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Final Report Rainfall Runoff Prediction Written by George ...

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Final Report Rainfall Runoff Prediction Written by George Limpert In association with CARES and Chris Barnett With the mentoring of Dr. Neil Fox For CS 4970, Senior Capstone Design I

Final ReportRainfall Runoff PredictionWritten by George Limpert

In association with CARES and Chris BarnettWith the mentoring of Dr. Neil Fox

For CS 4970, Senior Capstone Design I

Table of Contents

0. Introduction Page 31. Problem Definition Page 61.1.Problems & Needs Page 61.2.Background Information Page 81.2.1.WSR-88D Page 81.2.2.GIS Page 121.3.Literature Survey Page 131.3.1.The WSR-88D Rainfall Algorithm Page 131.3.2.Automated Bright Band Detection Page 161.3.3.Calibrating Radar Precipitation Estimates Page 181.3.4.Comparison of Radar Precipitation Estimates Page 201.3.5.Effect of Storm Type on Radar Precipitation Estimates Page 221.4.Goals & Prototypes Page 241.5.Cost & Feasibility Page 262. Requirements Analysis Page 272.1.Introduction Page 272.2.Overall Description Page 282.3.System Requirements and Constraints Page 292.3.1.Operating Environment Page 292.3.2.Market Users and Characteristics Page 312.3.3.Environmental Constraints Page 332.3.4.System Components Page 342.3.5.Software Interfaces and Libraries Page 362.3.6.Communication Interfaces Page 372.3.7.Hardware Interfaces Page 382.3.8.Software Maintenance, Life Cycle and Support Page 392.4.Performance Requirements Page 402.5.Resource Requirements Page 412.6.Evaluation Metrics Page 422.7.Alternative Solutions Page 433. Design Specifications Page 453.1.Introduction Page 453.2.Basic System Design Page 463.3.Data Requirements Page 473.4.Software Design Page 483.5.Testing Methods Page 523.6.Scheduling Page 533.7.System Implementation Page 543.8.System Testing Page 554. Technical Report Page 564.1.Introduction Page 564.2.Execution Page 574.3.Prototypes Page 594.4.Conclusion and Discussion Page 615. Future Work Page 636. Licensing Page 667. References Page 72

0. Introduction

In this report, I will describe the process by which I attempted to develop a

system for decoding radar data for the purpose of predicting the runoff of rainfall.

The reader will be presented with a background on the technologies in use and

some related work. Following this, the problem will be clearly defined and the

requirements for the project will be outlined. The design of the proposed finished

product will then be described. This describes the process in which the system was


The second half of the report focuses on the current status of the product. It is

not completed, but a working prototype has been created. The report describes the

prototype, its functionality, and describes the future work on the project. An

evaluation of the project is included at this point.

It is my belief that while the project did not meet its initial goals by the end of

the semester, it is not a failure. Unintended uses of the product and the software

within have been found. For example, a completely unrelated forecasting system

uses some source code from the software in this project. Also, the radar data format,

which is somewhat obscure, has been partially documented. This is beneficial for

someone else wishing to decode level III radar data, even if their product serves a

completely different purpose.

I hope after reading this report that the reader will gain a better understanding

and appreciation for the doppler radar technology that the National Weather Service

has developed. Furthermore, I hope the reader will gain a better appreciation for the

hard work that is involved in forecasting weather. As a meteorologist, it is frustrating

to be at the receiving end of jokes about how the forecasting of weather is extremely

inaccurate. While there are still many busted forecasts, our understanding of the

atmosphere and the processes within is constantly improving. Furthermore, the

technology used to detect and predict the weather is constantly being developed and

improved. At the time of writing this report, there is work underway to replace the

WSR-88D systems with newer radar technology. Despite the great benefits realized

by the implementation of these radar systems, there is much better technology that

is being developed. Weather forecasting is far more accurate than, for example,

flipping a coin, despite the comments of some comedians. It is a hard science which

benefits greatly from chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, and many

other branches of science. Even if you don't find the product useful, hopefully the

reader will have a better appreciation for meteorology after reading this report.

Special thanks is owed to three people who greatly assisted in the

development of this system.

First, I want to thank Steve Lack for his efforts in contributing to and improving

this project. Without his help in understanding the operation of radar, I would have

struggled much more with decoding the level III data.

Second, I want to thank Chris Barnett for his help in providing me with

information about GIS file formats and for his guidance in developing this project.

Without him, I would have developed this project with little sense of direction and

without a clear goal in mind. Furthermore, I would have been ignorant to the

requirements that a system such as the one I am developing has.

Finally, I want to thank Dr. Neil Fox for mentoring me and assisting me in the

development of this project. He is as close to an expert on radar as we have at the

University of Missouri. His knowledge of the subject was very helpful in decoding this

data. Furthermore, he helped me with finding answers to meteorological questions

which I did not have an answer to such as the resolution of the digital precipitation

array. Also, he helped me in verifying the data I converted. Finally, he guided my

project away from my initial plans and directed me towards creating a system which

would have practical uses at the university. Without his mentoring, I would not have

even started this project.

With that being said, I hope the reader finds my project report very useful and

informative. I also hope the reader comes away with a better appreciation for the

science of meteorology.

1. Problem Definition

1.1. Problem & Needs

One of the many important aspects of meteorology is hydrology. While it is

extremely important to understand what is occurring within the atmosphere and

about precipitation falling, it is also important to understand and forecast what

happens once the precipitation reaches the ground. Floods kill more people each

year than any other meteorological phenomena. Even in areas that don't usually

receive severe weather, flooding is often a threat. Hydrology is the branch of

meteorology that deals with what happens to precipitation after it reaches the


Hydrology also has important uses to agriculture. For example, soil has a limit

on how much water it can absorb. Different types of soils can absorb different

amounts of water before becoming saturated. Once the soil is saturated, additional

rainfall will run off. This can lead to flooding, but can also lead to erosion of topsoil.

Chemicals and fertilizers that have been applied may be washed away with the

water when run-off occurs. While these chemicals are useful to farmland, they may

be harmful in other places, particularly in streams and rivers. Some of these

chemicals include pesticides and herbicides which may be harmful to wildlife. It is

important to ensure that these chemicals, when applied, to not run-off into areas

where they would be harmful.

Because of these needs in agriculture and to predict flooding, it is very useful

to develop a product which can be used to forecast when run-off will occur. While

this depends somewhat on the amount of rainfall received over a certain time, it also

depends on the land. Topography and soil type are major factors in determining

when run-off will occur. Topographical data is widely available in formats that can be

manipulated and displayed by GIS systems. While many methods exist for

estimating precipitation, one of the best available is radar estimates of precipitation.

Radar data, however, is distributed in a very different format. To create a useful

product, it is necessary to merge geographic and precipitation data into a common

format so they can be displayed together.

The purpose of this project, given these needs, is to create a system for

collecting radar estimates of precipitation and converting this data into a format

which can be manipulated by GIS software. This data will then be delivered to a GIS

system which is capable of merging the radar data with existing geographic data to

create useful products. The data will likely be distributed through an existing website

to make it available to the agricultural community.

1.2. Background Information

1.2.1. Background Information: WSR-88D

An understanding of Doppler radar and the WSR-88D systems implemented

by the National Weather Service is essential for understanding this project. Data

from these radars are the basis for the rest of this project.

Ordinary radars operate by sending out pulses of energy. A portion of this

energy may be reflected back to the radar by objects in the path of the energy pulse.

The time it takes for a pulse to return to the radar site can be used to estimate the

distance of the object. The amount of energy reflected can also be useful in

determining some characteristics of the object which reflected the energy.

Doppler radar adds another useful parameter that can be detected. Radial

velocity is a measure of an object's motion towards or away from the radar site. This

can be determined because of the Doppler Effect. An approaching object, when

reflecting the energy, will also cause the waves to be compressed, resulting in a blue

shifting. An object moving away, when it reflects the energy, will cause the waves to

be stretched, which results in red shifting. By detecting these variations in frequency

of the reflected energy pulse, an object's radial velocity can be determined.

In meteorology, all of these parameters are extremely useful. Areas in the

atmosphere with greater concentrations of particles will reflect more energy than

areas of lesser particle concentration. Areas with more particles, if the particles are

water droplets, are likely receiving heavier precipitation. Reflectivity is somewhat

proportional to the amount of precipitation. Velocity is also important, particularly in

the context of severe weather. While velocity information may be used to detect

atmospheric boundaries and some other features of the atmosphere, it is very

important in circulations. A localized strong circulation in a thunderstorm may

suggest a possible tornado. A wider and weaker circulation may indicate the

presence a storm structure called a mesocyclone.

When combined together in a Doppler radar system, velocity and reflectivity

data are very useful in detecting areas where rain, snow, and severe weather are


The WSR-88D system performs an entire scan every five, six, or ten minutes

depending on the mode of operation the radar is in. This scan consists of several

sweeps and can be pieced together to create an approximate three-dimensional

image of the volume of the atmosphere. Within each volume, there are several

sweeps, and the exact number varies depending on the mode of operation of the

radar. The sweeps within a volume are conducted at different elevations ranging

from 0.5 to 19.5 degrees. Within each sweep, a number of pulses or rays are sent.

Usually there are 367 rays within a sweep. And within each ray, there are a number

of range gates, corresponding to a distance from the radar. In the WSR-88D system,

there are usually 460 reflectivity range gates and 920 velocity range gates. Each

reflectivity range gate accounts for a 1 km distance from the radar and each velocity

range gate accounts for a ¼ km distance from the radar.

The hardware collects the data in an analog form. This data is be referred to

as level I data. The data is then converted to a digital form, which is referred to as

level II data. The level II data is equivalent to level I data but is in a digital form.

Often, level II data is referred to as raw data. Level II data can then be analyzed by

computer algorithms to produce other data that may be also useful to

meteorologists. This analyzed data along with a subset of the level II data is referred

to as level III data.

While many features of storm structure can be identified by a human

forecaster, algorithms can be designed to deliver similar results and with an

impartiality that a human is usually incapable of possessing. Furthermore, examining

data through computer algorithms is much quicker than relying on a human

observer. A human is certainly capable of detecting some circulations, identifying

storm cells, and estimating the motion of individual storms. Computer algorithms,

however, are also used to determine the height of cloud tops, indicate areas where

hail may be occurring, and estimate precipitation amounts. None of these can easily

be done by most people but can easily be done by using computers to analyze level

II data.

Despite the usefulness of the WSR-88D Doppler radar system, there are

significant limitations. For example, there are over 100 WSR-88D radars deployed

across the United States. Despite this, there are many areas, particularly in the

western United States, that are not covered well if at all by radar. Furthermore, there

are many limitations in the actual radar systems that do not relate to the

implementation of the radars.

It must be understood that radar does not indicate what weather is occurring

at the surface. Radar indicates what is occurring in the atmosphere above the

surface. While it can provide a strong indication of what may be occurring at the

surface, there is never a guarantee. It is still necessary for the National Weather

Service to rely on spotters to provide ground truth observations. The lowest beam

elevation used is 0.5 degrees, which also means that the beam will be farther above

ground at distances farther from the radar site. The curvature of the Earth also

causes the beam to be higher above the surface of the Earth at distances farther

from the radar site. Because of this, at far distances from radar sites, the radar beam

may actually be above the clouds. It is possible for no energy to be reflected back to

the radar from a given location while precipitation is actually occurring there. This

puts a strong limitation on the usefulness of radar to detect what is occurring at

distances far from the radar site.

There are also many other factors which may reduce the accuracy of radar

data. While radar beams can penetrate clouds, terrain around the radar site can

absorb the beam. There are also many sources of false echoes. The most common

of these occurs near the radar site and is referred to as ground clutter. There are

even algorithms for removing ground clutter from radar images; however these may

also remove legitimate echoes in the process.

Keeping these limitations in mind, radar is still a very useful tool in observing

the weather. Weather radar is best viewed as a system with two major parts. One

part is the radar dish, which collects the data. The other part is a computer and

some algorithms to analyze the data that is collected. The radar system as a whole

produces data that is very useful for the observation and forecasting of weather,

particularly in the area of severe weather.

1.2.2. Background Information: GIS

GIS is an acronym for geographic information system. A GIS is a computer

system which stores, manipulates, displays, and analyzes data that has a

geographical context. Many types of data such as boundaries, geographic features

such as rivers and mountains, man-made structures, and aerial photographs are

also suitable for analysis and display by GIS systems. Because meteorological data

is referenced in the context of an area at a location on or above the surface of the

Earth, it can also be manipulated by a GIS system.

1.3. Background Literature

1.3.1. Background Literature

Title: The WSR-88D Rainfall Algorithm

One of the algorithms the National Weather Service uses to interpret radar

data is used for estimating precipitation amounts. This algorithm has been revised

many times and does not rely only on radar data. This article describes the algorithm

that is used by the radar system in estimating precipitation.

There are several steps involved in estimating precipitation. The first step

involved is to detect whether precipitation is occurring within the coverage area

around the radar. This step takes radar data which is edited to remove ground clutter

as input. The data is examined to determine if certain thresholds are exceeded for

the purpose of detecting if significant precipitation is occurring.

The next step involved is to collect rain gage data. This only occurs after

significant precipitation has been detected. Rain gage data is collected in real time.

The following step involves processing actual radar data and converting it into

a polar grid in which each box is one degree wide and one kilometer long. The

algorithm only processes data for the first 230 kilometers around the radar. It

attempts to select data at various elevation angles which is approximately one

kilometer above the surface. This is done by taking into account the terrain and the

various elevation angles. It also takes into account beam blockage due to terrain.

Several elevation angles used to create the entire polar grid. At ranges far from the

radar, the higher value from two elevation angles is chosen. Some other adjustment

of radar data may also be performed during this step. After these adjustments, the

reflectivities are increased at times to account for partial beam blockages. Also,

areas of particularly high reflectivity gradients are edited for the purpose of removing

ground clutter. Some false echoes are then removed from the data, if they can be

detected. One step of this is to check the next elevation angle for a significant

decrease in reflectivity. If this is observed, the echo is determined to be false.

At this point, when most false echoes and sources of inaccuracy have been

removed or accounted for, a simple formula is used to convert from reflectivity into a

precipitation estimate. This is done with an exponential formula which has two

constants, zra and zrb. These constants vary depending on the location.

The next step is to check for hail contamination. Like the constants above, the

hail thresholds are determined operationally and vary between radar sites.

Reflectivities are capped at a certain value to prevent overestimation of precipitation

due to hail. The article emphasizes that this is a very subjective estimate and is not

necessarily accurate. Research is still being done in the area of detecting hail to

prevent overestimation.

The precipitation estimates are compared with the estimate from the previous

scan. If the differences are too great, the entire scan is discarded. This is done to

prevent estimates from being contaminated with some kinds of interference or false

echoes, despite the efforts made to account for these in earlier steps.

If the data is not discarded, another adjustment is made at the farther ranges

of the scan to account for the beam degrading. This step is performed to prevent

underestimation of rainfall at the edges of the coverage area.

This calculates rainfall rates and not total accumulation.

To create storm total estimates, rainfall estimates are summed. Missing

periods are filled in through interpolation, provided the missing periods are not very

long. Any outliers are removed and replaced through averaging of neighbors.

The data can be adjusted using ground truth data from rain gages. The article

describes the technique as experimental due to difficulties in acquiring real time

data. The first step involved is to attempt to wisely select which rain gages are used

to adjust the radar estimates. Data from rain gages is paired with data from radar,

through selecting the closest value from nearby radar estimates to what the gage

indicates. A variety of methods are then used to only choose good pairs of data.

Some statistical methods are also used for quality control purposes.

Once these steps are completed, graphical and digital products can then be

created from the rainfall estimates. These products can then be used for forecasting

or disseminated as level III data.

The article then describes rain gage networks and also some of the other

experimental work to overcome limitations of the rainfall estimation algorithm. Some

of these include finding better values for some tunable parameters of the algorithm,

solving problems involved with overestimates due to melting precipitation,

underestimates at far ranges of the scan, better handling of false echoes, and other

areas of research. The algorithm is still being improved and the final third of the

article is used entirely to discuss future improvements to better estimate rainfall.

1.3.2. Background Literature

Title: Automated Detection of the Bright Band Using WSR-88D Data

One source of overestimation of precipitation is referred to as a bright band.

In addition to cumulonimbus clouds, nimbostratus clouds can also produce

precipitation. If the precipitation melts on the way to the surface from nimbostratus

clouds, there will be a layer of melting precipitation which produces high reflectivities.

Because the radar beam is tilted, this layer of high reflectivity is observed as a bright

band. This band can stay over the same area for several hours, under some

conditions, and can result in significant overestimates of precipitation. This article

describes a technique for detecting and automatically accounting for the bright band

in precipitation estimates.

The first step of this algorithm is to acquire a good sample of data. In areas of

significant beam blockage, the data may be discarded completely. Data from all

elevations is considered in detecting the bright band.

A minimum reflectivity is defined for what constitutes a bright band. The

algorithm then checks higher and lower elevations for significant changes in

reflectivity. If this is observed, and is in within a defined distance from the radar, it is

considered by the rest of the algorithm as a possible bright band. In the case of the

bright band being particularly close to the ground, only the top of the bright band

may actually be observed. To account for this, the radar also considers data from

the RUC-2 model to identify at what height melting would occur.

Once a possible bright band is identified, the data is then examined to check

if the band extends around the radar site and if the height of the possible bright band

is consistent. If these tests are satisfied, then the algorithm identifies the area as a

bright band.

The article then discusses the accuracy of the estimates. Results from the

algorithm were verified through vertical pointed radars, weather balloon

observations, and RUC-2 model output. The article seems to suggest that the

algorithm performed well, but that some parameters may need to be tuned. Some

opportunities to further improve the algorithm are discussed in the article.

Unfortunately the article does not seem to mention how the data can be adjusted to

achieve more accurate precipitation estimates when a bright band is identified.

1.3.3. Background Literature

Title: Real-Time Calibration of Radar Precipitation Estimates

This article discusses methods of calibrating radar estimates of precipitation

using data from rain gages. The article starts by discussing some weaknesses of

rain gages. These include mechanical issues leading to underestimation of rainfall

and the distances between rain gages. Radar estimates of precipitation are

discussed as a means of overcoming these problems. Unfortunately, as the article

states, these estimates are not necessarily accurate.

Combining data from radar estimates and rain gages is suggested as a

means to overcome the limitations of both approaches. Data from radar estimates is

used to pinpoint trends in rainfall while data from rain gages is used to provide actual

measurements of rainfall. The article also suggests that the method of combining

data from the two sources needs to be done automatically and not require a human


This study uses level III data because of the difficulty in acquiring level II data

in real time. The digital precipitation array product is used because it is the only

digital representation of rainfall amounts. All of the other level III products provide

only a range of possible precipitation amounts and do not provide actual estimated

values. The digital precipitation array is a product with approximately four kilometer

square boxes in a grid to represent the data. This study also discusses possibly

merging estimates from multiple radars by selecting the highest value over a

particular point. The basis for this decision was that most of the overlapping areas

will be at the edge of radar coverage areas where precipitation tends to be


Several techniques are discussed to improve the accuracy of calibrating radar

estimates with rain gage data. These include adjusting the calibration to account for

distance from the radar site, using logarithms to remove exponential terms, and

adjusting for mechanical problems with rain gages. There still is the concern,

however, that an area of high reflectivity may not match up with an area of high

precipitation at the surface. A situation such as this could occur with strong winds in

the atmosphere causing precipitation to not fall directly downwards. This would be a

factor in situations where the horizontal reflectivity gradient is very high. If this

occurs, it is possible for a rain gage to receive high amounts of rainfall when an area

of low reflectivity is observed on radar, or a small amount of rain at the surface being

paired with a radar estimate of high rainfall. This can be prevented by setting a

maximum on how much radar estimates can be changed due to calibration. The

article states, however, that rarely is this situation actually a problem.

In this study, each radar was calibrated separately and the calibrations were

based on rainfall estimates from prior storms over a period of months. In some

cases, the calibration process significantly and unreasonably inflated radar

estimates. By changing a multiplier, these issues were accounted for to produce a

more reasonable estimate.

The results of this study show that some localized areas had their

precipitation estimates increased significantly due to calibration while areas that

received lesser amounts of precipitation had their estimates decreased. The article

states that the calibrated estimates agreed closely with observed amounts of

precipitation for the storm. Satellite data may also be incorporated, according to the

article, to further increase the accuracy of calibrated estimates.

1.3.4. Background Literature

Title: A Comparison of Radar Reflectivity Estimates of Rainfall from Collocated


This article describes attempts to improve radar estimates of precipitation and

testing of a new radar technology by NCAR. The article starts by discussing potential

problems with precipitation estimates. It discusses issues with bright bands along

with several other possible sources of inaccuracy. One potential source of error

highlighted is the limited resolution of radar at distant ranges. Also, at farther ranges

where the beam passes through higher altitudes, if water droplets are frozen,

reflectivities will be decreased resulting in underestimated precipitation. Another

source of potential error is due to differences in raindrop size.

The new radar system, referred to as S-Pol was compared against the

existing WSR-88D system. The WSR-88D radars are equipped to deal with issues

such as beam blocking and ground clutter, which the S-Pol radars were not. Several

techniques were incorporated to reduce the effects of these problems that the S-Pol

radars would encounter.

The article states that calibration of rain gages with radar estimates of

precipitation improves estimates. Also, tipping bucket rain gages may significantly

underestimate precipitation if strong winds are present. The article states, therefore,

that in these scenarios, the calibrated estimates should be the same or greater than

the values produced from rain gages.

The radars were evaluated around Denver and Wichita. The radars

performed better in Kansas than in Colorado and the article offers several

explanations for this. These possible explanations include smaller storm size in

Colorado, higher cloud bases, more hail in Colorado storms, and the subcloud layer

being drier. The article states that the radar estimates of precipitation were in good

agreement, usually, even when the estimates varied greatly from what was observed

by rain gages. The conclusion drawn from the data is that the main factor in

inaccuracies was because of differing raindrop sizes in storms. Well maintained

radars should not have significant variations in precipitation estimates and

differences in radars are unimportant compared to differences between storms,

according to the article.

1.3.5. Background Literature

Title: A Comparison of NEXRAD WSR-88D Radar Estimates of Rain

Accumulation with Gauge Measurements for High- and Low-Reflectivity

Horizontal Gradient Precipitation Events

This article reports on a study which attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of

the WSR-88D algorithm for estimating rainfall. The study attempts to measure the

performance of the algorithm over many cases instead of highlighting a single case.

The storms studied are divided into two major cases. One case is those with

high horizontal reflectivity gradients and the other is with low horizontal reflectivity

gradients. Data from several radar sites throughout the United States were used in

the study. Cases with high reflectivity gradient tended to involve storms with cores

that had high reflectivity values. The cases with low gradients tended to also have

lower reflectivity values.

One conclusion of this study is that variations between storms have a greater

impact on differences in precipitation estimates than differences between radars.

This study notes that the distance from the radar also affects the accuracy of

the radar estimates of precipitation. Four regions are defined when analyzing these

results, those being areas near to the radar, two mid-ranges, and the farthest

distances from the radar.

In cases of high reflectivity gradients, precipitation was underestimated close

to the radar. In mid-ranges, precipitation was overestimated. At the farthest ranges,

the estimates were similar to the totals actually observed. With low reflectivity

gradients, radar underestimated the precipitation totals in all cases but to the

greatest extent in the areas nearest to and farthest from the radar site.

The article suggests that close to the radar, some legitimate echoes may be

mistaken for ground clutter and incorrectly filtered by the algorithm. When the lowest

elevation detects ground clutter, the precipitation estimation algorithm chooses a

higher angle of elevation. This can lead to underestimation.

Underestimation of rainfall in cases of low reflectivity gradient is attributed

somewhat to the likelihood that the precipitation was mostly of a stratiform nature. In

this situation, if the radar beam is below or above the clouds, it may lead to poor

estimates. The article also suggests that the zra and zrb values used to convert

reflectivity values to precipitation estimates are optimized for cases of high

reflectivity gradients and will not perform well in situations of low reflectivity

gradients. Also cited as possible causes of inaccurate precipitation estimates are

bright bands, different raindrop sizes, and radars that were poorly calibrated.

1.4. Goals & Prototypes

The eventual goal of this project is to create an online product which can be

viewed by members of the agricultural community to aid them in deciding whether to

apply chemicals and fertilizer. As much of this product as possible should be

generated automatically. This should product should integrate easily with existing

GIS systems already present at the university.

The first prototype, which has already been completed, converts radar

estimates of precipitation into raw data which is stored in a text file and into a PNG

file for easy viewing. Later prototypes will be used to experiment with different types

of radar data which is available and different formats for which to convert data into

for integration with GIS systems.

Two radar products are being considered for use in this product. One product

is referred to as the digital precipitation array. It has 256 levels of precipitation and is

in a 131x131 grid. This product estimates the amount of precipitation that has fallen

to the ground in the past hour. A second product is a one hour precipitation estimate

in a radial format. This product has 16 levels, instead of 256, but has a higher

resolution. Each point along the grid is two kilometers long and one degree wide.

While this provides much greater resolution than the digital precipitation array, it

does not have nearly as good of precision. These products will be evaluated during

the prototyping to determine which is more suitable for the end product.

1.5. Cost & Feasibility

While the main coding project involved in this is to convert radar data, this

project actually involves creating an entire system. The level III data used in this

product is freely available from National Weather Service servers and can be

downloaded in nearly real time. One component of this system is to create a way of

automatically retrieving this data. This data must then be converted to a format

which can be read by GIS software. The converted data must be then sent to

another computer which has the GIS software. This other computer system will then

integrate this data with other geographical data to create an end product which is

available over the web.

There are many servers already at the university and any one of them could

be used to convert the level III radar data. It is not a particularly resource intensive

task and could probably work alongside other processes. The data used is available

at no cost and is small in size so bandwidth should not be a major issue. The GIS

systems are already in use at the university, so little if any additional cost will be

realized from this product. Overall, there are few costs from adding this product to

the products already made available from the university.

Because of the easy availability of this data, the low amount of computation

required in processing this data, and the systems already in place to display this

data after it is processed, this solution is very cost-effective while also providing a

good product.

2. Requirements Analysis

2.1. Introduction

The purpose of this project is to develop a system for decoding and

converting precipitation estimates into a format that can be analyzed and displayed

by GIS software. The goal of this, upon completion, is to generate a product which

may be viewed online and is useful for predicting runoff and flooding. Precipitation

estimates will be combined with terrain data such as elevation models and soil types

to generate a composite product. This is the requirements analysis for this project

and will define the environment for this product to operate in, explicitly what this

product is, and how it will be evaluated in the future. During the planning of this

project, several alternative possibilities were considered, and those will be presented

as well, both for the purpose of explaining the decision process and for suggesting

future work.

2.2. Overall Description

As described previously, this project is to develop a system for the purpose of

converting precipitation estimates to a format which is supported by GIS software.

The precipitation estimates are provided by National Weather Service (NWS) radars

in the form of level III data.

When downloaded from NWS servers, the level III data is in a complex format

which is partially run-length coded. One component of this system will be a program

to automatically download level III data files for the radars which cover the state of

Missouri. A major component of this system will be the software which decodes the

data files and converts them to a format which GIS software supports.

The conversion of level III data to another format will likely be done on a

machine which does not have GIS software. Therefore this data will need to be

automatically sent to another machine which does have the appropriate software.

After this data is sent, the machine with the GIS software will need to incorporate the

data to be displayed online. The website in which this data will be displayed already

exists. If the site cannot currently be updated automatically to incorporate new data,

this capability may need to be added.

This is a simple description of the system as a whole and the major

components within and how the components relate to each other within the system.

The process is linear, will likely be done without any human intervention, and will

need to be done quickly enough to provide reasonably current data on a website.

2.3. System Requirements and Constraints

2.3.1. Operating environment

The software produced will likely run on a UNIX machine. One goal of this

product is to have minimal human involvement necessary to produce the product.

Keeping this in mind, Windows does not have a reputation for being as reliable as

UNIX. Keeping these in mind, it is reasonable to expect the software will be run on

UNIX. It is, however, a goal of the project to attempt to maintain as much portability

as possible. It is feasible in the future that changes will occur which will result in the

product running on a different operating system such as Windows. It should be

possible to run the product on a new operating system with little difficulty. It is

expected that software will need to be recompiled to run in a new environment. This

is acceptable and is a result of not writing the software in an interpreted language

such as Java. The source code, however, should not require significant

modifications to operate in a new environment, provided the environment meets

some reasonable requirements. For example, appropriate compilers and

environments exist on Windows to run a large portion of UNIX software. An

environment with these tools should be able to run the software with little difficulty.

The software needed to display the end results of this product in a web

interface already exist. The product is to be displayed in a web page which already

exists. Therefore, the web server is of little concern to this project. Once this product

is delivered to the computers with GIS software, there should be little need for

modifications. If the web server were to change, it should not affect the operation of

the system. While the data generated may need to be stored within a database, it is

not a concern of this project. Much of the GIS data is apparently already stored in a

database and it is a concern of the GIS software.

While development tools such as source control and integrated development

environments could be used in creating this software, it is not particularly useful. The

software is not particularly complex and the use of these tools may introduce

possibly undesirable complexity. Instead of maintaining a large and complex

software package to interpret data, the goal is to develop a large number of modules

for import and export of data with a simple core. Each module should be

independent of other modules. By keeping the individual modules independent and

simple, it should minimize or eliminate the need for complex development tools.

2.3.2. Market Users and Characteristics

The product which is being provided will be publicly available without charge.

Since it will be produced and provided by the University, there is little need to be

concerned with competition in an open market. The product need not be profitable

and should not be since it is funded by tax dollars through a University with a

mission to serve the state of Missouri and specifically in the area of agriculture.

Regulatory constraints should not be an issue in the development of this product.

Since relatively little processing power is required to decode and convert level III

data, it should already run on hardware owned by the University. The level III data

files are relatively small files, particularly when compared to level II data, and should

not require significant bandwidth to download. The GIS software which will decode

this data and the webpage in which it is to be displayed already exist. Therefore,

little additional expense will be realized by incorporating this data. Keeping this in

mind, there is little economic expense in producing this product. Therefore, it is very

feasible to produce this product using resources which are already available.

There are two customers for this product that have different requirements.

One customer is the Center for Agricultural, Resource and Environment Systems

(CARES) which is an active participant in developing this product. They will,

however, directly receive the decoded data files and have specified some

requirements. The data must be provided on a timely basis and should be provided

in a format which can be interpreted by GIS software. While several formats have

been suggested, one that seems likely to be used is the shapefile format. These

requirements are simple and will be met during the development of the software.

The second customer in this is members of the agricultural community who will visit

the website for the end product. One would expect that the requirements of this

customer have already been met in the design of the website, which already exists.

Therefore, these requirements are not of concern to this project.

2.3.3. Environmental Constraints

While it might seem likely that any system will require some human

involvement, that is not a major concern in this project. The system is designed to

operate with minimal human interaction. The system operates in a linear fashion with

no major decision making. Both ends of the line are other systems, instead of being

humans. One end is the NWS servers, from which data is automatically retrieved.

The other end is the GIS software, which is also automated. Keeping this in mind,

human involvement is not a major concern in this project.

One obvious goal of this project is to produce quality data. The major factor in

determining the quality of the data is the quality of the data actually collected by the

radar. If the radar malfunctions and subsequently collects poor data, then there is no

way this product will produce good data. If the radar is producing good data, which

hopefully it is, then the quality of the data produced by the software will also be

good. One would hope the NWS maintains their radars well, and that it is reasonable

to expect quality data as output from this product.

Reliability is a major goal of this product. It is important that data be

processed in a timely fashion. Furthermore, it is important that this system require

little if any maintenance and human involvement. A major threat to reliability is

potential changes to the format in which level III data is disseminated. If this is

changed, and the NWS does make periodic modifications to the format, it may also

break the software which interprets and converts the data. This will adversely affect

reliability and cannot be easily accounted for when planning this project except to

make the source well commented so it can be modified as necessary with as little

difficulty as possible.

There are few if any safety issues involved in operating this system.

Therefore, it is not a major concern when developing this product.

2.3.4. System Components

As described previously, there are a few major components to this system

which operate in a linear fashion. This means that when one portion of the system

completes its task, the data is merely passed along to the next component. There

are no major decisions to be made in the operation of the system.

The first component of the system will retrieve data from NWS servers as

necessary and as is available. This component must retrieve the correct data files

from the servers, as many are available at a time. In excess of 200 files are usually

available of a level III product for a given radar. That means that many thousands of

data files are available from NWS servers at any given time. The correct one must

be selected. Also, the downloading of data must not place unnecessary load on the

University network connection or on NWS servers. NWS servers are not particularly

fast and the component must consume as few resources as possible so the access

of others to the data is not negatively impacted. Furthermore, if this component

malfunctions, it could lead to the NWS banning the computer's IP from accessing

the server. Also, it is entirely possible that radar data may not be available for

significant lengths of time due to outages or other reasons. This component must

detect this and behave in a sane way which enables the rest of the system to

correctly function.

Once this step is complete, the data is passed to a decoder. This component

must decode the level III data and convert it to a format which can be understood by

GIS software. The major requirement for this component is that it must correctly

decode the data according to the standard for storing level III data. Unfortunately,

the standard for level III data is vague and not particularly well documented.

Therefore, some care must be taken and there must be rigorous testing to ensure

that data is decoded correctly.

The third component of this data is responsible for the transmission of this

data to the computer with GIS software. This component must transmit the

converted data when it is available and must deliver the data in a timely fashion.

This must deliver the correct data and ensure that the computer with GIS software

correctly receives the data. Should either computer fail, this component should

behave in a reasonable way and not cause harm.

The fourth component of this data is the GIS system which takes the data and

displays it within a website upon request. This component is already developed and

is not within the scope of this project. While there are some obvious requirements of

this component, both in the resources required and in the website produced, it is not

within the scope of this project to modify this component or specify requirements.

2.3.5. Software Interfaces and Libraries

There are two major interfaces in this software. One is the interface with the

NWS servers and the requirements for this interface have already been specified.

The other interface is responsible for delivering the converted data to the GIS

system. The requirements for this interface have already been specified.

The main requirements for these components is that when one fails, the rest

of the system behaves in a reasonable way and does not cause damage. If possible,

the rest of the system must continue to function. If it is not possible, the rest of the

system must be ready to function as soon as the failing component becomes

available once again.

It is likely that only one external software library will be used in this system.

That library is for creating a shapefile, or possibly a file of another GIS format. These

libraries should be free and open source. If a shapefile is the format chosen for the

output of data, there is already an existing library called shapefile. This library has an

interface from C and is free and open source. This makes it a good choice for this


2.3.6. Communication Interfaces

The likely communication interfaces in this project are the various network

links. One interface is an external network interface for downloading level III data

from NWS servers. This network link is already available from the University. The

other interface will be across the University network for the purpose of sending data

from the server responsible for converting the data to the server responsible for

displaying the data. Once again, this network link is already available and need not

be a concern of this project.

2.3.7. Hardware Interfaces

The scope of this project does not involve hardware. Therefore, it is not a

concern of this project and requirements will not be specified.

2.3.8. Software Maintenance, Life Cycle and Support

Clearly, this project will need to be maintained as the NWS makes changes to

the format in which they distribute radar data. Unfortunately, the NWS does not

make these updates on a regular basis and may not make the specifications on the

changes easily available. Furthermore, as bugs are found, these will need to be

fixed if they are critical. A major part of this maintenance is to make the code easily

understandable by programmers in the future who may be responsible for the

software. This may be accomplished by properly commenting the code and by

organizing the code in a way so that functions and functionality can be easily found

by someone examining the source.

Also, a goal of this project is to make the code reasonably portable so that it

can run on newer hardware when it is time for an upgrade. This will extend the

lifecycle of the software beyond current hardware and allow it to be implemented on

other machines if necessary.

While it is likely that this software will eventually need to be replaced or

rewritten, it will be designed with an architecture that will extend its life as long as

possible. By using modules to load and export the data, there may be new

applications to this software that have not been envisioned at the time of this writing.

2.4. Performance Requirements

The performance requirements for this system are not particularly strict. Since

the precipitation estimates are hourly and new data will only be input every hour, it

isn't a major problem if the efficiency isn't particularly great. On the other hand, the

software should still run reasonably well because other software may be running on

the same machine along with it. Considering that level III data is not particularly

large, because of the lack of many elevation angles, the memory requirements of

the program should be relatively low. For example, it is acceptable to use a few

megabytes, but not more than that.

2.5. Resource Requirements

Due to work on various prototypes, the format for level III data has been

deciphered well enough. This will greatly reduce the time required to develop this

product. A significant amount of time may be needed to test out data and verify it

against images produced by the NWS. It is impossible to know how long this will

take because of the inability to accurately forecast the weather far in advance. A few

weeks of verification may be enough to be reasonably certain that the system

functions correctly.

The system should process data within a few minutes of becoming available

and should run on rather modest hardware. That is to say that any computer made

within the last several years should be able to run the decoding software with little


2.6. Evaluation Metrics

A number of evaluation metrics are possible to determine the level of success

of this project and the quality of the system. One obvious metric is the accuracy of

the data produced. Perhaps a mean squared error of rainfall totals compared

against actual rain gauges would be a good measure of this. It is also worth

measuring the efficiency of the software by measuring both the time required to

decode a radar data file and the amount of memory required. Execution time is

dependent on hardware, however, and therefore may not be a good metric. Another

evaluation criteria is how well bandwidth and storage are utilized. Perhaps

measuring how efficiently data is stored, such as a measure of the amount of bytes

required to store data for a square kilometer, would be a reasonable evaluation


2.7. Alternative Solutions

There are many possible alternative solutions to produce similar data that

were considered during the design of this project. Some of these will be described

here along with the reasons the were not chosen.

One potential solution suggested was to decode level II radar data instead of

using level III data. This would allow for greater resolution and precision than is

possible with the level III data. Unfortunately, processing this data to produce a

useful product is a complex and difficult task that would take much more time to

develop than is desired. Furthermore, such an algorithm already is in use to produce

level III data. And the processing requirements to produce a precipitation estimate

from level II data are much greater than the requirements to decode level III data.

Therefore, while this is an attractive solution, it is not the best solution given the time

constraints under which this system is being developed.

There are methods available for using rain gauge data, instead of radar data,

to construct a precipitation estimate. The methods involved, however, are based on

purely mathematical ideas and the interpolation of data does not take into account

the behavior of the atmosphere. While this method uses actual ground truth data in

addition to radar data, it is not a good solution for producing accurate data.

Therefore this method is unsuitable.

There are two types of level III data that were considered for providing this

precipitation estimate. One is the hourly digital precipitation array which is in a

gridded format and has greater precision but lesser resolution than the other

product. The second product is a one hour precipitation estimate that is provided as

radial data. The precision on this product is much lower but the resolution is better.

There is a tradeoff between the resolution and precision when choosing between the

two data formats.

Another option which is very attractive but was not chosen was actually

described in the background literature for this project. Rain gauge data can be used

to calibrate the radar estimates. Incorporating ground truth data with radar data is

probably the best way to achieve accurate results while also maintaining the

resolution that radar provides. This requires, however, a significant effort and

amount of time to accurately calibrate the radar estimate of rainfall. Also, it would

require significantly more resources than just using level III data alone. While this

solution is very attractive and was considered, it could not be done within the

constraints of this project. It is a possible opportunity, however, for future

improvement of this system.

3. Design Specifications

3.1. Introduction

In this section of the report, you will be presented with a basic description of

the design for the project. Some factors outside this project strongly influenced the

design of the prototypes, and those factors will also be discussed.

3.2. Basic System Design

The goal of this project is to develop a system to automatically retrieve level

III radar data from National Weather Service (NWS) servers, decode and convert the

data to a format usable by GIS software, and upload the data to a computer which

has GIS software installed on it. Based on this description, the system can be

broken down into three obvious modules. The first module is responsible for

downloading the correct files from NWS servers. The second module does the

decoding and converting of data to an appropriate format. The third module is

responsible for uploading the data to a computer with GIS software.

While the first and third modules can be written as simple scripts, the second

module is significantly more complicated. Considering this, it is reasonable to break

the module down into smaller modules. The first of these smaller modules is a

decoder of the level III data formats. The second module is responsible for

converting radial data into gridded data, if necessary, and then choosing an output

format. The third module converts the gridded data into another format, such as a

shapefile or a graphical representation of the data.

3.3. Data Requirements

Data is supplied to the system from NWS servers. When downloaded, the

data is in a rather obscure format and is referred to as level III data. Internally, the

system converts the data into a raw gridded format. For output, the data can be

represented in a raw format, in a shapefile, or in a graphical format such as PNG.

There are no major requirements for I/O. As long as a network connection is

present to transfer the data from NWS servers and then to servers with GIS software

installed, the requirements for I/O have been met. The network infrastructure

required for this project is already in place.

No storage or archiving of data is performed by this system. Once data has

been decoded and converted, it is no longer needed by the system.

The most important requirement in terms of data is an accurate description of

the file format used to store level III data. There are several headers included before

the data, and the data is run length coded.

It is also worth noting that there are several types of level III data. These vary

depending on whether the data is in a gridded or radial organization and on the

number of levels in the data. For example, products with 256 levels of precision are

stored differently than products with 16 levels of precision. Depending on the type of

level III data, the same location in the header often has a different meaning. This

further complicates the decoding of level III data. The major difficulty in this project is

in decoding the input, and not in producing the output.

3.4. Software Design

In this section, a couple of diagrams showing the basic structure of the

system will be presented. An outline of the algorithms used to actually decode the

radar data are also included.

The first image presented describes the organization of the system as a

whole. It is a data flow diagram.

This diagram shows that data is downloaded from an NWS ftp server from

which the data is freely available. After this, the data is passed to the decoder

module. This module is responsible for decoding the level III data and producing one

or more representations of the data in a more useful format. The third module is

responsible for uploading the converted data to a computer which has GIS software.

The first and third modules can be developed using simple scripts or even

existing software. Keeping this in mind, they are not described in detail. The second

module, however, merits greater detail. This is due to its greater complexity and that

the task is more obscure than the tasks which the first and third modules are

expected to perform. Like the first diagram showing the entire system, the second

module, which is responsible for the decoding and conversion of data, is presented

as a data flow diagram.

This module shows the interaction with the first and the third module. Most

importantly, however, it shows the internals of the first module in a very simplified

form. Despite the simplified format in which this is represented, it does a good job of

showing the organization of the second module as a whole. Like the system itself,

the module executes in a linear fashion. That is to say that one part of the module

relies on data from the previous part of the module and one part of the module

cannot execute unless all the previous parts have completed.

The module begins its operation by reading in the header and determining

whether or not the data file is in the correct format. Many data values, including

thresholds, can be extracted from the header. This is the first step and isn't complex

at all. Also, the number of radials and the number of range gates in each radial

should be extracted from the header at this point.

After this, the data can now be extracted from the file. The data is organized

into radials. Each radial is run length coded, but different radials are not run length

coded together. Therefore, a loop can be created to iterate through the radials and

then decode each radial into an array. Reasonable pseudocode for this is presented

to show better the algorithm.

for current_radial = 0 to number_of_radials

current_location_in_radial = 0

for current_run = 0 to number_of_runs / 2

for current_run_location = 0 to current_run_length

decoded_data[current_radial][current_location_in_radial] =


current_location_in_radial = current_location_in_radial + 1;




At this point, we have an array of decoded data. It is a two dimensional array,

but is in a radial format. The best format for which to display the data is in a gridded

format. Therefore, a conversion must be performed. A grid is allocated and the

center is determined. From there, each point on the grid is matched up with a point

in a radial. The distance from the center is determined using the distance formula.

The angle can be determined using simple inverse trigonometric functions. At this

point, the distance and angle can be rounded to pick out a point within the radial

data. Any points which cannot be matched up with a nearby radial are set to a

sentinel value to indicate they are outside the range of the radar and do not have

any meaningful value.

It is worth noting that some points in the radial data may never be matched up

with points on the grid. Also, the points in the radial data may be matched up with

several points on the grid. This cannot be avoided. No averaging is performed

because it would greatly increase the complexity of the algorithm while providing

little if any benefit to the quality of data that has been collected. It is very

questionable if not unlikely that averaging of the data would provide any greater

precision than already exists in the data set.

This algorithm to convert radial data onto a cartesian grid necessarily uses

nested loops. Furthermore, it can be rather resource intensive, particularly in terms

of the computation required. While there are many possible optimizations which

could greatly increase the speed at which this operates, they are unnecessary for

this project.

Finally, this gridded data can be exported. This is simply done with a series of

nested loops. Two loops are required, each iterating along one of the axes.

Pseudocode is not shown because this step largely depends on the output format

which has been chosen.

Whether the format is a PNG or a shapefile, an external library is required at

this point. If the data is simply being exported to a text file, however, there is no need

for any external library. Again, this depends on the format of output which has been


Lastly, it is worth mentioning that the decoding of the data may be different if

there is a different input format. Also, in some cases the step of converting radial

data to fit on a cartesian grid may be omitted. This would occur if the data is

provided in a gridded format instead of a radial format. This is true for the digital

precipitation array, which received strong consideration for use in this system. Had

this format been chosen, the system would be greatly simplified and at least one of

the steps mentioned above would have been unnecessary.

3.5. Testing Methods

The first part of testing is to verify that the decoded data is reasonable. If data

is decoded incorrectly, it is easy to generate results that make no sense. For

example, it is not reasonable to obtain results indicating that 30 inches of rain fell in

an hour. The most obvious test is just a sanity check to verify that the data is


Following the sanity check, the second stage of testing is to check the

decoded data against other decoded data that is known to be correct. The NWS

generates images depicting precipitation estimates. The system is also capable of

producing PNG images of the decoded data. Comparing images produced by the

system against images produced by the NWS is the best way of verifying that the

data is decoded correctly.

To verify that data has been correctly stored in a shapefile, the same process

can be used. GIS software is capable of visualizing data formats such as shapefiles.

These images should be compared against images produced by the NWS.

Once these checks are performed, it is reasonably safe to assume that the

data is being decoded and converted correctly.

It is not sufficient to test this with a single case or even just a few cases.

Instead, data from multiple radars and obtained at different times should be tested.

Only after many cases have been tested is it safe to assume that the system works

as it should.

Actual decoded data in a numeric format is not readily available from the

NWS. As a result, it is necessary to visually verify that the level III data has been

correctly decoded. While this is less accurate than other methods, it is much easier

and much more feasible.

3.6. Scheduling

Many projects are completed by groups, instead of by individuals, and

therefore they rely on protocols for communication and a scheduling of what all

members of the group are expected to be working on. Due to this project being

completed individually, much less planning in these areas was necessary. Instead,

the main goal of this project was to demonstrate continuous project towards the end

goal of a finished product. It is not easy to estimate how long tasks such as reverse

engineering a poorly documented file format will require. Instead, the goal of this

project was to demonstrate significant progress each week in the form of a new


3.7. System Implementation

The system was developed using C and compiled in a cygwin environment

using gcc. Due to the nature of the cygwin environment, it is reasonable to expect

that the system can easily be ported to run in similar environments such as on Linux

or FreeBSD. While there is a significant amount of text which is dumped to stdout,

other methods of output were used. The most important other means of outputting

data was to create a PNG file using libpng.

Plans were made to use shapelib to create a shapefile from the radar data.

Unfortunately, this functionality was not completed. Instead, however, using a more

manual process, the raw data may be converted to a shapefile. While it is certainly

not difficult, the current process of creating a shapefile does not meet the initial

criteria of developing a system which fully automates the conversion of radar data.

The system currently operates by decoding level III radar data, although it

could be modified to accept other forms of radar data. Many types of radar data

were evaluated and a one hour precipitation estimate, in the form of radial data, was

chosen for the product.

The decoder operates by preparing a large array for radial data and

populating the array with precipitation estimates. After this, a cartesian grid is

prepared and for each point along the grid, the closest actual data point is selected.

No averaging is performed.

As a result, we obtain a reasonable approximation of the original data, but

plotted on a cartesian grid. The original data only provides a range of possible

values and is not particularly accurate. Keeping this in mind, any additional loss of

accuracy is minor, considering the limitations of the existing data set.

3.8. System Testing

To test the output of the system, two methods were used. The first method

was to output the raw data to a text file and examine the file to check that the values

were reasonable. Many cases of this were tried and in all cases, the values

produced were reasonable values.

The second method was a comparison against precipitation estimate images

prepared by the NWS. When compared, the precipitation estimates appeared

reasonable and very similar to the NWS images. Several cases spanning several

hours and generated by several radar sites were used in the testing of this system.

Sites included in the verification process include Pleasant Hill, Saint Louis,

Montgomery (AL), Melbourne (FL), Topeka, and Wichita. Several events were used

on multiple days. Rainfall estimates from events producing both light and heavy

precipitation were used in the testing process.

At this point, it is reasonably certain that the decoder functions properly and

produces correct output. Furthermore, this testing also verifies the algorithms used

to convert from polar to cartesian coordinates and to produce graphical

representations of the data.

4. Technical Report

4.1. Introduction

While the project did not meet the initial goals, a lot of goals were

accomplished. Also, some surprising benefits from this project were realized. These

will be discussed in these concluding remarks, in addition to a description of the

goals that were met and some potential future work to improve the software which

was developed.

4.2. Execution

The programs are designed to be executed within the cygwin environment

and from the command line. No graphical user interface is supplied since is it

unnecessary and does not contribute to the usability of the software. Furthermore,

providing a GUI is contrary to the goal of automating the system.

The program, since it is a prototype for the final project, has the name

test.exe in a cygwin environment. Obviously, this may be renamed to a more

descriptive name if necessary. The final prototype accepts one hour precipitation

radial data and produces two forms of output. One is a textual representation of the

decoded data. The second form of output is a PNG file which visually shows the

data which has been decoded. The file, test.exe, may be executed in a cygwin

environment using the following syntax:

./test.exe inputfile outputfile pngfile

Furthermore, some help is provided and this same information is displayed

when test.exe is run without any arguments.

This program, while it can be run easily from the command line, is designed

for integration with other software which runs automatically. It is best suited for batch

processing where little or no interaction with operators is required. This is the

intended environment in which this software will be deployed.

The input file is a level III data file. The output file is the name of the file in

which the textual output will be written to. The PNG file is the name of the file to

which the image representation of the data will be written to. Executing the program

is reasonably obvious and requires no further user interaction. There are no prompts

for data and no choices for the user to make.

Once complete, the text file may be viewed in any text editor. This includes

common editors such as vi or notepad. The PNG file may be viewed from any image

viewer or browser which supports the PNG format. Given the wide support for the

format, it is of little or no concern that some people might not be able to view the

image files.

Screenshots are not included because the software executes from the

command line. Examples of output are not included here because many samples

are provided in the files included with the project. There is no graphical interface

from which to operate this product, and therefore there is no need to attempt to

show these as part of the report.

4.3. Prototypes

In this discussion, the prototyping process used in developing this project will

be discussed. Hopefully it will provide a better insight into the development process

used during this project.

The early prototypes were only concerned with decoding the digital

precipitation array. The earliest prototype did not produce any kind of graphical

representation of the data but merely dumped the data to a text file. This was used

to verify that the data being output was reasonable. The prototype was coded

quickly and everything was dumped into the main function because the goal was to

reverse engineer the level III file format. This influenced later prototypes which were

based around the same code. The plan was to rewrite the code to incorporate better

software engineering techniques. Unfortunately the new codebase never reached a

reasonable quality. Therefore, all prototypes that were developed are based on this

older codebase.

Following this, an effort was made to modify the codebase to decode radial

data instead of the digital precipitation array. The initial incarnation of this prototype

merely decoded radial data and outputted every radial. Shortly after, a method for

converting the radial data to an approximation which fits on a cartesian grid was

added. This defines the second major prototype.

The next major prototype involved adding a graphical representation of the

data to the codebase. The images were output in the PNG format because libpng

was available and some documentation for the library was easily found by using

Google. This prototype merely had some extra code stuck onto the end of the

previous prototype.

The fourth major prototype fixed some major bugs with earlier prototypes.

While the earlier prototypes correctly decoded precipitation estimates, they only

worked with a special case of level III data. Since the precipitation estimates were

processed and generated by NWS computers, they could be expected to meet

certain standards. Other forms of radial data such as base reflectivity retained many

of the characteristics of raw data. A quick test of a base reflectivity image revealed

that data was not being decoded correctly because of varying widths and starting

points of radials. This was corrected in the fourth prototype so all radial data is

correctly decoded.

Output from later prototypes, in a graphical format, was compared against

data generated by the NWS to verify its accuracy and correctness.

The sum of this development is that the first prototype is useful in decoding

the digital precipitation array data. This is the only prototype which deals with the

digital precipitation array and works reasonably well. The fourth prototype is used for

correctly decoding all radial data. These two prototypes form the second module at

this time.

Multiple iterations of the development cycle were used in this process. This

involved consulting with Dr. Fox and Chris Barnett to verify that the data was being

decoded correctly. At times, changes in the requirements by Chris Barnett affected

the direction of the project and the prototypes. For example, his desire to use radial

data instead of the digital precipitation array led to the development of the second,

third, and fourth prototypes. This briefly explains the design process and the various

iterations that were performed in the development of this module.

4.4. Conclusions and Discussion

At first glance, it might seem like this project is a failure. Keeping in mind that

the system is hardly automated and far from being complete, it's hard to see the

project as being a success. This couldn't be farther from the truth.

As I've stated many times, the format used to distribute level III data is

sparsely documented. A file is available from the National Climatic Data Center

(NCDC) describing the format of level III data files. After reading this file, however, I

was left with as many questions as answers. In some areas, it is vague. In others, it

seems to completely omit information. While it is a good starting point, it does not, in

my opinion, provide the necessary information to create a complete decoder for level

III data.

Few software products are available for decoding level III data. While level III

data is used to generate images for many websites, the decoders are proprietary.

The free products I found for decoding the data were very limited and were

unsuitable for the project.

Keeping this in mind, partially documenting the format in which level III data is

distributed is a major success of this project. Furthermore, source code is included

for decoding the data, and the source is reasonably simple. It should be possible to

create derivative works based on this data to decode other level III data files and

produce other outputs.

I had the pleasure of working with a graduate student, Steve Lack, in the

atmospheric science department. His goal was to develop a nowcasting scheme.

One of my projects while working for him was to use the Radar Software Library

(RSL) software to decode level II data and output it in a form which is useful to him.

This data is in a radial form, which was not useful to any of his software. Source

code was copied directly from my project and inserted into his project for converting

data from a radial form to a gridded form. Furthermore, to assist him in visualizing

the data, I provided my source code for generating PNG images. While the data

source is different, parts of my project have already been useful in unexpected


Because of the unexpected usefulness of my project and the goals which

have been accomplished, I see my project as being very successful already. I will

continue to develop the system and I plan to meet the stated goals of my project. I

hope that these goals are realized, in addition to the unexpected applications of my


5. Future Work

While this project, once complete, will produce a working system that

hopefully performs its intended function well, there is much room for further

improvement. Some of these possible improvements will be discussed here.

One of the most obvious issues with producing a precipitation estimate for the

entire state of Missouri is the poor radar coverage in some parts of the state. Most

notably, north central Missouri receives poor coverage from multiple radars. North of

Columbia, the area is covered by the extreme ranges of the radars in Pleasant Hill,

Saint Louis, and Des Moines. There are multiple ways in which this could be

improved, although some of these are beyond the control of this project.

An obvious way of obtaining better radar data is if the NWS places a radar in

north central Missouri. While this is not expected to happen anytime soon, there has

been talk of a radar being placed in the Macon area. Should such a radar be added,

it could greatly improve the coverage in north central Missouri. It is important, when

estimating precipitation, to use data from as close to the ground as possible. Even at

the lowest elevation angle, the radar is scanning over 10,000 feet above the ground

in some areas of north central Missouri. This improvement is beyond the scope of

this project.

One more feasible way of obtaining better data in northern Missouri is to use

data from some of the less powerful radars in the area. For example, many

television stations operate their own radars. Data from these radars could be

processed to create precipitation estimates for the region. It is possible that this data

could be better than the data provided by the distant WSR-88D radars.

Unfortunately, such an improvement would also pose quite a challenge. It may be a

challenge to gain access to the radar data obtained by television stations. Also, an

algorithm will need to be designed for interpreting the data from the radar. This will

take significant time to develop and test. Similar algorithms are implemented by the

NWS, however many of these steps will need to be repeated when dealing with a

new radar. Furthermore, there may be issues in the quality of data obtained from the


While the product chosen for precipitation estimates may provide good

enough data for many or most cases, the one hour precipitation estimate is not the

best estimate available. Instead, a product called the digital precipitation array is

available and provides significantly better precision at the slight expense of

resolution. The digital precipitation array is one of the most feasible and beneficial

improvements that could be made to this system.

Also, while radar data may provide a good estimate of precipitation in many

cases, it is not a perfect estimate. Better data is available, particularly from rain

gauges. Unfortunately, rain gauges are not distributed well and do not provide good

resolution. It is possible, however, to use rain gauge data to calibrate the rainfall

estimates made by radar. This is a possible enhancement to the product, and was

actually designed for use within the WSR-88D algorithm for estimating precipitation.

Papers have already been written on this subject and one was described in the

literature survey earlier in this report.

Certainly there are other possible enhancements to this product. The use of

other radars, including those in Topeka, Evansville, Lincoln (IL), and Fort Smith were

discussed. Once the system is implemented to download and convert data from one

radar site, it is easy to add other radar sites. It would be very feasible, if enough

bandwidth is available, to obtain data for the entire United States. While this is

beyond the scope of this project, it is certainly a possible enhancement.

Another enhancement discussed was the possibility of obtaining the raw level

II data and designing an algorithm for estimating precipitation. While this is certainly

possible, it many not be worth the effort. This is particularly true because the NWS

has developed a reasonably good algorithm for estimating precipitation and provides

the output to the public free of charge. This enhancement may, however, provide

more room for tweaking the algorithm to provide better estimates of precipitation.

These are just a few of the possible improvements and extensions that could

be added to this project. As described earlier in this report, there are many possible

uses and improvements of this project which have not yet been envisioned. It is

impossible to list all the possible future work which could be done on this project.

6. Licensing

During the development of my project, I caused a bit of controversy by my

decision to not release my software under an open source license. I suppose that

my decision could be seen as arrogant and in opposition to my previously stated

views supporting the free and open exchange of ideas. While I can see how my

decision might be viewed in this light, I feel that my decision is the most ethical

choice and is the only one consistent with my beliefs supporting the free and open

exchange of ideas when possible.

To understand my opinions, a bit of background knowledge is required. Since

the early 1990s, the National Weather Service (NWS) was restricted in what

services it could provide. This policy recently expired, and in compliance with an

Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regulation the NWS decided to

discontinue its adherence to the terms of the expired policy and freely distribute its

products whenever possible. This has led to much weather data being made freely

available on the internet in easily accessible formats such as XML.

The NWS has been very successful in following its core mission of protecting

life and property. In my opinion, NOAA, under which the NWS operates, is an

example of a well-run and successful government agency. Furthermore, the NWS is

constantly in the process of researching meteorology and new technologies to better

predict the weather for the purpose of better serving the public. While many

government agencies seem to provide little benefit to the public, the influence of

NOAA and the NWS are apparent to me constantly. Releasing more data in a free

and open format is just another step to better serving the public.

While one would expect the public to be supportive of the decision to release

data in a free and open format, there is a very vocal group opposing this. The private

weather industry has spoken out against this new NWS policy. While they claim the

NWS has more important tasks than disseminating data to the public, it becomes

apparent that their real motives are to protect their profits and take over part of the

role the government has assumed in the meteorological community. I will present a

few of their arguments and explain why they are fallacious and untruthful.

The private weather industry claims that much of the efforts of the NWS is

spent producing forecasts of warm and sunny weather and neglects the tasks of

warning the public of emergencies. Private industry claims that the NWS would

better serve the public by delegating the tasks to companies of distributing data and

preparing most forecasts. They argue that the NWS could then concentrate on

warning the public of dangerous weather phenomena. It has gone far enough that

Rick Santorum, a Republican senator from Pennsylvania, has introduced a bill to the

Senate to force the NWS to cease many of their tasks and delegate them to private

industry. One of the decisions was to greatly restrict what data the NWS is allowed

to disseminate. Senator Santorum claims his bill will modernize the NWS.

While it might sound like a reasonable goal, it is based around lies. The NWS

delegates sections of the nation to various weather forecast offices (WFOs) which

are tasked with small areas of the United States. Each WFO generally prepares

forecasts twice daily. Both short range and medium range forecasts are prepared at

these times. Forecasts are issued at other times when significant weather is

expected such as thunderstorms. This is referred to as nowcasting. While I cannot

be certain of this, I expect that in most areas, a large majority of the time spent

forecasting is spent on nowcasting. Furthermore, to identify possible hazards in the

future, the NWS forecast offices should prepare short and medium range forecasts

at all times, anyway. It is in the best interests of the public if, for example, a severe

weather outbreak can be predicted several days before the outbreak actually occurs.

This can only be done by preparing short and medium range forecasts even when

significant weather is not imminent. Therefore to properly serve the public, it will be

necessary to spend the time to prepare the forecasts of warm and sunny weather


The NWS does not just rely on individual WFOs to forecast significant

weather. Instead, there are offices tasked specifically with the purposes of

forecasting phenomena such as severe weather or hurricanes. The Storm Prediction

Center (SPC) cooperates with individual WFOs to forecast severe weather. The

National Hurricane Center (NHC) monitors the tropics for potential threats. While

these offices to distribute small amounts of meteorological data to the public, they

concentrate mostly on forecasting and warning the public of potential threats.

In the event of severe weather, the SPC issues watches and attempts to

inform the public when a significant severe weather threat is present. Individual

WFOs monitor their designated areas and issue warnings as necessary. When

severe weather threatens, the SPC and the appropriate WFOs concentrate on

nowcasting and alerting the public of imminent threats.

Keeping these ideas in mind, it is very clear to me that the NWS is not

distracted from their primary mission of protecting the public. Disseminating data and

producing the forecasts of warm and sunny weather is a necessary part of their

mission. Furthermore, distributing meteorological data to the public freely is very

beneficial to the mission of the NWS to protect life and property.

At this point, it is worth mentioning that I am a storm spotter. This means I

have been trained to recognize severe weather and report certain phenomena to the

NWS to assist them in issuing warnings. Furthermore, I am associated with Mizzou's

storm chase team. The primary mission of the storm chase team is to spot severe

weather and notify the appropriate authorities so that the public can be protected. I

rely on freely available weather data to help me identify when severe weather is in

the area. Furthermore, I am able to use this data to ensure that I can stay safe while

performing my tasks as a spotter and as a member of Mizzou's storm chase team.

Without the freely available weather data from the NWS, I would be far more

reluctant to engage in these activities out of concern for my safety.

There is no technology available to allow the NWS to remotely identify

hazards such as hail, high winds, or tornadoes. While they have a plethora of tools

that can be used to suggest to a forecaster where severe weather is occurring, the

NWS still relies greatly on spotters to provide ground truth data. I guarantee that I

am not the only spotter who would cease many of these activities out of concern for

personal safety if NWS data was not freely available. I certainly wouldn't pay

someone to get data so I can help serve the public. Without good radar data, such

as what is available from the NWS, I would not put my safety at risk to do something

such as attempting to spot a tornado. I use the available data to assist me in

identifying possible weather threats and in staying safe. Furthermore, I've already

paid for this data through my tax dollars. I shouldn't have to pay twice for the

necessary data to assist in performing a public service.

If enough spotters cease their spotting activities, the NWS will experience a

drop in reports of severe weather. Their ability to warn the public of actual severe

weather will be diminished.

Private industry does not have the same mission of protecting the public that

the government has. One of the more recognizable weather companies is the

Weather Channel. Their greatest concerns are ratings and revenue. This became

apparent when many of their actual meteorologists lost their jobs. It's nice to have

good on-air personalities, but meteorologists are more important to actually

forecasting the weather. Furthermore, their forecasts are questionable. The Weather

Channel operates their own model. I've heard from other meteorologists that this

model provides poor solutions and is unreliable. The NWS has expended much

effort to create quality models. I don't trust the products provided by industry when

they are compared with the products provided by the NWS.

Considering these arguments, I am staunchly opposed to the efforts of the

private weather industry to restrict the NWS. While I am in favor of free and open

source software, I cannot accept that a product I create could be used by the same

private industry that seeks to unnecessarily restrict the activities of the NWS.

I have not found an abundance of precipitation estimates available online. It

would seem to me that there would be a market for a website providing customized

or local hydrologic forecasts above and beyond what is done by the NWS. Given the

potential market, a tool such as what I have produced could be very useful to

someone wishing to create a commercial website for this purpose. While it is not fair

to judge the entire private weather industry based on these concerns, I would prefer

that my product not be usable for these purposes.

Open source, by definition, requires that I place no restrictions on who may

use my software and for what purposes they may use it. On the other hand, I would

greatly prefer that my software not be available to distribute products commercially. I

am not totally opposed to commercial use of my product, however. I recognize that

many users of my product from the agricultural community will have commercial

interests. I do not wish to prevent them from using my product. They will likely use

the results of my product to protect their agricultural interests. This is consistent with

the goal of protecting life and property and is something I strongly support. I only

wish to prevent the use of my product by those who wish to restrict the operations of

the NWS. Keeping this in mind, however, I cannot release my software under an

open source license.

Hopefully this explains my reasons for not releasing my software freely. I

believe that the private weather industry will endanger the public in their attempts to

maximize profits. As a result, I do not want to release a product which could be used

by the private weather industry. While I do support the free and open exchange of

ideas, I feel that private industry threats exactly this in the meteorological

community. Furthermore, I feel the threat posed by the private weather industry is far

greater than any threat posed by software released under restrictive licenses.

7. References

Background Literature:

[1] Fulton, Richard A. et al, “The WSR-88D Rainfall Algorithm,” Weather &

Forecasting; Jun98, Vol. 13 Issue 2, p377, 19p

[2] Gourley, Jonathan J. and Calvert, Chris M., “Automated Detection of the Bright

Band Using WSR-88D Data,” Weather & Forecasting; Aug2003, Vol. 18 Issue 4,

p585, 15p

[3] Legates, David R., “Real-Time Calibration of Radar Precipitation Estimates,”

Professional Geographer; May2000, Vol. 52 Issue 2, p235, 12p, 2 graphs, 4c

[4] Brandes, Edward A., Vivekanandan, J., and Wilson, James W., “A Comparison of

Radar Reflectivity Estimates of Rainfall from Collocated Radars,” Journal of

Atmospheric & Oceanic Technology; Sep99, Vol. 16 Issue 9, p1264, 9p

[5] Klazura, Gerard E. et al, “A Comparison of NEXRAD WSR-88D Radar Estimates

of Rain Accumulation with Gauge Measurements for High- and Low-Reflectivity

Horizontal Gradient Precipitation Events,” Journal of Atmospheric & Oceanic

Technology; Nov99, Vol. 16 Issue 11, p1, 9p
