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Final timeline for 1865 1895

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1865-1895 By: Crystal Williams
Page 1: Final timeline for 1865 1895


By: Crystal Williams

Page 2: Final timeline for 1865 1895


Soddy- A sod home, were small, and offered little light or air. Soddies were fireproof but leaked when it rained. Were made by pioneers and homesteaders.

Bessemer process- Developed by British manufacturer Henry Bessemer and William Kelly. Method included injecting air into molten iron and removing carbon and other impurities, used to produce Steel.

Frederick Law Olmsted- Landscape architect, started the movement for planned urban parks. Helped draw plans for various parks and landscaping.

1857 1862

Homestead Act- Act was passed by Congress, offered 160 acres of land free to any citizen who was the head of household. For the next 40 years families took advantage of this offer.

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1862 1867

Exoduster- African Americans that moved from the post- Reconstruction South to Kansas. Thousands of these people dealt with the Homestead Act when settling.

Oliver Kelly- He started Grange, organized this because he pushed for reformers. He eventually started The Farmers' Alliance, trying to help farmers.

Tammany Hall- This was New York City's Democratic Party political machine, started by William M. Tweed. The Tweed Ring also dealt with this.

1868 1869

Transcontinental Railroad- This was railroads that extended west to the Mississippi River, crossed Missouri. Formed a golden spike, which marked the turning point for the nation, made other lines follow.

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John D. Rockefeller- Established Standard Oil Company. He reaped huge profits by paying in low wages. Also, founded the Rockefeller Foundation.

Trust- Is a large business, used by Rockefeller to gain control of oil industry in America. Companies were entitled to dividends on profits earned by this.

Jacob Riis- Found work as a police reporter, and took his work to the slums of New York City. He used his talents to expose the hardships of the city's poor. Created the term Dumbbell Tenements.


Tweed Ring- Started by Tweed and also dealt with Tammany Hall. Started having his friends elected into office.

Civil Service- Is a government administration that should go to the most qualified people, this was believed by reformers.

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1874 1876

Great Plains- The grassland extended through the west. Federal government passed an act so that it made the Plains a huge reservation, set aside for Native Americans.

George Armstrong Cluster- He fought against the Sioux and Cheyenne, and died along with his men of the Seventh Cavalry.

Alexander Graham Bell- Invented the most dramatic invention for his time period, the Telephone.

Telephone- Invented by Bell. Opened up the way for worldwide communications network. This affected office work and created jobs for women.

Thomas Alva Edison- A pioneer, established the world's first research laboratory. Also, perfected incandescent light bulbs and entire system for electrical power.

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Nez Perce- A tribal group that was forced off their land. They came back 120 years later to recover the land. Native Americans had harmless interactions with Fremont and expedition.

Homesteader- Settlers on the free land of the Homestead Act.

Long Drive- This is a overland transport of the animals which often lasted about three months. Included numerous people to complete the dangerous trip.


Grange- An organization for farmers. Purpose was to provide a social outlet and educational forum for isolated farm families.

1878 1879

Dumbbell Tenements- These were overcrowded and unsanitary multifamily urban dwellings. After working class left, immigrants took over their housing.

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National Farmers' Alliance- Organized by Grange, group included many others who sympathized with farmers. Alliances sent out lectures to educate people.

Melting Pot- A mixture of people of different cultures and races who are blended together by abandoning their native languages and customs. This was thought by Native-born Americans.

Mark Twain- Named Samuel Langhorne Clemens, a novelist and humorist. Inspired over authors when he declared his independence of "literature..."

Late 1870's

Longhorns- Animals from Texas, sturdy, short tempered breeds accustomed to the dry, grasslands of Southern Spain. Were raised by Spanish settlers who taught American settlers.

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Assimilation- Were supported by many sympathizers, a plan under which Native Americans would give up their beliefs and way of life and become apart of white culture.

Booker T. Washington- Was a prominent African American educator, believed that racism would end once blacks acquired useful labor skills and more, Headed Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute.

Sitting Bull- Leader of the Sioux, never signed. Earned his name after a fight with a crow. Led people by the strength of his character and purpose. Surrendered to the federal government.


Joseph Pulitzer- Hungarian immigrant, bought the New York World, pioneered popular innovations. Pulitzer surpassed opponents by emphasizing "sin, sex, and sensation."

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Samuel Gompers- Led the Cigar Makers' International Union. President of the American Federation of Labor, focused on collective bargaining.

Collective Bargaining- A negotiation between representations of labor and management, to reach written agreements on wages, and various things, Gompers' AFL dealt with this term.

Settlement house- Established by few reformers, community centers in slum neighborhoods. These provided assistance to people in the area, especially immigrants.


Dawes Act- Was passed by Congress, aimed at the Native Americans. This act broke up the reservations and gave some of the land to individual Natives. Gave them 260 acres to a family and less for individuals.

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George Eastman- He developed more convenient alternatives to heavy glass plates already used. Introduced kodak camera, created a factory in Rochester to develop film for photographers. Photojournalism.

Grandfather Clause- Added by several Southern states to their constitution. Stated that even if a man failed his literacy test or couldn't afford poll tax, could still vote, if father or grandfather had been eligible.

Poll tax- an annual tax that had to be paid before qualifying to vote, even applied to black and white sharecroppers but were often too poor to pay.


Jane Adams- One of the most influential members of the movement- Social Gospel, she and others founded Chicago's Hull House.

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Late 1870/80's

Segregation- To separate white and black people in public and private facilities. Blacks lost voting rights,Southern states passed laws to enforce segregation.

Jim Crow Laws- Laws after a popular old minstrel song that ended in the words "Jump Jim Crow." Law dealt with segregation and how the South put them in effect everywhere.

Wild Bill Hickok- He served as a scout and a spy during the Civil War, then as a marshal in Abilene, Kansas. Hickok was a violent man and began the term of "dead man's hand", by getting shot while playing poker.


Kickback- A portion of the earning to the machine. Illegal payments for their services, enriched the political machine.

Political Machine- Offered services to voters and businesses in exchange for political financial support. Also known as a group that controlled activities of political party in a city.

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Wounded Knee- A battle that brought the Indian wars and entire era to a bitter end. Battle was against Seventh Cavalry and Sioux, Seventh Cavalry won.

Sherman Antitrust Act- Act made it illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade between states or with other countries. Eventually government stopped trying to enforce act.

Graft- The illegal use of political influence for personal gain.

Ellis Island-A place where immigrants had to pass inspectors at immigrant stations. Ordeal that could take up to five hours or more. Happened at New York Harbor, Island became chief station.

Angel Island- A place where mostly Asian immigrants had to pass inspection at the San Francisco Bay. Immigrants endured harsh questionnaires in filthy buildings while awaiting decision.

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1892 1894

Ida B. Wells- She was born into slavery, before emancipation. Moved to Memphis and worked as a teacher, later became a editor. Her theme was Radical Justice.

Scab- Also known as Strikebreakers, who were hired to keep operating while guards from Detective Agency to protect the plant. Scabs were hired by Pullman by ended up firing most of them because of President Cleveland.

Eugene V. Debs- He made the first major attempt to form an industrial union, the American Railway Union.


W.E.B. Dubois- He was the first African American to receive a doctorate from Harvard. He also founded the Niagara Movement in 1905.

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William Mckinley- He was nominated for the 1896 Presidential campaign, Republican Party. he had a firm commitment to the gold standard. Won election, with help of votes from the west.

William Jennings Bryan- He was nominated for the 1896 Presidential campaign, Democratic Party. Had a difficult campaign, leaked support and lost the election to Mckinley.

William Randolph Hearst- Was a wealthy man, already owned the San Francisco Examiner. Hearst purchased Journal to outdo Pulitzer by filling his Journal with exaggerated tales of personal scandals and more.


Andrew Carnegie- He became a private secretary at Penn. Railroad. With help from his boss Carnegie began his fortune in stock. First of the industrial moguls to make his own fortune. Established Carnegie Steel Company.

1899 Late 1890's

Bimetallism- A monetary system in which government would give citizens either gold or silver in exchange for paper currency or checks. Favored by "silverites- farmers and laborers.

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Late 1800's

Social Darwinism- Derived from the naturalist Charles Darwin's theory of biological evolution. Theory was well liked by Economist, it was a way to justify the doctrine of laissez faire.

Monopoly- A complete controller of its industry's production, wages, and others. Was a way to be set up by buying out the stock of other companies. Headed by banker J.P. Morgan.

1901 1903

Orville and Wilbur Wright- Brothers that were the first to have a successful flight in North Carolina. Inspired the U.S. government to established first transcontinental airmail service.


Debt Peonage-A system that bound laborers into slavery in order to work off a debt to the employer. Mostly Mexicans and African Americans were forced into this.

Late 19th Century

Urbanization-The growth of cities mostly in the regions of the Northeast and Midwest. This was a rapid process due to the contribution of technology.

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Pictures Cited:

● Wikipedia● Google Images
