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Final Notes Organism.doc

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Organism and Environment - I Ecology In nature there are 2 main components i.e. organism & averment. Interaction among or bent living organisms & their averment, kolas urology ecology term coined by Hackle (1869) Habitat A particular area or place or locality where organism lives kolas Habitat subs or conditions which influence lives of living organism such as light, temp, moisture etc are could factors sum total of all these factors kolas averments. Ecological Niches 1 Niche term is first used by grime (1971) to denote micro habitat of an organism. 2 Ecological niches are combine loins of habitat & role of species. 3 Organisms living in same habitat may pose different ecological niches. 4 study if ecological niches help us to understand where organism lives & (habitat) & what it does their. (Role) i.e. how it transforms energy behaves and responds to different envirmental factors. Ecological niches are based on 3 months i.e. 1) Spatial / Habitat Niche: - Physical space occupied by an organism. 2) Atrophic Niches: - Atrophic position of an organism and its role. 3) Multidimensional niches / Hyper volume niches :- Position of an organism in envirmental radians i.e. temp. & humanity. Difference between Habitat & Ecological Niche Habitat Ecological niche 1

Organism and Environment - IEcologyIn nature there are 2 main components i.e. organism & averment. Interaction among or bent living

organisms & their averment, kolas urology ecology term coined by Hackle (1869)

HabitatA particular area or place or locality where organism lives kolas Habitat subs or conditions which influence

lives of living organism such as light, temp, moisture etc are could factors sum total of all these factors

kolas averments.

Ecological Niches1 Niche term is first used by grime (1971) to denote micro habitat of an organism.

2 Ecological niches are combine loins of habitat & role of species.

3 Organisms living in same habitat may pose different ecological niches.

4 study if ecological niches help us to understand where organism lives & (habitat) & what it does their.

(Role) i.e. how it transforms energy behaves and responds to different envirmental factors. Ecological

niches are based on 3 months i.e.

1) Spatial / Habitat Niche: - Physical space occupied by an organism.

2) Atrophic Niches: - Atrophic position of an organism and its role.

3) Multidimensional niches / Hyper volume niches :-Position of an organism in envirmental radians i.e. temp. & humanity.

Difference between Habitat & Ecological Niche

Habitat Ecological niche

1.at particular area where organism lives.

2.many sps can live in same habitat.

3. habitat may poses many ecological niche.

4. in habitat position of an organism does not

change as it shows habitat specially.

5.it is an address of an organism.

1. it is a role , species ,play in its habitat.

2. only 1 sps can live in same ecological


3. there are no other components.

4. in ecological niche position of an

organism may changes due to age or



5.it is profession of organ.

EcosystemEcosystem is a whole biotic community in particular area plus its above averments. This system is

formed by inference among the living organism and iterance with their averments. There are 2 types of

ecosystem i.e.

1. Natural Ecosystem :- An ecosystem constructed under natural conditions without any major

interference of man kolas Natural Ecosystem Tow types :-

1) Irrestrial Ecosystem :- desert , forest , grassland

2) Quite Ecosystem: - lake, pond, ocean, river etc.

2. Artificial ecosystem: - An ecosystem which is engineered &b maintained by man, kolas artificial

ecosystem. Egg. Botanical Gardens, crop lands, aquarium, zoos etc.

For study of ecosystem we have to consider its structure & function.

Its structure includes –

a) Composition of biological community i.e. species, biomass & distribution.

b) Quantity and distribution o non living components like nutrients, water etc.

c) Range of envirmental gradients like temp , light , etc

Its function includes –

a) Production & residents rates of community

b) Nutrients cycle

c) Regular of organism by envirmental and regular averment by organism.

Components of Ecosystem:-There are 2 main components of ecosystem i.e.

1. Aioli components –

It include climate, inorganic nutrients like N, P, K, ca, mg, Fe, etc. and organic nutrients like

carbohydrates proteins, lipids etc.

2. Biotic components :-

Biotic components present in an ecosystem are 2 types –

1) Autotrophy / Producers may be green plants photosynthetic / chemosynthetic micro organisms

2) Heterophs may be microcosumers or macro consumers.

a) Micro consumers: - they are called decomposers. They are saprophytic organism like actor fungi,

actinomyucetes. Saprophytes degrade complex organic materials.


b) Macro consumers: - they may be herbivore & carnivores / omnivores. Herbivores are 1 consumer

while carnivores & omnivores are 2 or 3 consumers.

Ecosystem Structure and Pattern1) In an ecosystem, aioli and biotic factors may vary due to vary in location in return to space and

time. Some climatic factors like temp light & are may be limiting factors in some party of an


2) Precipitation i.e. rainfall may also affect life in some part of ecosystem. Thus due to these variation

spatial (related to space) pattern arise in an ecosystem. There are 2 types of recognized spatial

patterns occurs in an ecosystem :-

a) Zoo nation: - horizontal distribution of species along the ground kolas donation. Density and

distribution of species (May very) are according to horizontal gradients.

b) Stratification: - Stratification occurs when trees of difference species grounds to difference


Productivity of ecosystem:- The rate of business (organic matter) produce in unit time kolas productivity

or amount of organic matter produce at different tropics levels in unit area per unit time kolas productivity.

Rate of productivity may vary in ecosystem in different reasons.

Types of productivities

There are 3 types of productivity i.e.

1) Primary productivity: - amount of organic matter produced by producer’s kolas 1 productivity 1

productivity is at producer’s level. Producers are autotrophic i.e. photosynthesis or chemosynthetic

micro organism or green plan there are two types.

a) Gross primary productivity –

1. It is total are matter produced by produced in unit area and unit time.

2. It is the rate of organic matter production including its use in reparation. It is measured as

chlorophyll content i.e. chlorophyll gm dry wt unit area or as photos of chlorophylls in an hours i.e.

Co2 gm of chore unit.

b) Net primary productivity :

1. It is total dry matter stored by producers per unit area and per unit time.


2. It is the rate at which organic matter produced apart from its use in respiration. It is measured as

primary productivity respiration (NPP=GPP-R) OR PN= PG-R

2) Secondary productivity :-

1. It is at consumer level.

2. It is total energy storage at consumer level i.e. herbivore, carnivores or omnivores.

3. Consumer used food directly or indirectly from producers and converts it into difference form or


3) Net productivity :-

The total energy storage without use by heterotrophic organism in unto area and per unit time kolas net

productivity. Net productivity is equivalent to net primary production minus (-) used by heterotrophic


DecompositionDecomposition is process by which complex organism subs are broken down to simple inorganic subs. By

organism called decomposers.

Decomposers are mainly bacteria, actinomyceto & fungi.

Decomposers break down complex organic subs. into simple inorganic subs. Which are utilized by them

as nutrients while inorganic nutrients are released in averment?

Production of food is imp as it for stability of ecosystem. Thus, consumption and decomposition is also

equally imp as it helps in recycling of nutrients.

Raw material like plant remains animal remain, dead bodies and its excretion, used for deco potion, kolas


Step involved in decomposition are as follows

1) Fragmentation of Detritus :-

1. It takes place through detritus food chain.

2. It starts from dead organic matter.

3. Detrivorous organisms like carthuormn, termite bacteria & fungi. Degrade detritus into simple subs or

fragments, process kolas Fragmentation.

2) Leaching : -

1. Sugar and inorganic subs. Dissolved with water and moves downward into deeper layer of soil along

with gravitational water, process kolas leaching.

3) Catabolism :-


1. Fungal & bacteria enzymes break down complex organic subs. into simple inorganic subs process

kolas Catabolism.

2. During this step, rate of decomposition become slows famous is resistant to microbial action.

4) Mummification :-

1. Partially decomposed organic matter kolas Humus.

2. Homeric is the process of form of humus.

3. Humus is reservoir of nutrient


5) Mineralization :-

Enzymes (fungal & bacteria) degrade the humus and releases inorganic elements, process kolas

Mineralization. Decomposition is oxygen requiring process and it takes place in warm & moist

condition. Low temperature and anaerobic condition inhibit decomposition.

Pyramids of Biomass numbers & energy:-

1) Pyramid of numbers :-

1. Relative no. of an individual at each tropic level forms pyramid of numbers.

2. It is the relationship between producers, herbivorous & carnivorous at each tropic level as per their


3. Pyramid of number is upright as no. of reproducers is always more than the no. of consumers.

4. No. of consumers also goes on decreasing at each tropic level.

Egg. In grass land ecosystem , producers i.e. grass are more in no. than 1 consumers like mice,

rabbit etc. while the no of 2 & 3 consumers like Hauk & other

2) Pyramid of biomass :-

1. Graphic represent of biomass at successive tropic level in unit area, kolas pyramid of biomass.

2. It may be straight or inverted.

3. In grass land & forest ecosystem, pyramid of biomass is straight i.e. upright as biomass of

producers is more than biomass of herbivore & carnivore.

4. But in pond ecosystem, pyramid of biomass is inverted as biomass of fishes is more than biomass

of phytoplankton. (marine plant)


3) Pyramid of energy : -

1. Pyramid of energy is always upright & can never be inverted.

2. As per law of thermodynamics, there is gradual decrease in energy from tropic to tropic level energy is

lost as heat at every stop.

3. As per 10% laws, only 10% energy is transferred at successive tropic level.

Energy flow in ecosystem:-

1. About 34% solar energy is reflected back, 10% is held by ozone layer, water vapors & other

atmospheric gases.

2. Thus, 56% energy reaches to earth.

3. Out of total energy reaching to earth only 0.02 energy used up in photosynthesis.

4. Energy flow in ecosystem is unidirectional i.e. energy from producer does not go back to solar input as

well energy from herbivore does not go back to producers. It means, energy is transferred from

producers to carnivores.


Nutrients cycles in ecosystem :- (Biogas chemical cycle)

1) Carbon cycle:-

1. About 49% carbon is present in dry matter.

2. Out of total global carbon, 71% found in ocean.

3. Fossil funds are also represented as reservoir of carbon.

4. Carbon cycle is operated by 2 complementary reasons i.e. photo & respire.

5. Carbohydrate & oxygen are used in suspire & co2 & ho2 and energy are released.

6. During photo, co2 & Ho2 are used & carbohydrate & oxygen are formed.

7. In photosynthesis, energy is taken from sun & it gets stored in carbon bond of carbohydrate &

respire releases this energy.

8. In land and in water, co2 is used up in photo system. In plant, there are 3 fates of carbon i.e. it

release from plant through respire in it can so consumed by animal or it may remain in it when

plant dies.

9. Animals consume food thus in all animals co2 comes from autotrophy.

10. From animal, it can be released in atmosphere through respiration or can be decomposed by


11. When both plants and animal defies, it either decomposed by decomposers or buried intact in soil

and forms fossil fuels i.e. coal, oil and natural gases.

12. Fossil fuels either be mined or burnt in future. Thus

co2 again release in environment.

There is great impact of human on carbon cycle as

we use fossil fuels; excess co2 released in atmosphere.

2) Phosphorous cycle:-


1. Phosphorous cycle is simplest nutrient cycle operating in an ecosystem.

2. It is heavy molecule thus it never goes to atm.

3. It always remains in rock, dissolved in water or in part of an organism.

4. All organism need phosphorous.

5. When rock with phosphate exposed to water than it gets withered & then goes into solution.

6. Phosphorous is present in DNA, RNA & ATP.

7. When autotrophy (plant) are consumed by animals then it transpierced to each tropic level through

food chain.

8. Plant takes phosphorous from soil in the form of phosphate through roots.

9. Animal need phosphorous to make bones, shells, teeth etc.

10. Mining of phosphate & use as fertilizer greatly enhance (accelerate) the phosphorous cycle.

11. Phosphorous from soil gets accumulating in ocean or water bodies during heavy rain full, foods, etc.

12. (Over abundance of phosphate in water lead to over growth of algae. Algae used up null oxygen of

water and thus it kill aquatic life, process class rutophication.)

13. Marine birds plays vital role in phosphorous cycle.

14. Marine birds eat marine fish which is rich its phosphorous.

15. These birds releases extra on land which is with high level of phosphorous kolas goon deposits.

16. Thus marine birds return phosphorous back from ocean to land.

17. When plant and animal dies than they are decomposer by decomposers. Thus phosphate released in

soil which is further used up by plants.

Ecological succession


Gradual and predictable change in species composition in particular area kolas ecological succession.

Diff. Populations are present in an area. Sum total of all these population in habitat, kolas community.

1. First biotic community existed in or on bare area, kolas pioneer community.

2. Last and stable biotic community kolas climax community.

3. Intermediates of pioneer and clime community are kolas rural or transitional community. On the basis

of sites where biotic community is existed. There are 2 types of ecological success.

1. Primary succession :-

1) It starts in an area where no living organism ever existed.

2) It is slow process as these areas are untitled for growth of plant and animals. Thus it takes long time

for development.

2. Secondary succession :-

1) It starts in an area which has lost organism once existed. Egg. Abandoned crop fids , cut and burnt

forest land affected by foods , transmit etc

Secondary succession is these comparatively faster than primary succession as these areas are rich

in organic matter like underground part of plant seeds etc.

On the basis of habitat there are 2 types:-

1. Hierarch succession / Hydro sere : -

It starts in an area where abundant water is present. It starts with phytoplankton i.e. small photosynthetic

organism like BGA, diatoms, true floating plan like nymphet, nelumbo; rooted hydrophytes then sedges

then grasses and then trees. Transformed takes place from pool lf water to swamp, then to marsh and

finally to music.

2. Search succession / xeroserer :- It starts in desert or on bare rocks. It starts with lion with secrete acids which causes weathering of rocks

which finally turns to soil , followed by mosses than herb , than shrub and then trees. Thus stable and

climax community established.

Ecological servicesAverment around us provided services to mankind for their benefit. This ecological service includes co2,

release of o2 & pollution.


Co2 Fixation

1) Co2 fixation or carbon assimilation is principle service which supports the life of all living organisms.

2) During photosynthesis, biotic factors i.e. co2, H2o & light used up by green plants.

3) For Co2, light & water becomes limiting factors. To increase the rate of photosynthesis.

Release of O2 :-

1) O2 is byproduct of photo thesis.

2) It is used in aerobic respiration as well as it purities foul air.

3) Released oxygen is also involved in ozone layer form which protects us from harmful ultra violet

radiation of sun.

1. Pollination :-1) It is another important service provided by averments.

2) A biotic factors i.e. water and winder are agents for pollination.

3) Wind pollination occurs in monocot, water pollination in aquatic plants.

4) Insect pollinators are butter tees, bless, moths, beetle bird pollinators are sunbird, hummingbird, bulbul


5) Without pollination, fertilization is just impossible.

6) Fertilization leads to formation of seeds & fruits.

Environmental issuesAgrochemicals & their effects

1. Agrochemical is agricultural chemicals like rest cedes & fertilizers.

2. Pesticides are used to keel pests while fertilizers are used to increased soil fertility.

3. Mostly pesticides are confined crop productivity and soil. Which may decrease crop and ground water

reserves also quality of crop and ground water reserves?

4. About 15% target is hit by prestigious and resting released in surrounding medium. Thus,

agrochemical causers soil, water & air pollution.

5. Pesticides like organ chlorines i.e. DDT, BHC, endosulphan, endpin, larding, etc are non

biodegradable i.e. persist in environment.

6. Organ chlorines are lipophilic i.e. have affinity towards fatty tissues.

7. Accumulation of organochlorins in fatty tissues of an organism kolas Bio accumulation

8. Concentration of organ chorines increased at each feeding level, process kolas Bio concentration or

Bio magnification.

9. Sometime due to repeated use of pesticides, pesticides treadmill, takes place i.e. pest becomes is

required to kill this pest. Thus hazards also increases.


10. Pesticides are non selective as it do not differ pest and non pest. It kills all which comes in contact of it.

Thus, along with comes in i.e. pest useful organism like honey bee, pollinators, nitrogen fixing micro

organism may get killed.

11. People who handled pesticides in industry told may suffer from respiratory diseases, nervous

disorders, skin diseases etc.

12. Due to all this ill effects of pesticides, organic farming is coming up which is safer, effective & non


13. Organic farming suggests use of biopestisides and biofertilizers.

14. Biofertilizers are natural enemies of pest which can be used to control or kill the pest.

15. Biofertilizers are nitrogen fixing micro organisms. Used to increased soil fertilizer.

Solid Waste ManagementDisposal of solid waste from envy. Klaus solid waste management. Solid waste may be domestic waste ,

kitchen waste industrial waste , agriculture waste , clinical waste ,etc. some solid waste like polythene

bags , packets of milk , water , vegetables , fruits ,etc are non biodegradable. There are 2 methods of

disposal of solid waste paper i.e. burning & land filling.

1. Burning: - combustion of solid waste has organic matter kolas burning of waste.

1) Burning of waste may cause air pollution producer offensive odor

2) It may be hazardous as open dumps are breeding places for rats & flies.

2. Land filling: - dumpers of solid wastes in pits French or depressions, kolas land filling.

1) Dumping or land filling is also not a permanent solution because in metro cities amount of garbage

increased so much thus land fills getting filled.

2) It may be hazardous also because seepage of chemicals from waste may polite ground water reset.

Citizen’s role

In the light of above situation each citizen is required to be sensitive to this issue. There are 3 types of

solid waste i.e. biodegradable, recyclable, and non biodegradable.

1. Biodegradable waste should be dumped in pit which further decomposed by microorganism thus, each

independent house, complex or apartment should have pits for this solid wastes.

2. Decidable materials like newspaper, packages, material of milk, water, should be given to


3. Non biodegradable materials should be refused or their use should be minimized & start carrying cloth

carry bags.


Case StudyPoly blend, a remedy for plastic wastes:-

1. Ahmad khan from bang lore city manufactured plastic bags.

2. When he realized plastic waste is real problem.

3. Then in collaboration with bang lore city R.V. engineering he produced polybland, a fine powder of

plastic waste.

4. Poly blend is then mixed with bitumen & used to lay roads.

5. Poly blend increases water replant property of bitumen.

6. Thus by using Ahmad khan technique, many roads in bang lore city has been laid.

7. Formally rag pickers used to get Rs 0.40 for 1 gm plastic waste. khan offered than Rs 6.0

Green house effect and Global warming

Green house effect :-1) Solar radiations include ultra violet radiations, visible light, (VIBGYOR), infra red radiations and

radio wave.

2) Whole sunlight not reaches to earth surface as ova. Radiations are absorbed by ozone layer.

3) Visible light & infra red radiations ran pass through atmosphere gases & ultimately falls to earth


4) Infra red radiations have heating effect.

5) Longer wavelength, infra red radiations are reflected back by earth surface.

6) These infra red radiations are trapped by atmosphere gases like co2, CFCS, CH4 etc. thus it

causes heating of earth, kolas green house effect and these atmospheric gases are called green

house gases.

7) Green house effect is main cause of global warming.

8) Visible light used up in photosynthesis by green plants.

9) Green house term is used for glass house use for growing plants during winter.

10) Solar radiation enters in glass house but longer wavelengths of infra red radiations are unable to

escape out through glass panel as they are trapped by co2, water vanpoolers. Thus glass house

warm up. Hence kolas green house effect.

11) Green house effect is naturally accruing phenomena as without it average temp of earth would be -

18 c rather than present average temp.


Global warming:-1. Green house effect is main cause of global warming.

2. It occurs due to high Concentration of Co2 which absorbs infra red radiations of sun & thus raises

earth lamp.

3. Atmospheric gases involved in green house effect are called green house gases; they are co2 -59%,

FCS 19%, CH4 15%, Nitrogen oxide 16% & other gases 1%.

4. These green house gases discharged into atmosphere through various sources like burring of fossil

fuels, cutting of forest etc.

5. CFS s are mainly released due to industrial activities refrigerators , air conditioners , etc

6. It was estimated that co2 alone rise temp up to 50%, CFC s 20%, CH4 15% & other pollutions 10%.

Thus , global warming occurs due to air pollution from 1950 s on ward , earth temp & Co2

concentrgoes on increase shown in tolls table:-

Years Average temp of earth Concern of co2 in PPM

1950 13.84 316.8

1960 13.96 325.5

1970 14.02 338.5

1980 14.18 354.0

1990 14.4 360.8

2000 14.6 366.7

Thus the causes of global warming are green house effect deforestation etc.

Effect of global warming are melting of polar ice caps, rise in sea level, flooding, changes in rain fall

pattern .

Ozone layer depletion in Stratosphere1. Ozone formed in lower atmosphere called troposphere is bad ozone as it harms plant & animals.

2. While, ozone formed in upper part of atmosphere called stratosphere is good ozone as it absorbs

harmful ultraviolet radiations of sun.

3. DNA & proteins of living organism. Absorbs high energy of ova. & thus chemical bond urchin molecule

are broken down, this causes damage to skin cell causing skin censer.

4. High does of ova B causes inflammation of wrier called show blindness cataract (show ball)

5. Ozone is continuously formed when ova. act molecular oxygen & it is further degraded to oxygen

6. Thus , there is equilibrium between production & degrade of ozone

7. But this balance is disturbed by CFC s & thus degrades is more.


8. When ova act on cfc then chlorine atoms are released

9. Chlorines are not consumed as they are catalyst hence chlorine continue to degrade the ozone.

10. In Antarctic region, a thin area of ozone as formed due to CFC s kolas ozone layer.

11. An international treaty was signed called Montreal protocol at Montreal in 1987 (brought in use in

1990) to control omission of CFC an ozone depleting slob.

Effect of deforestation:-

1) Destruction of natural habitat of wild flora & fauna.

2) Extinction of species.

3) Chances of landslides, soil erosion, flood etc.

4) Reduction in rainfall.

5) Changes in climatic condition like hot summer & cold winters etc.

6) Soil, water & air pollution.

Conservation & Management of Forest:-1) Conservation through laws.

2) Timber & fuel wood are economically used thus wastage should be minimized.

3) Grazing of animals should be discouraged.

4) Reforestation, afforest & agro forestry live practices should be promoted.

a) Reforestation is cultivation of forest trees on deforested areas.

b) Forestation is plantation of trees on unused, barren (or follow) land like school compounds, hospital,

boundaries, unused farmlands, panchayat land etc.

c) Agro forestry is a cultivation of trees along with agricultural crops. These practices would minimize the

pressure existed on forest.

5) Educating public about hazard of deforest

6) Every year 5th June is observed as world averment day

7) An individual which shows his outstanding courage or contribution in production & consort of forest are

honored with vrikshamitra.

Main cause of deforestation in north eastern parts of India is a shifting cultivation or thumps cultivation or

slash & burn cultivation.

Case study: Amritadevi and Bishops sacrifice their lives in protect of forest (1731)

1. King of Jodhpur, Rajasthan ordered his men to arranged wood for construct of place.

2. Kings men went to forest which was near to village inhabited by bishops.

3. Bishops were fully dependant on forest for their live.


4. Amrita devil, a bishop woman showed courage by hugging trees & telling king’s man cut her first

before cutting trees.

5. Kings men may be more afraid of king cut tries along with Amrita devil.

6. Her 3 daughters & 100 bishops followed her & scarify their lives to save trees.

7. Government of India has recently declared Amrita Devi wild life protection award to an individual or

communities to show outstanding contribution & dedication in protection of forest.

Chipco movement :- (chick is Hindi work which means to hug or embrace)

Chick movement was held in March 1974 in Garhwali district of Uttar Pradesh. Local woman of Garhwali

showed courage by hugging trees & present cutting of trees by contractors. This shows that participation

of local communities in protection of forest is imp. Thus, government of India has introduced concept of

joint forest management (JFM) to work closely & efficiently with communities for protection of forest.

Ascertain it this concept local community will get benefit of forest products like gum, rubber, resins,

medicines etc & thus forest is conserved in sustainable manner.


