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Final Lecture. Sacraments

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  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    A conviction that everything is capable of embodying &

    communicating the divine

    That realities has mysterious dimension in so far as it

    is embodied with hidden presence of God

    The mystery of Gods hidden presence is adhered

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Are sensible signs instituted by

    Christ to give grace

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Are experienced by our senses

    A. Performed word events

    Sacraments are based on Christministry-words & deeds

    B. As symbolic action they have concrete

    ANTHROPOLOGICAL basisPersons are embodied spirits who live & act with others in

    community in & through our bodies

    Spiritual realities like love & freedom touch us through

    the material condition of our lives

    (As a sensible signs)

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Communicates through our senses

    TOUCHTOUCHAnointing of the sick

    Imposition of hands









    Listened to


  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Are instituted by Christ

    The link between Christ & the sacrament

    Christ instituted the sacrament by first

    being the sacrament of his Father through

    his whole life of word & action & establishing

    the Church to be his basic sacrament


    1. Church makes Christ present to all person by being his body

    2. By celebrating those actions that continue Christ own ministry

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Are instituted by Christ

    They are actions of Christ

    Christ is the PRIMODIAL sacrament

    he is not just the originator but also their

    primary agent (Christ himself baptizes,

    confirm, etc it is Christ who effectively acts

    through his ministers)

    he is the fullest expression or goal of the


  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Are to give GRACE

    Grace is a thing automatically conferred

    It is not a quantifiable thing

    Grace refers to Gods PERSONAL

    PRESENCE within us

    The effect of the sacraments is to draw us

    closer to the Church & CHRIST himself

    Conscious & active celebrations of the

    sacraments gradually shaped us toward Christ-


  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments




    Lesson 1:Lesson 1: Sacraments in GeneralSacraments in General

    Lesson 2:Lesson 2: Sacraments of InitiationSacraments of Initiation

    Lesson 3:Lesson 3: Sacraments of HealingSacraments of Healing

    Lesson 4:Lesson 4: Sacraments at the Service ofSacraments at the Service ofCommunionCommunion

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Why the need for sacraments?








    Let me search hmmm I

    think Bishop Bacani has an

    apt article about that?


    What article?

    Love Made Visible by Bishop

    Teodoro C. Bacani, Jr. D.D.Lets see and

    hear that

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Love Made Visible

    by: Bishop Bacani

    The persons need for felt love Very basic to the person is his need

    to be loved. This love though has tobe known and felt. Knowing that you

    are loved is never enough; you haveto really feel and be aware of it.

    Thus, the lover has to express thislove to his beloved in concrete andtangible signs (words, glance, touch,gift, embraces etc.).

    Just some of

    the points he


  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Love Made Visible

    by: Bishop Bacani

    What is a sign? Can be perceived by one or more


    Carries a message and points to

    something beyond itself Signs differ in power. There is sign

    that merely indicates or signifies.Other does more than merelyindicate; it communicates and

    transmits. TV ad vs. smile

    Signage vs. kiss

    Just some of

    the points he


    It is the latter meaning that

    the sacrament is all about.

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Love Made Visible

    by: Bishop Bacani

    Gods love is made visible and

    communicated in Christ

    As sacrament of God, Jesus did not

    simply show that God was present in

    our midst. He gave us Gods presence. Thus, contact with Christ was a saving

    act. The words and action of Jesus was

    a sign that did not only signify but

    communicate the love. (See. Mt. 8:1-3)

    But not all kinds of contact; only contactthrough faith that brought salvation.

    (See Mk. 5:25ff)

    Just some of

    the points he


    Problem: How can people today still come into

    saving contact with Jesus whos not anymore

    in our midst?

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Love Made Visible

    by: Bishop Bacani

    Christs love made visible and

    communicated through the Church

    Just as Christ is the sacrament of God,

    so too the Church is the universal

    sacrament of salvation. She is thesacrament of Jesus.

    Church prolongs Christs saving action

    especially in the celebration of the seven


    As actions of Christ through the Church,the sacraments communicate the grace

    they signify, if received with proper

    dispositions. (received with and in

    FAITH). Thus, sacraments are signs of


    Just some of

    the points he


  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Love Made Visible

    by: Bishop Bacani

    As sacraments are actions of the

    Spirit-filled Church, they sanctify

    men (downward movement).

    Sacraments are also acts ofworship (upward movement)

    Sacraments form the Christian

    community (horizontal


    Just some of

    the points he




    P.S. In this life, we are the love made visible. As created in Gods image

    and bearers of Christ, we dont only signify Jesus, nor lead others to Him. We

    communicate Jesus and make Him present always.

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 1:

    Sacraments in General As embodied spirits, human beings

    live in a vast network of signs andsymbols created by and used forthemselves. This we cannot ignore

    and deny. Sign simply signifies and points to

    another reality

    Symbol sign with more than onedimension, more than one meaning

    The person is animal symbolicum.Symbolic activity is human activity parexcellence. Being is of itself symbolic, because it

    necessarily expresses itself.(KarlRahner)

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Sacraments, like mass, was seen as a sort

    of sacred drama where Christians tended

    to watch like an audience in theaters.

    Lesson 1:

    Sacraments in General For Rahner, any self-expression is

    self-giving of oneself to the other.It is always towards dialoguetowards communion with the

    other(s) that manifests most fullytoward the Other (God).

    The seven (7) sacraments of theChurch belong to such symbolicactivity with the Other.





    Christians are no watchers, only doers.

    Active participants who celebrate the

    sacraments with the entire community.

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 1:

    Sacraments in General All religions of the world make use of

    sacraments (rituals), but onlyChristians call them sacraments.How?

    From Greek mysterion to Latinsacramentum

    Ancient Greeks (even before Jesus)referred to every experience of the divineas mysterion. Even Hebrew and NewTestament Scriptures attested to this.

    In late 2nd century, Tertullian of Carthage,sought a word to translate this mysterion tohis Latin audience. He chose Latinsacramentum a Roman military term forsacred oath professed by recruits as theyentered the army.

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 1:

    Sacraments in General St. Augustine of Hippo then broaden the

    term sacramentum to include any sacredsign. In all, he listed 304 sacraments(Lords Prayer, sign of the cross, holy water,

    etc.) Afterwards, the Church made distinction

    between sacraments and sacramentals.

    Of the 7 sacraments, baptism and Eucharistwere generally accepted as directly coming

    from Jesus (dominical sacraments).Others have long history and process ofdevelopment. The Church had lived and experienced

    sacraments before defining them just as any

    human activity for that matter. (e.g. blogs)

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 1:

    Sacraments in General The advent of Vatican II saw renewal

    in the understanding of Catholicsacraments: Karl Rahner, a German Jesuit, referred to

    Church as the fundamental sacrament Edward Schillebeeckx, a Belgian

    Dominican, showed Christ as theprimordial sacrament

    It was the timing of their work that wasattractive: (a breath of fresh air) Then, Catholics view on sacraments was

    so rigid. Grace was something you gain orget, just like almost a slot machine. Forthe two, grace is qualitative like the qualityof friendship thats growing anddeveloping. Quality over quantity.

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 2:

    Sacraments of Initiation

    Filipinos regard baptism as a popular

    event that one fails to miss. Credit that

    to religious and cultural values of

    Filipinos. However, it often tends to

    become merely a social event devoid ofany religious character.

    It has been reduced to mere registration into

    the Church coupled with the emphasis on

    numerous ninongs and ninangs.

    How can this be remedied then?

    A short account of its historical foundation

    can surely help; at least to help us get back

    the original intention and spirit of having it

    celebrated in the first place.

    Are you not aware that weAre you not aware that we

    who were baptized into Christwho were baptized into Christ

    were baptized into his death.were baptized into his death.Through baptism into death;Through baptism into death;

    we were buried with him, sowe were buried with him, so

    that just as Christ was raisedthat just as Christ was raised

    from the dead by the glory offrom the dead by the glory of

    the Father, we too might live athe Father, we too might live a

    new life. (Rom. 6:3new life. (Rom. 6:3--4)4)


  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 2:

    Sacraments of Initiation

    Initiation in the early Church (1st three


    Setting: persecution of Christians, thus, the

    rite was so elaborate, detailed and lengthy to

    vouch for the aspirants sincerity and faith.


    Are you not aware that weAre you not aware that we

    who were baptized into Christwho were baptized into Christ

    were baptized into his death.were baptized into his death.Through baptism into death;Through baptism into death;

    we were buried with him, sowe were buried with him, so

    that just as Christ was raisedthat just as Christ was raised

    from the dead by the glory offrom the dead by the glory of

    the Father, we too might live athe Father, we too might live a

    new life. (Rom. 6:3new life. (Rom. 6:3--4)4)





    OF OIL





    of sacramentsof sacramentsof initiationof initiation

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 2:

    Sacraments of Initiation Breakup of the Initiation sacraments in

    the Latin Church: Setting: The conversion of Constantine and

    the grant to Christianity as official religionof the Empire. Being a Christian soonbecame fashionable trend and in-thing.

    Effect: shortening of the Rite andpostponing confirmation and reception ofcommunion at the later age.

    Theological development of Original Sin:

    Baptism of infants had become necessary. Vatican II rediscovered its lost history

    and significance: Readapted the process of catechumens or

    adult baptism with the document, Rite ofChristian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).


    Are you not aware that weAre you not aware that we

    who were baptized into Christwho were baptized into Christ

    were baptized into his death.were baptized into his death.Through baptism into death;Through baptism into death;

    we were buried with him, sowe were buried with him, so

    that just as Christ was raisedthat just as Christ was raised

    from the dead by the glory offrom the dead by the glory of

    the Father, we too might live athe Father, we too might live a

    new life. (Rom. 6:3new life. (Rom. 6:3--4)4)

    Baptism of desire

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 2:

    Sacraments of Initiation The distinct nature of confirmation is on

    its emphasis on the role of the HolySpirit. The best way to understand thesacrament is to understand who the

    Holy Spirit is. Old Testament: Spirit of God/Yahweh

    (from Hebrew ruah wind, breath, spirit).Often associated with themes of creationand re-creation. It is a life-giving Spirit.

    Christian life is a life in the Spirit. The Spirit

    does not only come in Confirmation for thefirst time. Life in Spirit is growing andmaturing in a person as he matures in faith,

    All who are led by the SpiritAll who are led by the Spirit

    of God are children of God.of God are children of God.

    (Rom. 8:14)(Rom. 8:14)

    The fruit of the spirit isThe fruit of the spirit is

    love, joy, peace, patience,love, joy, peace, patience,

    endurance, kindness,endurance, kindness,

    generosity, faith, mildnessgenerosity, faith, mildnessand charity. (Gal. 5:22)and charity. (Gal. 5:22)


    Irony: Confirmation to many signals the end of

    involvement in Church as it should have been a

    sacrament of initiation. Christian Mark


  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 2:

    Sacraments of Initiation The Last Supper:

    Jesus arrival in Jerusalem as one of thethousands of Jews on pilgrimage for thePassover feast.

    As his death nears, Jesus invited His apostlesto share a meal. Luke, Matthew and Markdescribe it as the passover meal, the seder the meal celebrating the Jewish exodusfrom slavery in Egypt.

    In the midst of the meal, Jesus changed itsmeaning. The bread was no longer the breadof the exodus, but Jesus said, This is mybody and the wine, This is my blood.

    ForJohns Gospel, theres no mention ofthese details. Instead, it was associated withJesus washing the feet of his apostles.

    More than ritual, it is a way of humble service

    Taking bread and givingTaking bread and giving

    thanks, he broke it and gave itthanks, he broke it and gave it

    to them, saying, This is myto them, saying, This is my

    body to be given for you. Dobody to be given for you. Do

    this as a remembrance of me.this as a remembrance of me.

    (Luke 22:19)(Luke 22:19)


  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 2:

    Sacraments of Initiation

    The Real Presence of Christ in Eucharist:

    This doctrines basis is in the words of institution,

    This is my body This is my blood.


    1. Concomitant circumstances of both thehearers and Institutor.

    2. Refutation of the figurative meaning

    suggested by the copula est (is) with the

    application of the four criteria.

    Nature of the case

    Usages of common parlance

    Convention previously agreed upon

    Abstract logical analysis

    St. Thomas used the term transubstantiation

    substance changes while accidents remain.

    Taking bread and givingTaking bread and giving

    thanks, he broke it and gavethanks, he broke it and gave

    it to them, saying, This is myit to them, saying, This is my

    body to be given for you. Dobody to be given for you. Do

    this as a remembrance ofthis as a remembrance of

    me. (Luke 22:19)me. (Luke 22:19)


  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 2:

    Sacraments of Initiation

    The Mass as a Meal:

    One of the most striking things about Jesus in

    the gospels is his love for meals.

    To share a meal was a sign of friendship

    and hospitality. More than just to fill onesstomach, it was a way to teach about the love

    of God.

    Jesus meal fellowship vis--vis mass:

    Sign of community

    Sinners are invited to participate Sign of future heavenly banquet

    A challenge to make present Gods kingdom


    Taking bread and givingTaking bread and giving

    thanks, he broke it and gave itthanks, he broke it and gave it

    to them, saying, This is myto them, saying, This is my

    body to be given for you. Dobody to be given for you. Do

    this as a remembrance of me.this as a remembrance of me.

    (Luke 22:19)(Luke 22:19)


  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 3:

    Sacraments of Healing

    John Paul II quotes Pius XII: TheThe

    sin of the century is the loss ofsin of the century is the loss of

    the sense of sinthe sense of sin.

    Todays generation finds difficultydistinguishing temptation from the

    actual commission of sin

    On the evening of the first dayOn the evening of the first day

    of the week, even though theof the week, even though the

    disciples had locked the doordisciples had locked the doorof the place where they wereof the place where they were

    for fear of the Jews, Jesusfor fear of the Jews, Jesus

    came and stood before them.came and stood before them.

    Peace be with you, he said.Peace be with you, he said.


    Potato story

    The FROG can help usunderstand more the

    dynamics of sin. Hope it

    can help us around.

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 3:

    Sacraments of Healing

    Heart of the sacrament is

    Forgiveness coupled with

    Conversion (metanoia)

    History of the Sacrament:

    On the evening of the first dayOn the evening of the first day

    of the week, even though theof the week, even though the

    disciples had locked the doordisciples had locked the doorof the place where they wereof the place where they were

    for fear of the Jews, Jesusfor fear of the Jews, Jesus

    came and stood before them.came and stood before them.

    Peace be with you, he said.Peace be with you, he said.










    Jesus waits

  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 3:

    Sacraments of Healing

    Central to Jesus ministry is his healing

    power. His life is life-giving and healing.

    The Sacrament in the early Church:

    The actual use and meaning of the oil and

    anointing varied somewhat.

    Spiritual or physical healing (as sacrament

    of the sick)

    Preparation for death (as sacrament of the


    For Vatican II:

    While it may still be received by the dying

    (with reconciliation and communion), it is

    ideal for its ancient practice, as sacrament of

    the sick.

    A leper approached him withA leper approached him with

    a request: If you will to do so,a request: If you will to do so,

    you can cure me. Moved withyou can cure me. Moved with

    pity, Jesus stretched out hispity, Jesus stretched out his

    hand, touched him and said, Ihand, touched him and said, I

    do will it. Be cured. (Mark 1:do will it. Be cured. (Mark 1:



  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 4: Sacraments

    at the Service of Communion In Jesus time, marriages were settled

    and arranged by families Divorce was a prerogative of the husband in

    case of adultery or porneia by the wife

    Jesus never accepted divorce; firmly taughtthe permanence of marriage

    Sex act in marriage is sacred as it isboth unitive (enhancement of love) andprocreative (openness to havingchildren) in character.

    The couple are the ministers of thesacrament. The couple marrythemselves; not that the priest ismarrying them. Priest is only the

    witness (representative of the Church)

    For this reason a man shallFor this reason a man shall

    leave his father and mother,leave his father and mother,

    and shall cling to his wife, andand shall cling to his wife, andthe two shall be made intothe two shall be made into

    one. This is a greatone. This is a great

    foreshadowing; I mean that itforeshadowing; I mean that it

    refers to Christ and therefers to Christ and the

    church. (Ephesians 5:31church. (Ephesians 5:31--32)32)


  • 8/7/2019 Final Lecture. Sacraments


    Lesson 4: Sacraments

    at the Service of Communion At the time of Jesus, priests were called

    the Sadducees; chief functions wereconnected to the sacrifices of thetemple.

    Jesus, who offered his life as the ultimatesacrifice, was considered the great Highpriest.

    Today, Holy Orders is a three-tieredsacrament. It is received by deacons,priests and bishops. Transitional diaconate vs. permanent


    Heart of the priesthood is the mass

    Role of bishop is to teach and to govern thechurch

    He named twelve as hisHe named twelve as his

    companions whom he wouldcompanions whom he would

    send to preach the goodsend to preach the good

    news. (Mark 3:12)news. (Mark 3:12)

