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    National Law School of India University


  • 8/8/2019 Final Political Science Project.



    Table of contents

    Contents Page no.

    Introduction3 Research methodology5 Chapter-1. Affirmative action.7 Chapter-2. Affirmative action in Indian perspective9 Chapter-3. Caste system in India.14 Chapter-4. Argument for and against the reservation in India16 Conclusion..................23 Bibliography24

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    "You do not wipe away the scars of centuries by saying: 'now, you are free to go where you

    want, do as you desire, and choose the leaders you please.' You do not take a man who for

    years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race,

    saying, 'you are free to compete with all the others,' and still justly believe you have been

    completely fair . . . This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We

    seek not just freedom but opportunitynot just legal equity but human abilitynot just

    equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result."1

    President- Johnson

    United State of America started the affirmative action for the welfare and protects the

    rights of blacks, woman and certain other minorities. After many debate and conflicts

    President Johnson passed the resolution in American Congress to implement the

    provision regarding to affirmative policy. Like to affirmative action reservation in India

    is not the new concept, reservation in government jobs on the basis of community and

    caste more than a century old one. Before independence the objective of the government

    of the ruler or king is to divide, rule and they adopted the methodology to redress

    communal in equalities in representation in public services. But the British government

    never adopted the policy of the reservation because their aim was not to uplift the

    societies but to divide and rule and get maximum benefit whichever was possible. After

    independence government ofIndia realise the problem of the weaker section keeping the

    eye on the interest of these societies government provided some specific privileges and

    the concessions under the provisions of the Constitution of India to the depressed


    But later on it became the major source of the social unrest and the political conflicts.

    Because it became the tool in the eye of the higher caste see the reserved class by pollute

    site. It causes the mere source of discrimination with respect to the other societies.

    Government of India also provided the reservation in representation to Member of

    Parliament as well as legislative assembly. But in the real sense there is no specific

    effects on the depressed class because the political leader of the higher society always

    1Available at, Equity and development, World Development Report 2006 (last visited on November,27,2010.

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    contest the election to whom they can keep under their control and the not the eligible

    representative of the society.

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    History of affirmative action:

    Blacks have a 375-year history on this continent: 245 involving slavery, 100 involving

    discrimination, and only 30 involving anything else.2

    Historian Roger Wilkins

    The concept of affirmative in America was first introduced by American President John F.

    Kennedy in his Executive Order no. 10925, which created the Committee on Equal

    Employment Opportunity and mandates that projects financed with federal funds of the

    budget and to take affirmative action to ensure that hiring and employment practices are free

    of racial bias.

    This term came into picture in 1961 while India has already granted the policy of reservation

    to the depressed class in jobs as well in educational institutions and political representation.

    Affirmative action is much similar to the Indian concept of reservation; it is a method of

    redressing discrimination that had persisted in spite of civil rights laws and constitutional

    guarantees. The further development and effective implementation is done by President

    Johnson. He asserted it as this is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rightsin America for the preserve and protect the right of every citizen at the equal stage. President

    Johnson stated on the policy of the affirmative action We seek not just equality as a right

    and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result."3

    Purpose of the Affirmative action:

    The main focus behind introduce the term affirmative action was to preserve the rights of

    black and the other minorities in particular areas in which there participation was very low

    and also necessary to develop them in the form of economically, socially and culturally by

    provide specific privilege in education and jobs. Some other requirement of this policy was

    that, it should be measures the activeness means do the work of watchdog to ensure that

    2Available at, http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/affirmative-action/ (Last visited on November, 27. 2010.)

    3 Available at,siteresources.worldbank.org/.../Affirmative_Action_India_Ashwini.pdf( Last visited on

    November, 25, 2010).

    Leo Georarke,Journal ofBusiness Ethics, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Mar., 1990), pp. 207 -213

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    blacks and other minorities must enjoy the same opportunities for promotions, salary

    increases, career advancement, school admissions, scholarships, and financial aid that had

    been the nearly exclusive province of whites. From the outset, affirmative action was

    envisioned as a temporary remedy that would end once there was a "level playing field" for

    all Americans.4

    Discriminated groups can be the people who face the discrimination now or may be the

    victims of the past whom the economy of the growth did not make any improvement. In

    North America woman, native and other group or minority like the blacks are suffered by the

    white male. So the restitution is the only way to compensate them. Society has the debt of the

    blacks, woman and other minorities which is reasonable to repay it to them now. Every

    member of the different society is equally responsible to compensate the people who are

    facing the sorrow in the form of the discrimination. Some scholar also says that thecompensation should go to the major victims and the major beneficiaries should have to pay


    4Leo Georarke,Journal, Business Ethics, available at,www.usatoday.com/news/.../2010-06-17-

    diversity17_ST_N.htm,Vol. 9, No. 3 (Mar., 1990), pp. 207 -213, (Last visited on November, 26,2010).

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    Affirmative action: Indian context

    Affirmative action in Indian context is to be viewed as a on the basis of the long tradition of

    caste system in India. It is not called as reservation policy of India. Unlike the discrimination

    between white and blacks in America, in India there is discrimination based on higher caste

    or forward caste and the depressed or lower caste according to the Varna system of India.

    Affirmative action In India gives some specific privileges to the depressed caste because of

    their backwardness in social, political and economical aspects. These privileges are achieving

    provide the people to posts in job, political representation and the some reserved seats in

    higher educations. Because their status in society is very low and they are incapable to

    achieve on their own credibility. There are many castes in India, which have specific status

    according to belongingness to particular cast. Initially Reservation was provided to SCs and

    STs and certain other privileges to minority class. But later in 1991, Mandal Commission

    recommended the reservation to socially and educationally backward classes which is

    popularly known as OBC (OtherBackward Castes). SCs and STs are mentioned in schedule

    of the Constitution of India on the basis of certain grounds of discrimination and their


    Legal identification of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

    Selection criteria for scheduled castes5

    The person who-

    1. Cannot be served by clean Brahmans.2. Cannot be served by the barbers, water-carriers, tailors, etc. who serve the caste Hindus.

    3. Pollutes a high-caste Hindu by contact or by proximity.

    4. Is one from whose hands a caste Hindu cannot take water.

    5. Is debarred from using public amenities such as roads, ferries, wells, or schools.

    6. Will not be treated as an equal by high-caste men of the same educational qualification inordinary social intercourse.

    7. Is depressed on account of the occupation followed and, but for that, occupation would be

    subject to no social disability.

    5Prof. Rohini pande,available at, India together,Yale university(Last visited on November,26,2010).

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    Selection criteria for scheduled tribes6

    1. Tribal origin2. Primitive ways of life and habitation in remote and less accessible areas3. General backwardness in all respects

    Rational behind affirmative action in India:

    There are two kinds of approaches to looking the nature of affirmative action in India.

    Forward looking-7

    This programme is founded on the principle of motivated forgetfulness of wrong doings with

    the assumption that victims would soon forget past sufferings to compensate them later or

    providing some benefit in the future.

    1). It is utility based method which measures the good expected result from the

    implementation of this programme. The main motto of the affirmative action in India is not to

    compensate anyone for harm caused by past wrongdoing, but rather simply to promote

    certain highly desirable forms of social change to break endlessly continuing cycle of poverty

    and sub-services.

    2).It will eliminate inequities in income distribution, remove caste and racial prejudice,

    reduce caste and racial tension, and enhance self-esteem of the marginalised

    Researchers argument on forward looking:

    Although it is considered as good strategy but within an exclusive forward-looking

    framework of reservation one fails to take into account sufficiently possible negative

    consequences like temporary increase of racial, ethnic and communal tensions, caste or

    racial segregation, accusations against lowering of the academic and service standards,

    damage of the respect of really deserving and meritorious members of the reserved category

    and slowly theses aspects will going to increase and create social and political conflicts.

    6Supra note 5.

    7 Amarnath Mohanty,AffirmativeAction in India , An Alternative Perspective, available at

    www.mcrg.ac.in/Dialogues_on_Justice.pdf(Last visited on, November, 25, 2010),

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    Backward looking-8

    In this approach the focus is on the past loss incurred by the depressed and discriminated

    class in the form of discrimination and to pay the reparation now to compensate their past

    loss. It is imposing some duties and responsibilities towards the discriminated classes. In this

    reparation also provide to the next generation if the victim of the discrimination is not alive or

    not in the condition to receive the compensation because of age group or any other reasons.

    This is because when once the person faces the unsocial nature of discrimination, not only his

    or her life is affected but the consequences affect the future generation like in matter of

    proper care of the child and good education because of the social and economical weakness.

    Keeping all these factors in mind, this reparation can be provided to next generation of the

    victim to resolve or improve the social, cultural and political condition in the future.

    Argument on the problems of backward looking:

    It is hard to measure the degree of past advantages and disadvantages or injustice in a simple

    and straightforward way. Backward-looking argument concentrates too narrowly on the

    allocation of blame, and not adequately on contemporary disadvantages.

    Position of reservation in India:

    Present scenario of the reservation of services inIndia is (1). 15% reservation to SCs, (2).

    7.5% reservation to STs and 27% to the socially and educationally backward class. (Other

    Backward Castes).9

    But the ratio of the posts occupied is forward castes estimated at 25.5 per cent of the

    population made up 78.34 per cent of employees of Central Ministries and Departments and

    the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes together were 16.83 per cent and the Backward

    Castes were 4.83 per cent. In first degree Class the ratio goes very low and presently these

    figures are 90.23 per cent for the forward castes, 7.18 per cent for the Scheduled communities

    and 2.59 per cent for other backwards.10

    8Amarnath Mohanty,AffirmativeAction in India,An Alternative Perspective, available at

    www.mcrg.ac.in/Dialogues_on_Justice.pdf,(Last visited on November,25,2010)9

    Reservation of these post given under the Article 16(4) of Indian Constitution.10

    Availabe at,www.ambedkar.org/News/reservationinindia,(Last visited on, November,26,2010)

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    Constitutional provisions:11

    Article 16(4)-This article provides the equality of opportunity in the matter of public

    appointment. It also gives power to making any provision to appointment of posts in favour

    of reserved class.

    Article 16(4A)-It provides power to state to making any provision related to promotion of the

    services for the reserved class.

    Article 335- This article provides the claiming power to SCs and STs to services and the

    posts according to the prescribed in constitution ofIndia or any provision of the related state.

    Later the commission for schedule caste and schedule tribes also came into picture for protect

    the right and providing the welfare to the concerned caste of the commission.

    Article 338- It says that there shall be a commission for the Schedule caste and Schedule

    Tribes. On the basis of this the National Commission for Schedule Caste and National

    Commission for Schedule Tribes formed.

    Article 341 and 342 provides the exclusive power to the President of India to include or

    exclude any caste to the given schedule of the Constitution.

    Reservation for backward classes:

    To keeping in view the interest of the socially and educationally backward class other than

    the SCs and STs, Government ofIndia established the backward class commission called as

    Mandal Commission which submitted its report on December, 1980. After analysing the

    report Government ofIndia issued an order of 27% reservation of the posts to backward class

    in civil posts and services.

    The announcement of the 27% reservation of the post for the socially and educationally other

    backward casts by the Prime Minister V.P. Singh on August 7, 1990 in the parliament

    resulted into a wide spread agitations taking so many lives of the youth and students with the

    large damage to the public properties.12

    11Muthuswamy and Brinda, Reservation andconcessions,Swamy publications Chennai,39,40,2002.

    12Sukhdev Khanna,Reservations and its implications, Jain law agency, Chandigarh, 21,1994.

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    Government ofIndia also declared the creamy layer to the backward class according to the

    income of the people. Certain class among the backward caste shall not be provided the

    benefit of the reservation.

    Later on the politics started on the announcement of backward class reservation. Mr. Devi Lal

    (Deputy Prime Minister) attacked on the Government of V.P.Singh and the Government tried

    to save its vote bank to status quo for the continuous to run. Because there was full majority

    and the Government was based on coalition of the two parties. Later debate goes on and on

    many days in the Parliament.

    Infect today, discrimination is taking place mainly in the rural areas because in the rural areas

    people yet not aware about the rights and obligations. One event I have seen in my village

    which I am going to mention here. Tow person, one from depressed caste (Dalit) and another

    were from the higher caste (Rajput caste). The higher caste person after drinking forced Dalit

    to plunder one of his relatives house in the mid-night which was located distanced to the

    other. Both they entered in the house and murdered the old couple very barbarically and

    brutally. Both of them imprisoned afterwards but the people of the higher society blaming,

    insulting and even beating today to the other members of the Dalit person and other hand no

    one raising the any sound against the family of higher caste person. In many villages of

    Rajasthan Dalit castes people cannot use the same pot for eating, they cannot use the water

    from the same sources.T

    hey cannot enter the temple. Means of saying all these is thatdiscrimination is alive today also. No doubt improvement is going on and thinking of the

    people is also improving slowly but it will take several years in context to rural areas.

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    Caste system in India:

    The history of caste system in India is very old; it is about 2500 year old. The caste system

    came into existence on the basis of the Varna system later on contemporary caste system.

    Initially there are four varnas but afterward one more discriminated class also considered as


    varna.These are the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras and Ati- Sudras. Last one also

    called as the untenable. The last two castes doing menial jobs with the latter being considered

    untouchables, Even their presence was considered polluting and thus was to be avoided.

    The three higher varnas are often referred them to as caste Hindus (upper caste Hindus) or

    as twice born, since (the men of) these castes enter an initiation ceremony (the second

    birth) and are allowed to wear the sacred thread. Together, the upper castes constitute 17-18

    percent of the population. The Ati-Sudras are roughly 16 percent of the population.

    Numerically, the largest varna is Sudra, constituting nearly half of the population.

    Dalit in India:

    Dalit are the depressed class of India, which is exempted from to take any benefit by the

    higher caste from time immemorial. Dalit are socially, politically and educationally backward

    because these people always used as the medium of work for the higher class. Before

    independence Dalit had no rights and they were exploited to hire as begar (They were workfor the higher castes at no payment, even they were not able to say about the payment). Even

    today same is happening in the rural areas where the people follow the same way of

    exploitation because of the lack of awareness and the dominancy of the higher classes. Often

    the newspaper contains the news like,13

    Dalit boy beaten to death for plucking flowers. Dalit tortured by cops for three days. Dalit 'witch' paraded naked in Bihar. Dalit killed in lock-up at Kurnool. 7 Dalit burnt alive in caste clash. 5 Dalit lynched in Haryana. Dalit woman gang-raped, paraded naked. Police egged on mob to lynch Dalit.

    13Available at, www.dalitnetwork.org/go?/dfn/news/C144/(Last visited on, November,27,2010)

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    The total population of the Dalit is about 1/5 of the total population of the country. Dalit are

    continuously suffering the birth- based discrimination and humiliation. Although many

    committee and convention were held like, International Convention on the Elimination of All

    Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) and of domestic laws designed to abolish the

    vestiges of various caste systems and to protect the economic, social, cultural, civil, and

    political rights of all, can the process of attaining economic and physical security, and human

    dignity, but there is no significant improvement in the real sense.14

    Mainly Scheduled Castes is legal parlance for Dalit.

    There is hidden apartheid in India like normally Dalit children are frequently made to sit at

    the back of classrooms in rural areas.

    14Available at,http://www.dalitindia.com/(Last visited on, November,26,2010)

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    Argument in favour of the reservation:

    The depressed caste is exploiting from the very beginning and remains poor and awayfrom their rights and hence development likes development in social, political and

    educational. Reservation is most probable way to compensate to these societies.

    Castes are divided on the basis of the menial work, todays reserved castes are those -who always being limited to their work and because of this their mental development

    not is taken place as efficient as compare to other. That is why they required some

    concession with respect to their performance.

    Reservation should be there because the reserved classes are economically poor andthe fee of educational institution and the real expenditure of contest the election is

    very high, if they dont have reservation they cannot afford this amount of

    expenditure at all and result these people never get any opportunity to become a nexus

    part of all the development activity.

    Reservation should be provided on the basis of economic condition of the people andfor a particular fix time like for 20 year with strict sense of outcome so that all the

    societies can come almost on the same platform and they can compete with each-


    Affirmative action policies they argued not only directly benefit lower castes throughhigher incomes, but have a larger impact on public policies when individuals from

    lower castes are given a voice in the decision making process. Other commentators on

    these pages have followed a similar line of reasoning.

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    Argument against the reservation in


    Reservation in India is given on the basis of caste system which is not fair because, thereare so many person of other caste are really poor and seeking the need of reservation for

    protect their rights and equality in the society and the other hand many person in the

    reserve category enjoying the privilege who are not eligible for reservation because there

    is no creamy layer for the SCs and STs.

    Only educated and developed family of reserve categories are enjoying the all most benefit of the reservation because the poor and rural areas are even do not know the

    concept itself.

    Caste Based Reservation only perpetuates the notion of caste in society, rather thanweakening it as a factor of social consideration, as envisaged by the constitution.

    Reservation is a tool to meet narrow political ends.

    Allocating quotas is a form ofdiscrimination which is contrary to the right to equalityprovided in the constitution ofIndia.

    Reservations fragmenting Indian society into groups. It also divides the societies intodifferent political groups which ultimately injure badly the democracy of India and also

    the unity and integrity ofIndia. Because these political group always elected on the basis

    of the majority of the voter of the particular society. Even after the election these people

    do welfare only the community whom they belong or the group which elected them. This

    phenomenon raises the level of corruption and the bribe to other community.

    Because of reservation the different anti-reservation communities organised by the non- privileged society which generate the riots and also destroy the public properties.

    Recently Gurjjar community of Rajasthan created many riots for the demanding the

    reservation and destroyed the Railway path, burst many vehicles and stopped the both

    roads as well as the Railways which kept passenger on wait.

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    The policy of reservation has never been subject to a widespread social or political audittill today. Before extending reservation to more groups, the entire policy needs to be

    properly examined, and its benefits over a span of nearly 60 years have to be gauged.

    The people in rural their primary needs schools, health care and infrastructure in rural

    areas are not benefitted by the reservation because they are not able make eligible to take

    any benefit from the reservation policy. Till the student is not provided with the better

    level of the education they cannot lift up any benefit of the reservation. Poor people from

    "forward castes" do not have any social or economical advantage over rich people from

    backward caste. In fact traditionally Brahmins have been poor.

    The real benefit is always taken by the educated people or the urban people while it isprovided for the depressed class.

    This policy of the government has already caused increase in brain-drain and mayaggravate further. Under graduates and graduates will start moving to universities for

    higher education.

    Reservation stopped some very intelligent people to grow further because they believe inthe reservation and sit lazy to keep hope only on the reservation. Means of saying of that

    many people can do something better which they do not do because of reservation

    Reservation provided in every department of service except the defence and scientificresearch which decrease the efficiency level of the system everywhere. For example the

    reservation of promotion for SCs and STs in the government services which is really bad,

    like promotion of teacher to the lecturer or from lecturer to the professor, even though he

    or she does not how to teach the higher class but he get opportunity in free which not only

    feels him or her uncomfortable but the student lose the higher level of education.

    The reservation in India should be similar to like in U.S.A., US affirmative action doesnot include quotas or reservations of seat. Explicit quotas or reservations are illegal in the

    USA. In fact, even a points system to favour certain candidates was ruled

    unconstitutional. Further, affirmative action is essentially banned in the states of

    California, Washington, Michigan, Nebraska and Connecticut. The use of the phrase

    "affirmative action" to describe the Indian system hides the stark difference between the

    two systems.

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    Reservation in India provided equal in rural and urban areas is not fair because mostopportunity in modern Indian cities is in businesses that are owned by people who are not

    from the highest castes. Being high caste in a city is no advantage.

    The policy of the reservation failed to create an atmosphere favourable to the creation ofcasteless society and on the other hand promoted the formation of many groups.

    Reservation in educational institution is some time prevent very brilliant student to enterinto institution even after getting very good marks because of this caste based reservation.

    It is some way became the reason of the brain-drain because if the talent student does notget the admission in the countrys institution, they prefer to go abroad for study and later

    on settle there for the good salary. So because of it talented Doctor, Engineer etc. sifted to

    the foreign countries.

    The continuous caste based reservation is bad for the country because unless the completeeradication of the caste system, casteless society cannot come into picture and hence

    discrimination and other caste based problem cannot be solved.

    It is very shameful in context to politics that politician of the country continuously usingit as the tool of getting more and more votes without caring the overall interest of the


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    Suggestion by researcher:

    Reservation should be based on transparent survey of the each and every house of thecountry, no doubt it is hard and long run process but possible to do it, but it can carry the

    more wattage towards the policy. And Government should provide the reservation

    certificate rather than caste certificate.

    The survey must be taken after a particular interval time for include new and excludeaccording to the income. E.g. If a person became the engineer after the finishing the study

    and getting good salary, he or she must be excluded from taking further advantage of the


    This work can be provided to the commission of the concerned caste.

    Number of seats should be increased in the technical and prestigious institute for providing opportunity to big number of student. Like in IITs, NLUs, Medical Colleges


    Although caste is an important factor of exclusion at work in Indian society, other factorssuch as gender, economic conditions, geographical disparities and kind of schooling

    received cannot be altogether ignored because these are the fundamental requirement of

    the depressed societies. For example, a child studying in a village or municipal school

    does not enjoy the same status in society as another who has studied in an elite public

    school, caste notwithstanding. Some academics have argued that a better system of

    Affirmative Action would be one which seeks to address all the factors of exclusion at

    work in society which restrict a person's competitive abilities.15

    Reservation decisions have to be taken based on objective basis. Government of India should focus on proper primary and secondary education so that

    groups under-represented in higher education institutes and workplaces become natural


    Government should have announced long term plan to phase out reservations after theparticular time.

    15Available at, http://www.sabrang.com/cc/archive/2006/june06/report3.html,(Last visited on


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    Government should promote inter-caste marriages in forward and reserved caste in orderto minimise the gap between among the other societies. E.g. Tamil Nadu adopted this

    way for abolition of the caste system.

    This is because the basic defining characteristic of the Caste system is endogamy. It has been

    suggested that providing reservations to children born of inter-caste marriages will be a surer

    way of weakening the caste system in society and it also increase the biological characteristic

    of the child.

    Reservations should be based on economic status of the people instead of caste-based-reservations.

    People who are tax payers or children of tax payers should not be given the benefit ofreservation. Government should make the policy to ensure that benefits reach poorest of

    the poor and India will achieve social justice.

    Government should encourage the community to run their own educational institutionsand provide the better option of employment. Also encourage these families to establish

    the cottage industries for the livelihood.

    Acknowledge that caste-based discrimination is deeply institutionalised in India andmust be stopped.

    Government should make appropriate amendments to existing domestic laws in orderto incorporate and implement the spirit of international conventions, particularly the

    Convention against Racial Discrimination.

    Provide effective and speedily remedies and adequate compensation for cases of castediscrimination under domestic legal mechanisms.

    Make strict provision against the discrimination of Dalit and other depressed class.Public authority should easy way to approach international bodies when the domestic

    law will failure or enforcing authorities failure in upheld their rights.

    Take immediate steps through committed actions to educate the public and judicialbodies on caste-based discrimination and attendant rights violations.

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    There should be reservation in private school and the financial aid to the poor reservestudents because, the standard of the government school going down day by day and the

    fee structure of the private school is very high which these students cant afford.

    The compensation can be provided in the form of offering the jobs to the victimsthose who suffered enormous economic loss in the past. And the other person who

    denied from their job so they can be compensated in the later life.

    Providing financial help, it can be in the form of pension reforms to the oldermember of the discriminated society.

    The compensation should also granted to those people who discarded from theuniversities, hospitals and other institutions because of which their interest could not

    be secured in both social as well as in political discretion. Like the woman hired for

    the domestic work, she lose not only the social and political rights of herself but also

    she could not be able to send her children to the good educational institution.

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    This paper says about the different problems and the also the probable solution of the

    problem of the reservation in India. Reservation now is going to become a political tool to get

    the votes for the political parties rather than its basic purpose to protect the rights and carry

    the depressed class to the developing path of the modern societies. It shows the reason why

    there should be reservation in India. Reservation is nothing to do with the reserves class but it

    is the path to lead to the way where each and every person can grow by shaking hand to hand.

    It is the catalyst which is providing the boost to come across the other societies. But there is

    still many- many problems in the efficiency of the reservation. The real benefit of the

    reservation provided to SCs and STs are taking only by the people of higher standard, mean

    of saying is that actual benefit goes to the educated and the urban aware people only which

    itself does not fulfil the purpose of reservation. The reason of this is only the lack of

    awareness because most of the population ofIndia is living in the villages and agriculture is

    their means of livelihood. Until and unless the benefit of the reservation will not reach to the

    root of the society its mean or purpose cannot be served. To making this policy more

    successful there are many methods like aware the people about the benefit of it. 100%

    transparency cannot be possible but it can be uplifted by adopting some efficient ways.

    Reservations have both negative as well as positive effect on the societies. Because some

    people says that it is taking away their jobs, even though these people getting less marks inexams. Constitution ofIndia also gives the privilege in promotion of the services for SCs and

    STs and resulted into inefficiency and weak kind of administration in many departments.

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    Muthuswamy and Brinda, Reservation and concessions,Swamy publications Chennai Sukhdev Khanna,Reservations and its implications, Jain law agency

    Internet sources/ websites


    siteresources.worldbank.org/.../Affirmative_Action_India_Ashwini.pdf Leo Georarke,Journal, Business Ethics, available at, www.usatoday.com/news Prof. Rohini pande, available at, India together,Yale university Amarnath Mohanty, Affirmative Action in India, An Alternative Perspective www. ambedkar.org/News/reservationinindia http://www.dalitindia.com www.utdallas.edu/~kruti/reservation_policy_for_backward http://www.sabrang.com/cc/archive/2006/june06/report3.html

  • 8/8/2019 Final Political Science Project.




    The Exam Department



    Hereby informed that I had extension till 27 November,2010, is due to the repeat exams that I had

    given on22/11/2010(Legal method) and 23/11/2010(Economics I). As a result, the project is being

    submitted today.


    ID No.-18


    I B.A.LLb(Hons)
