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FINAL TERM EXAMINATION (SAMPLE PAPER) ENGLISH CLASS VII Time: 3hrs M.M:80 General Instructions: 1. All the questions are compulsory. 2. Attempt all questions neatly. Section A ( Reading ) (10marks) Q1.Read the passage and answer the questions that follow : (5x1=5m) Trees are of importance not only to man but also to birds and animals. The branches of trees give shelter to millions of birds ,and forest give shelter to numerous wild animals. We value trees not only for their usefulness but also for their beauty. They have a way to refreshing the eye and also refreshing the mind. Perhaps that is why the rishies of olden days were drawn to the forests, and they and their people chose to goto forest homes in company of Nature. In modern times when Rabindranath Tagore started a school, he too chose a place full of trees and called it Shanti Niketcrn or the home of peace. Once upon a time large areas of India were covered with forests full of numerous kinds of trees. As the population grew, trees began to be cut down for mans use. That is how the wonderful forest described in our ancient poems came to be destroyed, and a great part of our forest wealth was lost. Now we are trying to replace this loss, and our government wants trees to be planted all over the country. A new festival called ‘Van Mahotsava’ has been started for this purpose. Since trees are the country’s wealth we must consider it our sacred duty to protect them. We should plant new trees wherever we can and look after them well. On the basis of the reading of the passage, answer the following questions in brief: 1. How are trees important for birds and animals? 2. Why did the rishies in olden days make forests their homes? 3. What is meant by ‘Shanti Niketan’? Who started it? 4. What message do we get from the above passage? 5. Give a suitable title for the above passage. Q2.Read the poem and answer the questions that follow: (5x1=5) A Bird ,came down the walk-
2. Attempt all questions neatly.
Section A ( Reading ) (10marks)
Q1.Read the passage and answer the questions that follow : (5x1=5m)
Trees are of importance not only to man but also to birds and animals. The branches of trees give
shelter to millions of birds ,and forest give shelter to numerous wild animals. We value trees not
only for their usefulness but also for their beauty. They have a way to refreshing the eye and also
refreshing the mind. Perhaps that is why the rishies of olden days were drawn to the forests, and they
and their people chose to goto forest homes in company of Nature. In modern times when
Rabindranath Tagore started a school, he too chose a place full of trees and called it Shanti
Niketcrn or the home of peace.
Once upon a time large areas of India were covered with forests full of numerous kinds of trees. As
the population grew, trees began to be cut down for mans use. That is how the wonderful forest
described in our ancient poems came to be destroyed, and a great part of our forest wealth was lost.
Now we are trying to replace this loss, and our government wants trees to be planted all over the
country. A new festival called ‘Van Mahotsava’ has been started for this purpose. Since trees are the
country’s wealth we must consider it our sacred duty to protect them. We should plant new trees
wherever we can and look after them well.
On the basis of the reading of the passage, answer the following questions in brief: 1. How are trees important for birds and animals?
2. Why did the rishies in olden days make forests their homes?
3. What is meant by ‘Shanti Niketan’? Who started it?
4. What message do we get from the above passage?
5. Give a suitable title for the above passage.
Q2.Read the poem and answer the questions that follow: (5x1=5)
A Bird ,came down the walk-
He did not know I saw
He bit an Angle Wormin halves
And ate the fellow,raw.
From a convenient Grass-
To let a Beetle pass -
He glanced with rapid eyes
That hurried all abroad-
He stirred his Velvet Head.
Like one in danger, Cautious,
I offered him a Crumb,
And he unrolled his feathers,
And rowed him softer Home -
Than Oars divide the Ocean,
Too silver for a seam,
Or Butterflies, off Banks of Noon,
Leap, plashless as they swim
1. What is the poem about?
a) normal occurrence in nature of a bird searching for its food and its interaction with a human.
b) fight between a bird and a poet.
c) bird eating a beetle.
d) bird teaching others how to eat a worm.
2. Find antonyms for 'careless', 'cooked', 'courageous' and 'slow' from the poem?
a) convenient, raw, frightened, rapid
b) cautious, hurried, frightened, rapid
c) cautious, raw, hopped, rapid
d )cautious, raw, frightened and rapid
3.What did the bird do with its feathers?
a).The bird cleaned its feathers.
b).The bird spread out its feathers and flew.
c).The bird used the feathers to protect itself.
d).The bird used the feathers to push the beetle.
4. Which of the following is a metaphor?
a).A bird came down the walk.
b).He stirred his Velvet Head.
c).He bit an angle-worm in halves.
d).And then hopped sideways to the wall.
5. "They looked like frightened Beads" - What figure of speech is found here?
Q3.You are Varun.You receive a call of Avani,your sister’s ,Madhu’s, friend.
Avani: Hello! Can I speak to Madhu?
Varun: Madhu is not here, she has gone to visit her dentist. May I know who is speaking ?
Avani: Ok! Please convey my message o Madhu that her science notebook has come in my bag by
mistake. I’ll bring it tomorrow. Please tell her to bring her science practical file also.
Varun : Ok! I’ll tell her.
Since you have to go for sports competition, you write a message for your sister in not more than 50
words (5)
Q4. Today you have won inter-state spell-bee competition .Write your feeling of joy in your diary
entry. (7)
Q5. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily expressing your concern of growing social media
madness among school children. (8)
Q6. .Change the following direct speech into indirect speech: (5x1=5)
a). Rama said , “I am planning to visit my old friend next week.”
b) My mother said, “You work very hard nowadays.”
c) Anna said, “We will start a new protest.”
d). “When will you jump into the pool?” said the swimming instructor to Ravi.
e). “Close all the windows as it’s very cold today.” the teacher said to Mani.
Q7.Fill up the blanks with appropriate form of verb: (1x5=5m)
a. Ramesh ______ (join) Indian Army in year 1979.
(past indefinite)
b. Mukund _____ (win) the Badminton Championship.( present perfect)
c). Children of the colony ___(collect) fund for street animal care. (present
e0Renu ___(join) MNC to earn his livelihood.
Q8.Change the voice : (5m)
b). Close all the windows.
c). We should help the poor.
d). The music teacher sang a melodious song.
e). We elected Raman as the monitor of our class.
Q9 . Write appropriate articles in the blanks of the following sentences: (1x5=5)
a)._____stone hit him on the head.
b).Last evening she went to meet ____President of India.
c).Cloth is sold by ____metre.
d). ____ elephant has a remarkable memory.
e). Please show me ____letter you have received.
Q10. Read the extract and answer the following: (1x3=3)
“You start dying slowly
If you do not listen to the sounds of life
If you do not appreciate yourself ”
a). Name the poem and the poet.
b). State two conditions which if you don’t follow you start dying slowly.
c). Find an adverb and verb from the stanza
Q11.Read the extract carefully and answer the following questions : (1x3=3)
“You idiot! You know its forbidden to say two heads are better than one, on planet Zosh”
a).Name the speaker.
c). What is Zoosh?
Q12. Write the answers of the following questions: (2x5=10m )
a). Why it is better for a tree to be living in group /
b).Why couldnot Raghav celebrate his birthday in school ?
c). What musical instruments were seen in the kingdom of wisdom ?
d).What problem Ayesha faced in the school?
e). What is the difference between pirates of Carribean Buccaneers and Somali Pirates?
Q13. One day you got a mail of a job of a piate.Write a letter to your friend telling your dilemma as
you found the job very irristible. You are Manvi/Manoj. (4 )
There are many surprising moments of your life, which Raghav experienced.Do you think such visits
really give you a long lasting experience. Express your view in reference to the chapter ‘Raghav’s
birthday party.
Q14.Write a charater sketch of Ayesha of chapter ‘Standing up and standing in’ or
Tara of chapter ‘Raghav’s birthday party. (4)
Q15. Write the answers of the following questions: (2x3=6)
a).What was the masterstroke of grandfather in taking revenge ?
b).Describe Aleesh’s recpod ?
General Instructions:
Q1. Answer the following Multiple choice Questions: 1x8=8
a) Which of these will expand the most on heating?
(i) Gold (ii) Water (iii) Mercury (iv) Air
b) Which of the following is a strong acid?
(i) Nitric (ii) Citric acid (iii) Acetic acid (iv) Tartaric acid
c) Combustion takes place in the presence of
(i) Carbon dioxide (ii) Nitrogen (iii) Copper (iv) Oxygen
d) Which of these is specifically an adaptation for cold climates?
(i) Blubber (ii) Sweating (iii) Long ears (iv) Oper culum
e) In fish exchange of gases takes place through
(i) Lungs (ii) Stomata (iii) Gills (iv) Oper culum
f) The device used to prevent the flow of excess current in the circuit is
(i) Switch (ii) Fuse (iii) Bulb (iv) Coil
g) The headlights of car have
(i) concave mirror (ii) convex mirror
(iii) concave lens (iv) convex lens
h) The solid matter produced during sewage treatment is?
(i) Slurry (ii) Fertilizer (iii) Sludge (iv) Humus
Q2. Answer the following questions: 1x7=7
a) Define alloy.
b) Which muscular part of the body present in the chest cavity helps air to be breathed
in and out?
c) If a convex lens is placed very close to an object, what type of image is formed?
d) Which effect of current does the filament in electric bulb utilize?
e) Why are water pipes galvanized?
f) Why should oil and ghee not be poured into drains?
g) What is the function of switch in an electric circuit?
Q3. Answer the following questions: 2X6=12
a) Why does a base applied to your skin give relief from an ant bite?
b) What kind of change is cooking of food? Why?
c) When does an aerobic respiration takes place in human body ?
d) How does yeast reproduce?
e) Draw the circuit diagram of a dry cell connected to a bulb through a switch. Mark
the positive and negative terminals of the cell and the direction of flow of current in
the diagram.
f) What are the characteristics of image formed by a plane mirror?
Q4. Answer the following questions: 3x9=27
a) List any three applications of radiation method of heat transfer?
b) What do you mean by neutralization reaction? How can a neutralization reaction
be used to prepare common salt.
c) What is rusting of iron? Name two factors which cause rusting.
d) List three ways in which a polar bear is adapted to living in the polar region.
e) What is an electromagnet? Write three uses of electromagnet.
f) List the differences between concave mirror and convex mirror.
g) What is food chain? Explain with an example?
h) What process does sludge treatment involve?
i) List two uses of concave and convex lens.
Q5. Answer the following long questions. 3x5=15
a) If you observe a drop of blood under a microscope, which cells would you see?
What are the functions of these cells?
b) How does vegetative propogation take place in the following plants?
(i) Ginger
c) What is deforestation? What are the consequences of deforestation?
Q6 Value based question: 1x2.5=2.5
You go to the market and buy a toy. After coming home you remove the plastic
packing material in which the toy is wrapped and throw it carelessly in a drain outside
your home .What can be the result of your carelessness? What should you have done?
Q7 Answer the following HOTS question: 1x2.5=2.5
a) Reena added some warm water to her aquarium thinking that fish will feel better,
however the fish died. What could be the reason behind it?
Q8.Diagram Based question:- 2x3=6
a) Draw a well labelled diagram of human excretory system.
b) Draw a well labeled diagram of structure of a flower.
Question paper consists of four parts- Part-I contains Multiple Choice
Questions, Part-II contains Short Questions, Part-III contains Statement Sums
and Part-IV contains Lengthy Sums.
Part-I consists of multiple choice questions carrying 1 mark each and Part-II
consists of Short Questions carrying 2 marks each.
Part-III consists of Statement Sums carrying 3 marks each and Part-IV consists
of Lengthy Sums carrying 4 marks each.
Part- I
Q.1 Choose the correct answer and write in your answer sheet.
(1 X 10 = 10)
(i) -2 (ii) 2 (iii) 14 (iv) none of these
ii. What must be subtracted from -1 to get -6?
(i) 5 (ii) -5 (iii)7 (iv) -7
iii. (-36) ÷ (-9) = ?
iv. What should be added to 3.07 to get 3.5?
(i) .57 (ii) .34 (iii).43 (iv).02
v. Which of the following is an improper fraction?
(i) 7
10 (ii)
vi. Two lines segments are congruent if they have
(i) equal length (ii) two points (iii) unequal length (iv) one arm
vii. The set of observations that occurs most often
(i) Range (ii) Mode (iii) Mean (iv) Median
viii. Thrice a number when increased by 6 gives 24. The number is
(i) 6 (ii) 7 (iii) 8 (iv)11
ix. 1.1 x 0.1x 0.01 =?
(i) 1
6 (ii)-
Part II
1. Write down a pair of integers whose
(a) sum is –3 (b) difference is –5
2. Find each of the following products:
(a) 3 × (–1) (b) (–21) × (–30)
3. Sameera purchased 32 1 kg apples and 44
3 kg oranges. What is the total weight of
fruits purchased by her?
4. In Fig, DA ⊥ AB, CB ⊥ AB and AC = BD.
State the three pairs of equal parts in ΔABC and ΔDAB.
And Which of the following statements is meaningful?
(i) ΔABC ≅ ΔBAD (ii) ΔABC ≅ ΔABD
5. Rewrite the following rational numbers in the simplest form:
(i) −8
6 (ii)
(i) 2
(i) −3
3 + 0
9. Draw a line, say AB, take a point C outside it. Through C, draw a line
parallel to AB using ruler and compasses only.
10. Construct XYZ in which XY = 4.5 cm, YZ = 5 cm and ZX = 6 cm.
11. The radius of a circular pipe is 10 cm. What length of a tape is required
to wrap once around the pipe ( = 3.14)?
Part –III
1. Find:
(a) 1
(b) 2p – 1 = 23
3. Reena’s mother said, to make idlis, you must take two parts rice and one part
urad dal. What percentage of such a mixture would be rice and what percentage
would be urad dal?
4. Construct a right-angled triangle whose hypotenuse is 6 cm long and one of the
legs is 4 cm long.
5. The area of a rectangular sheet is 500 cm2. If the length of the sheet is 25 cm,
what is its width? Also find the perimeter of the rectangular sheet.
6. A rectangular park is 45 m long and 30 m wide. A path 2.5 m wide is
constructed outside the park. Find the area of the path.
7. Get the algebraic expressions in the following cases using variables, constants and
arithmetic operations.
(ii) One-half of the sum of numbers x and y.
(iii) The number z multiplied by itself.
8. Simplify:
Part –IV
1. Explain, why ΔABC ≅ ΔFED.
2. Set up an equation in the following cases:
(i) Irfan says that he has 7 marbles more than five times the marbles Parmit has.
Irfan has 37 marbles. (Take m to be the number of Parmit’s marbles.)
(ii)Laxmi’s father is 49 years old. He is 4 years older than three times Laxmi’s age.
(Take Laxmi’s age to be y years.)
(iii) The teacher tells the class that the highest marks obtained by a student in her
class is twice the lowest marks plus 7. The highest score is 87. (Take the lowest
score to be l.)
(iv) In an isosceles triangle, the vertex angle is twice either base angle. (Let the base
angle be b in degrees. Remember that the sum of angles of a triangle is 180
3. If 250 is to be divided amongst Ravi, Raju and Roy, so that Ravi gets two parts,
Raju three parts and Roy five parts. How much money will each get? What will
it be in percentages?
4. What should be added to x2 + xy + y2 to obtain 2x2 + 3xy?
5. Match the nets with appropriate solids:
6. Three cubes each with 2 cm edge are placed side by side to form a cuboid.
Sketch an oblique or isometric sketch of this cuboid.
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Q1to Q15 is very short type questions. Each carry 1 mark.
3. Q16 to Q25 is 3 marks questions.
4. Q 26 to Q 30 is 5 marks questions.
5. Q31 and 32 is picture based/ map based question of 5 marks each. Do as directed.
Q1.Who started Din I illahi?
Q2. Who was invited Babur to over throw Ibrahim Lodi?
Q3. Name Jahanghir’s wife who played a significant role in the Mughal
Q4. Name four mathas established in the four corners of the country?
Q5.Who was the bauls?
Q8. What do you understand by Savanna?
Q9.Which forests are found on the eastern and western margins of the continents?
Q10.Name two temperate grasslands?
Q11.What is a settlement?
Q13.Who supervises the health centers in the villages?
Q14.Give two examples of mass media.
Q15.What is censorship?
Q17. Due to what reasons did towns develop around temples?
Q18. What were the religious beliefs of Ahoms?
Q19. In which way ocean current effects the life of people? (Give three ways)
Q20.What is the importance of land transport ?
21. Describe the transport system of Ladhak.
Q22.What steps have been taken by the government to provide health care to all in the
Q23.How is branding important in the process of advertising?
Q24. A market consists of different types of markets. Justify the statement along with
Q25. Mention the working conditions of the workers in a garment factory.
Q26.What were the common features of the Sufi and Bhakti Movements to the
medieval society?
Q28.Describe the Ganga Brahmputra basin.
Q29.Why more animals live in the Veld than in Praries? Compare and contrast cattle
rearing in the Prairies and the Veld.
Q30.What is Tawa Matsya?Why it was established?
Q31. Look at the picture and answer the following questions-
i) Identify the building in the picture. 1
ii) Who made it? 2
iii) Mention any two places where it is set up. 2
Q32.On the outline map of world mark Amazon Basin and Ganga Brahma Putra
Subject - Computer Time: 3 hours. MM: 80
General Instructions:
(a) Which shortcut key is used to insert a frame?
(i) F8 (ii) F1
(iii) F6 (iv) F2
(b) __________ is used to create spotlight effect that would display the text
through a hole.
(iii) Timeline (iv) Layer
(c) The ______________ command is used to jump to a particular line.
(i) END (ii) GOTO
(iii) PRINT (iv) INPUT
(i) List (ii) Details
(iii) Tiles (iv) Content
(e) ____________ key is used to close the welcome screen in QBasic
(f) ____________ function is used to find the remainder after division.
(i) MOD (ii) DIV
(iii) ADD (iv) REM
(g) Which of the following is the name of a virus?
(i) May First (ii) April First
(iii) Jan First (iv) First April
(h) ____________ virus collects information about user without their
(iii) Worm (iv) Spyware
(i) In MS Office 2007, the width of a file extension is ______ characters.
(i) 3 (ii) 4
(iii) 5 (iv) 2
(j) The ______________ virus was first detected on ARPANET in early
(iii) Creeper Virus (iv) Dark Avenger
Q2 Fill in the following blanks: (110=10)
(a) _______________ is the founder of Google.
(b) Windows has an ________________________ which can be operated
with a mouse.
(c) _____________ indicates the current frame displayed on the stage.
(d) To change the mouse setting, click on _____________ option in Control
(g) The _____________ command is used to clear the screen.
(h) _____________ value can be positive or negative.
(i) _____________ statement shifts the control back to the DO UNTIL
(j) _____________ viruses infect the boot record or master boot records.
Q3. Short Answer Questions :- (38=24)
(a) What is windows explorer?
(b) What is a blog?
(c) What is Property Inspector?
(d) What do you mean by masking in Flash?
(e) What is the use of INPUT statement in QBasic?
(f) Explain WHILE loop with an example.
(g) Explain the term MALWARE.
(h) Write any three possible symptoms of virus in a computer.
Q4. Long Answer Questions :- (54=20)
(a) What is the difference between Selection and Sub-Selection Tool?
(b) What is a layer? How to rename a layer in flash?
(c) What is the difference between Constants and Variables?
(d) What do you mean by looping? How many types of loops?
Q5. Flowchart & Algorithms :- (44=16)
(a) Write any four symptoms of a virus.
(b) Write the steps to delete a contact in an address book.
(c) WAP to print the series : 2, 4, 8, 10, …. upto 10 terms.
(b) How can we draw a circle? Explain with an example.
– –

1. – , , ,
.1 (3 *4 = 12)
– ?
.2 (5) – ?
.3 (8) ?
.4 (5) 1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
.5 (5)
“ , – , – , , , , , , , , , , , , , –
.6 (5)



– : , + (1) (1)


(1) ()
() (1) ()
() (1) ()
() (1) ()
() ?
.8 (1) .9
(1) _________________
(1) (1)

() (2) ()
.1 (2) .11 :- ,
.12 – : (1) .13 (1)
.14 (1)

.15 (5) , , , , , ?
– ,

.16 (5)

– ?
– ?
.17 (5)
.18 (5)
: 2 80
