson suddenly threw Mercer into the air with a quick flick of his arms.

    An opening, said Logan as he ran towards Tyson while dragging the tornado behindhim.

    No opening for you, said Tyson, Skull bash.

    Oh shit, said Logan as Tysons large head was directly over him.Then Logan was slammed into the ground when Tyson head butted him. The tornado dispersed

    into the wind.

    Logan!! yelled Mercer as he continued to fly upwards.

    Now it your turn, said Tyson, Bull fire.Tyson, at that time, shot two streams of fire at Mercer. He could see the arena become warped by

    the heat.

    Ahh!! yelled Mercer as he dove down with a burst of water towards Tyson, BacklashTsunami!!

    As Mercer fell, water started to surround him. Once the fire hit the water, Mercer slashed the fire

    with his sword. When he did, the sword broke into two. Immediately, the fire and the water

    combined together and flew towards Tyson. The fire formed a veil of intense flames around the

    torrent of water. The two never extinguished each other.

    No!!! bellowed Tyson as he was sliced by the water and rapidly incinerated.

    Logan! yelled Mercer as he landed safely using a burst of water, I need to heal him.Then Mercer tried to heal Logan with his water, but Logan stayed down, nearly dead. Mercer

    could barely sense his slowing heart beat. After Zhen ran out into the arena, she rushed to Logan.

    Ive got this, said Zhen as she leaned over Logan, Phoenix Rebirth.

    But nothing happened to Logan. Zhen couldnt figure out why, she kept training since thatmorning. Healing someone magically requires a little medical training beforehand.

    Oh no, cried Zhen as she laid on Logan, Ive failed you, sensei.

    When several tears landed on Logan, he started to glow with a dull red light.

    What the? asked Zhen as she got off of Logan.

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    After the light faded away into his body, Logan opened his eyes, only to notice his blurred

    vision. Some magic can only be casted in a specific way. In the past, only some powerful people

    were affected by these strange magic rules. Otherwise magic can be casted in infinite

    possibilities, limited only by the casters knowledge.What the hell happened? groaned Logan as he held his head with his hands.

    While Logan wasnt looking, Zhen got up silently and started to look serious.Tyson almost killed you, explained Mercer, but Zhen saved you with a miraculous dis-

    Shut it!! interrupted Zhen angrily, dont expect me to do it again.

    Of course, smiled Logan as he got up.They did it, they beat Tyson, now we dont have buy anymore slaves to feed him

    anymore, said the announcer.

    Then the crowd laughed but some were curious if it were true.

    And thanks to our very own Bloodmaster, Zhen Ju, Logan gets to live another day, buttomorrow, hes going to wish she didnt, said the announcer, as if to entice people to come


    The crowd loudly cheered as Logan, Mercer and Zhen walked back to the waiting room.I wonder what were going to fight tomorrow? asked Mercer as he and Zhen helped

    Logan back into the cell.

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    Chapter 3,

    The next morning, the guard woke up Logan and Mercer early for breakfast. This time he

    pushed a rather large food service cart.

    That was amazing yesterday! Your reward is eggs, bacon, ham, steak and your choice ofdrinks, said the guard.

    Awesome Ill have some said Mercer.

    Well both have a cup of coffee, interrupted Logan with a serious expression.Okay, said the guard as he left, leaving the food in front of the cell.

    Why coffee? asked Mercer, disgusted with coffee.

    Ive been thinking, said Logan with a worried expression.

    About what? asked Mercer, curiously, staring at the food, which was only so far away.My nightmare I had a couple of days ago, said Logan as he down.

    You never did tell me about that, said Mercer, as he never looked away from the food,

    but, I dont care, its just a dream.Thanks sighed Logan hoping for him to care, even a little, but youre right its just a


    As soon as Logan smiled, Zhen walked up to the cell. She took notice of Mercers starving

    expression, with a quick smile she turned to Logan.

    What are you smiling for? asked Zhen.

    Just reminding myself a saying, smiledLogan as he got up, live for today, because

    yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.Rightbut heres the real reason, Ive decided to join your next fight, said Zhen with a

    confident smile.

    Zhen grabbed a large naginata from a nearby weapon rack. The naginata had a thick sword-like

    blade at the tip of long wooden pole. This large weapon was taller than Zhen herself.

    Youre right, now Ill be able to go home quicker, said Logan, as thought of his old

    home, curious if its still there.

    Right said Zhen, hoping for a different reaction.Cool, with your girlfriend, dude, we cant lose, said Mercer.

    Hes not my boyfriend! growled Zhen, angrily, though she felt differently.

    Shes not my girlfriend! said Logan right after Zhen spoke.

    Okay, okay, fair enough, laughed Mercer, not yet at least.Hey, Zhen, I heard youre helping them, said the guard as he arrived with three plates,

    enjoy some breakfast before yougo in.

    Breakfast for me too? asked Zhen.

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    Youre going to need it, said the guard with an enthusiastic tone, also I feel the cage is


    Then the guard opened the cell door. Logan, Mercer and Zhen stared at the guard, stunned with

    his actions.

    But no running off, said the guard, seemingly happy.

    Okay said Logan, Mercer and Zhen confused.Catch ya later, said the guard as he left.No way in hell is that guy a guard in the most secure prison in Gian, said the Logan in


    And he did everything without anyone second guessing, said Mercer.Well ask when he gets back, said Logan, for now lets enjoy this meal thats probably


    Really? asked Zhen hoping he was joking.

    I dont really know but Im hungry, said Logan as he and Mercer began eating.Whatever, said Zhen as she began eating as well.

    Zhen stared at Logan and Mercers ravenous appetite as they basically inhaled their food. After

    they finished their now messy meal, the guard came back with a sword and a katana.Time for the final fight, said the guard as he handed Logan and Mercer their weapons.

    I got a question for you, said Logan.

    No time, get into the arena, said the guard as he eagerly pushed them towards the arena,

    hurry!Okay, okay, said Logan as he, Mercer and Zhen went into the arena.

    That was close, said the guard with a sigh of relief.

    Now entering the invincible, the mystics, Logan Vosamaki and Mercer Sobek, with thehelp of our own Bloodmaster, Zhen Ju! said the announcer, rousing the crowd once more.

    Oh yeah, were invincible! said Mercer as he showed off for the crowd.

    I havent fought in here for a while, said Zhen as she took a deep breath, Its great to be

    back.And on the other side, Samuel, said the announcer as one small gremlin came out of the


    Mercer and the crowd laughed at the little gremlin. It was no bigger than a small child, but it had

    a malicious evil smile.

    Thats it? asked Zhen disappointed, I came out for this?

    Ill take care of this, said Mercer as he ran towards the gremlin.No wait! yelled Logan, worried.

    But Mercer didnt hear him, let alone stop at all. Mercer continued to charge at Samuel.

    What? asked Zhen, at disbelief with Logans worried expression.

    Samuel is a resurrection demon, said Logan as he watched Mercer, it cant die.Theres no way to stop it? asked Zhen, now worried.

    Not to my knowledge, said Logan as he shook his head.

    Damn, scowled Zhen.

    So when Mercer sliced Samuel in half, the two halves fell to the ground. Oddly enough, there

    was no blood spewing from the halves.

    Done, said Mercer with a smile as he turned to Logan.

    Not quite, said Logan as he pointed the bubbling corpses, Look.After Mercer turned to look at the pieces, they regenerated and formed two bodies.

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    Damn, said Mercer with an irritated sigh.

    Then one of them kicked Mercer away. The force nearly sent Mercer flying into the concrete

    walls surrounding the arena.

    Small but powerful, groaned Mercer, now realizing his mistake, figures.Lets incinerate them, said Zhen, happy with her plan.

    Mmmmaybe but we shouldnt hold back at all, said Logan, thinking about the powerneeded, Dragon Storm!Phoenix Blaze! yelled Zhen as she emitted a fiery red aura and Logan emitted a golden


    When Logan began to spin his katana above his head, Zhens aura was morphing into a phoenixshape. Once Logans bluish, electrified tornado appeared, he and Zhen shot their respective

    spells at Samuel.

    Storm Phoenix Bomb!! yelled Logan as the flames and the tornado merged together.

    When it did, a huge shockwave was emitted from the center of bright fiery explosion. Then a

    golden red phoenix rose up from the explosion, as if it was rising from its own ashes. The

    phoenix started to flap its wings to get higher, eventually hovering over the arena. Every time the

    phoenix flapped its large fiery wings, a huge gust of flames swept the Samuels up into the sky,while burning them with intense flames. Mercer could feel the powerful heat from far behind

    Logan and Zhen.

    Now blast!! yelled Logan as his aura began to diminish.

    After reaching a slightly higher altitude, the phoenix started to dive towards the Samuels at

    supersonic speeds. Once it burnt through the Samuels, they exploded in a fiery electrified


    Whoa, said Zhen as she and everyone else was stunned and truly unable to believe whatthey had seen, damn

    All of the sudden, several Samuels rose from the black ashes that littered the arena.

    How the hell can anything survive that? asked Mercer, still in shock.

    I dont know, said Zhen she was paralyzed in fear, nothing should have survived that.Then Logan collapsed, exhausted from casting that spell. Zhen heard as Logan hit the ground

    with a loud thud.

    Logan? asked Zhen as she went Logan, Logan?But Logan didnt respond. He was unconscious and unable to respond to anything.

    Somethings wrong, said Zhen as she shook Logan.

    Revive Logan, Ill do what I can to these demons, said Mercer as he ran to fight theSamuels.

    Logan? asked Zhen as she continued to shake Logan, please wake up.

    Again, Logan didnt respond at all to her violent shaking. Zhen couldnt find out why.

    Ill protect you and your friend, said Zhen as a fiery, volatile black aura slowly spiraledaround her, Ill get your revenge for you.

    Then Zhen yelled as loudly as she could once the aura completely surrounded her.

    Oh shit, said Mercer as he ran to Logan as quickly as he could.

    Im sorry, said Zhen as tears ran down her face, Black Flame Ocean!As soon as her aura towered over the arena, it washed over the arena, almost incinerating the

    Samuels instantly. The black flames got close to the audience, but never harmed them. Streams

    of black flames were all that was left from the attack. Then Zhen collapsed next to Logan,

    exhausted as well.

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    Oh great, now I have to bring two people into the infirmary sighed Mercer as he

    carried Logan and Zhen into the arenas infirmary.

    A few hours later, Logan woke in a hospital bed in the arenas infirmary. His head continuously

    pounded as pain radiated throughout his body.

    Never use that much mana ever again groaned Logan as he got up from the infirmary

    bed, in pain.Hes awake! yelled Zhen as she ran to Logan, I meanyoure awakeNice try, smiled Logan as Zhen stopped running and started to walk slowly.

    What? asked Zhen suspiciously.

    You missed me, said Logan with a happy smile.I wont this time, smiled Zhen as she started to punch Logan, playfully.

    Ow, ow, ow, said Logan as Zhen punched him, I just woke up and this is how you greet


    Pretty much, said Zhen as she continued to punch Logan.Awkward, smiled Mercer as he leaned on the door frame.

    Uhget off of me! said Zhen as she quickly pushed Logan off the bed.

    Nice, said Mercer with a smirk as he stared at Zhen. I need to go talk to the guard, said Zhen uneasily as she ran out of the room,


    So, Logan, what where you two doing? asked Mercer, playfully.

    Not what youre thinking, obviously, said Logan as he got up.Of course not, smiled Mercer.

    Then Logan collapsed next to the bed. His head rested on the mattress as he struggled to get up.

    Logan! said Mercer, worried.Im fine, just tired, said Logan as he smiled, but stopped when Mercer looked at him.

    Logan wanted to avoid talking about Zhen, so he tricked Mercer to stop.

    Thats funny, youve been out for two weeks, chuckled Mercer.

    Really, its been that long? asked Logan, surprised.No, not really, its only been a few hours, said Mercer as he laughed.

    Ass, said Logan as he sat down on the bed.

    Then the guard walked into the room with Zhen, who was still embarrassed.

    Didnt think youd live, said the guard, but like I promised, youre free.

    Hold on, you promised? I thought we made a deal with the emperor? asked Logan,


    All of a sudden, the guards armor began to morph into an elegant regal robe, and his face

    changed. His skin got really dark and markings grew on his face. The Hume guard had morphed

    into a regal Dark Elf before their eyes.

    I am Cao Ju, the emperor, said Cao with smile, hoping to ease Logan and Mercer.Cao Ju is the current emperor of Gian. After the previous one had died, he signed away Cao as

    his successor. Cao Ju is the youngest emperor appointed at the age of twenty-six.

    Emperor, said Zhen as she, Logan and Mercer knelt down.

    Zhen, you dont have to act this way, youre my sister, said Cao.Sister? asked Logan and Mercer surprised.

    Yeah, hes my brotherso what? asked Zhen, angrily.

    Just curious, but why are you here? asked Logan as he turned to Zhen.

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    I rose the ranks in a temple, when I was moved to the palace, the previous emperor

    treated me like a son, explained Cao in Zhens place.

    I couldnt live as a monk, so what? asked Zhen furiously, irritated at everyone.Maybe we should change the subject before she kills us, laughed Cao.Shut up! said Zhen, You know I wont, anymore.

    Then Logan, Mercer and Cao started to laugh together. Zhen quickly felt like she was beingmocked.

    Sorry, I couldnt help it, said Logan as he stopped laughing, want to meditate to calm


    No, Im fine, said Zhen as she tried to stifle her anger, so the reason youre here.Right, onto thepoint, said Cao, I wanted to see if you were worthy to defeat the doom

    that is approaching this land.

    Okay, said Logan, but what do we get in return, besides our freedom?

    Anything you like, said Cao.My house in Nu Ran, said Logan immediately.

    Granted, said Cao.

    What about the marks? asked Mercer to Logan.Ask him, said Logan.

    What marks? asked Cao puzzled.

    These, said Mercer as he and Logan took off theirshirts and showed Cao their backs,

    No one else knows.Zhen stared at Logans bare body, she blushed at the sight. She shook her head before anyone

    took notice.

    Theyre like Zhens mark, thought Cao shocked.So? asked Mercer.

    I dont know what these are, but my adviser, Pang Vong, should know, said Cao.

    Where is he? asked Logan as he and Mercer put on their shirts.

    Zhen was a little bit disappointed that Logan put on his shirt. Again, she shook her head before

    anyone noticed her expression. She would have been extremely embarrassed if anyone saw her

    admiration of Logan.

    I dont know but your secretary should be able to tell you, said Cao as he shrugged hisshoulders as if he knew.

    Secretary? asked Logan befuddled.

    I forgot to tell you? asked Cao, speed dial one.Okay, said Logan as he dialed one on his earphone.

    After ringing several times, someone picked up. A woman quickly answered almost like she

    waiting for someone to call her.

    Bout time, said a twenty-four year old Hume female with short white hair.Whos this? asked Logan.

    Im Rukia Tokochi, your personal secretary, said Rukia or the phone, So who am I

    working for?

    Rukia has long served the imperial court as a secretary. She was recently told to serve Logan by

    Cao Ju. Her white hair often causes trouble for her.

    Logan Vosamaki, said Logan, confused at why he even has a secretary.

    Ah yes, oh and by the way, did Cao Ju forget to tell you about me? asked Rukia, a tadirritated.

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    Uhyeah, said Logan with a sigh.

    I told him to get a PDA, sighed Rukia, thinking about Caos forgetfulness, Oh well, I

    digress, call if you need me.Find Pang Vong, said Logan immediately.Already, okay, Ill find him. Ill call when I do, said Rukia as she hung up.

    Now thats been taken care of, catch yall later, said Cao as he turned to leave.Alright, said Logan as he and Mercer quickly left the arena.What about me? asked Zhen as she turned to Cao.

    What? Do as you please, said Cao as he waved his hand, I think its time for you to

    leave here anyways.What about the arena? asked Zhen, worried.

    Ill find a replacement, now go, or else you might lose him, said Cao with playful smile

    to his sister.

    Thank you, said Zhen as she ran to Logan.Zhen caught up to Logan and Mercer who were standing in the parking lot, wondering how to

    get home.

    Why are you here? asked Logan as he looked Zhen, who was tired from running.Youre still teaching me, sensei said Zhen as she bowed.

    Right said Logan, well, we need a ride.

    We can take mine, said Zhen.

    Okay, said Logan, glad to have a ride home.So Zhen took them to her car, which was a custom painted black and red sports utility vehicle, in

    the parking lot behind the arena.

    Nice car, said Logan, looking at the pristine paint job.Its a Duran Mark III, said Zhen, so, wheres your house?

    Do you mind if I drive us there? asked Logan politely, I dont like giving directions.

    I dont mind, but I get shotgun, smiled Zhen.

    Oh man... I wanted shotgun, said Mercer, dissatisfied.Its my car, said Zhen as she got in the passenger seat.

    Fine, said Mercer reluctantly as he got into the back and Logan got into the drivers seat.

    Once they got onto the highway, Mercer and Zhen gradually fell asleep. After another hour of

    driving, they arrived at an ordinary two story house with a garage on the edge of city, Nu Ran.

    Nu Ran is an aerodrome (a port for airships) based city. Because of the aerodrome, the city was

    built in a circle. A huge market covers the right district of the city while housing and offices are

    on the left.

    Were here, said Logan as he woke up Zhen.

    About time, said Mercer as he got up.

    Then Logan noticed a dark figure standing in front of his house. The figure just stood there

    staring at Logan behind the windshield.

    Hey Zhen can you stay in the car, please? asked Logan, seriously, hoping for Zhen to


    Old friend? asked Zhen, having a slight idea of who it is.Sorta, secret organization, said Logan.

    Logan! said Mercer angrily, shut up.

    Of course, this never happened sighed Zhen as she sat back into her seat.It better not, scowled Mercer with a glare to Zhen.

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    Yes, but you must remain in the car, said Logan, at least until hes gone.

    Fine, said Zhen angrily.

    Then Logan and Mercer got out of the car, shut the doors and walked to the dark figure.

    Chapter 4,

    So youre free, said the dark figure with a mysterious, distorted voice.

    Nightmaster, why are you here? asked Logan, not wanting the figures presence by hishouse.

    Just get settled in and come by the hideout, Shadowkings, smiled Nightmaster with a

    clap of his covered hands.

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    Good, we just got here and we have a guest with us, said Logan, trying to get rid of the


    I thought we had to leave town again, sighed Mercer in relief.Not yet anyways, said Nightmaster as he vanished in a puff of black smoke.

    After Logan gave a signal to Zhen, she got out of the car and walked over to them.

    So who was that? asked Zhen, inquisitively.Sorry, thats classified info, said Logan as he turned the doorknob in many directions.What, you cant trust me? asked Zhen angrily, as she stood behind Logan.

    Sorry, guild rules, said Logan focusing on the doorknob.

    Shut up!! growled Mercer, angrily to Logan.What guild? asked Zhen, really hoping they would tell her.

    I already told you too much, said Logan as he stopped turning the doorknob.

    Come on, why not? asked Zhen, Youre my sensei!

    Logan ignored Zhen and anymore of her probing questions. Then suddenly, a number pad lock

    came out of the doorbell button through some strange mechanisms.

    I locked the place up, so thieves couldnt get my stuff, explained Logan without looking

    away from the number pad.K, replied Zhen, unsure to say anything else.

    When the door opened, it revealed a huge room, bigger than the house appeared from the


    Damn, its bigger then it is outside, said Zhen stunned by the sheer size of the room.My dad enchanted the door to teleport us to my actual house, said Logan, deep in


    And if you dont know the code? asked Zhen, curiously.It sends you to an empty house, said Logan, the code is 0177.

    Cool, said Zhen as everyone walked into the house.

    The bedrooms are upstairs, the training room is downstairs and everything else is on this

    floor, said Logan as he closed the door behind them.Okay, said Zhen, what now?

    Ill set you up and Mercer will find everyone here, said Logan as he stretched, happy to

    be home.

    Found one, said Mercer as he stomped his foot on the floor.

    All of the sudden, a skinny male Gekoshakti (a race similar to Shakti with subtle differences) fell

    from the ceiling. Gekoshaktis are more attuned to heavily forested area and cannot breathe

    underwater, instead they are able to cling to surfaces.

    How long have you been here? asked Mercer, angrily.

    Since you left, said the Gekoshakti as he got up and respectfully bowed.

    So you were my housekeeper, said Logan as he studied the Gekoshakti.More or less, smiled the Gekoshakti through his lizard grin.

    Fine, but if I find one spec of shit in my chandeliers again, you are dead, scowled Logan,


    You probably want to go clean up, Rasputin, chuckled Mercer as Rasputin, theGekoshakti, ran off.

    Rasputin is an odd Gekoshakti, even by racial standards. He constantly wears dark clothing and

    nothing else. He doesnt like to fight and prefers to stay home to be helpful in other ways.

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    Now I wonder, wheres my sensei and apprentice? asked Logan, deep in thought once


    Wait, they live here too? asked Zhen surprised to hear about more people here.Yeah, its a full house, smiled Logan as if he was happy to say that, but I usually keep

    it running.

    Really, well I guess thats kinda cruel if you do everything in the house, said Zhen.Yeah well, thats life, sighed Logan, now I got Mercer to help out now.What? asked Mercer shocked to this, but I dont even live here.

    You do now, unless this isnt good enough for you, smirked Logan, enticing Mercer to


    Fine... grumbled Mercer under his breath.

    Okay so, Logan, are you going get me settled in or what? asked Zhen, or am I sleeping

    on the couch until you do?

    Oh shit!! said Mercer extremely worried.What? asked Logan.

    Drago and Rycoon, said Mercer, they must be here!

    Shit!! said Logan as he quickly ran upstairs.Once Mercer ran off, Zhen ran after Logan to a large iron door at the end of the hallway left from

    the staircase.

    Stand back, said Logan as he opened a door.

    All of the sudden, a small, dull yellow dragon immediately ran out of the room.

    Hey Drago! said Logan as the dragon carefully jumped onto Logan.

    Wait a minute, a dragon? asked Zhen shocked, arent they illegal as pets?

    I got permit, said Logan, hoping Zhen would believe him.Oh really? asked Zhen, doubtful of Logans excuse.

    Dragons not only rare but are also wild animals that are difficult to tame. Someone can only have

    one as a pet with permit given to them by the Emperor only.

    As long as hes fire-trained, said Logan, and he is.Okay well how did you get Drago? asked Zhen.

    I found him out in the forest, while I was training, said Logan as he was trying to get

    Drago off.

    So? asked Zhen.

    I felt bad so I took him in, said Logan, he was alone.

    Then Mercer, with a big dragon-like creature with six spikes on his back, and Rasputin walked

    up to Logan and Zhen.

    Another dragon? asked Zhen, quite surprised.

    I wanted one so my uncle got me one, said Mercer as he shrugged his shoulders.

    I kept them well fed, said Rasputin.So it seems, said Logan as he put down Drago.

    Then a sixteen year old Hume with brownish, big spiky hair, wearing a white shirt with grey

    designs, and a thirty-two year old Hume with white small spiky hair with five black diamonds

    crossing the center horizontally, wearing a dark cloak, walked up to Logan.

    Weve heard you came back, said the older Hume.

    Welcome back sensei, said the younger Hume as he bowed.

    Good to be back, said Logan as he bowed in response.Is this your sensei and apprentice? asked Zhen.

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    Who are you? asked the older Hume, almost flirting with her.

    Zhen Ju, said Zhen, tad disgusted.

    Greetings, sister of the Emperor, said the older Hume as he knelt down, Im RyuSharaisu.

    And Im Gan Xing, said Gan Xing as he knelt as well.

    Wait a minute, youre teaching a kid? asked Zhen, now realizing that this is Logansapprentice and master.Hey, he asked, said Logan with a chuckle.

    What about his parents? asked Zhen.

    His mother was murdered by the Blood Omen, and his father died of poisoning a fewmonths later, said Logan, I found him on the streets alone, so I decided to take him in.

    That was nice of you, said Zhen, admiring Logan even more.

    Im still ever so grateful for your kindness, said Gan Xing, formally.

    Stop this act, be yourself, said Logan, its okay.Really? asked Gan Xing as he looked up at Zhen.

    Hes only doing this because youre the Emperors sister, said Logan, looking at Zhen.

    Then Zhen knelt down to Gan Xings level. She patted him on the head gently, reassuring GanXing.

    Yeah, you can stop, smiled Zhen.

    Thank you, sighed Gan Xing, I dont know how long I could keep that up, Empress.

    Dont call me that, scowled Zhen, bearing her teeth at the idea, call me Zhen.Okay, Zhen, smiled Gan Xing.

    Wow, its getting dark already, said Zhen as she stood up, looking out the window.

    Then Gan Xing and Ryu got up as well. Ryu brushed off the dust from his black cloak, even

    though there was none.

    So? asked Logan with a slight smile, this iswhen the fun begins.

    Like what? asked Zhen.

    Covert mission time!! yelled Mercer excited, its been awhile since we did this.Youre assassins? asked Zhen.

    No, were freelancers who need money, said Logan as he winked, So you in?

    I guess so, said Zhen, after all, my brother and I were in the shadow clan for a bit.So you were in the shadows and didnt tell us? asked Mercer angrily.

    I wanted to see if you were in the shadows before I could tell you, said Zhen, regaining

    her confidence.

    Oh right, said Mercer, realizing he did the same thing, secret organization.

    Mmm... the shadows might know something about this war, said Logan, hoping they di..

    So whats the plan? asked Gan Xing eagerly.

    Mercer will go to the shadows and find out whats up, Ive got to go to a house in theforest and the rest of you do missions for cash, said Logan, we do have rent to pay.

    And me? asked Zhen, feeling left out.

    Whatever pleases you, said Logan, not caring of Zhens decision.

    Ill go with you, said Zhen quickly.Okay, any questions? asked Logan, looking around.

    Though no one decided this, Logan was often asked for many thing including taking leadership


    Yeah, why arent all of us going to the shadows? asked Zhen curiously.

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    We need money, said Logan as he shrugged his shoulders.

    And Gan Xing and I arent in the shadows, explained Ryu.

    Oh okay, said Zhen, feeling stupid.Why am I going to the shadows? asked Mercer, angrily.Well, the shadow king must make an appearance and get the shadows back in order, said

    Logan, and I have plans.Oh okay, Im all set, smiled Mercer, remembering how fun it was ordering peoplearound.

    Lets go!! said Logan as everyone, besides him and Zhen, ran off.

    But first, I should you settled into our cozy little home, said Logan.Okay, but dont try anything, said Zhen as she jokingly covered her body.

    Of course not, said Logan as he turned around, well maybe...

    When they got to the hall of rooms on the second floor, Logan walked up to an empty wall


    Alakazam! yelled Logan as a door was molded from the wall.

    What the hell was that? asked Zhen, befuddled with Logans actions.

    The magic words in order to form a new room, said Logan as he tried to hold back alaugh.

    Really? asked Zhen, skeptical.

    No, not really, laughed Logan, Id thought it would be a nice prank.

    Logan, that was horrible, said Zhen seriously.Really? I thought it was funny, saidLogan, still smiling, anyways, you can set up after

    we return.

    Ok, replied Zhen thinking about her new home.So Logan and Zhen got into her car and drove into the forest north of Nu Ran. After Logan drove

    to an edge of a cliff just past the entrance of the forest, he got out of the car.

    What are we doing here? asked Zhen to Logan.

    Shh, this is ogre territory, whispered Logan, get down.So Logan and Zhen laid down on the edge of the cliff. Then Zhen noticed a small run down

    house on the bottom off the cliff.

    So is this the house? asked Zhen quietly, what could be here?My mothers amulet, whispered Logan.

    Oh, by the way, whats up with the name Logan, anyways? asked Zhen, very curious.

    Dont know, but my parents came from Gaia before I was born, explained Logan.Oh, said Zhen, now even more curious about Logan

    Then several ogres came out of the house, nearly breaking down the door. The ogres wielded

    large weapons, and seemed to be guarding the house.

    We need to take out these ogres quickly and silently as possible, whispered Logan, wecant alert the boss.

    So attack from the shadows and not be seen, said Zhen, uneasily.

    Yeah, pretty much, said Logan, should be easy enough.

    Fine, turn around and dont look back at all, scowled Zhen, embarrassed.Why? asked Logan, confused.

    Just do it, said Zhen, with a serious glare.

    Fine, said Logan as he turned around and shut his eyes.

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    All of the sudden, Zhen quickly and quietly tore off her shirt and pants. As soon as she did, a

    shadow rapidly crawled over her body, forming black tight clothes. Once it reached her face, it

    formed a ninja-like mouth mask. It soon formed a black headband and her long red hair was

    altered into short silver hair. When she was done transforming, her naginata split into two small


    Okay you can look now, said Zhen with a different, mysterious sounding voice.When Logan turned around, he jumped back. Zhen now looked like a completely differentperson, though she was still a Dark Elf.

    Who are you, what did you do to Zhen? asked Logan, startled by Zhens new look.

    I am Zhen, just transformed, said Zhen uneasily, my clan was known to do that.Nice, said Logan, admiring her new look.

    This form is known as Yuki, said Zhen as she brushed her silver hair back.

    Why? asked Logan, curiously.

    It means snow and I first transformed during winter, said Zhen, so call me Yuki whenIm in this form.

    Okay, Yuki, said Logan, confused, time to kill these ogres.

    Okay, said Yuki with a quick nod.Then suddenly, Yuki vanished without a trace. When Yuki appeared at the foot of the cliff a

    couple of seconds later, all of the ogres collapsed, dead. Then Logan accidentally fell down the

    cliff, sliding off of the loose dirt. He slammed into the rough ground.

    Logan! exclaimed Yuki as she ran to Logan.What was that? asked Logan forgetting the pain hes in.

    My shadow rush ability, said Yuki, now proud of herself.

    I couldnt even see you, said Logan surprised.Shadow rush temporarily increases my speed basically like slowing down time for me,

    said Yuki, guess my magic makes me even faster now.

    Cool, said Logan, amazed with Zhens new persona.

    Then a loud banging came from the inside of the house. The banging quickly approached the

    front door, trees shook with each tremble.

    We need to hide, said Logan as he and Yuki ran into the bushes that were in the dark


    Once they were hidden, a large, much bigger ogre crashed through the door, breaking down the

    wooden door. This ogre was also more armored and intimidating than the last group.

    Who killed me men? asked the ogre as he looked around.Ill distract him, you kill him, whispered Logan, trying to be quiet.

    Okay, whispered Yuki.

    Who there? asked the ogre, barely able to hear Logan and Zhen.

    Me, you ugly son of.man! said Logan as he jumped out from the bushes.Me no son of man, growled the ogre angrily, Im Gorloke!

    Isnt that a females name? asked Logan, mocking Gorloke.

    No! It warrior name, warrior name!! yelled Gorloke as he charged at Logan.

    But Logan simply took a few steps to the side. Gorloke ran straight past Logan, unable to turn.

    You girly-girl! antagonized Logan as Gorloke ran into the cliff.

    No! You girl-girl! snarled Gorloke as he got out of the cliff.

    Betcha you cant stay still for a few seconds, said Logan antagonizing Gorloke, unlessyoure chicken.

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    No chicken, me still, said Gorloke as he stood still.

    Ogres are not the most intelligent creatures. Once Yuki appeared on Gorlokes back, she stabbed

    him in the back with her kunai, but her kunai broke and shattered from the impact.

    Me back like diamond, you stupid, said Gorloke as he threw Yuki onto Logan.Sorry, blushed Yuki as she got up.

    Dont worry about it, smiled Logan.What you doing? asked Gorloke, confused.Having an awkward moment, do you mind? asked Logan angrily.

    Sorry, said Gorloke.

    When Gorloke looked away, Logan winked at Yuki and she nodded in response. Yuki thought

    Logan had a plan.

    Hey, you tricking me, scowled Gorloke as he glared at Logan.

    Hey! Youre the one who threw Yuki onto me!! yelled Logan as he got close to

    Gorlokes face.You kill me men! yelled Gorloke in response.

    Youre in my moms old house!! yelled Logan as he secretly did hand signs behind his

    back. It abandon for years! yelled Gorloke nearly spitting in Logans face.

    I was in jail!! yelled Logan angrily.

    Thats it, I cant handle this, youre on your own, said Yuki as she stomped off.

    You sissy girlfriend fled, laughed Gorloke hysterically.You shouldnt have said that, smiled Logan as he calmly stood back.

    Why? asked Gorloke as he stared at Logan.

    All of the sudden, a huge gash stretched across Gorlokes chest, green blood oozed from thewound. Gorloke knelt down in pain.

    What going on? asked Gorloke, groaning from the immense pain.

    Your end, said Logan as he leaned on a tree.

    After a couple more gashes stretched over Gorloke, he fell to the ground, dead. Green blood

    covered the ground. Oddly, plant life began to grow from the blood on the ground. Yuki soon

    appeared by Logan.

    Shall we go in? asked Yuki, flinging the blood off of her remaining kunai.Ladies first, said Logan as he bowed.

    What a gentleman, chuckled Yuki as she entered the house.

    When they got through the door, they saw a dim light in the other room. It seemed like a fire,

    they way it flickered in the dark caught Logans eye

    Someones here, said Yuki as she ducked down.

    Its not an ogre, said Logan as he rolled his eyes and walked towards the light.

    After they got into the light, they saw a Hume sitting by the fire, calmly.

    Who are you? asked Logan.

    The true question is, who are you? asked the Hume without looking at Logan or Zhen.

    Logan Vosamaki of Nu Ran, said Logan, skeptically.

    Zhen Ju of Huang Zhong City, said Yuki as she turned into Zhen with a burst of red fire.Logan, take off your shirt, said the Hume staring into the fire, and Zhen show me your


    Should we trust him? asked Logan to Zhen,, though it didnt matter to him.As long as I get to keep my shirt on, I dont care, said Zhen as she rolled up her sleeves.

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    True, said Logan as he took off his shirt, plus its relaxing with my shirt off.

    Thunder Dragon and Dark Phoenix, said the Hume, surprised, do you know anyone

    who bares these marks?

    Then the Hume threw some strangely colored sand into a fire. All of the sudden, three bright

    pictures appeared over the fire.

    This snake looks familiar, said Zhen as she studied the obscure image in the fire.Mercer, said Logan as he and Zhen looked at each other.So whats up with these marks? asked Zhen as they snapped back to the Hume.

    The prophecy foretells, five spirit warriors will save the ones the world from the end of

    existence, explained the Hume, the spirits are the; Thunder Dragon, Aqua Snake, DarkPhoenix, Aero Pegasus and Earth Lion.

    Logan quickly remembered the dreamed he had back in prison, the spirits were exactly as the

    Hume said. Then Logans earphone rang, bringing him to reality.

    Sorry, hold on, said Logan as he answered his earphone, yes?Ive found Pang Vong, said Rukia.

    Where? asked Logan.

    Hes a Hume living in an old house in the Nu Ran forest, said Rukia.Thanks, said Logan as he hung up and stared at the Hume.

    After Logan looked at the Hume, he disintegrated into sand, and blew away in the wind.

    I think thats was Pang Vong, said Zhen, as she watched the sand.

    After Logan looked down in embarrassment with Zhens comment, he saw a folder with abulging center.

    Whats this? asked Logan as he picked up the folder.

    Open it and find out, said Zhen.After Logan opened it, a fragment of a jeweled necklace with strange designs and note fell out.

    This is one of three fragments of the nine-tailed amulet, the precious item you came

    looking for, read Logan, once completed, you will have two new allies.

    What the? asked Zhen.He broke my mothers amulet! said Logan angrily.

    Theres more, said Zhen as she saw the letter.

    P.S. I wrote this note after they broke the amulet and took other pieces, read Logan,never mind

    I guess well go and collect the fragments, said Zhen.

    I guess we should, sighed Logan, but first lets head home.Okay, said Zhen as she and Logan got into the car and headed back home.

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    Chapter 5,

    Meanwhile, Mercer was walking to an abandoned house at the end of Zhuge City. Zhuge

    City is six massive towers on the edge of Zhu Geran Lake. Each of the towers is connected by

    bridges, boats are main choice of travel between towers. Zhuge City serves mainly for Nobles

    and main families to hold their fortune in secure vaults in the towers.

    Man, I wanted to kill someone sighed Mercer as he approached the abandoned house,

    seemingly depressed.

    After he unlocked the door to the house, an odd gust of air blew by Mercer from inside the run

    down house.

    What thehell? asked Mercer to himself in confusion, oh well...

    Once Mercer closed and relocked the door, he headed to the basement door. When he opened thedoor heading to the basement, the burst of air blew by again. It was unsettling to Mercer, until he

    noticed something strange.

    Must have had this place vacuumed seal to keep the dead smell from leaking, sighed

    Mercer as he walked down some rotting stairs to the basement, it does have a lemony scentgoing.

    Then Mercer reached a strange metal door with an intimidating demon face on the top part of the

    door and a row of raging dark flame designs on the bottom. Rock walls made up the hall before

    the door. Torches lit up the eerie hall, giving it a dangerous feel to be in.

    What is the color of night? asked a raspy voice in a long creepy sigh.

    Sangui-just let me in, Bob, said Mercer as he rolled his yellow reptilian eyes.

    Then the demon door opened its metallic eyes, groggily. The doors designs moved aroundmagically, giving it life. Though magic was forgotten in this age, some secret organizations

    possessed magical objects, no one could figure out how they worked.

    Sorry, I was tired, yawned Bob with a creepy sigh at the end. Just let me in or else Ill demote you to dog door again, scowled Mercer with an angry


    Really? asked Bob scared of Mercer.Of course not, chuckled Mercer with an odd smile.

    Then the door sighed in relief. The sigh eerily echoed throughout the hallway, resonating off of

    the rock walls.

    It will be the bathroom door this time, growled Mercer seriously with an intimidatingglare.

    Then the door opened, metal creaked against the rock surrounding the door. When Mercer

    walked through the door, a twenty-eight year old Forest Elf (a light skinned, tall Elven race)

    female wearing dark clothes, walked up to Mercer. Forest Elves usually lived in the heavy

    forested areas, separate from the Gekoshaktis. When they started to live in the rest of the world,

    they sometimes dropped the forest part of their race name. Other Forest Elves stayed in the green

    lands, living to the old traditions.

    Welcome, Shadow King Mercer, said the Forest Elf as she bowed in respect.

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    I told you, Lilith, call me Mercer, said Mercer trying to ease Lilith, and relax, Im not

    here to kill anybody.

    Since this specific hideout had some betrayal situations in the past, this hideout is rumoured to be

    annihilated by the Shadow Kings. Everyone in the Shadow Clan has been on edge since then.

    Then why are you here? asked Lilith, curiously.

    I need some info on the current emperor and something on the upcoming war, saidMercer as he looked around.Try Paine, I think shes in the training room, said Lilith calmly but uneasily.

    Thanks, said Mercer as he left.

    So Mercer went to a big double door on the southwest of the hideout and quickly opened it. The

    metal doors slammed into the solid rock walls.

    Paine? asked Mercer into the open.

    Whos asking? asked Paine, a twenty-two year old Dark Elf female, as she turned

    around, scowling at Mercer.

    The Shadow King, said Mercer proudly.

    You have to be lying, Cao Ju was the previous Shadow King and Ive heard no one

    claimed the title yet, laughed Paine, doubting Mercers story.Then a twenty-five year old Draken (a human-like race with tribal markings on their bodies and

    possesses dragon-like wings) male walked up to Paine.

    Be nice, he is the Shadow King. He just got out from prison, said the Draken, correcting


    Wait, youre Mercer Sobek? asked Paine, realizing the trouble shes in, Im so sorry for

    being so rude.

    Paine quickly bowed to Mercer, hoping to be forgiven for her disrespectful behaviour.

    This ought to be fun, thought Mercer as he winked at the Draken.

    After the Draken nodded, Mercer pull out the rusty short sword that he was given in the arena.

    Oh shit, its the End of Existence, run!! exclaimed the Draken terrified, as he ran out of

    the room.

    Everyone else quickly ran out as well, following the Draken, Paine was forced to stay. The End

    of Existence is a legendary sword, thought to be able to kill anyone in a thirty meter radius in a

    single swing. It was lost with the new age, sealed away by priests.

    Do you know anything about the empire or the upcoming war? asked Mercer with a

    ghastly voice as he pointed the sword at Paine.

    No, but try Sakaru, thats her area of expertise, cried Paine, now scared for her life.All of the sudden, Mercer broke out laughing, unable to contain his fearsome expression

    anymore. Paine curiously stared at Mercer, unable to comprehend the situation anymore.

    What? asked Paine confused.

    You should of seen your face, laughed Mercer, hysterically.Then the Draken came back laughing as well. Everyone else quietly went back to what they were

    doing. Paine is even more confused with both Mercer and the Drakens behaviors.

    He does this to new recruits or people that doubt him, said the Draken through his

    laughter, though he would of brought out a better sword.How did you know? asked Paine confused as she got up.

    This is my man, Zack, said Mercer, hes the most reliable person here, to the right


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    Anyways, Sakaru is in her room down the hall, south of the main door, said Paine,

    calming down from Mercers prank.

    Thanks, smiled Mercer as he left.

    When Mercer left the training room, he went to a pitch black hall south of Bob. No one really

    goes down this hall anymore, many undesirable rumors were spread from this abysmal hall.

    Damn, this is dark, said Mercer as he tried to see in the complete darkness that shroudedthe hall.Mercer had bumped into the wall several times before coming to a dimly lit room.

    Who dares disturb me? asked a gruff female voice from the shadows.

    Mercer Sobek, Shadow King, said Mercer into the utter darkness.So, what do you want? asked the voice with a growl.

    Some info about the Empire and the upcoming war, said Mercer seriously, I was told

    you knew some things.

    What if I did, what would you do? asked the voice as the dim light revealed a beastlywolf face.

    A werepyre? asked Mercer, shocked as the darkness started to fade.

    Mercers reptilian eyes slowly grew accustomed to the darkness. Shaktis are not accustomed tothe dark, but underwater instead.

    How do you know that word? asked the werepyre, angrily.

    Ive seen you before, at the gallows, said Mercer with a serious expression.

    You!! said the werepyre, realizing who Mercer was.Hows your wing? asked Mercer with an affectionate smile.

    Much better, thanks, smiled the werepyre.

    So Sakaru, do you have a human form? asked Mercer curiously, it may help lowerattention when you go out next time.

    Sakaru Sota was a werepyre, a cross between a vampire and a werewolf. She was shunned from

    her previous life and soon was accepted into the Shadow Clan. However no one has ever seen

    her true form. Sakaru was only twenty-one years old but she was a valuable member in the

    Shadow Clan, never the less.

    No said Sakaru, confused.

    Want one? asked Mercer, it might help during the day too.Really... sighed Sakaru, not caring about Mercers offer.

    Hold on, Ill see, said Mercer as he pressed a button on his earphone, Logan?

    Yes? answered Logan.Logan was back at the house when Mercer called. Without much to do, Logan just watched

    television all day.

    Lets go shroud hunting, smirked Mercer happily.

    Hold on, said Logan, enthusiastic with Mercers suggestion.Okay, said Mercer.

    Hey, Ryu!! yelled Logan, slightly away from the phone.

    Yeah, Logan? asked Ryu faintly in the background.

    Remember shrouds? asked Logan.Yeah, of course, said Ryu in the background.

    Cool, me and Mercer are going shroud hunting, said Logan.

    Let me find my kit first, said Ryu in the background. Do you have a creature in mind? asked Logan to Mercer.

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    Not really, said Mercer, by the way, Im bringing a friend.

    Cool, the more the merrier, said Logan, see ya when you get here.

    Then Logan hung up on the earphone. Mercer turned to Sakaru to see her beastly form entirely.

    Sakaru had a werewolf body with a more human shape and bat wings. Dark gray fur covered her

    entire body. Werepyres are quite rare, but they have the strengths of both monsters, little is

    known as to their weaknesses.You ready to leave? asked Mercer, Were heading to a house in Nu Ran.Okay, said Sakaru as she wrapped her wings around her body like a cloak, now wheres

    that hood?

    Once she found it, she put it over her wolf-like head. It now looked like Sakaru was wearing a

    robe and hood, you couldnt tell she was a monster until closer inspection.

    Nice illusion, said Mercer, admiring Sakaru.

    I use it when I go out, said Sakaru with a grin.

    Once Mercer and Sakaru left the abandoned house, they headed west to Nu Ran. It took a several

    hours to reach the house. Mercer pounded on the door, unsure if Logan could hear him.

    I forgot the combination! yelled Mercer as he beat the door.

    Typical, sighed Logan as he opened the door.When Mercer and Sakaru got through the door, Logan closed it. Sakaru was astounded to see the


    Wow!! This is amazing, said Sakaru as she looked around.

    Yeah it is, said Logan as he turned to Sakaru, so who are you?Sakaru Sota, werepyre warrior, said Sakaru as she took off her hood and unwrapped her


    She doesnt like to reveal her identity, but she felt safe with Mercer. She tried to make it lookcool, even though she a monster to many people.

    Cool! A real live werepyre! said Logan as he excitedly jumped up and down.

    You dont mind? asked Sakaru confused with Logans reaction.

    This is awesome, said Logan, very giddy, do you mind if I make a shroud of you?Really? asked Sakaru, confused, is it painful?

    You wont feel a thing, said Logan as he ran upstairs.

    Whats with him? asked Sakaru as she looked at Mercer. He was looking for a werepyre for a while now, said Mercer calmly, trying to act cool

    for Sakaru, wait here, I need to find my scanner too.

    Okay, said Sakaru as she looked around the living room, noticing it was bigger than itappeared from the outside.

    Then Mercer went upstairs as well. After awhile, Logan and Mercer came back carrying two

    large ominous gauntlets.

    What took so long? asked Sakaru angrily.Sorry, we had to find the scanners, they werent where we put them last, said Mercer

    with an uneasy smile.

    Now, remain still please, said Logan as he put on one of the ominous gauntlets.

    You did say this was painless right? asked Sakaru, scared of Logan.Painful as a feather, smiled Logan as he pointed the scanner at Sakaru, now please

    remain still.

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    Sakaru was a bit skeptical of Logans smile, but she knew Mercer wouldnt allow her to get hurt

    again. After Logan press a button, a red light scanned Sakaru. Once the red light faded away, an

    opaque screen appeared over the gauntlet.

    Now Ill modify it so it becomes the users gender, said Logan, talking to himself.So this is how you get shrouds, said Sakaru, observing Logan.

    Pretty much, said Mercer as Logan got a computer chip from his gauntlet.So we ready? asked Logan as he put away the computer chip.I am, you? asked Mercer to Sakaru.

    Sure, said Sakaru with a nod.

    Hey before we go, where is Zhen? asked Mercer before grabbing the door.Talking to her bro, said Logan as he grabbed his coat.

    Oh, when we get back we should pull a prank on her, smiled Mercer as they walked out

    of the door.

    Thatll be great, chuckled Logan as they walked towards the north end of town.Once they reached the forest, they stopped at the mouth of the Nu River. A river divided Nu Ran

    forest into East and West sections.

    Alright, everyone protected, and I mean armed, said Logan as he carried a great sword,it is dark.

    Great swords are extremely heavy swords and can cleave many creatures in two. They often are

    larger than the wielders who carry the sword.

    I know, said Mercer with an aggravated sigh, and yeah, we got our weapons.Mercer held out an armored gauntlet that had blades protruding from the sides.

    Ill take the west of the river and you guys take the east, said Logan as he pointed at the

    West and East of the river.

    Okay, said Mercer and Sakaru after each other.

    So Logan went to the west of the river and Mercer and Sakaru went to the east of the river.

    So what are we looking for? asked Sakaru.

    Some cool creatures to scan and some deer to feed to Rycoon and Drago, said Mercer,and here scan me,

    Then Mercer took off his scanner and threw it at Sakaru. She caught it with ease with her large

    beastly arms.

    Why? asked Sakaru, confused.

    For your none-werepyre form, said Mercer.

    Oh, but I can still transform to my original form though, said Sakaru as she grosslymorphed into a Shakti, see?

    Sakaru was able to transform to her Shakti form, she didnt like the way everyone can tell that

    she was a monster anyways. She was paler than other Shaktis and her eyes glowed red instead of

    yellow. So, she stayed as a werepyre around people. In her Shakti form, she wore a dark pink

    tank top shirt and a black skirt.

    I thought you said you didnt have a human form, said Mercer, confused.

    I dont, this is my original form, said Sakaru, befuddled by Mercers question.

    Your original form is your human form, its an old expression, sighed Mercer.Oh, so thats what you meant, chuckled Sakaru, here, you can have it back.

    Then Sakaru threw the scanner back to Mercer. He caught the clunky gauntlet with ease.

    You know what? You can have the honors tonight, said Mercer as he threw the scannerback to Sakaru.

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    Sakaru, on the other hand, nearly dropped it, she caught it between her legs. She wasnt used to

    her smaller Shakti form.

    Cool, said Sakaru with an uneasy smile.Well, now thats settled, lets hunt! said Mercer as he and Sakaru ran deeper into the


    After several hours, Mercer and Sakaru went back to the mouth of the river, dragging a big ropenet of dead animals.

    About time you get here, said Logan as he jumped off of a tree branch, overlooking the

    rivers mouth.

    Sorry, Sakaru broke my scanner, scowled Mercer irritated.I said I was sorry! growled Sakaru angrily.

    So wheres your hunt? asked Mercer.

    In this bag, said Logan as pulled out a small bag.

    Thats it? asked Mercer.Its all chips, glared Logan as he opened the bag, I also got some cool scans.

    After Logan put away the bag, he pulled out a small box. This box easily fit in the palm of his

    hand. Nice, said Mercer as Logan opened the box a crack.

    But when Mercer got near, Logan snapped it closed. Logan wasnt going to share his haul so


    But its a secret, smiled Logan.Screw you, dude, glared Mercer.

    Anyways, Zhen should of gotten home by now, said Logan looking into the nights sky,

    lets head back, me and Zhen have something to show ya.Okay, said Mercer.

    But first, said Logan as he turned to the net, we need to put this net into a chip.

    After Logan scanned the net of dead animals, it disappeared. Once it did, a chip came out of

    Logans scanner.Oh man, dragging that was half the fun, smiled Mercer.

    When they turned towards the city, a dark figure with silver glinted weapons and a steel

    crossbow in his hands, blocked their way.

    Hand over the werepyre and no one gets hurt, said the dark figure.
