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I.D: 11132175






DATE: March 2015

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I declare that this dissertation hereby submitted to the department of Physics and

Energy in the University of Limerick for the partial fulfilment of the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Energy has not been submitted to this or any other University

by me or any other person. I further declare that it is my entirely own work

throughout except where reference is made in the text.


Niall Madden 27th

March 2015

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There are a number of people who I would like to thank for making this dissertation

possible, my supervisor, Dr. Pat Walsh for his help and patience over the course of the

academic year, the deli staff in spar for keeping me nourished and fuelled, the staff in

the universities main building for cleaning around me over the last seven months and

finally my parents for both their financial and emotional support throughout the year.

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Wind Energy is the largest growing source of renewable energy in the world. Large

amounts of wind farms are being constructed across the world each year and in order

for these farms to achieve a high annual energy production and maximize profit an

appropriate wind turbine layout is essential. In this dissertation the optimisation of

wind farm layouts with consideration to turbine wake interaction is investigated by

varying wind farm layouts in order to find the minimum cost per kilowatt hour of

energy produced. A model was created using matlab to imitate the wake effects

downstream of a turbine. The model was verified using measured data from Horns

Rev wind farm and implemented for over 1500 different layouts with the optimum

array found to be a staggered layout with a spacing of 3 diameters crosswind and 10

diameters downstream. The LPC for this configuration was found to be .0901€/kWh.

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Symbol Definition Unit

Axial induction factor -

A Area

Area of Wake

AEP Annual Energy Produced kWh

Power Coefficient -

Thrust Coefficient -

Total cost €

CuP Cost of Copper €

CuRo Density of Copper Kg/

D Turbine Diameter m

I Turbulence Intensity -

k Wake decay constant -

Wake growth rate -

LS Length of string m

Length of connecting cable m

LPC Levelised production cost €/kWh

Number of Turbines -

Free stream velocity m/s

U Velocity at hub height m/s

x Distance downstream m

Roughness length m

Hub height m

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Table of Contents

Declaration ...................................................................................................................... i

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................ ii

Abstract ........................................................................................................................ iii

Nomenclature ................................................................................................................ iv

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... v

Table of Figures ......................................................................................................... viii

Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................. 1

Chapter 2: Literature Review..................................................................................... 7

2.1 Characteristics of Turbines................................................................................... 7

2.1.1 Thrust coefficient ........................................................................................... 7

2.1.2 Power Curve .................................................................................................. 9

2.2 Wake models ................................................................................................. 10

2.3 Near and Far wake.............................................................................................. 13

2.4 Objective Functions for Optimization: .......................................................... 14

2.5 Multiple wakes ................................................................................................... 17

2.6 Partial effect of wakes ........................................................................................ 19

2.7 Wind Shear. ........................................................................................................ 20

2.8 Turbulence Intensity ........................................................................................... 21

2.9 Horns Rev data ................................................................................................... 22

Chapter 3: Experimental .......................................................................................... 24

3.1 Jensen wake model ............................................................................................. 24

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3.2 Bastankhah wake model ..................................................................................... 26

Chapter 4: Results, Analysis and Discussion .......................................................... 29

4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 29

4.2 Development of the model: ................................................................................ 29

4.2.1 Define Site and Turbine Parametres ............................................................ 30

4.2.2 Turbine Layout ............................................................................................ 31

4.2.3 Thrust Coefficient ........................................................................................ 31

4.2.4 Wake Speed Deficit ..................................................................................... 32

4.2.5 Wind Speed at Turbine ................................................................................ 34

4.2.6 Turbine Power Curve ................................................................................... 35

4.3 Validation of Model ........................................................................................... 36

4.4 Rayleigh Distribution ......................................................................................... 42

4.5 Cost Model. ........................................................................................................ 43

4.6 Rotation of Model .............................................................................................. 44

4.7 Randomly Generated Layouts ............................................................................ 47

4.8 Optimisation Using Rayleigh ............................................................................. 49

4.10 Optimisation Using Rotation ............................................................................ 52

4.10.1 Non Staggered ........................................................................................... 52

4.10.2 Staggered ................................................................................................... 55

4.10.3 Random ...................................................................................................... 57

Chapter 5: Conclusions ................................................................................................ 60

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Bibliography ................................................................................................................ 61

Appendix A .................................................................................................................. 64

Appendix B .................................................................................................................. 66

Appendix C .................................................................................................................. 68

Appendix D .................................................................................................................. 72

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Table of Figures

Figure 1: Wake effects at horns rev wind farm (tudelft, 2007) ................................................................ 1

Figure 2: Cost of energy as a function of turbine separation distance (Guillen 2010) ............................. 3

Figure 3: Layout of the Middelgrunden offshore wind farm: (a) actual, (b) optimized with symmetrical

constraints, (c) optimized. (González, et al., 2014) ........................................................................ 4

Figure 4: vertical profiles of mean velocity (above) and velocity deficit (bottom) assuming (a) top hat

model and (b) Gaussian model (Bastankhah & Porte-Agel, 2014) ................................................. 6

Figure 5: Thrust coefficient curve for Vestas V80 Turbine and fitted equation, equation provide by

(Frohboese & Schmuck, 2010) ....................................................................................................... 9

Figure 6: Park model used by Jensen, (Manwell, 2009) ......................................................................... 11

Figure 7: Prediction of wake behaviour compared to wind tunnel measurements (Bastankhah & Porte-

Agel, 2014) ................................................................................................................................... 12

Figure 8: Vertical profiles of velocity deficit at different distance downstream with varying surface

roughness (Bastankhah & Porte-Agel, 2014). .............................................................................. 13

Figure 9: Transition between near and far wake, (Bloomhoff, 2012) .................................................... 14

Figure 10: Mosetti's total cost function taken for a 4 million euro Turbine ........................................... 15

Figure 11: Multiple interaction of wakes F. González et al (2011) ....................................................... 18

Figure 12: Validation of Jensens Model for Multiple Wakes ................................................................. 19

Figure 13: Plan and elevation view of the partial effect of wakes F. González et al (2011) .................. 20

Figure 14: Velocity ratio at different distances downstream of a turbine , (Manwell, 2009) ................. 21

Figure 15: Wind velocity due to wind shear at different heights with varying Roughness Length Zo .. 21

Figure 16: Power Curve/ Power Coefficient/ Thrust coefficient curve for Vestas V80 wind turbine ... 23

Figure 17: Jensen's wake model implemented using excel. ................................................................... 24

Figure 18: Velocity deficit at hub height for Jensen model .................................................................... 25

Figure 19: Velocity deficit at hub height for various distances downstream for Jensen Model. ............ 25

Figure 20: Jensen’s model used to investigate the interaction of multiple wakes .................................. 26

Figure 21: Bastankhah et al wake model modelled using Excel. .......................................................... 27

Figure 22: Velocity deficit at hub height for various distances downstream of a turbine using

Bastankhah model ......................................................................................................................... 28

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Figure 23 Velocity deficit at hub height for different distances offset from centre at various distances

downstream ................................................................................................................................... 28

Figure 24:Matlab Flow chart .................................................................................................................. 30

Figure 25: Thrust coefficient values passing through a row of turbines ................................................. 32

Figure 26 Single Turbine matrix ............................................................................................................ 33

Figure 27: Horns Rev layout Jensen Model ........................................................................................... 34

Figure 28: Horns Rev layout Bastankhah Model ................................................................................... 34

Figure 29: Power Curve and Equation for Vestas V80 .......................................................................... 36

Figure 30: Relative power from Horns Rev Wind Farm Garrad Hassan (2010) .................................... 37

Figure 31 Layout of Horns Rev Wind Farm (Hassan, 2010).................................................................. 38

Figure 32: Validation of models, Column 4, wind approaching from 240 degrees ................................ 38

Figure 33: Validation of model Column 10............................................................................................ 39

Figure 34: Validation of model column 4 for varying k Values ............................................................. 40

Figure 35: Validation of Model Column 10 for varying k values .......................................................... 41

Figure 36: Validation of model for wind approaching from 270 degrees, varying k values .................. 42

Figure 37: Method for finding TProt ...................................................................................................... 44

Figure 38: Rotation of model in increments of 30 degrees..................................................................... 46

Figure 39: Sample wind rose .................................................................................................................. 46

Figure 40: Position matrices and grid layout for random placement ...................................................... 48

Figure 41: Optimum separation distance downstream Rayleigh distribution ......................................... 49

Figure 42: AEP & Cost Vs Seperation Distance downstream Rayleigh distribution ............................. 50

Figure 43: Optimum separation distance Rayleigh distribution ............................................................. 51

Figure 44: Optimum array layout for non-staggered rotational model ................................................... 53

Figure 45: Array efficiency for optimum non –staggered rotation ......................................................... 54

Figure 46: Array efficiency for worst performing non–staggered rotation ............................................ 54

Figure 47: Optimum array layout rotation staggered ............................................................................. 56

Figure 48: Array efficiency for optimum array layout rotation staggered .............................................. 57

Figure 49: Best performing turbine layout for random generation ......................................................... 59

Figure 50: Sample array efficiency for random array ............................................................................ 59

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List of Tables:

Table 2-1: Cable details (Guillen, 2010) ................................................................................................ 16

Table 4-1: Optimum separation distance Rayleigh distribution ............................................................. 50

Table 4-2: Optimum separation distances rotation non staggered .......................................................... 52

Table 4-3: Optimum separation distances rotation staggered ................................................................. 55

Table 4-4: LPC values for varying number of turbines, Random........................................................... 58

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Chapter 1: Introduction

This dissertation looks at the problems involving the interaction of wakes when

deciding on the optimal layout for wind farms. As the number of wind farms being

constructed world-wide gets larger and larger each year, the wakes of wind turbines

and how they affect the output performance of the farm is a very important topic of

study. An adequate layout is paramount to ensure sufficient performance from the

farm throughout its life span. In a wind farm, turbines which are downwind from

other turbines are exposed to lower wind speeds due to the disturbances in the wake

and higher turbulence levels. This can be noticed in fig1 where each turbine in the

foreground is affecting several turbines downwind. If the wake effects of turbines are

not taken into consideration during construction of wind farms large calculation errors

may occur while predicting the wind farm yield. In turn this could lead to a

significant loss in anticipated profits.

Figure 1: Wake effects at horns rev wind farm (tudelft, 2007)

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Currently there are several different commercially available software used for

modelling wind farms and there wake effects. Examples of these include WindFarmer

and WindPRO which process site and turbine information and produce a wind farm

that maximizes energy consumption and account for construction issues and


Wind turbine wakes don’t become negligible until approximately 15 to 20 diameters

(of turbine blades swept area) downstream of a turbine. However the space between

turbines is usually far smaller than this as other factors come into play. These factors

include the cost of land, cost of installation (cables/logistics), land or sea area

available, favourable wind conditions in areas of site, connection to electrical grid and

environmental issues. In fig 2 the cost of energy was plotted against turbine separation

distance by (Guillen, 2010). While the turbines are spaced close together the wake

effects are high and as a result of this so too is the cost of energy and when the

turbines are spaced far apart the cost of land and installation become too high which

also drives up the cost of energy. The optimum point can be found marked in the

middle of the graph where the cost of energy is at a minimum. In large farms the

wakes of turbines can cause a considerable effect on the annual energy produced.

Previous studies suggest that wake losses could range from 5 to 15% (Barthelmie, et

al., 2004), bearing this in mind it is necessary to minimize the wake effects in order to

maximize the energy produced.

Discovering new high quality methods of optimising wind farm layouts could

effectively give high profits for wind farm developers.

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Figure 2: Cost of energy as a function of turbine separation distance (Guillen 2010)

In the past little thought was put into optimising the layout of wind farms with regard

to the wake interaction as few studies had been done on the effect of wakes. This led

to many turbines being placed in square or conveniently shaped grids to minimise

installation costs. Recently however many papers have shown that irregular layouts of

turbines are often a better solution in order to maximise the energy produced by the

farm. This can be seen clearly in fig 3 below where the actual layout of the wind farm

is in a conveniently shaped grid modelled around the prevailing direction on Wind

Energy Rose for the site. The problem that accompanies this however is that when the

wind blows from the north or the south the wake effects on the array will be

substantial. According to (Nuebert, et al., 2009) this wind farms Annual Energy

Production (AEP) could be increased by 5% and 6% for the layouts seen in (b) and (c)

respectfully. The layout in (b) may still prove to be more profitable however because

the installation costs of (c) would be significantly larger due to the irregular layout.

The lifetime costs of the wind farm would have to be taken into account to figure this


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Figure 3: Layout of the Middelgrunden offshore wind farm: (a) actual, (b) optimized with symmetrical

constraints, (c) optimized. (González, et al., 2014)

Various parameters of wind turbines effect the way the wake downstream of the

turbine behaves. Throughout this project various relationships will be reviewed

between these parameters and how they affect the wake.

The thrust coefficient ( is the proportion of available thrust extracted from the

wind when wind passes through the blades of a turbine. The lower the thrust

coefficient the lower the amount of energy extracted from the wind, which means the

lower the wind speed deficit between the free stream velocity and the wake of the


The Power curve of a wind turbine varies for different types of turbines and shows the

power produced for any given wind speed, it also takes the cut in/out speeds into

account which determine the speeds at which the turbine blades begin spinning and

stop spinning respectively. The hub height of a turbine also affects the wake as

different wind speeds occur at different heights due to the wind shear profile caused

by the roughness of the terrain upwind of the turbine.

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Wind speeds begin to recover immediately after passing through the turbine. Wake

recovery depends on different factors such as turbulence intensity along with

parameters of the turbine which include the thrust coefficient and the hub height. For

wind farms, factors such as wind farm size and layout come into play as the

interaction of wakes slows down wake recovery while producing turbulence in the

wind which also would affect the output and reliability of a downwind turbine.

Different wake models have been proposed which describe the behaviour of the wake

for given distances downstream of the wind turbines. These models fall into different

categories including Top hat models, Gaussian models, Empirical models from

measured data and Navier stokes models. This project will not focus on Navier stokes

models as there are very high computational costs involved which are out of scope of

this project. Top hat models are often used due to low computational cost while still

giving relatively accurate results once the wake is fully developed (approximately 2

diameters downstream). In these models velocity is a constant at a given distance

downstream which can be seen in fig 4(a). This causes the velocity deficit to be

underestimated in the core region of the wake and overestimated towards the edges of

the wake. The most popular model is a top hat model which was proposed (Jensen,

1983). This model will be referred to as the Jensen model for the rest of the study.

This was one of the first wake models proposed, it assumes a linearly expanding wake

and was derived using the laws of conservation of momentum. The Jensen model

owes its popularity to its low computational cost while still giving quite an accurate

result for a given distance downstream of the wake. Gaussian Models give a more in

depth physical representation than top hat models as wind speed deficit tends to

follow a Gaussian curve at a given distance downstream with the wind speed deficit at

the core of the wake greater than that towards the edges as seen in fig 4(b).

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Figure 4: vertical profiles of mean velocity (above) and velocity deficit (bottom) assuming (a) top hat model

and (b) Gaussian model (Bastankhah & Porte-Agel, 2014)

For any optimisation problem an objective function must be chosen. The term

objective function refers to the parameter you have chosen to maximize or minimise.

In terms of Wind farm layouts several different objective functions can be considered.

Popular choices include maximizing energy produced, maximizing profit, and

maximising AEP/cost. Different objective functions are taken into consideration

throughout this project as any could be implemented depending on the desires of the

wind farm developer.

The objectives for this project are to investigate the theory behind the behaviour and

formation of wakes to, develop a model using matlab to imitate wake behaviour in a

wind farm and to, analyse a range of wind turbine layouts and find the optimum array

which minimises cost while producing a large amount of energy.

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

The study of wakes from wind turbines has become a very intensively researched

area. In order to get a good understanding of how wakes effect the performance of a

wind farm it is vital to first review and compare different papers which have been

published on the topic.

2.1 Characteristics of Turbines

2.1.1 Thrust coefficient

The larger the thrust coefficient the larger the wind speed deficit between the wake

and the free stream velocity, this implies that turbines downstream will be more

heavily affected. The thrust coefficient of turbines begins to decrease as the turbine

begins to reach its nominal speed as can be seen in fig 5 meaning that when the wind

surpasses the nominal speed of the turbine the wind farms efficiency will go up due to

the thrust co-efficient reducing. This is due to the reduction in the turbines power

coefficient (the percentage of wind energy extracted from the wind). The power

coefficient is reduced as the energy in the wind is proportional to so the energy in

the wind continues to rise rapidly while the energy extracted stays at a constant

driving the thrust coefficient towards 0. Both the thrust coefficient and the power

coefficient can be related using the axial induction factor (the fractional decrease in

wind speed from the free stream velocity to right after the turbine) using the following


Equation 2-1

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Equation 2-2

Giving the following:

Equation 2-3

This is useful as most manufacturer manuals only provide Power Coefficient graphs.

The axial induction factor is often taken as a constant of 0.33 which gives a thrust

coefficient of 0.89. This approach is taken by most authors including (Grady, et al.,

2005) , (Mosetti, et al., 1994) and (Kusiak & Song, 2010). However taking the thrust

coefficient as a constant can lead to noticeable errors in calculations. Few papers have

used varying thrust coefficients which are determined by different wind speeds and

data provided by the manufacturer.

(Frohboese & Schmuck, 2010) used the following:

Equation 2-4

This equation gives the following curve which is plotted alongside the thrust

coefficient curve for a Vestas V80 wind turbine. A more gradual decrease in the thrust

coefficient can be seen using equation 2.4 compared to the measured curve for the

Vestas V80 above where a steep drop can be seen as the blades begin to change pitch

at approximately 13m/s. An equation was fitted to the Vestas V80 thrust coefficient


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Figure 5: Thrust coefficient curve for Vestas V80 Turbine and fitted equation, equation provide by

(Frohboese & Schmuck, 2010)

The equation fitted to the vestas V80 Curve was given as:

Equation 2-5

For velocities below 12m/s the coefficient was taken as a constant of .805

2.1.2 Power Curve

Power curves show the amount of power generated by the selected turbine at any

given wind speed, (Mosetti, et al., 1994), (Kusiak & Song, 2010) and (Grady, et al.,

2005)) all use theoretical curves which are found by using betz’ laws and

conservation of momentum. (Serrano-González, et al., 2010) used an experimental

power curve. For this project a power curve from a turbine manual provided by

manufacturers will be used.








4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425


Wind speed (m/s)

Thrust-Coefficient Curve

Frohboese & Schmuck

Vestas V80 Equation

Vestas V80

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2.2 Wake models

Many different wake models have been proposed to describe the behaviour of a wake

at a given distance downstream of a turbine. The most popular wake model is a

model proposed by (Jensen, 1983) which is used by (Mosetti, et al., 1994), (Kusiak &

Song, 2010) and (Grady, et al., 2005) this model assumes that the wake expands

linearly. It is derived by conservation of momentum downstream and the velocity

deficit depends on the distance behind the rotor the thrust coefficient, the wake decay

constant and the diameter of the turbine. The velocity in the wake for a given distance

x downstream is given as:

[ √

( )


Equation 2-6

Where is the wake decay constant which is determined by how turbulent the

surrounding air is. Small k values tend to go hand in hand with small roughness

lengths as the air is not as turbulent as areas with large roughness lengths. Larger k

values produce wider wakes with the velocity recovering quicker downstream as the

turbulent air in the wake mixes with the surrounding air. For simplicity a value of

0.75 is widely used for onshore wind while a value between 0.04 and 0.05 is used for

offshore farms (Hassan, 2010). The value can also be calculated using the following




Equation 2-7

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Figure 6: Park model used by Jensen, (Manwell, 2009)

(Frandsen, 1992) proposed a top hat model similar to the Jensen model which predicts

the velocity at a given distance downstream as a constant for all radial positions

(Hassan, 2010). This model tends to underestimate the effects of the wake at any

given distance downstream. The velocity downstream is given as:

[ √


Equation 2-8

(Bastankhah & Porte-Agel, 2014) proposed a new wake model in 2014. This model

falls into the Gaussian category and gives a more in depth physical representation

than the previously mentioned models proposed by Jensen and Frandsen. The model

was derived in Appendix A. The wind speed deficit tends to follow a Gaussian curve

at a given distance downstream and is given by:

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8 ( √𝛽)


× exp


( 𝑑

√𝛽) {(

𝑧 𝑧






Equation 2-9

Where: 𝛽 √

Equation 2-10

𝑦 is taken as the span wise co-ordinate, 𝑧 the vertical co-ordinate, 𝑧 the hub height

of the turbine. This model was the compared to wind tunnel measurements by

(Bastankhah & Porte-Agel, 2014) in fig 7 and proved to be very accurate for the given

conditions. This figure shows the model with the wind shear taken into account

whereas the equation above produces symmetrical Gaussian curves.

Figure 7: Prediction of wake behaviour compared to wind tunnel measurements (Bastankhah & Porte-Agel,


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In fig 8 it can be seen that the model was then compared to Jensen and Frandsen

models proving to give more accurate velocity profiles downstream of the turbines

when all three were compared to data from a Large Eddy Simulation.

Figure 8: Vertical profiles of velocity deficit at different distance downstream with varying surface

roughness (Bastankhah & Porte-Agel, 2014).

For all situations shown above the model proposed by (Bastankhah & Porte-Agel,

2014) delivers a good quality prediction on the behaviour of the wake. The model

appears to show it superiority over the top hat models it is compared against.

2.3 Near and Far wake

Wakes are divided into different parts, the near wake, an area between the turbine and

approximately 1-2 diameters downstream, where the pressure is lower than that of the

ambient and the influence of each blade of the turbine on the wake can be

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distinguished and the far wake where pressure has materially returned to ambient and

the effect of each individual turbine blade cannot be determined. The model proposed

by (Bastankhah & Porte-Agel, 2014) does not model near wake conditions while the

top hat models proposed by (Jensen, 1983) and (Frandsen, 1992) do include this

region but do not include any differences between the near and far wake regions. For

this project it will be acceptable to use models which don’t include the near wake

region as in all wind farms turbines will be spaced out further than the near wake area

due to general requirements given by the manufacturers of the turbines. An example

of how the wake changes from the near to far region can be seen in fig 9 below.

Figure 9: Transition between near and far wake, (Bloomhoff, 2012)

2.4 Objective Functions for Optimization:

Many different objective functions have been proposed to optimise the layout of wind

farms. Most objective functions take the total cost of the wind farm into account a

popular means of defining this was proposed by (Mosetti, et al., 1994) which takes

into account the fact that the cost of installation will go down per turbine when the

number of wind turbines installed increases as can be seen in fig 10 below. This cost

model is given as:

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× (

× ×


Equation 2-11

Where is the number of turbines installed in the given wind farm.

Figure 10: Mosetti's total cost function taken for a 4 million euro Turbine

The slope of this model can be seen to reduce as more turbines are purchased this

means the more turbines bought the cheaper each one will cost. However the slope

can be seen to increase slightly after approximately 30 turbines but then continues on

as a constant.

(U Aytun Ozturk, 2004) chose maximum profit as the objective function to be used in

there study. Where is the selling price of energy and is as defined above.


Equation 2-12

(Grady, et al., 2005) again used mosetti’s cost model, minimizing Cost/AEP:










0 20 40 60 80 100 120




No. of Turbines

Total Cost Vs No. Of Turbines

Total Cost

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Equation 2-13

In order to account for the increase in price alongside the increase of land/cable usage

for the optimisation process a suitable cost model is needed. (Guillen, 2010) have put

forward a model which takes the amount of cables used into consideration. The model

is a Levelised Production Cost (LPC) model, which means the constant price per unit

of energy that causes the investment to just break even.


8 ) )


Equation 2-14


Equation 2-15

The annuity factor is used to calculate the present value of the lifetime costs. r is the

interest rate (taken as 7%) and T is the lifetime of the farm taken to be 25 years.

Table 2-1 Cable details (Guillen, 2010)

Copper Density (CuRo) 8940

Copper Price (CuP) €/tonne 2782

Cross Sectional Area 1000

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The Cost of copper is given by:

× × × × ×

Equation 2-16

Where profit is the manufacturer profit per cable as % of copper cost, this was kept at

a constant of 200% by (Guillen, 2010).


Equation 2-17

Mosetti’s cost function was added to the equation along with the cost of land taken as

an estimated 500000€/km.


8 ) 𝑑 )


Equation 2-18

2.5 Multiple wakes

(González-Longatt, et al., 2012) states that in a wind farm every wake that interacts

with a downstream turbine will have an effect on the performance of said turbine. As

can be seen in fig 11 the output of turbine j is affected by turbines 1, 2, 3 and i.

However some papers including (Hassan, 2011) say that a downstream turbine is

mainly affected by the turbine that is closest upstream of it and that the effect of the

other wakes interacting with the turbine are negligible. In relation to fig 11 this would

mean that the output of turbine j is only affected by the wake of turbine i and the

wakes from turbines 1, 2 and 3 can be neglected. Garrad Hassan’s model was

compared to actual data from offshore wind farms and proved to be very accurate. A

paper compiled by (Samorani, 2013) backs up Garrad Hassan’s model stating that the

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presence of other upwind turbines (apart from the closest) does not have a substantial

effect on the downstream turbine. However (Jensen, et al., 1986) proposed a method

for the summation of multiple wakes using the sum of squares of velocity deficits as

shown below.





Equation 2-19

Figure 11: Multiple interaction of wakes F. González et al (2011)

The two methods were tested against one another and compared to measured data in

the fig 12. It can be seen that both models are quite accurate however the single wake

models speed deficit remains constant after the second column. In the measured data

and the multiple wake data a slight decrease in speed can be seen after each column

showing the Jensen model is more accurate and will be used for this project.

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Figure 12: Validation of Jensens Model for Multiple Wakes

2.6 Partial effect of wakes

The partial effect of a wake refers to when a turbine downstream is not fully

immersed in the wake of an upstream turbine but is still affected. Whether or not the

effect of multiple wakes is to be taken into account the partial effect of wakes can be

an important part of the analysis as depending on wind direction a large number of

turbines may be affected by a small portion of their swept area being overlapped by

the wake of an upwind turbine. The effect of a partial wake is taken into account in

order to not overestimate the wake effect. However few papers take this effect into

consideration. (González-Longatt, et al., 2012) used the following equation to

describe the partial effect on a downwind turbine.

[ ( )] (

( ))


( )) 𝑑 𝑧

Equation 2-20

With the velocity in turbine j given as follows:








0 2 4 6 8 10 12



ty d



Column No

Multiple Wakes

Jensen Model

Single Wake Model

Measured Data

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[ ∑ √


( ))


Equation 2-21

Figure 13: Plan and elevation view of the partial effect of wakes F. González et al (2011)

2.7 Wind Shear.

Wake models sometimes decipher the velocity deficit at each point in the flow field

by incorporating the wind shear into the calculations for each point on a field. In fig

14 a model proposed by Smith and Taylor (1991) is compared to experimental results

which showing the model to be very accurate.

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Figure 14: Velocity ratio at different distances downstream of a turbine , (Manwell, 2009)

Fig 15 shows a plotted graph of the wind shear profile for varying roughness lengths.

As can be seen the larger the roughness length ( the higher the altitude it takes the

wind velocity to reach a free stream velocity.

Figure 15: Wind velocity due to wind shear at different heights with varying Roughness Length Zo

2.8 Turbulence Intensity

Turbulence intensity is taken into account by few papers. (Bastankhah & Porte-Agel,

2014) account for the effects of this to verify the accuracy of their model. It can be






0 5 10 15 20



t (m


wind velocity (m/s)

Wind Shear Profile




Page 33: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


used with the wind shear data to give more accurate readings of how the wake will

behave for the wind farms local area. The turbulence intensity is given by the

following (Thomsen & Sorsensen, 1999):



Equation 2-22

The wake decay constant can then be related to the turbulence intensity by (Thomsen

& Sorsensen, 1999)

Equation 2-23

2.9 Horns Rev data

Horns Rev is an offshore wind farm off the coast of Denmark. The wind farm began

operating in 2002 and covers an area of roughly 20km², it has a square grid layout

with a spacing of 560m between each turbine in each direction. There are 80 turbines

in the wind farm all of which are Vestas V80 2.0MW turbines. Horns Rev wind farm

has been used in many studies over the past decade to verify the accuracy of wind

turbine models including (Hassan, 2010) and (Wu & Porté-Agel, 2009). The Expected

annual output for the wind farm is 600GWh whereas the actual output each year is

noticeably smaller. These values can then be compared with values obtained when

considering the losses when using the models. Fig 16 shows a power curve of the

aforementioned turbines along with thrust and power co-efficient curves.

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Figure 16: Power Curve/ Power Coefficient/ Thrust coefficient curve for Vestas V80 wind turbine

In order to find the k value for the site a roughness length for the site was needed.

According to (Ramli, et al., 2009) for open sea with a fetch greater than 5km a

roughness length of 0.0002 can be taken for the site.

















0 5 10 15 20 25



d C






Wind speed (m/s)

Vestas v80 Power/Power Coefficient/Thrust

Coefficient Curve

Power curve

Thrust coefficient

Power Coefficient

Page 35: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


Chapter 3: Experimental

3.1 Jensen wake model

To begin Jensen’s wake model was implemented using Excel as it is the most

commonly used model. In this model which can be seen in fig 17 the velocity deficit

for a given distance downstream of a wind turbine is shown. The free stream velocity

(the outer blue region) has a velocity deficit of 0 whereas the deficit in the orange

region is between 0.2 and 0.4. This means the velocity in this region would be

between 60 and 80 per cent of the free stream velocity.

Figure 17: Jensen's wake model implemented using excel.

Fig 18 Shows the velocity deficit at hub height for any given distance downstream of

the turbine for Jensen’s model. The deficit initially falls at a relatively quick pace and

then begins to level off while still gradually heading towards zero. This velocity

deficit is the same all parts of the turbines swept area.



ce A


ss G


Distance Down Grid

Jensen Wake Model






Page 36: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


Figure 18: Velocity deficit at hub height for Jensen model

The velocity deficit at hub height is a constant value across the entire wake for any

given distance downstream. In fig 19 it can be seen that the velocity deficit drops to a

value of zero at the edges of the wake. In reality there would be a more gradual

reduction in the deficit towards the outer edges of the wake with a higher peak in the


Figure 19: Velocity deficit at hub height for various distances downstream for Jensen Model.







0 5 10 15 20



ty d



Diametres downstream

Velocity Deficit at Hub Height







-10 -5 0 5 10



ty D



Diametres Offset From Centre

Velocity Deficit At Hub Height Various Distances Downstream

15 Diametres

5 Diametres

9 Diametres

Page 37: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


In fig 20 three turbines are spaced 2.5 diameters apart with a 1.5 diameter distance

downwind to make the graph clearer. As can be seen in areas where the wakes

intersect the velocity is lowered. The values of the areas of intersection are got by

finding the average velocity of each individual wake at that point. Jensen’s method for

the summation of multiple wakes was used for the model.

Figure 20: Jensen’s model used to investigate the interaction of multiple wakes

3.2 Bastankhah wake model

It can be seen in fig 21 that the velocity follows a Gaussian path downstream of the

turbine. In the below image the model is plotted using a thrust coefficient of 0.89 as

this is a far wake model the near wake is not shown in the fig 21 below. This can be

seen clearer in fig 23 where the wake can be seen to start at approximately 3 diameters




ce A


ss G


Distance Down Grid

Jensens Model For Multiple Wakes






Page 38: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


Figure 21: Bastankhah et al wake model modelled using Excel.

Fig 22 shows the velocity deficit at hub height for various distances downstream. As

can be seen the deficit decreases the further downstream travelled while the area

affected is spread over a larger area. This is due to the turbulent mixing at the edges of

the wake which causes the wake to spread out and recover to free stream velocity. At

15 diameters downstream the maximum velocity deficit is given as .01 i.e. for a free

stream velocity of 10 m/s the velocity in line with the centre of the turbine at 15

diameters downstream would be 9m/s. However for measurements taken at an offset

of 2 diameters from centre the velocity the velocity deficit is very close to zero.

Compared to the Jensen model above there is a clear difference in the deficit as you

move towards the edges of the wake.



ce A


ss G


Distance Down Grid

Bastankah Model






Page 39: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


Figure 22: Velocity deficit at hub height for various distances downstream of a turbine using Bastankhah


Unlike the Jensen model the velocity is not taken as a constant for a given distance

downstream. The fig 23 below shows the varying velocity across the wake at hub

height for any given diameter downstream for the far wake region.

Figure 23 Velocity deficit at hub height for different distances offset from centre at various distances









-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8



ty D



Diametres from Centre

Velocity Deficit At Hub Height, Various Distances Downstream









0 5 10 15 20



ty D



Diametres Downstream

Velocity Deficit At Hub Height

0 Diameter


0.5 Diameter

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Chapter 4: Results, Analysis and Discussion

4.1 Introduction

In order to model the theory discussed in the previous section a computer programme

was needed as calculations by hand would be far too time consuming. At the

beginning of the project Microsoft Excel was used due to its familiarity. This was

mainly to help visualise how the different models behave. However it became clear at

an early stage that Excel would not be sufficient to complete the calculations due to

iterative calculations and varying conditions which would need to be completed

manually. The programme chosen to be learnt which would be effective and efficient

for the projects calculations was matlab.

4.2 Development of the model:

In order to model a wind farm a flowchart was developed to use as a guide for

creating the matlab code. In this section a step by step explanation of the horns rev

model will be given.

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Figure 24:Matlab Flow chart

4.2.1 Define Site and Turbine Parametres

To begin with a site or grid is needed. This is in the form of a matrix with the required

dimensions for grid width and grid depth. In the case of the horns rev model a matrix

of size 750 by 750 cells was used. This relates to an actual site width and depth of

7.5km so every cell in the matrix represented 10 metres by 10 metres or 100 . The

wind speed of the site at hub height was then defined. This would mean that if no

turbines were to be present in the grid the result would be a matrix of 750 by 750 with

each cell containing the specified wind speed. Next the turbine radius and diameter

are defined. When writing code in matlab is important to remember to link variables

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together if they are dependent on one another. In this case the diameter will always be

twice the value of the radius and so should be written as two times the radius or

Dt=Rt*2 where Dt is the diameter and Rt is the radius. In this way if the radius value

is changed so too will the diameters value all the way through the code. Next the hub

height of the turbine and the roughness length on site are defined. These values are

then used to decipher the wake decay constant on site.

4.2.2 Turbine Layout

The Turbine positions were calculated by hand as the data used to validate the model

was recorded when the wind was blowing from an angle of 240 degrees off North at

the horns rev wind farm. For simplicity the wind was taken to be moving from left to

right on the grid in matlab at all times and the turbine positions vary in accordance.

The positions were then recorded in an excel workbook. To save time this workbook

was imported from excel using the “xlsread” function in matlab. This allows matrices

stored in Excel to be read and used in programmes in matlab.

4.2.3 Thrust Coefficient

The thrust coefficient is dependent on the wind speed at each point of the grid. For an

accurate representation of the thrust coefficient a matrix the same size as the original

grid is needed with a thrust coefficient for each cell on the grid. However the wind

speed deficit behind each turbine depends on the thrust coefficient so an iterative loop

is needed as the thrust coefficient will change the value of the wind speed behind the

first turbines which will then change the thrust coefficient for the next turbine in the

first turbines wake which will in turn change the speed deficit behind the next turbine

and the cycle continues until the last turbines. In order to achieve this a while loop

was created. A while loop is a loop that continues to re-evaluate its body while a

specific condition holds true. In this case the condition was while the change in thrust

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coefficient was greater than × run the loop again using the new value. For the

loop to run through the first time the thrust coefficient was predefined using an initial

guess and once the loop has run through the value was changed using the equation

outline in the literature review. The fig 26 shows the changing value of the thrust

coefficient as it passes through a row of turbines.

Figure 25: Thrust coefficient values passing through a row of turbines

4.2.4 Wake Speed Deficit

Once the thrust coefficient and the turbine positions are defined the wake speed

deficit matrix can be established as these are the only two variables that are needed

for the wake models all other parameters are kept constant. The wake model matrix is

put inside the thrust coefficient while loop so that it updates with each iteration also.

A three dimensional matrix was created with a sheet for each turbine on the grid in a

for statement. A for statement loops a specified number of times and keeps track of

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each iteration with a coinciding index variable. The wake model was then applied to

each sheet for the position of each separate turbine. As can be seen in the below


Figure 26 Single Turbine matrix

After the for loop all the separate sheets are combined using equation 2.19 to create a

single two dimensional matrix called ‘wakes’ containing the wake speed deficit of all

80 turbines in the farm which can be seen below. As the model proposed by

(Bastankhah, 2014) does not model the near wake and therefore no change to the grid

would be seen until approximately 2 diameters downwind the Jensen model was

implemented in this area to clearly show the turbine positions. This has no effect on

the output of the matlab model as no turbines are positioned in the near wake region.

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Figure 27: Horns Rev layout Jensen Model

Figure 28: Horns Rev layout Bastankhah Model

4.2.5 Wind Speed at Turbine

The wind speed at each of the turbines to be used to calculate power output was got

by taking the average wind speed in front of the turbine. This was done using a for

loop which created an 80 by 8 matrix (Number of turbines by diameter). Where each

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row in the matrix represents the wind speed across the face of a turbine. The average

of each of these rows was then got by using the mean function on matlab.

4.2.6 Turbine Power Curve

To analyse the power output of the farm the power curve of the Vestas V80 was used.

Before the wind speed reaches 4 and when it exceeds 25 the power output

of the turbines is 0 and from 14-25 the turbine is at nominal power or 2000kW.

In between 4 and 14 the power output curves upwards this can be seen in the

following graph. A sixth order polynomial trend line with the following equation was

fitted to the curve in excel



Equation 4-1

This equation was then applied when the wind speed was between these values on

matlab using if and else if statements in a for loop. For each turbine if the speed is in

between 4 and 14 the aforementioned equation is applied or else if the wind

speed at the turbine position is in between 14-25 and if the

windspeed is below 4 or above 25 .

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Figure 29: Power Curve and Equation for Vestas V80

A matrix containing the for each of the turbines was created and then this value

for each turbine was divided by the from the first turbine in the grid which was

unaffected by other turbines to get the relative power output. These output powers

were plotted in a graph for the validation of the model.

4.3 Validation of Model

The model created in matlab was validated using measured data from Horns Rev wind

farm provided by (Hassan, 2010). The data was taken from the below graph using plot

digitizer. The fourth and tenth rows of the farm were analysed to check the accuracy

of the model through the full length of the farm. The code used for the verification of

the model can be found in Appendix B.

y = 0.0311x6 - 1.5609x5 + 30.92x4 - 310.81x3 + 1702.7x2 - 4767.6x + 5340.8







0 5 10 15



r (k


Wind Speed (m/s)

Vestas V80 Power Curve

Vestas V80

Page 48: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


Figure 30: Relative power from Horns Rev Wind Farm Garrad Hassan (2010)

The two different wake models being analysed were tested against the measured data.

The conditions under which the data was measured was recreated. The wind speed

was kept as a constant at 9 and the turbine positions were rotated so that the wind

hit the farm at an angle of 240 from North. A roughness length of 0.0002 was taken

for the site as the farm is in open sea with a fetch greater than 5km (Ramli, et al.,

2009). Using Equation 2.7 this relates to k value of 0.04 for the Jensen Model and

from (Bastankhah & Porte-Agel, 2014) a k* value of 0.03. Horns rev wind farm is

compiled of 80 Vestas V80 2MW turbines which are arranged in 8 rows and 10

columns as can be seen in the figure below. Each turbine is spaced 7 diameters

downwind and across from the last however there is a slight angle so that it not a

perfectly square grid. Exact dimensions were taken from (tudelft, 2007)

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Figure 31 Layout of Horns Rev Wind Farm (Hassan, 2010)

Both models used in this study were plotted against the measured data and two

models used in (Hassan, 2010) for columns 4 and 10 which can be seen marked C4

and C10 respectively in fig 31 above.

Figure 32: Validation of models, Column 4, wind approaching from 240 degrees









24 26 28 30 32 34






Turbine Number

Validation of Model (Column 4)

Measured Data

Jensen Model

Bastankah Model

Model A, Hassan


Model B, Hassan


Page 50: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


In fig 32 both models can be seen to underestimate the wake effects. The Jensen

model gives a more accurate depiction than the Bastankhah model. A slight rise in

power output can be seen in turbines number 27 to 29 for both models. This can be

put down to wake not spreading out enough from upstream turbines and not affecting

these turbines due to the small roughness length assumed. This is more noticeable on

the Bastankhah model due to the lower velocities on the outskirt of the wake. The

Jensen model gives similar results to model A used by (Hassan, 2010) while model B

gives a very similar output to the measured data. Model B is similar to model A but

with an added internal boundary layer condition which increases the roughness length

at an area downstream of a turbine for each wake it is immersed in. This reduces the

velocity at hub height which reduces the power output of the downstream turbines.

Figure 33: Validation of model Column 10

The wake effects in column 10 are far worse than predicted by either models put

forward. The Bastankhah model varies noticeably along the column from turbines 73-

78 while both the Jensen model and model A remain almost constant along these

turbines. Model B once again gives very similar results to the measured data.









72 74 76 78 80 82






Turbine Number

Validation of Model (Column 10)

Measured data

Jensen Model


Model A, Hassan (2010)

Model B, Hassan (2010)

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Unfortunately no method attempted to apply the internal boundary layer condition to

the models was successful and so other factors were looked at to improve results. The

Jensen model was chosen above the Bastankhah model as the model to continue

testing due to more accurate results.

As the thrust coefficient and the output power were taken from the turbines manual

they are assumed to be accurate so the wake decay constant was varied in order to

increase the models accuracy. The value of the decay constant was varied from 0.4 to

0.005 and the results plotted in the below graph. The relative power continues to drop

towards the measured data until a value of 0.005 is used the increase in power output

at this value is again due to the wakes not spreading out enough to effect turbines that

are not directly downstream of the turbine creating the wake. Similar peaks can be

noticed for all values under .04 tested.

Figure 34: Validation of model column 4 for varying k Values

For row 10 the model was at its most accurate with a decay constant of .01. Similar

results are obtained when k values of .02 and .03 are used. However under real









24 26 28 30 32 34



e P



Turbine Number

Validation of Model (Column 4) Varying k values

Measured Data






Page 52: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


circumstances values lower than .03 are unrealistic as turbulence levels on any site

would be too high as a roughness length of × would be needed.

Figure 35: Validation of Model Column 10 for varying k values

The model was then compared to data provided by (Stevens, et al., 2014) which

shows the relative power output per column when the wind is blowing from 270⁰ at

8 . This surprisingly showed the model was overestimating the effects of wakes

for turbines aligned directly downwind of one another.










72 74 76 78 80 82






Turbine Number

Validation of Model (Column 10) Varying k


Measured Data





Page 53: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


Figure 36: Validation of model for wind approaching from 270 degrees, varying k values

As a result of this it was decided that a k value of .04 would be used for the rest of the

study as it was felt that the over estimation in the direct wake may compensate for the

underestimation in the indirect cases.

4.4 Rayleigh Distribution

The Rayleigh distribution was used to create a more realistic interpretation of the

wind speed ad provide an accurate AEP as a constant speed would be used for the

entire year which would lead to unrealistic results. A distribution with a shape factor

of 2 and an average speed of 8.5 was created using Excel with a maximum wind

speed of 30 . The wake speed deficit matrix was then multiplied by each of the

possible wind speeds (1-30) creating a 3D matrix 30 layers deep. The power output

was then found for each wind speed and then multiplied by the probability of

occurrence of that wind speed. The sum of these values was then found and multiplied

by 8760 hours to give the AEP of the wind farm.








0 5 10 15






Column No

Validation of Model 270⁰ Varying k value

Measured Data

Model Data k=.04

Model Data k=.03

Page 54: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


4.5 Cost Model.

Firstly the cable cost model was found using equation 2.17. For the non-staggered

layout the total length of the strings was found by finding the max value in the Y co-

ordinates of the turbine position matrix and multiplying it by the number of columns

in the array. For the staggered layout the model was implemented by dividing the grid

into a specified number of sub sections with all the turbines in each connected to a

single cable or string. This was done using a for loop which divided the turbine

position matrix into the specified number of matrices for each sub section. The

maximum distance in each matrix was then taken as the length of that string. This

method works well for the staggered and non-staggered grid layouts as the string

lengths are repetitive but when the random array was used the code needed to be

altered with the number of strings. As this model was to be run in a loop for hundreds

of iterations this was far too time consuming. Instead each string in the matrix is

assumed to be half the distance between the minimum and maximum Y co-ordinates.

Next the length of the cable connecting all the strings together was calculated. This

was done by finding the turbines with the maximum and minimum X coordinates and

taking the distance between the two as the length of the joining cable. The cost of

cable per km was calculated next using equation 2.16 this value was then multiplied

by the total length of cable used on the model which resulted in a cost of 1.49m€/km

which matches an estimated value by (Martinez, 2009) of 1.5m€/km. Next the turbine

cost was calculated using Mosetti’s cost function, equation 2.11. Finally the LPC of

energy was calculated for the model using equation 2.18.

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4.6 Rotation of Model

In order to model the wind effects from varying directions the model was rotated

around 360 degrees and tested. The code used for this model can be found in

Appendix C. Fig 37 shows how turbine positions were edited to account for the

change in wind direction. The X and Y Co-Ordinates of each turbine were calculated

along with the distance from the origin. When the model was rotated the distance

from the origin would remain the same and the new X and Y Co-Ordinates were

calculated using the equations below.

Figure 37: Method for finding TProt

Equation 4-2

√ √

Equation 4-3

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Equation 4-4

Equation 4-5


Equation 4-6


Equation 4-7

Equation 4-8

As the turbine positions rotate some of the dimensions become too large for the

defined grid size. To prevent an error from occurring the grid dimensions were placed

in the for loop and change in accordance with the turbine position matrix by taking

the max values from the X and Y column of TProt on each rotational angle iteration

and letting them equal the width and depth of the grid respectively. Fig 38 below

shows the rotation model rotating from 0 to 90 degrees in 30 degree increments. The

rotational angle can be seen in the top left corner of each box. It can be seen that the

grid dimensions change in accordance with the rotation angle by taking note of the

axis values.

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Figure 38: Rotation of model in increments of 30 degrees

A sample wind rose seen in fig 39 below was developed then divided into 30 degree

bins to be used for the AEP calculation.

Figure 39: Sample wind rose

















Wind Rose

Probability of


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The number of hours spent the wind blowing in each direction was found by

multiplying 8760 by the probability of occurrence for each directional bin. These

values were then multiplied by the power output from each direction and summed up

to find the AEP for the farm.

4.7 Randomly Generated Layouts

To appropriately generate random layouts the randi function was used in matlab

which generates random integers between specified limits. Firstly a minimum

distance between turbines was established in each direction. The width and depth of

the grid was then divided by these distances to see how many turbines could be placed

in the grid. These are also the positions the turbines can be placed into ensure turbines

don’t overlap once multiplied back by the grid width and depth. A number of turbines

is then defined before the randi function is used. Two different matrices called Px and

Py were created for each direction in the grid with the number of turbines to be input

into the grid equal to the number of rows in each matrix. In the image below an

example can be seen where 10 turbines are placed in a grid which can fit 16 turbines

in both the X and Y directions. The 256 cells in the table below represent positions on

the grid once multiplied back by the minimum separation distance between the

turbines giving matrices Px2 and Py2 seen in fig 40.

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Figure 40: Position matrices and grid layout for random placement

When smaller grids are being used it is quite common that more than one turbine can

be assigned to a single position in the grid. In order to prevent this from occurring a

while loop was used. Both matrices Px2 and Py2 were combined to make a co-

ordinate matrix called P. The matrix P was then checked for duplicates using the

unique function on matlab to remove them. If this was the case not the specified

number of turbines would not be allocated positions on the grid. The while loop was

then created stating while the length of matrix P is less than the number of turbines

specified another matrix that’s length is taken as the difference between the length of

P and the number of turbines specified. This new matrix was then added on to the

bottom of P. This was once again checked for duplicates and the code cannot exit the

loop until each row is unique and the number of rows is equal to the number of

turbines specified.

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4.8 Optimisation Using Rayleigh

4.8.1 Varying Grid size

Firstly a set number of turbines was analysed varying the size of the grid using 42

turbines in a non-staggered array consisting of 7 rows and 6 columns for each test.

The distance between the columns was varied 11 times from 2 diameters to 30

diameters with a constant cross wind spacing of 4 diameters. As can be seen in the

graph below the lowest value for the LPC occurred when the separation distance

between the columns was 7 diameters.

Figure 41: Optimum separation distance downstream Rayleigh distribution

The next graph shows clearer why the lowest LPC occurs at this distance. As the AEP

of the wind farm rises rapidly initially when the columns are spread out but eventually

the AEP begins to level off while the land and cable costs continue to rise causing the

LPC to rise continuously.








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


Seperation (D)

Optimum Seperation Distance

Page 61: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


Figure 42: AEP & Cost Vs Seperation Distance downstream Rayleigh distribution

4.8.2 Constant Grid size

Next a square grid of 300 by 300 cells was created with each cell representing a 10m

by 10m area giving an area of 9 . Various non-staggered layouts were then tested

to see which array had the lowest LPC. The minimum spacing downwind and cross

wind was changed each time the model was run to vary the number of turbines on the

grid. In table xx the lower LPC values are coloured green and the higher values are

coloured red this colour method will be used throughout the rest of the analysis.

Table 4-1: Optimum separation distance Rayleigh distribution

Number of Columns

Diameters Downwind

Diameters Across

2 4 6 8

2 25 0.1386 0.1909 0.2178 0.2636

3 15 0.1365 0.1812 0.2096 0.2558

4 10 0.1474 0.1825 0.2114 0.2616

5 7 0.1686 0.1993 0.2274 0.2833

6 6 0.189 0.2181 0.2436 0.3019

7 5 0.2083 0.2378 0.2612 0.319


















0 10 20 30 40


Seperation Distance (D)

AEP&Cost Vs Seperation Distance



Page 62: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


The Optimum layout was found when the turbines are placed in 3 columns spaced 15

diameters downstream of one another and 2 diameters or 16 rows in the crosswind

direction. This equates to a total of 48 turbines and the layout can be seen in fig 43

plotted using matlab.

Figure 43: Optimum separation distance Rayleigh distribution

An interesting fact about these results is that the minimum LPC for each cross-wind

spacing occurs when there are 3 columns or a spacing of 15 diameters downwind in

the grid. This spacing allows the wake to recover before reaching the next turbine.

These results agree with results found by (Guillen, 2010) and may be put down to the

small k value due to the small roughness length. The spacing in the cross wind

direction does not correspond to the same literature however as having this many

turbines spaced so close together in a row would prolong the wakes recovery due to

overlapping wake and also have a major impact on the turbulence in the farm which

according to (Hassan, 2010) would cause the boundary layer to change effecting the

Page 63: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


output of turbines downstream. This layout would also cause environmental concerns

such as interfering with wildlife.

4.10 Optimisation Using Rotation

The grid was kept at a constant size for the rotation analysis. Once again a grid width

and depth of 300 cells were used with each cell representing a 10m by 10m area. A

constant free stream velocity was taken for this part of the experiment due to

difficulty combining the Rayleigh with the rotational and iterative thrust coefficient

model. The wind rose shown in fig 39 was used along with a free stream velocity of

8.5 for all three types of array layout.

4.10.1 Non-Staggered

The same variations were tested for the rotational models as the Rayleigh model with

the addition of one extra column. The model was run 28 times for a non-staggered

layout giving the results seen in the table below.

Table 4-2: Optimum separation distances rotation non-staggered

Number of Columns

Diameters Downwind

Diameters Across

2 4 6 8

2 25 0.0994 0.1197 0.1262 0.1408

3 15 0.1014 0.1156 0.1189 0.1359

4 10 0.1129 0.1127 0.1255 0.1323

5 7 0.1302 0.1272 0.118 0.1281

6 6 0.1457 0.1274 0.1205 0.1383

7 5 0.1635 0.1324 0.1192 0.1341

8 4 0.2 0.1449 0.1339 0.1292

The minimum LPC was found for when there are 2 columns spaced 25 diameters

downwind with the turbine spacing only 2 diameters across. This layout can be seen

in fig 44.

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Figure 44: Optimum array layout for non-staggered rotational model

This result does not match results from (Guillen, 2010). However upon looking at the

array efficiency in fig 45 for the layout through the 360 degrees and taking into

consideration that only two strings are needed which reduces cost it becomes clearer

as to why this layouts performance is so good. There are 16 rows of turbines and 2

columns summing to a total of 32 turbines and although the efficiency drops to

approximately 10 % when the wind is blowing from the North or South, due to the

small cross wind spacing, for the rest of the angles the efficiency is above 80%.

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Figure 45: Array efficiency for optimum non –staggered rotation

The worst preforming array was found with a separation distance of 4 diameters

downstream and 2 diameters across. In this case the wake is not given enough time to

recover which reduces the array efficiency which can be seen in fig 46 not to exceed

50% from any direction.

Figure 46: Array efficiency for worst performing non–staggered rotation

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4.10.2 Staggered

The staggered layout showed similar results to the non-staggered however the

optimum in this case was found at a spacing of 3 diameters across and 10 diameters

downstream. Consisting of 4 columns with 11 and 10 turbines every second column.

This comes to a total of 42 turbines.

Table 4-3: Optimum separation distances rotation staggered

Number of Columns

Diameters Downwind

Diameters Across

3 5 7 9

2 25 0.0996 0.11 0.1217 0.1308

3 15 0.0909 0.1015 0.1105 0.1192

4 10 0.0901 0.0963 0.1074 0.1239

5 7 0.0998 0.0955 0.1157 0.1217

6 6 0.1025 0.0987 0.1211 0.109

7 5 0.1097 0.1152 0.1075 0.1066

8 4 0.1209 0.1268 0.1029 0.1079

It is important to note that the spacing across is taken as the distance between turbines

in the same column the staggered turbines in the following row are in the middle of

this and so in the optimum layout each downstream turbine is offset 1.5 Diameters

from the turbine upstream this can be seen in the image below.

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Figure 47: Optimum array layout rotation staggered

Again the efficiency drops almost as low as 10% when the wind is blowing from the

North/South Directions but in general stays around 80% the low LPC in this case can

also be put down to the high AEP due to the large number of turbines on the grid.

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Figure 48: Array efficiency for optimum array layout rotation staggered

In general the staggered array layout preformed better than the non staggered layouts

with only one staggered layout having an LPC of greater than 0.13€/kWh whereas 11

of the non staggered layouts tested exceeded this value. This is due to less interaction

of wakes because of the offset.

4.10.3 Random

The random array layouts can be seen in table 4.4 below the model was run 75 times

changing number of turbines on the grid was varied in increments of 10 from 20 to 60

with 15 runs for each amount. This was done to get a rough estimate of LPC values

for each number of turbines. A minimum spacing of 2 diameters across and 2

diameters downwind was put in place between each turbine. This allowed for a total

of 256 different possible locations for the turbines. The best performance was found

when 40 turbines were placed on the grid during the 10th


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This relates to an average of roughly 4.5 turbines per although it can be seen in

the below image of the optimum layout that this is not how they are dispersed. A plot

of the grid was created on excel as each turbine position matrix was saved but the

matlab plots close before the final result is given.

Table 4-4: LPC values for varying number of turbines, Random.

Iteration Number

Number of Turbines

20 30 40 50 60

1 0.1196 0.1214 0.1239 0.1296 0.1403

2 0.1163 0.1219 0.1149 0.1294 0.1387

3 0.117 0.1188 0.1163 0.1312 0.1489

4 0.1184 0.1207 0.1182 0.1335 0.1508

5 0.1183 0.1236 0.1199 0.1318 0.1451

6 0.1217 0.116 0.1155 0.1343 0.1399

7 0.1151 0.1157 0.1186 0.1349 0.1456

8 0.1161 0.1194 0.1196 0.1352 0.1423

9 0.1186 0.1267 0.1204 0.1287 0.1559

10 0.1149 0.1242 0.1144 0.1328 0.1522

11 0.1194 0.1176 0.1196 0.1399 0.145

12 0.1168 0.1189 0.1291 0.1295 0.1493

13 0.1243 0.1158 0.1331 0.1344 0.1482

14 0.1184 0.117 0.1219 0.1328 0.1444

15 0.1156 0.1193 0.1246 0.1372 0.1467

The code was then placed in a loop which runs the model 500 times saving each of

the LPC values and the corresponding turbine position matrices. This was repeated 3

times summing to a total of 1500 runs. The optimum LPC was found to be

.1118€/kWh the layout was plotted using excel and can be seen in fig 49 and the

turbine position matrix can be seen in Appendix D.

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Figure 49: Best performing turbine layout for random generation

This optimum layout performed worse than both the non-staggered and staggered

layouts and from the grid layout this is mainly due to the lack of an optimisation

algorithm which would take arrays with good performances and alter them slightly

until performance is improved and continue doing so until an optimum is found. This

method is far more efficient than running a random generating model on repeat. The

high LPC value may also be due to the inaccuracy of the cable model or a low

average array efficiency similar to the sample taken which can be seen in fig 50.

Figure 50: Sample array efficiency for random array








0 50 100 150 200 250 300

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Chapter 5: Conclusions

In total 1655 Turbine layouts were tested for a 9 site mainly using rotational

analysis with free stream wind velocity taken as a constant at 8.5 . Three types of

layouts were tested including non-staggered, staggered and randomly generated

arrays. The optimum array found to be a staggered layout with a spacing of 3

diameters crosswind and 10 diameters downstream. The LPC was found to be

.0901€/kWh. The worst performance was found using a non-staggered layout with a

separation distance of 4 diameters downstream and 2 diameters crosswind this in-

efficient performance was due to the wake not having enough time to recover

highlighting the need for further study in this area.

There are a number of areas of this dissertation that could have been further


A model including the internal boundary layer condition discussed in Section

4.3 which could enhance the accuracy of results obtained.

A combination of the two models developed in this dissertation allowing for

both rotational and varying wind speed analysis.

A more effective cable cost model which will automatically adjust for random


Varying turbine parameters such as hub height and turbine diameter and

investigating effects on optimum layouts.

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Appendix A

The equation below can be found for the wake by neglecting viscous and pressure

terms in the momentum equation and applying mass and momentum conservation.

∫ 𝑑 8

Total Force acting on the turbine is given as:


Normalised velocity deficit:


Due to the Gaussian shape the above equation can be written as:


The wake velocity is then given by:


) 12

Putting Equations 9 and 12 into 8 and integrating from 0 to∞ gives

8 (

𝑑 )


𝑑 )

Solving 13 gives two values while only one is physically acceptable:

8 ( 𝑑


Page 76: Final Report Niall Madden 11132175


Assuming a linear expansion in the wake region






Inserting equations 14 and 15 into equation 11 gives:


8 ( 𝑑



× exp


( 𝑑

) {(

𝑧 𝑧 𝑑



𝑑 )



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Appendix B

clear all clc close all GW=550;%Grid Width GD=450;%Grid Depth U0=9;%Free Stream Wind Velocity D=zeros(GD,GW);%Grid Rt=4;%Radius of Turbine Dt=(Rt*2);%Diametre of Turbine zh=7;%hub height Zo=.003;%Roughness length k=(0.5/log(zh*10/Zo));%Wake Decay Constant

%Importing Turbine Position Matrix TP=xlsread('pos270.xlsx'); Nt=length(TP);%Number of Turbines

%Wake speed deficit and thrust coefficient loop % Predefined variables to ensure loop can execute on its first run diff_max=1; counter=1; Ct=ones(GD,GW)*.805; Ct_old=Ct; D=zeros(GD,GW,Nt); while diff_max>=1e-3 && counter<=100 for l=1:Nt for m=1:GW if m>=TP(l,2) for n=1:GD if n>TP(l,1)-Rt-k*(m-TP(l,2)) &&

n<TP(l,1)+Rt+k*(m-TP(l,2)); Ct_local=Ct(TP(l,1),TP(l,2)-1); D(n,m,l)=((1-sqrt(1-Ct_local))/((1+(2*k*((m-

TP(l,2))/Dt)))^2)); end end end end end


Ct_old=Ct; % Save Ct values to old matrix before calculating updated


Ct=1094.3*wakes.^-3.094; Ct(Ct>.5)=.805; diff=abs(Ct_old-Ct); % Calculating difference between old and new Ct

for while loop termination diff_max=max(max(diff));

X=linspace(0,5500,GW); Y=linspace(0,4500,GD); pcolor(X,Y,wakes); hold on; shading interp;

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%Calculating Speed Before Turbine Ub=zeros(length(TP),Dt+1);

for n=1:length(TP) Ub(n,:)=wakes(TP(n,1)-Rt:TP(n,1)+Rt, TP(n,2)-1); end Um=mean(Ub,2);

%Calculating Power Output

N=length(TP); Pmax=2000;


for n=1:length(TP) if Um(n)<=4 && Um(n)>25; Pout(n,1)=0; elseif Um(n)>4 && Um(n)<14; Pout(n,1)=0.0311*(Um(n))^6 - 1.5609*(Um(n))^5 +

30.92*(Um(n))^4 - 310.81*(Um(n))^3 + 1702.7*(Um(n))^2 -

4767.6*(Um(n)) + 5340.8; else (Um(n))>=14 && (Um(n))<=25; Pout(n,1)=Pmax; end end


%Plotting Relative Power Output

figure (2) scatter(1:Nt,RelPout(:,1)) Energy_Production=sum(Pout(1:length(TP),1))

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Appendix C

clear all clc close all GW1=300;%Grid Width GD1=300;%Grid Depth U0=8.5;%Free Stream Wind Velocity D=zeros(GD1,GW1);%Grid Dt=10;%Diametre of Turbine Rad=round(Dt/2);%Radius of Turbine k=0.04;%Wake Decay Constant

%Importing Wind Rose rose=xlsread('wind_rose');


%Minimum Distance between Turbines GW_min=4*Dt; GD_min=8*Dt; Nx= floor(GW1/GW_min)+1;%No. of Turbines Across Ny= floor(GD1/GD_min)+1;%No. of Turbines Down

% Rotational Loop

for r=0:pi/6:(11/6)*pi %resetting the grid size GW=GW1; GD=GD1;

%Possible Positions of Turbines

X=round(linspace(Dt/2+1,GW-Dt,Nx)); Y=round(linspace(Dt/2+1,GD-Dt,Ny));

%Turbine Position Matrix

TPx=ones(Ny*Nx,2); for i=1:Nx TPx((i-1)*Ny+1:i*Ny,1)=X(i); TPx((i-1)*Ny+1:i*Ny,2)=Y'; end TP=TPx;

Nt=length(TP); %No. of Turbines

%Finding Angle And Distance to Origin TPrt=zeros(Nt,2); TPrt(:,2)=atan((TP(:,1))./TP(:,2)); TPrt(:,1)=sqrt(TP(:,1).^2+TP(:,2).^2);


%New X and Y Positions X1=round(TPrt(:,1).*cos(TPrt(:,2)+ro)); Y1=round(TPrt(:,1).*sin(TPrt(:,2)+ro));

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TP1=[X1,Y1]; Offset=(min(TP1));

%Removing Negatives TProt(:,1)=TP1(:,1)-Offset(1,1)+Dt; TProt(:,2)=TP1(:,2)-Offset(1,2)+Dt;

TP=TProt; %Changing Grid Size GD=max(TProt(:,1))+Dt; GW=max(TProt(:,2))+Dt;

% Predefined variables to ensure loop can execute on its first

run diff_max=1; counter=1; Ct=ones(GD,GW)*.805; Ct_old=Ct; D=zeros(GD,GW,Nt); while diff_max>=1e-3 && counter<=100 for l=1:Nt for m=1:GW if m>=TP(l,2) for n=1:GD if n>TP(l,1)-Rad-k*(m-TP(l,2)) &&

n<TP(l,1)+Rad+k*(m-TP(l,2)); Ct_local=Ct(TP(l,1),TP(l,2)-1); D(n,m,l)=((1-sqrt(1-

Ct_local))/((1+(2*k*((m-TP(l,2))/Dt)))^2)); end end end end end


Ct_old=Ct; % Save Ct values to old matrix before calculating

updated values Ct=1094.3*wakes.^-3.094; Ct(Ct>.5)=.805; diff=abs(Ct_old-Ct); % Calculating difference between old and new

Ct for while loop termination diff_max=max(max(diff)); counter=counter+1;


%Plotting Wake Matrix figure(2) contourf(wakes,l,'LineStyle','none') colorbar

%Calculating Speed Before Turbine

Ub=zeros(length(TP),Dt+1); for n=1:length(TP)

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Ub(n,:)=wakes(TP(n,1)-Rad:TP(n,1)+Rad, TP(n,2)-1); end Um=mean(Ub,2);

%Calculating Power Output Pmax=2000; Pout=zeros(length(Um),1); for n=1:length(Um) if Um(n)<=5 || Um(n)>25; Pout(n)=0; elseif Um(n)>5 && Um(n)<14; Pout(n)=0.0311*(Um(n))^6 - 1.5609*(Um(n))^5 +

30.92*(Um(n))^4 - 310.81*(Um(n))^3 + 1702.7*(Um(n))^2 -

4767.6*(Um(n)) + 5340.8; else (Um(n))>=16 && (Um(n))<=25; Pout(n)=Pmax; end end

%Array Efficiency

Array_Efficiency(count,1)=r*360/(2*pi); Array_Efficiency(count,2)=sum(Pout)/Nt(1,1)/max(Pout);

%Annual Energy Produced Per Directional Bin AEPs(count,1)=rose(count,4)*sum(Pout(1:length(Pout),1)); count=count+1; end


%Plotting Array Efficiency

figure (2) plot(Array_Efficiency(:,1),Array_Efficiency(:,2),'--')

% Length of Strings Pos2=max(TP(:,2))+1; Pos1=min(TP(:,2))-1;

for n=1:2 counter=1; for i=1:length(TP) if TPx(i,2)>=Pos1+(n-1)*(Pos2-Pos1)/2 &&

TPx(i,2)<Pos1+n*(Pos2-Pos1)/2 Pos(counter,:,n)=TPx(i,:); counter=counter+1; end end end

Pos_1=Pos(:,:,1); Pos_1( ~any(Pos_1,2), : )=[]; LOS1=max(Pos_1(:,1)); LSc= max(TP(:,2))-min(TP(:,2));

% Cable cost. CuP=2782;%Copper Cost CuD=8940;%Copper Density

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AAcross=1000;%Cross Sectional Area profit=2; CCu=profit*CuP*3*CuD*AAcross*(1/100000);%Cost of Cable Per km LoC=(LOS1*Nx+LSc)/100;%Length of Cable CaC=CCu*LoC;%Total Cost

% annuity factor LT=20;%Lifetime of Farm r=.07;%Interest Rate a=(1-(1+r)^-(LT))/r;

% Cost of turbines CPT=2500000; TTC=Nt*CPT*(2/3+1/3*exp(-0.00174*(Nt^2)));%%Mosetti Cost Function

% Cost of land Ckm=500000;%Cost Per km CoL=Ckm*((GD/10)*(GW/10));%Cost of Grid

% Levelised production Cost LPC=(((TTC*(1/.8)*.97)+CaC+CoL)/(a*AEP))*(1/.53) Cost=(TTC*(1/.8)*.97)+CaC+CoL%Total Cost of Farm

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Appendix D

Optimum layout found for random Array:

X Co-Ordinate Y Co-Ordinate X Co-Ordinate Y Co-Ordinate

20 80 200 180

20 160 200 240

20 260 220 20

40 100 220 60

60 180 220 160

60 300 220 260

80 120 220 280

80 180 240 120

120 20 240 180

120 120 240 220

120 220 240 280

120 260 260 80

140 20 260 200

140 300 260 220

140 80 280 20

160 20 280 80

160 180 280 220

180 40 300 80

180 60 300 100

180 180 300 300
