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Final report ThinkBike Toronto 2010

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ThinkBike Workshops A Dutch boost to Toronto’s bike-ability September 20-21, 2010 Sponsored by: City of Toronto The Royal Netherlands Embassy In co-operation with: Fietsberaad Internationaal
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ThinkBike Workshops A Dutch boost to Toronto’s bike-ability

September 20-21, 2010

Sponsored by: City of Toronto

The Royal Netherlands Embassy

In co-operation with: Fietsberaad Internationaal


Page 2: Final report ThinkBike Toronto 2010

Executive summary


Through a multi-city initiative called “ThinkBike Workshops”, the Royal Dutch Embassy in Washington, DC has invited Dutch experts of Fietsberaad International to visit Canadian and US cities to discuss possibilities for increased bicycle use. Fietsberaad is the Dutch centre of expertise on bicycle policy disseminating its knowledge and expertise abroad. The ThinkBike workshops bring together Dutch bike experts, local politicians, planners, advocates, engineers and business people in each city to plan and discuss how it can become more bike-friendly by applying aspects of the Dutch approach. Teams consisting of the Dutch experts and a mix of local experts convene for two days during which they will survey the cities by bike and discuss in workshop format how streets, intersections and whole neighborhoods can be improved for optimal bicycle use. Topics of discussion at the workshops will also include bike safety, bike commuting, biking to school, bike parking, bikes and public transport, law enforcement, etc. The workshops consist of a kick-off session, open to the general public, followed by the workshops behind closed doors and conclude with a closing session, also open to the public, where the recommendations will be presented by the teams.

Toronto was the first city to host the bike workshops – they took place on September 20 and 21, 2010. Chicago was the next stop for the bike experts, where the workshops took place on September 23 and 24.

In close cooperation with the City of Toronto, two teams (orange and blue) were formed that together with the Dutch experts addressed the following design assignments:

• Sherbourne Street Corridor – converting existing bikeways into physically separated bikeways (orange team)

• Developing a bikeway network in the downtown core, linking the city north of Queen Street to the Waterfront Trail (blue team)

• A long term strategy on promoting cycling as well as better marketing and communication on cycling.

During the workshops an exchange of views took place on bicycle policy applied in the various practical situations in Toronto with possible integration of Dutch ideas and best practices in the Toronto situation. Furthermore the philosophy and principles behind the Dutch approach to promote cycling and the possibilities to implement these elements in Toronto were discussed. A small


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group from both teams also looked into a long term strategy for Toronto incorporating Dutch methods of marketing and communication. Important conclusions were: The three corner stones of the Dutch philosophy towards bicycling can be easily implemented in Chicago Transport Planning

- Cycling is joy - Perceived safety is paramount; if people do not feel safe, they will not

cycle - A significant amount of cycling can only be achieved with a high quality

of infrastructure Other general conclusions were: - Bicycle planning has to be an integral part of any urban transport plan - When major developments are happening – like in downtown Toronto – this should be supported by an integral transport plan in which bicycle planning should be an important factor - Bicycle planning always leads to improvement of the quality of the public realm and the liveability of neighbourhoods - BIXI (public bike system) is a very good means to let people get acquainted with bicycling - Road categorization (some roads are more dedicated to cars others more to bikes) gives both bicyclists and cars better facilities - Identification is important for promoting cycling. Everybody cycles, just normal people like me and you - Individualized bicycle planning (Smart Travel Planning) is very helpful - Put extra effort in the bike-transit combination (esp. for suburbs) - Start young (bike education) - Transfer space for cars to bikes on stretches of road, which is no sacrifice for the car flow - Make provisions on intersections, like continued coloured bike lanes, levelled, bike lanes, bike boxes and bicycle traffic lights Special thanks to both Daniel Egan, manager of the cycle department of the city Toronto and Christine Bouchard who were instrumental in making the workshops successful. This report includes:

1. Outline and description of the workshops 2. Dutch approach to promote cycling 3. Results/observations/recommendations Toronto workshops 4. Appendix A: The design assignment of the teams


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5. Appendix B: Composition of the teams 6. Appendix C: The program 7. Appendix D: Media coverage 8. Appendix E: Final presentations

1. Outline and description of the workshops

This is the report resulting from the two days ThinkBike workshop in Toronto on September 20-21 2010. Objectives of the workshop were: a. An exchange of views on bicycle policy applied in a practical situation (corridor or area) in Toronto and possible integration of Dutch ideas and best practices in the Toronto situation; b. To disseminate the philosophy and principles behind the Dutch approach to promote cycling and the possibilities to implement elements of the same in Toronto; c. To discuss Dutch methods of marketing and communication and long term strategy as to bicycle promotion. Two teams have been working on a design assignment (the teams had different areas two work on). A small group with some members from both teams have been working on the long term strategy on promoting cycling and marketing and communication on cycling. This workshop has been carried out by Fietsberaad International and are part of a series of workshops that have been made possible by the Royal Dutch Embassy in Washington. Fietsberaad International is the Dutch centre to disseminate knowledge and expertise from the Netherlands about cycling policy abroad. We are very thankful to the City of Toronto and all people taking part in this workshop for being the first one to have this workshop and also for the way they organized it. Special thanks go to Daniel Egan, the manager of the cycle department of Toronto and Christine Bouchard for the way she organized everything to perfection. This report includes the following Appendices: Appendix A: The design assignment of the teams Appendix B: Composition of the teams Appendix C: The programme Appendix D: Media coverage Appendix E: (Parts of) The final presentations

2. The Dutch approach to promoting cycling The Netherlands is considered to be the world’s number 1 country in cycling: in modal share (27% of all trips are by bike), in quality and quantity of bicycle infrastructure as well as the way bicycle policy is integrated in transport policy. The Dutch Design Manual for bicycle traffic is the world’s leading manual for bicycle infrastructure. For a comprehensive picture of all aspects of the Dutch approach, visit the website www.fietsberaad.org where you can access the Design Manual as well as the publication: Cycling in the Netherlands.


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The Dutch philosophy towards bicycling consists of three corner stones:

- Cycling is joy - Perceived safety is paramount; if people do not feel safe, they will not cycle - A significant amount of cycling can only be achieved with a high quality of

infrastructure With these three goals in mind, designing bicycle infrastructure translates into the following basic approach: Road categorization It is important to designate certain roads to car traffic and discourage bicycle use. The high intensity of cars makes the perceived safety low. Other roads may be more suitable for bicycle routes. When possible: separated bicycle facilities are the best option This can be achieved by a totally separated bicycle infrastructure, but it can also be realised by a bicycle path separated from the car lane by for instance by a strip of grass or concrete. The problem with on-road bike lanes, especially the ones on the left side of parked cars, is that they do not feel safe. There is no protection from the fast-moving car traffic and there is a great risk of being doored. A better option is to have the bike facility on the right side of the parked cars, between the parking space and the sidewalk, so that the bicyclist is protected by the parked car. When only mixed traffic is possible: take extra measures Traffic calming is essential with mixed traffic (25 mph for cars), facilitated by speed bumps, chicanes etc. In residential areas it is possible to divert through traffic to the main roads, allowing only cars from residents and visitors in the area (for instance by creating detours for cars and not for bikes, allowing bikes to cross and cars not). When on an important bicycle link no separate bike facility can be realized, and a low intensity of cars needs to be allowed (e.g. for giving access to shops or houses) the solution could be to create a so-called fietsstraat, a road where cars have to give bikes right-of-way at all times and are not allowed to pass them. Make special provisions at intersections Special provisions at intersections could consist of:

- creation of tunnels and bridges under/over main highways create conflict free solutions

- mark bicycle path continuation at an intersection with a (coloured) elevated bicycle lane with extra signs

- bicycle traffic lights at all high intensity intersections - create bike boxes (coloured street sections for bicycles to stop in front of the cars at

traffic lights) which give bikes a jump start to prevent accidents from cars making a right turn.

Quality infrastructure


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Provide coloured pavement and use all kind of signs and infrastructural measurements to make the bike infrastructure recognizable and of high quality. In addition, parking facilities for bicycles should be of good quality and should either be guarded or provide possibilities to safely secure the bikes. Protect bicycles by law enforcement The legal system should protect the vulnerable road user. This means that car drivers should take full responsibility and have full liability when operating a vehicle that can cause danger and accidents. Car drivers should be aware that bicyclists sometimes make strange movements especially when children are involved. Furthermore, car drivers should be educated in driving while sharing the road with bicyclists in order to avoid accidents.

4. Results and observations of the workshop The concept of the ThinkBike workshops has worked really well. It has proved that is possible to implement the Dutch philosophy on bike promotion and the Dutch design principles in practical situations in Toronto. The composition of the teams with Dutch experts and local participants of a mixed background in two teams was very successful and the co-operation worked well. The final presentations provided the audience with perspectives on some new ideas for bicycling that may work for Toronto.

General Toronto is a city with quite good circumstances for cycling during the most part of the year. Only in the wintertime the cold and the snow makes cycling unattractive. Toronto is flat, densely populated and has a population that may be willing to take on cycling. And where in most other North-American cities cycling is done only by young athletic males, this is not the case in Toronto. All ages and both genders cycle, except the group of 12-18 years old. So it is easy for people to identify with somebody who cycles. In principle there are good possibilities to increase the current share of cycling for all trips from 2% to at least 10%. For American standards the cycle network in Toronto is extensive and of good quality. However, the infrastructure essentially only consists of bicycle lanes with no physical separation or protection for bicyclists from the fast moving car traffic. This makes cycling, especially for beginning cyclists, uncomfortable; it does not feel safe and is therefore unattractive. There is also a lack of signing and other provisions at intersections. There are lots of possibilities though. The grid network gives ample possibilities for road categorization and from a Dutch point of view there is enough space to provide safe bicycle routes. The launch of a public bike scheme (BIXI) enhances the opportunities for more cycling in Toronto. An expansion of BIXI in other parts of the city than just the downtown area would create an extra boost for biking. War on cars At the time of the workshops bicycling was a hot issue in the Toronto media. In anticipation of the mayoral elections on October 25, some politicians had declared a “war on cars”. They


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strongly opposed to the fact that car lanes were sacrificed to bike lanes which in their opinion had an ill effect on the flow of traffic. The Dutch experts and the Toronto team members concluded that this controversy was not supported by either traffic models or actual findings. Also, the capacity of the system is usually determined by the capacity of the parts with the lowest throughput: the intersections. Intersections usually have a capacity of less than 1 lane, which means that 1 car lane more or less will have no effect on the capacity of the system. Observations during the workshops The local team members appreciated the more integrated approach of the Dutch by not only focusing on bike lanes, but including other aspects as well, such as:

o What are the origins and the destinations of the bicyclists travelling to or through this area?

o Are the destinations interesting for cyclists to bike to? o What kind of people are travelling there? o Are there any future developments and do they include bicycling?

During the workshops it was discovered that by providing safe and quality bicycle solutions, it not only benefitted the bicyclists but it also improved the public realm and neighbourhood liveability. Focussing on these last two benefits may enhance the chances of getting a new bicycle infrastructure accepted by the residents in the community and the general public. There was great cooperation in the two teams and they were incredibly productive. The well-balanced composition of the teams greatly contributed to this fact. Long term and marketing strategies for Totonto For the long-term and marketing strategy workshop, a SWAT-analysis proved to be very supportive in producing a marketing approach for bicycle promotion as well as for finding ingredients for a long-term-strategy. Recommendations for the Toronto approach on bicycling For the long term strategy two major strengths, two weaknesses, two opportunities and two threats were identified. Strengths: People of all ages and genders are cycling in Toronto/there is a good cycling culture Weaknesses: Lack of funding and outdated design standards Opportunities: Launch of BIXI and the fact that all amenities (??) can be found on your way home – by bike Threats: - Suburban versus downtown perception of cycling

- Lack of appreciation of planning expertise Because of the variety in age and gender of the people who already cycle in Toronto, everyone can identify with people who bike. This is something the marketing plan could really build on. A film clip like the one used in the Netherlands (This is Amsterdam and this is my bike – http://www.bakfiets-en-meer.nl/2010/07/08/this-is-amsterdam-and-this-is-my-bike/would really work in Toronto: “This is Toronto, and this is my bike” would really work. The most important observation for a long term strategy is:



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Explanation: In downtown Toronto a lot of new developments are planned: businesses, shopping, houses. These new developments will surely create more traffic in downtown Toronto that already is faced with traffic congestion. To avoid continuous traffic jams, the transport plan should not only include transit options, but also contain solutions for more and better cycling infrastructure to stimulate this means of transportation which is space efficient, more sustainable and cleaner. In order to promote cycling in the long term, it was found to be paramount to focus on teaching children how to bike. This is key to attain a level where society really can benefit of all the advantages of cycling and increase the current trip share by bikes from the current 2% to 10%. So a bike-to-school and a bike education program is essential. Also cycling to shops and a GTA bike-transit policy integration should be a part of a new Toronto Bike Plan. What’s more: Cycling facilities should have a higher quality, should be more enjoyable, so also beginning cyclists feel safe. Including the essentials of the Dutch bicycle tools and philosophy mentioned earlier, would be beneficial. General recommendations from the design teams The combination of a neighbourhood plan, a street design, a cross section design and a Dutch reference situation provides a good picture of what the new bicycle situation could be. There should be more focus on the improvement of the public space and the liveability of the neighbourhood.

A neighbourhood plan 1

A neighbourhood plan 2


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Street design

Cross section

Dutch reference


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A. Recommendations Blue Team for developing a bikeway network in the downtown core, linking the city north of Queen Street to the Waterfront Trail The ThinkBike Team Blue produced a bike friendly network for Downtown west, limited by Spadina in the West, Bay in the East, Queens in the North and the Waterfront in the South. The recommendations provide safe bike routes, but also redefine the public space on several streets, turning the quieter streets as well as Wellington Street into “Green Streets”. Complete street designs were produced for the ‘Safe cycle routes’, with reference pictures of Dutch situations in order to show how the quality of the street could be improved. The streets chosen for these safe cycle routes were: Peter St. in the West, Sincoe in the East and Wellington to create an important East-West-corridor for bikes. Recommendations were made to redesign them Dutch style, which means:

• Coloured pavement on all bike lanes (preferably red) • Continuation of the coloured bike lanes on intersections • Create separate cycle facilities • Make bike boxes (designated areas at intersection before cars) on all intersections in

order to prevent cyclists being cut off by right-turning cars • Make bike lanes at the right side of parked cars in order to prevent ‘dooring’ and to

have cyclists protected by parked cars from traffic • Make safe bike routes recognizable by good signing (also by painting the name of the

route on the pavement) • Make physical separations between bike paths and traffic in the absence of parked cars • Make new solutions like a two-way bike path on the quiet side of the road.

Bikes are not excluded from any street, but streets with safe bike routes will provide a safer and more comfortable feeling in order to get people on their bikes who are not cycling yet. These safe bike routes have physical separation from the fast moving car traffic. People will feel more comfortable on these safe bike lanes than they would be pedaling in the heavy Torontonian traffic. This also represents the two corner stones of the Dutch philosophy towards cycling which are: “Joy” (people enjoy to cycle) and “Perceived Safety” (people won’t cycle unless they feel safe). In order not to sacrifice car capacity, other roads, like Queens, Richmond, Adelaide, Spadina and University, it was recommended to designate these for car traffic only.

B. Recommendations Orange Team regarding the Sherbourne Street Corridor – converting existing bikeways into physically separated bikeways The ThinkBike Team Orange made a carefully worked out design for Sherbourne Road, providing solutions that may be applied in parts of Sherbourne Road that will be reconstructed in the oncoming years. Special attention was given to make attractive accesses for cyclists to school zones, using results from the city of Utrecht (the Netherlands) school zones project.

5. The final presentations The teams presented the results in an exciting final event in El Mocambo.


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The presentations can be found on http://www.toronto.ca/cycling/thinkbike/index.htm. Parts of the presentation can be found in Appendix D


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ThinkBike Workshops A Dutch boost to Toronto’s bike-ability

September 20-21, 2010

Sponsored by: City of Toronto

The Royal Netherlands Embassy

In co-operation with: Fietsberaad Internationaal


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Study Area Team Orange: Sherbourne Street Corridor Converting existing bikeways into physically separated bikeways. Problem Statement: Explore solutions to convert the existing bicycle lanes along Sherbourne Street, from Queen’s Quay Boulevard to Elm Avenue, to a design that will provide a physical separation between bicycle lanes and the car traffic lanes. Explore design options for areas where other bicycle lanes intersect Sherbourne Street. Intersection designs will take into account existing on-street facilities, as well as physically separated design options for future development.

Study Area Team Blue: Developing the Bikeway Network in the Downtown Core Connecting downtown bikeways, identifying a preferred north-south connection Problem Statement: Evaluate route options and design concepts for completing the north-south bikeway connections into the downtown core, linking the city north of Queen Street to the Waterfront Trail. The study will focus on the area bordered by Queen Street (to the north), Queens Quay (to the south), Yonge Street (to the east) and Bathurst Street (to the west). Priority will be given to closing the gaps in the existing network, for instance by recommending to connect the existing bicycle lanes on Simcoe Street with those on Beverley Street by clear alignments.


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• Evaluation of route alignments • Selection of preferred routes • Identification of alternative road cross-sections


• The Toronto Bike Plan identified two central north-south connections between Queen’s Quay West and Queen Street, the first along Simcoe Street, the second along Blue Jays Way and Peter Street.

• Bicycle Lanes have been approved on Bay Street, from Queens Quay to Queen Street West.

• Public Works and Infrastructure Committee (PW35.17 - August 18, 2010) directed the General Manager, Transportation Services to report on completing the downtown Bikeway Network, including the following north-south connections:

o Bicycle lanes on Phoebe, Soho, Peter and Blue Jays Way from o Beverley Street to Bremner Boulevard; o Bicycle lanes on Dan Leckie Way/Portland Street and Portland Street from

Queens Quay to Queens Street West; o Connecting the Simcoe Street and Beverley-St. George bicycle lanes; and o Separating the Simcoe Street bicycle lanes from traffic with bollards and curbs.


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ThinkBike Workshops A Dutch boost to Toronto’s bike-ability

September 20-21, 2010

Sponsored by: City of Toronto

The Royal Netherlands Embassy

In co-operation with: Fietsberaad Internationaal


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Each team had nine to ten members consisting of two Dutch members and seven local members. The idea of this ‘mixed’ team idea is to encourage information sharing, relationship building, holistic problem solving and a spirit of cooperation. The composition of the teams was as follows: � Team Orange :

• Arjen Jaarsma (Sustainable Mobility Expert of Balancia, the Netherlands) • Ruud Ditewig (Traffic Consultant and Cycling Coordinator, Municipality Utrecht, the

Netherlands) • Lukasz Pawlowski (Senior Engineer, Cycling Infrastructure and Programs, City of

Toronto) • Saikat Basak (Engineer, Cycling Infrastructure and Programs, City of Toronto) • Jacqueline White (Manager of Traffic Operations, City of Toronto) • Willie Macrae (Planner, Community Planning, City of Toronto) • Paul Young (Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation) • Elana Horowitz (Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation) • Norma Moores (Senior Engineer, IBI Group)

� Team Blue : • Hans Voerknecht (Project manager Fietsberaad International, the Netherlands) • Martijn te Lintelo (Senior Mobility Consultant, Municipality Nijmegen, the Netherlands) • David Dunn (Engineer, Cycling Infrastructure and Programs, City of Toronto) • Jana Neumann (Bicycle Advisor, Cycling Infrastructure and Programs, City of Toronto) • Al Rezoski (Manager, Community Planning, City of Toronto) • Nigel Tahair (Senior Transportation Planner, Transportation Planning, City of Toronto) • Mark van Elsberg (Project Lead, Public Realm, City of Toronto) • Andrea Garcia (Toronto Cyclists Union) • Peter Heyblom (Landscape Architect, the Planning Partnership) • Neluka Leanage (Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation)

The Dutch and local team members represent diverse backgrounds, from city agencies to businesses, urban planning, bicycle advocacy group, etc. The members had in common that they share a passion for urban life and that they are excited about employing their unique talents, experience and perspective to come up with a successful plan for increasing bicycling use in Toronto.


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ThinkBike Workshops A Dutch boost to Toronto’s bike-ability

September 20-21, 2010

Sponsored by: City of Toronto

The Royal Netherlands Embassy

In co-operation with: Fietsberaad Internationaal


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Monday, September 20, 2010 9:00 - 11:00 AM Dutch Presentations (by invitation)

Metro Hall Room 310 Welcome by Daniel Egan, City of Toronto Welcome by the Dutch Consulate General Arjen Jaarsma: delegation leader, on advantages of mainstream cycling on society and the place of the bike in a sustainable transport system Hans Voerknecht: Dutch approach and philosophy towards cycling and cycling promotion Martijn te Lintelo: Integrated bicycle planning in the Dutch city of Nijmegen Ruud Ditewig: Cycling policy of a Dutch City applied in other countries Coffee served at 8:30 a.m. Daniel Egan, City of Toronto Objectives and expected delivrables of the workshop from the Toronto viewpoint

11:30 - 1:00 Team members get together over lunch to discuss problem statements for Toronto locations and background info

1:00 - 6:00 PM Teams explore Toronto locations by bike and regroup at Metro Hall to develop bikeway network and design solutions

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

9:00 - 12:00 Continue working on design solutions 12:00 - Noon Break for Lunch 1:00 - 3:00 PM Developing new cycling strategy, marketing and communications ideas for

increasing cycling in Toronto 3:00 - 5:30 PM Producing the final presentation 6:00 – 8:00 PM Presentation of ThinkBike Workshop results by each team

El Mocambo (public event)


Page 19: Final report ThinkBike Toronto 2010

ThinkBike Workshops A Dutch boost to Toronto’s bike-ability

September 20-21, 2010

Sponsored by: City of Toronto

The Royal Netherlands Embassy

In co-operation with: Fietsberaad Internationaal


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Radio Monday morning September 20

th at 7.15 : Hans Voerknecht interview on CBC-radio with

Matt Galloway show http://www.cbc.ca/metromorning/2010/09/think-bicycle.html This interview reached a lot of listeners in Toronto. Television On September 20

th a team of the French-language CBC joined the bicycle excursion; Hans

Voerknecht had interview with Felix-Brian Corriveau. No links found. Blogs http://www.416cyclestyle.com/2010/09/think-bike.html• I Bike To (ibiketo.ca) • Cycling Toronto (cyclingtoronto.blogspot.com) • Biking Toronto (bikintoronto.ca) amsterdamize.com/2010/09/16/thinkbike/ amsterdamize.com/2010/09/23/make-cyclists-not-war/ amsterdamize.com/2010/.../thinkbike-the-opening-ceremony/


Page 21: Final report ThinkBike Toronto 2010

ThinkBike Workshops A Dutch boost to Toronto’s bike-ability

September 20-21, 2010

Sponsored by: City of Toronto

The Royal Netherlands Embassy

In co-operation with: Fietsberaad Internationaal


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Marketing and long-term strategy team


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Strengths• All ages/groups/genders are bikers • Cycling culture• Grid network• Critical mass• Good destination for cycling• Progressive political culture• Bike Network• High transit use• Mild climate for Canada• Connected to everywhere• Multi cultural population• Young culture• Flat topography

Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto

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Weaknesses• Lack of funding from all levels of government• Outdated engineering standards• Car culture• Snow • Urban Sprawl• Open space deficient• High cost of land• Lack of a downtown transportation plan• Risk aversion policies• Kids don’t cycle• Lack of legal protection for cyclists and pedestrians• Boring streetscapes, poor public realm• Lack of quality bicycle infrastructure• Rules Rules Rules

Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto

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Opportunities• BIXI• Immediate access to shopping and local amenities- on the way

home• Business improvement areas• Increasing population density• People open to better design• Place-making, street scale and neighbourhood scale• Shift in modal spilt • Rising fuel/parking prices• Space making• Marketing/ Branding (lifestyle, cool, efficient, fast, freedom)• Foster public enthusiasm for public space and Celebration the public


Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto

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Threats• Suburban vs urban perception of cycling• Lack of faith/certainty in planning expertise• ”Perceived” high costs for reconstruction• Regressive political change, • Political interference• Fire Department• Anger against cyclists• Over protective parents/ culture • Lack of empowerment in planning and design• Antiquated development standards• Sensational media, public misperception

Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto

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What should be in the New Toronto marketing campaign

2010-2015• Average, normal people like :”This is Toronto, this is my bike”.• Joy• Freedom• Families with children• Cycle to transit• Bicycle friendly (separate) facilities make it better for everyone• Include local bike organization and blogs in the campaign• We don’t force people to change, but if they change…. Better car

throughput• Cycle-health-programmes with companies• Cyclovia

Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto

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Include in the new Toronto Bike Plan

• Cycle to school- cycling school bus- cycling education at schools- cycling exam (children of 9 years)- safe routes to school

• Cyclovia• Quality bike routes (quality standards)• Make bike planning part of urban planning

Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto

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Include in the new Toronto Bike Plan (2)

• Cycle to shops- Bike & Win- Bike parking at shopping centres

• Bike-transit integration- bike-transit-route planner for suburbs- Individual trip advice (Business Improvement Area)- bike parking at every major transit station and train station- improve bike routes to stations - BIXI everywhere

Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto

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Include in the new Toronto Bike Plan (3)

• Improve law enforcement to protect cyclists• Include ‘standard tools’ for all infra:

- bike boxes- separate bicycle facilities- safe bike routes- parked cars protect bikes- bicycle signing- coloured bike routes (also across intersections)

Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto

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Team Orange: Sherbourne Road


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Team Orange –

Sherbourne Street

Develop new design for an existing bikeway

Sherbourne Street north of Shuter Street (Google)

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Presentation Outline


Overview –

Dutch Perspective



Design Details:




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Overview –

Dutch Perspective


Comparable with the Netherlands•

Cars, buses, pedestrians, bicycles use the same corridor

Space is limited•

Pedestrians need to cross corridor

Corridor is multi-functional•

Important link in the bike network

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Overview –

Dutch Perspective


Differences to the Netherlands•

Winter conditions

Attitude of car drivers•

In NL cycling and car driving is just a way of transportation

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Overview –

Dutch Perspective


Important considerations–•

Changes must have benefits for everyone

Sherbourne is the gateway to the new developments in the East Bayfront –residents can use the corridor for recreation

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Utrecht School Zone Project -


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Utrecht School Zone Project -


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Utrecht School Zone Project -


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Context Plan

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Lower Sherbourne Greenway

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King to Howard –

without Parking

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King to Howard –

with Parking

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Bike Lane Ramp at Bus Stop

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Bloor -

Sherbourne Intersection

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Wellesley -

Sherbourne Intersection

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Sherbourne –

Gerrard Intersection

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Pedestrian Crossing BEFORE

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Pedestrian Crossing AFTER

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Team Blue Downtown-West to Lakefront


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-> Team Big Blue connects the Waterfront

ThinkBike Toronto – Big blue on bike

Team Big Blue

Think Toronto

-> Creating a high quality active transport network for Downtown Core

Steps:1. Experiencing the area2. Public Space -> making a network plan3. Design Ideas4. Complementary

Team Blue, 21 Septem

ber 2010

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Team Big Blue

Think Toronto

Objectives of our exercition (in englutch)

- getting Toronto futureproof- connectivity to the waterfront- Street as a route and a destination- promoting an 8-80 safe district- creating a people friendly city (green

streets)- shifting the perception of form follows

function- a positive political vision

And last but not least:providing the perfect biking experience

(and there is always more)

Getting satisfied customers

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Pedestrian Centric Queen’s Quay PromenadeConnection the Waterfront jewelsWaterfront as destination

Our Main Destination

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Team Big Blue

Think Toronto

1. Experiencing the place: capturing the vibe

Activity 24/7 pulse

Accesible: best transit in town

Destination with capital D

Confusion, frustration

Regional and local



Competition for space

Narrow sidewalks

Not enough green

Mixed use, mixed activity, mixed NEEDS

Residentional vs visitor needs

Huge potential for best

public space

Crooked demand vs facilities

‘I hate people saying NY

is doing better,

cathing up…’

Toronto Identity

Confusion, frustration

Safety for granted

Experiencing the 3D city


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Team Big Blue

Think Toronto

Development Blocks

Comments:- Many new sites- Unimaginable for a

north american city- People love to live

here- 1000’s of new bike


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Bigtime BARRIERS North-South

Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto





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Bigtime BARRIERS North-South 1/3 : the tracks

Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto

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Bigtime BARRIERS North-South 2/3: the highway

Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto

Page 59: Final report ThinkBike Toronto 2010

Bigtime BARRIERS North-South 3/3: lots car-asphalt on street level

Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto

Page 60: Final report ThinkBike Toronto 2010

Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto2. Filling the gap: the network plan


step 1: connecting the dots

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto2. Filling the gap: the network plan




step 2: opportunities to break the log jam 1&2

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto2. Filling the gap: the network plan

step 3: transit and carroutes

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto2. Filling the gap: the network plan

step 4: defining the main cycle routes(based on logjams)

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto2. Filling the gap: the network plan

step 5: green streets

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto2. Filling the gap: the network plan

Last step: total picture

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto3. Design Ideas Nr 1.

Peter street/Blue Jays way

comments:- protected 2-way

bikepath - Improved pedestrians

experience- central boulevard- trees & parking- 2 lanes: choose

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto3. Design Ideas

Same: Peter street-Blue Jays way

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto3. Design Ideas

same: Peter street-Blue Jays way, reference New Amsterdam

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto3. Design Ideas

same: Peter street-Blue Jays way, Dutch reference

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto3. Design Ideas Nr 2.

comments:- protected 2-way

bikepath - small curb- also green street- 3 lanes: choose- green paver

Green street, fi. Wellington

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto3. Design Ideas

Green street, fi. Wellington

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto3. Design Ideas

Green street, fi. Wellington

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto3. Design Ideas Nr.3

Green street/shared space , fi. Johnsstreet, Phoebe

comments:- shared space- Improved environment for

street retail & nabourhoud uses

- emphasis ped’s-bikes- paving building face to

face- tree planting- low car traffic ok

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto3. Design Ideas

Same (look out: Peter’s kickash drawing) Green street/shared space , fi. John street, Phoebe

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto3. Design Ideas Same: reference Nijmegen cityGreen street/shared space fi. John street, Mercer, Nelson

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto3. Design Ideas Nr.4

comments:- 2 m. red asphalt bikelanes- increased public realm- 2 lanes: choose- no parking: 6 m. clear- trees- possibility slight grade


Simcoe street (main bikeroute on average carstreet)

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Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto3. Design Ideas Nr.4

Simcoe street (main bikeroute on average carstreet)

Page 78: Final report ThinkBike Toronto 2010

Team Big Blue

Connecting Toronto3. Design Ideas Nr.4

Simcoe street : reference
